DDT RESIDUES IN BIRDS AND MAMMALS OF MONTEREY BAY, CALIFORNIA Paul R. Mascovich Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University Pacific Grove, California Casual observations by bird watchers in the Monterey Bay area have indicated an increase in the number of dead birds found along the beaches during the past year. During the time period of September, 1968. to May, 1969, regular walks along a stretch of beach near Moss Landing in Monterey Bay were conducted by James Norris of the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories in an attempt to détermine rate and cause of deaths of birds. Preliminary results of these walks are that, oflO birds found, 37% were oil-covered, 11% were shot, and 49% died of unknown causes. Monterey Bay is situated in an agricultural region where a great amount of pesticides is used. Parathion (o,o-diethyl o,p-nitrophenyl phosphorothioate) is the major pesticide used in Monterey County, with DDT (1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane ranking second. During the past fifteen years at least 125,000 pounds of technical grade DDT has been used each year, sprayed on lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, and young tomatoes (Scott, 1969). The Monterey Bay area is drained * See Footnote 1. 20. (2) extensively by the Salinas River, the Pajaro River, and Elkhorn Slough. Early in 1969 heavy rains caused the Salinas River to flood low-lying farmlands in the Salinas Valley, and it almost certainly leached quantities of pesticides from the soil, which were carried by the river into Monterey Bay. Many of the birds and mammals of Monterey Bay are fish-eaters. Pesticides are transferred and concentrated in organisms as the food chain is ascended and may reach the fish-eating birds and mammals at the end of the food chain in high concentrations. Studies by Risebrough (1967, 1969), Wurster (1968), and Keith and Hunt (1966) have indicated the high levels of pesticides and their adverse effects on birds and other California wildlife. In order to determine whether the bird deaths were caused by contamination with DDT residues, selected birds and mammals of Monterey Bay were examined for concentrations of DDT and its analogs DDD 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(chlorophenyl)ethane and DDE1,1-dichloro- 2,2-bis (chlorophenyl)ethene Materials and Methods: A list of birds and mammals analysed and locations and dates of collection is contained in Table I. Birds were collected by James Norris of Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, by Verne Yadon of the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History, and bymyself. The Steller sea lion was born prematurely and found by Dr. G. Victor Morejohn of the Moss Landing Laboratories; the larger California sea lion was found by Ralph Nonella Resen of the Pacific Grove Marine Refuge Unit; and the smaller California sea lion was found by members of the Hopkins Marine Station. 06 (3) Great differences in DDT levels can be obtained from different organs within the same animal (e.g., Keith and Hunt, 1966). The liver provides a good general index of DDT level and was chosen for analysis in this study. Whole livers were homogenized before sub-samples were taken to insure a random sample of the liver. One sample of sub- cutaneous fat of a loon was used, and a mature ovary of another loon was used. Duplicate samples were run on the livers of the first two birds analysed, a cormorant and a gull, in order to check the reproducibility of the method. These duplicate samples deviated by less than 10%; thereafter only one sample from each tissue was analysed. Samples were digested and extracted using the method of Stanley and LeFavoure (1965), and were analysed quantitatively for DDT and its analogs with a Beckman GC h gas-liquid chromatograph using a 3 OF 1 column on 80-100 mesh chromosorb W and an electron capture dector. All chemicals and glassware were checked for possible DDT contamination. DDE is the only analog reported because the chromatograph column was unable to separate the DDT and DDD peaks sufficiently from the DDE peak to be accurately quantitated. In all cases, however, the combined DDT and DDD concentrations were insignificant in relation to the DDE concentrations. 07 (4) Results and Discussion: The results of the analysis are summarized in Table I. Since the Brandt's cormorant, the Western grebe, and the Arctic loon are reported to feed mainly on fish and small amounts of crustaceans, mollusks, and aquatic insects and plants (Palmer, 1962). it might be expected that their levels of DDT residues be approximately the same. This is not the case. A possible explanation of the variations among the three species could be differences in ability to metabolize and excrete DDE. Differences could also be related to migratory habits. Map I (Palmer, 1962) shows the migratory routes of the cormorant, grebe, and loon. The cormorant is a permanent resident of the west coast of the United States, and is constantly exposed to high pollution. The Western grebe winters on the west coast, but breeds in the summer months in fresh water lakes in the northern United States. Many lakes are contaminated with DDT from insect control spraying, and grebes feeding there will ingest food which is possibly more contaminated than on the west coast. The Arctic loon winters on the west coast. but breeds north of the Arctic Circle. DDT levels are probably low this far north, explaining the low levels in the loons. The much higher level of DDE in the sub-cutaneous fat of the loon as opposed to the liver of the same bird shows the insecticide's tendency to concentrate in lipid-rich tissues. The loons were the only birds analysed which contained sub-cutaneous fat. This may be another explanation for the low DDE values in their livers, since much of their (5) total DDE would be contained in their fat instead of their livers. The loon ovary analysed was much lower in DDE than the liver of the same bird. This agrees with the findings of Keith and Hunt (1966). who found 21.00 ppm DDE in the liver of a white pelican, and only 8.87 ppm in the ovary, The Ashy and Fork-tailed petrels eat mainly small fish, crustaceans. and other materials floating on the surface of the water (Palmer, 1962). The surface of the water receives the aerial fallout of insecticide and has unique physical-chemical properties which could enable it to temporarily retain the water-insoluble chlorinated hydrocarbon components (Risebrough, 1969). This may account for the extremely high DDE levels in the two petrels. The large variation in DDE concentrations in the two gulls may be explained by their feeding habits. Gulls are opportunistic feeders, and eat almost anything from garbage to fish. Their DDE levels may be largely a function of where they feed and what they feed on. Differing migratory habits may also be a factor in causing the different levels in the two gulls. Map II (Robbins, Bruun, and Zim, 1966) shows the migratory routes of the two gulls. The Western gull is a permanent resident of the west coast, but the Ring-billed gull breeds during the summer months in mountain lakes of southern Canada, where there may be less DDT pollution than on the west coast. The differences in DDE levels in the two sea lions may be explained by the way they obtained their food before dying. The Steller sea lion had been born prematurely, so its only source of DDT was through the placenta from the mother. The California sea lions were at the stage of being weaned from their mothers. The larger one had been tagged by biologists of the University of California at Santa Cruz and was eleven 09 months old at death. Both readily accepted fish which were offered to them. Each could have taken up DDT from its mother's bloodstream while still in the womb, from the mother's milk, and from fish which it may have caught itself. The DDE levels found in this analysis are some of the highest reported to date. Risebrough found 3.3 ppm total DDT residues in the liver of a Brandt's cormorant (1967), 211 ppm total DDT residues in the fat of a Western gull (1967), and 59.3 ppm total DDT residues in the whole body of an Ashy petrel (1969). Most of the birds used in my analysis were extremely emaciated, having little or no body fat. This suggests that they had been sick for a prolonged period before death and were unable to feed. This in turn suggests chronic poisoning or illness. As the fat was used up while the birds were alive, the DDT residues contained in the fat would have been released and deposited in other areas of the body. This would have caused the levels I found in the livers to be higher than if the birds still had a normal amount of body fat. Some of these DDE levels probably approach or exceed lethal doses. No conclusive statement can be made, however, until IDgo's are determined for the species analysed. In addition, DDT levels in birds collected in Monterey Bay while still alive would be valuable. (7) Summary: Pesticidal pollution of Monterey Bay, California has been suggested as the cause of an unusually large number of bird deaths reported in the past year. Analyses were performed on a series of dead or dying birds and mammals taken from the Monterey Bay area. Concentrations of DDT and its analogs DDD and DDE were determined by gas chromatography. Results were as follows: 107, 105, and 155 ppm DDE in livers of three Brandt's cormorants; 192 and 292 ppm DDE in livers of two Western grebes; 2.35 ppm DDE in the liver and 121 ppm DDE in the sub-cutaneous fat of an Arctic loon; 1.25 ppm DEE in the liver and O.61 ppm DDE in the ovary of a second Arctic loon; 373 ppm DDE in the liver of a Fork-tailed petrel; 112 ppm DDE in the liver of an Ashy petrel; 805 ppm DDE in the liver of a Western gull; hl.5 ppm DDE in the liver of a Ring-billed gull; 1.2 ppm DDE in the liver of an aborted Steller sea lion pup; and 3.94 and 89 ppm DDE in the livers of two immature California sea lions. Acknowledgments: For their guidance and assistance throughout my project, I would like to sincerely thank the following people: Dr. G. Victor Morejohn and Mr. James Norris of the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories; Mr. Verne Yadon of the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History; the faculty and staff of Hopkins Marine Station, and in particular,Dr. Donald P. Abbott, Mr. Phillip Murphy, and Mr. Alan Baldridge. This work was supported in part by the Undergraduate Research Participation Program of the National Science Foundation, Grant + GY-5878. 21 (8) BIBLIOGRAPHY Hickey, Joseph J., and James E. Roelle. 1968. Conference Summary and Conclusions, p.553-567. In Joseph J. Hickey (ed.), Peregrine Falcon Populations: Their Biology and Decline. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison. Hunt, E.G., and A.I. Bischoff. 1960. Inimical Effects on Wildlife of Periodic DDD Applications to Clear Lake. California Fish and Game, 16: 91-106. Keith, J.O., and E.G. Hunt. 1966. Levels of Insecticide Residues in Fish and Wildlife in California. In Transactions of the 3lst North American Wildlife Conference. p.150-177. Norris, James. April 23, 1969. Personal Communication. Palmer, Ralph S. (ed.). 1962. Handbook of North American Birds. p. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut. Risebrough, R.W. 1967. DDT Residues in Pacific Sea Birds: a Persistent Insedticide in Marine Food Chains. Nature, 216: 589-590. Risebrough, R.W. 1968. Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Marine Ecosystems. Chapter 1, p.5-23. In Chemical Fallout: Current Research on Persistent Pesticides. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois. Risebrough, R.W. 1969. Thin Eggshells are Causing Reproductive Failure of Brown Pelicans in California. Preliminary Report (mineo), 2 pgs. Risebrough, R.W. 1969. Artifacts of Man: Pesticides. Unpublished Report (mimeo). Robbins, Chandler S., Bertel Bruun, and Herbert S. Zim. 1966. Birds of North America. Golden Press; Inc., NewaYork New York. Scott, David, June 2, 1969. Employed at Soil Serv, Inc. Personal Communication. Stanley, R.L., and H.T. LeFavoure. 1965. Rapid Digestion and Cleanup of Animal Tissues for Pesticide Residue Analysis. Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 18: 666-667. Wurster, C.F. 1968. DDT Residues and Declining Repeoduction in the Bermuda Petrel. Science, 159: 979-981. 86 Species 1.Brandt's Cormorant (Phalacrocorax penicillatus 2. Brandt's Cormorant andt's Cormerant 3. Brandt's Cormorant 1. Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis) 5. Western Grebe 6. Arctic Loon (Gavia arctica) 7. Arctic Löon 8. Fork-tailed Petrel (Oceanodroma furcata) shy Petrel Oceanodroma homochroa) 10. Western Gull (Larus occidentalis) 11. Ring-billed Gull (Larus delawarensis) 12. Steller Sea Lion (Eumetopias jubata) 13. California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus) 1. California Sea Lion (9) TABLE I Total Tissue Location & Date Wet Weight Analysed of Collection Liver H.M.S. Beach 1816 gm. Liver 1-11-69 2110 Liver Moss Landing 1-26-69 Monterey Liver 1832 5-7-69 976 Liver Moss Landing 5-8-69 Monterey 2645 Liver 1-30-69 Liver Monterey 2130 11-30-69 Fat Monterey Liver Ovary 5-9-69 Monterey Liver 5-3-69 Monterey Liver 5-1-69 Moss Landing 870 Liver 1-26-69 Liver 230 Moss Landing Liver 5-8-69 Ano Nuevo Is. Liver 1-27-69 Pacific Grove 40 lbs. Liver 5-25-69 Pacific Grove 28 lbs. Liver 5-17-69 Wet Weight of Tissue 5.139 gm. 5.150 5.161 5.274 5.219 5.134 5.527 1.hl 5.558 1.058 1.260 0.820 5.161 5.132 1.680 5.109 5.082 5.393 2 DDE PPM Wet Weight 112 102 155 105 192 292 2.5. 121 1.25 0.61 373 112 818 11.5 1.2 3.91 (10) MAP I Migratory Routes of the Brandt's Cormorant, Western Gull, and Western Grebe. dee Mg des V K 2 S O Heerte Loov WESTERN GRESE Beavoris Cemaenvr /4 (11) MAP II Migratory Routes of the Western Gull and the Ring-billed Gull L dese d L 2 59 — 2 -. .- 2 kue-Brred Gult Wesreer Gltt (12) FOOTNOTES 1. Please send requests for reprints to: 2/6