Mechanism of excitation and contraction in dissociated muscle cells from the mantle of Loligo opalescens Adam Stein Advisor: Prof. William Gilly Biology 175H June 3, 1994 Abstract Muscle cells from the mantle of the squid Loligo opalescens were dissociated and allowed to settle on plates coated with collagen. They were bathed in either high calcium medium (HCM, 10.8 mM Ca2*) or low calcium medium (LCM, 1.3 mM Ca2*) and stimulated with a series of electrical shocks. The initial medium was then replaced by one with a differing calcium concentration, and the same series of shocks was again administered. Cells exhibited a variety of responses to shock, but the most typical was a rapid contraction that grew stronger with increasing voltage. Switching the cells from LCM to HCM slightly increased contraction strength and slightly lowered the minimum voltage necessary to produce a twitch. Switching from high calcium to low had no discernable effect on contraction strength or threshold voltage. Likewise, the addition of tetrodotoxin until it reached a concentration of 200 nM also had no effect, regardless of the external calcium concentration. External calcium concentration in the culture medium strongly affected the cell mortality rate. Almost all cells (»90%) kept in HCM for 20 hrs were completely unresponsive to electrical stimulation. By contrast, about 50% of cells kept in LCM continued to respond to stimulation even after a period of several days. Introduction Little is known about the mechanism of excitation and contraction in squid mantle muscle. Most invertebrates studied so far excite via local membrane depolarizations or graded calcium action potentials (Junge, 1992). These depolarizations often directly supply the calcium influx necessary to produce contraction. Several pieces of evidence, however, point to a different scenario in squid mantle. Voltage clamp recordings have detected large sodium currents in some muscle cells from the mantle of 3-month-old Loligo opalescens (W. F. Gilly, personal communication). This finding is particularly interesting in light of the fact that there are few examples of vertebrate muscle that fire sodium action potentials (Schwartz and Stühmer, 1984). Furthermore, ultrastructural studies of another species of squid, Symplectoteuthis oualaniensis, indicate the presence of a sarcoplamic reticulum in mantle muscle cells (Moon and Hulbert, 1974), suggesting that these fibers possess an internal calcium store and may release Ca2t from this organelle to mediate excitation-contraction coupling. To further explore the mechanism of excitation and contraction, the responses of dissociated mantle muscle cells to electrical stimulation were examined under a variety of conditions. Materials and Methods Experimental animal The squid, Loligo opalescens, all between 33 and 45 days old, were hatched and raised in the Monterey Bay Aquarium on a diet of natural plankton and algae-enriched Artemia nauplii. Muscle dissociation Muscle from an entire squid mantle was first bathed in a 5 mg/ml Sigma Type IX protease solution for 1 hour at 17°C. For LCM cells, the protease solution was made with calcium-free artificial sea water, consisting of 470 mM NaCl, 50 mM MgCl2, and 10 mM HEPES, at pH 7.8. For HCM cells, the protease solution was made with filtered natural sea water. A glass micropipette was used to tease muscle cell fragments into a 100 ul drop of the appropriate culture medium (see below) in a 35 mm plastic culture dish. Dishes had previously been coated with Vitrogen 100 purified collagen in .012 N HCl, which was allowed to dry completely before dishes were washed 6 times with sterile distilled water. Cells settled for 1 hour, after which 2 ml of the appropriate medium was added to the dish. Cells were cultured at 4°C in either a low calcium medium (LCM) 3— 3 mM NaCl, 4.6 mM KCl, 49.5 mM MgCl2, added to Gibco LIE made up of 2/7 medium at pH 7.6, or high calcium medium (HCM) containing 263 mM Nacl, 4.6 mM KCl, 49.5 mM MgCl2, 9.5 mM CaClz, added to Gibco L15 medium at pH 7.6. Final calcium concentrations were 1.3 mM in the LCM, and 10.8 mM in the HCM. Electric shocks, delivered with an electrolytically sharpened tungsten wire, were spaced 45 s apart to permit a standard recovery time that was deemed ample. A Grass Model SD9 Stimulator was used to deliver a standard series of shocks, which varied in voltage and duration. The stimulating electrode was always at a positive voltage with respect to a Ag:AgCl wire in the culture dish. During testing, cells were kept at 16-17°C. A pasteur pipette was used to change media without disturbing the cell being viewed under the microscope. Estimates of the efficacy of solution transfer using a dye showed that approximately 5% of the original solution was left behind after a change. Cells were viewed at 400 x magnification with an inverted microscope (Olympus IMT2) using Köhler illumination. All trials were recorded on 8 mm videotape with a Sony model SSC-C374 camera operating with a shutter speed of 1/250 sec. Results Basic responses of dissociated muscle cells Dissociation of mantle muscle yielded muscle cell fragments mostly 30- 50 microns in length and 5-8 microns in diameter. A great deal of smaller breakdown products, as well as some much longer cells, were also produced, but these rarely contracted repeatedly. The proportion of these fragments containing nuclei is unknown. Most fibers gave graded responses to electrical stimulation, shortening slightly when shocked just above threshold, and contracting most vigorously when shocked at 3-4 times threshold (See also below). When the electrode was placed near the center of the long axis of the cells, they usually contracted asymmetrically, curling toward the electrode tip (Fig. 1). Contraction occured rapidly, usually within one video frame (33 ms), whereas relaxation was slow, usually taking at least several seconds. Äfter stimulation, each cell underwent a refractory period, during which an additional shock brought only a diminished response, or none at all. The length of this refractory period depended on the size of the shock, as well as the speed of relaxation. 45 s was judged to be adequate to permit full recovery Muscle fibers exhibited a variety of responses to stimulation. Some cells fibrillated for as long as a minute after receiving a shock. These spasms of activity consisted of fast, repetitive contractions and relaxations in localized parts of the fiber. The fibrillations were almost always asymmetrical, causing the cell to curl and uncurl. Some cells contracted fully into balls upon stimulation and failed to relax. At other times stimulation would induce swelling and the appearance of a band of central structures, presumably mitochondria, running the length of the cell. However, no obvious morphological differences divided the muscle fibers into distinct groups, and the various response patterns appeared only sporadically. A graded contraction/relaxation cycle was the most common response. Responses to calcium Switching from LCM to HCM caused an immediate, though small, increase in contractile strength in response to shocks of 0.4 ms duration. In individual cells (Fig. 2) and on the population level (Table 1), an 8-fold increase in external calcium caused a slight boost of percent contraction, a measure of the degree of cell shortening. Percent contraction was calculated by determining the difference in length between the contracted and relaxed states, and then dividing this value by the relaxed length. Results from the two cells in figure 2 are characteristic, rising most rapidly at low voltages and reaching a plateau at 50-60 V. Population results were analyzed by computing the mean percent contractions at several shocks strengths (all of 0.4 ms duration) and comparing mean values at each voltage in LCM and HCM by T- test. HCM produces a significantly stronger response to 40 V and 60 V shocks. The difference isn’t significant at 20 V, because this stimulus is very near threshold and many cells failed to respond. Behavior near threshold was more carefully studied by using shocks of various durations and determining the minimum voltage that could produce a twitch at each duration. On the basis of results from individual cells (Fig. 3) and from a population analysis (Table 1), switching from LCM to HCM lowered threshold voltage at every duration. Differences in the population means are statistically significant between LCM and HCM at every duration. Although the increase in contractile activation described above is small, it was reliably seen. Switching from HCM to LCM, on the other hand, did not produce the opposite effect of impairing contraction. For individual cells, response curves from before and after the switch closely agree (Fig. 4). Similarly, analysis of the population data shows no significant effect of switching from HCM to LCM on contractile strength at any voltage (Table 1) Analysis of threshold voltages also indicate that the switch from HCM to LCM produced no measurable effect (Fig. 5, Table 1). Responses to tetrodotoxin Adding tetrodotoxin (TTX) until it reached a concentration of 200 nm had no effect on the pattern or strength of contraction or threshold voltage in either LCM or HCM (Fig. 6, Fig. 7, Table 1). Additionally, TTX had no apparent effect on cell survival, nor did it modify the effect of calcium on cell survival. (Fig. 8) Calcium and cell survival Chronic exposure to a high calcium environment led to premature cell death. Immediately after fibers were dissociated, typically half of the cells would respond to electric shock, regardless of the medium. Äfter 20 hours in HCM, few if any cells would contract. Intact cells were sparse; most of the organic matter consisted of small, shriveled blobs. After 20 hours in LCM, by contrast, response rate remained steady (Fig. 8), and a significant number of cells appeared visually to be viable. Whole cells did become more scarce over time, but a large percentage of those present still contracted. Cells have been kept viable in LCM for up to 4 days. Attempts to culture cells at 15-17°C also resulted in premature cell death even in LCM. Discussion Excitation Several lines of evidence suggest that mantle muscle cells tested under the conditions used in this study are unlikely to depolarize via a sodium action potential. First, TTX, a potent and highly selective antagonist of the voltage-gated sodium channels responsible for the all-or-none response in neurons and vertebrate skeletal muscle (Costantin, 1975), had no discernible effect on contraction. Second, twitches were usually asymmetrical, occuring more strongly on the side closer to the electrode. This behavior is inconsistent with the occurence of a propagated action potential, which in such a small cell would simultaneously depolarize the entire membrane. Third, the data in figure 1 indicate that contractile strength is smoothly graded over a large range of stimulus strengths. The graded nature of the contractions was most clearly seen during the low-voltage trials to determine threshold, during which cells would barely twitch. Such gradation would not be expected in response to an all-or-none action potential. Unlike Nat action potentials, calcium action potentials are often graded, such as those in the giant muscle fiber of the barnacle (Hagiwara et al., 1968). However, the drop from 10.8 mM calcium to 1.3 mM barely affected contraction strength or threshold voltage. Though this evidence is not conclusive, it does indicate that contraction is not highly dependent on external calcium concentration, as might be expected of a cell firing a calcium action potential. The possibility exists that calcium influx through channels is virtually saturated even at 1.3 mM Ca2+, and that calcium levels would have to be even lower to produce an inhibiting effect. Several trials were attempted in which the free calcium concentration was brought to very low levels (sub-micromolar) with EGTA, a chelating agent. However, these experiments failed for technical reasons, and offer an obvious avenue for future study. Rather than the firing of action potentials, a more likely mechanism of membrane excitation is graded local depolarization at the site of stimulation. Such a sheme accounts for the asymmetry of the twitches. When a shock is delivered from the point source electrode, the voltage drops rapidly across the resistance of the medium. Therefore, the side of the muscle fiber closer to the stimulating electrode receives the stronger shock. A model of graded, local excitation predicts that this side would contract more strongly than the other, causing the cell to curl toward the electrode, as was observed. The gradation of responses seen in figures 2 and 4 also support this model. The cells in this study were tested under nonphysiological conditions, making speculation about their behavior in vivo difficult. As previously mentioned, voltage clamp experiments have detected the presence of large Nat currents in mantle muscle fibers. A complete model of cell behavior must account for why the dissociated cells failed to show Nat spikes. It is possible that the dissociation process interfered with the firing of action potentials, and that the large shocks used to stimulate the cells were bypassing the normal excitation phase of muscle contraction and instead directly activating some internal voltage-triggered calcium release. Alternatively, squid mantle may consist of muscle types that have various excitation mechanisms. This experimental technique might favor the survival of those that are excited in vivo by only the local membrane depolarizations due to neuromuscular transmission. A small number of cells did have atypical responses to electrical shock: contracting into blobs, twitching wildly, etc. Often these cells were quite long (»150 microns), and the entire cell would respond to stimulation of just one end, possibly indicating active or propogated spread of depolarization. Because this type of cell was rare and this response could not be quantified, these cells weren’t included in the data analysis, but their behavior might reflect a different excitation mechanism, involving Nat channels. Contraction All muscle cells must couple excitation with mechanical activity. Calcium acts as a direct link between these stages, rising in response to depolarization, and directly binding to the contractile machinery to allow contraction (Hoyle, 1983). A priori, the surge in cytoplasmic calcium concentration can be attributed to one of two sources: influx from an external pool or release from intracellular stores. Influx works through a straightforward mechanism. Depolarization opens voltage-sensitive membrane channels which allow calcium to flow down an electrochemical gradient into the cell. Release of calcium from internal stores requires a specialized structure, the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). This organelle actively sequesters calcium, helping to keep internal resting concentrations low. Depolarization triggers release of calcium from the SR back into the cytoplasm (Ebashi, et al., 1980). When the stimulus is removed, the SR actively takes up calcium, thereby causing relaxation. The relative independence of contraction strength from external calcium concentration suggests that squid mantle muscle has internal calcium stores. This model is lent plausibility by the fact that SR is evident in electron micrographs of the mantle muscle of Symplectoteuthis oualaniensis another species of squid (Moon and Hulbert, 1974). Furthermore, this model suggests a possible explanation of the discrepancy between cells switched from LCM to HCM and those switched from HCM to LCM. Perhaps the fibers are unable to maintain a high calcium gradient between the SR and the medium, so the calcium reserves of cells in LCM are lowered, resulting in weaker contractions. When placed in HCM, these cells actively take up calcium, and contraction strength increases. Cells moved from HCM to LCM, on the other hand, only lose their reserves slowly, so no effect is immediately seen. The dependence of SR stores on external calcium concentration has also been proposed to explain loss of contractile strength in arthropod muscle (Caputo, 1978) and in mammalian cardiac muscle (Costantin, 1975). A full analysis of the problem would require knowledge of the rates of both calcium uptake into the SR and eflux into the medium. However, simply tracking the contraction strength over time of cells switched from HCM to LCM might shed some light on the problem. And, of course, stimulating the cells in a near-zero calcium medium buffered with EGTA would also yield useful data. Calcium and cell death Because a higher percentage of cells in LCM responded after 20 hrs than after 5, figure 5 seems to indicate that LCM actually increases survivorship over time. This effect is almost certainly an artifact caused by experimental method. Following cell dissociation, plates were completely coated with organic material, most of it consisting of small cellular breakdown products. For all experiments, only cells that looked intact received shocks. Immediately after dissociation, roughly half of the healthy-looking cells failed to contract. After 20 hours, many of these unresponsive cells probably broke down, leaving a higher percentage of intact cells that would actually respond. In accordance with this theory, intact cells were observed to become more 10 sparse in all dishes over time, although no quantitative density studies were performed. A high external calcium concentration had a strong effect on the percentage of cells that would respond to stimulation. Qualitative observations revealed that HCM did quickly lead to cellular breakdown, although the mechanism of cell death is unknown. Final considerations Several studies have demonstrated the existence of two distinct types of mantle muscle cell. One type, which contains high levels of mitochondria and oxidative enzymes, is roughly analogous to vertebrate slow-twitch fibers, while the other, which contains fewer mitochondria and a greater amount of glycolytic enzymes, is roughly analogous to vertebrate fast-twitch fibers (Mommsen et al., 1981). Because these cell types were indistinguishable under the microscope, a complete analysis of the data in this paper is impossible. If cell dissociation is to be a reliable method for investigating electrophysiology, there must be a way to unambiguously determine cell type. Histochemistry may provide a method; for example, researchers have differentiated the cells by staining for succinic dehydrogenase, an oxidative enzyme that indicates mitochondrial abundance. However, this procedure kills the cells, so it could only be used after cells were tested. A more plausible method of differentiation may rely on the distinct metabolic properties of the cells. The refractory period following shock could reflect the depletion of the cell’s energy store, which is replenished only slowly. Because fast- and slow-twitch cells have drastically different metabolic profiles, perhaps they also exhibit different recovery responses. A search for signature refractory patterns might prove productive. Although no such analysis was performed on the data in this paper, refractory times were observed to vary widely, ranging from several seconds to almost a minute. Finally, morphology might also provide a means of distinguishing cell types. In certain cells, a band of midline structures appeared in response to stimulation, and the cells failed to respond to any subsequent shocks. Mitochondria form a central core in some cephalopod muscle (Hochachka et al., 1978), and this pattern has been observed in squid slow-twitch fibers (Mommsen et al., 1981). If histochemical analysis can correlate the appearance of this central structure to cell type, morphology alone will provide a basis for discrimination. Another way to improve the experimental technique is to simulate physiological conditions more closely. A simple step in this direction would be to determine the neurotransmitter used to produce contraction in vivo and to use this as a stimulus in place of electric shock. Although not as easily controllable or as minutely adjustable as electrical shock, stimulation with neurotransmitter would yield interesting supplemental data, as well as provide evidence that dissociated cells have retained some normal function. Bibliography Caputo, C.; Dipolo, R.; Contractile Activation Phenomena in Voltage-clamped Barnacle Muscle Fiber. Jour. Gen. Phys., Vol. 71: 467-488, 1978 Costantin, L. L.; Activation in striated muscle. 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Bioch. Physiol., Vol. 52B: 145-149, 1975 Schwartz, L. M.; Stuhmer, W.; Voltage dependent sodium channels in an invertebrate striated muscle. Science, Vol. 225: 532-537, 1984 13 Figure legends Table 1 MEAN CONTRACTILE STRENGTHS AND THRESHOLD VOLTAGES. Each value is the mean response of a population of cells. The lefthand three columns represent the degree of shortening in response to a 0.4 ms shock of 20 V, 40 V, or 60 V. (A 25% contraction means the contracted cell is 3/4 the length of the relaxed cell.) The righthand three columns indicate the minimum voltage necessary to induce contraction in response to shocks of 4 ms, 5 ms, or 10 ms. The rows are paired together, each pair containing data taken from the same population of cells. Between members of a pair, a change was made in the external medium, as indicated by the arrows in the row labels. For the trials with tetrodotoxin (TTX), the toxin was added to the medium already in the dish until the concentration reached 200 nM. Underlined values indicate a statistically significant difference between data points in paired rows (t-test, p«.05). Only the switch from LCM to HCM caused a significant change in response pattern. The number of cells in a population are indicated by n. Figure 1 VIDEO PRINT OF AN ASYMMETRICAL CONTRACTION The two pictures are consecutive video frames, representing a timespan of about 30 ms. The 30.4 micron cell is bathed in LCM, and receiving a +60 V, 0.4 ms shock. The arrow indicates the muscle fiber, and the asterisk indicates the approximate location of the electrode tip, which cannot be seen because the electrode is viewed from above. Figure 2 CONTRACTILE STRENGTH IN CELLS SWITCHED FROM LCM TO HCM Each graph represents data taken from a single cell. While in LCM, a cell received a series of increasingly strong 0.4 ms shocks spaced 45 s apart. The change to HCM was made carefully so that the cell remained in the microscope's field of view. The cell then received an identical series of shocks. At every voltage, the cells contracted more strongly in HCM than in LCM (exept when the percent contraction was 0, indicating that the voltage was subthreshold in both media). Figure 3 THRESHOLD VOLTAGE IN CELLS SWITCHED FROM LCM TO HCM The two cells in figure 1 were also tested for threshold voltage at a series of shock durations. The thresholds were always lower in HCM than in LCM. Figure 4 CONTRACTILE STRENGTH IN CELLS SWITCHED FROM HCM TO LCM Each graph represents data from a single cell tested first in HCM and then in LCM. The values at each voltage closely agree. Figure 5 THRESHOLD VOLTAGE IN CELLS SWITCHED FROM HCM TO LCM The two cells in figure 3 were also tested for threshold. The switch from HCM to LCM had no consistent effect on threshold level. Figure 6 TTX'S EFFECT ON CONTRACTILE STRENGTH Each graph represents data from a single cell. The plot on the left is data taken from a cell bathed in LCM to which TTX was added in a concentration of 200 nm. The plot on right is from an identical experiment, except that HCM was used. The values at each voltage closely agree. Figure 7 TTX'S EFFECT ON THRESHOLD VOLTAGE Each graph represents data from a single cell. The plot on the left is data taken from a cell bathed in 77 X was added in a concentration of 200 nm. The plot on LCM to which 11. right is from an identical experiment, except that HCM was used. The values at each duration closely agree. Figure 8 CALCIUM'S EFFECT ON CELL VIABILITY Cells which reacted in any way to an 80 V shock were considered responsive, and therefore alive. Even immediately after dissociation, only about half of the cells contracted. 15 O 1 1 4 — o0 8 S 8 8 o% 8 o% 0 8 5 . o — o 4 SIOA STIOA 95 55 s 5 uo % 8 8 uo % D S 62 e . SIOA S1OA vv- en uo % o % E S10A 8 SIOA 60 Calcium's effect on cell viability HCM LCM +TIX HCM + TIX Medium CM Figure 8 Adam Stein hours 20 hours