Abstract A factor exists in the tissues of Elysia hedgepethi that stimulates the release of photosynthetically fixed carbon from isolated Codium fragile chloroplasts. The factor is labile at high and low temperatures. non-particular, and predominantly present in the chloroplast-bearing parapodia of E. hedgepethi. It may have a permanent effect on the release of photosynthates without damaging the chloroplasts' photosynthetic capabilities. Introduction E. hedgepethi is a saccoglossan mollusc which bores into siphonaceous algae, extracts its chloroplasts, and incorporates them into the cells lining its digestive diverticulum. These chloroplasts have been shown by Trench et al (1973a) to remain photosynthetically active in the slug. Hinde and Smith (1972) have shown that the chloroplasts may remain functional more than two months after acquisition. Isolated chloroplasts of C. fragile, one food source of E. hedgepethi, have been shown to remain photosynthetically active five days following isolation, although the activity shows a marked decrease (Trench et al., 1973a). Trench et al. (1973a) showed that the chloroplasts in E. hedgepethi release a number of photosyntetic products, primarily galactose, to their host cells. They estimated that at least 36% of the total carbon fixed by the chloroplasts is released to the animal. Although different figures have been reported, up to 10% of photosynthetic products are released from isolated chloroplasts in a simple mannitol plus salts solution. It was hypothesized that a factor exists in the homogenate of Elysja viridis which stimulates this leakage of photosynthetic products (Gallop. 1974). Gallop found that the factor primarily exists in the chloroplast-bearing tissues of the digestive diverticulum of E. viridis. The factor is present in the clear supernatent of the homogenate and was found to be thermolabile, non-particulate, and water soluble. No such factor is present in a homogenate of C. fragile (Gallop, 1974; Milkowski. personal communication). My experiments investigated the properties of this factor which seems to cause a permanent change in the activity of the chloroplasts (Trench, 1973). Its thermolability, kinetics of action, reactivity with various enzymes, and permanent effects on isolated C. fragile chloroplasts were investigated. Materials and Methods Collection and maintenance of material Elysia hedgepethi were obtained feeding on Bryopsis corticulans at the Moss Landing Harbor (California), and on C. fragile off the coast of Santa Barbara, California. The animals were maintained in 9 degree Celcius running sea-water tanks under normal daily illumination. They were fed a mixed diet of B. corticulans and C. fragile, Experimental and dietary C. fragile was obtained daily from Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California. Isolation of C. fragile chloroplasts. Chloroplasts were obtained from C. fragile fronds by the procedure of Shephard et al. (1968), as modified by Trench et al. (1973a). Determination of the chloroplast concentration A portion of the chloroplast suspension was added to 90% cold acetone and centrifuged at high speed 12,000 x g for 10 minutes. Optical densities were read at 663 nm and the following formula was used: o.d. 775.05 = schlorophyll al (mMol) (Dawson et al, 1986) Preparation of E. hedgepethi homogenates Parapodial tissue of E. hedgepethi was gently blotted, weighed, and disrupted using a Dounce homogenizer in the chloroplast suspension mediumf of Shephard et al. (1968). The crude homogenate was ultracentrifuged at 41000 x g for 60 minutes at 4 degrees Celcjus. Approximately 70-80 mg fresh weight animal/mi was used in the crude homogenate. Experimental conditions and procedure Chloroplast suspensions containing approximately 40mg chlorophylliml were incubated with 10 microCuries Nah14co,/mi for 2 + hereafter referred to as "assay medium" hours at 16 degrees Celcius. Two flourescent light bulbs at 10 cm were judged to be sufficient light to stimulate photosynthesis (R. Zimmerman. personal communication), and a preliminary experiment showed that this system increased photosynthesis 6.8 x over isolated chloroplasts incubated in the dark. The suspensions were centrifuged 12,000 x g for 1 minute and washed 2 times. The various incubations (60 minutes at 16 degrees Celcius) were under indirect room light. At the end of the incubation, the suspension was centrifuged, the supernatent removed, and the pellet washed in fresh medium. Fixed "C was assessed by resuspending the pellet in absulute methanol and incubating this suspension at 50-60 degrees Celcius for 10 minutes; solids remaining in the extract were removed by centrifugation before counting radioactivity. Sample analysis Excess H'“COg was driven from the supernatents, washings, and pellet extractions by adding 10% TCA and shaking the samples for 15 minutes. This was found to drive off 99.8% of unfixed 140. Acidified samples were transferred to scintillation vials containing 5 ml Ecolume scintillation cocktail and counted on a Beckmann liquid scintillation counter. Results Stimulation of photosynthate release by E. hedgepethi homogenate A homogenate made of the parapodial tissues of fed specimens of E. hedgepethi stimulates an increase in the release of photosynthate from isolated pre-loaded chloroplasts. (Table 1) The time course of release of photosynthate in the presence of animal homogenate varies from that of normal assay solution. (Figure 1) A fairly logarithmic curve reflects this release. However, the release of a chloroplast suspension in assay medium alone reaches a maximum in 15 minutes and remains constant up to 5 hours. (Milkowski, personal comunication) lo insure that this result is not an artifact of an increase in the osmolarity of the solution, l incubated the chloroplasts in 1.0 oSM solutions. The solutions used in the isolation and resuspension of the chloroplasts are normally 0.65-0.7 osM. (Shephard et al, 1968) There was no significant difference between the 0.6 osMand 1.0 osM incubations. (Table 2) lo insure that the additional counts in the supernatent were not an artifact of damage to the chloroplasts due to the animal homogenate. pre-incubated the suspension in the homogenate. Following this the suspension was spun down, wached, and incubated in H'4CO»“. (Table 3) Although the percentage release results varied in the two experiments, the total fixed "C following the incubation were nearly the same, indicating ono permanent damage to the photosynthetic capacity of the chloroplasts, This was also reflected in the findings that no chlorophyll had leaked into the assay medium of animal homogenate solution following incubations. (Milkowski, personal communication) Stability of the translocating factor As reported by Gallop (1974), the effect of the E. hedgepethi homogenate on the chloroplast suspension is greatly diminished by a 10 minute, 100 degree Celcius incubation in a boiling water bath. In fact. found that the releasing activity of the homogenate was reduced to the level of assay solution alone. (Table 4) 1o fürther examine the stability of the translocating factor, incubated the homogenate at room temperature for 1.5 hours. This produced a marked decrease in the translocation-enhancing ability of the homogenate. (Table 5) In addition, an 8.5 hour, 4 degree Celcius incubation produced similar results. (Table 6) In an attempt to characterize this releasing factor, I incubated the E. hedgepethi homogenate for one hour at room temperature in 0.1 ma/ml pronase to determine whether the factor is a protein. As a control, incubated the tissue homogenate and pronase against tissue homogenate, assay soution, and assay solution and pronase. (Table 7) All four groups showed greater than normal counts. In fact, assay solution containing pronase showed greater release than assay solution. Discussion My experiments have shown interesting characteristics of the translocating factor described by Gallop (1974). This factor is water-soluble, present in the high-speed supernatent of E. hedgepethi homogenates, and exctremely thermolabile. It causes a reproducable increase in photosynthate release from pre-loaded chloroplasts. It does not reduce the photosynthetic capacity of the chloroplasts, yet it may have a permanent effect on the permeability of their membrane for certain forms of fixed carbon, as was evidenced in the pre-incubation experiments. The time course of photosynthate release is interesting in its comparison to the findings of Milkowski (personal communication) that release in normal asay solution reached a maximum within 15 minutes, The curve l obtained may reflect two different hypotheses. First, it may indicate that an upper level of release exists, past which the homogenate has no effect. Ötherwise, it may be yet another reflection of the thermolability of the factor. In my 1.5 hour, room temperature incubation. the reactivity of the factor was greatly diminished. My logarithmic curve could indicate that as the factor breaks down, the rate of reactivity decreases. The 100 degree Celcius incubation of the E. hedgpethi homogenate also supports this hypothesis. The factor appears thermolabile at high and low temperatures in very short periods of time. Although it is not conclusive whether pronase has an effect on the stability of this factor, it is clear that pronase reduces the selective permeability of the envelope of the extremely hearty C. fragile chloroplast. This reason, in addition to its thermolability, it was difficult to characterize the factor. The factor may be a proteolytic enzyme itself. lo investigate this possibility, addition of a variety of enxyme inhibitors to the homogenization medium may be informative, The hypothesis that this factor may be an enzyme was stressed in my series of experiments. This is because the parapodial tissue used to obtain these data contains a large amount of the digestive diverticulum of the animal. The factor may be a variation of an enzyme used by other saccoglossums to digest chloroplasts. That the factor is present in the digestive tissues may explain its thermolability. When the lysosomes ruptüre during homogination, the digestive enzymes they release may destroy the translocating factor. In order to expand upon and improve these experiments, a few points should be considered. Increasing the number of times that a chloroplast suspension is pelleted and resuspended seems to lower the activity of the chloroplasts. The chloroplasts should be harvested from C. fragile gathered the day of the experiment in order to maximize the retention of their photosynthetic capacity. Also, E. hedgepethi homogenate should be stored in a -80 degree Celcius freezer because the mucus and solutes tend to lower the freezing point of the homogenate, leaving the homogenate partially active. Finally, the time that the homogenate spends out of the freezer should be minimized. Further experiments, including the addition of protease inhibitors, could include forcing the homogenate through a dialysis membrane to determine the size of the factor. This may be difficult due to the presence of mucus, which may clog the dialysis pores or make the factor stick to the membrane. Acknowlegements Iwould like to thank Rob Swezey and Denis Larochelle for their time and advice, without which this project would not have been possible. References Dawson, M. C., Daphne C. Elliot, William H. Elliot, and Kenneth M. Jones, 1986. Data for Biochemical Beasearch. Oxford University Press, New York. Gallop, Angella. 1974. Evidence for the presence of a ’factor in Elysia viridis which stimulates photosynthate release from its symbjotic chloroplasts. New Phytol. 83: 445-450. Hinde, R. and D. C. Smith. 1972. Persistence of functional chloroplasts in Elysia viridis (Opisthobranchia, Saccoglossa). Nature New Biology 239: 30-31. Shephard, D. C., W. B. Levin, andR. G. S. Bidwell. 1968. Normal photosynthesis by isolated chloroplast. Biochim. biophys. Acta, 32; 413-420. Trench, R. K., J. Elizabeth Boyle, and D. C. Smith. 1973a. The association between chloroplasts of Codium fragile and the Mollusc Elysia viridis: I. Characteristics of isolated Codium chloroplasts. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A. 184: 51-61. Trench, R. K., J. Elizabeth Boyle, and D. C. Smith. 1973b. The association between chloroplasts of Codium fragile and the Mollusc Elysja viridis: II. Chloroplast ultrastructure and photosynthetic carbon fixation in E. viridis. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A. 184: 63-81 TABLE 1: Effect of E. hedgepethi homogenate on pre-loaded chloroplasts % of total fixed 170 Incubation Medium (n) released into medium Parapodial tissue extract (3) 25.7 f 1.5 Assay medium (3) 12.3 + 1.5 TABLE 2: Effect of osmotic changes of assay solution on photosynthate translocation Incubation Medium (n) % of total fixed released into medium Assay medium (0.6 oSM), (2) 6.6 + 0.0 Assay medium (1.0 OSM), (2) 9.7 + 0.1 TABLE 3: Effect of pre-incubation with E. hedgepethi homogenate on photosynthate translocation % of total fixed 4 Incubation Medium (n) Total cpm released into medium released Expt 1 Expt 2 Expt 1 Expt 2 Parapodial tissue extract (2) 78.4 83.2 2.5e4 1.8e4 +4.3 + 1.9 + 2.0e3 + 2.0e3 12.0e3 Assay medium (2) 86.911.2 68.940.7 2.7e4 2.3e411.0e3 TABLE 4: Effect of 100 degree Celcius, 10 minute incubation on the stability of E. hedgepethi homogenate % of total fixed 140 Incubation Medium (n) released into medium Parapodial tissue extract, incubated (2) 6.6 + 0.8 Parapodial tissue, not incubated (2) 28.0 + 1.3 TABLE 5: Effect of pronase on the stability of E. hedgepethi homogenate % of total fixed 140 Incubation Medium (n) released into medium Parapodial tissue extract (2) 42.0+ 2.0 Parapodial tissue extract + pronase (2) 50.7 + 0.7 Assay medium (2) 30.9 + 2.8 Assay medium + pronase (2) 46.0 + 0.5 TABLE 6: Effect of 20 degree Celcius, 90 minute incubation on the stability of E. hedgepethi homogenate % of total fixed 4 Incubation Medium (n) released into medium Parapodial tissue extract (4) 12.0 + 0.9 Assay medium (4) 11.9 + 2.2 TABLE7; Effect of 4 degree Celcius, 8.5 hour incubation on the stability of E. hedgepethi homogenate % of total fixed 170 Incubation Medium (n) released into medium 9.2+ 0.7 Parapodial tissue extract (4) 8.1+1.2 Assay medium (2) RE 1: me coul 19.19 G. 33.4% is released 1.0 O.39 lowing value hedge f percent of fixed L L N o D- — 1 A p-01 X Wdo 1 —C O