ABSTRACT The high intertidal limpet, Collisella digitalis, was kept continuously washed by sea water and compared with adjacent individuals under ambient conditions to determine whether prolonged submersion constituted a stress. The osmolarity of extracorporeal water and body fluid were monitored over four days, along with the force required to remove the limpets from the rock. The tenacity dropped markedly after nine hours of submersion and by four days was less than 503 of control animals. Increased tenacity was correlated with elevated osmolarity of body fluid. It is suggested that C. digitalis behaviorally regulates its body fluid at elevated levels and that prolonged submersion may constitute a physiological stress and set a lower boundary for adults of the species. Introduction The limpet Collisella digitalis inhabits vertical rock faces and crevices high in the intertidal zone. Although C. digitalis are frequently splashed during high tide, they are rarely submerged and have the highest intertidal distribution of central California limpets. Breen (1972) showed that C. digitalis exhibited upward migratory movement during the fall and winter months coinciding with periods of heavy surf. Observations in aquaria show that C. digitalis quickly moves above the water line. The fact that C. digitalis flee from sea water for respiratory reasons seems unlikely because of studies done by Baldwin (1968) which show high oxygen consumption during periods of submergence. Inspection of intertidal sites reveals many potential sites lower in the intertidal area where they would not seem to be excluded by competition. To determine if C. digitalis is osmotically stressed by sustained exposure to sea water is the subject of this The index of stress used is the limpet's paper. tenacity on the substrate and this is correlated with osmolarity of extracorporeal fluid and body fluid. Materials and Methods To examine the effects of submergence on tenacity. extracorporeal fluid and body fluid osmolarity, a popu- lation of C. digitalis on a rock face were enclosed in a 1.2x1.2-meter fence of 1/4-inch hardware mesh. This served to keep the limpets from escaping a constant flow of sea water piped to the top of the study area during the experimental period. An adjacent group of limpets at the same tidal height were used as controls and exposed to the normal tide and wave cycle. Before the experimental limpets were submerged, 10 control limpets were sampled and 10 of each control and experi¬ mental limpets were sampled 3, 6, 9, 25, 49, 73 and 97 hours after submergence. To measure tenacity, wire loops were fixed on the limpets' shell with splash zone epoxy compound. A spring scale was attached to the loop and the limpets were pulled at a 45-degree angle to approximate the vector sum of lift and drag forces. The force (lbs.) required to remove the limpets from the rock was converted to Newtons and divided by the area of the limpets' foot to obtain a value of tenacity (N/m2). Area of the foot was calculated from the length, using the regression equation (Hahn and Denny) 2.24 y - 3200 x where x is the length of the limpet in centimeters and y is the area of the foot in square meters. Extracorporeal fluid was obtained from each limpet by gently pressing the foot and pipeting the expressed fluid. The osmolarity (mOsm) was assayed with a Preci- sion Systems microsmometer utilizing freezing point depression. This required a 50-microliter sample size. Body fluid was collected from each sample group by an incision through the sole of the foot and extracting the fluid with a microhematocrit capillary tube. Samples had to be pooled to get a sufficient volume to measure osmolarity as above. A fourth experiment tested the survival of limpets transplanted lower in the intertidal. Two groups of thirty limpets were transplanted from their home sites to lower levels in the intertidal, chosen so limpets could not move to higher levels. One group was trans¬ planted to a region that was submerged in three of the four tide changes and not exposed to intense wave action. A second group was moved to an exposed site with very high wave action. A third group served as controls and were moved to a different site but at the same intertidal level they normally inhabit. Numbers surviving were counted each day for 7 days. Results Figure One shows the data from the first of three submergence experiments. The control sample at time zero was obtained during unusually high surf conditions consistently wetting both control and experimental limpets. Three hours after submergence, there was no significant difference between tenacities and extra¬ corporeal fluid osmolarities among control and experi¬ mental limpets. There was a decrease in body fluid osmolarity in the control groups between zero and three hours coinciding with periods of heavy surf. The tena- cities and extracorporeal fluid osmolarities in the six- and nine-hour limpets were significantly differ- ent, with p-values of less than 0.005 for random sampling error. Twenty-nine hours after submergence, the extracorporeal fluid osmolarity of the control limpets was significantly greater than the experimental group, with a p-value of less than 0.005. Total body osmolarities of the control and experimental limpets were similar at this time, which coincides with both groups being splashed by high surf. There was no significant difference in tenacities at twenty-nine hours, but a significant difference in both extra- corporeal fluid osmolarity and tenacity among the control and experimental groups at forty-nine hours. There was also a 50% decrease in tenacity of the experimental group 49 hours after submergence, compared with the initial control at time zero. Figure Two shows the data from the second of three submergence experiments. This experiment was conducted under conditions of very warm weather and early low followed by low-high tides. This maximized dessication resulting in extracorporeal fluid and body fluid osmolarities to 1300 mOsm. With this increase in osmolarity, there was also an increase in tenacity from the nine- to twenty-five-hour period. This relation- ship is also seen from forty-nine to ninety-seven hours in the control group. Prior to the forty-nine-hour period, extracorporeal fluid and body fluid osmolari- ties remained relatively constant in both the control and experimental groups, as did the tenacities from zero to six hours. Although it is unlikely that an increased osmolarity is always indicative of an increase in tenacity, the exposure to sea water resulted in a significantly lower osmolarity and tenacity in the experimental group with all p-values less than 0.005 except in the nine-hour sample for tenacity. Another important finding is that the tenacities of the experimental limpets declined to approximately 54% of the control value (at time zero) after ninety-seven hours of submergence. Figure Three shows the data from the final submergence experiment in which all but the three-hour experimental tenacities were significantly lower than the control limpets with p-values less than 0.005. In addition, the extracorporeal fluid osmolarities of the experimental limpets were significantly lower than controls at all sampling times. Body fluid osmolarities followed extracorporeal fluid osmolarities in both control and experimental groups. The ninety-seven-hour experimental group showed a 64% decrease in tenacity from the controls at time zero. There was also a rapid drop in the tenacities of the experimental limpets from the three- to nine-hour sampling times. Figure Four shows the data from the effects of transplanting experimental limpets to regions lower in the intertidal. Compared with the control group, there is significantly less survival in the exposed and non- exposed limpets, with the exposed limpets losing 573 of the original population and the non-exposed 47% of the original number. In the control group, only one limpet was lost during the seven-day period. Discussion In almost all cases, the experimental limpet showed significantly lower osmolarities of extra- corporeal fluid. Only during the three-hour period in experiment one was this different statistically insig- nificant and during this period, both control and experimental limpets were getting heavily washed by high surf. Correlating with the reduced osmolarities. the tenacityies of the experimental limpets were all lower than the controls with only four out of nineteen determinations not statistically significant. In experiment one the three- and twenty-five-hour samples showed no significant difference; however, this coin- cided with a period of heavy surf which was washing the control limpets also. The nine-hour sample of experi¬ ment two and the three-hour sample of experiment three show significant difference in tenacities due to high variance and small sample size. Moreover, in the three submergence experiments the ability of the limpets to cling to the substrate declined rapidly in the first nine hours and was less than 50% of the initial control value by two days. This means that C. digitalis living at lower levels may be placed in danger of being washed off the rock, especially as their immersion time increases as wave force increases. Though the safety factor of a resting limpet is quite high (Denny et al. 1985), it is much lower for a crawling limpet and the reducion in tenacity resulting from equilibration with sea water may represent a significant physical stress and play an important role in habitat selection in C. digitalis. The transplant experiment designed to "test" this demonstrated a 50% loss of limpet relocated to lower levels over that of the controls. There could be other reasons for this loss than being washed off the rock (migration or predation); however, the most rapid loss was in the exposed population, which is consistent with the osmotic stress hypothesis. Also, the work of Frank (1965) concerning seasonal upward shifts in C. digitalis populations fits well with the immersion effects on tenacity, This study provides another view of the habitat selection of C. digitalis. The initial study of Haven (1971) described niche separation of C. digitalis and C. scabra where C. digitalis had less resistance to dessication but better competitive ability, thus leading to its occupancy of vertical faces. Wolcott (1973) rated them equivalent in dessication resistance but indicated that dessication stress determined the upper limit to residency. This does present a real enigma for intertidal ecologists because it is the only case where exposure to ambient sea water represents an osmotic stress to a marine invertebrate. It is also one of the few instances in which a physiological stress is regulating the lower limits of distribution of the adult population. 10 consistent with the osmotic stress hypothesis. Also the work of Frank (1965) concerning seasonal upward shifts in C. digitalis populations fits well with the immersion effects on tenacity. This study provides another view of the habitat selection of C. digitalis. The initial study of Haven (1971) described niche separation of C. digitalis and C. scabra where C. digitalis had less resistance to dessication but better competitive ability, thus leading to its occupancy of vertical faces. Wolcott (1973) rated them equivalent in dessication resistance but indicated that dessication stress determined the upper limit to residency. This does present a real enigma for intertidal ecologists because it is the only case where exposure to ambient sea water represents an osmotic stress to a marine invertebrate. It is also one of the few instances in which a physiological stress is regulating the lower limits of distribution of the adult population. 10 consistent with the osmotic stress hypothesis. Also, the work of Frank (1965) concerning seasonal upward shifts in C. digitalis populations fits well with the immersion effects on tenacity. This study provides another view of the habitat selection of C. digitalis. The initial study of Haven (1971) described niche separation of C. digitalis and C. scabra where C. digitalis had less resistance to dessication but better competitive ability, thus leading to its occupancy of vertical faces. Wolcott (1973) rated them equivalent in dessication resistance but indicated that dessication stress determined the upper limit to residency. This does present a real enigma for intertidal ecologists because it is the only case where exposure to ambient sea water represents an osmotic stress to a marine invertebrate. It is also one of the few instances in which a physiological stress is regulating the lower limits of distribution of the adult population. 10 References Baldwin, S. 1968. Manometric measurements of respiratory activity in Acmaea digitalis and Acmaea scabra. Veliger 11 (Suppl.): 79-82. Breen, P. A. 1972. Seasonal migration and population regulation in the limpet Acmaea (Collisella) digitalis. Veliger 15: 133-141. Denny, M. W. , T. L. Daniel, and M. A. R. Koehl. 1985. Mechanical limits to size in wave-swept organisms. Ecological Monographs 55: 69-102. Frank, P. W. 1965. The biodemography of an intertidal snail population. Ecology 46: 831-844. Haven, S. B. 1971. Niche differences in the inter- tidal limpets Acmaea scabra and Acmaea digitalis (Gastropoda) in central California. Veliger 13: 231-248. Wolcott, T. G. 1973. Physiological ecology and inter- tidal zonation in limpets (Acmaea): a critical look at "limiting factors." Biological Bulletin 145: 389-422. 11 Acknowledgements I would like to thank Chuck Baxter, Tom Hahn and John Kono for helping me to complete this project. 13 Figure One: Experiment 1 The osmolarities of extracorporeal fluid and body fluid as a function of time in control and experimental limpets. Tenacity as a function of time in control and experimental limpets. Experiment + 200 I100 000 900 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.O — Extracorporeal Fluid Osmo. ————- Body Fluid Osmo. • Control Experimenta ta- 40 30 10 20 50 Time (hours) • Control Experimental 30 40 20 Time (hours 10 50 Figure Two: Experiment f2 The osmolarities of extracorporeal fluid and body fluid as a function of time in control and experimental limpets. Tenacity as a function of time in control and experimental limpets. Experiment +2 1300 200 100 00 900 3.0 2.C 1.O Extracorporeal Fluid Ösmo. — Body Fluid Osmo. • Control n Experimenta! d V 20—49 0 73 97 Time (hours) • Contro Experimenta! + —1 1149 73—97 20 10 Time (hours) Figure Three: Experiment f3 The osmolarities of extracorporeal fluid and body fluid as a function of time in control and experimental limpets. Tenacity as a function of time in control and experimental limpets. Experiment +3 1400 21300 2 1200 100 000 900 0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.O 10 — Extracorporeal Fluid Osmo. ————— Body Fluid Osmo. • Control Experimental a —— — — 49 73—97 20 Time (hours) S • Contro i Experimenta! 49 20 7397 Time (hours) Figure Four Number of limpets remaining as a function of time for control, non-exposed and exposed limpets. 19 30 25 20 10 S Control 8 8 Non-Exposed Exposed taataa- Time (days)