Microalgae on Shell (1) TRACT ABS A field survey and culture study of the microalgae living on the shells of the intertidal prosobranch mollusc, Tricolia pulloides (Carpenter, 1865), a- round the Monterey Peninsula, California have identified the microalgae commonly found growing on these shells and have shown that some of these microalgae are in greater abundance on shells from a wave exposed coast as com¬ pared to shells from a wave protected coast. Conchocelis rosea Batters, a shell-boring red alga not expected in high intertidal shells, was commonly found. An encrusting green alga identified as Pseudopringsheimia apiculata Setchell & Gardner showed free radiating irregularly branched marginal filaments in monostromatic regions and horizontally elongated cells in polystromatic regions, neither of which had been described for P. apiculata on macroalgal hosts. Microalgae on Shell (2) INTRODUCTION An extensive survey of the epizoic and endozoic microalgae associated with the shell of a single species of a living marine snail has never before been carried out. The relative abundance of Tricolia pulloides (Carpenter, 1865) around the Monterey Peninsula, California (Firestone, 1979) and the smooth, semi¬ transparent character of the shell offered a convenient opportunity for beginning such a survey. The objective of this study was to identify the microalgae found on the shells of T. pulloides and to investigate whether or not there existed differences in species or quantity of microalgae on the shells be¬ tween a wave exposed coast and a wave protected coast. This study also led to an investigation of the habit of a green alga placed in the Chaetophoraceae, a family of green algae not fully understood. MATERIALS AND METHODS The specimens were gathered from four main study areas on the Monterey Peninsula. Two areas, Point Pinos and Point Joe, were on a wave exposed coast, and two areas near Mussel Point were on a wave protected coast (fig. 1). Three collection sites (+2.0 ft., +1.0 ft.. 0.0 ft.) at each study area were selected relative Microalgae on Shell (3) to 0.0 ft. tide level (mean low low water) and accor¬ ding to immediate macroalgal type (table 1). A sample 20 snails was collected at each site for culture studies, and an additional sample of 20 snails was preserved in 5% formalin for later observation. Col- lections were made from May 10-15, 1979 during the neap tides of that month. The shell of each snail collected for culture (240 in total) was cracked and the animal removed. All shell fragments from five snails were placed in separate plastic petri dishes (100xl5mm) containing .45um filter-sterilized sea water enriched with modi- fied Provasoli's media (Provasoli, McLaughlin, and Droop, 1957); 5 drops of Ge0» solution were added to each dish to control diatoms. Two of the four shell cultures from each collection site were placed at 15°0 with constant light (40 watt, cool white, 46 microeinsteins -2 -1 m sec ) and two were placed at 22°C with constant light (40 watt, cool white, 150 microeinsteins müsec After 6 and 9 days in culture, depending on the species, specific microalgae were counted under a dissecting microscope. Following the ninth day, samples of each microalga were identified using a compound microscope and photographed with a Nikon compound microscope camera unit. The preserved snails were used to com¬ Microalgae on Shell (4) pare the microalgal forms in the field with those in culture. An additional 256 snails were sterilized in an auto- clave (121 C, 20 lbs. pressure, 15 minutes). These shells were then glued with epoxy to 4x8cm wood plates (18 shells per plate), and the wood plates were bolted to rocks at sites denoted in table 1, during May 10-15, 1979. The shells were examined for new growth of micro¬ algae after a 2-3 week period. ESULTS The results of this study are presented under three categories: 1) frequencies of occurrence, 2) new growth on sterilized shells, and 3) observations of form and habit. FREQUENCIES OF OCCURRENCE Table 2 lists the microalgae encountered in field and culture observations. Figure 1 depicts the numbers of particular microalgae on the shells from the wave protected coast and wave exposed coast study areas as determined by culture counts. Figure 2 displays the results of culture counts to determine frequency differences between 15°0 cultures and 22 C cultures. NEW GROWTH ON STERILIZED SHELLS Table 2 shows that many species of algae observed on the shells of living snails from the field were also Microalgae on Shell (5) observed on sterilized shells after 3 weeks. Shells placed at low sites showed the greatest amount of new growth for any given area. On 10 shells from a low site near Mussel Point the following new growth was observed: 21 Enteromorpha sp. and Ulva sp., 1 Erythro- cladia subintegra Rosenvinge, 13 Erythrotrichia carnea (Dillwyn) J. Agardh, 12 Feldmannia chitonicola (Saunders) Levring filaments, and general presence of Pseudo- pringsheimia apiculata Setchell & Gardner. OBSERVATIONS OF FORM AND HABIT The following observations deal with those micro- algae where the observed form or habit was of special interest or differed from that hitherto described. Conchocelis rosea Batters -- Shell-boring. Common at all observed tidal heights. The thin, transparent shell made possible direct observation under the com¬ pound microscope. Three distinct morphological forms were observed. 1) Thin, usually straight filaments, 2.2um in width, with occasional short side branches. Filaments contain very elongated pink cells (plate 1). 2) Thick to thin filaments, up to 9um in width, not straight, branching common, becoming somewhat con¬ stricted between cells and near branchings, containing pink somewhat elongated cells (plate 2). 3) Uniformally thick filaments, 9um in width, cells dark in color, not elongated, 4.5um in diameter (plate 3). Microalgae on Shell (6) Erythrocladia subintegra Rosenvinge -- In culture, thallus discoid, up to 224um in diameter. Cells in central region polystromatic (plates 4,5). Lyngbya sp. -- A blue-green alga very common especially on shells from the wave exposed coast. Often the entire shell is covered with tufts of this alga. 139um in length, 4um in width. Appeared colorless in all cases (plate 6). Pseudopringsheimia apiculata Setchell & Gardner -- Com- mon. Lends grass green color to many shells. Usually epizoic on shell surface, occasionally endozoic under protein coat of shell. Cross-section shows apiculate tips and polystromatic growth up to 10 cells thick (67um) (plate 7). Cells in cross-section are in vertical rows and horizontally elongated (2 times as wide). Top view of growth on shell surface (plates 8,9) shows areas of monostromatic growth at the margins, including free ir- regularly branched cells 2.2um in width and llum long. Cells of central region of monostromatic growth from top view are 2.7-3.Zum in diameter. Cells have single pyrenoid, small rhizoids(?), and parietal(?) chloroplast. DI. SSION FREQUENCIES OF OCCURRENCE The results in figure 1 suggest that the wave ex¬ posed coast favors all the particular microalgae counted with the exception of Erythrotichia carnea. These re¬ Microalgae on Shell (7) sults are reasonable assuming that the exposed coast has more dissolved oxygen and nutrients available due to increased water turbulence. The results in figure 2 suggest that the red algae, Erythrocladia subintegra and Erythrotrichia carnea, and the brown alga, Feldmannia chitonicola, are not well adapted to warm temperatures, though E. carnea is known from the tropics (Abbott and Hollenberg, 1976). This seems consistent with a paper by Hoek (1975) which suggests that species of algae living abundantly in cooler thermal regions are usually not well adapted to live in warmer thermal regions. The results in figure 2 may also be due at least in part to the difference in light intensities to which the two sets of shell cultures were exposed. NEW GROWTH ON STERILIZED SHELLS New growth on the shells was surprising in view of the short time period. These results bring up the question of why the Tricolia pulloides in the field are not overgrown with algae. At least 70% of the Tricolia observed from the field were less than 50% covered with microalgae. Another snail, however, the limpet Collisella limatula Carpenter, often seen at the same tidal height as the higher of the T. pulloides, Microalgae on Shell (8) is commonly completely covered with algae. The T. pulloides in the field are not as exposed to light as were the sterilized shells or as are the shells of C. limatula, thus lack of sufficient light may account for the lack of increased algal growth. Possibly Tricolia pulloides graze upon each other or are grazed upon by some other organism. Though such grazing has been described for some intertidal snails (Eikenberry and Wickizer, 1964) it was never observed for T. pulloides in the field or in laboratory tanks provided with macroalgal fronds. Such behavior was only observed when snails were confined in small containers without any other food. Yet another ex¬ planation is that the protein coat of Tricolia's shell may inhibit algal growth. The question of why the live T. pulloides in the field are only rarely more than 50% covered with algae is a perplexing one which I am unable to explain. OBSERVATIONS OF FORM AND HABIT Conchocelis rosea -- The fact that this shell-boring alga was found in Tricolia's shells is an interesting finding in itself. Conchocelis, an alternate morpho- logical form of various Porphyra species (Tseng and Chang, 1956; Hollenberg, 1958), may serve to insure the sur¬ vival of Porphyra during times when the intertidal Microalgae on Shell (9) habitat is under stress owing to intense sunlight, high temperatures, or lack of large waves. Conchocelis phases are more resistant to these physical stresses than the large, blade-like Porphyra plants. These Conchocelis filaments in Tricolia shells are at ap¬ proxiamately the same tidal height as locally occur- ring Porphyra perforata J. Agardh. While an enormous amount of work has been done on the form and habit of Conchocelis in culture (Drew, 1949, 1957; Kurogi, 1953; Tseng and Chang, 1955, 1956; Hollenberg, 1958; and Dixon and Richardson, 1969), little if any extensive work has been done with Conchocelis in the field. The shell of Tricolia pulloides has proved to be an excellent place to observe Conchocelis in the field. The three distinct morphological forms observed each correspond to similiar forms described by Tseng and Chang (1954) and locally by Hollenberg (1958) as dif¬ ferent stages of Conchocelis. It is of interest that Hollenberg described the Conchocelis stage of locally occurring Porphyra perforata as free-living (not shell¬ boring) while the Conchocelis filaments in Tricolia shells may likely represent the Conchocelis stage of Porphyra perforata in a shell-boring situation. The shell of T. pulloides offers an opportunity for study of the seasonal variations, if any, in the abundance Microalgae on Shell (10) of the three observed forms of Conchocelis in the field. ythrocladia subintegra -- This alga has been described from the field as monostromatic (Abbott and Hollenberg. 1976), but according to Nichols and Lissant-(1967) Ery. throcladia subintegra in culture becomes polystromatic with age, in agreement with this author's observations in culture. This particular example demonstrates a problem in present phycology, in that earlier descrip¬ tions of many species are based entirely on a few field observations and often miss the morphological variability present. This problem becomes more acute when one studies inadequately defined taxa such as the genera and species of the family Chaetophoraceae around the Monterey Peninsula. Pseudopringsheimia apiculata -- Early descriptions of many of the species of Chaetophoraceae described for the Monterey Peninsula, including Pseudopringsheimia apiculata, are based entirely on morphological attri- butes observed in the field, often only on one or a few hosts. Studies of thier habit, form, and pheno- typic variability under a wide range of environmental conditions have never been made. Yet, recent cultural investigations of the family Chaetophoraceae by Wilkin- son and Burrows (1972) and Yarish (1976) demonstrate that serious taxonomic problems do exist in this family due to earlier field descriptions which did not take into account the extraordinary phenotypic plasticity in members of this family. Microalgae on Shell (11) It was within the above framework of knowledge that this author had to work. Tables 3 and 4 illus- trate the reasons for tenatively assigning the common Chaetophoraceae alga seen on the shells to the genus and species Pseudopringsheimia apiculata and also the author's reservations about doing so. The differences in habit between the alga on the shells and Pseudo- pringsheimia apiculata may be due to a phenotypic (not genotypic) difference resulting from the difference in hosts from which the alga is being described. Yarish (1976) concluded, "In the case of certain Chaetophoraceae it is essential to culture the organisms to obtain correct identification. Many species described in the literature are probably ecophenes of a more limited number of species." Comparative culture and field studies of this alga and others in the Chaetophoraceae from the Monterey Peninsula should be attempted in order to better understand the taxonomy of this family. Microalgae on Shell ACKNOWLEDGEMEN I would like to express my sincere appreciation to William Magruder for his dedicated presence and instruction throughout this study. I would also like to especially thank Dr. Isabella A. Abbott who taught me how to view life in a new way. (12) Microalgae on Shell (13) LITERATURE CITED Abbott, I. A. and Hollenberg, G. J. 1976. Marine Algae of California. Stanford University Press, California. p. 286, p. 284. Dixon, P. S. and Richardson, W. W. 1969. The life histories of Bangia and Porphyra and the photoperiodic control of spore production. Proc. Int. Seaweed Symp. 6:133-139. Drew, K. M. 1949. Conchocelis-phase in the life-history of Porphyra umbilicalis (L) Kutz. Nature 164:748. Drew, K. M. 1957. Studies in the Bangiophycidae IV. The Conchocelis-phase of Bangia fuscopurpurea (Dillw) Lyngbya in culture. Estratto dalla Pubbl. Staz. Zool. Napoli 30:358-372. Eikenberry, A. B. and Wickizer, D. E. 1964. Studies on the Commensal Limpet Acmea asmi in Relation to its Host, Tegula funebralis (Mollusca:Gastropoda). The Veliger 6:supplement, 66-70. Firestone, A. 1979. Distribution and abundance of Tricolia pulloides and Barleeia haliotiphila at Mussel Point and Point Pinos. Unpublished MS on file at Hopkins Marine Station Library. Microalgae on Shell (14) Hoek, C. V. D. 1975. Phytogeographic provinces along the coasts of the northern Atlantic Ocean. Phycologia 14:317-330. Hollenberg, G. J. 1958. Culture Studies of Marine Algae. III. Porphyra perforata. Am. Journ. Bot. 15:653-656. Kurogi, M. 1953. On the Liberation of Monospores from the filamentous Thallus (Conchocelis-stage) of Porphyra tenera Kjellm. Bull. Tohoku Reg. Fisheries Resrch Lab 2:104-108. Nichols, H. W. and Lissant, E. K. 1967. Developmental Studies of Erythrocladia Rosenvinge in Culture. J. Phycol. 3:6-18. Provasoli, L., McLaughlin, J. J. A., and Droop, M. R. 1957. The development of artificial media for marine algae. Arch. Mikrobiol. 25:392-428. Tseng, C. K. and Chang, T. J. 1954. Studies on Porphyra 1. Life History of Porphyra tenera Kjellm. Acta Botanica Sinica 3:287-302. Tseng, C. K. and Chang, T. J. 1955. A Revision of the Life Cycle Diagram of Porphyra tenera Kjellm. Acta Botanica Sinica 4:265-268. 0 Microalgae on Shell (15) Tseng, C. K. and Chang, T. J. 1956. Conditions of Porphyra Conchospore Formation and Discharge and the Discharge Rythm. Acta Botanica Sinica 5:33-48. Wilkinson, M. and Burrows, E. M. 1972. An experimental taxonomic study of the algae confused under the name Gomontia polyrhiza. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U. K. 52:49-57. Yarish, C. 1976. Polymorphism of selected marine Chaetophorceae (Chlorophyta). Br. Phycol. J. 11:29-38. Microalgae on Shell (16) TABLE CAPTIONS Table 1 -- Tidal heights and immediate macroalgae of high, medium, and low level collection sites. Table 2 -- The microalgae found on Tricolia shells as observed in the field, in culture, and as new growth on sterilized shells. Table 3 -- A comparision of characteristics between the common Chaetophoraceae alga seen on Tricolia shells and local Chaetophoraceae genera. Table 4 -- A comparision of characteristics between the common Chaetophoraceae alga seen on Tricolia shells and Pseudopringsheimia apiculata. The differences in characteristics may be due to the difference in hosts. Microalgae on Shell (17) FIGURE C PION. Figure 1 -- Numbers of particular microalgae in cultures from the wave exposed coast study areas (Point Pinos and Point Joe) and from the wave protected coast study areas (Mussel Point). Figure 2 -- Numbers of particular microalgae as related to the culture temperature. Microalgae on Shell (18) OF PIATES EXPLANATION Plates 1-3 -- Three distinct forms of Conchocelis ob¬ served in Tricolia pulloides shells. Rule is 12um. Plate 4 -- Erythrocladia subintegra, top view. Rule is 169um. Plate 5 -- Erythrocladia subintegra, cross-section showing polystromatic central region. Rule is 44um. Plate 6 -- Lyngbya sp. Rule is llum. Plate 7 - Apiculate tips of Pseudopringsheimia apiculata. Rule is 5um. Plate 8 -- Free, irregularly branched filaments from a monostromatic region of Pseudopringsheimia apiculata. Rule is 52um. Plate 9 -- The discoid-cushion thallus of Pseudopringsheimia apiculata showing monostromatic growth at the margins and polystromatic growth in the center. Rule is 52um. Microalgae on Shell COLLECTION SITE (approx.)TIDAL HIEGHT IMMEDIATE MACROALCA TABLE 1 Medium High +2 ft. 11 ft. Gigartina Rhodoglossum papillata aff LOW +0 ft. Gastroclonium coulte — (19) Microalgae on Shell TABLE 2 SPECIES Acrochaetium arcuatum ........ Conchocelis rosea ............ Interomorpha sp Trythrocladia subintegra ..... Lrythrotrichia carnea ........ Teldmannia chitonicola ....... Pseudopringsheimia apiculata. Ulva sp Dermocarpa sp. Lyngbya sp.. Coccoid blue-green ........... PLACE OF OBSERVATION AS NEW IN FIELD CULTUR GROWTH + + (20) CHARACTERISTIC GROWTH TYPES DESCRIBED SHAPE OF THALL MONOSTROMATIC AND POLYSTRO¬ MATIC GROWTH HABIT OF MONO¬ STROMATIC REGION CELLS IN VER¬ TICAL ROWS IN POLYSTROMATIC REGIONS TERMINAL CELLS OF VERTICAL ROWS ARE APICULATE Microalgae on Shell TOCLADIA Epiphytic Endophytic. Epizoic Not primarily discoid Monostromatic Cells round in center. Cells form free, ir- regularly branched, rad¬ iating fila- ments at mar- gins. (Table 3) SEUDULVELLA Epiphytic Epizoic Discoid Polystromati in central portion. Monostromatic at margins. Cells may be round in cen ter. Cells may form free fila¬ ments at mar¬ gins, may al so form lat¬ erally ad¬ joined fila- ments at mar- gins. YES NO ULVELLA Epiphytic Endophytic Discoid Usually mono- stromatic Cells may be round in cen¬ ter. Cells do not form free fila¬ ments at mar- gins. Cells do form lat¬ erally ad¬ joined fila- ments at mar¬ gins. (21) PSEIIDO¬ PRINGSHEIMLA Epiphytic Discoid¬ cushion Polystromatic in central portion. Monostromatic at margins. Cells round ir center. Cells do not form free filaments at margins. Cells do form laterally ad¬ joined fila- ments at mar¬ gins. YES YES (for one local species: P. apiculata COMMON SHELL ALGA Epizoic Endozoic Discoid¬ cushion Polystromatic in central portion. Monostromatic at margins. Cells round in center. Cells form free, ir regularly branched, rad iating fila- ments at mar¬ gins. Cells may also form laterally ad¬ joined fila- ments at mar¬ gins(?). YES YES Microalgae on Shell CHARACTERISTIC VERTICAL ROWS OF CELLS IN CROSS SECTION TERMINAL CELLS OF VERTICAL ROWS ARE APICULATE HEIGHT OF CROSS¬ SECTION CELLS OF VERTICAL ROWS ARE VERTICALLY ELONGATED HABIT OF MONOSTRO¬ MATIC REGIONS (Top view) **HOST** PSEUDOPRINGSHETMIA APICULATA YES YES 9-12 cells 145-165 um YES, cells 0.5-2.5 times as long as wide. (8-12um in width) Present, but not described. Egregia menziesii and Dictyoneurum californicum (both are macro¬ brown-algae) (Table 4) (22) ALGA ON SHELL YES YES 10 cells 67 um NO,cells are horizontally longated, 2 times as wide as long. (2.2xh.5um) Circular cells in crowded region (2.7-3.4 um in diam.) Radiating, irregular- ly branched free filaments at margins. Cells elongated up to 5.1 times as long as width. (11.2x2.2um) Shell of the inter¬ tidal snail Tricolia pulloides Microalgae on Shell 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 OL 200 150 100 50 Pacific Ocean Pt. Joe Pt. Pinos (23) (Figure 1) Enteromorpha sp. & Ulva sp. Feldmannia chitonicola rythrocladia subintegra Erythrotrichia carnea Monterey Bay Mussel Pt. J Microalgae on Shell 8 siuejd jo ou 14 — 8 8 sjuejd jo Jequinu LI sjuejd jo lequinu sjustttejij 10915 j0 Jleguinu (24) 2 8 ta- 3 . . 4 00 2. . 23. 11 2 H 2 122 1 6 en een eEr e aen ! &a