Marroystis Fyrifers giant kelp, is a brown algae that forms a surface canopy along the coast of North America from Baja California to San Francisco, in South America, southern Africa, and southern Australia (Abbott and Hollenberg 1975) It displays a typical Laminariles life cycle, with alternation of generations from a microscopic, sexual gametophyte stage to a large, asexual sporophyte stage (figure 1). Special fertile fronds called sporophylis, located near the base of the kelp, release free-swimming spores which attach to the substrate and form gametophytes. After about a month of development (Deysher and Dean 1986), male gametophytes reease biflagellate sperm which fertilize an egg attached to the female. The porophyte begins growth attached to the female gametophyte. (see North 1974, Dayton 1935 for more details) Kelpforests dominated y Mayss pyers have long been a subject of great interest because of their economie and ecological importance. Since the advent of SCUBA, many researchers have designed field experiments attempting to mode dyamis othe elp forest. This has proved to be an extremely difficult task due to the complex, interactive, and unpredictable nature of this environment. To understand the kelp forest, one must begin with an understanding of Marystis itself. Although studies are being carried out every day in kelp forests around the world, thousands of questions are still unanswered. Many inwestigators here in California have chosen to narrow down the questions een arther, addressing the microscopie stages o theyss life cycle. What are the dynamics of gametophyte recruitment and survival: Whatfactors physical or environmental, control mortality? Many methods for etudy have been developed, a few questions have been answered, but many more remain. For example, i Mryss is fertile year round (Anderson and North 1956) releasing spores at arate o 500000 (Anderson and North 1956) ydoes reritmet vsi sporophytes vary so significantiy with time of year? (Harris et al 1984 Layton et al. 1984, Ebeling et al. 1985, Reed et al. 1983) Why does only 1 in 10 gametophytes survive in the field? (North 1974) Andhy dona estimated 2 of visible sporophyte recruits ever reach the surface? (Dayton et al. 1964) Some parameters needed for success have bee determined Deysher and Dean (1986) define arecruitment ino for nat production ei sporophytes as temperature below 16. 30C and irradiation levels above 0.4E m-2 day-1. Similarly, North (1974) refers to an unquantifiedenvironmental turnstile betee appearance of juvenile sporophytes. Devinny nose (197 that 10 mg em-lof sediment causes significant mortality to gametophytes. and Luning and Neushul (1978) havedetermindritia lg gametophytic reproductive success. Grazers such as seaurchins see Ebelin et al. 1935) and fish (Neushul and Haxo 1933 have mortality to adult and juvenile sporophytes, and some researchers have recenty begun to attempt to determine the effects of grazers on the gametophytic stage as well. (L. Holts, pers. comm., D. Antonio, pers. com Here is where my experiment fits in, as a small piece of a verylare and cmplex puzzle in the ryss pyrierdominated elp LA, one oi the mst abundant grazers are turban snails of thegenus Even though leguss preferred food is adult Myss frons andt Watanabe 1934) the effect of Tegu grazing on the adult plant has been asumedtobeminr Theeets oonthemiroscopie stages o Maroysts,however, has not been determined. Thetw most common species of Tegua in the Hopkins kelp forest are Trunes which is most abundant from O-6 m, and T pullig which is abundant in deeper water. A third congener, T monterey is less common but is found at depthe similar to T pullige (Lowry et al. 1974, Watanabe 19845) Although the majority of the snails are found up on kelp plants, a substantial number can also be found on the substrate. Densities of these snails on the substrate has been quantified by Watanabe (1982) and Harroid et al. (1988). lused copper-painted patio stones as experimental Tegua -exclusion plots. Copper has been used effectively by a number of experimenters (eg Cubit 1975, Robles 1982, Johnson, in prep.), and recently a pilot study was conducted at Hopkins MarineSti yae potential effectiveness of copper strips as barriers to Tegula spp. (I. Leichter, 1989, personal communication.) Torunnea is very abundant on the substrate in the shallow subtidal. Watanabe (1932) found mean densities of 376 4/-3.8(SE) Tbrunea m in this depthrange Kelpplant density at this depth is considerabyowe pereobserv) Byplacingexperimental pots in thekepforestatdepths o 75mand 2.4 m,I hoped to determine whether Tegula grazing pressure waried with depth. Matariäls and Methais The technique of artificial seeding of Mroyss has been well deweloped and used extensively. My procedure was similar to that used by number of experimenters, including Neushul (1963), Anderson and North (1969), Deysher and Dean (1986), and Reed (in prep.). Gametophyte cultures were grown on frosted glass slides (Fisher fully frosted cytology slides) at densities from 33 mm2 to 180 mm2 Glass slides weree settling surface because they are easily manipulated and they facilitate microscopic viewing of the gametophytes. Ripe sporophyseed from the kelp bed off of Hopkins Marine Station Spore release as achieved by cleaning 20 or so ripe sporophylls with a paper towel to remove any epiphytes, and then soaking the sporophylls in chilled filtered seawater for 2-3 nours. The density of the resulting spore solution was measured usin nemacytometer. Densities used for plating ran from 8.1X10sp to 5.9 X 100 spores mi-1. The solution was poured 3 to 4 cm high in a tray holding trosted glass slides. Thesporeswa befère the trays were washed in frech filtered sea water. After three days the gametophytes were large enough to clearly count and identify under a 4 objective of a compound microscope. Gametophyte survivorship was measured by scanning 15 evenly-spaced25 m fields onidO the middle inch of each slide was ezamined, leaving an inch on each side to manipulate the slides in the field. All slides were kept subered filtered sea water in a Plexiglass slide holder during viewing. Table 1 shows te density of spores in solution that correspond to density of gametophytes seenon the slides three days late. Jides used for laboratory controls were kept in the sttling trays. T water was changed every 1-3 days No special temperature or light regime as usedcultures were subjeed t o ay-lig températures of about 6OF No extra nutrients wre addedonthe assumption that the filteredsea water from Monterey Eaywasriheg in nutriente not to limit development. All experiments began three days afterpoe settement. jeleperients All field experiments were done in the keip beds off of Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University in Pacific Grove, CA, USA (360 36 . 121054" In the field slides were held by surgical tubing attached to 25.4 cm X 15.2 cm X 0.6 cm Plexiglass sheets. The Plexiglass was attached with 2 masonry screws to circular concrete patio stones, 30.5 om diameter and 5.1 em thick. For each set of three treatments, I painted the entire outer circumference of one patio stone with copper paint (Interlux Copper-Lux Antifouling Bottom Paint, 66 58 cuprous oxide), left one bare, and painted one in alternating 450 arcs of copper paint and bare concrete. Each patio stone could hold up to 8 microscope slides. (Figure 2) For the first set of experiments, 3 replicates of 3 patio stones each wereplaced on the substrate in the Hopkins kelpforestatdephE setoi patio stoneswswithin 25 mor less of an aduit Msrsts. Al threereplicates r lated ithin 3 mofoneante inteopethat this would minimize beten-site diffee 4 gamtidepe at adensity of 32gametophytesandie eich patio stone The clean slides serwed as a control to determine any newy gametophyte recruitment that would have occurred during the experimental period To gametophytesides and one controide re leed afte days then after 6 days in the field. New gametophytes (at a density of 59.2 gametophytesmwrept and they were collected after 5 and 7 days. Data from the two experiments were combined for analysis. The second set of field experiments was carried out a week later at 2.4 m. Only the full copper-treteane this time replicated 3 times (Sites 45, and 6) All replicateswereagain within 25 m or less of an adult Marraystis, and within 13 m of one another. 8 gametophyte slides (density 603 gametophytes m-2) we placéd on each patio stone. Two slides from each stone were collected after 14 hours, 2 days, 5 days, and 7 days. No recruitment control slides were used As an additional control during each field experiment, 2 extra gametophyte sideswrearieuteiea and counted at the end of the diveTran additional mortality over slides remaining in lab. Other experimenters have toufi similar resus with transport controls (Deysher and Dean 195e in prep.) lab experiments ne lab experiments wre carrid out in asmall aquarium divided into three equal parts. Water could pass from one section to the next, but sfails could not 2 gaetpyeideedin tubing woven through a 7.6 cm X 15.2 cm X 06 cm sheet of Plexiglass. 5 legus brunnes were put in one section, 5 T pulige in another, andthe third was leit free of snails as a control. The slides for the first experiment were plated at a high density of 181 gametophytes m-2Thenai removed after three days andremaining gaee econdexperimentusedidesofgametpye denity of 32m- Gametophyte densities were recorded after 4 hours, then again when snails were removed after 24 hours ses table erperiments The same patio stonePlexiglass sideodee used in the sea table experiments. They were placed at the bottom of an outdoor fresh-running sea water 9lemX9lmXieas aquarium. Thefirt epeimes ai uaittve oe ettectiveness of the cpperpaint as a barrier t Tua Approximately 30 grams (wet weight) of adult Mfo each patio block. 5 Tegula brunnea and 5 Tegula pulligo were placed in the sea table near the patio stones. Observations were made several times a day After 5 days, all of the Macræystis from the untreated and half-copper stones had been consumed, while the Macrocystis on the copper-treated stone was untouched. Snails were never observed on the copper stone, while they were almost always present on the other two. This assured me of the effectiveness of the copper paint, and I went on to the field experiments The second sea table experiment used slides plated at a density of 600 gametophytes mi-4. 5 T brunnea and 5 T pulligo were placed near the stones and left to graze for 7 daysade after 2, 5, and 7 days. FESITS lab experiments Results trom the lab experiments showthat grazing by Tegula does cause mortality to Marystis gametyes ne Mortality on control slides was minimal during the course of the experiments while over 90 of gametophytes exposed to snail grazers disappeared within 24 hours. This broughtoveral gametophyte density doun trom about 180 gametophytes mi2 toless than 10mm-2 (figure 3 legula exhibit typical grazing behavior (Hickman and Morris, 1985) when. exposed to gametophytes on a frosted glass slide. Theyscrapetheside with their radulae in a semi-circular pattern, leaving characteristic trails in the gametophyte laThese traiswreoeed on i Tegua in the lab. ja table erperiments lea table experiments also showed effects of Tegula in Tegusa aeiblearas Mortalita a a however, was higher than in the lab. After 3 days in the sea table, 638 mortality was observed on the copper-painted stones, compared to 958 (about 3 gametophyteontu i 4) D lack of time and sea-table space this experiment was not replicated. Statistical analysis wastherefore not performed. Feid experiments Recults from the field experiments at 76 m can be seen in figure For clarity ofpresentation data from the two temporally separate experiments at 7bmare combined. Data was analyzed using a 2-way analysis of variance from the IBM software package, SPSS/PC (Table 2). To simplify analysis, data from the half-copper treatment was not considered (see discussion). Statistically significant (pe05) differences were seen between copper-treated and untreated plates. Significant (pe.05) difierences were alsoseen between individual replicates of the ame treatment, with site 1 always having higher survival than site 3. The results of the experiment at 2.4 mare presented separately in figure 5. It is clear from the figure that no difference between treatments wasfound in this experiment and bothtreatments experienced over 95 mortality within a week, resulting in an overall gametophyte density of less than 2 gametophytes mmTherefore noatistia test were done. listussia Characteristi radulr grazingmarksw anu elides trom Tegua-accessible patio stones in the field. This implies that Tegula does notonly eat gametpye unde ontoed laoratory conditions but will et them off glasssides in the field as well. Significant differene beteen treatments atthe 7m site show that this grazing behawior could ause ome of the observed gametophyte mortality. Tgs howeweraarromthedominana diatinggametophyte motality or urwival in my experiments. Even in the plots where Tegs was kept out, almost 95 mortality was observed after a week. It is estimated that a male gametophyte must belocated no further than m away froma female for successful fertilization. (Reed in prep.) So if gametophyte densities start at less than 40 m25 mili peent any lateaeodeelet Assuming pibe 5 o the maity oeed what could have caused the other 90? I attribute agood deal of this mortality to environmental factors. At 7.6 m, surge caused the plates to be scoured by both sediment and algal fronds. Site 3wionise showed the highest mortality of the 3deepsites, was found covered by a drifting adult Maroyss on day 6. Asstated beore 10mg- sediment can significantly affect mortality (Devinny and Volse. 1978). l believe environmental pressures caused most of the mortality on my plates in the experiment at 2.4 m. After 7 days, gametophyte density was lowered so drasticallthatpy uiten wouave een highly unlikely Surge was heavy every day of the week-long experiment. Large tragments of algae carried by the surge lowered underwater visibility considerably and wereseen to be souring the plates during all dives. Low light scour and water motion could all have contributed to mortality. Weather conditions such as this clearly indicate the viability of Deysher and Deans (1985) 'recruitment window hypthesis. Grazers other than Tgua could also have played a significant role in gametophytemortalityinpateua amount of grazing presue experiened by animals othe than is unknown Copper paintdoes notserve as a barrier to the sea stars stes o aser Both of these grazers were seen on a number of the patio stones at 7.5 m, including all three treatments at site 1. The only animal observed on the experiment at 2.4 m was a Pisaster giganteus on the copper- treatmentatite 4. The question of wte obsevedes wedue enhancement effect of copper on gametophyte survival have not been anewered unequivocallyTpie strongly point to a rejection of this hypothesis. First, copper is known to inhibit gametophyte growth even at concentrations as lowas 100 pp (Smith and Harrison, 1979). No evidene of enhancement of any kind has been tound. Second survivoipon al-coppee di predictible pattern, as it would if copper was affecting gametophytes directly. Sometimes this treatment mimicked the effects of the full-copper treatment sometimes it mimicked the bare concrete treatment, and sometimes it fell directly between the two. I believe that this is due to the observed behavior of individual snails when encountering the half-copper stones. Snails would climb onto the plate or avoid it, depending only on hich area of the stone the snail first encountered This experiment has shown that grazers have an effect on gametophytesandwhaveomeonepose to understanding the dynamics of the Macroystis life cycle. I am not, however, convinced that legua snails havevital influence on gametophyte dynamics oi Marsts the Monterey Eay kelp forest. I am convinced that they play a minor role, and that they will eat gametophytes i they happen upon them. Te definitive solution to the mystery of high gametophyte mortality will most likely lie in a combination of factors, both physical and biological. e obvious netp thisudy ud be to deteie egula grazing plays in thenext lifetagesoMae and juvenile porophyteLitequas d of any grazers on these stages, even though grazing effects could be very important Itis possible that physical factors control the observed high mortality of gameto lytes, while the hardier juvenile sporophytes that remain are aifected more greatly by biological factors. Evidence for this and manyotherhypotheseserineiai produced EIBLIÖGRAPHI Abbott and Hollenberg. 1976. Marine Algae of California. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA. rson, E. K. and North, J. 1956. In situ studies of spore production and dispersal in the giant kelp, Maystis In Proc Intl Seaweed Symposium 3-36. Cubit. JD. 1975. Interactions of seasonally changing physical factors and grazing affecting high intertidal communities on a rocky shore. 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EDGE OF PLATE LEFT BARE OR COATED WITH COPPER PAINT. FIGURE 3: RESULTS OF SECOND LABORATORY TRIAL. DRIGINAL PLATING DENSITY: 33 GAHETOPHYTES MH-2 30 - 60- 40 - 20 — 12 16 20 24 HOURS ...- tegula brunnea -- —- tegula pulligo control 100 80 - 60- 40 - 20 Figure t.Results of sea table experiment. h=1 (this experiment was not replicated). Uriginal gametophyte densities=59.2 mm-2. — —— lab control ----- copper-treated -- —-. untreated DAYS IN SEA TABLE FIGURE S:GAMETOPHYTE SURVIVAL ON COPPER-TREATED VERSUS UNTREATED PATIO STONES AI 7.6 m. ERROR BARS REPRESENT STANDARD ERROR. 100 4 30 —--COPPER-TREATED 50 — UNTREATED 40 20 o 4 512 61 741 — DAYS IN FIELD « data trom days 2 and 6 caleulated from original plating density of 32.8 gametophutes mm-2. t data trom dais f and 7 naleulated from orininal nlatina densities af 59 2 nametonbutes rom-? — FIGURE 6: GAMETOPHYTE SURVIVAL ON COPPER-TREATED VERSUS UNTREATED PATIO STONES AT 2.1m. ERROR BARS REPRESENT STANDARD ERROR DRIGINAL PLATING DENSITY: 60 GAMETOPHYTES MM-2 100 80 - -— COPPER-TREATED 50 — — UNTREATED 40 20 o+ DAYS IN FIELD Table 1: Density of spore solution corresponding to resuiting gametophvte densities counted three days after plating. bensity of spore Derisity of solution gametphyteson (epores mi-1) slide (gsmetophytes vhen gametophytes were used mm 2) 32.8 8.1X 104 first 7.6 m. exp. 2nd lab exp. second 7.6 m. exp, sea table exp. 1.7 X 105 59.2 2.2 X 105 60.3 2.4 m. experiment, sea table exp 5.9X 105 181 first lab exp. TABLE 2 : Two-way ANOVA, showingthe effectof treatment (copper untreated) and location (3 replicates located within 13 m of one another) on gametophyte survival at 7.5 m. From IEMtatisti program PC sum of degrees of mean signisicance square freedom square o f main effect 23.046 7.682 4.316 018 9.275 9.275 treatment 035 5.212 2— location 5.1 5.335 3.369 040 2-Way treatment-location 2.92: 1.463 822 45 plained 25.972 5.194 2.919 042 residual 1.780 —- — —— 32.035 total — — — — — — 56.007 23 2.522