Rintoul, Page 2 Desiccation in Porphyra perforata ABSTRACT A study of whole thallus absorbance was combined with dircect measurements of photosynthesis in air to assess the phtosynthetic capacity of desiccated Porphyra perforata. Fresh P. perforata was found to give a flat absorbance spectrum of high absorbance. Drying of the sample produces pigment peaks in the spectrum and a reduc¬ tion in the photosynthetic rate. On rehydration, P. per- forata resumes full photosynthetic capacity, and again exhibits a flat spectrum at high absorbance. The suggestion is made that these spectral results reflect an adaptation to P..perforata's intertidal habitat, for the subtidal Porphyra nereocystis gave peaks for both desiccated and fresh samples. In addition, photosynthetic rates measured during the day were higher than those measured at night, introducing the possibility that P. perforata possesses an endogenous photosynthetic rhythm. Cytological exxamina¬ tion of P. perforata collected in situ over a 24 h period showed greatest mitotic activity when the plants were exposed during daylight hours. Rintoul, Page 3 Desiccation in Porphyra perforata INTRODUCTION High intertidal algae experience extremes of desicca¬ tion on a daily basis in relation to the tidal cycle. The conspicuous zonation in this environment has traditionally been attributed to the relative abilities of different species to withstand desiccation (Muenscher, 1915; Zaneveld, 1937; Feldmann, 1951; Doty, 1946; Biebl, 1962). Little attention has been focused upon the continuation of cellu- lar processes such as photosynthesis and cell division while intertidal algae are exposed to the air. Stocker and Holdheide (1938) investigated photosynthesis in exposed marine algae but did not make comparisonswith submerged plants. More recently, Johnson et al. (1974) reported higher rates of photosynthesis in air than in water for selected intertidal algae. Other recent papers on marine algal physiology mention aerial photosynthesis only inci- dentally (Brown and Johnson, 1964; Chapman, 1965; Imada et al., 1970; Mathieson and Burns, 1971). There are also few reports on the relationship between exposure and cell division. The literature relating to mitotic periodicity has recently been reviewed (Austin and Pringle, 1968; Pringle and Austin, 1970). Farmer and Williams (1898) found bursts of cell division in Fucus immediately following submergence, and Rao (1956) reports a higher incidence of mitosis in Polyides caprinus (Gunner) Rintoul, Page 4 Desiccation in Porphyra perforata Papenf. at high tide. Austin and Pringle (1968) have found a diurnal periodicity in mitosis for Rhodomela larix (Turner) C. Agardh, with little indication of a tidal influence. A periodicity in mitosis has been demonstrated for Porphyra lanceolata (Setch. and Hus) Smith, with peaks in nuclear division coinciding with periods of exposure in the dark (Pringle and Austin, 1970). No cytological work with regard to mitotic periodicity has been published on red algae exposed during the daylight hours. Porphyra perforata J. F. Agardh, a monostromatic red alga, was chosen as a suitable species with which to study the effects of desiccation on cellular processes, because its high intertidal habitat, the +2.0 to +3.5 ft. above mean lower low water tidal level in the Monterey Bay region (Smith, 1944), results in exposure to air for 20-60% of each 24-hr period (Johnson et al., 1974). The possibility that pigment absorbance may change with desiccation of algae was prompted by preliminary observations that Porphyra perforata appears redder when desiccated. As the red phycobilins have the highest quantum efficiency for photosynthesis among the pigments in red algae (Yocum, 1951), and the photosynthetic action for P. perforata closely parallels the phycobilin absor- bance spectrum (Haxo and Blinks, 1950), these observations suggested increased phycobilin absorbance in P. perforata upon desiccation. Haxo and Blinks (1950) used thalli sub- merged in seawater to measure whole thallus absorbance for Desiccation in Porphyra perforata Rintoul, Page Porphyra perforata. As yet, whole thallus absorbance in air has not been measured for littoral algae. My studies of desiccation effects on Porphyra perforata were attempted in order to assess the photosynthetic capacities of these exposed algae. MATERIALS AND METHODS Spectral Analysis: Whole thallus absorbance was measured using a Beckman DK-2A scanning spectophotometer. Samples were prepared by cutting sections of an intact thallus using a cork borer, placing them upon a heavy glass coverslip and taping them into the sample chamber of the spectophotometer with black electrician's tape, to minimize leakage of the sample beam around the sample. Part of the same blade from which the sample was obtained was bleached in a 1:2 Sodium hypo- chlorite seawater mixture to remove the pigments and to obtain a blank with similar light scattering properties.. In all further manipulations the sample and the reference received identical treatment. Porphyra perforata was collected from the +2.5 tidal level at Mussel Point, Pacific Grove, California on the same day experiments were run. Spectra were taken for fresh algae, for algae which had been desiccated in a 23° oven with desiccant for four hours, and for algae which had been rehydrated in seawater for 5 minutes after a similar period of desiccation. The experiment was repeated using Desiccation in Porphyra perforata Rintoul, page 6 Porphyra nereocystis Anderson, collected as drift from Asilomar Beach, in Pacific Grove. To determine whether or not the Porphyra perforata had been irreversibly damaged from the desiccation method, photosynthetic capacities (P) of the fresh, dried and rehydrated material were measured. The same sample could not be measured, dried and then remeasured because a dry¬ ing period of 4 h is necessary to abtain a good spectrum, and the possibility exists that P. perforata has an endogen- ous photosynthetic rhythm similar to that found in Iridaea flaccida (Harris, 1978). With a lapse of four hr between photosynthetic measurements, differences due to an endogen¬ ous rhythm could not be distinguished from those due to desiccation. Freshly collected material was divided into three equal portions. The fresh sample was kept submerged in a temperature control room at 15° C. The two others were treated in the same way as the desiccated and rehydrated samples for the spectral measurements. Both were oven dried with desiccant for 4 h and one rehydrated at the end of the drying period. Spectra were taken for all samples immediately before measuring the photosynthetic rate. Sam¬ ples for taking spectra were not removed directly from those used for the photosynthetic measurement, but from separate samples treated identically. The photosynthetic rate was determined using a Beckman Model 215 Infrared Gas Analyzer, with a flow-through sample chamber, at saturating Desiccation in Porphyra perforata Rintoul, Page 7 light intensity of 290 uE/m/s as provided by a tungsten¬ iodide lamp for illumination. These measurements were made at 15° C. Runs were made at 1200 h on May 29 and at 1600 h on June 3. No photosynthetic determinaions could be obtain¬ ed for P. nereocystis because of insufficient material. Mitosis: The sites chosen were two boulders 1.2 m apart and approximately 30 m west of the Monterey Boatyard launching rails. Each site supported dense growth of Porphyra perfor¬ ata. Sample site 1 was a vertical rock face with eastern exposure, while sample site 2 was on the top of a rounded boulder. Both sites were situated at the +2.2 ft tidal level. These sites were chosen for their equal tidal height and relative ease of accessibility at high tide. Porphyra perforata from the two sites was sampled at 2 h intervals over a 24 h period from May 8 to May 9, 1978. Rectangles of 1 x 3 cm were removed from the intact thalli using iris scissors and were immediately placed in 1 dram vials containing a freshly mixed 1:3 glacial acetic acid-absolute ethanol mixture. The light intensity at the sample sites were measured with a Lambda Instrument Quantum Meter Model 185. Field notes recorded either sub¬ mergence or emergence of the sample sites. Sample prepar¬ ation and storage followed the methods of Pringle and Austin (1968), which included washing of the fixed material in absolute ethanol and storage in 70% ethanol. Nuclei were Desiccation in Porphyra perforata Rintoul, Page 8 stained using an iron-alum-acetocarmine s sh technique (Austin, 1959). Five fields of 20-25 cells per field were examined under oil immersion, with cells scored as dividing if two nuclei were visible within the cell, or if two cells were pressed together with nuclei on opposite sides, indi- cating recent division. Earlier stages of mitosis could not be counted because the chromosomes in P. perforata are too small to visualize with a light microscope. RESULT Spectral Analysis: The spectra obtained for fresh, desiccated, and rehy- drated Porphyra perforata are shown in Figure 1. Note that ata gives a flat absorbance spectrum with fresh P. perf 88% absorbance, and that the desiccated sample gives peaks for hlorophyll a, allophycocyanin, phycoerythrin and a combined chlorophyll a carotenoid peak at 430 nm, although total absorbance was lower than for a fresh sample. Rehy- drated samples give the same flat spectrum and high absor- bance obtained for fresh algae. Peaks were also obtained for both fresh and desiccated samples of P. hereocystis (Fig 2), demonstrating that the flat spectrum obtained for wet P. perforata is not merely an artifact of the sample preparation. Comparison of the photosynthetic capacities of fresh, dried and reydrated P. perforata (Fig. 3) shows that the Rintoul, Page 9 Desiccation in Porphyra perforata photosynthetic capacity of this species decreases markedly on desiccation, and returns to the original rate and even somewhat enhanced photosynthetic level upon rehydration. Lower photosynthetic rates were measured at 0200 h than were found at 1600 h, suggesting that P. perforata may possess an endogenous photosynthetic rhythm. Mitosis: The highest percentages of dividing cells were found after the sample sites had been exposed to air for 6 h and to 4 h of daylight. Values of 77% for site 1 and 98/ for site 2 were found in P. arorata sampled at 1000 h (Fig. 4). At that time the sample plants were desiccated to crispness. Although data are available for only a single site (site 1) and one sample time (1400 h) for submerged daylight conditions, only 4% of the counted cells were observed dividing at this time. With afternoon exposure plants at site 1 show an increase in mitotic activity, then falling off in the early evening, and increases again toward morning. Sample site 2 sustained relatively high mitotic activity (47 to 63) throughout the late afternoon and night, decreasing by 0200 h. Data bars are missing in Figure 4 at those points for which good squashes showing distinct nuclei could not be obtained, primarily due to the unpredictable staining properties of iron-alum-acetocarmine. Unless nuclei were Desiccation in Porphyra perforata Rintoul, Page 10 clearly visible the accuracy of the count was question¬ able. In incomplete studies, another technique using acito-iron-haematoxylin-chloral hydrate stain (Wittman. 1963) was found to be more reliable. DISCUSSION The flat spectrum at high absorbance obtained for fresh perforata was a startling result. The pigments Porphyr: must be absorbing light to conduct photosynthesis at the levels measured for fresh P. perforata in air. The photo- synthetic rate decreases upon desiccation, when the pig- ments give more distinct peaks in the spectophotometer. What accounts for this phenomenon? Perhaps plastids in the cells released their pigments causing the appearance of more distinct absorbance peaks in the spectra. A reversible pigment release is unlikely. Efficient energy transfer in photosynthesis requires perfect alignment of the pigments on membranes, and it would seem disadvantageous for the alga to jeopardize such organization every time the plant dried out. An irreversible pigment release, while not ex¬ pected to occur in situ, may have resulted from the oven drying of the sample. The high photosynthetic rates measured for the rehydrated thalli indicate that this did not happen. Reversible release remains a possibility Desiccation in Porphyra perforata Rintoul, Page 11 So the algae are absorbing light when hydrated, but appear black to the spectophotometer. The spectrum for the fresh sample is not flat because the peaks are not absorbing, but because some effect raises the valleys to the level of the peaks. Rerunning the spectra with a uni- formly gray reference, such as a lens tissue, might help with peak resolution by pushing the spectrum down into the lower absorbance levels. The optical results indicate that something happens in hydrated Porphyra perforata as expressed in the absorbance spectra, which does not occur in sublittoral P. nereocystis, a species with similar physical characteristics, thus suggesting an adaptation of P. perforata to a high intertidal habitat. The photosynthetic measurements of fresh, dry and re¬ hydrated Porphyra perforata showed conclusively that the rehydrated sample regained full photosynthetic capacity. The greater photosynthetic rate attained by the algae after drying and rehydration was unexpected and may be worthy of further investigation. In addition, the difference between rates measured at night and in the day, the latter showing an increased rate, suggests the possibility of an endogenous photosynthetic rhythm. A possible change in plastid orientation within the desiccated P. perforata cells can be postulated. An endogen- ous rhythm in chloroplast orientation has been documented in Ulva (Chlorophyta) (Britz and Briggs, 1976), with the chloroplast orienting for maximal light absorption during perforata Desiccation in Porphyra Rintoul, Page 12 periods of peak photosynthetic efficiency. Perhaps the plastids orient to maximize light absorption while the alga is exposed, thus accounting for the enhanced photo- synthetic rates in air observed by Johnson et al. (1974). A recording microphotometer similar to that used to measure light-induced chromatophore movement in brown algae (Pfau et al, 1974) might prove useful in documenting desiccation effects upon plastid orientation. The peaks for mitosis found in the desiccated P. per- forata exposed in the daytime were surprising at first, because this is thought to be a time of maximum stress for the plant. Pringle and Austin (1970) felt that the diurnal rhythmicity they found for P. lanceolata was controlled by fluctuations Win light intensity, independent of the tidal cycle. Closer analysis of their data reveals that peak mitotic activity ocurred during periods of exposure, as well as at night. The investigators did not examine any collections made from exposed plants during daylight hours. One would expect mitosis to commence after a period of high photosynthesis, for cellular products must accumu- late before division can proceed. Johnson et al. (1974) report that P. perforata reaches peak photosynthetic capacity after a period of drying, but that photosynthesis decreases upon further desiccation. Ability to conduct mitosis while extremely desiccated would be advantageous to an alga which must partition alternating periods of Desiccation in Porphyra perforata Rintoul, Page 13 carbon fixation and cell division within the diurnal and tidal cycles. The optimal time for mitosis would be those periods that the plant is unable to conduct photosynthesis, i.e., during the night and when the plant is desiccated. Porphyra perforata would be an interesting algal species with which to document and describe an endogenous photo¬ synthetic rhythm, with particular attention to a possible tidal component. Studies of mitotic rates of plants kept in constant laboratory conditions might reveal an endogenous mitotic rhythm as well, further elucidating the relation¬ ship between photosynthesis, cell division and desiccation in littoral algae. Desiccation in Porphyra perforata Rintoul, Page 14 SUMMARY 1. Fresh Porphyra perforata gives a flat spectrum of high absorbance when whole thallus absorbance is measured. Peaks appear in the spectrum when the sample is desic- cated, and total absorbance is lowered. This behavior is thought to reflect P. perforata's intertidal habitat, for the subtidal Porphyra nereocystis gives peaks in whole thallus absorbance for both fresh and desiccated samples. 2. Photosynthesis decreases when P. perforata is desiccated, to resume to original levels when the sample is rehydrated. Values recorded at night are lower than those measured during the day, suggesting a rhythm in photosynthesis. 3. Cytological examination of a 24 h collection showed the greatest percentages of cells dividing during daylight hours when the plants were exposed. Desiccation in Porphyra per forat Rintoul, Page 15 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks are extended to the whole Hopkins faculty associated with our class for their encouragement and contagious fascination with the organisms. Special thanks are due to Drs. Larry Harding and Isabella Abbott for their special attention and care, and to Dr. Blinks for helping me to ask the right questions. Desiccation in Porphyra perforata Rintoul, Page 16 LITERATURE CITED Austin, A. P., 1959. Iron-alum aceto-carmine staining for chromosomes and other anatomical features of Rhodophy- ceae. Stain Technol., 34:69-75. Austin, A.P. and J. D. Pringle, 1968. Mitotic index in sel- ected red algae in situ. I. Preliminary report. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK, 48:609-635. Biebl, R., 1962. Seaweeds, pp. 799-815. In R. A. Lewin (ed.) Physiology and biochemistry of algae. Academic Press. New York. Brown, J. M. A. and A. Johnson, 1964. Preliminary studies. on the ecology and physiology of Scytothenmus australis (J. Agardh Hook. et Harv. 1845. Bot. Mar., 6:233-246. Chapman, V. J., 1965. The physiological ecology of some New England seaweeds. Proc. Fifth Int. Seaweed Symp.. pp. 29-54. Doty, M. S., 1946. Critical tide factors that are correlated with the vertical distribution of marine algae and other organisms along the Pacific coast. Ecol., 27: 315- 328. Desiccation in Porp a perforata Rintoul, Page 17 Farmer, J. B. and J. L. L. Williams, 1898. Contributions to our knowledge of the Fucaceae: their life history and cytology. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B, 190:623-645. Feldmann J., 1951. Ecology of marine algae, pp. 313-334. In G. M. Smith (ed.) Manual of phycology. Chronica Botanica, Waltham, Mass. Harris, J., 1978. Endogenous circadian rhthmicity of photo- synthesis in the marine alga Iridaea flaccida (Rhodophyta) of the central California coast. Unpublished MS, Spring class paper, Biology 175 H, Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University. Haxo, F. and L. R. Blinks, 1950. Photosynthetic action spectra of marine algae. J. gen. physiol., 33:389-422. Imada, 0., Y. Saito, and S. Maeki, 1970. Relationships between the growth of Porphyra tenera and its culturing condi¬ tion in the sea. II. Influence of atmospheric exposure on photosynthesis, growth and others on Porphyra fronds. Bull. Jap. Soc. Fish., 36:369-376. Johnson, W. S., Andreas Gigon, S. L. Gulmon, and H. A. Mooney, 1974. Comparative photgsynthetic capacities of inter¬ tidal algae under exposed and submerged conditions. Ecol., 55:450-453. Desiccation in Porphyra perforata Rintoul, Page 18 Mathieson, A. E., and R. L. Burns, 1971. Ecological studies of economic red algae. I. Photosynthesis and respira¬ tion of Chondrus er ispus Stackhouse and Gigartina stellata (Stackhouse) Batters. J. exp. mar. biol.. ecol., 7:197-206. Muenscher, W. L. C., 1915. Ability of seaweeds to withstand desiccation. Puget Sound Mar. Stat. Publ, 1:19-23. Rao, C. S. P., 1956. The life history and reproduction of Polyides coprinus (Gunn.) Papenf., Ann. bot., N. S., 20:211-230. Smith, G. M., 1944. Marine algae of the Monterey Penninsula, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 622 pp. Pfau, J., G. Throm and W. Nultch, 1974.Recording micropho¬ tometer for determinaion of light-induced chromatophore movements in brown algae. Z. Pflanzenphysiol., 71:242-260. Pringle, J. D. and A. P. Austin, 1970. Mitotic index in selected red algae in situ. II. A supralittoral species, Por rhyra lanceolata (Setchell and Hus) G. M. Smith. J. exp. mar. biol. ecol., 5:113-137.. Desiccation in Porphyra perforata Rintoul, Page 19 Stocker, 0., and W. Holdheide, 1938. Die Assimilation helgo- lande Gezeitenalgen wahrend der Ebbezit. Z. bot., 32:1-59. Wittman, W., 1965. Aceto-iron-haematoxylin- chloral hydrate for chromosome staining. Stain technol., 40:161-164. Yocum, C. S., 1951. Some experiments on photosynthesis in marine algae (Diss. Abstr.)in Abstracts of disserta¬ tions, Stanford University, 1951. Zaneveld, J. S., 1937. The littoral zonation of some Fucaceae in relation to desiccation. J. ecol., 25:431-468.3 forata Desiccation in Porphyra pe Rintoul, Page 20 FIGURE LENGENDS Figure 1: Whole thallus absorbance spectra for fresh, dried and rehydrated Porphyra pe orata, with the curves labelled appropriately. All readings were taken with the samples exposed to air. Figure 2: Whole thallus absorbance spectra for fresh, dried and rehydrated Porphyra nereocystis. All readings were taken with the samples exposed to air. Figure 3: Photosynthetic rates for fresh,dry and rehydrated P. per rata as measured in an Infrared Gas Analyzer. Each rate is labelled withtan expression for the water content of the sample measured, calcu- lated as %fresh weight. Two runs were made, at 1600 h on 6/3 and at 0200 h on 5/9, which are shown as gray and dotted bars, respectively. Figure 4: The percentage of cells dividing in Porphyra per¬ forata observed for collections taken at 2 h intervals over a 24 h period from May 8 to May 1978, as represented by the vertical gray bars.. At each sample time the left bar represents Zmitosis for site 1, and the right bar for site 2. The dotted line labelled" represents the light intensity in uE/m/s as measured for each daylight collection time. The top horizontal bar is solid those times S. ? 10 upqosqy 0 8 9 unqosqu 5 S L 24.0 3.0 22 O 2 210 a 1.0 FRESH 6/3:1600 1.10 exptl. wt. „fresh wt. 111 1.0 0.56 0.69 REHVORATEI DRY 5/9:0200 - - . Fig. 3 O L O Z 0 2 LIGHT INTENSITY TPE/m2/sec) — — . a — 8 ONIdIAId S1139 % 88 88 LL — ap; ap; .