ABSTRACT Nineteen square yards of W.G. Hewatt's (1934) ecological transect in the intertidal zone at Hopkins Marine Station were replicated in order to determine changes in populations of intertidal invertebrates. Forty-two invertebrate species showed an appreciable change in number between the two studies. It was hypothesized that some of the changes might represent shifts in species range due to a temperature increase which was observed in historical sea surface temperature data for the intertidal zone at Hopkins. The species were divided by their listed ranges into northern, southern, and cosmopolitan categories to determine any correlation between changes in a species population and its listed geographic range. Changes in the physical habitat, introduction of the predators Haematopus bachmani and Enhydra lutris to the area, increases in sea gull populations, and increases in Macrocystis were also considered as factors driving the changes in some of the species. When these factors were accounted for, increases in 8 of 10 southern and decreases in 4 of 5 northern species were observed, suggesting a temperature dependent species shift. INTRODUCTION In 1930, Professor G. E. MacGinitie established four brass benchmarks in the intertidal zone off of Cabrillo (China) Point on the southern end of Monterey Bay. These four markers became the eastern edge of a 108 yard long by 1 yard wide ecological transect surveyed by W. G. Hewatt from October 1931 to June 1933 (see Hewatt 1934 and 1937). Hewatt recorded the abundance of 90 species in 81 square yards of the transect. This work is still the most broad scope study of invertebrate populations in the intertidal zone at Hopkins Marine Station. In the 60 years since Hewatt's transect work, numerous changes have occurred in the region surrounding his study area. These changes include: physical processes such as erosion; population increases of predators, such as sea otters, oystercatchers, and seals; the collapse of the canneries and changes in exploited fish populations; human population growth and changes in industrial activities in the surrounding towns; and a possible large scale climate change. Several studies have documented some of the faunal changes in the region of the study area(see Lowry and Pearse 1973, Kovnat 1982, Hahn 1985). This study began as an attempt to identify changes in the population of one such faunal species, the vermetid gastropod, Serpulorbis squamigerus. Since its presence was noted within the area of Hewatt's study, the transect was considered as a way to document these changes. Once work began on the transect, however, we realized that changes is Serpulorbis could best be viewed as one small part of the more general question of changes in all species along the transect. MATERIALS AND METHODS Site Description The geology of the study site was described by Hewatt (1934) as quartz-diorite, characterized by "...many large, granite boulders and by rocky islands which project above the water level..." Hewatt also provided descriptions of the water and air temperatures, light conditions, precipitation, and tidal conditions of the site. With the exceptions of what is discussed specifically in this paper, these are assumed to have not changed significantly. Study Location Using the descriptions and diagrams found in Hewatt, 1934, we located two of the four brass pegs that mark the line on which Hewatt conducted his ecological transect. It should be noted that although Hewatt mentions that the pegs were established with the help of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, they are not official benchmarks, and should not be confused with the official USC&GS benchmark which is located on shore and to the west of the transect area. This confusion is likely the reason L.M. Hodgson (1979) incorrectly marked the location of Hewatt's transect in her map of the Hopkins refuge. The first peg is set in a relatively flat slab of granite about 25 yards out in the intertidal zone at a tidal level of 3.82 feet above the mean lower low water mark (MLLW) and approximately one foot to the west of the eastern edge of the transect line (Hewatt, 1934). The second peg is located on the west facing side of a low, algal covered slab, 49 yards from the first peg at a bearing of N.38° (adjusted for declination). It is right on the easter edge of the transect. Hewatt notes that there are two other pegs on the transect line; one further up on shore from our first peg, and another further out from our second peg, in the mussel beds, but we were unable to locate these. In order to make it easier for future observers to find the line, we have included a map of the area with the transect line correctly marked (figure 1) as well as several photographs of the transect line (figure 2). We replicated 19 square yards of the transect during the course of this study. The squares we studied matched Hewatt's squares 27-38 and squares 62-68. Square 27 marks the lower limit of the Balanus/Chthamalus association. Square 38 marks the shoreward edge of the large permanent channel which runs through the intertidal zone. Square 62 picks up on the other side of the channel and the transect continues along several yards of flat, algae covered granite, until square 68, which marks the edge of a small, permanent channel. Survey Methods So that we could replicate Hewatt's work, we ran a line between the two points, adjusting for the fact that the first peg is not located exactly on the edge of the transect. We marked rocks in several points on the line with red nail polish in order to more easily locate the transect. In order to most accurately compare our results to Hewatt's, we used the same square yard unit. We found the location of the squares Hewatt counted by measuring from either of the two pegs along the line we had marked. In addition, we were able to ensure that we were measuring the same square by matching our quadrat to the sketches of the rock structure of each square that Hewatt included with his thesis. To delineate the area we were to count, we laid down a square yard quadrat, constructed of PVC pipe (figure 3), with one edge of the square on the line. As this stiff square could not lay evenly on the rock surfaces, we marked out the corners of the square on the rock by dropping a plumb line from each of the corners of the PVC square. We then connected the four points we had marked on the rock with lengths of flat-link brass chain, which could conform to the varied terrain of the rock surface. In order to simplify counting, we divided the projected quadrat into nine sections using chains (figure 4), and counted one section at a time. We counted and recorded all animals found within the boundaries marked out by the chains, with the exception of some bryozoans, sponges, tunicates, and amphipods, which were considered too difficult to count. Large anemones were occasionally counted as a half, or quarter, individual if their bodies were crossed by a chain boundary. Although we lifted algal cover to count species on the substrate below it, we rarely removed the algae altogether, and if we did, we counted all the species attached to the algae before removing it. We turned over only one small boulder in order to count the species under it. This was the only boulder we encountered that could be overturned. Counting was done at low tide when most of the square being counted was above the water level. This required that the counting be done at all hours of the day, which may have skewed the results somewhat, as some species are normally only observed at night. However, except for highly secretive or highly mobile animals, we assumed that any variation in species behavior between night and day low-tides, such as differing distributions on the rock surface, would not translate into a difference in the total number of individuals observed per square. RESULTS A total of 8146 individual organisms belonging to 69 species were observed. The abundance of two other species were noted but numbers of individuals were not counted. The data for all 19 squares is presented in table 1, along with Hewatt's data for comparison. DISCUSSION For the nineteen squares surveyed, we observed 22 species not noted by Hewatt in his list of 170 species he found in the intertidal zone. Twelve species were observed by Hewatt that would have been recognizable to us, but we did not find them. Nine species observed by Hewatt may have been present during our study but we did not identify them for various reasons. Of the species observable by both us and Hewatt, 31 increased their numbers, 33 decreased, and six could not be compared because they had not been recorded in quantifiable terms by one of the two studies. We excluded 40 species which we felt were not abundant enough to consider from further study. These were species which were absent in one study and present in numbers of less than 10 individuals in the other study, or species which had numbers totaling 5 individuals or less in both studies combined. One species, Tegula pulligo, was excluded because of concerns about correct identification. The remaining species are listed, with totals, in table 2. Using a paired t-test, it was established that 10 of the increases and 7 of the decreases were significant at the 5% percent level. They are denoted in table 2 by an asterisk. It should be clear to anyone comparing numbers of individuals in table 2 and observing their distributions in table 1, that several species exhibit changes of a definite biological significance between the two studies and yet are not ascribed as being statistically significant. This is primarily due to the small sample size of the transect Because the unit of measurement (a square yard) is so large and because many of the species have very narrow habitat ranges, a significant number of species were present in only four or fewer squares. With a sample size smaller than five, it is often difficult to establish reasonable limits of significance. Because of this problem, we choose not to limit our analysis to only the statistically significant changes, but also included any differences that appeared to be of a considerable size and defensible on other criteria. Climatological Changes Surface water temperature is recorded daily at the Hopkins Marine Station and salinity was likewise recorded until 1975 (Hopkins 1964, Scripps 1965-1991). Mean annual salinity (figure 5) is almost constant at 33.5 0/00 for the 55 years of data available. Figure 6 presents mean seasonal surface water temperatures for the ten years preceding this study and the ten years preceding Hewatt's study. It shows a warming of about S degree centigrade for the entire graph. A t-test calculated on the two data series presented in the graph was statistically significant (t--13.65, pe.01), clearly showing that the area around Hopkins is warming up. This is also supported by figure 7 which shows the mean annual temperature for each year. A linear regression calculated on the data presented in figure 7 shows an increase of .Oll degree per year. Changes in mean annual maximum and minimum temperatures have also been calculated to be increasing at rates of .017 and .O11 degree per year respectively (Denny, pers comm.). The effects of this warming trend will be discussed later in the paper. Air temperature and precipitation data are not collected at Hopkins. Following Hewatt's example, we used data collected by the U. S. Weather Service at the Del Monte Station in Monterey. Comparisons of seasonal means for both parameters are presented in figures 8 and 9, air temperature data was not available for the period before 1931. These figures, although not showing any significant changes, do suggest a shift to slightly warmer and drier winters in the recent past. Based on these changes we propose that many of the changés in species composition are related to a shift in the geographic ranges of species associated with the warming of the area around the Monterey Peninsula. To test this, we divided the 42 species listed in table 2 into three general geographic ranges, based primarily on the ranges listed in Morris, et al (1980) (see figures 10-12). The 6 northern species have ranges which are recorded to extend no further south than Pt. Conception, or are considered extremely rare south of this point. The 10 southern species have ranges which are recorded to extend no further north than Crescent City, California, or are considered extremely rare north of this point. The 26 remaining species, whose ranges extend beyond both of these markers, were put into the "cosmopolitan" group. Although considered cosmopolitan by Morris, et al (1980) we considered the solitary form of Anthopleura elegantissima and A. xanthogrammica southern and northern, respectively, based on L. Francis (1979). If a warming of Monterey Bay is affecting the species present, then we would expect to see a decrease in the northem species group, an increase in the southern species group, and no change in the cosmopolitan species. Looking only at species range, we found that 8 of 10 southern species increased in population from Hewatt's results (figure 10), 4 of 6 northern species decreased in population (figure 11), and I1 cosmopolitan species increased in population, while 15 cosmopolitan species decreased (figure 12). However, it was apparent that other factors besides the temperature changes were affecting populations of certain species. These factors can be generally classified as; changes in populations of associated species, changes in predation patterns, and changes in physical habitat. We will discuss these factors before returning to the question of species range. Physical Changes In his description of the site, Hewatt (1934) notes the presence of many large boulders along the transect. Sixty years later, it appears that the majority of these stones are no longer present. As mentioned, we found only one boulder on the transect that could be overturned. This seems a likely explanation for the decrease in numbers of Petrolisthes cinctipes and Amphipholis pugetana, both of which are creatures that reside under rocks (Morris, et al, 1980). Oystercatchers In his study of the effects of black oystercatchers, Haematopus bachmani, at Cabrillo point, Thomas Hahn (1985) found that just one pair of the birds can have a significant effect on several limpet populations. Hahn found that the oystercatchers had the greatest negative effect on Lottia digitalis, L limatula, and L pelta by feeding on these species. Oystercatchers rarely feed on McClintockia scabra, because that species homing behavior allows it to fit its shell closely to the granite substrate, making it difficult to remove. We found decreases in both L limatula and L. pelta and an increase we M. scabra which fits the selective predation pattern of the oystercatchers. Hahn did not mention Tectura scutum in his paper, and it is likely that there were simply too few of this species present at the time of his study. Whether the large decrease in T. scutum we observed occurred before or after the pair of oystercatchers arrived at Cabrillo point is unclear. Sea Otters Decreases in four of the cosmopolitan species, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, Mytilus californianus, Pugettia producta, and Pisaster ochraceus, could be the result of changes in the population of a common predator, Enhydra lutris, the sea otter. Sea otters were hunted to near extinction during the nineteenth century, but returned to the area around the Hopkins Marine Station in the early 1960's (Lowry and Pearse, 1973). It is difficult to establish exactly what constitutes the sea otters diet. Kovnat (1982) studied intertidal otter prey specifically in the area around Hopkins. Thirty-five percent of the prey items he observed were gastropods, 26% were "other," 18.8% were "unidentified," and 14% were bivalves. This demonstrates precisely the problem in trying to establish a local prey list for the sea otter, almost forty-five percent of the observed prey in Kovnat's list are of unknown species. Many diverse reports exist in the literature (see for example Riedman and Estes 1987, Kovnat 1982, Wild and Ames 1974). The preferred prey is perhaps best described as sea urchins, abalones and rock crabs, but it is highly variable and depends on the availability of prey. As otters expand their range and move into new areas they quickly deplete the populations of these preferred prey and their diet becomes more varied (Wild and Ames, 1974). Reports of otter prey include species of Tegula, Balanus, Pisaster, Mytilus, Pugettia, Octopus, and various clams (Riedman and Estes, 1987). Evidence does exist (Kovnat, 1982) that sea otters are responsible for the dramatic decline in the numbers of Mytilus spp. around the marine station. By comparing size distribution of mussels between Hopkins and an area known to be outside the otters range (Pescadero State Beach), Kovnat showed that the differences in Mytilus populations between the two sites was due to otter predation around the station. Also verbal history reports extensive beds of large Mytilus disappearing within the first few months of the otters' northward spread to Hopkins Marine Station in l9xx. (Baxter, pers. comm.) That the sea otters are responsible for the decline in the subtidal populations of S. purpuratus around the marine station was established by Lowry and Pearse (1973). They point to a decline in the subtidal population from a density of 6 per square meter before the return of the otters to 21 per square meter ten years after. They also point out that this change in the sea urchin population may have effects on the subtidal kelp forest, which will be discussed later. The decrease in numbers of Pisaster, and another sea star Leptasterias hexactis, may also be due to an increase in sea gull predation at the marine station. The region surrounding the transect is a resting and feeding area for large numbers of gulls and other shorebirds. The increase in human use of the shore area, combined with the establishment of Hopkins as a protected area, may have led to an enhancement in the local population of these predators since Hewatt's study. Sea gulls were observed preying in sea stars during the course of this investigation. Kelp changes A secondary effect of the return of the sea otter is a change in the subtidal kelp beds. As described above sea otters prey preferentially on Stronglyocentrotus spp., and are responsible for a decline in subtidal populations of these species around the marine station. Often in areas without otter populations, high numbers of sea urchins overgraze the kelp forests, creating "urchin barrens." When otters move into the area, the urchin numbers are reduced and kelp species return to the area (Estes and Harrold 1987, Lowry and Pearse 1973). Since evidence exists for the presence of a Macrocystis kelp bed offshore in 1935 (Andrews, 1945), an urchin barren could not have existed; but a decrease of the magnitude described above must still have resulted in an expansions of the Macrocystis beds when the otters returned. 10 If the return of the otters has caused an expansion of the Macrocystis kelp forest around Hopkins, it would explain the increases in populations of Tegula funebralis and T. brunnea. both of these species are preferential consumers of Macrocystis; Tbrunnea as a subtidal grazer and T. funebralis on the drift kelp that is washed inshore (Morris, et al, 1980). The increase in Crepidula adunca can be related to the absolute increase in Tegula spp. since Crepidula reside almost exclusively on the shells of living Tegula (Morris, et al, 1980). But a further examination of the Crepidula population reveals that relative to the number of available Tegula, Crepidula has decreased. Table 3 shows that the ratio of Crepidula to Tegula has dropped from approximately 1 to 4 in 1934, to 1 to 7 in 1993. This is what we would expect based on the classification of Crepidula as a northern species (Morris, et al, 1980), if there was a temperature dependent species shift. It is even more pronounced if only the higher quadrats are compared. In quadrats 27 through 33, where there are no significant numbers of T. brunnea, our study shows one Crepidula for every 32 Tegula, whereas Hewatt found a ratio of one to eleven. The absence of T. brunnea indicates that these quadrats are more exposed and so should show a greater response to climactic changes. Other Snails The final group of changes occurred in the populations of small snails that reside on the low, algal covered rocks on either side of the channel. The snails Mitrella carinata and Amphissa versicolor showed a large drop in numbers; while Bittium eschrichtii, Homaloploma luridium, and Lacuna marmorata, all showed significant increases. Unfortunately almost nothing is known about these five snails (see Morris, et al, 1980). It is conceivable that either temperature or ecological factors have caused a shift in the types of algae present on the rocks on which these snails reside, but there is no information on the algal conditions of the transect in past years, and even if there were, there is no 11 information on how these snails interact with various algal species. The reasons behind the changes in these five snail populations must, at least for now, remain a mystery. Shifts in Species Range When the species primarily affected by these other factors were removed from consideration, we found that increases in southern species remained at 8 of 10, but decreases in northern species changed to 4 of 4, and cosmopolitan species showed an even 8 increases and 8 decreases, which is what we expected considering that temperature variations would not as readily affect cosmopolitan species. These results are presented in table 4. For example, we have observed an increase in two predatory gastropods, Acanthina punctulata and Ocenebra circumtexta, both of which are southern species. Neither of these species were cited by Hewatt on his transect and they have now replaced the sea stars as the major invertebrate predators of the upper intertidal zone. The increase in the population of these species is certainly an ecologically significant change. We have also observed some interesting and perplexing changes in barnacle populations at China point. Hewatt found no Chthamalus in the intertidal zone during the course of his study. We observed large numbers of Chthamalus both in the transect line and in other parts of the intertidal zone at Hopkins. It is possible that Hewatt did not differentiate between Balanus and Chthamalus. However, since both species were described at the time, and Hewatt has shown himself to be a competent biologist, we feel that this is highly unlikely. There are two species of Chthamalus which could be present at our site, C. fissus and C. dalli. The two species can not be distinguished without a microscope, but C. fissus is a southern species, with a northern limit of San Francisco. The barnacle Tetraclita rubescens, another southern species with a northern limit of San Francisco, has also shown a population increase. In the squares we studied, we found 882 Tetraclita, whereas Hewatt found none. 12 There is also evidence for changes in the populations of intertidal anemones. We observed a significant increase in the number of Anthopleura elegantissima. In the study area we found over 100 A. elegantissima, all of which were the solitary form. No clonal forms were found in he transect, although they are present at other points in the intertidal around Hopkins. Hewatt found only 10, and it is unclear whether these were solitary forms or clonal forms. While clonal A. elegantissima is a cosmopolitan species, work done by Lisbeth Francis (1979) shows that solitary elegantissima is a southern species. We observed a decrease in Anthopleura xanthogrammica, which is shown in Francis' work to be a northern species. We also observed an increase in Corynactis californicus, a southern species which is primarily a subtidal form. Perhaps the most dramatic evidence for change in intertidal species range has been observed in the sessile snail, Serpulorbis squamigerus. In his list of 170 species observed in the intertidal zone, Hewatt does not mention Serpulorbis. Yet, in just 19 square yards we found nearly 500 of the snails. Serpulorbis is now one of the most abundant creatures throughout this region. The northern limit of its range is listed as Monterey Bay by several authors (see for example Morris, et al, 1980 and Hadfield 1966), but they report that Serpulorbis lives only as single individuals this far north. However, we have seen large aggregations of Serpulorbis in several locations in the southern part of the bay. In addition to Hopkins Marine Station, the most notable concentration is the rocky intertidal of the harbor behind the Coast Guard breakwater in Monterey. Mark Hadfield, whose 1966 thesis done at Hopkins, is the most comprehensive study of Serpulorbis to date, had to obtain the Serpulorbis for his study from southern California. He would clearly not have that inconvenience were his study done today. The shifts in species range that these data suggest may have a relation to the location of our study site. Hopkins Marine Station is located in the southern bight of Monterey Bay which tends to be slightly warmer than the waters which surround it. It is often home to species that are usually found further south and not observed to the north. It is also, because of the presence of the marine station, subject to more intense observation that the surrounding areas(Chuck Baxter, pers. comm.). In this sense, the intertidal zone here can be used as an early warning system in terms of shifts in species range and their potential consequences. In light of all of the resources currently being directed into the study of large scale climatological change such global warming, the results of this simple study suggest that intertidal organisms may be an easily observable method of monitoring such changes. Comprehensive studies should have begun decades ago, but better late than never. Subtidal Evidence Although the subtidal community was beyond the scope of this project, several examples if similar species shifts in the subtidal came to our attention during the course of our research. The Macrocystis kelp beds, for example, were described in 1935 as consisting of"... almost pure strands of Macrocystis integrifolia..." (Andrews, 1945). Observations by Pearse and Lowry (1974) indicate that the dominant species is now Macrocystis pyrifera. According to Miller and Geibel (1973) M. integrifolia is a northem species whose souther limit is Monterey Bay and M. pyrifera is a southern species that only extends as far north as Half Moon Bay. Another subtidal example is the southern species Kelletia kelletii, whose range is listed as Point Conception to Baja California (Morris, et al, 1980). Herllinger (1981) reports observing a total of five adult Kellitia at several different points in the kelp forests along the shore of Monterey County. Since then, the population has apparently increased and there is evidence that they are successfully reproducing this far north (C. Baxter, pers comm.). These two examples suggest that a survey of subtidal populations around Hopkins would produce results similar to those we observed in the intertidal. CONCLUSIONS The most important conclusion of this study is that there is great lack of understanding about large-scale ecological changes that are occurring within the intertidal zone at Hopkins Marine Station. This is not entirely surprising, considering that the last broad focused ecological study of the area was done over 60 years ago by Hewatt. Our study only begins to discover the many changes that have occurred in this ecosystem since that time. Likewise, it only begins to suggest a few of the many questions that will need to be answered if we are to understand and appreciate the effects of large scale climatic changes. We hope that our work can be used as a baseline for future studies of that type, and we further hope that these studies are carried out far more frequently than once every 60 years. Acknowledgments We would like to thank Jenny Hodge, Ravi Chandrasekaren and Kim Hoke for getting up at 3 am and climbing around on the cold wet rocks when one of us couldn't make it. Jim Watanabe for his help on analyzing our raw data. Alan Baldridge and Susan Harris for putting up with our mess in the library. Molly "Mola-mola" Cummings for all her enthusiasm and good spirit. The seals for their patience when we disturbed their naps (they needed the exercise, anyway). And all the tiny critters who sacrificed their lives for this project when we inadvertently squashed them while working in the intertidal. And of course our deepest gratitude to our advisor Chuck Baxter, without whom this project would never have happened. References Cited Estes J.A. and Harrold, C. 1987. Sea otters, sea urchins, and kelp beds: some questions of scale, pp. 116-150, in G.R. VanBlaricom and J.A. Estes, eds., The community ecology of sea otters. Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer-Verlag. 247 pp. Francis, L. 1979. Contrast between solitary and clonal lifestyles in the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima. Amer. Zool. 19: 669-681. Hadfield, M.G. 1966. The reproductive biology of the California vermetid gastropods Serpulorbis squamigerus (Carpenter, 1857) and Petaloconchus montereyensis Dall, 1919. Doctoral thesis, Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. 174 pp. Hahn, T.P. 1985. Effects of predation by black oystercatchers (Haematopus bachmani audobon) on intertidal limpets (Gastropoda, Patellacea) Masters thesis, Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. 70pp. Herllinger, T.J. 1981. Range extension of Kelletia kelletii. Veliger 24(1): 78. Hewatt, W.G. 1934. Ecological studies on selected marine intertidal communities of Monterey bay. Dissertation submitted to the Department of Zoology, Stanford University —-- 1937. Ecological studies on selected marine intertidal communities of Monterey Bay, California. Amer Midl Natur 18(2): 161-206 Hopkins Marine Station. Temperature and Salinity Pacific Grove, 1919-1964. (Unpublished data on file at Hopkins Marine Station Library). Hodgson, L.M. 1979. Ecology of a low intertidal red alga, Gastroclonium coulteri (Harvey) Kylin. Dissertation submitted to the Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University Johnson, M.E., and H.J. Snook. 1927. Seashore animals of the Pacific coast. New York: The Macmillan Company. 659 pp. Kovnat, G.D. 1982. Intertidal foraging by the southern sea otter, Enhydra lutris. M.S. Thesis. Stanford University. Lowry, L.F. and Pearse, J.S. 1973. Abalones and Sea Urchins in an Area Inhabited by Sea Otters. Mar Biol 23: 213-219. Miller, D.J. and Geibel J.J. 1973. Summary of blue rockfish and lingcod life histories reef ecology study and giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, experiments in Monterey Bay, California. Calif Dep Fish Game Fish Bull 158:1-137 Morris, R.H., D.P. Abbot, and E.C. Hadderlie. 1980. Intertidal invertebrates of California. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. 690 pp. Pearse J. S. and Lowry L. F. (eds). 1974. An annotated species list of the benthic algae and invertebrates in the kelp forest community at Point Cabrillo Pacific Grove California. Coastal Marine Lab, Univ of Calif at Santa Cruz. Tech Rep 1: 1-73. Ricketts, E., and J. Calvin. 1939. Between Pacific tides. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. 320 pp. Riedman, M.L. and J.A. Estes. 1987. A review of the history, distribution, and foraging ecology of sea otters, pp. 4-21, in G.R. VanBlaricom and J.A. Estes, eds., The community ecology of sea otters. Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer-Verlag. 247 pp. Scripps Institute of Oceanography. Surface water temperatures at shore stations: United States west coast and Baja California. Univ of Calif data rep: 1956 - 1991. FIGURE LEGENDS Figure 1. A map of the area around the Hopkins Marine Station. The transect is indicated by the solid line. Figure 2. Photograph of the transect are a. Photograph of the intertidal behind the Loeb Laboratory. The yellow line marks the easter boundary of the transect. b. Photograph of Hewatt's second benchmark, at the base of square 16. c. Photograph of Hewatt's third benchmark, at the base of square 66. Figure 3. Photograph of the PVC square used in collecting data. Figure 4. Photograph of the same square laid out on the rock surface by means of PVC chains. Additional chains were added to break the square up into smaller squares to make counting easier. Figure 5. Mean annual surface water salinity, 1920-1975. Data is taken from daily readings made at Hopkins Marine Station. No readings were taken after 1975. Figure 6. Mean seasonal surface water temperature. The solid line is the mean temperature calculated for the years 1983-1993. The dashed is the same mean for the years 1921-1931. Data was calculated from ten day means of daily readings taken at the Hopkins Marine Station. Figure 7. Mean annual surface water temperature, 1920-1991. Data is taken from daily readings made at Hopkins Marine Station. The shaded line represents a linear regression of the data showing an annual increase of .012 degree per year. Figure 8. Mean monthly air temperature. The solid line is the calculated mean for the years 1983-1993, the dashed line is the mean for the years 1931-1947. Data is taken from mean monthly air temperature calculated by the U.S. Weather Service for the Del Monte Weather Station. Figure 9. Mean monthly precipitation. The solid line is the calculated mean for the years 1983-1993, the dashed line is calculated for 1911-1930 and the dotted line represents the years 1931-1952. Data is taken from monthly precipitation totals published by the U.S. Weather Service for the Del Monte Weather Station. Figure 10. Bar chart showing the changes in total numbers of species present for ten southern species. Asterisks indicate changes significant at the 5% level using a paired t-test. Solid bars are numbers observed in this study, hollow bars are numbers observed by Hewatt (1934) Figure 11. Bar chart showing the changes in total numbers of species present for six northern species. Asterisks indicate changes significant at the 5% level using a paired t-test. Solid bars are numbers observed in this study, hollow bars are numbers observed by Hewatt (1934). Figure 12. Bar chart showing the changes in total numbers of species present for twenty- six cosmopolitan species. Asterisks indicate changes significant at the 5% level using a paired t-test. Solid bars are numbers observed in this study, hollow bars are numbers observed by Hewatt (1934). The four species on the right are plotted on the second axis, with the darker bars representing our study. 99 11 1 1 1 a 11 ++t Let 4 1 t + I 1 11 t t 1. 1.. tt + + 1 ke kt.1 1 11 . .1. 1.1. ++ k. ket 1 a . k e 181 45 DE ka- 9 — Ltt 1 1 — 2 11 11 1 1 1. 1 1 111 111 11 + 1 44 T 111 Ll + LL I 11 ltelliitt 1 L 1 1 et t 11 1 i 1 1 11 t 1 E 41 5 ) 8m — -- NNOGNO- N-ooanno- 8- Pooooooooo 8 9 a So oo oooooooooo-o — - -ON OOGOONNJROROONA-OOOA 3 8 CN 0 o o 8 o 0 O o - — 88 o oc oooooooooooo0 ONNN oooooopoo — -oo 0 ooololooloe oooooo —— e OI o 31 2 olo 2 8 2- » JAPA oood A-N oonolodoo - 5 5 55 ——— ooooooo--- OONN o--o ooooo-ooooo 0 + :. D 0 Om f - 1920 1922 1924 1926 1928 1930 1932 1934 1936 1938 1940 1942 1944 1946 § 1948 1950 1952 1954 1956 1958 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 8 i Concentration Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Degrees Centigrade 8 1920 1923 1926 1929 1932 1935 1938 1941 1944 1947 1950 1953 1956 1959 1962 1965 1969 1972 1974 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 Degrees Centlgrade 5 3 lia a Degrees Fahrenheit kakavaavaa- 18 8 9 8 Precipitation in Inches 8 1 -.. 900 - 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Southern Species H Specles 600 — 500 400 300 200 100 Northern Species Specles 5 Acmea mitra Amphipholis pugetana Arabella iricolor Bittium eschrichtii' Emplectonema gracile Halosydna insignis' Homalapoma luridia“ Kellia laperousi Lacuna marmorata" Littorina scutulata Lottia limatula“ L. pelta L. paradigitalis 5 MoClintockia scabra Mopalia muscosa Mytilus californianus" Notoacmea paleacea Pachycheles rudis Pachygrapsus crassipes Pisaster ochraceus Pugettia producta Strongylocentrotus purpuratus' Clavelina huntsmanii Mitrella carinata" Tegula brunea" T. funebralis' Total Number Counted 8 8 kaaaaa. Total Number Counted 12