C 1. Introduction The following study was undertaken to see if a hatching substance similar to that reported by Crisp and Spencer (1958) and Barnes (1959) for Balanus balanoides is also involved in the hatching of nauplii larvae from the barnacle Chthamalus dalli. Balanus balanoides has only one brood a year and the whole population release their larvae synchronously. Barnes (1962) has reported that this spawning is correlated with plankton blooms. Crisp and Spencer proposed that a hatching substance, possibly a metabolic product, formed by the adult animal in response to feeding caused this synchronous release. Barnes (1959) suggested that the substance might be a neurosec- ratory substance. This type of hatching substance would be beneficial to barnacles such as Balanus balanoides which hatch synchronous- ly at certain times of the year. It is not at all clear, however, that the other barnacle genera exhibit this type of hatching and have hatching substances. Indeed, the studies on hatching and reproductive behavior of Chthamalus dalli reported in this paper indicate there is no synchronous hatching or hatch- ing substance in this barnacle. The animals used in this research were collected from various points on the Pacific coast in the area of Monterey, California. 2. Observations on ovigerous lamellae, egg case strength, and hatching of nauplii in vitro a. Ovigerous lamellae The two ovigerous lamellae of Chthamalus dalli lie free in the mantle cavity of the adult. In the early stages of development (from the undivided eggs to the multicellular stage) there is a transparent membrane enclosing the whole lamella, but this membrane breaks down in the later stages, with only scattered remnants of it remaining visible. There is also a breakdown of the cementing substance holding the eggs together. The lamellae containing fully-formed nauplii can easily be broken apart into individual enbryos with a probe or scalpel, but the early stage embryos remain together in clumps after such treatment. b. Egg case strength An experiment was done to determine whether the strength of the egg membranes changes during the course of development. Enbryos in the early stages of development and nauplii ready to hatch were broken free from a lamella and placed on a slide with a drop of water and a coverslip over the. Small weights were then pleced on the coverslip to determine the force needed to rupture the menbrane. For both cases it was found that the nenbranes first ruptured when the weight was between twenty and twenty-five grams. The rupture occurred as a small hole in one end and was always at the anterior end of the nauplii enbryos. c. Hatching of nauplii in vitre For some barnacles it has been noted that hatching in vivo is preceeded by the fragmentation of the egg mass, and that both hatched and unhatched larvae are extruded from the adult. I have not been able to observe the in vivo hatching of Chthanalus dalli, but in vitro the hatching process is not preceeded by such a fragmentation. When the larvae break O 3. out, the egg cases remain cemented together in a single clump. The outer animals hatch first, but there are usually a large number of larvae near the center of the lamella which do not hatch, even if left in aerated sea water for several days. Some of these inner larvae move in the egg cases after the lamella is first placed in sea water but then stop. If completely developed lamellae are removed from the barnacles and examined microscopically, no movement can usually be detected. But if several drops of sea water are added, movenent begins and the nauplii soon hatch. It is not obvious why this hatching should occur, because according to Crisp and Southward (1956) the mantle cavity is continually being washed with sea water. The hatching process is preceeded by vigorous movenents of the nauplii. The larvae appear to use contractions of the body and pressure of the appendages against the posterior end of the egg case to rupture the anterior end of the case and force thenselves through. Hatching always occurs through this anterior end and appears to cause the same type of splitting of the egg membrane each time. The split occurs as a snooth line running both dorsally and ventrally from the anterior end half-way down the egg case. 3. Factors affecting hatching in tro a. Physical factors A number of physical factors might affect hatching. I studied the effects of fragmentation of the lamellae, light, and oxygen on the hatching process. Two lamellae from the 100 4 same animal were placed in artificial sea water (Harvey, 1955) and used for each trial. One lamella served as a control and the other was subjected to the experimental conditions. Preliminary experiments indicated that the percentage of eggs that hatched in a given amount of tine varied considerably between lamellae obtained from the same animal and subjected to the same conditions. The time taken for the first release of larvae and the total number of larvae released per unit time were much more constant. The reasons for this are not clear. One possibility is that the surface areas of the two lamellae would be more nearly the same than their surface to volume ratio. Since the outer larvae hatch first, hatching seems to depend on surface area, and hence the percentage hatching would depend on the surface to volume ratio. The effect of a larger surface area is clearly seen when the lamellae are broken into several pieces,as the rate of hatching greatly increases with such fragnentation. To analyse hatching rate in the following experiments, I used both the time of release of the first nauplii and the nunber of nauplii which would hatch in a unit of tine. To determine if the hatching process depends on oxygen, one lamella of each pair was placed in deoxygenated artificial sea water (through which nitrogen had been bubbled) and the other lamella was placed in artificial sea water through which oxygen had been bubbled. The hatching was compared, and in all cases there was no hatching in the lamellae in deoxygenated water even though hatching occurred in the cor- responding lamellae in oxygenated water. 10 O In another experiment animals were disected and one lanella was quickly put in the dark, the other being left in the light. No differences in hatching were found. b. Chemical factors In these experinents I attempted to discern whether an extract made fron grinding up bodies, shells, or tissue of Chthamalus dalli accelerated hatching, as found by Crisp and Speneer (1958) for Balanus balanoides. Extracts of C. dalli were prepared by grinding the whole animal in a teflon homogenizer in artificial sea water and then centrifuging to remove any particulate matter. Two lamellae were taken fron the same animal and washed several'tines in artificial sea viter. They were then placed on microscope slides and a drop of extract plus artificial sea water was placed on one and a drop of artificial sea water on the other. Hatching in both lamellae was observed under the compound nicroscope and no consistant differences in the time of release of the first nauplii were noted. The nunber of nauplii released after 30 to 60 minutes was also not sig- nificantly different. 4. Factors affecting hatching in vivo I collected animals on small rocks and mussel shells and placed groups of 40 in beakers of aerated artificial sea water. The Chthamalus extract was then added to some of the beakers, with the remaining beakers left as controls. The beakers were checked hourly for release of larvae, but at no time was there any noticible difference in the number 10 6. of larvae in each beaker. After a day the animals were disected and the percentage of animals without lamellae computed. This method proved to be invalid, however, because the controls differed among thenselves as much as did the experimental populations from the controls. A feeding experiment similar to the above extract experiment was run at the same time to deternine whether feeding triggered larval release as in Balanus balanoide (Crisp and Spencer, 1958). Barnacles on rocks and shells were placed in filtered sea water and some were fed phyto¬ plankton. These experiments were inconclusive for the same reason as the experiment above, because an adequate control could not be found. 5. Field work To explain this apparent lack of factors affecting hatching, I carried out a field study to get information about the in vivo brooding of embryos by Chthanalus dalli My main study was done on a vertical rock face along Cannery Row in Monterey, California. This rock face was covered by hthamalus illi from 0.5 foot to 5.5 feet above the mean low tide level. I divided this height up into eight eight-inch zones, with zone one being the lowest. Animals were collected from each of the zones and the percent of animals with ovigerous lanellae was calculated. (see table 1). The stages of the embryos were deternined under a microscope. Four stages were considered: 1.one- and two-celled e¬ gs 2.nulti- cellular to limb buds of nauplii 3.early nauplii 4. fully- formed nauplii. The results of this study are in table 2, 10. C 7. expressed as percent of the total number of animals with lamellae in each zone. Examination of table 2 indicates that there is a decrease in the number of lamellae found in the higher aninals. Further observations on the C. dalli populations at Hopkins Marine Station and at a point on the Pacific coast about three niles south of Carnel, California, yielded similar results. At Hopkins Marine Station two horizontal rock faces in the same area and subjected to the same wave action were examined. The lower rock was at 1.5 feet above the mean low tide and the higher rock was at the 5 foot level. The higher C. dalli population had no animals with lamellae, while 93.43 of the lower population had lamellae. At the other location I sampled various populations, some on mussel shells at a 1 foot level, some on rocks at 4 feet, and others on rocks at 8 feet. The upper population had no animals with lamellae, the niddle population had 36.73 with lamellae, and the lower one had 86.73 with lanellae. In addition to the above work, I sought to correlate the observed hatching behavior with the data obtained by Galen Hilgard of Hopkins Marine Station on the yearly pattern of dalli populations brooding enbryos. Her data on Chthanalu at Hopkins Marine Station is shown in figure 1. Figures 2 and 3how the plankton readings and mean shore tenperatures for the period shown in figure 1, as regrded at Hopkins Marine Station for the California Cooperative Fisheries Investigation. 101 8. 6. Discussion Findings on possible physical factors affecting hatching in Chthanalus dalli were similar to those obtained by Crisp and Spencer (1958) in their work on Balanus balanoides. The liberation of the larvae from the egg nembranes is apparently an oxygen-requiring process carried on by the larvae. This process is not affected by light. The nost important physical factor affecting hatching appears to be the frag- mentation of the egg mass, since breaking up the lamellae causes a narked increase in the rate of hatching and the total number of larvae which hatch. I found no chemical substance from barnacle extracts which affected hatching. I cannot conclusively rule out the possibility that some chemical does affect the whole animal: I simply could not find any way to set up an experimental population of animals with consistent controls. It seens as if these sane problems must have been present for Barnes (1959) and Crisp and Spencer (1958), but no mention of any such problem is made in their papers. Perhaps one factor which could explain the difference in hatching behavior between Balanus balanoides and Chthanalus lalli is the difference in the reproductive behavior of the two animals. The animals that both Barnes and Crisp worked with were animals living in an environment where they only liberated larvae in response to plankton bloons. Data on the reproductive behavior of Chthamalus dalli, however, shows that this barnacle posesses lamellae throughout the year, with the exception of the late fall and early winter. There is apparently no major larval release correlated with the 705 9. peak plankton bloon. There also appears to be no correla¬ tion between temperature and larval release during the year. The above conparisons are tenuous without knowing the period of larval development in vivo, which might be difficult to obtain in a non-synchronously reproducing population. The study done on the Chthamalus population at Cannery Row also indicates that there seems to be no factor synchronizing hatching. Lamellae were equally abundant at all stages of development, indicating that developnent was not arrested at the nauplius stage in preparation for some environnental trigger as in B. balanoides. One factor which I cannot explain is that the percentage of lamellae decreases greatly with the height of the animals above the water. Barnes (1962) found the same situation to exist for Balanu balanoides and postulated that it night be due to earlier hatching triggered by a concentration of hatching substance because of longer periods out of water or by longer periods of time in oxygen. Neither of these reasons seens likely for C. dalli. In order to understand the hatching behavior of nauplii tha malus dalli, more data is required on the repro- fron C ductive and hatching behavior in the field. Laboratory experiments vith adequate controls must also be devised. 7. Sunnary Experiments were done with Chthamalus dalli to determine what factors affect the rate of both in vivo and in vitro hatching of nauplii. Aside from mechanical fragnentation of the lamellae,which increases the rate of hatching, no 106 10. physical or chemical factors were found to affect the rate. From the field work done, there is no evidence to suggest that a factor regulating the hatching is necessary. 10 C Barnes, H.2W. 1956. The fornation of the egg-mass in Balanus palanoides (L). Arch 30c. 7001. Bot. fenn. Vanamo 1(1): 11-10. Barnes, H.åW. 1958. In vitro development of cirripede eggs. Vidensk. Medd. fra Dansk naturh. Foren. Bd. 1. : 94-100. Barnes, H.2M. 1959. Note on stinulation of cirripede nauplii. Oikos, 10 Fasc. 1: 19. Barnes, H. 1962. Note on variations in the release of nauplii of balanoides with special reference to the Bilanu. spring diaton outburst. Crustaceana, 3 : 118- 122. Crisp, D.J. 1956. A substance promoting hatching and liber- ation of young in cirripedes. Nature, Lond. 18: 263. Crisp, D.J. £ Jouthward, A.J. 1956. Demonstration of small-scale water currents by means of milk. Nature, 178: 1076. Crisp, D.J. £ Spencer, C.P. 1958. The control of the hatching process in barnacles. P. roc. roy. soc. Lond. 1498:278-299. Harvey, H.W. 1955. The Chemist and Fertility of Sea Waters, Cambridge University Press. p. 29. 10 C with lamellae in each han Perent of Table 1 lus zone of annery Rowtudy nimals with lamellae Zone 87 76.53 76.53 76.0 60.58 55.1 31.07 0.06 als in zone 1 heavily parasitized by Hemioniscus ilan with various stage Table 2 Percent of Chthanalus da enbryos in eaen zone of Cannery Row study Stage 2 tage 3 e tage Zone 12. 14.3 21.4% 21.48 1.73 30.13 . 570 30.43 21 30.48 9.1/ 21.88 31.87 11.0% 13.63 3.6%. 30.02 10.02 5.09 12.5 5.0% 33.13 2.27 22.2% 22.27 100 10 MsoNM POUTHS FIGURE ! - 75 oF CATHANALOS DALLI ST REPRIDS MARINE STATON OITH OVIGEROOS LANE — FRO TD. 164 ro na 1967 100 mRMaso HOOTHS FiCURE X - PNYTOPLAMKTON PROFILE FOR MODTEREY BRY MEAR HoPROS NAUNE STATIOD - NS. 1966 r0 Faxe 1757 na3 HONTHS PIGORE 3 - HEAN SHDRE TEHPEROTTORE PROEILE EOR HOPRISS HARINE STATOD - JO. 1966 70 MARCR 1167 2 + 0 0 tkatatatatao- HONTRS 7 eF CATHANALOS DALLL AT ROPKISS HARINE STATIOD OTTH OUIGEROOS PGORE ! LANEE — FRON JAN. 164 T HARE 1967 00 80 ktatatakatkaavavakaa- HOOTHS s - rоrоо нооуив оов ооуеову вну ооав оооS NOSNE STATION - TAN. 1966 ro MAReN 1767 snaaso HONTHS EICURE 3 PaR SHORE TENPERATORE PROFILE FeR HOPKIDS HARIDE 5TAT.OO - JAN. 1166 To MNRCR 1167 14