Short Term Response of LDH Activity to H poxia in Fundulus heteroclitus John H. Morton June 9, 1995 Biology 175H Advisors: Patricia Schulte and Dennis Powers Acknowledgments: would like to thank Trish Schulte for helping me with this project. Without her infinite patience and incredible teaching ability, I would never have completed it. Abstract Previous studies have shown that the activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in liver of the killifish Fundulus heteroclitus increases approximately two- fold after two weeks of hypoxia. However, nothing is known about the early response of LDH activity to hypoxia. In this study the effects of shorter durations of hypoxia on LDH activities in Fundulus heteroclitus were examined. Hypoxia was induced in aquaria by gassing with an air/ nitrogen mixture. After 1, 2, 4, and 7 days of hypoxia fish were killed and livers prepared for LDH assays. LDH activity in liver of Fundulus heteroclitus increased two- fold after two days of hypoxia. This finding demonstrates that the response to hypoxia in Fundulus heteroclitus is much faster than previous research has suggested. These results in F. heteroclitus are consistent with previous findings that mRNA encoding LDH increases after 16 hours of hypoxia in human cell cultures. Possible molecular mechanisms underlying the hypoxia- induced increase in LDH activity are discussed. Introduction Hypoxia, or low oxygen concentration, can have profound effects on organisms dependent on aerobic metabolism for a majority of their energy production. One way in which organisms respond to hypoxia is by altering the quantity or functioning of certain enzymes. One enzyme of key interest in studies on hypoxia is lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), which is the terminal enzyme in anaerobic glycolysis. Glycolysis results in the breakdown of glucose with the formation of 2 ATP and 2 NADH molecules. When oxygen is present in the cell, the products of glycolysis, pyruvate and NADH, can be used to produce more ATP through the Krebs cycle and electron transport. When oxygen is not present LDH converts pyruvate to lactate and oxidizes NADH to NAD+. Because NAD+ is a substrate of other enzymes in glycolysis, its regeneration is essential for the breakdown of glucose and production of energy in times of low oxygen concentration in the cell. Because LDH is important under anaerobic conditions, 1 hypothesized that one response of cells exposed to hypoxia would be to produce higher levels of LDH. Semenza et al., (1994) demonstrated that LDH in human HeLa cell cultures is produced at 2 to 3 times normal levels when they are exposed to hypoxia. Öther research confirms this type of increase in mammalian cell cultures (Robin et al., 1984). The purpose of the experiment presented here is to demonstrate the effects of hypoxia on LDH production in the fish Fundulus heteroclitus. Fundulus is a teleost fish which lives in estuarine environments along the Atlantic coast from Newfoundland to Florida (Powers et al., 1992). This animal was chosen because it has been shown to have a high tolerance to hypoxic water and it has been the subject of numerous biochemical physiological and genetic studies (Greaney et al., 1978; Powers et al., 1992). Previous studies (Greaney et al., 1980) demonstrated that LDH activity in F. heteroclitus liver tissue was about 50 percent higher than normoxic control levels after exposing the fish to two weeks of hypoxia. Hypoxia was defined as 1.5- 2.5 ppm oxygen concentrations in the water. Greaney et al. (1980) distinguished between short¬ term and long- term enzymatic/ hormonal responses to hypoxia in Fundulus. The short-term response was an increase in the production of LDH and other glycolytic enzymes in response to a drop in oxygen concentration. The long- term response was an increase in red blood cells as possibly caused by an increase in erythropoietin hormone. As the amount of red blood cells increase, intracellular O2 concentrations also increase. This reduces the need for increased glycolysis. Greaney et al. (1980) demonstrated that in the first 4 weeks of hypoxia, LDH activity remained at a relatively constant level above the control and then dropped back to the control level by the fifth week. An increase in hematocrit (red blood cell concentration) was shown to parallel the increase in LDH activity during the first 4 weeks. However, during the fifth week, erythrocyte levels remained higher than control levels. What is not accounted for by Greaney et al., (1980) is exactly when the short- term response begins. Work by Semenaza et al., (1994) nas shown that hypoxia induces an increase in transcription of mRNA encoding LDH in HeLa and Hep3B cell cultures within 16 hours. From these results, I hypothesized that Fundulus heteroclitus LDH activity may respond to hypoxia much sooner than the first time point of two weeks in Greaney's study, perhaps between 16 to 72 hours after the onset of hypoxic conditions. Materials and Methods Animals Wild Fundulus heteroclitus were obtained from Woods Hole, Massachusetts one month before onset of the experiment. This long acclimation time was necessary to reduce potential handling effects resulting from shipment and changes in water quality or temperature between Woods Hole and Hopkins Marine Station. These fish were placed in 10 gallon aquaria with filtered seawater at 20°0 and fed once daily. Hypoxia Apparatus An apparatus for producing hypoxic conditions in aquaria was designed and built as shown in figure 1. Two 55 gallon aquaria were placed next to each other. A submersible pump was used to pump water from the lower aquarium through a canister filter and into the upper aquarium. The second aquarium was raised so that water would flow by siphon through a hose back into the lower aquarium. Valves on the siphon hose and the pump outflow were adjusted to maintain a steady level of water in both aquaria. Hypoxia was induced in the aquaria by bubbling an air/ nitrogen gas mixture through two air stones in each aquarium. This mixture was created by feeding nitrogen into a 10 gallon gas mixing chamber with a loosely fitting lid. Pure nitrogen at a flow rate of 1 liter per minute mixed with air coming in at the top of the tank, and this mixture was pumped at a constant rate of 1.3 liters per minute into the two aquaria by a small air pump. Preliminary experiments showed these flow rates produced hypoxic oxygen concentrations of generally between 1.5 to 2.5 mg/ liter within the aquaria. High enough flow rates were used to keep oxygen concentrations constant in spite of removal of oxygen by fish respiration. Bubble wrap was placed over the water in the two aquaria. This prevented ambient oxygen from entering the water by simple diffusion. Dissolved oxygen measurements were taken approximately every 30 minutes in order to monitor the drop in oxygen level at the onset of hypoxia and were taken once daily throughout the course of the experiment A third 55 gallon aquarium was equipped with a separate filtration/ aeration device and maintained at about 7.5 mg/ I oxygen. This aquarium was designated for normoxic control fish. All tanks were filled with seawater from Monterey Bay, California at approximately 20°. Experimental Design Several days before the onset of the hypoxic treatment, fish were moved into the three large aquaria. At the start of the experiment there were 10 fish in the control aquarium, and 38 fish divided between the two hypoxia aquaria. Five control fish were sampled and bubbling of air/ nitrogen mixture was started, Fish in the hypoxic tanks were taken out and dissected exactly one day, two days, four days, and seven days after the nitrogen gas was türned on. Six fish were taken at each time point. On the fourth day the remaining four fish in the control tank were sampled. Fish were quickly decapitated, weighed and their livers excised The liver was divided in two parts and immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -70°c. Frozen liver was weighed and then transfered to a small Dounce homogenizer. Homogenization solution (50 mM NaHPOJ/NaH»POA, pH 7.00, and 1 mM EDTA (disodium salt) with 5mM 2-mercaptoethanol added fresh) was added to the liver sample such that there was always .025 milligrams of tissue per microliter of solution. The tissue homogenate was then centrifuged at 4°C at 10,000 X g for 30 minutes. Supernatants were removed and stored on ice until assayed. Assay for LDH Activity LDH activity was determined by measuring the rate of oxidation of NADH to NAD- in the conversion of pyruvate to lactate. NADH absorbs 340 nm light while NAD+ does not. As a result, NADH oxidation results in a decrease in absorbance (Vassault, 1983). The assay solution contained 0.1 M NaHPOY/NaHzPO4 (pH 7.5), 2.64 mM pyruvate and 0.34 mM NADH (from Sigma Chemical Company) (Greaney et al., 1980). 5 microliters of supernatant was added to 3 mi of assay solution and change in absorbance was recorded for two minutes. All assays were done in a Beckman DU- 7 spectrophotometer at 25° C. Each assay was replicated 2-3 times, Assay for Protein Concentration Amount of protein in the supernatant was determined with the Bradford method (Bradford, 1976). A microassay was done using 15 ul supernatant, 785 ul water and 200 ul of Bradford reagent (Bio¬ Rad Laboratories), according to the manufacturer's instructions. Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) was used as a standard. Calculations Units of LDH per gram fresh weight were calculated with the following formula: Units = [(AÖD per minute)X (assay volume (mi)))- [(.63 ml umol¬ mm- (NADH extinction coefficient)) X (10 mm (light path distance)) X(mass of sample (9))) Units per milligram protein was calculated with the same formula but expressed per milligram protein instead of grams liver. Data Analysis A fully nested ANÖVA with three levels was done on LDH activity per gram wet weight of tissue. This would account for variance due to difference within replicates. Replicate averages of LDH per ma protein were analyzed for significant difference among treatments with a one- way ANOVA. A posteriori comparisons between control and each hypoxia treatment were made with Tukey's T test. Results Hypoxia in Aquaria Figure 2a shows the decrease of dissolved oxygen in the two aquaria as à function of time immediately after turning on air/ nitrogen mixture. Time at 0 minutes marks the introduction of the air/ nitrogen mixture through air stones in the aquaria. This graph demonstrates that fish experienced hypoxic concentrations of oxygen (1.5- 2.5 mg/1) after 2 hours of bubbling with air/ nitrogen mixture. Oxygen levels ranged from 1 to 2.6 mg/L throughout the course of the experiment. Fluctuations in oxygen levels for all 7 days are seen in figure 2b. LDH Assay Per Gram Wet Weight of Liver Figure 3 and table 1 show that mean LDH activity per gram wet weight of liver increases in fish under hypoxia as compared to that of the fish in the normoxic control aquarium. There is a 50% increase in LDH activity after one day of hypoxia and then a decrease in activity in the day 2, 4, and 7 time points. These results are not significant (p= .08) due to large amounts of variance in LDH activity among the fish in each treatment, LDH Assay per mg protein A more accurate determination of LDH activity is the LDH activity per milligram protein the supernatant. There are other components in liver besides protein such as lipids and sugars (especially glycogen) whose amounts can potentially differ in different livers, These differences can be factored out by expressing LDH activity per mg protein. LDH activity per mg protein was calculated by dividing the mean change in LDH optical density for the replicates by their mean protein amount. These means are shown in figure 4 and table 2. Mean LDH activities of hypoxic fish are consistently higher than the controls. After 2 days of hypoxia LDH activity is 170% of the control. Averages then drop in day 4 and 7 but remain slightly more than the control. There is statistically significant difference among all treatments (p « .05 as shown in table 4). Difference between the normoxic control LDH activity and the average of all hypoxia time points is significant at p= .012. When the mean LDH activity for each day of hypoxia is compared to the control, tukey's T test demonstrates significance in only that of the control ys. hypoxia day Discussion Short Term Response to Environmental Hypoxia LDH activity in Fundulus heteroclitus liver increases in the first days of exposure to a hypoxic environment. There is a statistically significant two- fold increase in LDH activity per mg protein relative to the control after 2 days of hypoxia. In the study by Greaney et al. (1980) LDH activity per mg protien rose from 2. 82 + .143 (mean + S.E.) in control fish to 3.95 + .274 after two weeks in hypoxia. These levels persisted until about 5 weeks when they dropped possibly due to a long-term erthrocyte response. The present findings show, LDH activity increased by 2 days of hypoxia showing that the response is much quicker. LDH activities then decreased back to almost the levels of the control in days 4, and 7. Statistical tests demonstrate no significant difference between hypoxia day 4, and 7 and the control. Do LDH levels really increase after two days, decrease by day 7 and then increase again by day 14 as suggested by combining our and Greaney's data? It would follow that LDH levels increase after 2 days of hypoxia, and remain high until 5 weeks later when the long term response eliminates the need for increased glycolytic activity It could be that LDH activities in day 4 and 7 are truly higher than the control, and that large amounts of variance within each treatment resulted in the lack of statistically significant differences between treatments. There are a number of potential sources of error in this experiment One potential source of variance was genetic variability between fish. Fundulus heteroclitus is known to be made up of a genetically distinct northern and southern type. The northern type has been shown to have a liver LDH activity twice that of the southern (Powers et al., 1994). F. heteroclitus from the Woods Hole area are known to be about 75 percent northern type and 25 percent southern type (Powers and Place, 1978). Because the exact type of each fish in the experiment was not assessed, it is not known to what degree different F. heteroclitus types effected the variance of the treatment averages. Öther possibly significant sources of error were stresses other than hypoxia. One of these stresses, disease, may have had a significant effect on LDH activity by possibly altering metabolic rates of the fish. A second stress was human interactions and handling. Sending fish by mail over long distances as well as being kept in a setting characterized by a lot of human movement, may also have altered metabolic rates and thus affected LDH activities (Fries, 1986). A third source of error was the human error involved in making homogenates and doing assays for LDH. An effort was made to account for error in the LDH assay procedure by doing replicate or triplicate assays for each fish. LDH was expressed as a function of protein in an effort to rule out error caused by subtle differences in the preparations of the homogenate. Now that we have an idea of when LDH is produced, we may look at the molecular level for possible factors which enhance LDH production when hypoxic conditions are present. It has been shown in rat and human cell cultures that a Hypoxia- inducible Factor (HIF) promotes the transcription of mRNA which encodes for LDH. According to this research, mRNA encoding LDH is transcribed 2- 3 times more in cell cultures after 16 hours of hypoxia. (Semenza et al., 1994) It is also known that HIF triggers not only mRNA for LDH and other glycolytic enzymes but also the erythropoietin hormone involved in a long-term response to hypoxia (Goldberg et al., 1991). An experiment looking for mRNA which encodes for LDH, other glycolytic enzymes, and the erythropoietin hormone over several time points from one day to several weeks under hypoxia would compliment these findings and the findings of Greaney's research. Fürther analysis of the DNA for HIF binding sites would help form the big picture as to exactly what biochemical changes occur due to hypoxia and if HIF induces them. The relatively quick response to low oxygen environments seems to indicate a beneficial adaptation of F. heteroclitus to withstand areas of low oxygen in its natural habitat. Esturarine areas where the fish lives are often characterized by slow-moving or stagnant bodies of water containing large amounts of organic material and potentially low levels of oxygen. If the fish is somehow trapped in a hypoxic body of water due to, for example, lowering tides, it must gear its biochemical machinery for the prevailing conditions in order to survive. Exactly at what time this response should be seen in Fundulus depends on other factors than just a decrease in environmental oxygen concentration. Fish behavior is of key importance to the levels of oxygen that are found in blood and interstitial fluid in the fish. Increased ventilation of the gills could result in stable levels of blood oxygen concentrations even while outside environmental concentrations drop. In addition physiological changes such as vasodilation of arteries around the gills, increased heart rate and expanded blood volume would all contribute to a stable oxygen concentration in the tissues. These responses to hypoxia all delay decreases in oxygen concentration within the cells until the environmental oxygen concentration reaches a point where no fürther continuation of these responses can maintain O» levels. In conclusion, a definite response to hypoxia was found in LDH levels. This response was found to be within 2 days after begining the hypoxia treatment. Using these results as a starting point we hope to elucidate the molecular mechanism which triggers increased LDH production. Literature Cited Bradford, M. M. 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein- dye binding. Analytiçal Biochemistry 72: 248- 254 Fries, C. R. 1986. Effects of environmental stressors and immunosuppressants on immunity in Fundulus heteroclitus, American Zoology 26: 271-282 Goldberg, M. A., Gaut, C. C., Bunn, H. F. 1991. 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Annual Beview of Genetics, Vol. 25. Annual Reviews Inc., Palo Alto, USA. Robin, E. D., Murphy, B. J., Theodore, J. 1984. Coordinate regulation of glycolysis by hypoxia in mammalian cells. Journal of Cellular Physiology 118: 287-290 Semenza, G. L., Roth, P. H., Fang, H. M., Wang, G. L. 1994. Transcriptional regulation of genes encoding glycolytic enzymes by Hypoxia- inducible Factor 1. The Journal of Biological Chemistyy 269: 23757-23763. Vassault, A., 1983. Pages 118- 126 in H. U. Bergmeyer, ed. Methods of Enzymatic Analysis. Verlag Chemie, Deerfield Beach, Florida. Figure Legends Figure 1: Experimental Setup Figure 2a: Expulsion of oxygen from aquaria after turning on air/ nitrogen mixture. Measurements were taken about every 30 minutes for 9 hours. Figure 2b: Variation of oxygen levels in tank over a period of 7 days. Measurements taken once daily. Figure 3: Average LDH activities of liver tissue (per gram wet weight). Error bars represent standard error. Six to nine fish in each sample. Figure 4: Average LDH activities of liver tissue (per milligram protein). Error bars represent standard error. Six to nine fish in each sample. 4 3 — 100 200 300 400 500 600 Minutes 2.5 1 80.5 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Days 20 Contro Hypoxia Day Hypoxia Hypoxia Day 4 Day Hypoxia Day 2 Treatment Control Hypoxia Hypoxia Day 1 Day 2 Treatment Hypoxia Day 2 Hypoxia Day 7 Table 1: Average LDH activity in liver tissue (per gram wet weight) Treatment Average activity in Standard Error units per gram wei weight of liver Control 262.66 38.094 Hypoxia 417.49 59.496 377.9 Hypoxia 2 46.870 Hypoxia 4 297.58 32.174 Hypoxia 7 335.20 24.465 Table 2: Average LDH activity in liver tissue with ANOVA analysis (per milligram protein) Treatment Average activity in Standard Error units per milligram protein Control 2.192 0.1790 Hypoxia 1 3.274 0.6023 Hypoxia 2 0.5331 3.782 Hypoxia 4 2.832 0.1920 Hypoxia 0.1403 2.694 Comparison Degrees o Sum of F Value P Value Mean Freedom Squares Square Among 10.216 3.074 2.571 0.0322 Treatments Within 28 23.418 0.836 Treatments (Fish) Orthogonal Comparsion Between Control and All Hypoxia Treatments Degrees of Mean Square P Value F- Value Freedom 5.946 7.109 0126 28 8363 Tukey's T- Test for Minimum Significant Difference MSD= 1.4154 Comparison Difference Between Means Control vs. Hypoxia Day 1.081 Control vs. Hypoxia Day 2 1.589 Control vs. Hypoxia Day 4 640 Control vs. Hypoxia Day 501