ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, IF ANY, CONCERNING AUTHORS, ADDRESS. TITLE, OR CITATION DATA PLEASE TYPE ABSTRACT DOUBLE SPACED BELOW KINGSTON, ROGER S. (Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Pagific Grove, California). Anatomical and Oxygen Electrode Studies of Respiratory Surfaces and Respiration in Acmaea (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Prosobranchia). The Veliger Colloidal carbon injection showed that blood flow is close to the external surfaces in the ctenidium and the mantle facing the mantle groove, and that blood flows through one ov the other of these areas just before returing to the heart. A ciliary counter-current was also found associated with each of these surfaces. Field observations showed the mantle vessel network expands and ctenidium withdraws when out of the water. The low intertidal species Acmaea scutum,A. pelta, and A. limatula have larger ctenidia and smaller mantle expansion capabilities than the high intertidal species A. digitalis and A. scabra. Micro-oxygen electrode measurements indicate that both the mantle and the ctenidium are respiratory surfaces, and that the mantle is more effective in aerial conditions and the ctenidium more effective in submerged conditions. -Author. - C ANATOMICAL AND OXYGEN ELECTRODE UDIES OF RESPIRATORY SURFACES AND RESPIRATION IN ACMAEA (MOLLUSCA,: GASTROPODA:PROSOBRANCHIA). Roger S. Kingston* Hopkins Marine Station of stanferd University Pacific Grove, California Roger s. Kingstor The limpets of the genus Acmaea are found in abundance in the rocky intertidal zone on the shores of the Monterey sninsula, California. Individuals of the species Acmaea scabra (Could, 1846) and A. digitalis Eschscholtz, 1833, are found high in zones one and two described by Ricketts and Calvin (1962). Other species common to this area, A. elta Eschscholtz, 1833; A. limatula Carpenter, 1864; A. asmi 1833; are Middendorff, 1849); and A. scutum Eschscholtz, found under water much of the time lower down in zones three and four. These species differences in esposure suggested that Amaea must be capable of differing derees of respiration in air and water. The aim of this study was to determine the site(s) of the specialised respiratory surfaces of Acmaea, and to list their respiratory effectiveness when posed to air and when submerged ANATON Initially the anatomy of the circulatory system wa nvestigated. It was assumed that gas diffusion could ceur across any body surface and that a specialized respir atory area might be one where gas exchange was facilitated blood flow close to the external body surface ger S. Kingston Individuals of the species Acmaea scutum, A. pelta and A. digitalis from low, middle, and high intertidal zones respectively, were taken as samples. The principal method of study was injection of colored substances into the cireu tory system. Injections were carried out with twenty-six gauge ypodermic needles or fine glass needles pulled from soft glass tubing. A number of different injection fluids were ried, including latex, vital stains dissolved in alcohol or water, and commercial inks. Best results were obtained with an aqueous colloidal suspension of carbon. The tissue. remained relaxed during the carbon injections and the pa ticles did not diffuse out of the vessels. Successful njections were made on both live, fresh animals and on animals relaxed in a solution of Mg Gl, isotonic with sea water. Large areas of the circulatory system were colored by injections into the heart or visceral cavity. For stud of localized areas, injections were made into local vessels. Blood flow direction was determined by observation of the essels during injections of a dilute carbon suspension. Gross blood flow, determined by the above methods, shown in Figure 1. The results indicate two separate ind distinct areas-the ctenidium and the mantle--where there is a large amount of blood flow close to the animal. external surface. Roger S. Kingsto The first of these areas, the ctenidium, is generall considered the respiratory organ of Acmaea. Colloidal carbor injections of this organ colored the major efferent and afferent vessels and the capillaries of the right and lef thirds of the etenidial filaments, but not the central por- tions of the filaments. The filament vessels, however, wer- stained in their totality with vital dyes. These observa- tions indicate that capillaries sufficiently fine to prevent the passage of colloidal carbon connect the efferent an afferent vessels. The other area where a large amount of blood flow ound close to the surface was the ventral side of the mantle fold facing the mantle groove. Blood enters the mantle fold from the visceral cavity through vessels whic pass through the shell muscle fibers. In the area between the base of the mantle groove and the circumpallial vessel these vessels anastomose. The density of interconnecting vessels in this network is extraordinary (see plate I, 1-3.) Near the circumpallial vessel (Figure 2) the vessels of thi network come together to form a highly branched pattern. Blood in these vessels goes to the edge of the mantle, servicing the glands and pallial tentacles, returns to the anterior afferent vessel, and thence to the heart. As in the ctenidium, there were fine capillaries in the mantle fold near the circumpallial vessel which could not be Kooer S. Kingsteor filled with suspended colloidal carbon, but which could be solored by dissolved stains. he above observations show that the ctenidium and the mantle fold are the two areas through which blood passe just before returning to the heart (Figure 1). Since, in most organisms, blood is oxygenated at the respiratory sur. these observa- just prior to its return to the heart, aces fold and the tenidium ions sugoest that both the mantle ratory surfaces. The possible role of the mantle fold as a respirator, surface suggested that the ciliary mantle currents, earli described in Acmaea by Yonge (1962) and believed to be cleansing currents, might also serve a respirato role To observe these currents, carmine particles suspended sea water were placed in the mantle groove of over-turne animals. A circular current in the mantle groove was found moving in a plane perpendicular toithe side of the foot and o the animal's substratum. This ciliary current moved opposite to the direction of blood flow in the mantle and was a counter-current of the type often associated with respiratory surfaces (see Figure 3). A similar ciliar urrent was found in the nuchal cavity moving opposite This mantle the direction of blood flow in the ctenidium. found in Aemaea is similar to that found in counter-current the mantle groove of Lottia (Abbott, 1956) Roger S. Kingston Because of the large amount of blood flow close to the surface, the type of veination, the position relative to the heart in terms of blood flow, and the ciliary sounter-currents, both the etenidium and the mantle are here suggested as respiratory surfaces in Acmaea. FTELD OBSERVATTONS Acmaea scabra and A. digitalis from zones one and two, A. pelta and A. limatula from zone three, and A. scutum from zone four were observed in the field to record the behavior of the mantle and ctenidium under dry and wet conditions. The study was qualitative; observations were made of animals on dry rocks, on splashed rocks, and in quiet pools with the aid of a ten-power lens. When an individual had been out of the water for e ong enough period to have adjusted to the lack of water, the following characteristics were usually evident. The shell was pulled down onto the surface of the rock substr (though not tightly clamped), the mantle fold was wet (as found in Lottia: Abbott, 1956), and when the animal was isturbed it clamped down tightly with some water often exuding from the mantle groove. If the animal was taken from the rock and turned over, the wet area of the mantle fold between the foot and circumpallial vessel was notice- ably swoilen, and the vessels appeared dilated and gorged The ctenidium was found to be withdrawn in the with blood. 246 Reger S. Kingston nuchal cavity, and in A. scabra which had been dry for many hours and whose nuchal cavity was no longer filled with water, the ctenidium was hardly visible. The above char- acteristics were observed in members of all species but were particularly evident in A. scabra and A. digitalis. When an Acmaea individual was under water, its shel was elevated one to three millimeters off the substrate, its mantle protruded somewhat beyond the edge of the shell and a ciliary current in the nuchal cavity, demonstrated with carmine particles in a quiet pool, flowed counter tenidial blood flow. When an animal was overturned and ompared with a member of the same species from a dry area, the wet animal's mantle appeared flatter and the mantle vessels seemed smaller in diameter. in the laboratory where the ventral side of submerged Acmaea could be observed through aquaria walls, the ctenidia fA. scutum, A. pelta, and A. limatula were consistentl found extended and lying partially in the right mantle groove. In A. scabra and A. digitalis taken from high, y areas and kept under water in aquaria for forty-eight r more hours, the ctenidia were never seen to extend more than one-half the distance from the back to the front of th nuchal cavity. They are, therefore, apparently not suf- iciently long to extend to the mantle groove, and are much Koger S. Kingston reduced in sise compared to the etenidia of A. pelta, limatula, and A. scutum. These field studies indicate that the mantle is the tte of increased blood flow when the animal is out of the water, whereas the ctenidium is usually the site of similar increased flow when the animal is under water. Under waten the elongated, filamentous ctenidium is a principal wetted surface. Out of the water, however, the ctenidium contracts and the surface of the mantle fold is kept wet at the expense of water in the nuchal cavity, suggesting that the mantle fold is the chief respiratory site in dry environments. The laboratory and field observations show that ctenidi longation and mantle swelling may be controlled by the water or air environment, and also suggest an evolutionar reduction in the ctenidium and a corresponding increase in mantle capacity from low to high intertidal species Acmaea IT. POLARCRAPICSTUD Polargraphic methods were used to substantiate the spiratory functions of the ctenidium and mantle indicated nthe previous studies. Electrodes of the recessed type irst deseribed by Brink and Davies (1942) were used to measure the difference in the oxygen tensions in different parts of the body of Acmaea. doger S. Kingston sperimental apparatus consisted of several platinum cathodes, one silver -- silver chloride anode, a 0.8 volt .c. power source, a Keithley ammeter of 10-9 ampere sen- sitivity, and a chart recorder. Cathodes were made by sealing 26 gauge (Bäs) platinum wire in hand-pulled soft glass capillaries. The wire was first heated to white incandesence in a flame to drive off the surface adhering gases, and the capillary then fused around it. Next the capillary was cut to extend one millimeter beyond the polished end of the platinum wire. The recess thus forme as filled with distilled water and covered with a col- odion membrane to prevent the entry of proteinaceous material into the recess. After construction each cathode was calibrated. First the interval required for equilibration of oxygen within and without the electrode's recess was determined by comparing successive readings from a constant environment. Next the optimum time duration for voltage application was sought, this being the shortest interval vielding a linear amps. vs. /02/ relationship. By comparing the electrode output at different time intervals in sea water samples of lifferent oxygen concentrations, the reading at eighteen seconds was found to be the shortest time yielding such a linear relationship (rigures 5 and o). In the final Roger S. Kingst calibration step, an amps. vs. /02/ curve (Figure 6, line was determined for each cathode, using three to five sea water samples of known O, content (by Winkler method). These cathodes were very stable, with little or no changes evident in the calibration curve from day to day. Al experiments and calibrations were performed at To compensate for minor temperature fluctuations during an experiment (a one degree change resulted in as much as a ten per cent change in current flow), the 0 ension at two-three different sites on the animal were imultaneously measured with two-three different cathodes. neach experiment the animal, previously kept in he desired environment for a minimum of four hours, was placed upside-down and the cathodes inserted into the esired tissue or circulatory vessels, through holes pre iously made with a dissecting needle. The cathodes wer- left in place and supported in small ring stands, whereas he anode was placed on the tissue only at the time measurement. In the first experiments, comparisons were made o lood oxygen in the visceral cavity, the anterior afferen vessel, and the pericardial sinus. The results (Table 1 show that the O2 tension is higher in the pericardial sinus in both aerobic and aquatic conditions. Comparing the visceral cavity with the anterior afferent vessel showed Roger S. Kingston that the O, tension was higher in the latter area. Because lood flows from the visceral cavity to the anterior af- ferent vessel through the vessels of the mantle fold, gaseous exchange must occur at the mantle-fold surface. In the next group of experiments the ctenidial respiration was eliminated, and the respiratory effici of the mantle fold determined. Small lead clamps, cut from thin sheets of lead and bent in "V" shapes, were inched around the ctenidial afferent and efferent vesse fanimals relaxed in Nocl,. The treated animals, kept vernicht in either wet or dry environments, were tested during the following days and then sacrificed and examine ascertain whether the clamps were still in place and funtioning. twenty animals kept under water, nineteen were till alive one day after the clamping operation. Testing f ten of these animals showed (Table 1) the Op tension of the pericardial sinus to be somewhat higher than that of the visceral cavity, although the differences were le than in normal, unclamped animals. The second day after the operation the remaining nine limpets kept under water were dead. This experiment was performed twice, and each time all the animals were dead by the second day. Roger S. Kingston All twenty animals with clamped ctenidia kept under dry conditions were still alive one day after the clamping operation. Testing of ten of these animals showed the tension of the pericardial sinus to be higher than that of the visceral cavity, this difference being greater than in submerged animals with clamped ctenidia, and about the same as in normal animals under dry conditions. The second day after the clamping operation two of the ten dry animals had died. Testing of the remaining sight showed the Og tension of the pericardial sinus till be greater than that in the visceral cavity, although the absolute tension in both were slightly lower than the previous day. tour lines of evidence indicate that the mantle fold serves a respiratory role in the limpet Acmaea. These are 1) the presence of a capillary system close to the surface fthe mantle fold, (2) a counter-current ciliary system assing over the mantle fold, (3) the dilation of the mantle fold with blood, and the concomitant decreased size of the ctenidia, when the animal is dry, and (4) the polaro- graphic evidence that the O, tension of the blood is higher er S. Kingstor after passage through the mantle fold, and before pa through the ctenidium. These results demonstrate that better gascous exchang ccurs at the mantle surface in air than in water, and that Acmaea has physiological and behavioral adaptations which allow it to better expose the mantle in air and the ctenidium in water. That Acmaea uses both etenidium and mantle fold a. tespiratory organs is evolutionarily interesting, pointin similarities with the related limpets Lottia gigante: Sowerby, 1843, which respires with ctenidium and pallial gills (Abbott, 1956), and Patella, which has no etenidium and respires solely with ciliated flaps fringing the margin of the circumpallial vessel (Yonge, 1962 oger S. Kingston UDMARI The circulatory systen of Aemaea was injected with olloidal carbon. Two areas - the ctenidium and the mantle were found where a large amount of blood flous close the animals' external surfaces. Blood flows through one o the other of these surfaces immediately before it returns o the heart. A ciliary counter-current was found associ with each of these surfaces. When observed in the field, the mantle fold was un to expand and the ctenidium to contract when the animal was out of water. Conversely the ctenidium elongates and the mantle fold flattens under water. Low intertidal species of Acmaea have larger ctenidia and smaller mantle respiratory capacities than higher intertidal species. Oxygen polargraphy was used to measure the oxygen tensions of the blood in different parts of Acmaea. These measurements indicate that both the mantle and the ctenidium are respiratory surfaces, and that the mantle is more ef- fective in aerial conditions and the ctenidium more effec tive in submerged conditions. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was made possible by Grant GY 806 from the Undergraduate Research Participation Program of the National Science Foundation. The author also wishes to thank Drs. David Epel and Donald Abbott for their encouragement and help during the study and Dr. Lawrence Blinks for his suggestions and mate- rials used in the polargraphic study. Roger S. Kingston LITERATURE CITED Abbott, Donald P. 1956. Water circulation in the mantle cavity of the owl limpet Lottia gigantea Grey. Nautilus 69(3): 79-85. Davies, Philip W. and Frank Brink, Jr. 1942. Microelectrodes for measuring local oxygen tension in animal tissues. Review Scientific Instruments 13(12):524-533. Ricketts, Edward F. and Jack Calvin 1962. Between Pacific Tides. 3rd. ed. Stanford University Press, xi + 518pp. Stanford, California. Yonge, C.M. 1962, Ciliary currents in the mantle of species of Acmaea. The Veliger 4(3): 119-123. 26 Footnote on Page 1. *Permanent address: Footnotes PHOTO PAGE TITLES Photo 1: Colloidal carbon injection of mantle (beginning injection). 1. glass needle 2. mantle supply vessel 3. side of foot 4. bottom of foot 5. edge of mantle Photo 2: Colloidal carbon injection of mantle (finished injection). Respiratory vessel network is filled. Note the "standard" veination in the foot (1). Photo 3: Roof of nuchal cavity partially injected. Injec¬ tion was made in mantle groove at left. Note network pattern of vessels (1), anterior afferent vessel (2), and head pinned back against foot (3). Photo 4: Functional end of the oxygen cathode. recess filled with distilled water 2. glass cover 3. platinum wire 288 FIGURE LEGENDS Figure 1: Circulatory system of Acmaea. Solid lines represent know relationships; broken lines represent supposed relationships. Figure 2: Blood flow and respiratory surfaces in Acmaea. (ventral view) = anterior afferent vessel aav cay = ctenidial afferent vessel cey ctenidial efferent vessel ctenidial gills cpy - circumpallial vessel foot removed mantle edge msy - mantle supply vessel myn - mantle vessel network nuchal cavity ne pev posterior efferent vessel PV pallial vessels visceral cavity ver visceral cavity removed Respiratory ciliary current in the mantle groove. Figure 3: Solid lines represent blood flow direction; broken lines represent ciliary current direction. cpy - circumpallial vessel foot mantle ve - visceral cavity Figure 4: Circuit for oxygen electrode. 257 Figure Legends, page 2 Figure 5: Recorder tracings at three different oxygen tensions. A z 2 cc 02/1; B z 1 cc 02/1; C s 0.5 cc 021. The dotted line at 18 seconds indicates the amperage valve used for construction of the 0, calibration curve. Figure 6: Output of the oxygen electrode at different O2 tensions and different times after closing of circuit. A - 3 seconds; B - 9 seconds; C « 18 seconds. S 38 ++++ 30 888 441+1 0c 568 983 +4141 ooo 1960 14 55 5 1414 5i 85 8 1+1+ oc o 0 G0S 1+1+ o0 35 4 5 uoassur) Pot phate! 2- 3. ese s e ptte alel arc 1 le gel fos pte. Rogei Rngtn 6 1- . Y61 Ventricl auriol . vess. Ant. ve Po off. ———— inus al caV: ad idi antl Jiroumpallial vess. int t figure one 4 - 1 26 Re RinbsN C —— — CEY CA C Py N CR MVN EV MoV ERVER HE (FR) TEXT EIGORE 2 ROGERR5TON TEXT EIG. 3 V CPV RRINGSTON CPy 268 GURE — Pt I.5V. A — to omeer anreorde Ce oR OGEN ELEETROL P. UNGSTO C 10 S. X4 83 B —1 —— 10 8 2 seconds Fl6OE H C R. vsron 26 0 O HODRE R A 8 05 20 oxygen concentration o . .. R. ENGSTON 6