Zonation of Tegula Monique Rocca Abstract The two intertidal species of Tegula, T. funebralis and T. brunnea show distinct vertical zonation patterns. T. funebralis is found throughout the mid intertidal zone anc into the low zone, while T. brunnea is found in the low intertidal and shallow subtidal zones. Experiments were conducted to test whether desiccation, predation, or microhabitat preferences were affecting the distributions of the two species. Results indicate that the inability to tolerate prolonged exposure to heat and desiccation keeps T. brunnea low in the intertidal zone. The predators Pisaster ochraceous and Cancer antenarius, which live low intertidally, were not shown to preferentially eat T. funebrali in the lab or the field. Predation pressures on both species were shown to be low at Hopkins Marine Station, suggesting that predation was not a major force maintaining the lower limit of T. funebralis. Microhabitat preferences of the two species differ, indicating that microhabitat choice may play a role in maintaining zonation patterns. The role of other factors such as competition, behavior, and larval settlement are discussed. Zonation of Tegula Monique Rocca Introduction One of the goals of ecology is to explain what causes organisms to live where they do. The rocky intertidal is an ideal habitat to study factors affecting species composition because of the steep gradient of abiotic stresses to organisms caused by the diurnal fluctuation in tidal height. Classic studies such as those of Connell (1961), Dayton (1971), and Paine (1974), have lead to the commonly accepted notion that the upper limits of intertidal organisms' range tend to be caused by abiotic factors, such as the ability of the organism to tolerate desiccation, and that the lower limits are caused by biotic interactions such as predation and competition. The two intertidal species of turban snail, Tegula funebralis and T. brunnea, are abundant and vertically zoned. While many aspects of their ecology have been studied (Paine 1969, Markowitz 1980, Geller 1982, Watanabe 1983, 1984a, 1984b, Fawcett 1984), the factors causing the zonation of Tegula are still unknown. T. brunnea is found in the low intertidal zone and is abundant in shallow subtidal waters of 0-6 m depth (Abbott and Haderlie 1980, Watanabe 1983). T. funebralis is abundant throughout the intertidal zone, especially between .6 and 1.2 m above MLLW (Abbot and Haderlie 1980, Wara and Wright 1963). Despite their differing ranges, T. funebralis and T. brunnea are evolutionarily closely related. Their main respiratory pigments, hemocyanins, are very similar, and both species excrete uric acid (Abbot and Haderlie 1980). It is quite probable, then, that the two species diverged relatively recently from a common ancestor and should therefore have similar physical and behavioral characteristics. A series of experiments was conducted to examine what differences between these species could be causing their ecological separation. These included experiments testing how long each species can survive desiccation and heat stress, predation experiments in the lab and the field, and an experiment testing the preferred microhabitats of each species. Zonation of Tegula Monique Rocca Materials and Methods Vertical Distributions In order to determine the relative distributions and abundances of Tegula funebralis and T. brunnea at Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, California, two vertical transects were set up perpendicular to the shoreline during minus tides. Twelve distances along each transect were chosen from a list of random numbers and a .25 m2 quadrat was sampled for both species at each selected point. Heights above mean lower low water were visually estimated, then selected points were measured with a surveyor's level and the estimated heights adjusted accordingly. Desiccation Experiments To test how T. brunnea is able to withstand desiccation pressures compared to T. funebralis, snails of both species were exposed to air for various lengths of time, and mortality rates compared. First, snails of each species were divided into three size classes Small snails were approximately 1.0-1.6 cm in maximum shell diameter, while medium and large snails were -1.7-1.9 cm and -2.0-2.3 cm respectively. Snails were then placed in shallow, 10 cm diameter, glass bowls according to species and size (48 bowls total, 24 bowls for each species, 8 for each size class within species). In order to keep the overall biomass in each bowl constant, the bowls with large snails contained fewer individuals (4-5) than the bowls with medium snails (5-6) and the bowls with small snails (7). All the bowls were placed in direct sunlight outdoors on a partly cloudy day. Due to rain, the bowls were moved inside after 5.5 hours and placed in front of a fan for the remainder of the experiment. The room stayed at approximately 17°C while the fan provided wind to mimic the outside environment. At 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours after exposure began, two bowls for each species and size class were covered with a shade cloth (to prevent snails from crawling out of their bowls' Monique Rocca Zonation of Tegula and submerged in running sea water. At least 24 hours after submersion, percent mortality was calculated by counting the number of dead snails and dividing by the total number in the bowl. Snails were considered dead if they were partially open and did not respond to tactile stimulation, or if they were still completely closed after 24 hours. The results were analyzed using a fully-orthogonal three-way ANOVA with species, size, and time as fixed factors. A second desiccation experiment was undertaken on Tegula brunnea to explore the unexpected mortality of all the T. brunnea in the first desiccation experiment. The experiment was conducted as described above, with the following changes: only the smal and large size classes were tested (7 snails / bowl for large samples, 10 snails / bowl for small samples), bowls were placed indoors in front of a fan for the entire experiment, two bowls from each size class were submerged after 3, 6, 12, and 24 hours, and the snails were given approximately 48 hours to emerge before the percent mortality was calculated. Predation Experiments If benthic predation causes zonation of Tegula, each species of snail should be more susceptible to predators found outside its own zone (Watanabe 1984b). Pisaster ochraceous, an intertidal sea star, lives in the middle and low intertidal zones (Feder 1980), extending slightly into the zone of T. funebralis. Cancer antenarius, à rock crab, is found only in the low intertidal zone (Garth and Abbott 1980). To test whether 1. funebralis is more susceptible to Pisaster or Cancer predation than is T. brunnea, four Pisaster or two Cancer were placed in outdoor fiberglass tanks with 30 snails of each species. Tanks were 1 m2, 20 cm deep, and supplied with running sea water. The only exception was trial 2 of the Cancer experiments, in which the tank was 25 m2 and half the number of organisms was used. All the organisms except Cancer were collected at Hopkins Marine Station. Crabs were obtained from the Monterey Bay Aquarium. An Zonation of Tegula Monique Rocca effort was made to find Pisaster that were submerged at the time of collection so that they could be removed easily from the rock with minimal damage to the star’s tube feet. Snails measured 1.8-2.3 cm in maximum basal diameter, Pisaster ranged from 10-20 cm (ray tip to opposite side of oral disk), and Cancer had carapace widths of 8-12 cm. At least once daily, the number of remaining snails was counted and the missing snails replaced. In the Pisaster tanks, the number of empty shells provided the best count of the number of snails eaten, whereas in the Cancer tanks, all the missing snails were assumed eaten. Care was taken to prevent snails from escaping the tanks (a rare' occurrence). As often as possible and at least once daily, snails that had crawled above the water line were dropped back into the water. For each trial, the proportion of total consumed snails belonging to each species was calculated. Then, using the normal approximation to the binomial distribution, the probability of the observed proportions was calculated assuming an equal probability of either species being eaten. If this probability was less than .05, then it was assumed that the predators were selecting one snail species over the other. Tethering experiment A field experiment was also conducted to determine whether the results of the laboratory desiccation and predation experiments were reflected in the field. Snails of each species were tethered to rocks in the intertidal zone at Hopkins Marine Station at three tidal heights. If desiccation is important in keeping T. brunnea low, then the T. brunnea at the high stations should show mortality due to exposure (and vice versa-if T funebralis suffer from lengthy submersion, they should drown at the low stations). If predation is affecting the distributions of either species, species should suffer a higher rate of mortality outside of their own zone than in it. Medium sized snails (1.8-2.3 cm in maximum basal diameter) were collected from Hopkins Marine Station and were kept in running sea water. Small holes were drilled ir Zonation of Tegula Monique Rocca the lip of each snail shell and a .5 meter length of monofilament was tied through the hole such that it did not interfere with snail movement. The other end of the monofilament was fitted with a slip knot so that it could be secured to a screw in the field (Fig. 1). The snails were tethered in a wave-exposed site at Hopkins Marine Station where both Pisaster and Cancer have been observed. Three tethering stations were set up at each of three intertidal heights. The three low stations were placed in the zone where only legula brunnea is found but above mean lower low water (0.5-1.0 ft. above MLLW) The medium stations were placed in the zone of overlap of the two species (1.0-2.0 ft. above MLLW). The high stations were located above the range of T. brunnea where only T. funebralis is found (2.0-5.0 ft. above MLLW). Each station consisted of two bolts placed less than .25 m away from each other, 5 T. funebralis were secured to one screw and 5 T. brunnea were secured to the other. The experiment ran for 17 days. The stations were checked every 2-3 days except between days 8 and 15 when neap tides made access impossible. Snails that escaped from their tethers due to an untied knot were replaced on day 4, but subsequent escapees were excluded from the experiment. Intact, empty shells were assumed to be the result of Pisaster predation, pieces of broken shell left on the string and knots remaining on empty tethers were assumed to be the result of crab predation, and dead snails whose bodies were still present were assumed to be the result of desiccation stress. The results were analyzed using an orthogonal 2-way ANÖVA, with species and tidal height as fixed factors. Microhabitat experiment This experiment controlled for tidal height while testing whether the two species of Tegula prefer different microhabitats. Rocks with different algal cover were collected from the field and placed in an outdoor 25 m2 tank supplied with running sea water. Zonation of Tegula Monique Rocca The types of algal cover were: no cover, low cover (Endocladia, Gigartina leptorhynchos), encrusting coraline algae, Gastroclonium, dense cover (lridea, Prionitis, Mastocarpus), and a blade of Gigartina corymbifera). The microhabitats were approximately of equal area. The spaces between rocks were filled with sand to keep snails off the bottom of the tank. Twenty-five individuals of each species of snail were placed in the tank. Daily, the number of snails of each species in each microhabitat was counted. Also counted were the number of snails on the sand, on the walls of the tank, or missing. (Closer examination determined that missing snails were hiding on the bare undersides of the rocks.) Results Distributions The lower limit of Tegula funebralis was approximately 0 ft. above MLLW, while the upper limit of T. brunnea was approximately 2 ft. above MLLW (Fig. 2). Snail densities in the zone of overlap were low (1-2 snails of each species per quadrat) compared to the areas of maximum T. funebralis density (40-60 snails per quadrat). Desiccation Experiments In the first experiment, all the T. brunnea died within 6 hours of exposure while no T. funebralis individuals died before 12 hours of exposure; some T. funebralis survived 48 hours of exposure (Fig. 3). There were no significant differences between size classes, but the species X time interaction is significant (Table 1). Further analysis with a Tukey (HSD) Test reveals that the differences in mortality rates between species are significant for each time interval. However, the differences between the mortality rates for different time intervals within each species are not, except for the difference between 6 and 12 hours, and 6 and 24 hours, for T. funebralis. Zonation of Tegula Monique Rocca For the second desiccation experiment, all the snails survived except for three large snails, one that was exposed for 12 hours and two that were exposed for 24 hours. Because of the low mortality rate, these results were not analyzed quantitatively. Predation experiments In all trials except for Cancer 2, T. brunnea was eaten more often than T. funebralis (Table 2). However, the predators were only significantly biased eaters in the Pisaster 2 and Cancer 1 trials. Tethering experiments Twenty-seven percent of the total number of snails escaped their tethers as evidenced by strings with no knot at the end (Table 3). At the high station where no natural population of Tegula exists, all 10 snails escaped. Of the remaining snails, mortality was low (Fig. 4). Therefore, the ANOVA was run comparing the number dead for each height and species, regardless of cause of death. None of the differences were statistically significant (Table 4). Microhabitat experiment As evidenced by the lack of overlap of the 95% confidence intervals, significantly more 1. funebralis than T. brunneu were found on the rocks with thin or no algal cover. i.e.. the no cover, low cover, missing, and encrusting coraline algae microhabitats (Fig. 5). However, the numbers of T. brunnen on rocks with thick algal cover (dense cover, Gastroclonium) were not significantly different than the numbers of T. funebralis. Thère were significantly more T. brunnea than T. funebralis on the sand and the walls of the tank. Zonation of Tegula Monique Rocca Discussion Desiccation Tegula brunnea clearly cannot survive exposure to air as well as T. funebralis. The first experiment indicates that it is a physiological tolerance rather than a behavior that allows T. funebralis to live in the high intertidal, in contrast to Wolcott's (1973) findings for intertidal limpets. The differences in mortality of T. brunnea between the two experiments reveal that a combination of heat stress and water loss probably determine how long T. brunnea can survive out of water. In the first trial, the snails spent 5.5 hours in direct sunlight. Temperatures in the bowls reached 27°C, 10 degrees higher than the temperature maintained indoors. Even under cooler conditions when T. brunnea were not dying, T. funebralis appeared better adapted for survival. It was noted in preliminary experiments that surviving T. funebralis emerged almost immediately from their shells upon re-submersion, while some T. brunnea took over 24 hours to re- emerge. It was also observed that T. brunnea individuals retreated into their shells within 3-6 hours of exposure while T. funebralis individuals subjected to the same environmental conditions remained attached to the bowl by the foot for up to 9 hours. In this amount of time, snails would surely get tossed around in the surf and would be unable to attempt escape from predators. Desiccation and overheating appear to be factors which maintain the upper limit of T. brunnea. Past research has indicated that size may be an important determinant of the amount of heat absorbed or the amount of moisture lost from a snail (Paine 1971 cited in Markowitz 1980). However, since all the T. brunnea died, there was no way to elucidate a size effect for that species. The high variance among replicate bowls containing T. funebralis may have hidden a size effect. The variance was so high that differences between the different exposure times were not statistically significant after 6 hours, and the average mortality went down with exposure time. To determine whether mortality rates depend on size, further research should be conducted with large numbers of snails. Monique Rocca Zonation of Tegula Predation Pisaster ochraceous and Cancer antenarius, are the major predators of l’égula at Hopkins Marine Station, although otters, octopi, and perhaps birds eat Tegula as well (Paine 1969, Abbott and Haderlie 1980). Therefore, if predation was maintaining the lower limit of T. funebralis, one would expect to see more T. funebralis consumed by at least one of these two predators. It was especially expected that Cancer would eat more of the thinner-shelled T. funebralis than the thick shelled T. brunnea because Cancer is known to be more successful at cracking the shells of thinner shelled species (Abbott and Haderlie 1980, Awad 1994). While only one of the Pisaster predation trials and one of the Cancer trials showed a significant difference between the two species, the data indicates that T. brunnea were consumed more frequently than T. funebralis. This unexpected result can be explained, however, by the observation that the escape response of T. funebralis was more effective than the escape response of T. brunnea : Individual T. funebralis crawled up the sides of the tank until they were above the water line, and sometimes substantially higher. In contrast, individual T. brunnea crawled up the sides of the tank until they reached the surface, and then either moved horizontally along the water line, or, if trapped by a Pisaster, let go of the surface and tumbled over the sea star down into the bottom of the tank. These are the same escape responses that have been well documented by others (Yarnall 1963, Geller 1982, Watanabe 1983, Awad 1984 ). Because neither Pisaster nor Cancer ever foraged above the water line, most of the T. funebralis were out of reach of the predators. In contrast, individual 1. brunnea remained in the range of the predators, and, consequently, were captured more often. This probably occurred even though all snails were pushed below the water line as often as possible. In the field, T. brunnea probably escape predators by hiding in the dense algal cover which occurs in the shallow subtidal zone (Watanabe 1984b). The escape response raises the possibility that a behavioral mechanism is keeping T. funebralis up high in the intertidal zone. If it is, and if the climbing behavior is 10 Zonation of Tegula Monique Rocca observed only in the presence of predator scents, T. funebralis would have to be surrounded continuously by enough predator scents to keep the snails from descending into the low intertidal. If the behavior is observed consistently in the absence of predator scents, it would be of interest to elucidate the selective force that caused the evolution of the behavior. Unfortunately, past research has failed to demonstrate whether or not climbing is observed in the absence of predators. It seems that climbing behavior does occur without predators, but not as far, as frequently, or as fast (La Roe 1963, Geller 1982) Control Tegula tanks without predators yielded a similar result. The possibility that a climbing behavior is keeping the T. funebralis up high is a good one that merits further investigation. In the tethering experiment, overall mortality in the field was unexpectedly low, Mortality may have been somewhat exaggerated due to experimental artifacts. For example, most of the deaths in the middle zone were due to one Pisaster who found a tangle of strings and snails and took advantage of their inability to run away. Also, leashes with missing snails and an intact knot were considered Cancer predation, even though it was never observed directly. Few T. brunnea in the high zone died of desiccation. However, the T. brunnea survivors appeared unhealthy; they were partially retreated into their shells and not holding onto the substrate. Because the mortality was so low, the ANOVA was run by grouping all the sources of mortality together and testing for species and height effects. The lack of species and height effects indicate that prédation pressure is not strong on the snails at Hopkins Marine Station. The finding that predation pressures are not strong contradicts past studies that have documented the effect of predators on the zonation of T. funebralis. There is évidence that predation pressures may keep T. funebralis from occurring lower on the shore. Fawcett (1984) shows that at sites where predator density is high, the lower limit of the T. funebralis range is higher than at sites where predator density is low. Markowitz (1980) shows that T. funebralis migrate upwards at the same time of year that 11 Zonation of Tegula Monique Rocca sea stars move higher on the shore. Paine (1969) found that 25-28% of the T. funebralis which overlap with Pisaster get consumed by the stars. One possible explanation for the difference between this study and others is that, at Hopkins, sea otters are prevalent. Sea otters are known to have strong effect on the ecology of an area because they eat so many of the smaller predators such as sea stars and crabs, thus keeping their populations low (Riedman and Estes 1990). The Cancer crabs found in the Hopkins area are quite small (8 12 cm) compared to those used in past studies (15 cm) (Awad 1994, Watanabe, personal communication), and smaller Cancer eat more slowly in the lab (personal observation). In contrast, the past field studies of Paine (1969) and Markowitz (1980) were done in areas where the sea otters have not repopulated since they were hunted out -100 years ago (Riedman and Estes 1990). Paine’s study was done in Washington state and Markowitz’s study was done at Point Reyes, California. These areas probably have higher densities of invertebrate predators due to the absence of otters. The selective forces that Tegula would have experienced historically were probably closer to those found at Hopkins Marine Station today. It seems, therefore, that predation is not a strong force affecting the distributions of Tegula. Further investigation, however, would be of value. Microhabitat preference It is known that, in the field, T. brunnea is found most often in areas of dense algal cover (Watanabe 1984b) whereas T. funebralis avoids dense algal cover, even when it is found high in the intertidal zone (Wara and Wright 1963, Paine 1969). The tidal height where dense algal cover tends to change to sparser cover correlates with the tidal height where the two Tegulu species overlap. The fact that T. funebralis was found significantly more often than T. brunnen on rocks with light algal cover indicates that microhabitat preferences differ between the species. If more counts were taken, T. brunnea might be shown to occur significantly more often on the rocks with dense algal 12 Zonation of Tegula Monique Rocca cover. More research would be of value to determine whether microhabitat choice affects the zonation of Tegula. Other possible factors The fact that densities of both species are low compared to the centers of their ranges suggests that interspecific competition may not be affecting zonation patterns. It would be unlikely that snails are experiencing interspecific competition pressures in an area of such low density when they can tolerate intraspecific densities of up to 50 snails/.25 m2. Furthermore, Underwood (1978) demonstrates that interspecific competition between mobile species usually does not result in the exclusion of the competitively inferior. In addition, Watanabe (1984b) has shown that between T. brunnea and two other subtidal Tegula species, interspecific competition is no higher than intraspecific competition. It is probable that these results extend to the relationship between 1. funebralis and T. brunnea. Competition between Tegula and other grazers is also unlikely because Tegula is much more abundant then other potential competitors (Watanabe 1984b). Another factor that might affect the distributions of intertidal Tegula is differential larval settlement. One might tend to find adults in the same areas that the juveniles settle. Watanabe (1984b) found that larval recruitment is an important cause of the spatial segregation of the three subtidal Tegula species. Further, it is known that T. brunnea larvae settle in the low intertidal/shallow subtidal zone (Watanabe 1984b) while the larvae of T. funebralis settle high in the intertidal zone (Paine 1969). It therefore appears that larval settlement is, at least in part, affecting the zonation patterns of adult Tegula. Why the differences evolved, however, has yet to be elucidated. Monique Rocca Zonation of Tegula Conclusions Tegula brunnea seems to be limited to low intertidal regions due to its inability to tolerate heat and desiccation. In contrast, the lack of a simple explanation for 1. funebralis's lower limit indicates that the snail’s zonation patterns might be the effects of a complex combination of factors rather than the action of a single strong factor. Predation does not seem to be a strong force at Hopkins Marine Station, but because this finding contradicts all previous study, it should be investigated further. Competition is probably not occurring, as evidenced by the low densities of both snails in the zone of overlap. The climbing behavior observed in T. funebralis, while seemingly complex, may be an important reason why T. funebralis does not attempt to live down lower in the intertidal. This behavior should be investigated to elucidate its origins. Microhabitat choice and differential larval settlement may prove to be important factors causing the zonation patterns of the intertidal Tegula species. Finally, it is possible that adaptations caused by past selective pressures are contributing to the zonation of Tegula, making the causes of the zonation difficult to elucidate. T. funebralis demonstrates that the biotic interactions maintaining a species’ lower limit in the intertidal zone may be more complex than just strong predation or competition. Life history factors, simple lifestyle preferences, complex behaviors, or à combination of factors may contribute to the observed distributions of organisms in the field. Acknowledgments I would like to thank my advisor Jim Watanabe for being one of the most dedicated teachers I have known. Jim is always ready to lend a helping hand, give encouragement and suggestions, or share his boundless knowledge. I thank him for his guidance and his support. 14 Monique Rocca Zonation of Tegula Literature Cited Abbott, D. P. and E. C. Haderlie. 1980. Prosobranchia: Marine snails. Pages 230-307 in R. H. Morris, D. D. Abbott, and E. C. Haderlie, ed. Intertidal Invertebrates of California. Stanford University Press, Stanford, Ca, USA. Awad, E. B. 1994. Interactions of three species of subtidal Tegula with three common benthic predators. (Unpublished MS. on file at Hopkins Marine Station Library.) Best, B. 1963. Feeding activities of Tegula funebralis. The Veliger 6 supplement: 42-45. Connell, J. H. 1961. The effects of competition, predation by Thais lapillus and other factors on natural populations of the barnace, Balanus balanoides. Ecological Monographs 31: 61-104. Dayton, P. K. 1971. Competition, disturbance, and community organization: the provision and subsequent utilization of space in a rocky intertidal community Ecological Monographs 41: 351-389. Fawcett, M. H. 1984. Local and Latitudinal variation in Predation on an herbivorous marine snail. Ecology 65 (4): 1214-1230. Feder, H. M. 1980. Asteroidea: the sea stars. Pages 117-135 in R. H. Morris, D. D. Abbott, and E. C. Haderlie, ed. Intertidal Invertebrates of California. Stanford University Press, Stanford, Ca, USA. Garth, J. S. and D. P. Abbott. 1980. Brachyura: the true crabs. Pages 594-630 in R. H. Morris, D. D. Abbott, and E. C. Haderlie, ed. Intertidal Invertebrates of California. Stanford University Press, Stanford, Ca, USA. Geller, J. B. 1982. Chemically mediated avoidance response of a Gastropod, l'egula funebralis to a predatory crab, Cancer atennarius. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 65: 19-27. La Roe, E. T. 1963. Distribution limitations of the marine Gastropod Tegula funebralis. (Unpublished MS. on file at Hopkins Marine Station Library.) Monique Rocca Zonation of Tegula Markowitz, D. V. 1980. Chemically mediated avoidance response of a Gastropod, l'’égunt funebralis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 45: 1-13. Paine, R. T. 1969. The Pisaster-Tegula interaction: prey patches, predator food preference, and intertidal community structure. Ecology 50 (6): 950-961. Paine, R. T. 1974. Intertidal community structure: experimental studies on the relationship between a dominant competitor and its principal predator. Oecologia 15 93-120. Riedman, M L. and J. A. Estes. 1990. The sea otter (Enhydra lutris): behavior, ecology, and natural history. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 90 (14). Underwood, A. J. 1978. An experimental evaluation of competition between three species of intertidal prosobranch gastropods. Oecologia 33: 185-209. Wara, W. M. and B. B. Wright. 1963. The distribution and movement of Tegula funebralis in the intertidal region of Monterey Bay, California. the Veliger 6 supplement: 30-37. Watanabe, J. M. 1983. Anti-predator defenses of three kelp forest gastropods: contrasting adaptations of closely-related species. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 71:257-270. Watanabe, J. M. 1984a. Food preference, food quality, and diets of three herbivorous gastropods (Trochidae: Tegula) in a temperate kelp forest habitat. Oecologia 62: 47-52. Watanabe, J. M. 1984b. The influence of recruitment, competition, and benthic predation on spatial distributions of three species of kelp forest gastropods (Trochidae: Tegula). Ecology 65 (3): 920-936. Wolcott, T. G. 1973. Physiological ecology and intertidal zonation in limpets (Acmaea): a critical look at "limiting factors.“ Biological Bullitin 145: 389-422. Yarnall, J. L. 1963. The responses of Tegula funebralis to starfishes and predatory snails. The Veliger 6 supplement: 56-58. Zonation of Tegula Monique Rocca Table 1. Three-way ANOVA determining whether species, time of exposure, or snail size had an effect on the mortality of snails by desiccation. Source Sum-of- Degrees of Mean- F-Ratio P-Value Squares Freedom Square Species 6.663 6.633 0.000 355.093 Time 0.109 0.328 5.850 0.004 Size 0.019 0.009 0.609 0.506 Species Time 0.328 0.109 5.850 0.004 0.019 0.009 Species“Size 0.506 0.609 Time Size 0.135 0.023 1.208 0.336 Species Time 0.135 0.023 1.208 0.336 Size Error 10.448 0019 Tukey HSD Test-Matrix of Pairwise Mean Differences (p-values in parentheses). Statistically significant comparisons in boldface. T. fun 6 hrs. T. fun. 12 hrs. T. fun. 24 hrs T. fun. 48 hrs. T. fun. 6 hrs. 0.000 (1.000) T. fun. 12 hrs. 0.458 (0.000) 0.000 (1.000) T. fun. 24 hrs. 0.310 (0.012) -1.148 (0.582) 0.000 (1.000) T. fun. 48 hrs. 0.258 (0.055 -0.200 (0.229) -0.052 (0.997) 0.000 (1.000) T. brun. 6 hrs. 1.000 (0.000) 0.542 (0.000) 0.690 (0.000) 0.742 (0.000) T. brun. 12 hrs 1.000 (0.000) 0.542 (0.000) 0.690 (0.000) 0.742 (0.000) T. brun. 24 hrs. 1.000 (0.000) 0.542 (0.000) 0.690 (0.000) 0.742 (0.000) T. brun. 48 hrs. 1.000 (0.000) 0.690 (0.000) 0.542 (0.000) 0.742 (0.000) T. brun 6 hr. T. brun. 12 hr T. brun. 12 hr T. brun. 48 hr. T. fun. 6 hrs. T. fun. 12 hrs. T. fun. 24 hrs. T. fun. 48 hrs. T. brun. 6 hrs. 0.000 (1.000) T. brun. 12 hrs 0.000 (1.000) 0.000 (1.000) T. brun. 24 hrs. 0.000 (1.000 0.000 (1.000) 0.000 (1.000) T. brun. 48 hrs. 0.000 (1.000) 0.000 (1.000) 0.000 (1.000 0.000 (1.000) Zonation of Tegula Monique Rocca Table 2. Summary of results from predation experiments. Predator No. of Trial No. T. No. T. Proportion Proportion p-value of Predator difference Length brunnea of T. of T. funebrali (days) (No. of eaten brunnea funebrali. eaten each snai eaten eaten species) 4 (30 41 Pisaster 562 583 2 4 (30 756 244 0001 4 (30) 294 706 102 2 (30 Cancer 303 607 024 1 (15) 364 636 200 Days before predators began eating were not included in trial length. Zonation of Tegula Monique Rocca Table 3. Breakdown of the sources of mortality in the tethering experiment, by species and tidal height. Tidal height Result Tegula Tegula Funebrali: brunnea No. snails No. snails of 15) ot Low Cancer predation Pisaster predation Desiccation Escape-knot undone Survivors Medium Cancer predation Pisaster predation Desiccation Escape-knot undone Survivors Cancer predation igh Pisaster predation Desiccation Escape-knot undone Survivors Monique Rocca Zonation of Tegula Table 4. Two-way ANOVA determining whether the number of tethered snails found dead depended on species or intertidal height. Sum-of- F-Ratio p-value Degrees of Mean- Source Freedom Square Squares 0.019 0.894 Species 0.056 0.056 0.208 5.389 796— 10.778 Height 1.056 0.710 0.352 Species-Heigh 2.111 3000 36.000 Error 12 Zonation of Tegula Monique Rocca Figure Legends Figure 1. Diagram showing how the snails were tethered to the rocks. Rubber washer helped reduce wear on the monofilament. Figure 2. Abundances of the Tegula funebralis and T. brunnea at Hopkins Marine Station. Error bars show 95% confidence interval. Figure 3. Average mortality per bowl due to desiccation. Error bars show 95% confidence interval. A. for small snails. B, for medium snails. C. for large snails. Figure 4. Snail mortality by species and tidal height. Error bars show 95% confidence interval. Figure 5. The average number of snails found in each microhabitat. Error bars show 959 confidence interval. Zonation of Tegula igure 1 Monique Rocca seret meta Washer monofilament Sitk sliekoot —rotser I Sasher — Wal onchoc hole drilled Zonation of Tegula L 2 to6 102 O to 1 -1to0 10 Monique Rocca 2 Figu T. brunnea E T. funebralis 20 30 40 50 60 70 Average number of snails per .25 m°2 quadrat Zonation of Tegula Figure 3 6 hrs. 12 hrs 48 hrs 24 hrs. ngth Exposure 6 hrs. 12 hrs 48 hrs Length Exposure 22 2 6 hrs. 12 hrs 24 hrs. 48 hrs. Length of Exposure 24 Monique Rocca T. funebralis T. brunnea funebralis F. brunnea T. funebralis T. brunnea Figure 4 Low Medium High Intertidal height of stations Monique Rocca □ T. funebralis T. brunnea Zonation of Tegula 4 Zonation of Tegula 2 Ha A Figure 5 Monique Rocca E T. funebralis T. brunnea 4 Microhabitat