The submersible ROV of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research
Institute provided video footage of crab-anemone interactions and was
used to document a symbiotic relationship. Chorilia longipes and


Lorannnorpnde appear to innavit a common depurt range and pattern of
distribution in the Monterey Canyon, and 818 of the corallimorphs veiwed
were hosts to crabs. Chorilia longipes were found between 298 meters
and 650 meters, and the corallimorph was seen between the depths of 306
and 506 meters. The corallimorph appeared in highest concentration at
North Wall and were virtually absent south of Point Joe. Video
vations suggest that corallimorph reproduce
both asexually and
sexually Ihe crabs gains food and possible protection from their host
anemones, and thus the relationship may be best desribed as
Many symbiotic partnerships have been described for species of
fish, shrimp, and crabs with
sea anemones. Many case
in tropical coral
reeis have been reported, including studies of an inachid crab with an
imity for an anernone (Diesel, 1988, Weinbauer, Nussbaumer, Patzper,
1981), and an anemone which attaches to the shell of a hermit crab
(Brooks, 1988). Small amphiprian fishes studied in the South Pacific and
ian Oceans of a size to be considered prey of tropical sea anemones, but
somehow acclimate to their host's nemotocysts (Mariscal, 1966). Studjes
of symbionts in the temperate coastal seas are rarer, but some
relatioriships have been documented. A small benthic fish may be found
resting on Corynactis (Miller, 1989) and hermit crabs (Broughton, 1975;
Tates, 1980) of Montery Bay have been observed in association with
pleura However, nothing has been reported on deep sea benthic
syrbionts. The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) studies
the fauna on the Monterey canyon wall using a submersible Remotely
Operated Vehicle (ROV), and thereby provided a data base for the study of a
leep sea decapod associated with an anemone host.
This study investigates the depth range, pattern of distribution, and
occurance of the symbiotic relationship of the corallimorph anemone and a
smaller spider crab in the Monterey Canyon. Video footage provides the
opportunity to study these symbionts in their natural habitat, and to make
comparisons with observations in captivity. The purpose of this study was
ain ab
tanding of the nature of these deep sea organisms
+ -
and their interactive relationship.
The MBARI's ROV had video taped 46 dives in the Monterey Canyon
between the dates of March 20,1989, and May 13, 1991. These were used
to provide data for this study of the symbiotic relationship of a deep sea
Jecapod and anemone. The eleven signts and their locations are as follows:
North wall (36 degrees 48' 30“ N, 122 degrees 5' 20“ W), Soquel Canyon (36
rees 49' N, 121 degrees 59' W), Meander (36 degrees 43' 06“ N, 121

decrees 9 30 W), Monterey Canyon Head, Canyon Wall C4-C5 (36 degrees
42' H, 122 degrees 00' W), Anthomastus Ridge, Point Joe (36 degrees 36
45"N, 122 degrees 00 15" W), Carmel Bay (36 degrees 32.2'N, 122
egrees 58' 00" W), Cypress Point (36 degrees 42' N, 122 degrees 00' w),
and Point Lobos.
The videotapes are annotated and entered in the data base with
physical factors and navigational data. The video footage of crab and
anemone interactions from the 46 dives was reviewed and the depth of
each sighting was noted. Lynn Lewis of MBARI provided data regarding the
depth and the time spent on the canyon wall during each of these dives. By
watching the tapes, it was determined if a crab was visible, the position
of the crab, and any interaction which may tell more about the relationship
je crab and anemone. The crabs are often covered with sediment
ze than their coelentarate hosts, and thus are not
and are smaller in:

asny seen with the ROV unless the camera is paused and focused closely
nthecorallimerph on the canyon wall.
The canyon wall C4-CS site was viewed for 2051 minutes between
he denthe  meters and 511 meters, the results from this sight.
particularily the dive on May 6, 1991, provided most of the data pertaining
to the symbiotic relationship of the Chorilia crab and Corallimorph.
The data base was also searched to provide information about every
crab sighted during the 46 dives to learn of its other associations. It was
occassionally seen with another coelentarate, the cerianthid, and
therefore video footage of certanthids was also reviewed for symbiotic
associations with the crab, and the depth range of the three species was
To further investigate the relationship, six Chorilia and three
Scarprerphs were observed at the Monterey Bay Aquar ium's research
tenter. Two crabs and two corallimorphs were held for 35 days, one
anerone and four crabs were collected May 6, 1991, and were held for 22
days The organisms were maintained in aquarja with recirculated water
at 4-9 degrees celcius. The sea tables were kept in the dark. They were
observed with ared filtered flash light or dim ambient light. The
anemones and crabs were fed frozen krill every other day during the
observations. The food was set on the face of the anemones and on the
ocks next to the crabs.
ile  aptiity. Dw
n ma au a
the larvae were made using a camera lucida. Newly hatched larvae were
oiaced on the tentacles of the anemone to determine if the anemone stung
he larvae. A compound microscope was used to view larvae at 1000x in
searchof the stinging nematocyst cells of the anemone.
Atest to determine photreceptivity of the larvae was conducted on
the second. third, and fourth days after one of the female crabs began to
her larvae. A five inch by six inch grid was drawn on the side of a
one dallor clear plastic tub. The female crab sat next to her anemone on a
rock. the larvae she had released were contained in this tub by a thin
filter. Light was shined with a flashlight onto one 1" square for one
minute After the minute, esthnated counts were made of the number of
larvae in each of the thirty square
Daphne Fout in of the University of Kansas suggested that the
raoroh anemone may be one of two species of the genus
Lorallimertrus reported in the South Pacific, both Corallimorphus rigidus
and Corailimorphus profundus have been described from preserved
material. Four rows of tentacles were counted on the specimens in
captivity, thus there is reason to believe this is the species
Corallimorphus profundus which has been described as having tentacles in
cycles of four.
The spider crab was identified as Chorilia longipes with the key and
description provided in Marine Decapods of California (Schmitt, 1921).
The crab and anemone are conf ident ly recognized in video images when
inspected closely.
Sov Observation
Archival video tapes from Monterey Canyon sites were viewed for a
total 57Ol minutes and the total depth range analyzed was 31 meters to
511 meters. Table I lists the dive sites, the time spent on the canyon
wall, and the minimum and maximum depths viewed on each dive.
During the 8701 minutes on the canyon wall, 386 corallimorphs and
ds were sighted. Table 2 lists the numbers of these
enfarates from each site, and a calculation of the number of organisms
seen per minute.
Depth ranges.
Table J lists the depth ranges for each organism. The corallimorphs
were found within the depth range of 307 meters and 506 meters. The
cerianthids were found within a shallower depth range of 67 meters and
434meters. The depth range of Chorilig was 299 metero to 506 metero.
On a Floss Landing dive in October 1990, five to ten Chorilia were collected
in hexactinellid sponges while dredging at 650 meter.
- +
Pattern of Distribution.
Corallimorphs were commonly seen at North Wall, Soquel Canyon,
the Meander sites, C4-C5, Anthomastus Ridge. There was only one seen on
de wall at Point Joe. Corallimorphs were not seen at Point Lobos, the
Monterey Canyon Head, Cypress Point or the Kelp study sites of Point Joe
0.190 m, 357.840 m) and Carmel Bay (106.070 m, 446.500 m) at which
atriei uian the canyon wall were searched, they have been
sighted at these depths at other sites (Tables 1 & 2).
he greatest populations of corallimorphs were seen at C4-C5 and
Morth wall. Footage from tapes 10/26/89/11 and 10/26/89/12 show a
patch of approximately 216 anemones between the depths of 351.430 and
00.010 meters at a North wall site. This dense population of anemones
4. -.:.-
was disthictly different from other sightings. Table 5 compares number
of solitary anerones to the number of anemones which appeared to be
clonal, all anemones seen at the North wall patch were listed with the
clonal anerone.
The abundance of cerianthids is compared to corallimorphs in Figure
Cerianthids were seen all sites except at Cypress Point. Ninty-five
cerianthids were seen at the Pt. Joe site compared to only two
sorallimerphs. They were not seen at depths beyond 434.040 m.
Smsietic Belationshit.
Corallimorohs were viewed closely at North wall, Soquel Canyon,
th ade
2e, C4-C5, Anthomastus Ridge, and Point Joe (Table 4 and
igure 2) Chorilia were seen with corallimorphs at each site except for
the four corallimorphs viewed at Soquel canyon. Eighty-six percent of the
53 corallimorphs observed at C4-CS had crabs in association; 41 had one
rab visible, and 13 had two crabs visible. Eight of the twelve
corallimorphs at North wall were associated with crabs, and 1002 of the
corallimorphs seen at the other three sights had one or two crabs.

Fidure J shows th
t 0 of the corallimorphs viewed had one crab
visibie, 17.37 had 2 crabs visible, and 18.9% had no crabs visible. Thus,
overall 31.17 of the ninety corallimorphs viewed closely had crabs in
Chorilia were seen with other coelentarate hosts. At C4-C5, three
cräbs were seen under cerianthids, two under duster anemones (Liponema),
two under Alliiomastus, and one in a shaggy sponge. At Point Joe, one
Chorilia was seen in association with a cerianthid and another was seen in
a folded sponge. One Chorilia at Anthomastus ridge was seen with an
Beproductive Activity of the Corallimorph
Corallimorphs were seen in strings of graded sizes suggesting they
might result from asexual reproduction. On footage at time code

10/26789/11,, a corallimorph of about 5 inches in diameter
abbeared to be dividing in half- the split occured at the mouth. Gilbert van
ne Monterey Bay Aquar ium has some observat ion suggesting
incibient asexual reproduction in captive anemones.
Footage from 05/06/91/07,, shows a corallimorph
eleasing gametes or larvae out of its mouth. The epidermis of the
corallimorph is a transparent enough to observe the ripe gonads. The
gonads were seen in bands associated with the margins of mesentaries.
Association in captivity and in the wild
Video footage and observations in the aquaria showed crabs situated
close to the anemone. There were two common positions of Chorilia
ciosely associated with the anemone. The crab may have ito ventral
surface touching the anemones column, the middle two pairs of legs nearly
wrabbed around the column, and the long, slender, front legs touching the
tob of the colurn and tentacles. The other common position is with its
J0sar surace to the column and facing out. A crab would usually touch
the column with its hind legs, the tentacles of the anemone would hang
down and appear to touch its back. Video footage showed how a crab could
be corpletely hidden away under the draping tentacles of a corallimorph.
A female in captivity was seen poking a tentacle with her leg, and on one
occasion she appeared to repeat a motion of stroking a tentacle.
In the Montetrey Bay Aquarium, it was observed that the white
club-tips of the corallimorph would sometimes stick to the legs of the

crabs. Iwo cabs from different anemones were placed on tentacles of an
anernone. The smallest crab struggled to climb off, but was stuck and had
to be removed. A larger crab managed remove itself. Both crabs reacted
duickly to escape off the sticky tentacles.
A crab collected at 650 meters in association with a hexactinellid
sponge was placed in a tub with a corallimorph. This crab moved to the
side of the rock when placed in the tank. In four minutes it approached the
corallimorph and touched a tentacle twice with its front right claw; the
club-tip stuck to its claw. The crab then walked away from the anemone
and settled under the rock. After 15 minutes it had moved completely
around the rock, and settled under the corallimorph. The crab picked up its
egs and brushed the corallimorph, and the club-tips appeared to stick.
The corallimorph did not appear to move it tentacles to touch the crab.
At 17 minutes the crab was tucked up under the corallimorph with
ak e
eus touchind the column. The entire carapace was brushed by the

ted under. The club-tips would stick but then let go. At 30

mmutes un ciab was stiff tucked under the corallimorph. At 34 minutes.
the crab tugged to pull its leg away from a sticky club-tip. It appeared
that the crab was tucked up on the rock next to the column, enough below
the hanging tentacles so not to be stung. At 40 minutes the crab remained
under the corallimorph.
The anemones and crabs were given large and small krill. When food
was set on the face of a corallimorph, the mouth would open and the
acles would appear full rather than shriveled. Food was moved closer
to the roouth and taken into the oral cavity, but regurgitated food was
frequently found at the bottom of the tank. The anemone did not exhibit a
feeding response to live brine shrimp. The shrimp would stick to the
tentacles, but would frequently swim away. A corallimorph would fold a
tentacle over a shrimp, but it did not bring the prey towards its mouth, or
crack open its mouth.
The crabs have been seen feeding on both the large and small krill.
They would remove pieces from the rock and occasionally from an
amemone. The crabs swung their claws to catch the swimming shrimp, and
they ate shrimp that stuck to their carapace and legs.
Foctage from 10/27/89/06,, shows a crab partially
sittina on the face of an anemone, reaching its two claws into the oral

ting of the corallimorph, and removing food. A female crab in captivity
was also seen exhibiting this behavior,
she used her front legs and claws
... ..
to take food on the anerone while club-tips moved and touched her front
eds ine crab was seen pinching a tentacle. When the club tips stuck to
ner leus. she did not pull away quickly like a reflex- she seemed to
Coneinde with her business of getting food.
e ion in captivit
nobservations made once or twice every day for fourteen
consecutive days, an adult female Chorilia was always seen on the rock
next to an anemone. She was seen facing it 7 days, facing outward 8 dayo
and sittina sideways next to it on one occasion. This crab was seen next
to her anemone in all 21 observations made during her 25 days in the
holdind aduaria.

sinan male crab spent the first four days on the rock near the
anemone, and on one occasion it was seen touching the base of the
anemone. In 12 observations made during the following 14 days it was
seen under a rock, and it spent the final 4 observed days in the corner of
the tank
A collected adult female was seen facing the small anemone with
her front two legs up touching the top of the column at the edge of the
tentacles. She remained there for 6 days, but was removed from the
aquar ium when she began to release larvae.
A large male crab and corallimorph collected were observed 13 of
I5 days in captivity. The crab was seen on the rock either up close facing
the anemone or within about two inches of it. A female was collected
iis day and also placed in this tank for behavioral observations. She
spent her first five days on the rock, facing the anemone; she was on the
opposite side of the anemone from the large male crab. She released her
larvae in the corner of the tank. She was placed in the other tank with the
all anemone and was seen associated with it for 4 of 4 days of
The fourth crab collected that day appeared to be a small female. It
was seen on the rock approaching the large male next to the anemone. The
large male used its claw to pinch the leg of the small crab which
immediately backed away. This crab did not seem to establish a
relationship with one anemone. On various observations it was seen in the
++ +-
corner of the tanm, on the rock, hidden under the rock, and under the
The three crabs released their larvae between the dates of May 10
and May 16. One crab was observed leaning back, balanced on her four hind
eds. Her front two legs were reached up and outward and the other pair
were extended out to her sides. Her front legs were seen touching the edge
of the corallimorph, and her claws were folded down. She raised her
abdomen to contract the egg sac and O,1,2, or 3 larvae were seen to come
out at the top. The carapace of the newly hatched zoea was approximately
one millimeter, with an abdomen of about one mm in length.
The crabs pumped eggs out of their egg sacs for three to five days.
Drawings were made of the surviving larvae on several days after
1-- -
natching. After two weeks, the dorsal spine on surviving larvae, shortened

h. Notable characteristics and measurements are included on the
drawings (Figures 3 and 4). The larvae stuck to the tentacles of the
anerone, but like the brine shrimp, were not injested.
Test for photo receptivity showed that the larvae are attracted to
light. Zoea were most concentrated in grid squares where light is shined
(Figure 5). Larvae swam toward the light then dropped down.
ROV Observation
de corallimorph, cerianthid, and Chorilia longipes exist in

thids were found at 67 meters which
ing deurrandes. The cerian
5 2rmheters shallower than first crabs seen. Its range extends to 434
e MEARI archival videos. Only four sites had dives going
eeber than 434 meters. The depth range of the Chorilia was seen by the
BOV as 299 m to 506 m which closely parallels the depth range of the
Corallimoruh (307 m to 506m). The crabs collected at 650 meters give
proof that Cherilia lives deeper than the 511 meter maxium dive made by
the ROV. The crab collected at 650 metero positioned itself under a
corallirorph within 15 minutes. The larger tether of the ROV will soon
bermit establishmnet of the lower depth range of the anemone and crab.
n of Distribution

Coraimorphs were seen in greatest abundance at North Wall. They
were also sighted at Soquel Canyon, the Meander site, Anthomastus Ridge,
and Ca-C5 Corallimorphs were rare or absent from Pt. Joe and south. The
reatest concentration was seen at the North Wall where many
corallimorphs appeared to be clonal, moving south to C4-C5 and
thornastus Ridge, most corallimorphs sighted were solitary. Only one
corallimorph was sighted at Pt. Joe, and none were seen further south.
Corallimorphs were not sighted at the shallower depths studied at
the Monterey Canyon head. At Pt. Joe and Carmel Bay, corallimorphs were
not seen on the level sites of the Kelp study dives. This follows the
battern of nearly no corallimorphs south of Pt. Joe, but it may also suggest

mat die corallimorphs prefer the rocky sloped habitat of the canyon wall.
The dive at Pt. Lobos was shallower than the upper depth range of the
corallirorph, but Cypress Point was viewed within the appropriate range
and none were seen. Further study using transects of the different dives
tes may aive more insight on the possible significance of this

vacion. Environmental conditions such as oxygen content,
ssure, or rutrients, as well as reproductive capabilities,
may contribute to a patchy distribution.
Cerianthids were seen at all sights except Cypress Point. They were
found in abundance on the canyon floors of Pt. Joe and Carmel Bay. These
tube dwelling coelentarates appear to find the both the sloped rocky walls
and smoother floors as suitable habitats. Again, it would be beneficial to
make a more detailed analysis of the significance of their distribution in
he Monterey Bay Canyon.
Symbiotic Relationship.
The percentages of corallimorphs seen with crabs emphasizes their
strong symbiotic relationship. The overall value of 818 corallimorphs
viewed with Chorilia is probably a low estimate. The crabs can hide under
the tentacles of the anemones, and make it difficult to determine whether
a crab is actually present. It was interesting to note that no crabs were
seen at Soquel Canyon, although only four corallimorph were viewed
closely, it is possible that Chorilia do not inhabitat that area of the
Cherilia were occasonally seen with other host organisms including
four cerianthids, one folded sponge, two under duster anemones, three

under Anthomastus, one shaggy sponge, and a few hexactinellid sponget
The crabs were well hidden, which supports a hypothe
sis that protection
fror predators is one of the reasons for the symbiosis. Smaller crabs
were seen on the Anthomastus suggesting that the younger crabs may find
hosts other than the corallimorphs until further development. The
smallest crab in the aquaria was unable to climb off a corallimorph when
set on its tentacles, the corallimorphs in the wild may have the capability
of capturing small crabs for consumption.
Beproductive Activity of the Corallimorph:
The corallimorph which appears dividing at a deep furrow through
ne mouth suggests that these organisms can divide asexually. They were
so seen in chains decreasing in size, as though new organisms had bud
om a barent. The footage of a corallimorph releasing gametes or
larvae sugdests sexual reproduction.
issogiation seen in captivity and in the wild
Behavioral observations made in the aquar ia resembled scenes in the
deo footade. Chorilia did not appear to exhibit any modified behavior
caused by their new environment. Unfortunately, the corallimorphs have
not fared so well in captivity. Two of the corallimorphs observed during
this study resembled those in the wild; their tentacles were full and
extended gracefully. Tentacles of the third anemone were stubby and

bal ely extended off its race, other corallimorphs in captivity in the
onterey Bay Aquar iurn's deep sea tanks have a shriveled appearance

bert Van Dykhuizen suggested that the corallimorphs have not been
diven an apppropriate diet. The regurgitated food sugge
ts that the
anemones are either overfed, or are starving by not digesting the food.
Further research of these symbionts should first include determination of

e corallimorphs, under standing their diet may help maintain
these organisms in captivity, or could suggest that other factors have
caused their decrease in size.
Crabs were seen taking food out of the mouth of a corallimorph on
tape and in a tank, and thereby benefiting from a free meal. Small
particles and occasional larger prey can be caught by the sticky mucus and
stinging nematocysts of an anemone's tentacles; the crabs have shown that
hey are interested and can feed off the food of these corallimorphs. This
may support a hypothesis that food gives the crab another benefit from a

All three female crabs released zoea between the dates May 10 and

May 16, 1991. Two caus were collected from Monterey bay on May 6
1991. The third crab to release her larvae was in captivity for over a
month, therefore it appears that captivity has not interfered with the
normal reproductive cycle.
Zoea maintained in a tank with a constant water current survived
for aminimum of 21 days. Drawings of larvae show five segments of the
abdornen and then the telson. The four leg appendages had four setae each
throuahout the observation time. Counting the setae is a method used to
stade brachyuran zoeae, additional setae would be expected to develop,
but were not seen on the specimens observed. The shortening of the dorsal
pine may be evidence that some of the larvae were developing.
Toea larvae feed on planktonic organisms. (Warner,136) Positive
phototaxis may direct the larvae up towards this food source. The three to
five day old zoea were attracted to the light shined on the tank. They
sensed the direction of the light and were most concentrated in grid
squares at and below the source. When they swam to the light, it appeared
that they hit the side of the tank then fell to the floor, but when light wat
shined at the surface of the water, they swam up to it and then descended.
The arids in Figure..*show that when the light was shined in an upper
square, the concentration of larvae is high in the entire column. When
licht was shined at a bottom square, the concentration was highest at the
lowest square, but was decreased up above. Warner (1977) states that the
direction of swimming seems to involve responses to both light and
etion of observations
Chorilia longipes and Corallimorphus appear to inhabit a common
depthrange and pattern of distribution, and eighty percent of the
corallimorphs are hosts to crabs. Of the 101 Chorilia sighted, 89 were
seen with corallimorphs and four were seen with cerianthids. This may
+ ++
sugdest that the prefered host of Chorilia is Corallimorphus
The symbiotic relationship between the crabs and their
elentarate hosts may be desribed as "commensalism in which one
her harmed or benefited" (Märiscal,
hefited and the other n
1369). Observations suggest that the crab gains protection from outside
predators when hidden under the anemone. The crabs can be extremly
difficult to see when they are associated with the anemone. Predators of
the crab may not see a crab hidden under an anemone, or may avoid contact
with the stinging nematocysts of the club tipped tentacles. It has also
Mnoted tiat tiie ciaus occasional feed on the food collected by the
corallimorph, and thereby gain a nutritional benefit through this
symbiosis. From this study, the corallimorph has not appeared to gain or
lose in this relationship, further study may indicate otherwise.
Ihe crabs may receive another possible benefit which deserves
fürther study. Small live brine shrimp were seen swimming into the crabs
and sticking. The crabs removed the brine shrimp from their legs and
carapace, and then fed. Two crabs waved their claws in the water to wash
the sticky shrimp off. It would be interesting to determine what made the
shrimp stick to the crab. It could be the canyon wall sediment on the
crabs, mucus from the corallimorph, the nature of the brine shrimp,
something secreted by the crab, or a combination of these.
Observations of the crabs with the corallimorph showed a short.
any, acclimation process. Crabs set on a rock next to an anemone in
captivity were seen touching the anemone within minutes. The crab from
650 meters was seen under a corallimorph within 15 minutes of entering
ne tank. Ihe club tips obviously stuck to this crab, it was seen pulling its
ed away from one of the anemone's sticky club-tipped tentacles. This
howsthat at leasteariy in the relationship,t
e corallimorph will sting

-oub but this does not appear to prevent the crab from establishing a
Studies of hermit crabs suggest that the crabs become coated with
mucus and may thereby not be recognized by the host anemone. The
eurface of Chorilia could be investigated in future studies of these
symbionts, it would be interesting to learn if the legs and/or carapace of
an associated crab has a mucus coat or nematocysts on its surface. A
detailed behavioral study may reveal an acclimation process in which
either the crab or corallimorph adjusts to a new partner. Future studles
of deep-sea organisms can only benefit from the opportunity provided by
MEARI to complement experimental conditions with a of view the live
activity of the canyon walls.
dlike to thank Lynn Lewis of MBARI for her assistance with the
data base (and for her patience when we invaded the video room). Thanks to
Chris Harrold, Gilbert Van Dykhuizen, Sue Lisen, Karen Light and Andy of
the Honterey Bay Aquar ium for their interest and contributions to this
project. Thank you to my roommates, Kirsten and Edith, for their support
and good humor throughout the quarter. And THANK YOU Chuck Baxter, for
the insightful questions and suggestions which brought this project all
Brooks, W.R. 1988. The Influence of the Location and Abundance of the Sea
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Broughton, P.S. 1975. The Symbiotic Relationship between the Hermit crab
Pagurus Samuelis (Anthropoda: Decapoda) and the Sea Anemones
Antnopleura Elegantissima and A. xanthogrammica (Cnidaria.
actinaria) Student paper, Stanford University.
Diesel, R. 1988. Male-female Association in the spider crab Anachus
chatagium the influence of female reproductive stage and size.
Journal of Crustacean Biology 8. 63-69.
burney. E. Larvae of Decapod Crustacea. Engelman, Whelden, and Wesley,
Lid. London.
LubbOCk, R. 1979. Chemical Recognition and Nematocyte Excitation in a Sea
Anemone. Journal Exp. Biol. 83. 283-292.
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Fariscal, R. N. 1966. A Field Study of the Symbiotic Association of the
Fishes and Sea Anemones. Doctoral Dissertation. University of
California, Berkeley.
Hariscal, R. N. 1969. Experimental Studies on the Protection of Anemone
Fishes from Sea Anemones. Pp. 283
5. /: Cheng, T. C., Aspects of
the Biology of Symbiosis. University Park Press: Baltimore, MD.
Miller, S. 1989. The Association Process between Fish and Anemones in
Monterey Bay. Student paper, Stanford University.
Schraitt, W. L. 1921. The Marine Decapod Crustacea of California. Univ. of
California Publications in Zoology. 209 pp.
Warner. G. F. 1977. The Biology of Crabs. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.
HEw Tork, H.
Weinbauer, et al. 1982. Studies on the Relationship between /hachus
malangrumFabricus (aiidae) and Anemonia sulcata Pennant in
tiien datul ai Environment, Marine Ecology
Weymouth, F. W 1910. Synopsis of the True Crabs (Brachyura) of Monterey
Eay California. Stanford Univ. Press. Stanford, CA.
Tates. G. D. 1980. A Symbiotic Relation between Intertidal Hermit Crabs
and Sea Anemones. Student paper, Stanford University.
Figure 1. Compares the number of corallimorph anemones to the
number of the cerianthids at each sight.
Figure 2. Column graph representing the six sites where corallimorphs and
Chorilia were sighted. The last column of each set represents the
total for all sights. The first set represents the number of
corallimorphs veiwed closely. The second set represents the number
of crabs sighted with these corallimorphs. The third set shows the
purober of corallimorphs with no crab visible.
Figure 3. Pie grach showing the percent of ninety corallimorphs with one,
two, and no crabs visible.
Fiaure 4 Larvae between ages of 3 and 23 days drawn with camera lucida
Figure 5. Body parts of larvae.
Figure 6. Test for photo receptivity. First experiment shined light in a one
inch square in the upper corner of the tank. The second experiment
had light shining at a lower square. The third experiment represents
ared light shined eight inches away from the tank, and the fourth
experiment was conducted when no light was shined.
Comparing the abundance of corallimorphs
versus cerianthids at each ROV site
Dive sites
1. C4-C5
7. Anthomastus Ridge
2. Point Joe
8. Soquel Canyon
3. Carmel Bay
9. Mont. Canyon Head
4. North Wall
10. Cypress Point
5. South Meander
11. Point Joe
6. Meander
k -


Figure 4 LARVAE cohe logjes kete hag k 20
ae 3-12 dang
Cealela loss ined mkto
3-7days old


Ciha lohpe
Belered Man- 13
12 Ha od


2123 dau
do uroine
Figure 5 Components

15-17 dags
Gociso langipes 1S-17 daqs
nouit area vsiblé af

57dage od

5-21 chorilia lonzipes 5. 7 daus ol4






Ed of 166
Figure 6


test for photoreceptivity
. *






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1 2

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v 4
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3 3
1 —

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