Abstract: Hy study of Anthomastus ritterihas led to on establishment of its distribution in Honterey Bag, a description of its feeding behavior. responses and endogenous cycles of anthocodia, and a diet analusis, when densities were calculated according to geographical location, depth, and habitat type, it was found that the highest concentrations of Anthomastus ritterroccur at the Canyon Wall Heander site, at a depth of about 350m. and on exposed rock faces. Khite individuals are more common towards the south while pink and red ones are the only ones seen at the northernmost locations. Two distinct feeding behaviors are used bu the species depending on whether it is ingesting large or small particles. Anthocodia retract both in response to mechanical stimuli and in an endogenous cyclical pattern of 27 hours length. Fecal analysis suggests that they are ingesting mainly sand particles and detritus. Introduction: Anthomastus ritteriis a soft coral found along the cangon wall of Honterey Bag. It is a polymorphic colonial organism having a variable number of two polyp types. Autozooids are the large feeding polups while the siphonozooids appear as ting bumps which cover the surface of the lobe and pump water through the colong (Abbott, 1987). Their gastrovascular cavities extend through a common fleshg lobe down to the base of a stalk. Within the lobe is a solenial network which interconnects the gastrovascular tubes of each polup providing the colong with a common nutrient pool. The portion of the autozooid which projects from the lobe of the colong is called the anthocodia (Hyman, 1940). The anthocodia are copable of retracting completely into the fleshy lobe. Since Anthamsstus ritteriwas described in 1909 bq Dr. Charles C. Nutting (1909), very little work has been published about this alcyonarian (Abbott, 1987). Since so little is known about this species 1 focused mu research on a basic understanding of its biologg. I established a pattern for its distribution in Honterey Bag, described two distinct feeding behaviors, described patterns of anthocodia retraction, and made preliminary observations of its natural diet through a fecal analysis of freshly collected individuols. These findings shed some light on how this organism fits into the ecology of the Honterey Bay cangon wall. Haterials and Hehtods: Distribution in Honterey Bag Tused video footage shot at points along the Honterey submarine cangon wall to establish distributional patterns for Anthomastus ritteri The footage was shot from a Sony Betacam DXC 3000 camera mounted on a submersible Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) operated by the Honterey Bag Aquorium Reseorch Institute (MBARI). In 1990, MBARI conducted cangon wall dives at five locations, and these sites were surveged for Anthamastus ritteridensities. Densities were established according to the number of Anthomastusseen per unit time. The cangon wall locations included the Point Joe, C4-C5, Cangon Wall Meander, North Wall, and Soquel Cangon sites shown in Figure 1. The video footage was sampled by counting the number of Anthomastusseen during one-minute segments spaced over the tapes at five-minute intervals. The depth, color, and habitat type were recorded for each video segment surveged. The three different habitat types recorded were exposed rock face, sediment cover, and the rocky slope habitats. Densities for a particular geographic location ,depth range, and habitat were established by dividing the total Anthomastusseen by the total time surveged at that location, depth range, or habitat tupe A total of eleven dives were surveged. They included two dives at Point Joe on April 19,1989 and January 10, 1990; four dives at C4-C5 on Harch 26, Hay 1, Hay 7, and Hay 14, 1990; one dive at Cangon Wall Heander on February 28, 1990; three dives at North Wall on January 17, January 29. and February 5, 1990; and one dive at Soquel Cangon on Harch 19, 1990. Feeding Behavior Anthonastus individuals were collected with the MBARI ROV and kept at 6°C in tanks at the Honterey Bag Aquarium. Feeding behavior was studied using live Artemignauplii and dead krill. Live kelp mucids, Aconthomysis insculple, and brine shrimp, Artemig, were also tried, but Anthonestusspecimens were unable to capture and ingest these larger, live animals. Nauplii were squirted gently near the Antbomostus tentacles using a turkey baster. Care was taken not to disturb the polups with too forceful a squirt from the turkey baster while at the same time ensuring the nauplii would run into the polyp tentacles. The dead krill was placed on a tentacle using forceps. The esophagus of the Anthamestusis clearly visible as a red tube running through the transparent outer tissue layers along the length of the anthocodia. The movement of krill down the esophagus can be observed because the black eges of krill are visible through the red tissue layer lining the esophagus. Anthocodia Retraction The retraction of anthocodia was observed using the individuals collected by the MBARI ROV and stored at the Hontereg Bay Aquarium. A plastic probe was used for stimulation by touching them on their stalk and polups. Their endogenous cyclical retractions were recorded with a Song VHS video camera on a tripod and attached it to a VeR with a time lopse function ond one frome was exposed every 1.2 seconds. The activitu of an undisturbed specimen was recorded over the course of 3 daus and it went through 2 cycles of exponsion and retraction. Fecal Pellet Analysis In order to study the natural diet of Antbomastus ritteri,1 analized fecal pellets from freshly collected individuals. The Anthamastus specimens were collected with the HBARI ROV at the northern extreme of the C4-C5 site. One individual from a sediment cover habitat was collected on Hay 14 and eight others from an exposed rock habitat were collected on Hay 23, 1990. The specimens were transported to the Honterey Bay Aquarium where they were put into clean tanks. Fecal pellets were collected over the course of the two days following collection. A total of 19 pellets were collected from the 8 individuals coming from the exposed rock habitat, and 8 were collected from the one Anthomostus found on sediment cover. The pellets were transferred with forceps to vials containing 808 ethanol. The fecal pellets were dissected with needles and the fragments mounted on glass slides for examination under a compound microscope. Eoch slide contained one pellet with a total volume of about 0.03 cme. systematically worked my way across each slide in lines so as to cover all parts of the sample. I estimated the relative volumes of the particle tupes I saw. The estimate was made using an arbitrary standard unit of volume which was the average volume of the sand grains found in the pellets, or about 8.0 x10° cm°. Sand and other material in the pellets vere counted according to this unit. Results. Distribution The distribution of Anthomastus ritterrin Honterey Bay was analuzed relative to three porometers. I compored the relative densities occording to geographical location in the bay, according to depth, and according to habitat type. Figure 2 illustrotes how Anthanastusure distributed at the five sites surveged in Honterey Bag. The color morphs of Anthomastus were divided into two groups: white ones and ones which were colored pink or red. Anthomestus ritteriexists in shodes from white to pink to red, and anu individual which was even slightlg pink was counted in the red and pink category. Anthonsstusreaches its highest density at the Cangon Wall Heander site where the overall density approached 4.0 Antbamastusper minute. Also shown in Figure 2 is the fact that white individuals were not observed at the two northernmost sites while over half of those seen at the southernmost site were white. Figure 3 shows the results 1 obtained when 1 studied the distribution of Anthonastus ritteriby depth. The highest concentration of the species occurs at about 350m, the concentration drops off rapidly at shallower and deeper locations. Densities according to habitat tupe are summarized in Figure 4. The habitat tupe with the highest density of Antbamastus ritteriwas the exposed rock face. 2.7 individuals were seen per minute of ROV time on this tupe of habitat. The sediment cover habitat had the next highest density with 0.93 individuals per minute, and the rocky slope habitat was lowest with 0.71 Anthomastusper minute. Feeding Behavior Anthansstus ritterihas two distinct feeding patterns, one for larger prey items and the other for smaller particles. In both patterns, autozooids are sessile predators, waiting for particles to come into contact with outstreched tentacles. When all the anthocodia are fullu extended, the tentacles of the polyps stretch out in a plane around the oral disc, and combine to form a web-like network arranged in a sphere around the fleshy body of the colong. The tentacles of adjacent polyps do not overlap but come into close proximity at their tips. When a food particle touches a part of this network, the feeding behavior is intiated. The nematocysts on the tentacles are of the atrichous isorhiza tupe which contain no toxins but function by causing the food particle to stick to the tentacle (Huscatine and Lenhoff, 1974). The tentacle which captures the food is termed the primary tentacle". From this point, the behavior can follow one of two basic routes. The first pattern is observed when the polup ingests dead krill of about 1.0 to 1.5 centimeters in length. This was the larger food object for laboratory observations. The primary tentacle with the food item attached curls in bringing the particle to the oral disc. It works independently bringing the item to the oral disc with no assistance from the other tentacles of the polyp. Once the primary tentacle has curled into the middle, the other tentacles bend up at their bases to form a fence of tentacles around the oral disc. The tentacles squeeze together over the food particle to form a cage completely around the piece of food. The polup then begins to bend over in the direction of the pull of gravity The polup swells to about 1.6 times its normal diameter and the esophagus is seen to distend initially at its distal end to about 2.5 times its normal diameter. This dilation of the esophagus near the oral disc allows the primary tentacle to insert the food particle into the mouth. Large food particles have been observed entering through the mouth into the esophagus with no apparent aid from any tentacles once the primary tentacle has inserted at least a tip or an edge of the particle into the mouth. In some cases, hovever, the primary tentacle and occassionallu one or more of the other tentacles bends into the mouth and enters into the esophagus with the piece of food. The distension of the esophagus works its way down toward the base of the anthocodia until the entire visible esophagus is dilated. It takes about 13 minutes from the time a piece of krill makes contact with the tentacle for it to be ingested into the esophagus and be moved down to the base of the anthocodia. Shortly after the krill reaches the base of the anthocodia, the esophaqus starts to constrict at its distal end back to normal size. This begins a slow, peristaltic motion as the constriction of the esophagus works its wag to the base of the anthocodia. Starting with the first signs of contraction near the oral disc it takes between 15 and 35 minutes for the esophagus to constrict back to its normal size completely down to the base of the anthocodia. The piece of krill is visible at the base of the anthocodia until the constricting esophagus squeezes it down deeper into the polyp. The second tupe of feeding behavior is observed when an Anthomastus is feeding on nauplii which are on the order of 0.3 millimeters in length. When one or more nauplii become stuck to a tentacle, that tentacle curls in to the oral disc and deposits the food porticles on the mouth. The tentacle slowly curls back to its normal position. The time for the tentacle to curl into the oral disc is about 1.5 seconds, but it takes about 4 minutes for it to swing back out to its normal position along the plane of the oral disc. There is no swelling or bending of the polyp, and there is no visible distension of the esophagus. The largest live animals Anthomastushas been observed to ingest are Artenionauplii. When live kelp mycids, Aconthonsis insculpta of about 1.0 cm length were put into a tank containing Anthomastus ritteritheu were observed coming into contact with the tentacles but were easily able to break free of the sticky tentacle before being drawn to the oral disc. On an HBARI video tape token at the Congon Wall Heonder site on February 28, 1990, the golden-eye mycid was seen to come into contact with a tentacle only to immediately break itself free of its sticky surface. Adult brine shrimp, Artemig ore much wenker swimmers than the mycids, and when one comes into contact with a tentacle, the tentacle is able to maintain its hold and bring it to the oral disc and insert part of it into the mouth. Once the esophogus becomes distended, however, the brine shrimp is able to swim free of the polyp. Once the distension of the esophagus is intiated by the brine shrimp being in the mouth, it continues down to the base of the anthocodia and is followed by the peristaltic constriction down the length of the anthocodia. The entire motion of the esophagus occurs despite the fact that no food particle is being moved down towards the lobe of the colong. Anthocodia Retraction Another interesting behavior of Anthomastus ritterris its ability to retract its anthocodia into the colong's common fleshy lobe. This behavior occurs both as a response to mechanical disturbances of the colony and as a cyclical event from day to dag. A particularly sensitive area for mechanical disturbance is the stalk of the colong. When the stalk is disturbed by touch, the anthocodia of the entire colong begin the process of retraction by becoming flacid and bending of the tentacles in towards the oral disc and away from the lobe. This process can be reversible with the tentacles bending back down and becoming capable of feedinq, but with strunger stimulation the anthocodia will be completely retracted. When the retraction occurs in response to mechaincal disturbance, all the anthocodia respond at the same time immediately after the disturbance. If an individual anthocodia is disturbed, the reaction is local involving only that polyp and more likely to be reversible. During the process of retraction, water is expelled from the anthocodia causing them to shrink. The anthocodia continue to shrink down until they are entirelu inside the lobe with only the tentocles sticking out. The tentacles are then brought inside the lobe with their tips enterring last and the surface of the lobe tightens around the space occupied by the retracted polup leaving only a pit in the surface of the lobe. The cyclical retraction of polyps was observed in one individual using time lapse photography over the course of three days. Two cycles were observed taking 27 hours each storting with the anthocodia retracted and the lobe pulled down next to the substrate just before the colong begins to come out. The first sign of the colony preparinq to come out is the expansion and extension of the stalk which lifts the lobe away from the substrate. This takes aproximately 36 minutes. The first anthocodia begins coming out at about 30 minutes, just prior to the stalk being completely extended. The anthocodia do not all come out at the same time, and there is no obvious order which they follow. When theg come out, the tentacles of the polups are buried in their mouths and they slide out and curl away from the oral disc as the polyp expands. By the time 1 hour and 40 minutes have passed, the anthocodia are completely extended and in their feeding posture. They remain fully extended until a total of 15 hours have passed from the beginning of the cycle. At this point the colong droops toword the substrote ond its onthocodia retract partiallu. After about 36 minutes of this partially retracted state, the anthocodia come back out and the colong becomes erect once again. The colony recovers fully from this partial retraction by 16 hours and 48 minutes into the cycle. 18 hours and 54 minutes into the cycle, the colong begins a complete retraction. The colong droops over again. When the anthocodia are preparing to retract, the tentacles of all the polups curl away from the oral disc. The anthocodia become flacid and begin to shrink. They continue to shrink until only the tentacles are outside the lobe. Unlike the retroction caused by mechanical stimulus, the anthocodia do not retract in synchrong and there is no obvious pattern to the order of retractions. The tentacles then curl into the lobe and the surface of the lobe squeezes shut over the top of them 21 hours into the cycle. The stalk begins to shorten at 21 hours and 54 minutes and pulls the lobe up next to the substrate over the next hour. When up against the substrate, the lobe shrinks to about two-thirds its normal size. The colony remains clomped up next to the rock with anthocodia retracted for the remaining 5 hours and 6 minutes of the cycle. These time values represent the average time over the two observed cycles, but there was little variation between cycles. The largest variation occurred in the timing of the portial retraction in the middle of the cycle. In one cycle the partial retraction began at 13 hours and 12 minutes and lasted 2 hours and 18 minutes, and that of the other cycle started at 16 hours and 48 minutes and lasted 1 hour and 18 minutes. The timing of the other events of the cycle were within 36 minutes of each other between the two cycles. Fecal Pellet Analysis The composition, by volume, of the fecal pellets of the 8 Anthomastus collected from on exposed rock foce habitat is summorized in Figure 5. About 753 of the volume of each pellet was sand. The remaining 252 was made up of organic material. Host of this organic material was brownish flocculent detritus, and only a small portion could be identified as coming from a particular organism. The pellets coming from the one individual found in a sediment cover habitat were of a different composition as shown in Figure 6. The proportions of each pellet were reversed with 758 being organic material and the remaining 258 being sand. A comparison between what was found in the two pellet tupes in the identifiable fraction is shown in Figure 7. Sponge spicules made up the highest proportion by volume of the identifiable material in the first tupe of pellet. Unidentifiable eggs made up the highest proportion in the second type of fecal pellet collected from the one individual from a sediment cover habitat. Discussion: Distribution Anthomastus ritteriwere observed at all five sites surveged along the cangon wall. All of the sites were located at depths ranging from about 200m to 425m and were spread out around the bay along this band of depth range. The highest densities occur somewhere near the Cangon Wall Heander site and falls off to the north and south. Sites with greater expanses of exposed rock faces are likely to have higher concentrations than those having mostly sediment cover habitats or rocky slopes. The densities reached a maximum at about 350m and dropped off at deeper or shallower sites. It is unclear why the species is more dense at a particular depth, habitat type, or geographical location and these parameters are bu no means inseparable. For example, it may be that they are most dense at 350m because this happens to be where the habitat is right for them at the Canyon Wall Heender site. There are probably several other variables to consider which did not include in my research. Other aspects of their benthic habitat, begond substrate tupe, must be identified and studied in order to get a better idea of why they mau prefer one habitat over another. Even substrate tupe was difficult to characterize in the case of sediment cover because it is difficult to know whether the sediment is in a thin lager over a hard rock surface or if it is actually a thick sediment slope. It is assumed that the stalk of the Anthonestusmust be attached to a rock base in order to keep the colonu upright. Their concentration on a sediment slope would therefore be limited by the number of small rocks found near the surface of the sediment. The rock face substrate may be preferred to the rocky slope because the entire surface has access to nutrient sources suspended in the water column while on a rocky slope there are numerous crevices and pits and less surface area which has a free access to the water column. Their distribution by depth is also difficult to interpret especially since only 20 minutes of video footage was surveged at depths greater than 400 m as shown in Figure 3. The drop off in concentration at this end may be less drastic than indicated in the figure. The actual depth is probably less critical than other factors influencing distribution. Pressure does not seem to play a significant role because one individual which was collected and kept alive for three months at the Honterey Bau Aquarium has been observed to grow and develope new polyps at ambient pressure The unequal geographical distribution of white versus red and pink individuals is also a perplexing question. It is possible that theu represent genetically different morphs with different ranges, but this is not clear because there is a gradual gradation in color from white to pink to red. It is possible that the color variation has something to do with development and diet or other environmental factors. If it is intraspecific genetic variation, the distribution could be attributed to a gradation of selective pressures or larval settlement from different parental populations from north to south. These findings should be considered only as preliminary distributional results. The sample sizes are quite variable by depth and location. The densities by habitat type most likely depend heavily on the availability of a suitable attachment site, but other considerations such as the level of disturbance from deep currents are also likely to plag a significant role. Another difficulty in analyzing these results arises from the fact that the ROY does not cruise at a constant rate over the cangon wall surface and it has a variable size to its field of view due to its proximity to the wall and the setting of its zoom lens. These considerations were hopefullu minimized by a large sampling. The amount of time sompled varied from thirty-seven minutes at the Cangon Wall Heander site to one hour and forty-seven minutes at the North Wall site. The sampling problems at certain depths have already been discussed. The time was divided relatively evenly among habitat tupes with a low of one hour and thirty-five minutes spent on rocky slope and a high of two hours and twenty-one minutes on exposed rock faces. The depth range of all Anthomastus ritteri seen by the ROV was found in the HBARI database to be 210 m to 430 m, but the data is patchy since the ROV rarely goes below 400 m and also due to technical problems in recording depth on some dives. In the original collections of the species individuals were collected off Point Pinos north of the the Point Joe site ot depths ranging from 518 m to 587 m. During these original collections Atterwere also collected off the coast of Los Angeles and Santa Barbaro at depths ranging from 393 m to 796 m neer Santa Barbara Island and San Nicholas Island and from 920 m to 1236 m near Gull Island. One species of Anthomestus, A. gronulesus (Kükenthal, 1910), which has been found in both Japanese and South African waters has a shallower depth range of 20 m to 200 m (Utinomi, 1960). A fisherjhas been found near Hawaii from 200 m to 1027 m (Bayer, 1952), and A steenstrupihas been found neor Jopon from 222 m to 1027 m (Nutting, 1900). A jopoicus (Nutting, 1913) is found in Japanese waters and A grandiflorus (Verrill, 1883) is found in the North Atlantic in waters near Greenland, Iceland, and Norwag south to the Caribbean Sea. Their depth ranges are 484 m to 989 m and 136 m to 2773 m respectively (Nutting, 1913 and Jungersen, 1927). The depth range of A tteriin Honterey Bag apparently extends shallower thon once thought giving it an overall known depth range of 210 m to 1236 m. This range is similer, though somewhat deeper than A fisherjand A steenstrupi Feeding Behavior The motility of the esophagus appears to be a programmed response intiated by a large food item being inserted into the mouth by a tentacle. Unce initiated it proceeds to completion whether or not the food particle is ingested or not. Since the food particle passes down the expanded esophagus to the base of the anthocodia before the peristaltic constriction occurs at the distal end, cilie are probably responsible for the particle’s movement. The gastrodermal lining of the esophagus in most alcyonaria is flagellated (Hyman, 1940). The expanded esophagus may just give the food porticle spoce to move and the peristaltic motion may serve to push doyn angthing which mag have become lodged in the tube and to squeeze the food particle down past the base of the anthocodia. It is significont thot the polyp does not have to undergo a swelling and bending over for the ingestion of small food particles. When a polup is ingesting large food particles, it is not able to retract into the fleshy lobe of the colong. This meons that the polyp is more susceptible to damage from any threat which may have caused the polyps to retract. It is important that the polyp need not expend as much energy or expose itself to the possibility of damage when ingesting small food particles. Anthocodia Retraction Retraction in response to mechanical disturbances to the Anthomastus rittericolony appears to be a defensive response. It is not clear what the species must defend against in its natural environment. A nudibronch, Tritonie diemedig, which is often seen at sites having numerous Anthomastus ritterihas been identified as a possible predator. This nudibranch is knovn to feed on sea pens in shallower waters and mau be a predator of alcyonarians in general. Since the colony retracts its polyps and squeezes its stalk down to cover it with the colong's lobe, there mag be something that feeds on the polyps or the stalk but is uninterested in eating the material which makes up the lobe. Also, bu clamping down next to the rock and squeezing out any excess water, the colony is less susceptible to being battered around by currents or the incidental contact of other animals. In two of the seventeen Anthamastus collected, catshark egg cases were wrapped tightly around the stalks. There may be other interactions from different species which have the potential to damage a colong. The trro cycles of retroction and exponsion of polups in undisturbed specimens were somewhat longer than a day in length. During the daytime dives of the HBARI ROV, about 40 percent of the Anthomastusseen have portially or completely retracted anthocodia. During the two cycles observed in the lab, about 39 percent of the time was spent with anthocodia partially or completely retracted. The closeness of these two numbers suggests two things. The cycles observed in the lab are good approximations of what occurs in the natural environment. At any given time, the different Anthomastuscolonies in their natural environment are ot different relative points along their individual cycles. This further suggests, along with the measured length of the cycle of 27 hours, that the cycles are not dependent on the daily cycle of night and dag. It would be interesting to discover what the factors are which influence this cycle of retraction and extension. Fecal Analysis The results of the fecal analysis suggest that Anthaastus ritteri ingest different proportions of detritus and sand depending on habitat tupe. The high proportion of sand mag indicate a greater exposure to grains on rock faces either from sand falling from above or stronger currents suspending coarser material. It is impossible to draw ang valid comparisons about the diet of this species on different substrates since examined the fecal pellets of only one specimen collected from a sediment cover habitat. However, it is interesting that the one individual collected from this habitat tupe had a striking difference in the composition of its fecal pellets, and it seems reasonable that the proportions of sand and detritus ingested would depend upon the immediate surroundings of the individual. The significonce of sand and detritus in the fecal pellets is that this provides evidence that Anthonastus ritterimay be getting nutrients from bacteria and the microfauna found associated with sand and detrital particles as well as the detritus itself. Further circumstantial evidence that they are purposely ingesting detritus as a source of nutrients is seen in the fact that there is a zonation along the stalk of Anthomastus colonies. Khile the bottom of the stalk is covered with a thin, visible lager of brownish detritus, the upper part is cleon and white. The division between these two zones is sharp and it lies on the stalk at a position as far down the stalk as the polyps can reach. This suggests that the polups dre feeding on the detritus which settles on their stalk and possiblu onu microorganisms which grow there. From the fecal analysis it appears that organic detritus and sand make up the largest part of the diet of Anthomestus ritteri, while small crustaceans and poluchaetes are the occasional larger food particles which come along. The other identifiable constituents of the fecal pellets are probably being taken in with the sand and detritus. By ingesting sand and detritus as a source of nutrients. Anthomestus ritteriis exploiting virtually unlimited resources on the cangon wall of Honterey Bau. Literature Cited Abbott, D. P. 1987. Observing Horine Invertebrates; drawings from the laboratory. Stanford University Press. pp. 38-39. Bager, F. H. 1952. Descriptions and Redescriptions of the Hawaijan Octocorals Collected by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross.“ Pacific Science. Vol. 6. No. 1. University of Hawaij. Honolulu. pp. 126-128. Hyman, L. H. The Invertebrates: 1 Protozoa through Ctenophora. HcGraw-Hill Book Compang, Inc. New York. 1940. pp. 365-399 and 538-551. Jungersen, H. F. E. 1927. Anthomastus. Danish Ingolf Expedition. Vol. 5. Pt. 11. pp.1-8. Huscatine, L. and H. H. Lenhoff. 1974. Coelenterate Bioloqy. Revieys and New Perspectives. Academic Press. San Francisco. pp. 129-166. Nutting, C. C. 1908. Descriptions of the Alcyonaria Collected by the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries Steamer Albatross in the Vicinity of the Hawaijan Islands in 1902. Proceedings of the United States National Huseum. Vol. 34. Government Printing Office. Washington D. C. pp. 546-547. Nutting, C. C. 1909. Alcyonaria of the Californian Coast. Proceedings of the United States National Huseum. Vol. 35. No. 1658. Government Printing Office. Woshington D. C. pp. 681-688. Nutting, C. C. 1913. Descriptions of the Alcyonaria Collected by the U. S. Fisheries Steamer "Albatross, Hainly in Japanese Waters, During 1906. Proceedings of the United States National Huseum. Vol. 43. Government Printing Office. Washington D. C. pp. 23-25. Utinomi, H. 1960. Noteworthy Octocorals Collected off the Southyest Coast of Kii Peninsula, Hiddle Japan. Publications of the Seto Harine Biologicol Laborotory. Vol. 8. No. 1. Kyoto University. Sirahama. Hokogomo-Ken, Jopon. pp. 6-7. 2 Figure 1 o a 5 8 2 8: 5 Z Figure2 Color Densities by Location Soquel Cyn North Wall Wall Heander C4-C Point Joe Anthomastus per minute Figure 3 Distribution by Depth 38 oe k a. . Raaaa- Pink & Red white Time al depth Figure 4 Densities by Habitat O.93/min Sediment Cover 0.7 1/min Rocky Slope Rock Face Anthomastus per minute 2.68/min Figure 5 Fecal Pellet Composition by Volume Exposed Rock Face 1.402 23.242 75.362 Figure 6 Fecal Pellet Composition by Volume Sediment Cover 5.797 25.03 69.182 detritus sand E identisiable detritus sand E identifiable Figure 7 Constituents of Identifiable Organic Haterial polychsete foram crustacean datoms e99 WR sponge spicule Percentage by Volume 80 Sediment Cover Rock Face