c A STUDY OF INTRACELLULAR FREE AMINO ACID POOLS IN TISSUES OF METAIDIUMASENILE Kim D. Suelzle Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University Pacific Grove, California 93950 Running title: F.A.A. in Metridium Senile F.A.A. in Metridium Senile Abstract Kim Suelzle Abstract 1) Metridium Senile taken from natural environments show no sig¬ nificant differences beteen animals in free amino acid pool concentrations. 2) Gastrodermal tissue of Metridium Senile has a significantly high¬ er free amino acid pool concentration than does Tenntacular tis¬ sue which has a higher concentration than either muscular or ectodermal tissue which have similar concentrations. 3) Fed Metridium Senile show higher intracellular free amino acid concentrations than do starved Metridium senile. 4) Free amino acid pool concentrations in Metridiun Senile vary in direct proportion to the salinity of the surrounding medium. F.A.A. in Metridium Senile Page 1 Kim Suelzle Introduction High concentrations of unbound intracellular free amino acids have been described in a wide variety of marine invert¬ ebrates. Concentrations are found to be much higher than either vertabrates of terrestrial invertebrates, Awapara (1962). These free amino acid, F.A.A., pools appear to have several functions. Stephens (1968), Potts (1958), Shaw (1958). and Lange (1963,1964) have shown the concentration and individual constituents of F.A.A. pools in a variety of marine invertebrates change as a result of osmotic stress which suggests a possible osmoregulatory role for intracellular F.A.A. Shick (1975) has shown that the levels of in¬ tracellular F.A.A. in polyps of Aurelia Aurita Scyphistomae increase with feeding which suggests the F.A.A. pool may serve as a tempor¬ ary intracellular storage form of Amino acids for use in synthesis as well as catabolism. Within an individual organism different tis¬ sues have been foundtto have radicly different concentrations of F.A.A. Schlicter (1974) showed significantly higher levels of F.A.A. in the cells of the gasrodermal tissue than in the cells in the ecto¬ dermal tissue of the sea anemone, Anemonia Sulcata, which suggests the pools may serve different functions in different parts of the animal. The study reported here was designed to assess the function of the free amino acid pool of The sea anemone,Metridium Senile. Four aspects have recieved particular attention. One deals with the variation in F.A.A. pools between different animals in the natural environment. Another deals with differences between F.A.A. pools of four different tissuesof a same animal. Also studied were the ef fects of feeding and osmotic stress on F.A.A. levels. F.A.A. in Metridium Senile Page 2 Kim Suelzle Methods and Materials All animals were collected from the floating docks in Mon¬ ter arbor. Montere California. Results F.A.A. levels in Natural Populations Eight animals were blotted dry and weighed. The animals were immediatl frozen. A one gram sample of each animal was homogenized in a glass tube and teflon homogenizer with four milliliters of sev¬ enty per cent cold ethanol. The homogenate was allowed to stand for twenty four hours at 5° (before centrifugation at 10,000 rpms to remove ethanol insoluable materials. The supernatant was removed and the pellet washed by resuspension in two milliliters of 70% ethanol followed by centrifugation. The supernatants and their washings were filtered through Whatman #1 paper. Six samples of each extract were andlysed using the ninhydrin technique of Moore and Stein (1952). Qualitative analysis of individual amino acids was accomplished by two demensional ascending paper chromatography employing Butanol¬ glacial acetic acid-HoO, 100:40:60, followed by phenol saturated with H9O with detection with 2% ninhydrin spray. Most animals showed similar levels of F.A.A. pool concen¬ trations. There are no significant differences between any values of F.A.A. in the animals of the sample with the exception of animal A which is significantly different from all other animals. Student t test performed,P .05. The mean value for the sample was 94.4 M. Replicates from the same anemones showed no significant difference in values and indicates a high degree of reproducablity of extraction and measurment methods. F.A.A. in Metridium Senil Page 3 Kim Suelzle Chromatography revealed several ninhydrin positive spots which corresponded with R values of standard solutions of: leu¬ cine, taurine, aspartic acid, valine, gluatamic acid, proline, threonine, glycine, serine, and lysine. The following pairs of am no acids could not be resolved chromatographicly: isoleucine and leucine; proline and hydroxiproline; and glycine and serine. The F.A.A. in different Tissue Fractions The different tissue fractions were seperated during the course of thawing frozen animals. The ectoderm was taken to be the first layer on the column of the anemone to thaw. It is easily removed with scalpel and tweezers. The mesoglea content of this sample is Paction not known. The tenntacles and oral discwas taken as the upper por¬ tion of a horizontal section through the column at the base of the tenntacles and includes oral disc and mouth. Some mesentaries and ectoderm were unavoidably included in this fraction. Muscular tis¬ was seperated from the mesentaries by scrapping the retractor mus¬ cles free fromm mesentary tissue. Gastrodermal tissue taken to be exclusivly mesentaries. Tissue samples were dried in 100°C oven and ground by mortar and pestal. Extraction same as above. Table 2 presents results and shows significant differences between F.A.A. levels of different tissues. Student t test shows significant difference between all tissue fractions except between ectoderm and muscular tissue which are similar. Gastrodermal tissue shows the highest concentation of F.A.A. with tenntacles and oral disc next highest. Ectoderm and muscular tissue had the lowest values, conc rat F.A.A. in Metridium Senile Page 5 Kim Suelzle Table 3 gives the relationship of these concentrations relative to the values for the gastrodermal fraction. Chromatography did not reveal gross differences in the comp¬ osition of the F.A.A. pools in the different tissue fractions. Effects of eeding and Starvation on the F.A.A. Pool Ten animals were maintained for two weeks in running seawater from which 90% of the particles 44and larger had been removed by filtration. At the end of this period five of the animals were fed 2 ml of squid homogenate every three days. After three weeks of feed¬ ing F.A.A. levels were assessed in these five starved animals and five fed animals. Extraction was carried out seventy two hours after the last feeding. The results are shown in table 4 and indicate F.A.A. levels in tissues of fed animals were slightly higher than star animals. However student t test performed on the data failed to show a sig¬ nificant difference, p.05(.10 The Effect of Salinity on F.A.A. Pools Ten animals were cut in half and allowed to recuperate for three days. All halves were reattached and opened during this period. All animal halves were placed in 100%"instant ocean" for twenty four hours to provide a common osmotic baseline.One half of an animal was used as a control for the other half in subsequent experiments. For four animals one half of the animal was placed in 100% instant ocean and the other half placed in 125% instant ocean. For one ani¬ mal both halves were placed in 100% instant ocean. For four other animals one half was placed in 100% instant ocean and one half in F.A.A. in Metridium Senile Page 6 Kim Suelzle 70% instant ocean. One animal one half was placed in 125% instant ocean and one half in 70% instant ocean. All samples were kept at 14°C. After ten hours all animals were removed from water and dried in 100°C oven to remove the influence of differences in intracellular water concentrations. Extraction and analysis as before. Results show that F.A.A. concentration varies in proportion to the salinity. Increased salinity resulted in higher F.A.A. con¬ centrations. Lower salinities resulted in lower F.A.A. concentration. Samples placed in 125% salinity had an average value of 25% higher than samples in 100% salinity. Samples placed in 70% salinity had an average of 20% lower concentration of F.A.A. than samples in 100% salinity. Student t tests were performed on all pairs of values. Allshowed significant difference, p2.05, except for two animals. Dalas presnted on able Discussion Values for F.A.A. concentrations in animals taken from the natural environment show surprizing consistancy. Shick (1975) noted a variability of an order of magnitude in natural populations of Aurelia Aurita polyps. I suspect that the lack of variability found in this study is due more to my sampling technique than any inher¬ ent characteristic of the specie. Animals were taken from sample sitesvery close in proximity thus providing a vec homogeneous en¬ vironment amoung sample animals. Samples taken from entirely differ¬ ent environments could be expected to have substantialy different concentrations. To make any conclusions as to intra specie level a much larger sample would have to be taken. F.A.A. in Metridium Senile page 7 Kim Suelzle The differences in the levels of F.A.A. in specific tissues are in accordance with several previously published reports. Schlicter (1974) found a much higher concentration,by anorder of magnitude, in gastrodermal tissue as compared to ectodermal tissue in the sea anemone ,Anemonia Sulcata.Ferguson (1967) found similar differences in tissue concentrations in the starfish, Henricia Sanquiolenta. A possible explaination tissue differences may be related to the digestive and absorbtive function of the gastrodermal tissue. Ectodermal tissue must rely heavily on diffusion of F.A.A. from the gastrodermis. Indications are thar this rate of diffusion is quite low. The result is that there are fewer F.A.A. available to the ecto¬ dermal cell to incorporate into their F.A.A. pools. Another possible explaination for the low levels of F.A.A. in E to dermal tissues relates to osmotic regulation. The ecto¬ dermal tissue may be more suseptable to osmotic stress than Gastro¬ dermal tissue. Experiments have shown that movement of F.A.A. out of the cells in response to osmotic stress may result in considerable Ke loss of F.A.A. to the environment.loweconcentrations in the most stressed tissues could prevent any large scale loss of F.A.A. to the environment. in the anemone nemen sata Schlicter (1974) showed thatthe majority of uptake of dissol¬ ved amino acids from the surrounding medium takes place in the cells of the ectoderm. Lower concentrations of intracellular F.A.A. in these tissues lowers the concentration gradient for transport of ex¬ tracellular F.A.A. into the cells. F.A.A. in Metridium Senile Page8 Kim Suelzle The magnitude of the differences between F.A.A. concentrations between starved and fed animals is somewhat lower than found in sim¬ ilar studies with other marine invert brates. Shick (1975) found differencs between F.A.A. concentrations in starved and fed animals was approximately fivefold. A possible explaination for the low values observed in this study maybe related to the time period be tween the last feeding and the time of extraction. Shicks values re¬ present values for animals extacted within twentyfour hours of the last feeding. Studies have shown that there is an initial increase in F.A.A. concentration within twentyfour hours of feeding, with with the concentration dropping to a lower level after this time.By ex¬ tracting seventy two hours after final feeding it appears what is being measured is the increase in this lower baseline level. The salinity data indicates the response of the F.A.A. pool to osmotic stress. STephens (1969) observed a similar response in the brittle star, Ophiactis sp.Changes in the concentrations of individual amino acids can not be detected by the methods employed in this study. Actual concentrations of individual amino acids are known to vary as a result of environmental conditions while the tot¬ al ninhydrin positive composition of the pool remains constant. Tau¬ rine and glycine have been shown to be moved out of the cell prefer¬ entially to other constituents of the pool in response to osmotic stress. This situation could prove beneficial to the organism in that more important structural and metabolic amino acids could be retained in the tissue while the more expendable amino acids i.e. taurine and glycine could fullfl the osmoregulatory functions, page 9 in Metridium Senile F.A Kim Suelzle Chromatoraphy revealed a very large concentration of taurine in F.A.A. pool of Metridium Senile. Summary 1) Metridium Senile taken from natural environmental conditions show no significant differences in the F.A.A. pool concentration between different animals 2) Gastrodermal tissue of Metridium Senile has a significantly high¬ er F.A.A. pool concentration than does tissue from the tenntac which contains significantly concentrations than either muscular tissue or ectodermal tissue which have similar concentrations. Fed Metridium Senile show higher concentrations of intracellular F.A.A. than starved M.S. 4) F.A.A. pool concentration varies in proportion the salinity of the surrounding medium. 0 F.A.A. in Metridium Senile Page 10 Kim Suelzle Acknowldgements I would sincerly like to thank the faculty and staff of Hopkins Marine Station for making this Quarter such a wonderful experience. F.A.A. in Metridium Senile Page 11 Kim Suelzle Bibliography Awapara J.(1962) Free amino acids in invertebrates; a comparative study of their distribution and metabolism. In Amino Acid Pools (edited by HoldenJ.T) pp 158-175. Elsevier, Amsterdam Ferguson, J.C. (1971) Uptake and release of free amino acids in starfish. Bio. Bull. 141:122-129 Greenstien and Winitz (1961) Chemistry of Amino acids vol.2 Wiley Heftman, Erich (1969) Chromatography Sec. Ed. Von nostrand Reinhold Company Johanes, R:E. (1969) Are dissolved organics an energy source for marine in¬ vertebrates? Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 29: 283-288 Kittredge, J. §. (1962) Free amino acids in Marine invertebrates. In Amino Acid Pools (Edited by Holden J. T.) pp 176-186 Mopre and Stein (1952) Colorometric determination of amino acids. J. Biol. Chem. 176:3026 Schlicter D. (1974) The influence of physical and chemical factors on the uptake by Actinians of amino acids dissolved in sea water. Mar. Bio. 25:279-290 Shick M.J. (1975) Uptake and utilizeation of dissolved organic s by Aurelia .A.A. in Metridium Senile Page 12 Kim Suelzle aurita syphistomae: temperature effects on the uptake process; nut¬ ritional role of dissolved Amino Acids. Bio. Buli. 149:117-140 Stephens (1969) Uptake of organic molecules in Marine invertebrates Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 10: 191-202 Zweig, Gunter (1971) Paper Chromatograph and electrophoresis. Vol. 2 Acedemic press. F.A.A. in Metridium Senile Page 13 Kim Suelzle Table Captions 1) Concentrations of intracellular F.A.A.inidividuals of naturally occur¬ ing populations of Metridium Senile 2) Concentrations of intracellular F.A.A. in tissue fractions of Metrid¬ ium Senile. 3) Percentages of Intracellular F.A.A. in tissue fractions of Metridium Senile relative to levels in gastrodermal tissue. umS 4) Concentrations of intracellular F.A.A. in Metr as a function of feeding and starvation. lium Senile as a function 5) Concentrations of intracellular F.A.A. in of salinity. Animal Mean * Replicates of animal B + Replicates of animal C able 1 Concentrations ngrm wet weight) 65 - 2.8 96 - 16.6 95 - 14.6 90 - 20.1 81 - 15.5 104 - 19.23 104 - 12.0 110 - 15.23 104 - 8.8 117 - 16.2 94.4 - 21.8 Page 14 Gastroderm Muscular Tenntacles Ectoderm Page 15 Table2 Animal 2 — 105416 67424 174412 15844.2 14449.9 6147.6 2444 63.645.6 63.644.7 81414 92115 4543 81125 10846.6 12048.7 7046.1 361.79 57114 30410 6847.3 c n Metridium Senile Kim Suelzle Gastroderm 100 100 Muscular 42 Tenntacles 87 78 Ectoderm 54 Table 3 100 36 62 39 100 40 75 44 5 100 56 56 page 16 100 49 71 42 0 Kim Suel zle .A.A. in Metridium Senile Table FED Animal concentrations M/gm. wet wt.) 63.215.43 51.2 17.08 73.6+6.34 49.6 12.94 10117.88 67.72121.0 Mean Page 17 NON-FED concentrations M/gm. wet wt.) 54.4+1.63 37.0+4.07 50.4 f2.51 73.6117.67 57.6 111.33 54.60 +13.2 Kim Suelzle Page 18 F.A.A. in Metridium Senile Table 5 Salinity 125% 100% Animal 70% CONCENTRATIONS CONCENTRATIONS CONCENTRATIONS Mgm. wet wt.) M/gm. wet wt.) M/gm. wet wt.) 88 113.4 74 18.63 59 17.0 60 f3.9 6819.9 32 15.7 9919.8 6812.2 108111.9 11318.9 86-8.6 5614.5 60 16.73 5617.5 5613.2 7614.3 88 15.5 102 14.3 8417.2 68 16.1 10