Calcium Spikes in Metridium Introduction In preliminary experiments designed to observe isometric contractions in the sea anemone Metridium senile it was noted that Tetrodotoxin in low or high concentrations (0.1 mg/1 and 10 mg/1) had no effects on responses to electrical stimuli. Tetrodotoxin has the specific effect of holding closed the sodium gate in other nervous systems and thus blocking conduction (Kao and Fuhrman, 1967; Takata, Moore, Kao, and Fuhrman, 1965). Following this observation experiments were undertaken to show that Na was not the ion used in depolarizing the axon by influx. The ion responsible for depolarization is usually termed the spike ion. Noting the work of D. M. Ross (1969) it was hypothesized that calcium might be used instead, since Ross shows that when calcium is removed from artificial sea water the anemone no longer responds. It is concluded that the evidence indicates that calcium is the spike ion in Metridium senile. Materials and Methods Apparatus Mechanical recordings were made with a counterbalanced lever system (Robson and Josephson, 1969), modified in that the transducer used was a Grass model FTOB force transducer. Thus the contractions were measured isometrically, and were Calcium Spikes in Metridium recorded on a Grass model 5 polygraph. Temperature was held to the range between 12-16°0. Stimulus The stimulus electrode consisted of two platinum wires, sixteen guage, insulated to lmm from the tip, placed 2mm apart. Electrical pulses were obtained from a Grass model S6 stimulator, through a Grass model S.I.U. 4678 stimulus isolation unit. Voltages listed on figures are output across the electrode tips. Preparation of animal Metridium senile with average diameter of 5 cm were collected from a depth of 6 meters on Wharf Number 2 of Monterey Harbor. Monterey, California. In all cases the animals were maintained for one week in aquariums with fresh running sea water before dissection. Preparations were obtained by the method of Batham. Pantin, and Robson (1960), and allowed to equilibrate for eight hours. For each test run the mesentary was removed from running sea water and placed directly onto the apparatus. The prepara¬ tion was then stimulated and responses recorded until a series of five similar responses were evidently typical of that mesen¬ tary. The mesentary was then removed from apparatus and placed in the test solution. A control placed in fresh sea water and another in artificial sea water were held under otherwise iden¬ tical conditions. For tests longer than four hours, all Calcium Spikes in Metridium solutions were changed every four hours. At the end of the test period, each preparation was placed on the apparatus in fresh test solution and a series of stimuli were applied, similar to the series used initially. Thus, results reported refer to the differences between the initial and final recordings relative to the differences in the controls. est solutions The five solutions used were prepared as follows. Sea water was used from the running sea water system. Its temper- ature ranged from 12-15°0. Tetrodotoxin in.53M Nacl in dis¬ tilled water at 100 mg/ml was added to 100 ml of sea water. Artificial sea water was prepared using formula M. B. L. No. given in the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory Manual (Cavanaugh, 1956). Calcium-free artificial sea water was pre- pared by formula number 6, that of Moore, given in the same reference. Cobaltous chloride solution was prepared by adding isotonic Cocly to sea water in the same final concen¬ tration as Caclo, 10 mM. Electrical recording Attempts were made to record nerve and muscle potentials from the preparation by means of a glass suction electrode of inner diameter 150u. A Tektronix type 122 preamplifier and Tektronix type 502 scope were used for display. Recordings were seen that resembled those reported by Robson and Joseph- son (1968), but these were rare and are not further reported. Calcium Spikes in Metridium Results Ideal versus non-ideal sites 1. There are two distinct types of stimulus site, and some gradation in between these. The first, termed ideal, is is characterized by giving full responses to two pulses of 10 msec duration, 0.2 sec apart at 5 volts. Response immediately follows the second pulse, as shown in Figure 1. 2. At the second type, termed a non-ideal site, more pulses in a series, or higher voltage is required to illicit a similar responseto an ideal site, as shown in Figure 2. 3. These sites are not automatically apparent and are found by trial and error. Stimulus site decrement 1. Stimulation at any site decrements the ability of the site to respond to further stimulation, as shown in Figure 3 2. The rate of decrement at an ideal site is slower than that at a non-ideal site. (Figure 4 ys. 3) 3. The rate of decrement depends on the condition of the preparation, since by approximately sixty hours after dissection the preparation fails to respond and necrosis is evident. 4. The more non-ideal the site is, the faster it decre¬ ments. Also, the larger or longer the stimulus is used, the faster decrementation occurs. (Figure 5) 5. Any site once decremented will return to its original Calcium Spikes in Metridium potency in less than thirty minutes, whether or not the elec¬ trodes are physically removed, as long as no electrical stimuli are used. Distinguishing-nerve net initiated contractions from electrically initiated contractions. The nerve net was considered deactivated after four hours in MgClo may also slightly impair muscle ability while CoCl in relatively small concentrations quickly deadened nervous response but did not seem to impair the muscle's ability to contract. A comparison of differences in response to electrical stimuli between preparations in sea water and preparations in Cocl or MgCl is shown in Table I. Note that in all cases a nerve net initiated contraction requires two pulses or more, while muscle may be stimulated by one pulse. Responses to stimuli in test solutions Tetrodotoxin Six preparations were tested at the concentrations and times given below. l at 1 mg/ for 4 hours 1 at 2.5 mg/1 for 12 hours 1 at 5 mg/ for 12 hours 2 at 10 mg/ for 24 hours (Figure 7) 1 at 1 mg/ for24 hours (Figure 8) 1 at 2.5 mg/ for 1 hour (Figure 9) l at 5 mg/ for 1 hour Calcium Spikes in Metridium The last preparation, held in increasing concentrations over time, is shown in Figure 6 and is representative of all of the mesentaries that were tested. In all cases the preparation in Tetrodotoxin solution responded better than its control at any point in the test period. Tetrodotoxin was found to have no effect on responses to stimuli and no effect on specific site decrement. Artificial sea water, M. B..L. No. 1 Artificial sea water was used as a control for tests in calcium-free artificial sea water. This formula does not have the full complement of ions found in real sea water and per¬ haps for this reason tends to increase the rate of decay of the preparation as a whole, as seen in Figure 10. This overall decay was barely noticeable in thirty minutes but was apparent after four hours. The preparation decays uniformly in that each site is effected in the same way, giving smaller responses and showing heightened rates of stimulus site decrement. Calcium-free artificial sea water Within ten minutes after application the nervous response is extinguished. The preparation relaxes continually, and immediately after application the rate of stimulus site decrement increases markedly. After twelve hours of application muscle responses to 100v. stimuli are still present, but are slower and of less magnitude than produced by a mesentary in Calcium Spikes in Metridium in MgCl, solution. (Figure 11 and Figure 12) Cobaltous chloride in sea water The effect of 10 mM CoCl, is found to be very similar to calcium-free artificial sea water, as seen in Figure 13, CoCl is seen to work much quicker than either Mgol, or calcium-free mediums and is seen to have less blocking effect to muscle con¬ tractions illicited by high voltage stimuli (Figurellvs.12). Stimulus site decrement is more rapid with CoCl, than any other solution tested. (Figure 15) Discussion In concentrations of 0.1 mg/1 Tetrodotoxin completely inhibits conductance in frog sciatic nerves within ten minutes after application (Kao and Fuhrman, 1967). Tetrodotoxin has high rates of diffusion in frog neurons, with or without myelin sheath, and the preparation used here is quite thin with a high surface to volume ratio (Kao and Fuhrman, 1963, 1967). Thus it is reasonable to conclude that Tetrodotoxin is reaching the neurons but is having no effect. D. M. Ross has shown that preparations in sodium-free sea water show no change in response to electrical stimuli (Ross, 1960). Thus it is reasonable to conclude that sodium is not the spike ion, since neither the absence of sodium nor the presence of an inhibitor of its conduction affects the system. It has been shown here that the absence of calcium ions or Calcium Spikes in Metridium the presence of any of several other divalent cations extinguishes nervous activity. These observations agree with those of Ross. He further notes that if both calcium and magnesium ions are removed from sea water the preparation's activity and responses to stimulation are heightened (Ross, 1960). This particular experiment was only carried out for thirty minutes, which in the absence of magnesium ions (which Ross showed to be critical) may not be long enough to deplete calcium ion reserves around the neuron. It is thus theorized that the spike ion is calcium and that magnesium ion, in competing with calcium controls the activity of the nerve net. In MgClo or calcium-free sea water the ability of muscles to contract is impaired and eventually extinguished. This effect is found to be much less with CoCl. It is theorized that cobalt ion blocks nervous conduction by diffusing through interstitial fluid and competing with calcium ion influx around the neuron in the same manner as magnesium ion. But because of its larger size cobalt ion is unable to diffuse into the muscle end plate to block the calcium ion output there, or does so at a much slower rate. A single experiment using manganous chloride showed its effects on electrically initiated muscle contractions to be less than magnesium ion but greater than cobalt ion. These results cannot be regarded as conclusive because of difficulties in two main areas. First, kWestfall has shown that the synapses in Gonionemus contain dense core vessicles similar to those in the vas deferens of the rat (Westfall, 1970). Since release of these vessicles by exocytosis is catalyzed by calcium Calcium Spikes in Metridium ion, it is possible that calcium-free sea water with magnesium ion present inhibits vessicle release. Second, calcium-free sea water or the presence of other divalent cations may in¬ hibit muscle end plate potentials, rather than the nerve net. Considerable evidence has been presented here to contradict this idea, but the possibility is still present. In order that these findings be made conclusive, it will be necessary to record electrically from the nerve net during stimulation, a test which has been found difficult. The evidence given here is clear in itself and it is reasonable to believe that calcium is the spike ion in the anemone nervous system. Summary 1. There are two distinct types of stimulus site: one which responds to two pulses at low voltage, termed ideal, and the other which requires more pulses at higher voltage, termed non-ideal. 2. Stimulation at any site decrements the ability of the site to respond to further stimulation. 3. Nerve net initiated contractions may be differentiated from electrically initiated contractions. 4. Tetrodotoxin has no effect on the responses of Metridium senile to electrical stimulation. 5. Calcium-free sea water extinguishes response to elec¬ trical stimulation. 10 Calcium Spikes in Metridium 11 6. The presence of other divalent cations which are believed to compete with calcium extinguishes response. 7. It is theorized that calcium is the spike ion in the nervous system of Metridium senile I thank Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Fuhrman for their immense help and guidance throughout this project, as well as Nathan Howe for reading this manuscript and his advice on performing dissections. I further thank Dr. D. P. Abbott and the faculty, staff, and students of Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford Univer- sity for their continued encouragement, especially C. J. Rogers, without whose help this manuscript would still be untyped. Calcium Spikes in Metridium Literature cited Batham, E. J., C. F. A. Pantin, and E. J. Robson, 1960. The nerve-net of the sea anemone Metridium senile: the mesenteries and the column. Quart. J. Microcop. Sci. 101: 487-510. Cavanaugh, G. M., ed., 1956. Formulae and Methods V. of the Marine Biological Laboratory. Chemical Room. Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachu- setts. Kao, C. Y., and F. A. Fuhrman, 1963. Pharmacological studies on tachichatoxin, a potent neurotoxin. J. Pharmacl. exp. Ther. 140: 31. Mosher, H. S., F. A. Fuhrman, H. S. Buchwald, and H. G. Fischer, 1964. Tarichatoxin-tetrodotoxian, a potent neuro- toxin. Science 144: 1100. Robson, E. A. and R. K. Josephson, 1969. Neuromuscular properties of mesenteries from the sea anemone Metridium. J. Exp. Bio. 50: 151-168. Ross, D. M., 1960. The effects of ions and drugs on neuromuscular preparations of sea anemones. I. On preparations of the column of Calliactis and Metridium. J. Exp. Bio. 37: 732-752. 12 0 Calcium Spikes in Metridium 13 Takata, M., J. W. Moore, C. Y. Kao, F. A. Fuhrman, 1965, Blockage by tarichatoxin of sodium conductance change in excitation. J. gen. Physiol. 49: 977 Westfall, J. A., 1970. Ultrastructure of synapses in a prima¬ tive coelenterate. J. Ultrastructure Res. 32: 237- 246. Calcium Spikes in Metridi Caption to Table Table 1. Comparison of Electrically Initiated Contractions to Nerve Net Initiated Contractions Calcium Spikes in Metridium lable 1 Parameter Voltage Applied Response to 1 Stimulus Response to' Stimuli Response to a Series of Stimuli Relaxation Time Electrically Initiated Contractions 90-100v. small small, additive graded, additive long Nerve Net Initiated Contractions 5-30v. none immediate complete contraction sustained complete contraction short Calcium Spikes in Metridium Captions to Figures Figure 1. Stimulation at an ideal site showing immediate response to the second pulse. Figure 2. Stimulation at a non-ideal site using 30v. Figure 3. Decrement at an ideal site. Figure 4. Decrement at a non-ideal site using 30v. Figure 5. Decrement at a non-ideal site showing effect of number of stimuli. Figure 6. Initial control for Tetrodotoxin tests. Figure 7. Stimulus after 24 hours at 1 mg/1 TTX Figure 8. Stimuli after 1 hour at 2.5 mg/1 Figure 9. Stimuli after 1 hour at 5.0 mg/1 TTX Figure 10. Stimuli after 12 hours in M.B.L. 1 Figure 11. Lack of response after Calcium free sea water, 1 hr. Figure 12. Muscle response after 24 hours in Car- free sea water. Figure 13. Lack of response after 1 hr. in CoCl, solution. Calcium Spike in Metridium Captions to Figures (Continued) Figure 14. Muscle response after 24 hrs. in Coclo solution. Figure 15. Site Decrement after 5 min. in CoClo solution. Calcium Spikes Figure 1 in Metridi — A Figure 2 Sic O JOV. Calcium Spikes in Metridium 0 N A — 05. 20 S0. Figure 3 Figure 1 Figure 5 26 50 Calcium Spikes in Metridium 10 13 Zrde a 5. 9 Figure 6 Figure" 8 Figure 8 Figure 9 & Calcium Spikes in Metridium 8 10 00 L 39 . 6 33 Figure 10 hepeo Nom 2 Beep. Figure 11 Figure 12 Calcium Spikes in Metridium 1 6 30. 0 380 5 c 100. Figure 13 Figure 14 Me Pre Figure 15