EFFECTS OF TURBULENCE ON THE BEHAVIOR OF TIGRIOPUS CALIFORNICUS CHRISTOPHER G. FOSTER HOPKINS MARINE STATION STANFORD UNIVERSITY June 1977 INTRODUCTION Tigriopus californicus (Harpacticoid, Copepoda) is the predominant inhabitant of the tide pools in the high intertidal zone from Alaska to Baja, California. The vertical range of Tigriopus extends from tide pools receiving occasional splash to those inundated by the majority of high tides. Studies on population stability of Tigriopus in varied locations are virtually nonexistant. Igarshi (1959) mentioned periodic fluctuations of Tigriopus japonicus population size in accordance with the tidal periodicity, but with little quantitative evidence. Vittor (1971) work¬ ing with T. californicus stated that colonization of pools is probably accomplished via inshore current transport of animals swept from pools which are essentially permanently populated. But, again, he presents no data to support his suggestions. There is no literature describing the reactions of T. californicus to turbulence or their behavior during periods of wave shock in the tide pools. This project was undertaken to determine the effects of turbulence, in the form of wave action, on T. californicus. MATERIALS AND METHODS (MARK AND RECAPTURE) Random populations of T. californicus were collected from tide pools known to be washed during high tide. These animals were marked using a neutral red solution in the following manner. A saturated solution of neutral red in 100 ml. of seawater was prepared. 30 ml. of this saturated solution was added to 70 ml. of fresh seawater containing the Tigriopus. The animals were kept in this container for 4 to 6 hours and were then Page 2 rinsed with fresh seawater and placed in fresh seawater for one day. This method resulted in a death rate of approximately 302 with the surviving Tigriopus appearing normal, although some were lethargic. Only animals exhibiting normal swimming behavior were used for the experiments. A random population of 100 dyed Tigriopus was introduced about 10 hours before high tide into each of 11 separate tide pools all of which received wash during high tide. All pools were along the coast line of the Monterey Peninsula. Recapture took place no later than 10 hours after the high tide, and was accomplished by draining the tide pools through plankton netting, refilling the pools and draining them again to extract animals missed the first time. The refilled pools were allowed to sit about one hour before the second draining. The number of animals obtained from the second draining was less than half of those extracted during the initial effort. RESULTS (MARK AND RECAPTURE) The mean number of animals recovered from the 11 pools was 10.4, or 10.42 of the introduced population. (S,= 1.96, range= 0-20). Several experiments done following the release study showed dyed T. californicus to be less fit than undyed animals. When equal numbers of dyed and undyed Tigriopus were put into the lowest of a series of three artificial tide pools (Fig. 1) with a flow rate of 40 ml. per minute for 24 hours, 168 undyed T. californicus reached the upper pool and only 3 dyed animals. Alternately 750 dyed and undyed individuals were placed in the upper tide pool of Figure 1. Animals were Page 3 allowed to equilibrate for one hour before equal quantities of water (approximately 5 liters) were poured into the pool. 195 undyed Tigriopus remained in the pool following this "wave" while only 70 dyed animals remained. These results indicate that the percentage of undyed T. californicus not washed away from tide pools affected by high tides is somewhat greater than the 10.4 per cent of dyed animals calculated from my study. MATERIALS AND METHODS (FIELD STUDIES) Three separate types of field studies were conducted. One set of experiments involved the use of a single type of artificial substrate placed in the bottom of a tide pool. This substrate was a sand-rock mixture glued to a 48 x 8.5 mm disposable petri dish. Experiments were run over a ten hour period including the high tide. Exchange of sub¬ strates was done every hour. Only one petri dish was present at any time. Although the experiments were run through a high tide, no waves washed the tide pool. The other field studies involved the use of five different artificial substrates, also in disposable petri dishes. These substrates included loose sand, shells, organic material, clay, small rocks and a plain petri dish. Again, these experiments were conducted over a ten hour period including the high tide. Every hour six new substrates were placed in the pool and the previous set was capped and removed. During the May 24 run no waves washed the tide pool, whereas approximately 3 hours of wave wash occurred during the May 26 run. The third field experiment involved the use of many identical small rock substrates simultaneously placed in the tide pool prior to the first wave wash of the high tide. Page 4 Several of these substrates were replaced during calm periods between the subsequent three waves. The latter two field studies were carried out in the tide pool shown in Figure 2, located 400 meters south of Point Joe. In all cases the individual substrates were examined under a dissecting microscope to determine the number of animals present. RESULTS (FIELD STUDIES) Results of the single substrate experiment are presented in Figure 3. Results of the differential substrate experiment are presented in Figure 4. No Tigriopus were found on any of the substrates of the multi-substrate test. A 50 ml. sample taken from a crevice in the back of the pool, however, yielded 60 animals. This sample was taken following a wave which washed the tide pool. No Tigriopus were visible in the water column at that time. Three separate samples from the same crevice during calm periods much after high tides yielded only 3, 4 and 7 individuals. MATERLALS AND METHODS (LAB STUDIES) Laboratory turbulence studies were conducted using a rectangular plexiglass container with glass beads as a substrate. The inside dim¬ ensions of the container were 14 x 10 x 2 cm. Approximately 100 randomly selected Tigriopus from tide pools receiving wave wash were used for the first three studies. Tigriopus used in the fourth experiment were collected from a tide pool at about the 25 foot level at Pescadero Point. Three different lighting conditions were employed: 1) two microscope lights below the container, 2) two microscope lights above the container, and 3) constant darkness. The light intensity produced by the two Page 5 microscope lights was 1,600 lux. The animals were placed in the pelxiglass container and allowed to acclimate for 40 minutes at one of the three lightings. Turbulence was introduced in the form of 30 ml. of fresh seawater being poured into the container from a constant height. Photo¬ graphs were taken of the animals' reaction to this turbulence using a Nikon F-28 with the motor drive attachment. Photographs in the light experiments were shot at 2 frames per second. The constant darkness pictures were shot at one frame per second with lighting from a Vivitar 292 strobe. RESULTS (LAB STUDIES) Results of turbulence on Tigriopus lit from above are shown in Figure 5. The lower graph shows the total number of animals found in the water column at the indicated times. The upper graph shows the vertical distribution of the Tigriopus in the water column delineated by the per cent of animals located in either the upper, middle, or lowest third. The solid line indicates the percent of animals located in the lowest third. The dashed line indicates the number of animals in the lowest two thirds of the water column. Results of turbulence on Tigriopus illumninated from below are shown in Figure 6, using the same format employed in Figure 5. Figure 7 shows the results of turbulence on animals in darkness. Results of turbulence on animals collected from the high pool at Pescadero Point are shown in Figure 8. DISCUSSION The results of the mark and recapture studies indicate that Page 6 T. californicus have some mechanism enabling them to remain in tide pools subjected to extreme wave action. This mechanism involves leaving the water column and relocating in a crack or crevice while the wave is washing the tide pool. The onset of such behavior could be produced by one of two things. The first is that T. californicus posses an endogenous rhythm which is in synchrony with the tidal rhythm. This rhythm would dictate the percentage of time a given individual spends in the water column. This percentage would drop drastically concurrent with the onset of high tide. Thus, during any period of high tide few animals would be located in the water column and many more clinging in small cracks or crevices. The second hypothesis is that the mechanism is triggered by a wave entering the tide pool. This assumes that the immediate reaction to turbulence is for the animal to leave the water column and thus heighten its chances of survival. The number of animals located on the artificial substrates is taken to be a constant fraction of the total number of animals in the water column at any given time. This assumes that there are two separate places a Tigriopus may be located: 1) in the water column, including the substrate or 2) not in the water column, clinging in small crevices. The single substrate experiment shows no significant decrease in the number of Tigriopus in the water column during high tides. This random distribution during two periods of high tide, but no wave wash, argues against any sort of endogenous rhythm governing the animals behavior. The results of the differential substrate tests again argue against any endogenous rhythm synchronous with tidal activity. The study conducted during a period of high tide only, shows no marked decrease of animals Page 7 in the water column. The data points fall as random fluctuations about a mean. The May 26 experiment, however, clearly points out a drastic reduction of animals in the water column during wave wash. This indicates that turbulence, or wave action itself, is necessary to stimulate the Tigriopus to leave the water column. The May 26 study shows where the Tigriopus are not located, but does not tell one where they moved. The results of the multi-substrate test, though, offers evidence of where the Tigriopus are located. Although no animals were seen or retrieved from the water column, 60 were collected from the back crevice. This is almost ten times more animals than were collected by three separate samples during calm periods. This suggests that the onset of waves signals the Tigriopus to accumulate in the crevice to avoid being washed out of the pool. The question which now arises is what component of the turbulence response leads them to that, or any other crevice. Tom Glaser (personal communication) noted a strong negative phototaxis in response to turbulence. Figure 8, though, shows that animals lit from below dive in response to turbulence, in fact the greatest decrese in animals in the water column with the onset of turbulence is noted with those lit from below. This suggests a positive geotaxis being produced by the turbulence. With no light cues (Fig. 9) the animals were again seen to dive, and remove them¬ selves from the water column. This is more evidence toward a positive geotaxis being produced by turbulence. The study with the animals from the high pool (Fig. 8) shows that animals that are very rarely subject to wave action still show the above mentioned turbulence responses. All animals run in light were also seen to leave the upper third of the water Page 8 column within two seconds of the turbulence. The number in the bottom third rose and then fell as if the animals were simply passing through it to leave the water column. No animals were located in the top third during the darkness experiment so this decrease was not seen. SUMMARY Tigriopus do not have an endogenous rhythm synchronous with the tidal cycle which regulates the time when they leave the water column. Their survival behavior to wave action is keyed by the actual turbulence and involves a positive geotaxis. Page 9 AKNOWLEDGEMEN I wish to thank Dr. Robin Burnett for his invaluable assistance and constant zaniness throughout this project. Special thanks also to the other members of the Burnett Lab for extended good times and to Tom Glaser for help with photography. Last but not least I am greatly indebted to Chuckles Lateef. HERMAN. Page 10 LITERATURE CITED Igarshi, S. 1959. On the relationship between the environmental conditions of tide pool and the Tigriopus population. Bulletin of the Marine Biological Station of Asamushi. 9,4: 167-171. Vittor, B.A. 1971. Effects of the environment on fitness-related life history characters in Tigriopus californicus. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Oregon. 0 Figure 1. Photograph of artificial tide pools. 1 FIGURE Figure 2. Photograph of study site for second and third field experiments. 400 meters south of Point Joe. FIGURE 2 Figure 3. Graph of single substrate experiment. Number of animals on substrate vs. time of day. 10 NUMBER ANIMALS ON SUBSTRATE 6 4 2 HIGH TIDE 5/19 20 119 5/20 2400 0200 1300 2000 2200 9400 0100 0300 0500 2300 1900 2100 TIME OF DAY FIGURE 3 Figure 4. Graph of differential substrate experiment. Number of animals on substrate vs. time of day. 78 0 I 2 C T. —2 2 o FIGURE 4 Z 2 I 0 Figure 5. Graph of reaction to turpulence of animals illuminated from above. 1o0 % ANIMALS 50 NUMBEF INIMAL WATEF M 30 20- 10 UPPER- - MIDDLE OW TURBULENCE TIME 8 B Figure 6. Graph of reaction to turbulence of animals illuminated from below. 100- % OF ANIMALS 60- 50- VUMBER NIMALS VATER LOLUM 20 10- UPPER MIDDLE o LOW A TURBULENCE D E B TIME Figure 7. Graph of reaction to turbulence of animals in darkness. 100— 8BEEE— MIDDLE r ANIMAL Q 50 LOW 40 NUMBER O ANIMALS WATER 20 COLUMN 10- TURBULENCE 2 TIME PPER — C Figure 8. Graph of reaction to turbulence of animals from the high pool when lit from above. 100- INIMALS 50- 50- NUMBEF ANIMALS WATER COLUMN 20- 10 UPPER MIDDLE o LOW TURBULENCE TIME 0 2 3