Sleder (2)
Acanthina punctulata (Sowerby, 1825) is a common predatory
prosobranch gastropod in the upper intertidal zone at Mussel
Point, Pacific Grove, California. It is very similar to Acan¬
thina spirata (Blainville, 1832), and the question of whether
the two forms represent distinct species is still open. Pre¬
vious work on both snails has been reviewed by Abbott and Haderlie
(1979). The main previous study of food and foraging in Acan¬
thina punctulata, by Menge (1974), was carried out at Santa
Cruz Island, off Santa Barbara. Systematic studies of its dis¬
tribution, diet, activity patterns, and predatory activity in
the Monterey Bay area, the nothern limit of its known geograph¬
ical range, are needed. This paper is a preliminary investigation
into these aspects. The function of the strange tooth on the
lip of the aperture of Acanthina's shell has long puzzled in¬
vestigators. Hewatt (1934) gave a detailed account of its use
to prevent closure of the operculum in barnacles, but other in¬
vestigators have not confirmed this. This paper presents my ob¬
servations on the use of the tooth in the predatory activity of
Acanthina punctulata.
Studies were carried out on Mussel Point, close to the
Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University. The study site
was an area 20 by 15 meters located in a relatively protected
place that was accessible at high tide. Bare rocks and rocks
bearing barnacles were prevelant in the study site; tidepools
and crevices, and beds of the sea anemone Anthopleura elegant¬
issima (Brandt,1835) existed amongst these rocks. Vertical position
Sleder (3)
of animals in the intertidal zone was established using a
surveyed benchmark near the study site.
Field studies were made in the period May 1 to June 1,
1979. Snails used for observations of distribution, activity
patterns and feeding were selected at coordinate points in the
study site generated by random numbers. When a snail was seen
feeding, a 10 cm radius circle was placed around it and the
relative abundance of different prey was subjectively determined
on a scale of 0 to 4 (0-none, 4=very abundant).
To study the distribution of Acanthina punctulata on var-
ious substrata, 50 quadrats, each 1 m, were selected in the
study area at coordinates picked by use of a random number gen¬
erator. Within each meter squared plot, the percent of the total
area represented by each type of substrate was measured with an
accuracy of about + 5%, and the 50 plots were then averaged to¬
gether to yield the percent of each type of substrate for the
total area.
For a study of activity, 60 Acanthina punctulata in the
20 by 15 meter study site were selected by a random number coor¬
dinate point method. They were marked with red fingernail polish
and followed over a 25 hour tidal cycle. Observations were made
every 2 hours, of movement, feeding, and condition of emersion
of each snail. A snail was classified as moving if over a 30
second time period it could be seen crawling with its tentacles
Sleder (4)
extended. With regard to condition of emersion, animals were
classified as dry (totally exposed above water), awash (water
was washing back and forth over the snail), or submerged (tot¬
ally under water). At low tide, numerous Acanthina were found in
Anthopleura elegantissima beds, or submerged in tidepools. A
snail in a tidepool that was being washed by the incoming
tide was still counted as being in a tidepool. In determining
feeding activity, I did not distinguish between drilling and
eating. An Acanthina on a prey species (e.g., another snail),
with a drill hole just beneath it, was counted as feeding. When
the prey consisted of barnacles, (e.g., Chthamalus spp., Balanus
glandula), feeding activity was harder to determine. If a snail
was poised over one barnacle and looked as though it could be
feeding, I carefully lifted the anterior portion of the snail
up to see if I could actually see the proboscis withdrawn from
the barnacle. Often I could. If I couldn't actually see the
proboscis withdrawn yet the barnacle underneath was gaping open,
I counted the snail as feeding. When any uncertainty existed, the
snails were counted as not feeding. If the snail was feeding, the
prey was marked with a small dot of fingernail polish so a de¬
termination could be made at a later time whether the snail was
feeding on old or newly caught prey.
Supplementary observations on feeding and movement were
obtained at eight high tides and eight low tides.
Sleder (5)
The results of the distribution studies are shown in
figures 1 and 2. In vertical distribution at low tide, (Fig¬
ure 1), the snails occured 2 to 5 feet above mean lower low
water (MLLW), with the majority at 2.5 to 4 feet in a zone
including some red algae (Gigartina papillata (J. Aghardi 1848),
and some Endocladia muricata (J. Aghardi 1847)). The snails
found at the 2 foot level were down among tidepools and the
ones found at 5 feet were high upon bare rocks covered with
scattered barnacles.
Figure 2 shows the types of substrata upon which Acan¬
thina punctulata were found. For example, of the total area
of 50 square meters examined, 49% was covered either with bare
rock or rock bearing Chthamalus or Balanus. A correspondingly
large number (105) of Acanthina appeared on this substrate. The
sandy bottoms of tidepools accounted for approximately 23% of
the total area sampled and a large number (89) of Acanthina
were found on this substrate. It is interesting to note that
while Anthopleura elegantissima beds accounted for only 3% of
the total area sampled, a comparatively large number of Acan¬
thina were present among the beds.
Figure 3 shows the activity of the Acanthina population
over a 25 hour tidal cycle. Under conditions of low tide, many
snails are exposed and dry. As the tide rises, these snails be¬
come awash or submerged by the incoming water. Snails which are
in the moist environments of A. elegantissima beds and tidepools
Sleder (6)
at low tide, crawl up onto the rocks and barnacles now washed
or covered by the incoming tide. The lower portion of Figure 3
shows that as the tide rises, the number of snails high on
rocks and barnacles 4.5 feet or more above mean lower low water
also rises, and then lowers again as the tide goes down. Figure
3 also shows that at low tide, when a majority of the snails are
in an exposed condition, there is little movement. Of the snails
moving during periods of low tide, almost all are awash or sub¬
merged. As the tide rises and more snails become awash or sub¬
merged, the number moving increases. This relation can be seen
across the 25 hour tidal cycle. Feeding occurs according to the
same pattern. The number of snails seen feeding increases as
the tide rises, and decreases as the tide falls. Interestingly,
of those snails feeding at low tide, a large proportion of them
are feeding on prey caught during the previous high tide, in¬
dicating that hunting occurs at high tide. This is shown more
clearly in Figure 4, depicting the number of new prey caught as
a function of tical height during the 25 hour study. A regression
line for the data points has a slope of .9 and a p-value less
than .Ol, showing that the number of new prey caught increases
significantly as the water level rises.
Supplementary data on feeding and movement, appearing in
Figure 5, show more movement and feeding at high tide than at
low tide; of the snails moving and feeding, most were either
awash or submerged.
My data show clearly there is a marked increase in activity
and feeding as the Acanthina punctulata population becomes awashed
or submerged by the incoming tide. This phenomenon was reporte
Sleder (7)
by Glynn (1965) who states that at high water, more Acanthina
move up into the Endocladia-Balanus belt and commence to feed. J.L.
Menge (1974) in her study on the prey selection and foraging
activities of Acanthina punctulata at Santa Cruz Island, found
that the population there forages at low tide but sometimes
continues to feed over the high tide. It seems possible this
discrepancy could be explained by differences in physical nature
of the respective study sites. If Menge's site experienced more
wave action than my protected locality, this might have re¬
stricted foraging at high tide.
Figure 6 shows the diet of the Acanthina population in
relation to the relative abundance of the prey. The abundant
barnacles Chthamalus spp. and Balanus glandula, were consumed
most frequently. Unlike the Santa Cruz Island population re¬
ported by Menge (1974), a surprisingly large number of Acanthina
at Pacific Grove were found feeding on Tegula funebralis (A.
Adams, 1885), which were also abundant in the field. Most of
these captures occured near tidepools. Two smaller gastropods,
Littorina scutulata (Gould,1849) and Littorina planaxis (Philippi,
1847), were also consumed readily in the field. Littorina planaxis
normally exists in a zone above the Acanthina population; usually
the individuals preyed upon are those knocked down by wave action
into the zone of Acanthina. Its interesting to note that while
the limpets Collisella digitalis (Rathke, 1833), and Collisella
scabra (Gould,1846), were both very abundant in the study area,
none were observed being preyed upon. Acanthina in laboratory
Sleder (8)
aquaria showed the same general preferences as in the field, but
in the labratory they selected a wider varity of prey items
including the gooseneck barnacle Pollicipes polymerus (Sowerby,
1883), the limpets Collisella digitalis and Collisella scabra,
and the bivalve Mytilus californianus (Conrad,1837).
When observed in lab, Acanthina punctulata approaches
potential prey with cephalic tentacles extended, swinging its
shell to the left and right on its longitudal axis as it moves
along. The orientation of the shell often places the marginal
tooth directly in front of the snail, and cephalic tentacles
can often be seen extending out from either side of the tooth.
When an Acanthina contacts another snail as prey, it
usually contacts the prey first with its tentacles. The predator
then places the anterior portion of its foot upon the prey and
starts to mount it, as if trying to pull the prey off the sub¬
stratum. This behavior was also noted by Bigler (1964) and Menge
(1974). Once the prey is positioned underneath the foot of the
Acanthina, drilling commences. Drilling involves a secretion
from the Acessory Boring Organ (ABO) located in the propodium,
which somehow dissolves or softens the shell of the prey; drilling
then involves mechanical rasping by the radula of the softened
portion of the prey's shell (Hemingway, 1973). Most snail
prey are drilled at the same place, the thickest part of the
shell outside the area where the columellar muscle attaches to
Sleder (9)
the columella (Menge, 1974). My studies indicate that consum¬
ption of an individual snail takes anywhere from 2 hours to a
day depending on the size of the prey. Observations of Acanthina
feeding on meat removed from Littorina planaxis and placed in
a deep glass vial provided a good view of the extended pro¬
boscis. The proboscis is semi-transparent and the odontaphore,
radular sac, and esophageal tube could be distinguished. Meat
is detached from the prey in relatively large chunks and passed
rapidly along the esophagus.
A special attempt was made to observe the use of the mar¬
ginal spine of Acanthina punctulata. Paine (1966) studied sev-
eral species of Acanthina and reported no use for the tooth ex¬
cept perhaps as a brace or wedge when drilling through prey.
I have often seen the tooth wedged up against the inside lip of
the prey's operculum when Acanthina is drilling the shell of
another snail. Hewatt (1934) describes another use of the spine
in preying on barnacles. He says, "When attacking a barnacle,
the snail assumes a position above the opening of the barnacle
shell so that this spine is directly above the line of contact
of the closed scutes of the barnacle. The Acanthina usually takes
this position when the tide is out and the barnacle thus is
closed. When the water returns over the area, the natural re¬
action of the barnacle is to open up and begin the feeding act¬
ivities. As soon as this occurs, the snail quickly inserts its
spine into the opening between the scutes, the proboscis everted,
Sleder (10)
and the soft parts of the barnacle are consumed." MacGinitie
and MacGinitie (1968) make the same general observation. My
own observations, while incomplete, also indicate that Acan¬
thina punctulata uses its spine to help it feed on barnacles.
Four times, twice in the laboratory and twice in the field,
I have observed the use of the spine over the top of a barnacle.
Both times in the field, the action occured when the snail was
awash on an incoming tide. The Acanthina crawled upon a Chtha¬
malus, sat there for a minute or so with no apparent motion.
Then the Acanthina raised the anterior portion of its shell (its
foot still firmly on the side of the barnacle), and in a ham¬
mering motion, brought it down on top of the opercular scutes
of the barnacle. It then lifted its shell and repeated the
same motion. I was not able to see whether the spine was actually
separating the scutes and entering the mantle cavity of the bar¬
nacle. Nevertheless, once the spine was over the operculum
opening, it stayed in this position for approximately 2 minutes.
After this time period, the snail took its spine off the bar¬
nacle and settled over the prey in a feeding position. I let the
snail stay on the barnacle for 15 minutes, after which time I
lifted it up to reveal the proboscis everted between the opercular
openings. When the Acanthina was removed from the prey, the bar¬
nacle was left gaping open as if it were somehow paralyzed.
The same general behavior was observed in the labratory.
However, when the Acanthina lifted its shell up and gave the
hammering blow with its spine, it thrust the spine between the
Sleder (11)
wall plates and the opercular plates of the barnacle. It re¬
peated this motion twice (the first time, the spine didn't
reach the opercular opening and slid down the side of the bar¬
nacle). The snail stayed in this position for 2.5 minutes, and
then took its spine out and settled over the barnacle as if to
feed. At this point, I lifted the snail off; the barnacle was
not gaping, and it gave a fast closing response when touched
with a probe. After 45 minutes the barnacle still showed no signs
of gaping. I replaced the snail near the barnacle. Almost im¬
mediately it moved over the barnacle in a feeding position, the
anterior portion of the snail directly over the opercular plates
of the barnacle; I could see its proboscis slowly retract from
the gaping opercular plates. When the gaping barnacle was
touched with a probe, the operculum slowly closed but not totally.
I could see no damage to the plates and there was no bore hole
My observations suggest the hypothesis that when preying
upon barnacles, Acanthina punctulata uses some sort of fast
acting toxin, and that the spine in some way helps the predator
to inject or apply this toxin into the mantle cavity of the bar¬
nacle, causing paralysis.
Toxic choline esters have previously been reported from the
hypobranchial gland of Acanthina spirata (Bender, DeRiemer,
1974; the species actually studied was probably Acanthina pun¬
ctulata) could be using choline esters from its hypobranchial
gland as a poison to paralyze barnacles.
Sleder (12)
Fresh Acanthina punctulata and barnacles (Chthamalus
spp.) were gathered from the field before each experiment.
To test the response of Chthamalus to two known choline esters,
(benzoyl chloride and conbachol), a solution of 1 mg of choline
ester per l ml of sea water was used. Hypobranchial gland ex¬
tracts used consisted of 4 hypobranchial glands macerated in
50 ml of sea water. A whitish-green mucus was often secreted
from the hypobranchial gland when disturbed during dissections;
this mucus was added to the hypobranchial gland extracts. The
experimental control consisted of other tissue from the roof
of the mantle cavity, in approximately the same mass as 4 hypo¬
branchial glands, ground up in 50 ml of sea water. Injections
into barnacles consisted of 0.2 ml of extract; they were made
with a fine needle and a 1 ml syringe. When I injected the
solution in the tops of the barnacles, I waited until they opened
to feed and then gently touched the needle inside the mantle
cavity. For injections at the side of the operculum, I in¬
jected through the soft tissue lying between the opercular
plates and the walls of the barnacles.
Laboratory experiments showed that when barnacles were in¬
jected through opercular plates with solutions of known choline
esters, paralysis occured within minutes after which the barnacle
responded slowly or not at all to probing. The toxin was long
acting, lasting anywhere from 3 to 24 hours. A group of control
barnacles, injected with seawater through the opercular plates,
Sleder (13)
showed no paralysis.
When a seawater solution of hypobranchial gland extract
was injected through the opercular plates of barnacles, a
paralyzing response was observed much like that noted for the
injections of choline esters. The results are, summerized in
Figure 7. The response of barnacles are observed at specified
intervals over a period of 24 hours. The barnacles' responses
to probing were graded on a scale of 0 to 5 (0-full, healthy
response, l-tight closure of opercular scutes but no clamping
down, 2-slow closure - couldn't close tightly, 3-very slow
closure - couldn't close at all, 4-no response at all to probing,
5=death - determined after 24 hours of no response). Individual
barnacles tested are listed along the Y-axis. Note that 4 in¬
dividuals (numbers 11 - 14) receiving the hypobranchial inject¬
ion through the top of the opercular plates had identical re¬
sponses. Six of the eight control barnacles (numbers 1 - 6) had
the same healthy response (graded 0). Qualitatively, the amount
of black shown in Figure 7 corresponds to the degree of paralysis
observed in a barnacle. Note the apparent recovery of paralyzed
barnacles around 4 to 6 hours after injection of hypobranchial
gland extract.
The results shown in Figure 7 suggest that Acanthina pun¬
ctulata could be using a toxic secretion of some sort from the
hypobranchial gland to paralyze the barnacles they prey upon.
(A toxin from the salivary glands is not excluded, but some
preliminary tests of salivery gland extracts showed no toxic
Sleder (14)
affect on barnacles.) Laboratory observations support this
hyphothesis. Often, after removing a feeding Acanthina from
a gaping barnacle, no bore holes or other indications of
physical damage could be observed around the opercular plates.
To substantiate this observation, 10 Acanthina (with spines on)
were placed in an aquaria with rocks and Chthamalus spp..10
other Acanthina with spines filed off were placed in an iden¬
tical environment. Qualitative observations a day later showed
the snails without their spines caused more damage to the bar¬
nacles than the control snails. Several barnacles being preyed
upon by spineless Acanthina showed damaged opercular plates
and possible indications of bore holes next to the opercular
opening. Damage to this extent was not seen on the control
barnacles being preyed upon by normal Acanthina. These ob¬
servations suggest that the spine is used in some way for a
more efficient predatory encounter with barnacles.
Looking at the anatomy of Acanthina, some observations
can be made as to how the spine might be related to the
poison secreted by the hypobranchial gland. Near the siphon
on the lip of the mantle fold, is a slightly protruding tongue
of tissue corresponding in position to the spine. This slight
protrusion is located near the anterior end of the hypobranchial
gland. Although no ciliary tract was found connecting the hypo¬
branchial gland with the spine area, it is possible that a
hypobranchial gland secretion could flow over the top of the
Sleder (15)
mantle cavity and drip out near the spine. The spine may be
used to pry open or to hold open the scutes (or the corres¬
ponding mantle flap lip) of the barnacle as poison is dripped
in, or it may be used as an applicator, applying the toxin to
the soft tissues or to the operculum opening of the barnacle,
The barnacles Chthamalus spp. and Balanus glandula pro-
vide relatively small amounts of food to a predator. From this
point of view, it would seem desirable for the gastropods to
have developed a relatively fast and effortless alternative
to drilling as a means for opening barnacles. The absence of
drill marks, and the obvious paralysis of the prey, and the
experiments performed, all suggest that Acanthina does have
such a means, and that it involves the hypobranchial gland and
the spine.
1) Vertical distribution of Acanthina punctulata near
Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, California, ranges
from 2 to 5 feet above MLLW, with the majority of snails in
the Gigartina papillata - Endocladia muricata zone, 2.5 to 4
feet above O tide mark.
Near Hopkins Marine Station, Acanthina punctulata were
distributed on 4 major substrates; rocks bearing barnacles,
sandy bottomed tidepools, in and among A. elegantissima beds
Sleder (16)
and amoung the red algae, Gigartina papillata and Endocladia
3) Activity and feeding of Acanthina punctulata at Mussel
Point corresponds to a tidal cycle. At low tide, under con¬
ditions of exposure, Acanthina seeks the moisture of tidepools
and A. elegantissima beds and remains relatively motionless.
As the tide rises, activity increases and the snails crawl up
onto the rocks and barnacles now washed or covered by the in¬
coming tide. Feeding occurs according to the same pattern. The
number of snails seen feeding increases as the tide rises and
decreases and the tide falls. Of those snails feeding at low
tide, a large proportion of them are feeding on prey caught
during the previous high tide.
4) The field diet of Acanthina punctulata at Mussel Point
includes the barnacles, Chthamalus spp. and Balanus glandula
and the gastropods, Littorina planaxis and Littorina scutulata
and Tegula funebralis.
5) Both field and laboratory observations on Acanthina
punctulata indicate a hammering action of its tooth on the
opercular opening of their barnacle prey. The obvious paralysis
of the barnacle coupled with the absence of drill marks sug¬
gest the secretion of some sort of toxin through the barnacle's
opercular opening. Hypobranchial gland extract has been found
to have this same paralyzing affect when applied to the soft
tissues or to the opercular openings of Chthamalus dalli. The
spine may be used to pry open or to hold open the scutes (or the
corresponding mantle flap lip) of the barnacle as poison is
Sleder (17)
dripped in, or it may be used as an applicator, applying the
toxin to the soft tissues or to the operculum opening of the
My sincere thanks to the entire staff of the Hopkins
Marine Station. Thanks especially to Dr. Donald Abbott for
his time, patience and encouragement. Thanks also to the
Spring Class of 1979 who made it a great quarter.
Sleder (18)
Abbott, D.P. and E.C. Haderlie
1979. Prosobranchia: Marine Snails, in Morris, R., D.P.
Abbott, and E.C. Haderlie (eds), Intertidal Invert¬
ebrates of the California Coast. Stanford, California,
Stanford University Press: (in press)
Bender, J.A., K. DeRiemer, T.E. Roberts, R. Rushton, P. Booth,
H.S. Moser, and F.A. Fuhrman
1974. Choline esters in the marine gastropods Nucella em¬
arginata and Acanthina spirata. Comp. Gen. Pharmacol. 5:
Bigler, Eric
1964. (spring) Attrition on the Littorina planaxis population.
Unpublished Student report on file at the Hopkins Marine
Station Library, 28 pgs.
Glynn, P.W.
1965. Community composition, structure, and interrelation¬
ships in the marine intertidal Endocladia muricata - Bal-
anus glandula association in Monterey Bay, California.
Beaufortia (Zool. Mus. Amsterdam) 12 (148):1-198
Hemingway, G.T.
1973. Feeding in Acanthina spirata (Prosobranchia: Noegas-
tropoda) P.H.D. Thesis, California State Univ., San Deigo
Sleder (19)
Hewatt, W.G.
1934. Ecological Studies on Selected Marine Intertidal
Communities of Monterey Bay. P.H.D. Thesis, Stanford
Univ. pgs. 1-150.
G.E. MacGinitie and Nettie MacGinitie
1968. Natural History of Marine Animals, 2nd Ed. McGraw¬
Hill Book Co. pp 1-449.
Menge, J.L.
1974. Prey selection and Foraging Period of the Predaceous
Rocky Intertidal Snail, Acanthina punctulata. Oecologia
(Berl.) 17,293-316.
Paine, R.T.
1966. Function of labial spines, composition of diet, and
size of certain marine gastropods. Veliger 9:17-24.

2 9
(9=285) ON SURFACE


















m 40




mr 40





5 L

5 115
2 1















Sleder (27)
Figure 1: Vertical distribution of the population of Acanthina
punctulata in a 15 by 20 meter rectangular study area at
Mussel Point, Pacific Grove, California.
Figure 2: Distribution of the population of Acanthina pun¬
ctulata on different types of surfaces in the study site.
Figure 3: Movement and feeding of 60 Acanthina punctulata
over a 25 hour tidal cycle.
Figure 4: Relation of number of new prey caught by Acanthina
punctulata to tidal height over a 25 hour period.
Figure 5: Summary of field observations during 8 high and 8
low tides. Lower portions of the graph indicate the number of
individuals of Acanthina punctulata observed for high and low
tides, and the conditions of emmersion or exposure. Top por¬
tions of the graph show the number of these individuals moving
or feeding for a given condition of the tide.
Figure 6: Feeding preferences of 70 Acanthina punctulata found
feeding in the field at the Mussel Point study site. Relative
abundances of prey species were subjectively determined on a
scale of 0 to 4 (0-none, 4-very abundant).
Figure 7: Lab results indicating the responses of Chthamalus
dalli to 0.2 ml injections of hypobranchial gland or control
Sleder (28)
extract. Hypobranchial extract injections were given through
the opercular openings in 14 barnacles, and in the soft tissue
between the opercular and wall plates in 6 barnacles. Response
was determined on a scale of O to 5 (healthy to dead). Among
barnacles injected with hypobranchial extract through the o¬
percular plates, individuals 11 through 14 showed identical
responses of 4 (very sick) over the 24 hour tidal period. Con¬
trol individuals 1 through 6 had healthy responses over 24 hours.