Abstrac etroleum products vary considerably in their composition, and consequently, they differ in toxicity to living systems. In this study, the effects of various dilutions of different kinds of oils were tested on the fertilization and early development of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Most of the oils had little effect on the fertilization, but many of them did inhibit early cleavage. Crude oils and heavy bunker oils were the most toxic to cleavage, even at concentrations of 6.25% saturation, while the diesel and jet fuels were the least toxic. Introduction Pollution from crude oils and other oil products, while not a recent phenomenon, has steeply increased during the last decades. An estimated five to ten tons of crude oil and its derivitives are released into the ocean each year (Blumer et. al., 1971). Most of the pollution occurs in shipping lanes and in biologically productive coastal regions. World consumption of petroleum derivitives represents 60% of the tonnage of goods transported by sea (International Conference on Oil Pollution of the Sea, 1968). This large scale transport is being done with ever increasing bulk carriers with an accompanying degree of unavoidable spillage. In the past decade, especially after the "Torrey Canyon" spill in 1967, much research has been done on the toxicities of the detergents used to clean up the oil after the spill (Smith, 1968), but little has been done on the actual toxicities of the oils themselves. The aftermath of the "Tampico Maru" accident, in which eight thousand tons of diesel fuel were spilled in a small cove on the coast of Baja California in 1957, showed that oil left without mechanical or chemical treatment can still have serious toxic effects on the marine Mitche environment (North et. al., 1965; Anderson et. al., 1970). Damage from oil pollution of the ocean has been heaviest in the intertidal regions (Straughan, 1971). Most of the species common to this region are sedentary and for that reason cannot escape the noxious irritants around them. Organisms that can migrate are indirectly hurt when their food supplies in the intertidal communities are depleted by excessive pollution. Echinoderms are known to be extremely sensitive to petroleum products. North et. al. (1965) pointed out that after the "Tampico Maru" accident, the immediate mortalities of echinoderms were considerable, and the number of echinoderms was still noticeably reduced seven years later. Sea urchins in particular were effected, and North found that a 0.1% emulsion of the oil inactivated the tube feet and was lethal in one hour. Moreover, even weathered tanker oil reduced the success of fertilization and caused abnormalities in the resulting larvae (Elmhirst, 1922, as reported by Nelson-Smith, 1970). Because of the urchin's sensitivity to water quality and their common intertidal occurrence, I tested the sensitivity of the development of this animal to the toxicities of various petroleum products. Methods and Materials Oil samples were obtained from the Standard Oil Company of California, the Union Oil Company of California, and the Petrolite Corporation in Saint Louis. Missouri. The kinds of petroleum products were: Argentina Crude, Central Libyan Crude, Bunker C Fuel Oil (Residual), Diesel Fuel 42, and Jet Fuel JP-8 from the Petrolite Corporation; Wilmington California Crude, Cook Inlet Alaska Crude, Bunker Oil 46, Residual Heating Oil (45 fuel oil), Distillate Heating Oil (42 fuel oil), and Diesel Fuel 42 from the Union Oil Company; and Waxy Crude, 4-Corner Crude, Bunker Fuel Oil, Diesel Fuel Hi, and Jet Fuel A-50 from the Standard Oil Company. Twenty-five milliliters of each oil sample was vigorously shaken with 500 ml. of sea water. After shaking, most of the oil reformed as a film on top. Nevertheless, fractions of the oils went into solution, producing what was considered to be a saturated solution, and these then were the fractions tested. Samples of the saturated solution were drawn from the bottom of separatory funnels. Serial dilutions were set up in test tubes using the saturated oil solution and sea water. The concentrations of oil used were 100% (containing only the saturated oil-in-sea water solution), 50%, 25%, 12.5%, and 6.25%. These dilutions were then used to test the effects of the petroleum fractions on the fertilization and early development of the urchin. Purple sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, were obtained from Pigeon Point, California, and maintained in running sea water at Hopkins Marine Station. The urchins were spawned by injecting them with 0.5 ml. of a 0.5 M solution of KCl. For the fertilization tests, the sperm were added to the dilutions, left five minutes, and then the eggs were added, so that, in actuality, it was the ability of the sperm to survive exposure to the test solutions and fertilize the eggs that was being tested. Aliquots of the eggs were removed after two minutes with a pipette, and the percentage of fertilization versus non-fertilization out of one hundred eggs was determined under a microscope. In testing for effects on cleavage, the eggs were fertilized in less than 0.5 ml. of sea water, then added to 5 ml. of each of the dilutions two minutes later. Cleavage versus non-cleavage out of one hundred fertilized eggs was checked after two hours, and the percentage of fertilized eggs at the four cell stage or less was checked after four hours. One hundred eggs were counted in each test. All experiments were conducted at 15° C. Controls were run in sea water with each series of dilutions. Each experiment for each series of oil samples tested was repeated three tines. The mean, variance, and standard deviation was calculated for each oil sample and the controls in each series. In all cases the standard deviation was less than ten. Calculations were done on each sample to determine what concentrations differed from the control in their series at the 5% level of uncertainty. Results Most of the oil samples did not seem to have much of an effect on the ability of the sperm to fertilize the eggs. Fertilization in the majority of the samples was not significantly different from the controls even at the highest oil concentrations. (Table I). The one exception to this finding was the Residual Heating Oil 45. Fourteen percent of the eggs in the 12.5% dilution of this oil sample did not fertilize, and this figure was significantly different from the percentages of non-fertilization obtained with the controls. The 46 Bunker Oil also proved to be somewhat toxic to fertilization, but only at 50% or greater oil saturation. Cleavage was more sensitive to the toxic effects of petroleum fractions. At the two hour stage, eleven out of the sixteen different kinds of oil tested showed effects significantly different from the controls even in the most dilute concentration (Table II, Figure I). In some instances, cleavage was totally arrested. The more highly refined petroleum products were less toxic than the heavier crudes and bunker oils. Only the Jet Fuel JP-8 did not have an effect different from the control. Four hours after fertilization, fourteen out of the sixteen oil samples showed effects different from the controls at the 6.25% oil concentration. (Table III, Figure II). In general, the samples that were highly toxic to cleavage after two hours were still the most highly toxic after four hours. Again, it was the crudes and the bunker oils that had the most inhibiting effect on cleavage, and the Jet Fuel JP-8 that had the least effect. Discussion Crude oils and petroleum products differ in composition and consequently they differ in toxicity. Some crude oils contain virtually only carbon and hydrogen (Dean, 1968). The major non-hydrocarbons in other crude oils are sulfur compounds, nitrogen compounds, and oxygen compounds. Petroleum products contain four main classes of hydrocarbons: alkanes, olephins (except in crudes). naphthenes, and aromatics. The composition of oil also effects the dispersal of oil at sea, and how readily it forms emulsions. There are two basic types of petroleum products, the persistent oils including crudes, residuals. lubricating oils and sludges, and the light fuel oils including kerosene and the various gasolines. Alteration of these compounds occurs mainly through dissolution and biological degradation. Many feel that the effects of evaporation and biological degradation on reducing the toxicities of oils have been over estimated. Blumer (1970), even concluded that weathering increases rather than decreases the toxicity of oils. His results showed that degradation removes straight and branched chain fractions, yet it is the remaining aromatics that are the more highly toxic. Thus, as the straight and branched fractions are removed by degradation, the toxicity increases due to an increased aromaticity. However, Shelton (1971) stated that the aromatics are rapidly lost during weathering, and therefore, crude oils lose their toxicity in time. Of the two processes, fertilization and cleavage, fertilization was the least sensitive to the toxic effects of oils. In all my cleavage tests, I found crude oils and heavy bunker oils to be more inhibiting than the more highly refined petroleum products, possibly because the process of refining itself removes many of the more toxic fractions. This too, differs from the report of Shelton (1971). He concluded that, although the light refined products are the least persistent, they are the most highly toxic. He also maintained that apart from the light refined oils, petroleum products are not highly toxic substances. is interesting to note that many of the oil samples that had the greatest toxic effect on fertilization less had the-least toxic effect on fertilization and vice versa. For example, the 4-Corner Grude, which was the most toxic sample at the two hour stage and still very toxic at the four hour stage, was among the least toxi- o fertilization. Bunker Fuel Oil and Waxy Crude Oil were not very toxic as far as fertilization was concerned but both were fairly toxic to cleavage. In contrast the Bunker Oil K6 from the Union Oil Company seemed to be highly toxic to both fertilization and to cleavage. As was previously mentioned, the purple sea urchin was chosen as the test organism because of its noted sensitivity to pollutants in the marine environment. This fact also explains why the urchin might not have been the best animal to use. Due to the urchin's sensitivity, it is difficult to determine gradations of toxicity between samples, because most of the sample appear to be highly toxic. The urchin, perhaps, would e better used to detect subtle changes in toxicity that occur in one particular sample over a period of time due to weathering, or in very low dilutions. In addition to investigating the initial toxicities these petroleum products, it will be important to letermine the toxic effects to urchins after exposure to the oil over a considerable period of time. It may well be that those fractions that do not appear to be very toxic on an acute level are extremely toxic after prolonged exposure. The chronic toxicities of residual fractions are unknown. It would also be interesting to test the oils on the larvae of these organisms because they might be very sensitive to different adverse environmental conditions than the gametes and embryos. Summary From these results the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Early cleavage in sea urchins is more sensitive to the toxic effects of most petroleum products than fertilization. 2. The crude oils and bunker oils have the most toxic effects on cleavage, while the more refined diesel and jet fuels have the least. 3. Many of the oils that were the most toxic to cleavage Less were the-least toxic to fertilization and vice versa. 4. Bunker Oil 46 from the Union Oil Company was very toxic to both fertilization and cleavage. Acknowledgements I would like to thank the Standard Oil Company of California, the Union Oil Company of California, and the Petrolite Corporation for supplying me with my oil samples, without which this project could not have been undertaken. I would also like to gratefully acknowledge the advice and encouragement of my advisor, Dr. John S. Pearse, who made himself available for consultation and assistance at any time. This work was done as an undergraduate research project in Biology 175H at Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University. Literature Citings 1. (Anderson, E., Mitchell, C., Jones, L., and North, W. (1970) What Oil Does to Ecology. 'Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation', 42:812.818. 2. Blumer, M., Sass, J., Souza, G., Grassle, F., and Hampson, G. (1970) The West Falmouth Oil Spill. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Unpublished manuscript. Reerenc No. 10 -44 3. Blumer, M., Sanders, H., Grassle, J., and Hampson, G. (1971) A Small Oil Spill. 'Environment', 13:2./2 Dean, R. (1968) The Chemistry of Crude Oils in Relation to Their Spillage on the Sea. (In: The Biological Effects of Oil Pollution on Littoral communities, ed. by Carthy, J. and Arthur, D.) pp. 1-0. Nelson-Smith, A. (1970) The Problem of Oil Pollution of the Sea. (In: Advances in Marine Biology, ed. by Russell, F., and loung, M., 0:215-290. 6. North, W., Neushul, M., and Clendenning, K. (1965) Successive Biological Changes in a Marine Cove Exposed to a Large Spillage of Mineral Oil.do Oo,'Symp. Poll..Mar. Micro-org. Prod. petrol, pp. 355-354. 7. Shelton, R. (1971) Effects of Oil and Oil Dispersants. on the Marine Environment. (In: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: A Discussion on Biological Effects of Pollution in the Sea, ed. by Cole, H.) a. 177:7. 411-422 2 C 8. Smith, J. E., editor (1968) 'Torrey Canyon' Pollution and Marine Life. Cambridge University Press. 196 pp. 9. Straughan, D. (1971) What has been the effect of the spill on the ecology in the Santa Barbara Channel? Biological and Oceanographic Survey of the Santa Barbara Channel Oil Spill 1969-1970. Vol. 1 Biology and Bacteriology. Alan Hancock Foundation, University of Southern California. pp. 401-426 10. International Conference on Oil Pollution of the Sea. October 7-9 1968 at Rome. Report of Proceedings. 114 pp. C Table 1: % Non-fertilization Ihe means and standard deviations of the sea urchin eggs in different dilutions of various petroleum products. Differences from the controls at the 5% level of uncertainty are to the right of the dotted line. Concentrations Samples 100% 50% 25% 12.5% 6.25% 0% Waxy Crude 315 32.5 .32.5 4-Corner Crude 1.32.9 .72.9 Bunker Fuel Oil 74.9 1.32.9 .71.9 7.32.9 Wilmington Calif Crude 1.321.8 221.6 3.62.5 2.62.9 Bunker C Fuel Oil (residual) 4.715.2 1.34.9 74.9 64.9 .61.9 Ook Inlet Alaska Crude 4.642.4 4.621.8 4.621.8 2.621.4 341.8 211.6 Argentina Crude 32.9 521.8 5t2.4 211.6 321.8 Diesel Fuel +2 .74.9 644.3 Diesel Fuel +1 716.5 312.4 623.2 311.8 3.9 211.6 Jet Fuel JP-8 — — — .7.9 8 2 Jet Fuel A-50 62.9 811.6 1.31.9 .71.9 Diesel Fuel +2 8.6.9 5.34.9 2.61.9 411.6 5.31.9 211.6 Central Libyan Crude 1242.2 1223.7 8423.7 612.8 6.321.2 622.2 Distillate Heating Oil +2 1012.4 3023.5 8424.3 6.3t1.2 821.6 1.6 Bunker Oil 16 —- ———— 7614.5 9821.6 3412.8 1442.2 6.311.2 1222.9 Residual Heating Oil 15 Table II: 2 Hr. % Non-cleavage Ihe means and the standard deviations of the sea urchin embryos in different dilutions of various petroleum products. Differences from the control at the 5% level of uncertainty are to the right of the dotted line. Concentrations Samples 25% 50% 12.5% 6.25% 0% 822 824 622 Jet Fuel JP-8 5.312.5 4925 73.329.2 Diesel Fuel 1 521 1226 6717 9511 2917 9.321.9 1223.3 Diesel Fuel +2 — — —— 68.717.4 74.723.4 4215.9 Distillate Heating 8.321. 7 1527.3 Oil +2 8818.6 8327 2527 8317 5.312.5 Argentina Crude 6215.9 4614.3 51.323.4 3422 At Fuel A-50 91.32.9 87.326.2 5.312.5 6517 78.626.2 Bunker C Fuel Oil (residual) 941.9 9214.8 2024 5412 5.322.5 Diesel Fuel +2 91.32.9 4812 7814 5.312.5 3315 Central Libyan Crude 8113 6024 9624.3 4125 Waxy Crude 99.31.9 65.319.3 95.373.4 9821.6 8.311.7 Residual Heating Oil 15 93.344.9 100 7612 7647.1 Bunker Fuel Oil 98.312.3 100 98 9.311.9 8625.6 Wilmongton Calif. Crude 98 9.341.9 92.628.9 93.329.4 99.34.9 Cook Inlet Alaska Crude 100 100 8.341.7 93.343.4 100 Bunker Oil 16 100 100 4-Corner Crude 99.3t.9 100 2 100% 1925 95.324.1 100 80.34.7 9021.6 8323 88.615.7 9711.8 9622.8 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 15 16 Table III: 4 Hr. 244 Cells Ihe means and standard deviations of the sea urchin embryos in different dilutions of various petroleum peoducts. Differences from the control at the 5% level of uncertainty are to the right of the dotted line. for eac licated deviation Concentrations Samples 50% 100% 12.5% 25% 02 6.25% 9711 3222.5 3123 8747 2622.8 3222.8 JetFuel JP-8 — — 9212.8 691 74.313.3 42.325.2 67.324. 45.726.3 Distillate Heating Oil +2 954 8912.4 8626 8416 7824 Diesel Fuel +2 2612.8 95.312.5 92.71.9 93.314.1 83.612.6 6816.5 33.312.3 Diesel Fuel +2 8515.2 8813.3 912.9 8514 2612.8 8213.2 Argentina Crude 9211.6 93:2.5 88t2 8426 8612.8 25.313.4 Diesel Fuel 1 91.317. 89.345.2 9216.5 33.312.3 89.311.9 92.624.1 Wilmington Calif Crude 9022 94:2 9212 8824 25.313.4 8814 Jet Fuel A-50 9025.9 9221.6 93.3t.8 33.312.3 93.324.1 89.321.9 Cook Inlet Alaska Crude 98.6t1. 2642.8 81.325.2 8824.3 88.616.6 100 Central Libyan Crude 91.345.2 90.744.9 98.721.9 100 25.343.4 8125 Waxy Crude 95.324.1 98.72.9 100 98.611. 42.345.2 8018 Residual Heating Oil 15 26t2.8 91.342.5 9623.3 97.342.5 99.34.9 98 Bunker C Fuel Oil (residual) 25.323.4 , 97.3t1.9 99.3t.9 99.32.9 99.34.9 100 4-Corner Crüde 99.32.9 100 25.343.4 97.31.9 99.32.9 100 Bunker Fuel Oil 100 100 100 42.325.2 9623.3 100 Bunker Oi1 46 Figure Captions Figure I: Ihis graph shows the mean percentages of non-cleavage two hours after fertilization at the 6.25% concentration o oil. The standard deviation is also indicated for each sample. The samples are listed in order of increasing toxicity. Figure II: This graph shows the mean percentages of the cells at the four cell stage or less four hours after fertilization. The standard deviation is also indicated for each sample. The samples are listed in order of increasing toxicity. Control Diesel Fuel /1 Fuel JP-8 Jet Diesel Fuel 42 Distillate Heating Oi1 42 Diesel Fuel 42 Argentina Crude Central Libyan Crude Jet Fuel A-50 Waxy Crude Oil Bunker C Fuel Oil (residual) Residual Heating Oil 45 Bunker Fuel Oil Wilmington Calif. Crude Cook Inlet Alaska Crude Bunker Oil 16 4-Corner Crude Figure .5 115 15 33 34 6.258 Concentration Samples u 65 65.3 P-Petrolite U=Union Oil 76 86 92.6 1 050 ) 9 LO Control Jet Fuel JP-8 Distillate Heating Doil #2 Diesel Fuel +2 Diesel Fuel /2 Residual Heating Oil 45 Waxy Crude Oil Central Libyan Crude Argentina Crude Diesel Fuel /1 Jet Fuel A-50 Wilmington Calif. Crude Bunker C Fuel Oil (residual) Cook Inlet Alaska Crude Bunker Oil 46 4-Corner Crude Bunker Fuel Oil Figure II 6.25% Concentrations Sample 4 hr. 844 cells 40 50.2 5. P=Petrolite U=Union Oil Js 1e 80 l 181.3 ei 189.3 1o. 1. 6 1or3 y 20 80 100