O Microscopic Algal Food of Littorina planaxis and Littorina scutulata Michael S. Fostel Biology 175h May 30, 1964 Dr. Blinks Microscopic Algal Food of Littorina planaxis and Littorina scutulata Littorina planaxis and Littorina scutulata are commonly observed inhabiting the granitic upper littoral and supra- ittoral areas generally devoid of macroscopic algae. This tudy was undertaken to determine what microscopic algal type the animals were feeding on in these seemingly bare areas and get an idea of the effects of this feeding on algal growth. The study is conveniently divided into two parts: 1. Iden- ification 2. Determination of standing crop of microscopic lgae and the effect of littorines grazing upon it. Identification Methods Rock specimens were removed from areas inhabited by the littorines in the 6 to 8 foot range above mean zero tide. Their surfaces, crevices, and cracks were scraped into ster- ile sea water and then plated on an agar culture medium. The mediums used were of two basic types. Medium 1 was made up of 2% agar in sterile sea water plus 10-3molar Na,HPo and 10 3molar NH,NOg. A soil extract was prepared by mixing crushed granite with dark soil in 1 to l proportions; To this mixture was added 2 parts sea water and the soil-granite and vater were heated at 90°C for one hour. The mixture was then filtered and the brownish liquid filtrate was added to the culture medium, 1 part soil extract to 10 parts agar plus sea Pringsheim, 1946. e aic C ater. Medium 2 was identical with medium 1 except NH,NOg was omitted and 10 molar NaMo0, added. This medium was used to encourage the growth of possible nitrogen fixing blue- green algae present. In addition to the above mediums, two more were made, one using medium 1 with a salt concentration in the sea water four times normal (4X sea water), and another using medium 1 with L. planaxis mucus and feces spread over the surface. Both were prepared to approximate more closly the natural habitat of the algae. Many snail shells, especially those of L. planaxis, have very green color and are deeply eroded and pitted, and snails are normally observed crawling on one another. It was thought that the green may be a source of microscopic algal food, and perhaps the cause of the erosion. Therefore, the outer surface of a green shell and a brown eroded shell were scraped and plated on medium 1. Snails of both species were collected after high high water le moving, dissected, and the stomach contents plated on poth mediums 1 and 2 to culture any undigested pieces of algae. Lastly, since the littorines åre splashed regularly during igh tides, some sea foam was collected and plated to identif. possible algal food sourees not livingidirectly in or on the granite rocks. The cultures were placed upside down in front of a north window which had been covered with tissue paper to prevent 116 leaching frou dirset suhlight. In addition to culturing, rock Specimens, shells, and tomach contents were examined directly in the laboratory. Results he results of both eultures and field observations are presented in the chart on page 12. The first growth in culture consisted of bacteria, but fter ten days a conspicious growth of diatoms appeared, specially from rock surface scrapings on medium 1. After 15 s most of the algae to be described began to grow, and 2 were subcultured. The alga giving the common green coloration to round ocks in tide pools and to granite surfaces above tide pools was identified as the chlorophyta, Spongomorpha coalita (see Plate 1, fig. 1). This form has the general appearance of (744 he description given by Smith but is a much smaller, juvenile State. It was found much higher than the description by Smith, rowing well within the littorine range at 6 to 8 feet. in mall cracks in the rock surface and on the surface itself. was also grown from stomach contents and in sea foam ulture. The growth in sea foam was probably from pieces hg 11. 6.1 washed from the rocks. The green alga growing in the outer layers of the shells L. planaxis was identified as Entocladia testarum (Plate fig. 2). Previously, this alga had been described in the 2. Smith, 1944. 3. Thivy, 1943. pvne United States on the east coast only,)nhabiting dead molluse shells.4 Growth was also found in stomach contents of both species. When the outer layers of eroded shells were dissolved with HGl and the underlying material scraped off and examined, the alga was very prevelent, especially the massive, spherical thallus of overlapping, fused filaments. Since E. testarum grew well from scrapings of a brown eroded shell with no visible surface green, it may be the agent responsible for the shel. erosion. a3 Prominent among the blue-greeny found were Plectonema terebrans (Plate 1, fig. 3), Calothrix pilosa (Plate 2, fig. 4), and Calothrix crustacea (Plate 2, fig. 5). These algae fit the (146) general description given by Umezaki.k Plectonema terebrans ffers from Umezaki's description, being found here in shells of live L. planaxis and on the granite rocks in close ass- ociation with the other blue-greens and with S. coalita pre- viously mentioned.. It could also be responsible for some of the erosion of shells, since it is a shell boring form. All three of these blue-greens were found in cultured stomach contents and P. terebrans was found in sea foam (probably washed from rocks). C. pilosa was very abundant in the stomach planaxis. Generally, the blue-greens did as well in medium 1 as medium 2 so the presence of nitrogen fixing forms doubtful. bessite 4. Thivy, 1943. 5. Umezaki, 1961. anttos mele Dermocarpa sp. (Plate 2, fig. 6)8 and öpiruliha sp. (Plate 3, fig. 9)7, two other blue-greens, were found in lim- ited quantities. The Spirulina was found in association with Pcko P. terabrans on rock surfaces, and Dermocarpa was found grow- ing on Rhodochorton Rothii filaments in the field only. Roodochorton Rothii was the only red found, commonly in crevices receiving very little sunlight. L. planaxis is often observed in these crevices and some pieces of R. Rothii were found in their stomach contents, although none grew in culture. This species fits Smith's description except for its growing 0. in crevices. lje Diatoms and unicellular greeng and blue-green, were found most cultures but no attempt was made to identify them. The diatoms were especially abundant both in rock cultures and stomach contents, and seem to constitute one of the primary food sourees of the littorines. Determination of Standing Crop and Littorina Grazing Effects Methods Chlorophyll content In an effort to determine the standing crop of all the microscopic algae in the 6' to 8' range, areas of rock were chipped from the surface with hammer and chisel. The chloro- phyll and other pigments were extracted with methyl alcohol and their absorbtion spectra determined. The rock spectras were 6. Smith, 1950. Gk 130 y, + 8. Smith, 1944. 9. Castenholz, 1961. C compared with the absorbtion spectrum of a similar sige piece of Ulva. The rock samples extracted were 5 cm by 5 cm square and from to 10 mm deep, depending on the depth of the green color- tion beneath the surface. Because this depth varied, all calculations were based on surface area and not volume. The rock samples were crushed with a mortar and pestle, laced in dark screw cap bottles, and covered with 50 ml ab- jolute methyl alcohol per 25 cm2 rock. Acetone and ethyl alcohol were tried but did not affect complete extraction. The bottles were then placed in a refrigerator for 29 hours, ontents filtered through l filter paper, and immediately analyzed on a Beckman Modal DUR spectrophotometer at wavelenghts from 430 to 680 millimicrons. Samples of Ulva were cut into 1 cm squares and extracted ia similar manner without grinding. The absorbtion values nsis histt were corrected to 25 cm2 Ulva/50 ml alcohol. To get an idea oflthe algal content of the L. planaxis estimale alls, spails were removed and their shells crushed and extracted as above. The absorbtion spectrum was corrected to 25 cm shell sufface/50 ml alcohol. The shell surface estimations are described under Photosynthetic Rate. b. Photosynthetic Rate Rock samples were removed intact from outcroppings and a 25 cm surface area exposed, the rest of the rock covered ith aluminum foil to prevent light from entering. The rocks were placed in one liter jars filled with sea water of a known 120 og concentration, and placed in the sun for 2 hour. The rocks were then removed and the water ånalyzed by the Winkler method to determine Og increase. From this, carbon productior s calculated. Ulva's photosynthetig rate was previously determined (see under Final Determination of Standing Crop). The photosynthetic rate of snail shells (L. planaxis) was determined by cracking the shells to remove the snails and putting the shells in sea water in direct sunlight. 02 in- crease was again measured by the Winkler method. Snail sur- face area was calculated by approximating with 1/ of wr/r24 h2 the formula for the area of a right circular cone. R here is the distance across the operculer opening and h the height of the shell from the bottom of the operculer opening to the to the spire. Respiration Rate Only the respiration rate for a 25 cm granite surface measured. This was done by chipping a rock to the de- sired dimensions and putting it in sea water in the dark for 12 hours. Op concentration before and after was measured the Winkler method and Og decrease calculated. Results Chlorophyll Content The absorption spectra of an adverage of three 25 cm2 ock surfaces, three l ome pieces of Ulva corrected to 25 eme, and four crushed shells with a surface area of 6 cme corrected to 25 cm2 are presented in the graph on page 13. ke 10. North, 1984. C since chlorophyllta)is present in all the algae found, this jas used as a standard of comparison. Using Strickland and Parsons! method, chlorophyll ta) con- nt was determined by the formula Ca - 15.6 Eggg - 2.0 Eg4g - 0.8 Eg3o - mg chlorophyll a)/ liter of solvent (when absorbtion is measured in a lom cell) and Ersees Values obtained were corrected to one liter of methyl alcohol and then to one meter squared of rock surface. Granite surface in 6-8 ft. tidal level adverage of three samples .043 gs chlorophyll e)/ m nis value is probably(gomewhat less than the exact(value because of the presence of blue-green (pigments) abga Ulva chlorophyll (a) content using the same formula: Ulva (adv. of 3 samples) - .081 gs Ca / me Shell ohlorophyll k)content was not calculated because after 29 hours the shells were not completely extracted. It is significant that even with incomplete extraction the shells have a higher pigment content than either the Ulva or the rock. see graph, page 13) Photosynthetic Rate Rock surface (adv. of 4 samples): - 7.8 m1 0,/25 cm2/ day - 3120 ml 02/ m2/ day (assuming 12 hours o. light) 1960. Parsons, 11. Strickland and * E is extinction or absorbtion. /22 1.6 ga carbon/n/ day Ulva previõusly determined for Hopkins Marine Station: - 3 - 7.2 gs cärbon/m2/day Shells (L. planaxis adv. of 4 samples): - .981 gs carbon/m/day Respiration Rate Rock surface (adv. of 3 samples): 246.8 ml 02/m2/day Final Determination of Standing Crop ince the photosynthetic rate of the granite surface turns out to be about half that of Ulva's minimum value, and the chlorophyll (a)content of the granite surface is approx- imately half that of an equal surface of Ulva, then it is assumed that chlorophyll a content and standing crop are re- lated and that the relation for Ulva is proportional to that of the algae in the granite surfaces. If this assumption can be made then dividing Ulva's Ca content into that of the rock: .043 -r.081 - .53 Standing crop of Ulva for Hopkins Marine Station - 70 gs carbon/m? Then the standing crop of algae on the granite surfaces - (70) (.53) - 37 gs carbon/m2 Dividing standing crop by production rate we get time for crop on rock - 37441.66 = 22.3 days chart summarizing the results of standing crop deter- minations is presented on page 14. 130 C Effects of Grazing Methods For this determination a flat surface was selected at the tide level. Six baskets of 15 cm by 15 cm by 5 cm size were fastened to the rock by bolts driven into the granite. The area received abundant splash and spray during high tides and was inhabited by littorines of both species, but prim- arily L. planaxis. Ten snails (L. planaxis) with a volume of .27 co/snail were introduced into each of three of the baskets while the other three baskets were kept empty. After 25 days the baskets and snails were removed and emf sections of granite were chipped from the center of each basket-covered area. The rocks were analyzed as in previous chlorophyll(a) determinations to ascertain any dif- ferences in pigment content which could be used as a measure of food consumed. Results The absorbtion spectra of the grazed and ungrazed surfaces oo are presented in the graph on page 15. Chlorophyll a content was not known before the test,so its calculation would not be meaningful. For a general measure, subtracting the absorption values for grazed and ungrazed surfaces at the peaks gives a value of from 66 to 104. Therefore, 10 snails with a volume of 2.7 cc grazing on a 225 cme surface of granite reduce the pigment content by about 8% when compared with an ungrazed surface nterd durtes over a period of 25 days. se AN Lenst keeis kr C Summary lene Algae identified in the habitat of Littorina planaxis and Littorina scutulata- (7 denotes positive identification as food) Chlorophyta alita Spongomorpha Entocladia testarums (on shells) greens * Uhicellular lyanophyta terebrans Plectonema pilosa Calothri Calothrix crustacea Dermocarpa sp. Soirulina sp. Unicellular blue-greens Rhodophyta * Rhodochorton Rothii Diatoms ( 2. The standing crop of the microscopic algae on granite surfaces is 37 gs carbon/m2 with a production rate of 1.66 carbon/m2/day. Production rate for the algae on the shells L. planaxis is .981 gs carbon/m2/day. The pigment content of the algae on the shells is much greater than that of a rock or Ulva surface of similar size. 3. In 25 days, ten snails reduce the algal pigment content of a 225 cm2 granite surface by approximately 8% when com- pared with an ungrazed surface of similar size. /2. 0 3 2 3 0 950 a50 9 3 3136. 50 0 0 HO 9 + 2 9 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 3 8 3 p 33 0 a a 5 15 8o " +1 2 U 1 2 2 35 He Vih -000H3 SO 0 O J tf m H 5 85 O Ittth O C TA PLATE SPONCONDEPHA olita 8 Taon o tesa COn 3oA Heer o oo Hag oo C 6 O LH Paz 2 18 2 Chorik Pilosa a oet o 7 C OTH O r PLATE + 2 1 23 uoouo Ror1 Onie u DT 8 Pameurs MALS (ER BOAND4) HAS MATOR OA 4 Oo CN Fn Keir totund o 32 C Bibliography Gastenholz, R. w. 1961. "The effect of grazing on marine littoral diatom populations! Ecology 42: 783-794 the structure and reproduction Fritsch, F. E. 1935. The algae. Cambridge University Press Krey, J. 1957. "Chemical methods of estimating the standing crop of phytoplankton. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. A./No. 16 Moore, H.B. 1937. "The biology of Littorina littorea. Part: Growth of the shell and tissues, spawning, length of life, and mortality." J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. 21: 721 - 742. Jorth, w. J. 1954. "Size distribution, erosive activities, and gross metabolic efficiency of the marine intertidal snails Littorina planaxis and L. scutulata." Bio. Bull. 106: 185- preparatio Pringsheim, E.G. 1946. Pure cultures of algae, their and maintenance. Cambridge University Press Smith, G. M. 1944. Marine algae of the Monterey Peninsula. Stanford University Press ------- 1950. The fresh water algae of the United States. MoGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. Strickland, J.D.H., and T.R. Parsons. 1960. A manuel of sea water analysis. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Bull- etin No. 125 aylor, w. R. 1957. Marine algae of the northeastern coast of North America. University of Mich. Fress hivy, F. 1942. "Aanew species of Ectochaete (Huber) Wille from Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Bio. Bull. 83: 97 - 110 —----1943. "New records of some marine Chaetophoraceae and Chaetosphaeridiaceae for North America. Bio. Bull. 85-86: 244 - 264 reen algae of Japan. marine blue Umezaki, I. 1961. The Nemoirs of the College of Agriculture, Kyoto University No.83 C O