t ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, IF ANY, CONCERNING AUTHORS, ADDRESS, TITLE, OR CITATION DATA PLEASE TYPE ABSTRACT DOUBLE SPACED BELOW CRAIG, PETER C. (Hopkins Marine Sta., Pacific Grove, Calif., USA.) The activity pattern and food habits of the limpet Acmaea pelta (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Prosobranchia). The Veliger Most movement and feeding occurs when individuals are submerged at high tide or splashed on receding tides. At night populations show a net displacement upward on vertical rocks when the tide rises and a net displacement downward as the tide recedes. Feeding is not continuous during periods of submersion and splash, and individuals do not feed every high tide. A. pelta ingests a variety of blue-green, green, red, and brown algae, both macroscopic and microscopic, and diatoms. The most common macroscopic algac eaten are: Rhodoglossum affine Endocladia muricata, Iridaea sp., Pelvetia fastigiata, and Egregia menziesii. In habitats where Acmaea pelta occurs with A. limatula, the former eats mainly larger, erect algae, the latter mainly encrusting and microscopic algae. PLEASE DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE The Activity Pattern and Food Habits of the Limpet Acmaea pelta (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) By Peter C. Craig Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University Pacific Grove, California (5 Text figures; 1 Plate; 1 Table) Acmaea pelta Eschscholtz, 1833, is abundant in the rocky intertidal zone along the California coast. Described as the most eurytopic member of the genus Acmaea by Test (1945). A. pelta ranges in its intertidal habitat from the higher Endocladia to the lower Egregia associations at Mussel Point, Pacific Grove, California. Studies of its biology to date have been concerned with its general ecology (Test, 1945), the effects of grazing on diatom populations (Castenholz, 1961). the reproductive cycle (Fritchman, 1961, 1962), and its eco¬ logical role in the Endocladia zone (Glynn, 1965). The pres- ent study was conducted to provide more information on the behavior and foods of A. pelta. * footnote 1. 108 P. Craig FIELD STUDIES In order to determine activity patterns of Acmaea pelta, l6 limpets were individually marked and observed at hourly intervals during high tides over a continuous period of four days. Later, another 10 limpets were observed at 30 minute or hourly intervals for a 24 hour period. A small mark was painted on the substrate at each end of each limpet to indi- cate the animal's original position; at each successive obser- vation measurement of the distance and angle of the limpet in relation to this point gave its new position. General move- ment, feeding activity, and degree of tidal exposure were noted at each observation. The degree of tidal exposure was indicated using the descriptive terms of Glynn (1965): exposed -- periods when the animals were exposed to air with- out wetting by waves or splash; awash -- when the animals were wetted by the sea, but not for more than 50% of the time submerged -- when the animals were wetted more than 50% of the time by splash or were continually immersed. The behay- ioral criteria used to determine the occurrence of feeding in the field were based on observations of Acmaea pelta under laboratory conditions, and are described later 10 P. Craig General movement-of the population is shown in Figure 1. Periods of movement in Acmaea pelta shows a consistent rela- tionship with the tidal cycle. The limpets remain stationary when out of water. Movement usually does not occur until the end of the period when they are awash on an incoming tide. While only three of the limpets depicted in Figure 1 moved during the initial awash period of the higher high water, all moved during the early part of the period of submersion. During the following period of lower high water (Figure 1), those animals too high on the rock to be submerged did not move at all, although they were awash for an extensive period. In general, A. pelta do not move until they are submerged, though after being submerged, some were observed to move up- ward on the rock into the zone still awash, climbing at a rate equal to that of the incoming tide. A. pelta usually do not remain active for the high tide period and in several instances have been observed not to move at all (e.g. limpet "i", Figure 1). Such stationary individuals usually move during the following high tide. Exact paths of movement were not plotted, but net dis- placement on the rocks between successive observation periods was noted for each limpet. This provides a measure of minimum 10 P. Craig distance moved. The amount of movement and the area covered varies considerably with individuals; one limpet moved no more than two inches during any high tide period over a span of four days, another covered a distance of six feet during a single high tide period. Figure 2 shows examples of the types of paths taken by different individuals during a four day observation period, Path A shows rather random movement with the limpet coming to rest at a different spot at each exposure period. At some time during the four day study, 11 of the 16 limpets exhibited movement patterns like those of path B; they returned at least ractty ha Sa once to an-exact location previously occupied. Homing, i.e. returning to the same exact spot and here adopting the same orientation (Figure 2, path C), was noted in four of the limpets. One individual homed after moving three feet away from its spot. One limpet was observed to move into a spot and assume the same orientation as another limpet which had previously occupied that spot. Path D represents a type often observed. The majority of movement repeatedly occurs in a particular area, and the limpet returns to the same small area (approximate diameter one inch) with each exposure period but does not necessarily settle in the same exact spot with the same orientation. P. Craig VERTICAL MOVEMENT To test whether there was a general trend of vertical movement on the rock surface in relation to tidal exposure, the vertical component of movement of ten limpets was observed at hourly intervals. The results reveal a specific pattern (Fig. 3). When the tide rises at night a net upward dis- placement occurs, followed by a net downward displacement as the tide recedes. Similar movement patterns have been noted in Acmaea limatula (Eaton, 1966) and Acmaea scutum (Rogers, 1966). Comparable data are not available for movements during the day. FEEDING ACTIVITY Studies were made to determine the frequency and duration of feeding periods, and the relation of feeding to tidal exposure. Acmaea pelta placed in aquaria or on glass plates covered with an algal film, and arranged so that radular movements could be seen in ventral view, revealed a charac¬ teristic feeding behavior. The head sways from side to side, completing a cycle in one to two minutes. This can be detected in a dorsal view, even in the field, by watching the cephalic P. Craig tentacles. The mouth, if visible, is flattened and spread over the substrate. Forward locomotion is relatively slow. in one case about one om in five minutes. Feeding behavior in the field and laboratory, as recorded by patterns scraped by the radula on larger algae or on alga-covered glass plates, corresponds with the above description. In such patterns, produced by radular action as the limpet's head moves from side to side, each individual rasp of the radula is visible (Plate 1, B). At greater magnification the marks of indi- vidual radular teeth can be seen (Plate 1, A). This pattern of feeding provides a moderately efficient coverage of the surface. It was often difficult to tell whether animals were feeding or not under field conditions, but some information on the feeding activity of Acmaea pelta was obtained. Of the limpets shown in Figure 1, three were not observed to feed during the period of higher high water, and six showed neither feeding nor other movement at lower high water. While feeding may have occurred between observations, some limpets taken from the field as the tide receded had no food in their stomachs It appears that limpets do not necessarily feed during every tidal cycle; for much of the period of activity the animals P. Craig move about without showing clear evidence of feeding. The statement by Test (1945, p. 397) that Acmaea pelta "feeds at any and all times, regardless of whether the tide is in or out", is not supported by the present study. FOODS OF ACMAEA PELTA Since A. pelta is a very eurytopic organism, the question arises whether it is able to feed on a wide variety of plant material or feeds on a few forms which are widely distributed in the intertidal region. Published accounts (Test, 1945; Fritchman, 1961) indicate that A. pelta eats a variety of algae, both microscopic and macroscopic, but quantitative information is lacking. A study was therefore made to deter- mine the foods available to A. pelta and the foods actually eaten, and to assess evidences of food selection. Acmaea pelta are most abundant in mid to upper intertidal regions that can often be characterized by the presence of Endocladia, Pelvetia, Egregia, or Postelsia (Figure 4). Four areas were chosen, each a region where a different one of the above algae predominated. Since any alga present might repre- sent a possible food source for A. pelta, an attempt was made to estimate the relative quantities of the different macro- scopic algae present (Figure 5). Estimates are crude, for it 10 P. Craig is difficult to compare the availability of an alga with a thallus many feet long with the availability of encrusting forms. The abundance of microscopic algae was not determined. These forms, consisting of diatoms and unicellular and filimentous green and blue-green algae, occurred on otherwise bare rock surfaces and as epiphytes on many of the larger algae in all four areas. Very small juvenile individuals of larger algae were included with the larger algae. Twenty five Acmaea pelta whose guts retained foodmater- ials in recognizable states were collected from each of the four areas. A portion of the material from the stomach of each animal was microscopically examined. Identifications of algae in both field environment and stomachs were made with the kind help of Dr. Isabella A. Abbott of the Hopkins Marine Station. An attempt was made to assess the relative amount of each alga present to within 10%. Materials which could not be identified in microscopic examination are listed as "unidentified debris". The values obtained from the analyses of the stomach contents of the 25 A. pelta from each area were then averaged (Figure 5). The Endocladia region, between 6.0 and 3.0 feet above mean lower low water (Smith, 1944; a somewhat greater range P. Craig is indicated by Glynn, 1965), is characterized by macroscopic red algae. In this region Acmaea pelta ingested a variety of algae (Figure 5, A). Macroscopic algae (55%) were present in twice the volume of microscopic algae (263). The macroscopic algae present in the gut are not minute, immature plants but consist of small fragments of much larger specimens. Field observation suggests that these are probably obtained from plants which are growing in small crevices and which have been grazed repeatedly, and from the holdfasts of larger plants growing on the open rock surface. The brown alga Pelvetia characterizes a zone between 4.5 and 2.0 feet above mean lower low water (Smith, 1944). This plant is the primary food of Acmaea pelta here (Figure 5, B). Most limpets in this region are found in the moist area under the blades of the Pelvetia, and except for a few small individuals they are not often seen on the blades themselves. They apparently feed on the holdfast where limpets are often observed during a period of submersion. Pelvetia appeared unusually macerated in the stomach of these limpets and is thought to constitute a large portion of the 33% of unidentified debris. 10 P. Craig The Egregia region, occupies the 2.0 - 0.0 foot level in the intertidal zone (Smith, 1944). Here, too, macroscopic plants form the major part (62%) of the diet of Acmaea pelta (Figure 5, C). As in the Pelvetia region, one brown alga predominates in the environment and in the gut contents. Limpets are often found directly on the holdfast and stipes of Egregia plants, and scars apparently caused by extensive feeding are frequently found beneath them. This tendency of A. pelta to ingest more macroscopic than microscopic algae is reversed in the exposed and surf- swept Postelsia region (4.0 to 1.0 foot intertidal level; Smith, 1944). Over half the limpets collected in this region were taken from Postelsia stipes, but Postelsia is not the major food found in their stomachs. They apparently feed mainly on diatoms and other epiphytic microscopic algae growing on Postelsia (Figure 5, D). Limpets not directly on Postelsia also ingested quantities of Iridaea. Microscopic algae con- stitutes 45% of the volume of stomach contents and macroscopic algae only 32% in this zone. Comparisons of plant foods available and stomach contents from the four regions shows that A. pelta does not feed at random but ingests significantly large quantities of macroscopic / 11 P. Craig algae. However, all the major phyla of marine plants are represented in the diet. Jobe (1966) in a study of the digestive onzymes of A. pelta found amylase activity marked, and that of fucoidinase and alginase somewhat less. The variety of foods eaten, shown in the list below, may be.an important factor influencing the ability of A. pelta to live in a wide range of intertidal conditions. Algae Eaten by Acmaea pelta (and the per cent of the 25 limpets per region in which each alga was found) Pos¬ Eg¬ Endo- Pel- Regions: oladia vetia regia telsia TOTAL 84% 100% 100% 85% 56% I. MACROSCOPIC PLANTS A. Green Algae 1. Prasiola meridionalis 7.12 Enteromorpha intestinalis Ulva sp. Cladophora trichotoma . B. Rec Algae 30 Rhodoglossum affine 48 28 22 Endocladia muricata 22 ridaea sp. 12 4. Gelidium sp. Lithothamnion sp. 12 6. Gigartina sp. 7. Dermatolithon dispar 8. Porphyra perforata 9. Peyssonelia pacifica Brown Algae 92 1. Pelvetia fastigiata 52 2. Egregia menziesii 3. Postelsia palmaeformis 16 4. Colpomenia peregrina 5. Heterochordaria abietina D. Flowering Plants 1. Phyllospadix scouleri 32 12 P. Craig II. MICROSCOPIC ALGAE 1. unicellular green algae 64 84 24 diatoms, blue-green algae 2. Dermocarpa 3. Goniotrichum sp. 8 4. Entophysalis densta Ectocarpus sp. Hapalosponidion gelatinosum 12 7. Pylaiella gardneri Where different species of the same genus occupy the same general area and habitat, and are more or less sympatric, the extent to which they compete for various requirements is always of interest. Acmaea pelta is often found in company with other species of Acmaea, especially Acmaea limatula. In a study of the foods of A. limatula, Eaton (1966) found that A. limatula ingests primarily the red encrusting algae, Hildenbrandia, Peyssonelia, Lithothamnion, Lithophyllum. In contrast A. pelta eats very little of these species. The dictary studies suggest that in situations where both species occur, there is relatively little competition for food. SUMMARY 1. Most movement and feeding of Acmaea pelta occurs while the animals are submerged and while they are being splashed during tidal ebb. At night, the population 13 P. Craig shows a net upward displacement when the tide rises and a net downward displacement as the tide recedes. All but one of l6 limpets observed over a four day period returned at least once to an exact location previously occupied. but only four of them consistently homed. Feeding is not continuous during periods of activity. 2. and apparently animals do not feed during every tidal cycle. 3. Acmaea pelta ingests a wide variety of algae, both microscopic and macroscopic. The most common macroscopic plants caten are the red algae Rhodoglossum affine, Endocladia muricata, and Iridaea sp., and the brown algae Pelvetia fastigiata and Egregia menziesii 4. Acmaea pelta and Acmaea limatula often occur in close proximity. Dietary studies suggest that in such situ- ations there is relatively little competition for food. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to Drs. Donald P. Abbott and Isabella A. Abbott of the Hopkins Marine Station for their kind help and dedicated interest. 14 P. Craig This work was made possible by Grant GY806 from the Under- graduate Research Participation Program of the National Science Foundation. The photographs in Plate 1 were taken: by Mr. S. E. Johnson. -18- P. Craig Litcrature Cited Castenholz, Richard W. 1961. The effect of grazing on marine littoral diatom populations. Ecology 42(4): 783-794. Baton, Charles m. 1966. The activity and foods of the file limpet Acmaea limatula. The Veliger Fritchman, Harry K. 1961. A study of the reproductive cycle in the California Acmaeidac. Part III. The Veliger 4(1): 41-47.0. 1962. A study of the reproductive cycle in the California Acmeidae. Part IV. The Veliger 4(3): 134-140. Glynn, Peter W. 1965. Community oomposition, structure, and interrelationships in the marine intertidal Endocladia muricata - Balanus glandula association in Monterey Bay, California. Beaufortia 12(148): 4-196. . Jobe, Alan 1966. A study of morphologic variation in the limpet/ Acmaca pelta. The Veliger -16- P. Craig Rogers, Donald A. 1966. The effects of light and tide on the movement of the limpet Acmaca scutum. The Veliger (): Smith, Gilbert M. 1944. Marine algae of the Monterey Peninsula. Stanford Univ. Press; ix + 622 pp. Test, Avery R. 1945. Ecology of California Acmaca. Ecology 26(4): 395-405. Footnote, page 1. Permanent address! 19 P. Craig Plate 1 A. B. (8 P. Graig Plate Caption Dhetegrephe-byS.1Johnsen) Radula pattern of Acmaca pelta produced by a limpet feeding on a glass plate covered with a film of microscopic green algac and diatoms. Portion of a blade of Iridaca taken in the field. An A. pelta was found on top of the radular marks, and lridaca was almost exclusively present in its stomach. -19- P. Craig Figure Captions Figure 1 Movement and feeding activity of ten Acmaea pelta observed at thirty minute or hourly intervals over a period of 24 hours, May 4-5, 1966. Limpets are indicated in order of their vertical positions on the rock surface; individuals lower on the rock were awash and submerged for longer periods. The extended time during which the two highest limpets were awash on the receding higher high water was due to downward movement of these aimals on the rock. Figure 2 Representative tracks of four individual Acmaea pelta on a vertical rock surface over a period of three days, May 26-28. 1966. For cach track, each type of line represents movement during one complete tidal cycle, and the limpets were exposed only at lower low water. Points enclosed by small squares are the places where the limpets remained stationary during periods of low water. Consistent homing behavior is indicated by the track in Figure 2. C. Figure 3 Net vertical displacement of the ten limpets in Figure 1 at successive intervals during one nighttime higher high water, May 4-5, 1966. Bach bar represents approximately the movement during one hour. Differences due to different vertical positions of the limpets have been compensated for by independently calcufating the movement each animal underwent during the phases of tide indicated. 20 P. Craig Figure captions (conf'd) Figure 4 Horizontal and vertical distribution on a diagrammatic transect of a rocky shore, showing the main zones where Acmaea pelta occurs. Bach zone is characterized by a predominating species of alga. Vertical ranges of the algae are based on Smith (1944). Figure 5 The foods available and the foods caten in four regions. each characterized by a predominating alga, where Acmaea pelta is abundant. "No Macro." refers to areas devoid of visible macroscopic algae. These areas may contribute a portion to the microscopic algae eaten; other microscopic algae occur as epiphytes on larger plants. a¬ 0200 KEY □-exposed Sawash a W 0600 1000 higher high water -submerged -moving feeding stationary 1400 1800 TIME OF DAY Fgue PG 22 2200 0200 0600 lower high water 5. . . PGURE 2 COa ....... . ... 40 20 oE 20. 5 40 AWASH (flow) SUBMERGED AWASH (ebb) 2 Oas 34 EIGORE C PCRA T162 S6 0.0 ENDOCLADIA shore 81. PELVE? PO EGREGIA TELSIA sea 20 18 40 30 5 o 20 10 10 30 40 30 0 20 10 10 320 30. 40 0 25 - Rerang A. ENDOCLADIA REGION ODS saaaaa- o 00 4 0 — ODHOO H o o . C. EGREGIA REGION P 0 U aaaaaa- 0 OOHO OO-OC O 5 20 ooo — — 0 o2 S a. a 1- 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 0- 40 30- 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 —. B. PELVETIA 186 REGION . o O Po0 O0 HO 0 0 7 t OD o 5 . . — 0 H O - — D. POSTELSIA REGION l LL u-0- atai- O 000- 0 Ou SO c m P S oaaa- O - - 8 L.Postelsia 2 5.57 . 1 2 AA 2 127 P.Ga Plate Plate