A. Pisani Salinity Stress in A. elegantissima ABSTRACT The cnidarian Anthopleura elegantissima is subject to a wide variety of external stresses. The effects of decreased salinity were examined in the field and in a laboratory environment. Animals were experimentally subjected to decreased salinities of 10 ppt, 17 ppt, and 25 ppt over a period of 4 days. Laboratory results suggest that salinity stress induces algal cell loss, however, cell loss was not observed in the field. Mechanisms of release active in bleaching under salinity stress appear to result in the release of free algae. Salinity Stress in A. elegantissima 9 A. Pisani INTRODUCTION Symbiotic relationships between photosynthetic unicellular algae and cnidarians are common. The host supplies phosphorus and nitrogen to the algae, as well as carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. In return, the symbiotic algae generally referred to as zooxanthellae reduce nitrogen and supply the host with soluble photoassimilates (Shick 1991). The algae are housed in membrane-bound vacuoles of the endodermal cells in the tentacles and oral disc of the host givin, a greenish-brown color to the animal. The sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima has such a relationship with the dinoflagellate Symbiodinuim californium. The symbiotic relationship between zooxanthellae and some tropical cnidarian hosts has been shown to break down with various environmental stresses including changes in water temperature (Buchsbaum 1968, Steen and Muscatine 1987, Muscatine let al 1991). intense levels of ultraviolet radiation in sunlight (Lesser and Shick 1989), and changes in salinity (Reimer 1971). The breakdown of the association, referred to as bleaching, is accompanied by a reduction in chlorophyll a within the algae (Szmant and Gassman 1990) or by a loss of the algae themselves (Fisk and Done 1985). During bleaching the host expels the algal symbiont by gathering the algae in the coelenteron and egesting them upon contraction of its body wall. There are five possible mechanisms of algal cell release in bleaching: a) exocytosis; b) apoptosis; c) necrosis; d) pinching off of the host cell containing the symbiont: and e) host cell detachment (Gates et al. 1992). Although host cell detachment has been A. Pisani Salinity Stress in A. elegantissima 3 documented in tropical cnidarians as a result of heat stress, no investigations have been undertaken to determine the mechanism of release due to other environmental stresses. Anemones such as A. elegantissima have adapted to thrive in harsh conditions. They are found on the West coast of North America at varied vertical intertidal heights over a 2m range (Hand 1955). The environment A. elegantissima inhabits subjects these animals to many stresses. Included among these stresses is patchy, periodic exposure to low salinity, occurring due to fresh water runoff during rains and floods. Despite these disturbances, these anemones are able to maintain a stable relationship with their algal symbionts. Heavy rains in March caused flooding in the Carmel area. Samples were taken to detect a possible bleaching event due to the influx of fresh water. Experimental salinities were also tested in a controlled laboratory environment in efforts to reproduce such an event. The mechanism active in bleaching due to salinity stress was investigated. MATERIALS AND METHODS Collection and Maintenance of the animals: To investigate bleaching in the field, on April 19th tentacles from animals were collected at Carmel Point and Carmel River. The tentacles were frozen at -20°C. Carmel Point animals were used as a control for the samples taken at Carmel River where heavy flooding had occurred. Experimental animals were collected in the mid intertidal from Aggassiz beach at Hopkins Marine Station. The individuals were A. Pisani Salinity Stress in A. elegantissima 4 removed from the rocks using a small spatula and placed in containers of seawater for immediate transportation to a running seawater table. Three clones were sampled to ensure genetic variation. Two clones were from vertical rock faces, the third from a horizontal surface. The animals were identified by threading tags through the column signifying clone and treatment. Experimental animals were kept in aerated seawater at ambient salinity (35 ppt) and temperature (13.5°C) in a 12:12 (L:D)h photoperiod. The animals were not fed during the experiment. Experimental Treatment: Baseline assessments of zooxanthellae populations were obtained as described below. Seawater was diluted using deionized water to achieve the experimental salinities of 10 ppt, 17 ppt, and 25 ppt as measured with a conductivity meter. Control salinity was 35 ppt. Two 2 liter containers were prepared for each salinity treatment and the control. The containers rested in a water bath to maintain ambient seawater temperatures throughout the stress, and the containers were aerated with an aquarium bubbler. Evaporation guards were placed over the containers to maintain the salinity Three animals, one from each clone, were placed in each container, The treatment period lasted four days. Salinity was monitored throughout the treatment period. On Day 2 of the stress one container of 17 ppt had an elevated salinity of 20 ppt for an estimated period of 4 hours. It was adjusted. After the stress all animals were returned to running seawater. A. Pisani Salinity Stress in A. elegantissima 5 Tentacle samples were taken 0, 1, 7, 12, 16, and 20 days after initiation of treatment. The samples were placed in filter sterilized seawater (FSW), frozen at -20°C, and subsequently analyzed for zooxanthellae content as described below. If the animals were tightly closed magnesium chloride was used as a sedative to facilitate sampling. Estimation of Zooxanthellae populations: To quantify the number of algae in the tissue, previously frozen tentacle clips were thawed and homogenized in a 1.5 ml tube with a micro pestle. The homogenate was centrifuged for 5 minutes at 5000 rpm in a microfuge to separate the algae from the animal supernatant. The supernatant was removed and frozen at -20°C for subsequent protein assays. The pellet was then resuspended in FSW, vortexed and spun again at 5000 rpm for 5 minutes. The resulting pellet was resuspended in a known volume of FSW. The zooxanthellae were counted using a hemacytometer and protein concentrations of the animal supernatant were determined colorimetrically (Sedmark and Grossberg 1977). Algal cell numbers were normalized to mg animal protein. Data Analysis: Data were analyzed using a 3 factor ANOVA with Salinity and Time as orthogonal fixed factors and Containers nested within Salinity and orthogonal to Time (Table 1). A. Pisani Salinity Stress in A. elegantissima 6 Staining and epifluorescence microscopy: In order to assess the state of algal cells released upon salinity stress, released cells were collected, prepared, and viewed using pifluorescence microscopy. Coelenteron contents released after salinity stress at 25 ppt were collected by placing poly-L-lysine (1% in distilled water) coated coverslips at the base of an animal in FSW, The animal was agitated causing contraction of its oral disk and expulsion of coelenteron contents. For 10 minutes the cells were allowed to settle onto the coverslips. The coverslips were then removed and treated with fluorescein diacetate, a vital stain showing general cytoplasmic esterase activity (stock solution 15 mg/ml in acetone; working solution 0.004 ml in 10 ml 0.1 M Tris buffer, 3% sodium chloride, 0.004% calcium chloride, pH 7.4) according to the methods of Gates et al., (1992). The coverslips were washed in the Tris buffer, mounted on slides and viewed under epifluorescence with an Olympus microscope. Additional coverslips were treated with Hoescht 33258 which stains nuclei blue by binding to chromatids (stock solution 5 mg/ml; working solution 0.004 ml in 10 ml 0.1 M Tris buffer, 3% sodium chloride, 0.004% calcium chloride, pH 7.4) for 30 minutes. The coverslips were washed with the Tris buffer, mounted, and viewed under epifluorescence The fluorescein diacetate was viewed with a blue filter, wavelength 480 um, the Hoescht used ultra violet light, wavelength 380 um. RESULTS Zooxanthellae populations after treatments: A. Pisani Salinity Stress in A. elegantissima There was very little change in color through the stress and sampling periods. However, significant changes in algal populations of experimental anemones were detected with cell counts. Control animals had an average population of 3.8 X 106 cells/ mg protein. Despite some variation, this number remained fairly constant throughout the sampling regime. A. elegantissima placed in 10 ppt salinity did not survive longer than three days post-stress. During the initial three days, the animals did exhibit some loss of algal cells. This treatment was excluded from statistical analysis, since no data could be obtained after Day 3. Animals placed in 17 ppt and 25 ppt salinity showed a steady decrease in cell number during the 20 day sampling period compared to control animals, and both exhibited similar rates of decline (Fig. 1). Algal counts declined more quickly in 25 ppt, but significant differences between groups were not significant until Day 16. The populations in 17 ppt and 25 ppt decreased to an average symbiont density of 1.5 x 10° cells/mg protein after 20 days post- stress. The zooxanthellae populations in these treatments both were significantly different from control populations by Day 16 and Day 20 (p««0.001). There was also a significant difference between the 2 containers in the 17 ppt treatments (pe«0.001). This difference may be explained by an increase in the salinity in one container for a 4 hour time period due to accidental removal of the splash guard. This change in salinity in the container was detected and corrected, but it may have caused the 2 containers to differ from each other. A. Pisani Salinity Stress in A. elegantissima 8 Epifluorescence microscopy: Coelenteron contents collected from the animals in the 25 ppt treatment and stained with fluorescein diacetate appeared as single red spheres (Fig. 2A) due to autofluorescence of the algal chloroplast with a green halo and green inside of the red spheres (Fig. 2B). The presence of green stain indicated that these algae are viable. Product stained with Hoescht again appeared as red spheres containing a single blue nuclei within the cell (Fig. 20). Additional nuclei on the outside of the cell were never detected suggesting that the released products were single algal cells and not host cells containing algae. Discussion Bleaching, or the loss of algal symbionts, is not a phenomenon unique to A. elegantissima. It occurs on a large scale in tropical coral reefs due to various stresses. For example, corals are able to survive at salinities 25-40 ppt. However, if salinity drops below 20 ppt for a time period longer than 24 hrs it is lethal. One example of the fragile nature of the coral-symbiont relationship is the bleachin documented in Jamaica and Easter Island after decreases in salinity (Goreau 1964, Egana and DiSalvo 1892). With global warming and other environmental changes a large scale change in salinity is not expected, however, there will be local changes in areas with increased run-off patterns due to human land use, and changes in weather patterns. Unlike corals, anemones are easily maintained in the laboratory. Therefore, anemones are an excellent model for A. Pisani Salinity Stress in A. elegantissima 9 studying bleaching. Understanding the effects of different environmental stresses, such as decrease in ambient salinity, on symbiotic relationships will help in the development of hypotheses about future global change and its consequences. Anthopleura elegantissima reacts to low salinity stress by gradual, but significant release of its symbionts. This was found to happen over a 20 day period in laboratory manipulations after a 4 day stress in 17 ppt and 25 ppt water. After 16 days post-stress the numbers of algae in experimental animals were significantly lower than those from unstressed animals. A salinity 10 ppt was too low for survival. Samples collected from the field did not show signs of a bleaching event. This component of the experiment was parallel to an investigation by Engebretson and Martin, 1994, examining bleaching in A. elegantissima found in LA County, March 1992. Bleaching occurred in the field, but only 5 months after the heavy rains (Engebretson pers. com.). It would be interesting to return to Carmel Point in mid August to further investigate the effects of the March flooding. Perhaps by that time effect of the flooding, if any, would be detectable. Engebretson and Martin also experimented with salinity stress in a controlled lab environment, however their treatments were less environmentally applicable. They kept their animals immersed in hyposaline water (8 ppt, 16 ppt, and 24 ppt) for 21 days which is unlikely length of stress in the field. This strong treatment resulted in a bleaching event. My treatments which were 1/5 the length of this stress, still induced cell loss, but at a slower rate. A. Pisani Salinity Stress in A. elegantissima 10 The mechanism by which A. elegantissima releases its symbiotic algae after salinity stress is not known. It has been shown that algal cells are released in intact host cells under temperature stress (Gates et al., 1992). Is this mechanism of release uniform under all stresses, or is the animal reacting differently to different stresses on a cellular level? The results presented here provide evidence for the probable release of free algal cells. Under epifluorescence microscopy the algal cells were viable and appeared to be free of a host cell. Only the nucleus of the algal cell could be detected. It is possible that host cells degraded prior to collection, or that they were missed due to a gradual release. Baring experimental or sampling error, however, there are 3 possible mechanisms for release of free algae: exocytosis, apoptosis, or necrosis of the host cell. Presently I have no evidence for which of the 3 is most likely occurring. Anemones are osmoconformers. They quickly equilibrate to ambient salinities. Few species are naturally found in brackish water [15-20 ppt.], normal sea water being at a salinity of 35 ppt.. The coelenteron is ventilated facilitating the periodic flow of fresh sea water into the coelenteric cavity. This mechanism causes the salinity of the coelenteric fluid to reach that of the water in approx. 3-6 hours. Cells must regulate their volume so as not to burst and are able to do so at a range of salinities (Shick 1991). Cell volume regulation is achieved through the use of the intercellular free amino acid (FAA) pool. As salinity decreases, the free amino acid pool decreases. The pool size increases with increases in salinity (Shick 1991). Recent work has shown that A. Pisani Salinity Stress in A. elegantissima 11 animals and algal symbionts may communicate through the use of amino acid signaling (Gates et al., 1992). With a decrease in the free amino acid pool this signaling may be disrupted. The host may not be stimulating the algae to return it's photoassimilates to the host. The host may then consider the algae to be parasitic or too much of a drain on the host's metabolism to be kept. Therefore, the expulsion of the algae may bean indirect response to salinity stress indicated through the process of cell osmoregulation. Further work is needed to confirm this hypothesis. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1 am grateful to Dr. Virginia Weiss for her support, guidance, and commitment to this project. Additional thanks to Dr. Paul Levine for the use of his lab and his probing questions, and to Dr. Jim Wantanabe for his statistical genius and field expertise. A. Pisani Salinity Stress in A. elegantissima 19 LITERATURE CITED Buchsbaum, V.M. 1968. Behavioral and physiological, responses to light by Anthopleura elegantissima. Ph.D. diss,. Stanford University, Stanford California :5. Egana, A.C. and L.H. DiSalvo. 1982. Mass expulsion of zooxanthellae by Easter Island corals. Pacific Science 36:61-63. Engebretson, H. and K.L.M. Martin. 1994. The effects of decreased salinity on expulsion of zooxanthellae in Anthopleura elegantissima. Pacific Sci. 4: 446-457. Fisk T. A., and T. J. Done. 1985. Taxonomic and bathymetric patterns of bleaching corals. Proc. Fifth Int. Coral Reef Cong. 6: 149-154. Gates, et al. 1992. 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Pisani Salinity Stress in A. elegantissima 14 Table 1 Statistical Analysis Analysis of Variance df Source MS 14.987 Salinity 5.252 0.105 12.130 34.317 Time 0.000 2.971 8.405 Sainity*Time 0.000 10 2.852 7.837 0.000 Container (Salinity) 0.353 0.494 Time* Container (Salinity) 15 0.971 0.364 Error 67 Post Hoc Comparisons (Tukey HSD) Pairwise mean differences Day O Control 17 ppt -1.00 (p=.846) 17 ppt 25 ppt 119 (p=1.00) —219 (p=1.00) * No significant difference Time 1-Time 4 Day 16 Control 17 ppt 2.097 (p=0.000) 17 ppt 1.812 (p=0.000) 285(p=1.00) 25 ppt — Control Day 20 17 ppt 3.270 (p=0.000) 17 ppt 3.086 (p=0.000) O.185(p=1.00) 25 ppt A. Pisani Salinity Stress in A. elegantissima 15 List of Figures Figure 1: Cell/mg animal protein as calculated with n=6 per treatment over a 20 day period. Figure 2: a) algae cells autofluoressing red; b) green staining of esterase activity with fluorescein diacetate staining; c) blue staining of the chromatids in the nucleus with Hoescht 1.0E+07- 1.OE+06 1.OE405. 1.OE+04- Figure 1 10 Time (days) 15 20 25 —+— 10 p —H 17 pr --O---- 25 pr — A— 35 pr A. Pisani Figure 2 a. in A. elegantissima 16