tsdrtatze The Lower Limits of Littorina Scutulata and Littorina Planaxis Russell E. Peterson Hopkins Marine Station Pacific Grove (2 text figures) While most intertidal organisms display a distinct upper habita- tional limit, Littorina scutulata Gould (1849) and Littorina planaxis Philippi (1847) have a distinct and unique lower limit. This limit is set by a combination of physical and biological factors. Chemical variants do not affect the lower limits as both Littorina are able to cope with exposure to sea water. Biological competition and food supply are not problems as there is no recurring pattern of animals or algae below the Littorina; and even when no other snails are present, Littorina will not move into lower areas abundant with the algae they eat. Submersion in water is also not a lower limiting factor for L. scutulata, many of which live in tide pools, or L. planaxis. One hundred and eighty L. planaxis were tested for righting responses and climbing a vertical glass wall and were then put in a filled, covered tank with a balanced flow of sea water. After twenty-five days of submersion, these snails were again tested for righting and climbing. A comparison ofthe time curves showed no impairment of ability after the submersion. There was a definite non-responsiveness in about 20% of the L. planaxis after the exposure, but this is little more than the non-responsiveness of a random selection of L. planaxis from the field. An increase in pressure and submersion, again, were eliminated as lower limit determinants by placing ten L. planaxis, wrapped in plastic screening, at a depth of thirty-three feet below mean low water. After two week's submersion, all were retrieved in a healthy state. The lower limits of Littorina are not uniform in different areas. A correlation of heights and the type of area shows that the height at which the Littorina population begins varies with the turbulence of the tidal flow in that area. In areas of very heavy surf, L. planaxis do not venture below nine and one-half to ten and one-half feet above mean low water. In very quiet areas, L. planaxis live as low as one and one-half feet above mean low water. Heights for other areas vary be- tween these two extremes, but always in relation to the water action in the area. Figure ! was made from a typical area of rock with the outer face exposed directly to waves, a middle inlet with mediwm turbulence, and a back inlet with very little flow accompanying the rise and fall of the tide. As the areas become quieter, the level of the densest population of both L. planaxis and L. scutulata becomes lower, and even moving over seven feet on the front face -- where lower rocks break up the waves -- enables L. planaxis to live three feet lower. Several transplantations of L. planaxis and L. scutulata to low rocks one-half to one and one-half feet above mean low water -- sur- rounded by sand to prevent the snails' escape - resulted in 10% to 50% disappearance in twenty-four hours, 75% to 96% disappearance in fourty- eight hours, and 97% to complete disappearance in four days. Within two weeks, every one of three hundred Littorina put on the rocks was gone. These rocks are naturally inhabited by Tegula funebralis; Tegula brunnea and Calliostoma canaliculatum put on the same rocks were still there after three weeks. These tests were run on a quiet beach; on a rough beach, 100% loss occurred over night. Physical conditions, and not predation, were mainly responsible for the vanishing of the Littorina off the rocks. Most of the Littorina found after the first day were on different rocks, and of twenty L. planaxis tethered to one of the rocks, only one was eaten - probably by a crab as indicated by a broken shell -- in three days. Predation would take longer than several days to deplete a colony of Littorina at this level. On a relative basis, L. scutulata and L. planaxis are less able to withstand water flow than Tegula brunnea and Calliostoma canaliculatum. L. planaxis, but not L. scutulata, however, can better withstand water flow than can Tegula funebralis. This was determined by subjecting fifty of each snail to a stream of water with a flow of 12.2 liters per minute and a tube diameter of .85 centimeters (figure 2). Tegula funebralis manage to live at a lower level than L. planaxis because its response to water flow is to go to the base of the rock and reduce flow to a minimum. L. planaxis, with its negative geotaxis, goes to the top of the rock where, when the rock is inundated, the shearing force is greatest. Among L. planaxis, the medium large size (12-15 millimeters across the base of the shell) was observed to best withstand water flow. This size L. planaxis makes up to 80% of the population in heavy surf areas while contributing far less of the total population. This shows, again, that wave action determines where Littorina can live. These results seemingly present a paradox because, though L. scutu- lata are less able than L. planaxis to cope with water flow, they live at a lower level in most cases. As figure 1 shows, L. scutulata do not live as low as L. planaxis in heavy surf areas; and in everyplace but the quiet areas, the L. scutulata are wedged into crevices or among barn- acles while the L. planaxis are on the open faces. L. scutulata must live lower because of the macroscopic algae it eats and its inferior ability to withstand dessication,2 but it must also protect itself more carefully against being washed away. When a Littorina descends below its lower limit, predation becomes a factor. Though Acanthina spirata, to some extent, live among the Littorina, they do not seem to make large inroads into the population. Other predators are more voracious, but being well below Littorina, have little contact with them. Cancer antennarius and Cancer productus eat Littorina at a tremendous rate when in contact with them, and even young Cancers rip apart the Littorina's shell like a monkey peeling a banana. Patiria miniata also prey on Littorina when they are within reach, and probably accounted for the deaths of 50% of ten L. planaxis tethered two feet above mean low water (two feet below their normal height in this area) on algae covered rocks in a semi-quiet area. The remains of these snails were unmarked, empty shells identical to those of L. planaxis eaten by Patiria in the lab. It is very unlikely that Pisaster ochraceus was responsible for the predation attributed to Patiria as no Pisaster has been observed to eat a L. planaxis and only.3% have been observed to eat L. scutulata. It took two and one-half weeks for all the tethered snails to be killed, and a migration of Littorina to a slightly lower level would, thus, not be met by prohibitive predation. When a Littorina is washed away, unless it manages to cling to a rock on which it can leave the water, it will eventually contact a Cancer or Patiria and be destroyed. Patiria are so abundant at lower depths that a Littorina washed out of the intertidal zone would have practically no chance to escape. To even further reduce the odds, Cancers patrol up to the water level and would snatch up an occassional loose snail. Thus, the physical force of water and the biological force of pre- dation combine to set a lower limit on the habitation of Littorina. This limit facilitates their survival and functions through a mechanism of negative geotaxis. It is possible that long ago, the ancestors of these Littorina developed in two directions. One branch had a negative geotaxis and climbed out of the water. The other branch may have had a positive geotaxis or none. Those Littorina living below the water were eventually eaten by crabs, starfish, and fish while those above the sea have survived. O C SRE TO CTN¬ STND WTER Fo LITTORN TEGO LITTORINA FUNEBRRUS SCUTULRTA PLRNEXIS — HEIGT N FEET Reet mest lou baree + t tttt - + 5 —— T H IINOMIGERIOE SAAIAS PE SOUREE EOOT HE HHEIEU R COTO TEGU BEUNNER CANRRICUTUM PA POTECT LCOTOL LPRAR PROTEGTED L.SCUTDERTA L.PLANXS FIGD 336 Kenneth M. Tittle Hopkins Marine Station Pacific Grove, California June 6, 1964 CHEMICALLY STIMULATED ESCAPE RESPONSES OF LITTORINA PLANAXIS AND LITTORINA SCUTULATA TO THE CARNIVOROUS GASTROPOD ACANTHINA SPIRATA The escape responses of certain gastropods when stimulated by predatory sea stars has long been known. (BAUER, 1913; WEBER, 1924; HOFFMAN, 1930; BULLOCK, 1953; FEDER, 1963; MARGOLIN, 1964.) CLARK (1958) has described flight responses by herbivorous gastropods on contact with a variety of carnivorous gastropods. HOFFMAN (1930), BULLOCK (1953), and FEDER (1963) present evidence that the primary stimulus of the sea stars is chemical. Although CLARK (1958), working with crude homogenates, suggested that the response to carnivorous gastropods is also chemically stimulated, little further work on the nature of the stimulus is available. The animals used in this study were the predacious Muricid whelks, Acanthina spirata (Blainville) and Thais emarginata (Deshayes), common to the Monterey coast, and the common peri¬ winkles of the rocks and pools in the high intertidal and splash zones, Littorina planaxis Phillipi, and Littorina scutulata Gould. Observations and Discussion Field observations. In a number of cases in the field when an Acanthina spirata was introduced into a quiet splash pool in which no other whelks were found, he would soon right himself and begin to move about slowly and hesitantly. Within 2-5 minutes Littorina planaxis or L. scutulata within a centimeter or two would begin agitated movement, extending their tentacles and crawling across the substrate at a noticeably more rapid rate than those periwinkles at a greater distance. In large pools this movement generally subsided when the Littorina was some distance away from the whelk, but if this first, apparently random movement brought the periwinkle into contact with the soft parts of the Acanthina, his characteristic response was to raise up slightly on the back half of the foot, swing abruptly around, and move off very rapidly in a straight line in the opposite direction for several centimeters. When the Littorina came into physical contact with Acanthina, and also in smaller pools even when no actual physical contact was involved, the tendency noted by FEDER (1963) of "fleeing" periwinkles to move upward on sloping surfaces until they have left the water was clearly noticeable. In response to strong stimulus the cephalic tentacles of L. scutulata often whip up and down apparently independently of one another. In larger pools the whelk's "sphere of influence" gradually extended until after 20-40 minutes he was sitting or slowly moving in an area as much as 30 centimeters across which was conspicuously clear of Littorina. An Acanthina weighted or anchored in a pool so that he cannot right is apparently ignored by the Littorina after the first 3-5 minutes. This may correlate with the findings on the mucus trail of Acanthina which are discussed below. The effectiveness of this response in reducing predation is not clear. BIGLER (1964) at the Hopkins Marine Station suggests that Acanthina spirata is the most significant predator on Littorina planaxis, at least within the periwinkle's natural range, and all attacks observed by him or by this writer have occurred underwater. Acanthina are occasionally found in pools feeding on L. scutulata. However, laboratory evidence suggests that both species of Littorina quickly lose the response on repeated exposure to the stimulus. (See Figure 1.) L. scutulata and Acanthina are sometimes found in very close proximity in a pool, particularly if the whelk is wedged inactively into a small crevice or partially burrowed into coarse sand. Laboratory observations. The increased tendency of the peri- winkles to leave the water in the presence of Acanthina provided a simple laboratory assay for investigating the stimulus. For the original stimulus, two Acanthina spirata were placed in 100 ml. of sea water in a clean finger bowl for at least one hour prior to the first tests. One hundred milliliters of sea water was used as a control. In some cases two herbivorous black turban snails (Tegula funebralis ) were placed in sea water in another bowl as a second control. For the initial determinations one of the two Acanthina or Tegula was left in the bowl during the tests. All animals were freshly gathered before each series of tests. For more uniform results, Littorina gathered from the rocks were placed in sea water until they had opened and attached before trials were started. iche In each test 10-20 L. scutulata (7/32-12/32 from the lip of 33 the shell to the widest point of the basal whorl) or L. planaxis (9/32-15/32 inches) were dropped into a finger bowl and the number of responses recorded at one-minute intervals. A snail was considered positively responding as long as the anterior portion of his shell was at all above the water. All tests were run at approximately 20 degrees Centigrade. On the basis of this data a test interval was chosen for the comparison of control and test responses. The optimum interval varied from run to run and especially from day to day, but results were generally comparable within the interval from 7 to 9 minutes. Each group of animals was allowed to drain one minute between trials and was tested at least once in the control water between exposures to the Acanthina stimulus. A typical run consisted of three exposures to the Acanthina stimulus and at least four control trials. A new group of periwinkles was used for each run. Test responses were compared statistically with the natural tendency of the Littorina to leave the water under control conditions. Both L. scutulata and L. planaxis showed a clear response to Acanthina and no significant response to the herbivore Tegula funebralis when compared with the sea water control. See Table 1. Under similar conditions both Littorina species responded sig- nificantly to the carnivorous whelk Thais emarginata, whose range also occasionally overlaps their ranges. (Table 2.) In most responses no physical contact with the whelks was necessary. Ten to twelve milliliters of sea water in which several Acanthina had been placed for at least four hours was then 3. substituted as a stimulus in 100 ml. of sea water and yielded a positive response, strongly implicating a diffusible chemical as the stimulus. (Table 3.) The above computations are based on only the first two exposures to the stimulus for each animal used. As Figure 1 illustrates, the response of both species falls off significantly on the third exposure to Acanthina stimulus. Fourth trials were seldom run, and rarely did they yield significant increases over the control responses. As a first step toward localizing the stimulus, two Acanthina were cut into three gross portions, with the kidneys and digestive glands placed in one bowl, the feet and operculums placed in a second bowl, and the head, mantle and medial sections in a third bowl. After one hour, assays were run on each bowl as above. Only the foot section yielded a significant response. However, this response was much less distinct than the response to an active Acanthina, and it was significant only for the first one or two times test animals were exposed to the stimulus. Thereafter even fresh periwinkles failed to respond. This suggested that attachment to the substrate or actual movement was a factor in the secretion of the active substance. To check the mucus trails for activity, Acanthina were removed from a bowl where they had been active for at least 90 minutes. The bowl was emptied and gently rinsed in fresh circulating sea water, and then refilled with 100 ml. of fresh sea water. Activity was still demonstrable in the bowl. Five Acanthina were left in 35 a bowl for two hours, and activity persisted in the bowl even after it was leeched by submersion in running fresh sea water for four hours (14 degrees C.). Finally two Acanthina were allowed to crawl about for two hours in a Petri plate submerged in a finger bowl without being allowed to contact the bowl itself. The whelks and the Petri dish were then removed and the Petri dish rinsed and partly filled with fresh sea water. The test snails did not respond to the bowl or the water in it, but the same snails responded clearly to the Petri dish (when compared to their response in a clean, partly filled Petri dish), indicating that the diffusible active substance is closely associated with the pedal mucus secretions. Active homogenates of the foot of Acanthina were then prepared by homogenizing a foot in 10 ml. of artificial sea water in an ice bath, centrifuging for five minutes, and decanting. In testing homogenates, approximately 0.16 ml. of the homogenate was transferred with a dropping pipette to a dry, clean bowl and 100 ml. of sea water added. For more sensitive assays in working with small concentrations of the active substance, it proved helpful to work with 10-12 Littorina at a time in the dark to eliminate phototactic orientation and minimize clumping of the snails. The test interval was ten minutes for all dark run tests. Table 4 is a tabulation of such assays for a series of homogenates. The activity of the homogenate was destroyed by two minutes in a boiling water bath (sufficient to coagulate the protein), and no significant activity was found in the supernatant after the protein was removed by acid precipitation and the supernatant 33 readjusted to pH 8.0-8.5. The active substance does not appear to be macromolecular, however, and a substance capable of eliciting the response was demonstrated to be dialyzable at various points in the process: as secreted by a live Acanthina spirata in 10 ml. of sea water in a dialysis membrane overnight, as present in sea water in which several Acanthina had been placed earlier, and finally, as present in the homogenate of the foot of A. spirata. (Figure 2.) After dialysis of the homogenate (10 ml. against 100 ml. of sea water) the active substance can be extracted with ether from the dialysate at pH 2.6 and redissolved in sea water. The activity of the crude homogenate seems to decline more rapidly than that of the dialysis purified extract, even under refrigeration. Summary The predacious Muricid whelk, Acanthina spirata, secretes a substance which diffuses from its pedal mucus and to which Littorina planaxis and Littorina scutulata respond by accelerated motion and an increased tendency to leave the water. Homogenates of the foot of A. spirata have been prepared capable of eliciting a similar response, and the active substance in the homogenates shown to be dialyzable and ether extractable from acidified solutions. Both L. planaxis and L. scutulata show a similar response to the Muricid whelk Thais emarginata. 336 33 qure 33, Figure 1. Fatiguing in the response of Littorina planaxis and Littorina scutulata to stimulus by Acanthina spirata. White bars represent L. scutulata, black bars represent L. planaxis. C, rep- resents the response of each group of animals on their first test in the controlwåter, A, represents the response of each group of animals on their first exposure to the bowl containing A. spirata, ; the response of the same animals on their second test in the control water, etc. Both control and test bowls contained 100 ml. of sea water. A snail was considered to be responding as long as the anterior portion of his shell was above the air-water interphase. TABLE 1 Response to Acanthina spirata. All bowls contained 100 ml. of sea water. 1-2 Acanthina spirata were placed in the test bowl at least one hour prior to the beginning of tests. A snail was considered to be responding as long as the anterior portion of his shell was above the air-water interphase. No animal was subjected more than twice to the Acanthina stimulus. A. Response of Littorina scutulata to stimulus by Acanthina spirata. The test interval was seven minutes from the intro- duction of the Littorina into the water. % responding responding total 100 72 Acanthina spirata 100 Tegula funebralis 100 sea water control Chi-square = 50.64 PO.01 B. Response of Littorina planaxis to stimulus by Acanthina spirata. The test interval was 5 minutes. % responding total responding 100 65 Acanthina spirata 20 Tegula funebralis 100 sea water control Chi-square = 39.54 PO.01 TABLE 2 Response to Thais emarginata. All bowls contained 100 ml. of sea water. 1-2 Thais emarginata were placed in the test bowl at least one hour prior to the beginning of tests. A snail was considered to be responding as long as the anterior portion of his shell was above the air-water interphase. No animal was subjected more than twice to the Thais stimulus. The test interval was 9 minutes from the introduction of the Littorina into the water. A. Response of Littorina scutulata to stimulus by Thais emarginata. % responding total responding 64.4 Thais emarginata 38.1 42 sea water control Chi-square = 4.611 0.02P80.05 B. Response of Littorina planaxis to stimulus by Thais emarginata. % responding total responding 40 77.5 31 Thais emarginata 32.5 40 sea water control 13 Chi-square = 16.36 P0.01 TABLE 3 Response of Littorina planaxis to a diffusible chemical from Acanthina spirata. All bowls contained 100 ml. of sea water. To the test bowl was added 10-12 ml. of sea water in which several Acanthina spirata had been placed at least four hours before the tests. The test interval was 7 minutes from the introduction of the Littorina into the water. A snail was considered to be responding as long as the anterior portion of his shell was above the air-water interphase. No animal was subjected more than twice to the Acanthina stimulus. total % responding responding 100 Acanthina stimulus 55.0 100 18.0 sea water control Chi-square = 29.54 PO.O1 S TABLE 4 Response of Littorina scutulata to an homogenate of the foot of Acanthina spirata. All bowls contained 100 ml. of sea water. To the test bowl was added approximately 0.16 ml. homogenate prepared by homogenizing the foot of one Acanthina spirata in 10 ml. of artificial sea water. The test interval was 10 minutes from the introduction of the Littorina into the water, and all tests were conducted in the dark. A snail was considered to be responding as long as the anterior portion of his shell was above the air- water interphase. No animal was subjected more than twice to the test stimulus. total responding % responding 232 103 44.4 homogenate 414 23.2 96 sea water control Chi-square = 31.41 Po.01 4 20 qure 20 845 Figure 2. Dialysis of the response-eliciting secretion of Acanthina spirata as measured by the response of Littorina scutulata. The white bar represents the response in the control water; the black bar represents the response to the water containing the stimulus to be assayed. The figures above each column are the fraction of snails responding in the test interval. The probabilities for a random distribution in each case are computed by chi-square. All bowls contained 100 ml. of sea water. A snail was considered to be responding as long as the anterior portion of his shell was above the air-water interphase. A. Response of L. scutulata to 100 ml. of sea water against which one A. spirata in 10 ml. sea water has dialyzed 10 hours. The test interval was 8 minutes from the introduction of the Littorina into the water. B. Response of L. scutulata to 100 ml. of sea water against which 10 ml. of sea water taken from a jar full of A. spirata has dialyzed 14 hours. The test interval was 9 minutes. C. Response of L. scutulata to the dialysis residue of the homogenate of the foot of A. spirata. The foot of 1 A. spirata was homogenized in 10 ml. of sea water. 0.16 Milliters of the homogenate in 10 ml. of sea water was dialyzed 12 hours against 100 ml. of sea water and the residue added to 100 ml. of sea water in the test bowl. The test interval was 10 minutes and all tests were conducted in the dark. D. Response of L. scutulata to 100 ml. of sea water against which O.16 ml. of homogenate of the foot of A. spirata had dialyzed for 12 hours. The test interval was 10 minutes, and all tests were conducted in the dark. . . . 34 LITERATURE CITED BAUER, V., 1913. Notizen aus einem biologischen Laboratorium am Mittelmeer. Int. Rev. Hydrobiol., 6: 31-37. BIGLER, ERIC, 1964. Personal communication. BULLOCK, T. H., 1953. Predator recognition and escape responses of some intertidal gastropods in presence of starfish. Behaviour, V 2: 130-140. CLARK, W. C., 1958. Escape responses of herbivorous gastropods when stimulated by carnivorous gastropods. Nature, 181: 137-138. FEDER, H. M., 1963. Gastropod defensive responses and their effectiveness in reducing predation by starfishes. Ecology, 44: 505-512. HOFFMAN, H., 1930. Ueber den Fluchtreflex bei Nassa. Z. vergl. Physiol., 2: 662-688. MARGOLIN, A. S., 1964. A running response of Acmea to seastars. Ecology, 45: 191-193. WEBER, H., 1924. Ein Umdreh- und ein Fluchtreflex bei Nassa mutabilis. Zool. Anz., B60: 261-269.