Bio 175H Research Project Chuck Baxter, Advisor H.M.S. Spring Qtr, 1993 A study of the vesicomyid clams in the Monterey Bay Canyon: time-lapse video analysis of adult reactions to varying sulfide levels, and examination of egg buoyancies and flotation rates by Ben J. Meyer Abstract: This experiment was designed to study different aspects of development and behavior of the vesicomyid clams in the cold seeps of the Monterey Canyon. It consisted of two parts, a behavioral study done using time-lapse video and a study of the effects simulated cold seep conditions had on the gametes of the clams. The first portion of the project, the behavioral study, only allowed for developmental progress and gave inconclusive results, so it was not discussed in this paper beyond pertinent information in the introduction. The second portion of the project and the focus of this paper consisted of testing the egg buoyancy of the eggs of different species. The majority of conclusive data comes from C. pacifica, although some conclusions were available from the vesicomyid species known as “Sharpbutt" also. A significant discovery in regards to the condition of the eggs was that a mucus cloud released with the eggs during experimental spawning and dissecting procedures greatly changed results when compared to those of clean, free eggs. The difference in average rates was such that eggs in the presence of the mucus were estimated to be able to climb 635m to the surface in approximately 2.5 days while in 2.5 days many free-floating, clean eggs would have only climbed 5Om, with some free eggs not ascending at all and some even sinking, a phenomenon never observed in the presence of the translucent mucus. The implications this information holds for egg survivorship and a specific environment of embryonic and larval development remains speculative. This project solved many problems, exposed many new questions, provided ground-breaking development (such as the creation of the first known egg buoyancy chamber) and paved the way for further future experimentation in this field. Introduction: Little is currently known about the biology of vesicomyid bivalves occupying cold seep communities in the deep ocean. The recent discovery of such communities in the Monterey Bay Canyon and Fan Valley during ALVIN dives (Embley, et al., 1990) has led to on-going research by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute and the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Three species of vesicomyid clams are currently collected by the remotely-operated vehicle (ROV) Ventana of the Point Lobos research vessel. These are Calyptogena pacifica, Vesicomya gigas, and an as of yet unknown vesicomyid species currently nicknamed "Sharpbutt," due to its sharply angled posterior end. All species are known to carry endosymbiotic bacteria which utilize the hydrogen sulfide released at such sites as a primary energy source in chemosynthesis (Childress et al., 1991). The ability to routinely collect and maintain these clams in chilled sea water aquaria has permitted a variety of studies. In this project, two experiments were carried out in an effort to illuminate differing aspects of the lives of these bivalves. Developmental work with time-lapse video was carried out to create a system that would test for behavioral responses in the clams to varying levels of hydrogen sulfide. Inconclusive results at the conclusion of the quarter prevent the work from being discussed any further in this paper, but the background is still of some foundational importance for the second experiment, so that information is still mentioned here. Observations around cold seep sites in the deep ocean have consistently revealed burrow tracks surrounding and leading to the seeps, where scores of the vesicomyid clams may be found (MBARI video footage record, 1993; Chuck Baxter, personal communication; and Rosman et al., 1987). The clams leave the troughs behind as they plow through the sediment to and around these sites which are rich in nutrients they require for survival (Rosman). Rosman indicates that occurrences of vesicomyid clams in varying densities are associated with varying gradients in pore-water chemistry and that the movements of the clams suggests a dispersed nutrient source which requires occasional active searching. While the trails observed come from various directions, the clams are always found together in clusters, leading Rosman to deduce that the nutrient source is confined to the areas of congregation and discontinuous in the surrounding areas (Rosman, 1987; MBARI video footage, 1993). The film project was designed to test for a specific relationship between the positional orientation chosen by cold seep clams and varying levels of hydrogen sulfide being emitted from beneath the soil into the benthic environment. As the cold seeps these clams occupy are finite and small, the question arises of how their developmental process enables newly developed clams to successfully find these environments which are essential to their existence and yet seem scarcely larger than specks in the vast expanses of the open ocean, assuming they ever leave them at all. The egg buoyancy study was intended to shed some light on this aspect of deep-sea bivalve development by focusing on the events taking place immediately upon the releasing of the gametes. Research has shown that many factors, including advection, convection, and other currents, tides, surf, density of biomass relative to the water, environmental temperature and pressure, and predation, affect developmental success as well as where, when, and how fast development occurs in the ocean (Woodin, 1991; Young, 1987; and Mark Denny, personal communication). In the case of deep sea organisms such as the cold seep bivalves, knowledge of these interactions immediately following the release of the gametes can give crucial insights to what environmental conditions the fertilized embryos go to and will later require for successful, complete development to occur. This experiment examined the buoyancy of mature oocytes in an effort to determine if the eggs of different species were consistently positively or negatively buoyant when initially released into the cold seep environment. The whole process of either floating or sinking upon release into a water environment for small objects relies both upon the frictional resistance and the relative densities of the object and the seawater (Gross, 1987). Since frictional resistance in an aquatic system is a product of the seawater’s viscosity and therefore of the temperature, and since the temperature was controlled to remain constant. it was expected that the frictional resistance would also remain constant. Therefore, like gravity, it was disregarded as one of the natural elements an object would have to overcome to become buoyant anyway. The key focus therefore, was the differences in densities between the eggs and the surrounding seawater. Water density is easily manipulated, being dependent solely on the water's salinity, temperature, and to a lesser extent, pressure (Neumann and Pierson, Jr., 1966). For the purposes of this experiment, the minute effects of pressure differences on density change were deemed negligible since water is only slightly compressible, so only temperature and salinity were used to calculate densities approximating those found in the environments from which the clams were removed. While the resultant buoyancy rates would not be exactly equal to those at the 635m sites, they were deemed to be close enough to be indicative of what was happening to the eggs in their natural environment. A device was subsequently constructed to meet these needs precisely. The egg buoyancy chamber created and used in this experiment allowed individual eggs to be observed under precisely simulated conditions of temperature and salinity so that it could be determined if eggs predominantly floated or sank upon release. Positive buoyancy was suspected, which would indicate travel to another type of environment during the following embryonic and larval stages of development before finally becoming a clam and settling back in a cold seep region. This would also suggest the need for different environmental conditions and nutrients in order for subsequent stages of development to proceed successfully. Though tests were run using all three species of cold seep clams currently found in the Monterey Bay, the only species for which complete data was available at the end of the experiment was Calyptogena pacifica. Therefore, though some information was retained concerning the "Sharpbutt" species, only the results of egg buoyancy studies on C. Pacifica were discussed at length. Rates of ascension or descension of oocytes were measured with the intent of serving both as a preliminary indication of the extent of density differences between the eggs and surrounding sea water and as a method to measure any differences or regularities between individual eggs. Such rates have also been hypothesized to give an indication of where the gametes go for future development (Young, 1987). Furthermore, they can allow for a calculated estimate of how long it would theoretically take the traveling eggs to reach different vertical environments in the ocean. Materials and Methods: The cold seeps in the Monterey Bay Canyon from which the clams were collected were located by video camera navigation of the ROV, Ventana, from the Point Lobos (Figure 1). All of the clams providing eggs used in the results of this experiment came from the 635m site marked in Fig. 1. The ROV also collected and recorded data concerning depth, pressure, salinity, and temperature changes during its dives (Figure 2) The temperature and salinity values were extrapolated from the computer-recorded graph in Figure 2 so they could be simulated in the experimental chamber. Temperature was approximated to be 5.2° - 5.3° C. Salinity was estimated to be 34.28 parts per thousand (ppt). The formula used to calculate the density at atmospheric pressure was taken from the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office's Handbook of Oceanographic Tables (1966, Table 1). The resultant density used to approximate that found at the 635m sites had a specific gravity value of 27.11 (see Table 1 for explanation). Once the parameters had all been determined, the next step was to simulate them. The egg buoyancy chamber was designed to meet the needs of manipulable temperature and salinity and yet providing a stable, current-free environment into which individual eggs could be injected and observed for their reactions to the basic elements of different deep- sea environments. The model used for this experiment was a prototype and underwent later design changes. Rates of motion were measured against a vertically implanted ruler using a stopwatch. Temperature was controlled by a recirculating cold bath. Salinity of the internal chamber was increased to the required level of 34.28 ppt using a combination of microfiltering ambient seawater (0.2 micron filter cartridge), salinometer measurements, and the gradual addition of Instant Ocean synthetic sea salts to raise the salinity to the correct level. Figure 3 provides a diagram of the egg buoyancy design and further explanation of the temperature, salinity, and flow controls implemented in the design. Continuous temperature control problems with the prototype required finishing the observations in a cold room to ensure accurate maintenance of the low 5.2° C temperature. Eggs used in the experiment were acquired from the bivalves in a variety of ways depending on the condition of the clams. One method was the seratonin injection method recommended by Strathmann (1987). In the cases where clams did not respond positively to the injections and spawning did not take place, the gonad was then removed by dissection, the outer membrane teased away, and eggs either gently washed out (they often were easily removed) or obtained by maceration through a 225 micron filter screen. The eggs were stored in scintillation vials filled with the artificial deep-sea water in a 5° ( cold water bath until they could be used in flotation trials. The clams were also kept constantly in these conditions, in individual beakers in the cold bath. Six scintillation vials were sealed with eggs in them and observed over time in the cold bath, to look for positional changes among eggs over time. This was done for both Sharpbutt and C. pacifica. Data was lumped into sums for each species to avoid biases due to individual clams and to determine the dynamics of the eggs when released in groups. Observations were made after four hours, eight hours, and twenty-four hours. Egg counts were translated into percentages and an average of the overall observation was taken. For the egg buoyancy tests, eggs were observed individually. Eighty-eight of over 150 trials were useable as data. Twenty-seven tests were of eggs with the cloudy mucus still present., the rest were stripped by constant washing with the artificial deep-sea water The holding vial was swirled before acquiring eggs in the syringe to evenly distribute the eggs of various densities and get a random sampling. Each single egg was injected slowly so that it entered the center of the chamber column neutrally and then ascended or descended of its own accord and not due to the influence of a fast injection stream. The egg was then timed as it proceeded to sink or rise, its time recorded every time it progressed three centimeters. For all eggs, a general time limit of around 3 minutes was given. If, after three minutes, the rate seemed to be constant but the egg had not yet traveled the full distance of the ruler, recording was ceased for that test. However, if the rate seemed to be still changing, testing was continued until either the egg reached either end of the chamber or a constant rate was eventually reached. Rates were deemed constant if they were the same for two consecutive measurement points. Results: The results obtained from the twenty-four hour observations of the eggs stored in scintillation vials were put into bar graph form for easy interpretation in Figure 4. After four hours, well over 90% of the eggs from C. pacifica were floating. Close to half of these eggs in every vial were contained in the translucent mucus that accompanied the eggs during spawning, which floated in a single sticky mass in every case. Only an average of 4% of eggs had sunk at this time, and no mucus accompanied these. After eight hours, the percentage of eggs floating freely had risen to over 60% from the 48% observed at four hours. In all vials, the mucus had become cloudy and coagulated, and it had either sunk completely to the bottom or was hovering just over the bottom. The percentage of eggs contained in the mucus had dropped from close to 50% observed at the four hour mark to about 30% at the eight hour mark. These eggs, trapped in the sticky mucus, were now recorded as sunken rather than buoyant. At the twenty-four hour mark, these effects remained and merely became slightly more pronounced; the mucus material in every vial remained on the bottom and appeared to be shriveled and much smaller in size, a greater percentage of eggs floated near the surface of the vials, free of mucus, and the percentage of sunken eggs that were free of the mucus had decreased Finally, in four of the six vials the shriveled cloudy mucus mass was now beginning to break apart and dissolve. The results of egg buoyancy tests were summarized as two separate tables in Table 2, one for eggs in the presence of the mucus material, one for eggs that had been filtered and cleaned free of mucus. For eggs tested in the presence of the mucus, 100% were positively buoyant under the simulated cold seep conditions. 75.41% of the eggs that had been freed of mucus were positively buoyant (46 of 61), while 3.28% of them sank and 21.31% were neutrally buoyant (Table 2) Average rates also differed between the two groups. Table 2 shows that eggs in the presence of mucus had an average rate of 0.273 cm/sec (SD 0.1997 cm/sec) while filtered, mucus-free eggs traveled at an average 0.03324 cm/sec. (SD 0.03116 cm/sec) Note that while all of the eggs in the presence of mucus were positively buoyant, some of the cleaned eggs were neutral and even negatively buoyant, serving to lower the average rate somewhat. A comparison of the ranges of buoyancy rates between the two groups shows also that the eggs in the presence of mucus, which were all positively buoyant, also covered a much greater distribution of rates, 0.69, than eggs that had been filtered and isolated, whose range of rates was 0.1566. To illuminate the trends in rates of eggs in both conditions, Figure 5 shows in graph form how average buoyancy rates of both groups of eggs varied with respect to increasing height of the buoyancy chamber. The average rate at each height for eggs with the cloudy discharge steadily decreases from over 1 cm/sec at the 3cm. mark to around 0.3 cm/sec by the 15 cm. mark, while the average rate of the filter-cleaned eggs appears to remain fairly constant at less than 0.1 cm/sec along the entire distance of the tube. Not enough data was collected to gauge the average rate for this group beyond the 12 cm. mark. Only positively buoyant egg data was compared in this graph to give an accurate comparison of differences caused by the presence and absence of the mucus discharge Discussion and Conclusions: There were many holes in the methods of data collection in this experiment and in the data itself which prevented it from being strong and conclusive evidence, but a few trends were able to be positively identified which can serve as the basis for stronger hypotheses and lead to future experimentation. To begin, the one part of this experiment that strong conclusions can be made about is based on the information gathered concerning the effects of the mucus, and it is not even clear that this would ever exist in a normal spawning situation. It clearly accompanied the eggs during the seratonin injections and dissections. It therefore may be the product of unnatural situations only and never occur in normal conditions. When the mucus is present, however, it is increasing both the percentage of buoyant eggs and the rates of ascension. In the presence of the cloudy mucus, close to 100% of the eggs were at least initially positively buoyant as shown in both Fig. 4 and Table 2. When this material was not present, only approximately 75% of that batch of eggs was ever positively buoyant. Figure 4 shows that the mucus consistently began to sink and coagulate by eight hours, which increased the percentage of eggs that ended up on or near the bottom of the experimental vials. The mucus also had an obvious affect on the movement of the eggs. This is depicted in the graph in Figure 5. which displays a trend indicating strongly that the demographics of eggs released by the clams are significantly different as a result of the presence of the mucus. If it does turn out that the mucus material is normally present, then based on the observed effects its presence has, a few speculations can be made. The change in buoyancy could be due to the gradual loss of some positively buoyant chemical into the external seawater environment over time, such as ammonia. The presence of the mucus could be serving one of two possible purposes. Either it is providing a means for developing embryos to return to the benthic environment and is therefore an aid to development, or it is just by chance dragging some of the developing eggs back down to the bottom greatly before their time and is hence a hindrance to their chances of survival If the developing embryos do indeed require a different environment for development, as has been hypothesized by many different researchers (Young, 1993), then this cloudy material could either help, in the case of the increased ascension rates, or hinder, as in the case of drawing trapped eggs back down to the bottom before they had fully utilized other required conditions. Based on the average ascension rates (Table 2), it was estimated that eggs floating within the accompanying mucus would take a mean of 2.5 days to reach the surface, while eggs floating freely could at best climb about 50 meters in two days (though the range of distribution is greater, including some eggs that wouldn’t rise at all in the absence of the mucus) So far, developmental experimentation at the Monterey Bay Aquarium and by MBARI researchers on these cold seep bivalves has shown that it takes about 6-7 days to get close to the larval stage (+ 64 cells) under stable 6° C conditions in the lab. While increases in temperature that accompany ascension seem to speed up this process (Young, 1993), it is not known how fast. However, this change could be required if the larvae turn out to be lecithotrophic and have a limited internal energy supply, as many researchers suggest (Gage and Tyler, 1991). In six days the average free eggs would have climbed over 150 meters, taking them to slightly warmer waters (+ 6° C, as opposed to the 5° C native to the clams) with a slightly lower salinity (approx. 34.2 ppt). These conditions are not much different from the initial conditions in which the eggs are released, but food conditions, currents, turbulence and radiation exposure conditions can be. Therefore, the presence of the mucus would have greater significance since transportation in its presence would be much more speedy The buoyancy tests only produced enough data to indicate a few trends, but nothing can be concluded. Tests performed with clean eggs indicate a broad range of densities among the eggs, between being more dense than the sea water to being less dense. Neutral eggs suggest a condition of homeostasis (see Table 2). The risers themselves covered a wide range of velocities, so densities evidently vary greatly and do not seem to favor a norm. The fact that the standards of deviation for both average buoyancy rates are very large indicates that the means do not give any strong indication of normalcy in either experimental group. If the two tables in Table 2 are compared, it can be seen that this is less so for the mucus group, especially since all the eggs in this group floated. While much could be speculated about the implications of this information, nothing can be concluded due to the scarcity of data available. More work needs to be performed for conclusions and further speculation to be made. Aside from the curious presence of the mucus, a few other factors exist which might have skewed data and therefore added to the possibility of there being misleading trends. First of all, the clams that were used in this experiment had been in captivity for anywhere between two weeks to six weeks. Capture methods had not been perfected during the time of this experiment, and clams often suffered from deteriorating health and would eventually die after having been in captivity for a few months. The different conditions under which they were maintained could have affected the physiology of the clams and the physical makeup of materials produced by the animals, such as the eggs in the females. The extent of any possible osmotic changes that may have occurred inside the clams is not known, but this possibility exists Second, the egg buoyancy chamber used for the experiment was a prototype which had not been perfected, so many problems had to be dealt with during the course of the experiment, such as moving the system to a cold room when it became evident that the prototype was not adequately maintaining uniform cold temperature when at room temperature. This weakens the scientific accuracy of the project. A new design has since negated this problem. For the future, problems with sickly clams, a faulty egg buoyancy chamber, and the late discovery of the elusive mucus will not exist. This should allow for uninhibited data collection to accurately determine predominant trends for the eggs of all three of the cold seep species of the Monterey Bay and elsewhere. Besides determining buoyancy trends. rates, and ultimately egg densities, future experiments can test for rate differences with increasing temperatures to determine if there is a range of sea water densities at which eggs become neutrally buoyant or stop ascending. It should also be determined whether different stages of development cause changes in buoyancy rates or densities. Then perhaps indications will be given of where the eggs belong in the vast oceans, and the mystery of development of these bivalves can be further unraveled. For now, it seems indicated by the trends that the developing embryos are bound for a pelagic development rather than a benthic one. More work is definitely needed. The key to understanding the development of such mysterious deep sea organisms appears to lie in first understanding the path of travel followed by the developing gametes, indicated by density differences and flotation rates. From there, regions where further development occurs may be pinpointed and later stages of development identified, allowing progress to continue in the study of the development of cold seep bivalves. Acknowledgments The three men without whom I would never have developed such a project are Chuck Baxter, Jim Barry, and Chris Harrold. They were the key idea men in this project Towe all three a great deal in giving me developmental direction and inspiration, both with this project and in learning about the process of research in general. To John Lee, thanks for helping me break ground with development of the prototype of the egg buoyancy chamber, which I finally worked all the bugs out of during the following summer. Of all the people from my spring class, I probably owe the MOST thanks to the following people, on whom I exacted the greatest toll when I thought I’d “lose it" near the end: to the TA, Molly C., who kept me from snapping before my presentation after I spent the last 11 days and 10 nights constantly awake and frantically trying to acquire and interpret fresh, unbiased data; to the library folks, Alan and Susan, for their patience with my mess in the library when my project "crashed" right at the end of the quarter; and, most of all, to Chuck Baxter who was and continues to be my inspiration. He convinced me of the promise of this project, so well in fact that I stuck myself with it through the following summer at the Monterey Bay Aquarium until at last I had to tear myself away and go back to school; he effortlessly put me back on track when I was lost, so wise is he, he reminded me that beer CAN calm you down when you need to relax; and, he waited patiently to be truly retired from responsibilities to Stanford for once and for all while I spent the next year over-committed to academics and the rest of the world and attempted to get out of Stanford myself. Like many countless others before me but none officially after me, Chuck gave me inspiration and direction as a professor in marine biology in and outside of some awesome classes. He will never cease to inspire those he interacts with. Good luck to you in your new endeavors, Chuck! And thanks to all. Works Cited Childress, J. J. et al. "Sulfide and carbon dioxide uptake by the hydrothermal vent clam, Calyptogena magnifica, and its chemoautotrophic symbionts Physiological Zoology. 1991; 64: 1444-1470. Embley, R. W. et al. "Geological setting of chemosynthetic communities in the Monterey Fan Valley system." Deep-Sea Research. 1990; 37(11): 1651-1667 Gage, J. D., and Tyler, P. A. Deep Sea Biology: A Natural History of Organisms at the Deep-Sea Floor. NY: Cambridge U. Press, 1991. Gross M. Oceanography, a View of the Earth (fourth edition). NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., Neumann, G. and Pierson, W., Jr. Principles of Physical Oceanography. NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1966. Rosman, I., et al. "Epifaunal aggregations of Vesicomyidae on the continental slope off Louisiana." Deep-Sea Research. 1987; 34(11): 1811-1820. Strathmann, M. Reproduction and Development of Marine Invertebrates of the Northern Pacific Coast. WA: U. of Washington Press, 1987. Handbook of Oceanographic Tables (special publication). Wash. D.C.: U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office, 1966. Woodin, Sarah Ann. "Recruitment of infauna: positive or negative cues?" Amer. Zool. 1991; 31: 797-807. Young Craig, and Cameron, J. "Laboratory and in situ rates of lecithotrophic eggs from the bathyl echinoid Phormosoma placenta. Deep-Sea Research, 1987; 34(9): 1629-1639 Craig, and Tyler, Paul. "Embryos of the deep-sea echinoid Echinus affinis require Young high pressure for development." Limnol. Oceanogr. 1993; 38(1): 178-181. Legend for Figures and Tables Figure 1: Map of where cold seep clams were found in the Monterey Bay Canyon. Collection sites are indicated by an Figure 2: Dive data from the ROV, Ventana, aboard the Point Lobos (MBARI research vessel). Recorded during March 19, 1993 collection of C. pacifica in the Monterey Bay Canyon. Salinity, oxygen, depth (directly related to pressure) and temperature were all recorded. Table 1: Density tables from the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office's Handbook of Oceanographic Tables, 1966, along with an explanation of calculations and units. Figure 3: Diagram of egg buoyancy chamber prototype. The outer chamber and inner chamber are isolated from each other. The outer chamber circulates water from the cold- water bath recirculator, controlling the temperature of the inner chamber. The inner chamber is accessible from the outside, allowing manipulation of the salt content and water density, and allowing the water to be cleaned from time to time, when too many eggs were inside. The syringe port is the site of egg insertion. Table 2: Table of data for egg buoyancy tests, in two parts. The first box contains data for eggs tested in the presence of the cloudy mucus material that accompanied them during spawning. The second box contains data for eggs that were filter-cleaned and tested clean Figure 4: Bar graph depicting ratios of eggs in different states as observed in scintillation vial experiment. Floating eggs are the bottom two groups at 4 hrs. and the bottom group at 8 and 24 hrs., eggs that sank are the top group at 4 hrs. and the top two groups at 8 and 24 hrs. Error bars give an indication of relevancy of changes between times. Figure 5: Comparison of average rates vs. heights between filtered and non- filtered eggs of C. pacifica. While a difference in trends exists, note that these averages are misleading, since both groups had such a large variation of rates. The filter-cleaned eggs moved too slowly for enough data to be collected for a relevant point at 15 cm. Only the heights appear on the graph which allow a direct comparison to be made. Figure 1 SANTA CRUZ Copitolo SOOUel Cov ooine. ote PACIFIC GROVE Vas lo Selvo Beoch Marino Fiquse 2 Oxygen (ml/1) ++++ emperoture (C) 54 J- 200 s.. 5 400 60 — -635 L3 800 o 2 33.0 33.5 34.0 157 345 Salinity (PSU) - Beam Attenuation (/m) * File: 07893r02 (preliminary data) Dive data from the ROV, Ventana, aboard the Point Lobos (MBARI research vessel). Recorded during March 19, 1993 collection of C. pacifica in the Monterey Canyon. 16 Table 1 DENSITI (g.) Salinity 30.00%/00 to 39.99%00 . T. C. T. •C. T. •C. -2.00 2u.15 23.83 7.37 L.07 23.16 .820 -1.75 .82 .18 .1 .15 .15 .7910 .81 .8100 .80 -1.13 24.13 7.52 23. ul. .13 -0.71 21.12 .8090 1.50 23.75 .12 .60 3 -0.31 .70 21.11 .7930 .82 .0 .8070 -0.08 .80 .10 .39 90 .96 .75 0.18 21.09 .8050 8.0 5.00 23.7u 23.37 0.12 11 .36 .09 0.61 24.07 .19 .18 .35 .7910 .80l0 0.85 .27 .25 .06 .3 .70 .33 1.0 16 .69 21.05 .39 .32 .8020 .l6 .21 .31 23.68 5.56 .03 .65 .67 8.53 23.30 1.58 .73 60 21.02 .7900 .29 .82 .01 .8010 65 .67 .28 24.00 .91 .27 .61 20 EXAMPLE OF COMPUTATION Given a temperature of 15.70° C. and a salinity of 36.47%. compute the «, value. 1. Select the salinity interval of 30.00 to 39.99%. 2. In column one, find the temperature interval in which 15.70 falls (always use the loicer limit of the interval). The lower limit is 15.69° C. 3. Entering column one at 15.69° C. read the corresponding value of 22.00 in column two. This is the correct «, value for the base of the salinity interval, that is, for a salinity of 30.00%. and temperature of 15.69° C. 4. To find the correct v. value for the given salinity of 36.47%., multiply the desig¬ nated f-factor in column three (.7680) by the last three digits of the given salinity (6.47), observing decimal places, and add the value obtained to the base value 22.00 5. Round the value obtained (26.96896) to two decimal places. ANSWER 26.97. Thus: Given 15.70° C. and 36.47%. S. Frem table for Salinity 30.00 to 39.99%., enter column one at lower limit of tem¬ perature interval (15.69) : Obtain base f-factor last three ralue in of column digits of three X given S. column two + 6.47 22.00 7680 26.968960 (round to two decimal places) ANSWER 26.97 (U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office, 1962) .7860 .7850 .7810 .7830 EGG BUOYANCY CHAMBER DESIGN Figuc 5 18 rubber stopper thermometer / syringe access inner egg-testing chamber, salinity control outer circulating chamber. — temperature control insulating counter-current input 30 cm. scale for rate determination 18-gauge syringe needle (press-fitted through ceramic for water-tight seal) disposable syringe output back to T temp.-controlled circulator 25" L 1.5" 2.5 13.1 Table 2: EGG BUOYANCY TEST RESULTS AND DATA Eggs with cloudy discharge Number of eggs tested IMEAN BUOYANCY RATE Standard Error Standard Deviation Variance Range of rates Minimum ascension rate (cm/sec) Maximum ascension rate (cm/sec) percent positively buoyant: 27/27 Eggs fittered and isolated Number of eggs tested MEAN BUOYANCY RATE Standard Error Standard Deviation Variance Range of rates Minimum ascension rate (cm/sec) Maximum ascension rate (cm/sec) 46/61 percent positively buoyant: 2/61 percent negatively buoyant: 13/61 percent neutral "neutral buoyancy based on 3+ min. observations following egg insertion 27 0.273 0.0384 0.1997 0.0398 0.69 0.06 0.75 100% 0.03324 0.003989 0.031155 0.00097064 0.157 -0.018 0.14 75.41% 3.28% 21.31% Figure 4: Average buoyancy characteristics for 6 vials of vesicomyid bivalve eggs over time 100% 90% 80% 70% % sunk with mucus 60% %sunk alone 50% % floating with mucus 40% %floating alone 30% 20% 10% time (hrs.) Figure 5: Comparison of average rates vs. heights between filtered and non-filtered eggs of C. pacifica 1.2 - 06 eggs with cloudy discharge 204 0.2 filter-cleaned eggs 0 3 height (cm) 15