Connor Interactions under Pel page 2 INTRODUCTION Chitons and limpets represent two different classes of the phylum Mollusca; yet they seem to perform very similar functions in the intertidal community. They are slow-moving, grazing herbivores occurring together throughout the intertidal. The similarity of their food and habitat provoked a closer investigation of their apportionment of resources within the sympatric areas. In the portion of the intertidal zone of the central California coast marked by the brown alga Pelvetia fastigiata (J. G. Agardh) DeToni, two common species each of chitons and limpets can be found: Cyanoplax hartwegii (Carpenter, 1855) and Mopalia muscosa (Gould, 1846), and Collisella pelta (Rathke, 1833) and Collisella limatula (Carpenter, 1846). While Cyanoplax can be found in its greatest abundance in this area (Ricketts and Calvin, 1968), C. pelta, C. limatula and Mopalia can be found throughout the intertidal (Test, 1945; Andrua and Legard, 1974). Eaton (1968) and Craig (1968) distinguished the different food preferences of Collisella limatula and C. pelta. To identify habitat differences among these intertidal herbivores, I conducted a general survey of their spatial distribution and of the behavioral aspects of resource apportionment. The study was conducted from April to June, 1974 in the high intertidal of three areas of Monterey County, California: Mussel Point, Point Pinos and Carmel Point. All three intertidal areas consist of granite rock outcroppings surrounded by sand. CONNOR DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CYANOPLAX AND MOPALIA HABITATS Transects were run at Mussel Point and Point Pinos through the Pelvetia zone. Quadrats 30 cm x 30 cm were placed along the transect with additional quadrats extending laterally to the entire width of e rocks touched by the transect. The number of chitons and limpets inside each quadrat was recorded. These transects (Figure 1) indicate that Cyanoplax is more abundant in the areas more protected from wave shock: higher rocks. crevices and the shoreward side of rocks. Mopalia occurs at the lower boundary of the Pelvetia zone in regions less protected from waye action and at a lower tidal level. The limpets are found throughout the transects. At Carmel Point a survey was made at the same vertical height on the protected and open sides of the point. On the protected side of the point, Cyanoplax can be found at densities of 5-6/m?; while on the open-coast side of the point, only Mopalia at a density of 1-2/m 1e can be found under-Peivetia-of a similar tidal height. The sand grain size on the open side of the point (mdø- -.991) is much larger than on the protected side (md?-.453) where Cyanoplax is found (Figure 2), While relative wave motion or wave shock cannot be precisely determined from differences in grain size (Shepard, 1963), differences as large as those observed between the two sides of the point indicate that large differences in wave energy must be present in these two habitats (Krumbein, 1944-1947). CONNOR 4 FOOD COMPETITION BETWEEN CYANOPLAX AND COLLISELLA LIMATULA Chitons in the Pelvetia zone at Mussel Point and Point Pinos were randomly chosen; their position and the positions of the chitons and limpets were noted and the body length of each animal was recorded. Mapping of chiton neighbors (Figure 3) indicated Collisella limatula to occur significantly further away (- 12.19 cm; Student's t-test: Pf.05) from Cyanoplax than Cyanoplax was from itself (x - 10.74 cm). C. pelta showed no such effect (X - 11.49 cm; .2ePc. 4). Size studies (Figure 4) demonstrated that Collisella limatula within 20 cm of Cyanoplax were significantly smaller (X = 1.50 cm; Pe.Ol) than C. limatula at least 50 cm away from the nearest Cyanoplax (X = 1.80 cm). Work by Robb (1974) has indicated that Cyanoplax hartwegii found under Pelvetia has a diet consisting mostly of Pelvetia and secondly Hildenbrandia occidentalis Setchell. Collisella limatula depends mostly on Hildenbrandia and other crustose algae for its food (Eaton, 1968) while Collisella pelta under Pelvetia eats mostly Pelvetia and other frondose algae (Craig, 1968). Given the common ha elver occurrence of large stands of thisaga in the intertidal, Pelvetia is probably not a limiting food, but Hildenbrandia is less abundant by several orders of magnitude. Food competition, then, may account for the tendency of Collisella limatula to be further away from Cyanoplax and to be larger when Cyanoplax is not in its immediate vicinity. Connor page 5 HOMESTTE CONPETITTON BETUEEN CYANOPLAX AVD COLLISELLA PELTA Data shown in Figure 3 was subjected to statistical analysis to determine the degree of specific and interspecific aggregation. Clumping around individuals of Cyanoplax is evident; Cyanoplax apparently occurs mostly in the vicinity of other Cyanoplax (C-test - 58.3), but Collisella limatula (G - 14.9) also show a significant tendency to aggregate near Cyanoplax (P6.001). The difference between Cyanoplax's and C. pelta's clumping cannot be distinguished (Arcsin transformation of percentages of the total number of animals within 10 cm of the chiton (Box 16.10, Sokal and Rohlf, 1969): .18 PC.2); while Cyanoplax shows significantly more clumping with other Cyanoplax than with C. limatula (.OIC.PK.05). Evidently there are certain locations on the rocks which are favorite resting areas for the organisms, but within these favored areas comparative exclusions can occur. Lyman (1975) has shown different Cyanoplax individuals to repeatedly use the same set of home areas and these results suggest that Cyanoplax and Collisella pelta might compete for these specific home areas. When the number of C. pelta on a rock face also containing Cyanoplax and C. limatula was experimentally doubled (from 6/ .1 m' to 12/ .1 m') in an area commonly used for homes by Cyanoplax, Cyanoplax density decreased (Figure 5). Collisella limatula was not affected. When the C. pelta were removed, the Cyanoplax returned. Observations suggested that appropriate sites were occupied on a "first come, first served" basis. CONNOR 6 EXCLUSION BEHAVIOR OF MOPALIA MUSCOSA TOWARDS COLLISELLA PELTA While the density of Collisella limatula within 20 cm of Cyanoplax was the same as its density near Mopalia (16.7/m2; see Figure 3), Collisella pelta was much less dense in the vicinity of Mopalia (10.7/m2) than around Cyanoplax (21.7/m2; G-test of independence: .Ol«p..025). C. pelta within 20 cm of Mopalia were significantly smaller (Figure 4; X = 2.39 cm; P«.05) than those at least 50 cm away from Mopalia (X - 2.75 cm). In order to test whether Mopalia selectively excludes Collisella pelta from its immediate area, C. pelta from a similar habitat were placed one cm from the girdle of a submerged Mopalia. A control C. pelta was placed on a matched substrate about 20 cm from the Mopalia. After one hour the distance of the C. pelta from its starting position was measured. In the ten trials run (Figure 6), the C. pelta near the Mopalia always moved further (Mann-Whitney U-test: X - 9.8 cm;Pe.001) than the controls (X - 3.0 cm). Contact did not seem to be a prerequisite for moving, but in half the cases the chiton was seen to actively push the limpet away with its girdle. This behavior was also twice observed naturally in the field. C. pelta was the only animal observed to be actively excluded by Mopalia. When Cyanoplax and Collisella limatula were placed next to Mopalia, no reaction occurred. Feeding studies of Mopalia muscosa (Barnawell, 1954; Boolootian, 1964; Smith, 1974) show that Pelvetia is not a source of food for M. muscosa. Mopalia must rely on less abundant stands of Gigartina papillata (C.A. Agardh) J.G. Agardh or Endocladia muricata (Postels and Ruprecht) J.G. Agardh in the Pelvetia zone. As mentioned earlier, Collisella pelta in this intertidal zone has been reported to eat primarily Pelvetia; however, C. pelta in other zones eats both Gigartina and Endocladia. The incursion of C. pelta, then, could represent a threat atively limited food supply. to M CONNOR MOVEMENT DIFFERENCES AMONG THE LIMPETS AND CHITONS In the Mussel Point area, I selected a rocky outcropping covered with Pelvetia, under which Cyanoplax hartwegii, Mopalia muscosa, Collisella pelta and Collisella limatula were found. Movement of these animals was observed for two 24-hour periods, one 48-hour period and one 60-hour period, The moyement of thirteen Cyanoplax was plotted every hour during the 48-hour and the 60-hour watches. The movement of eleven C. pelta was plotted over a 36-hour period, and the movement of five C. limatula was plotted over a 60-hour period. Positions of all animals were checked every hour (Figure 7). Field observations of Cyanoplax movement (Lyman, 1974) and Collisella pelta (using scoring method of Lyman, 1974) movement showed the two species to be quite similar. Both moved more at night, and more when either awash or exposed than when submerged (C. pelta average movement- night, 1.2 cy; day, .3 cy; Pe.001: exposed, 1.1 cw; submerged, .5 cy; Pc.01). Collisella limatula, on the other hand, moved more when submerged or awash (x - 1.8 cp) than when dry (x - .3 cy; Pc.001), but moved equally during the night and day (.5cPf.75). Eaton (1968) has also observed greater submerged movement in C. limatula, and Smith (1974) observed Mopalia muscosa to move mostly at night when submerged. While Cyanoplax, Collisella limatula and Collisella pelta all show some degree of specific homing (Lyman, 1974; Eaton, 1968; and Craig, 1968), Cyanoplax is the most nomadic of the three species. To quantify this movement, plots were made of the distance of each animal from its starting point after 24 hours (Figure 8). The traveling distance of Cyanoplax (X = 13.4 cm) was much greater than that of either C. pelta (X - 3.8 cm; Mann-Whitney U-test: Pc.001) or C. limatula (X = 4.3 cm; Pæ.001). No difference could be distinguished between C. pelta and C. limatula (.4eP.5), which move more erratically within the same general area. Average movement of the animals during the entire study was Cyanoplax - 1.3 cm/hr, C. limatula - 1.1 cm/hr, C. pelta - .8 cm/hr; a difference insufficient to totally cause the above results. CONNOR 8 DISCUSSION Hutchinson (1957) has proposed that two sympatric species will coexist only if each exploits some aspect of the common environment in a different way. If limiting, the environment must be partitioned in terms of food preference, food procurement and the requisite microhabitats necessary to tolerate physical and biological stresses. The evidence presented here combined with other findings can be used to demonstrate that these four intertidal herbivores partition their environment by food preference, spatial restriction, and temporal restriction. This evidence is summarized in Table I. In instances of potential resource competition, mitigating factors separate the niches. For example, Mopalia and Collisella pelta may be potentlal food competitors; but their activity varies with submergence, and Mopalia's aggressive behavior forces C. pelta to occupy different areas. Cyanoplax's nomadic behavior, as opposed to the home area behavior of the limpets, spatially limits its disturbance of the food niche of Collisella limatula, and distinguishes it from C. pelta which retains individual home areas for longer periods of time than Cyanoplax. The results of this survey therefore seem to support the generally accepted ecological principle that congeneric species (Paine, 1962; Kohn, 1959; Bowers, 1964; Jeffries, 1966; Haven, 1971) and confamilial species (Magnum, 1964; Croker,1967) will show definite niche separation despite apparent similarities in habitat and behavior. CONNOR 9 SUMMARY Niche partitioning by the chitons Cyanoplax hartwegii and Mopalia muscosa, and the limpets Collisella limatula and Collisella pelta, two classes of molluscs with similar functions in the intertidal community, under the brown alga Pelvetia fastigiata was studied. Cyanoplax and Mopalia were found to partition a common habitat by different microhabitat preferences and behavioral patterns. Food niche overlap with C. pelta was lessened by Mopalia's aggressive behavior. Food niche overlap with C. limatula and resting area overlap with C. pelta were lessened by Cyanoplax's nomadic behavior. CONNOR 10 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This project would never have been completed were it not for Mr. Charles Baxter, whose widespread knowledge of biology and unfailing interest and support for the project sustained me through the doldrums that are a part of any hard work. I would also like to thank the rest of the HMS staff, particularly Dr. Robin Burnett who worked on this paper as if it were his own. CONNOR !! LITERATURE CITED Andrus, Jon Kim and W. Bill Legard 1974. Description of the habitats of several intertidal chiton species (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) found along the Monterey Peninsula of central California. The Veliger Barnawell, Earl Baker 1954. The biology of the genus Mopalia in San Francisco Bay. M.A. Thesis. Univ. of California,Dept. of Zoology, Berkeley. 85 pp.; 9 figs. Boolootian, Richard A. 1964. On growth, feeding and reproduction in the chiton Mopalia muscosa wiss of Santa Nonica Bay. Helgoländer Meeresuntersll: 186-199;3 figs. (December 196t) Bowers, Darl E. 1964. Natural history of two beach hoppers of the genus Orchestoidea (Crustacea: Amphipoda) with reference to their complemental distribution. Ecology 454:677-696; 10 figs. Craig, Peter Christian 1968. The activity pattern and food habits of the limpet Acmaea pelta. The Veliger 11, Supplement:13-19; 5 figs.; plt. 1 Croker, Robert A. 1967. Niche diversity in five sympatric species of intertidal amphipods (Crustacea: Haustoriidae). Ecol. Monogr. 37(3): 173-200; 20 figs. Eaton, Charles Mckendree 1968. The activity and food of the file limpet Acmaea limatula. The Veliger 11,Supplement: 5-12; 7 figs. Haven, Stoner Blackman 1971. Niche differences in the intertidal limpets Acmaea scabra and Acmaea digitalis (Gastropoda) in central California. The Veliger 13(3): 231-248; 10 figs. Hutchinson, G.E. 1937. Concluding remarks. Cold Spring Harb. Symp. quant. Biol. 22: 115-427 CONNOR 12 Jeffries, H. Perry 1966. Partitioning of the estuarine environment by two species of Cancer. Ecology 47 (3): 477-481; 5 figs. Kohn, Alan Jacobs 1959. The ecology of Conus in Hawaii. Ecol. Monogr. 29(1):47-90; 30 figs. Krumbein, W.C. 1944-47. Shore processes and beach characteristics. U.S. Army Erosion Board Tech. Mem., (3), 35 pp. Lyman, Betsy Wentworth 1974. Activity patterns of the chiton Cyanoplax hartwegii (Mollusca: Polyplacophora). The Veliger Mangum, Charlotte Preston 1964. Studies on speciation in maldanid polychaetes of the North American Atlantic Coast. II. Distribution and competitive interaction of five sympatric species. Limnol. and Oceanogr. 9: 12-26; 3 figs. Paine, Robert Treat 1962. Ecological diversification in sympatric gastropods of the genus Busycon. Evolution 16: 515-523; 1 fig. (2 March 1962) Ricketts, Edward F. and Jack Calvin 1968. Between Pacific tides. 4" ed. Revised by Joel W. Hedgpeth. xiv + 614 pp.; illus. Stanford, Calif. (Stanford Univ. Press) CONNOR 13 Robb, Mark F. 1974. The diet and feeding schedule of Cyanoplax hartwegii (Carpenter, 1855) in various intertidal habitats with remarks on taxonomy. The Veliger Shepard, Francis Parker 1963. Submarine geology. 2nd ed. with chapters by D.L. Inman and E.D. Goldberg. xviii + 557 pp. New York, N.Y. (Harper and Row Publishers) Smith, Suanne Yvonne 1974. Temporal and spatial activity patterns for the intertidal chiton Mopalia muscosa. The Veliger Sokal, Robert R. and F. James Rohlf 1969. Biometry. xxi + 776 pp.; illus. San Francisco, Calif. (W.H. Freeman and Co.) Test, Avery Ransom (Grant) 1945. Ecology of California Acmaea. Ecology 26 (4): 395-405 CONNOR 14 FIGURE CAPTIONS Figure 1. Distribution of Cyanoplax and Mopalia along transects run through the Pelvetia zone. Numerals and bar graphs show number of Cyanoplax per 30 cm x 30 cm quadrat. Darkened circles represent single Mopalia individuals. a, Topographical map of rock at Point Pinos. Contour lines represent four inches of vertical displacement. b. & c. Cross-sectional representation of transects at Mussel Point viewed perpendicular to the surf line. The bars of the graphs represent the number of Cyanoplax in laterally adjacent quadrats at the same vertical height. Figure 2. Particle size of sand grains on two sides of Carmel Point. The Pelvetia zone is at the same vertical height on both sides of the point. Figure 3. Distance from chitons to all neighbors within 20 cm. Density is the interpolated density of animals around each chiton (animal number/ m2). a., b. & c. represent distance from each Cyanoplax to other Cyanoplax (a.), Collisella limatula (b.) and Collisella pelta (c.). d. & e. represent distance from each Mopalia to C. limatula (d.) and C. pelta (e.). Figure 4. Size frequency of limpets within 20 cm versus those more than 50 cm from the nearest Cyanoplax or Mopalia. Figure 5. Effects of changing Collisella pelta density on the number of Cyanoplax in a commonly used home area. Normal C. pelta density was doubled (J), or all C. pelta were removed (*). CONNOR 15 Figure 6. Exclusion of Collisella pelta by Mopalia. Abscissa is distance moved after one hour by C. pelta placed one cm from Mopalia's girdle. Controls were placed on a matched substrate about 30 cm away. Figure 7. Movement of Cyanoplax hartwegii, Collisella limatula and Collisella pelta in relation to tidal cycle and day-night cycle. Observations were conducted in the field every hour for 60 hours for Cyanoplax and C. limatula, and 36 hours for C. pelta. Cross-hatched area represents night. S - submerged; D - dry; and shaded area - awash. Cyanoplax data collected in conjunction with Lyman (1974). Figure 8. Distance travelled from starting point after one day for limpets and Cyanoplax. CONNOR 16 TABLE LEGEND Table I: Ecological and behavioral differences in four Pelvetia¬ zone herbivorous molluscs. 2- 00 80 o 0 D. aa- 0 a- 99999 ataaaa- 8 Seo (onr-able ktaa- — 1 alp o N 1/o O 1 0 7 0 0 3 1 V 8 1F7. X He lan AlIH Aleft fransect 4- -center fansect 1 F. L Enght transeet al, 2. left arsect Enght fansect 0/ tallki kl (onwor 6- .2- 5- - 3- 1- o-Fyyre 2 PeoTectp S Cyovopnx (51m) under Peletia moh -.433 19 06 -9 29 30 29 GRAN 5126 OeEN-CORST SiRE CYANOPIAX RBSENT Moeauatwote Peivene d--.90 28 19 09 9 -20 GRAI SI22 15- 10 5- 15- jo¬ 15 5. J0 10- 5- DSTANCÉ FRom YANOPX (n:60) CVANOPLEX X = 10.74 cm Pensty- 16-7/m 1o )5 20 b. OCMREP UMPT 22 12. 19 o Denstty-16.7/m — 5 10 15 20 Rempen PeT ot X - I.4 Penshy- 21. 7/m 5 10 | 15 20 DISTANCE FROm VOPRE OemRER Um 5-13.07 Denzty-16.7/m Fon 5 | 10 15 20 X=12.00 Rempen PeR Pnsty-10.7 E one-pgre jo- jo- 5. )0 5- 10- 5- Coneyre Pemaea lmatola (rear Cyansplas) X-1.502 LAn 6 10 14 18 72 2.6 (250 em from Cpla) X-1.805 Al allnl 6 10 14 1.8 21 5126 (cm) Gemaea pelfe (near Mogalia L HE 16 10 2.7 2.8 32 (250em from Vopalia) Lanna 16 20 27 28 3.2 3.6 Sie (cn) 2 Day 8 10 12 17 Conro e § 2 ge 6 Aemaen pelta ohted near Vpal -Control 1Aata I 15 DTANCÉ MOVED AFTER ONÉ POOR (om) S44.6 a0 ao¬ 2.0 4 2 51 101 3 I0 . I 1 U l 952 CnOP L PemDEA LIMDTDIN Hemnen Pen CYRNOPIA 10 X =13.4 o L — 30 20 Pempen Ptn 10 X -3.80m M 10 30 20 10- Remeen um X - 4.3cm L 10 20 30 DSTRNCE TRRVELED FRom SPRTNE POMT RETER 24 hrs. (om) (onnot-fqe 8