STUDIES ON THE LARVAL STAGES OF THE BARNACLES BALANUS CLANDULA DLTTI (TTNMETT MNABIT DARWIN, 1854, BALANL NNABULUM (LINNEUS, 1758), CHTHAMALUS V ZS POLIMERUS (SOWERBY, 1833). DALLI PILSBURY, 1916, AND POLLI BY JOHN B. SNODGRASS The Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Pacific Grove, California- Chthamalus dalli, Balanus glandula, Balanus tintinnabulum, and Pollicipes polymerus are common barnacles on the coast of Central Cali¬ fornia. All are intertidal species except B. tintinnabulum which lives continually submerged. Published accounts of larval development in these species are lacking. It was the purpose of the present study to raise larvae of each of the species and to describe successive instars suffi¬ ciently to permit identification of each naupliar stage of each species. Past attempts at in vitro larval cultivation have met with varying degrees of success. Herz (1933) found eight naupliar stages and one cyprid stage in in vitro culture of Balanus crenatus. Bassindale (1936) reared Verruca srosemia to the cypris stage although no settling of the cypris was observed. Costlow and Bookhout (1957, 1958) successfully raised Balanus amphitrite denticulata amd Balanus eburneus from hatching to the cypris. Costlow and Barnes (1961) also raised Balanus balanus to the cypris stage. Moyse (1933) reared larvae of Balanus balanoides, Elminius modestus, Chtham- alus stellatus and Lepas anatifera to the cypris stage. Not as suc- cessful, Sandison (1954) raised several South African barnacle species only to stage three nauplii. Barnes (1959) and Crisp (1961) managed to raise 3alanus nubilis and Balanus hameri, respectively, to the third naupliar stage 1. Permanent address: 442 22. John B. Snodgrass - 2 also. For this study B. glandula was collected on intertidal rocks and B. tintinnabulum from the underside of an offshore float near the Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Pacific Grove, California. polymerus and C. dalli were obtained at Yankee Point, South of Carmel, California. Mature ovigerous lamellae were removed from the mantle cavity and placed in fingerbowls containing millipore filtered seawater. The nauplii that hatched swam immediately toward the lighted end of the fingerbowl where they were collected in a Pasteur pipette and transferred to another fingerbowl of millipore filtered sea- water. This fingerbowl contained Platymonas sp., a flagellate known to provide a diet on which a våriety of barnacle larvae survive and grow (Okamoto, 1967). Platymonas was obtained from the Hopkins Marine Station culture collection. The larvae were cultured at room temp¬ erature (21-23° C). Three to four times daily, samples of each barnacle species were removed and examined under a compound mocroscope. A few additional specimens were examined from cultures of nauplii raised on Platymonas by E. Okamoto at the Hopkins Marine Station. Three characters which proved most useful in distinguishing species and instars were antennule setation (Newman, 1965), body shape, and tail morphology. Two lesser features that proved useful were the appearance of a separate carapace at stage IV (see Crisp, 1961) in three of the species examined, and the appearance of a compound eye in C. dalli in stage Vl. Antennae and mandibular setation were helpful in identifying certain instars of particular species. Äfter identification of a particular stage, drawings were made with the aid of a camera luc¬ 22 John B..Snodgrass-3 ida. Length measurements were obtained by measuring from the anterior end to the tip of the tail; in stages IV-VI length from the anterior tip of the carapace to posterior end was also measured. Set tion of the appendages was recorded according to the method of Newman (1965). It was possible to obtain naupliar instars I-IV in B. glandula and P. polymerus, and to raise C. dalli to thé cypris stage. B..tintinn- abulum survived only through the third naupliar stage. The results of the study appear in Figures 1-9 and Tables 1-4. The species studied show differences in size and body shape, between species and also between different stages in the same species (Fig. 1, Tables 1-4). The setation of the antennule proved most useful in separating stages I-V in C. dalli and at least stages I-IV of the other species (Figs. 1-4, 6-9 ). However, since setation of the antennule was the same for of species comparable stages of all four barnacles, identification is dependent on tail morphology and body shape (Figs. 1, 5 ). Notable features of the stages of the species studied are discussed below. Stage I Size proved to be the only distinguishing feature between the four species. (Fig. 1, Tables 1-l). Stage II At this stage each species attains a characteristic shape (Fig. 1). C. dalli is shaped much like a heart whose anterior portion is flattened. The frontolateral horns project at right angles to the body and the carapace does not yet appear as a separate entity. The body tapers to a sharp point posteriorly. The tail ends in a prong-like process; proximally it bears two sharp lateral spines (Fig. 5). ee John B. Snodgrass -1 B. glandula has a shield shape with its frontolateral horns upturned and projecting at approximately 15° from the body; the tail is long and slender and also ends in a pronged process (Fig. 5). P. polymerus is shaped like a wine goblet and its frontolateral horns project at right angles from the body. The tail is much like that of B. glandula except that it bears small, spiny projections (Fig. 5). B. tintinnabulum is characterized by its large size, second only to B. glandula, a rounded body, ahd frontolateral horns which resemble cattle horns in their positioning. (Fig. 5). Stage III In all species this stage'is larger than the preceding one. A new process appears on the dorsal side of the antennule, immediately prox- imalto the distal group of four setae. (Figs. 2-4). This was noted in B. hameri (Crisp, 1961) and in B. nubilis (Barnes, 1959). The tails increase in size and become jointed above the end prongs in all four species (Fig. 5 ). Stage IV At this stage in B. glandula, P. polymerus, and C. dalli the carapace becomes markedly differentiated from the main body (Fig. 1). Also a new process appears on the antennule to make a total of two which are located proximal to the terminal four (Figs. 2-4, 6-9 ). As shown in Figure 5 the tails are very characteristic for each species. These features plus an increase in size make the fourth instar easily distinguishable from the preceding three. 2 John B. Snodgrass 5 Stage V In C. dalli there is an increase in size over stage IV and another seta appears on the dorsal side of the antennule, bringing the number in the proximal group to three (Fig. 6). Stage V The transitions from stage V to stage VI involve no change in number of setae on the antennule, and size is the simplest, though not always definite, criterion for distinguishing between the two stages. Compound eyes have been reported as occurring in the late stage VI larvae by Costlow and Bookhout (1957). While develop¬ ment of the compound eyes was not followed in C. dalli, larvae of the same size, both with and without compound eyes, were observed; both are here classified as stage VI (Fig. 1). The Cypris Darva The cypris of C. dalli (Fig. 1 ) was raised in culture and was observed to settle. SUNMARY B. glandula and P. polymerus were raised in vitro from hatching to the fourth instar nauplius and C. dalli from hatching to settlement of the cypris. B. tintinnabulum was raised through stage III. Cultures were maintained at room temperature and fed on a diet of Platymonas sp. Larval size, shape, and details of the tail and appendages are presented for all species and all stages observed. Definite differences between instars, and between species at the same instar, permit identification of species and stage of development. Setation formulae, particularly of the antennule, though of limited value for distinguishing different 22 John B. Snodgrass - 6 species, proved good indicators of specific instars. Body shape and tail morphology provide the most useful characteristics for species recognition. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The writer wishes to express his thanks to Dr. D. P. Abbotof Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California, without whose editing and kind advice, this paper would not have been presented. I also wish to thank F. Okamoto, a collegue at Hopkins Marine Station, who supplied me with later stage C. dalli larvae and helpful hints on larvae nutrition. 2 John B. Snodgrass -7 MEASUREMENTS OF BARNACLE LARVAE Chthamalus dalli Number of Total length(u), Length of Instar carapace (u), specimans mean am extremes mean k ext measured remes 210 11 — 228 - 243 310 II 17 — 305 - 319 373 III 15 — 315 - 388 333 393 315 - 351 375 - 110 385 510 8 364 - 108 185 - 540 510 1130 VI 110 - 450 520 - 565 510 Cyp. 500 - 515 Width of body (), mean & extremes 115 105 - 119 192 173 - 198 215 210 - 223 294 270 - 302 363 345 - 370 370 365 -372 270 263 - 271 20 John B. Snodgrass - 8 MEASUREMENTS OF BARNACLE LARVAE Pollicipes polymerus Length of Total length(u) Number of Instar carapace(), mean & extremes specimans mean & ext¬ measured reme — 247 7 210 - 251 310 8 II 298 - 315 396 16 III 391 - 107 385 123 IV 15 379 - 395 113 - 125 Width of body (u) mean & extremes 115 110 - 118 192 180 - 202 210 237 - 242 291 289 - 301 23/ c John B. Snodgrass - 7 MEASUREMENTS OF BARNACLE LARVAE Balanus glandula Instar Total Length(u) Number of Length of specimans mean & extremes carapace (u). measured mean & ext¬ remes 260 14 248 - 272 180 11 163 - 194 — 550 III 17 — 520 - 576 580 190 IV 576 - 583 187 - 196 Width of body(). mean & extremes 170 164 -172 210 204 - 211 250 213 - 262 290 280 - 291 Tabi C John B..Snodgrass - 10 Balanus tintinnabulum Total length(u) Number of Instar mean & extremes specimans measured 236 11 225 - 210 131 II 12 120 - hh2 510 8 196 - 515 Width of body (u), mean & extremes 115 109 - 116 200 196 - 207 270 259 - 273 233 John B. Snodgrass - 11 CAPTIONS TO FIGURES Figure 1. Camera lucida drawings of naupliar stages examined; all are shown in dorsal view at the same scale. A -- stages 1-6 of C. dalli. B -- stages 1-4 of P. polymerus. C -- stages 1-4 of B. glandula. D -- stages 1-3 of B. tintin- nabulum. Figure 2. Camera lucida drawings of the naupliar appendages of C. dalli. A, - antennule, stages 1-6. A» -- antenna, stages 1-6. M -- mandible, stages 1-4. Figure 3. Camera lucida drawing of the naupliar appendages of P. polymerus. A, -- antennule, stages 1 and 2. A2 -- an- tenna, stages 1 and 2. M -- mandible, stages 1 and 2. Camera lucida drawings of the naupliar appendages of B. Figure 1. glandula. Aj -- antennule, stages 1-4. A» -- antenna, stages 1 and 2. M -- mandible, stage 1. Camera lucida drawings of the tails of stages 2-5 in C. Figure 5. dalli, stages 2-4 in P. polymerus and B. glandula, and stages 2-3 in B. tintinnabulum. C -- Chthamalus dalli, P -- Pollicipes polymerus, G - Balanus glandula, T -- Balanus tintinnabulum. Diagrammatic representation of the setae of the appendages Figure 6. of the naupliar stages examined in C. dalli. Broken line; setae without setules. Solid lines; setae with setules. Lines with lateral branches; stout comb-like setae. 2. John B. Snodgrass-12 Figure 7. Diagrammatic representation of the setae of the appendages of the naupliar stages examined in P. polymerus. Broken line; setae without setules. Solid lines; setae with setules. Lines with lateral branches; stout comb-like setae. Figure 8. Diagrammatic representation of the setae of the appendages of the naupliar stages examined in B. glandula.. Broken line; setae without setules. Solid lines; setae with setules. Lines with lateral branches; stout comb-like setae. Figure 9. Diag immatic representation of the setae of the appendages of the naupliar stages examined in B. tintinnabulum. Broken line; setae without setules. Solid lines; setae without setules. Lines with lateral branches; stout comb- like setae. 285 John B. Snodgrass - 13 REFERENCES CITED Barnes, H. and M. Barnes, 1959. The naupliar stages of Balanus ny Darwin. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 37: 15-23, figs. 1-4, tabs. 1,2. Barnes, H. and J. K. Costlow Jr., 1961. The larval stages of Balanus balanus (L.) da Costa. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K., hl: 59-68. Bassindale, R., 1936. The developmental stages of 3 English barnacles,Bala- nusbalanoides, Chthamalus stellatus, and Verruca stroemia. Proc. Zool.Soc.Lond., 1: 57-71. Costlow, J. D. and C. C. Bookhout, 1957. Development of Balanus ebu in the laboratory. Biol. Bull. 112: 313-323, figs. 1-5, tabs. I, II. Costlow, J. D. and C. G. Bookhout, 1958. Larval development of Balanus amphit trite var. denticulata Broch reared in the laboratory. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 111: 281-295. Crisp, D. J., 1962. The larval stages of Balanus hameri (Arcanus 1767). Crustaceana, 1(2): 123 - 130, figs. 1-4, tabs. 1, 2. Herz, L. E., 1933. The morphology of the later stages of Balanus Crenatus Biol. Bull., 64: 132 - hhl, plates 1-3, table, I. Bruguière. Moyse, J. 1963. A comparison of the value of various flagellates and diatioms as food for barnacle larvae. Conseil Internat. l'exploration de la Mer., 28(2): 175-187. Newman, W. A., 1965. Prospectus on larval cirriped setation formulae. Crustaceana 9(1): 51-56, figs. 1-2, table 1. Okamoto, E., 1967. Utilization of Platymonas, Nitzschia, Dun liella, Chlorella, and Stichococcus in rearing larvae of the barnacles Balanus glandula and Chthamalus dalli. Unpublished manuscript. Sandison, E. E., 1954. The identification of the nauplius of some South African barnacles with notes on their life histories. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Africa, 34: 69 - 101. 236 O5 — 1 1 11 111 1111 11 1111 Exopodite — Exopodite 1 111 11 111 11 11 111 1 111 1 1 11 1111 111 Antenna Mandible 111 111 111 1 1 1111 1111 111 Endopodite 1 111 1 1111 11 1 11 1111 11111 111 Endopodite 111 1 1 11 11 1 1 111 E F96 9 0 23 Stage Exopodite 11 11 1 11 Exopodite - — Antennule Antenna 11 1111 Mandible 11 11 11 111 1 111 111 Endopodite Endopodite 6 O Otage Exopodite Exopodite Antennule 1 Antenna Mandible Endopodite 11 1 1 1 11 Endopodite 1 I 1 111 O 6 O tage Exopodite Exopodite . Antennule 1 11 1111 11 11 1 Anfenna Mandible S Endopodite 11 1 Endopodite 111 1 111 1 111 111 24 Suelgan -.18 Fagne I(lttredd) O — sdgn Siguddde rechen —2000 I c uolaar p: 20. 2 fag I (Rguttachen CYP 24 W 0 1 Va Al 2 4 M A2 2) M A2 — 2000 — Pechevu 93 Spodhres-p? 246 Suodgans —p.2 gustgan p.25 Egne 7 Leglssede 2 c2 c3 C4 C5 P2 C2 12 P3 C3 73 P4 G4 100 Susdgran, p. 26 241