ABSTRACT In a sand dab fin musc le poeparation, the electnical and mechanical poperties of a fast twitch muscle have been studied. The "long" (presumably multiply innervated) fast fibers have resting potentials of -75 to -80 mU and are taken to threshold for contraction (-40 mU) by depolarizing junction potenttals. All-on-nothing action potenttals are not seen, even when suprathreshold shocks are applied. Twitches ape very fast; contraction reaches a peak within 10 ms and pelaxation is complete within 20 ms at 18'c. Direct stimulation produces unfused tetant up to at least 200 Hz. INTRODUCTION Uhile certain types of vertebrate muscle have been intensely studied, relatively little work has been conducted on fish muscle. Work done show several distinct pecullarities of fish muscle compared to typical vertebrate musele (e.g., amphibtan, mammalian). Highen teleost muscle (including the sand dab's family, Acanthopterggi) utilizes an unusual type of fast fiber innervation. Each fast fiben is multiply innervated (Barets, 1961; Hudson, 1969), not focally like most other vertebrate fast muscle. This type of fast muscle innervation has been previously reported onlg in lower vertebrates. However, multiple innervation is usual for vertebrate non-action potential producing slou fibers. In lower ventebrates, multiply innervated fibers are slou and are used primarily for posture (Peacheg, 1961), while in higher vertebrates such muscles have very spectalized function (e.q., extraocular and middle ear muscles) (Bach-g-Rita and Ito, 1966). Fish musele is claimed further atupical for vertebrates because fish muscles studied thus fan lack sensong ongans knoun as muscle spindles. Only a handful of electrophysiologic studies have examined fish fast fibers. Tost studtes have found that muscle action potentials are characterized by ovenshoots close to 0 mU on by failure to overshoot. Spikes tupically appear as graded regenerative responses and are not all-og-none (Hagtwara 8 Takahashi, 1967; Hidaka 2 Toida, 1969 Hidaka 4 Kuriggam and Barets, 1961). Other vertebrate fast fibers do show overshooting, all-or-nothing action potentials. Additionally, few studtes have investigated propenties of isometoie contraction in these fast fibers. Of a limited sampling of museles, seahoose fin muscle is reponted as one of the fastest, with an isometric contraction time as shoot as 10 ms to peak, and shous a fusion frequeneg of 120 Hz (Bone, 1978). This project furthers our understanding of fast muscle diversitu by charactenizing the propenties of one set of presumably multiplu innervated fast fibers, those in sand dab fin muscle. In oueryiew, the propenties to be examined include: properties of twitch and tetant, the nature of neuromuscular transmission, and the absence of action potenttals. In addition, the role of extracellular caleium in the will 6 activation of contraction considered. TATERIALS X TETHODS Preparation Specimens of Citharichthus sordidus were obtatned fishing off Lover's Point, Tontereg Bag. Fish were maintained prior to use in lange outdoor tanks with circulating, fresh sea water. Phusiologg Measurement of isometric tenston: Experiments were performed on isolated single musele units (one muscle, one bone, and one spine) mounted near their in vivo resting length in a 10 ml plexiglass chamber. The ends of the muscle close to the myotomes was pinned to the sylgard (Dow Corning) floor and the cut spine was tied to a force transducer with silk thread (Gilly 2 Hut, 1980). Contraction was elicited by application of longitudinally ortentad shocks generated by a Grass 5-ó stimulaton via platinum/ platinum black electrodes. Pulse duration varied between 0.5-2.0 ms and field strength from 3-35 volts/em. Electrodes were mounted on a micromanipulator and could be positioned close to the muscle ends. Contractions were also elicited by local stimulation of a small number of fibers with a small, pambling bipolar electoode. This technique was useful in qualitativelg exploring excitability in different egions of the muscles. Tension pecordings were taken on a Brush 220 pen recorder and a Textronix storage oscilloscope. Simultaneous pecording of junction potential and isometoic tension: A suction electrode on a motor nerve and an intracellular microelectrode were added to the apparatus described above to record neuromuscular transmission. The suction electrode had a 200u, diameten tip made of polgethylene tubing mounted on a glass capillarg. Fibers which were seen to contract in response to nerve stimulation were impaled with the microeleetrode close to the spine end of the muscle. Tembrane potenttal was measured as the voltage difference between the intracellular microelectrode (30-30 megohms, filled with 3 T KC1) and a Ag:AgCl bath electrode, taken through a UPI electmeter. Stimulating pulses were applied to the nerve using a UPl digital pulse generator. Experiments ended with between 0-5 mU electrode deift. Expepiments utilizing tuo intoacellular micpoelectoodes: Fibers were impaled with two microelectrodes (20-30 To). One was used for injecting current (filled with 2 f KCitrate) while membrane potential was measured as described above. Injected curpent was collected by a Ag:Agcl bath electrode and an operational amplifien. current-voltage converter (vintual ground) circuit. Pulses were generated, and reconded data were sampled by a digital computer-based system described in Gillg X Scheuer (1984). The voltage clamp circuit used is also described in that pape. All experiments wera conducted at room temperature, about 19c. The composition of solutions employed is given in Table 1. Solutions were changed by draining the chamber and subsequently adding one on two volumes of new solution, followed by sloshing to disrupt ang boundary layer around the muscle. For solution changes in which the chamber was not inittally drained, four times volume was washed through the chamber. Experiments described in this report were conducted between 22 Tag 1984 and 1 June 1984. RESULTS Anatong: The fast fin muscle fibers used for study are located along the posterior end of the body, foom the pegions of doosal fins that ace elevated during the pheotaxtic response (Ueland, 1984) (see fig. 1). Two groups of fin museles exist with different onigins: 1) from bones between the ocular and non-ocular myotome masses (see fig. 2a, arrow) and 2) from the skin (see fig. 2a). The fin spine is the common insertion of both types. Only the first type of muscle was studied in the present report. As shown in fig. 2b, one fin spine is moved by a total of four myotome-insenting museles. Of these four muscles, an individual bundle from the ocular side was isolated for experimentation. The accangement of fibers within a single bundle is diagrammed in fig. 2b (fiber arrangement sketch). The fast fibers ace long and run from a spine tendon to a tendon underneath the myotome mass (see accou in fig. 2b). The superfictal long fibers are spindle -shaped and have diametens of approximately 100at the centers of the fibers, tapering doun to approximately 30at the spine end. These fibers ace difficult to follou along their full lengths because theg weave and insert among each other. Such weaving makes casual observation of multiple innervation difficult, and a rigorous attempt to quantifg innervation is get to be made. tong fiber sarcomepes ape distinct, and measure between 7.7 and 1.9 in length at rest. This is somewhat shopter than resting sarcomere length of most vertebrate skeletal muscle fibers. Fibers of a shorten length relative to the long fibens ape also depicted in fig. 2b. These oun between the long fast fibers and the adjacent bone at about a 45° angle. They extend onlg along the spine half of the muscle bundle. These fibers ace very slou (see also belou) and were not used for the present studg. However, this pegion of the muscle deserves histological examination, because stouctures closely resembling muscle spindles in higher veotebrates were observed at the spine end of the slow fiber pegion. This is noteworthy, because muscle spindles in teleosts have been descriged only in one case (Taeda, et al, 1983), and that structure was verg primitive, containing only one intrafusal musele fiber. Properties of tuitches and tetant: Fig. 3a illustrates that the long fibers respond to a single shock (between 3-20 volt/cm field strength) applied along the length of the entire muscle with a fast twitch, 10-15 ms to peak, and a capid relaxation, 20-30 ms, at 17-20'c. (The term twitch, as used in this papen is defined as a capid contraction.) This speed of contraction and relaxation is comparable to one of the fastest vectebcate muscles described, cat extraocular muscles at 3' c (Bach-u-Rita 8 Ito, 1966). Long fibeos are much faster than frog (Rana) twitch fibers which follou a time course of 30-50 ms to peak contcaction and 100 ms to relax at coom tempecature (Katz, 1966). Fig. 3b-c indicate that shoot fibers are activated to contract with yeru strong shocks (25-30 v/cm). The short fibers are exceedingly slou. Peak contraction occurs in 150-200 ms (not illustrated) and celaxation verg slow (fig. 3c). Differenttation between the fibees involved in the slow us. fast contraction can be done by watching contraction through the microscope. Theg mag be fuother differentiated bu excising the slou fibers from a whole muscle preparation. Figs 3b and 3e shou the copresponding oscilloscope polaroids (3b) and chaot recordings (3c) of tension recorded from a muscle before and aften cemoyal of the slow fibeos. After cutting awag the short fibers foom the long, the slow contraction is not seen, only the fast component remains. The fast twitch fibers respond to direct repetitive stimulation of up to 200 Hz (3-20 y/cm, 0.75 ms duration) with tetani of increasing amplitude (see fig. 4a). High gain oscilloscope traces of these tetant (not illustrated) show that the response is still not completelg fused at 200 Hz. Thus, the chart records in fig da appean inaccurately fused due to the lou frequency response of the chant reconder. Indirect stimulation via nerve shocks produced fused tetani even at quite low frquencies, as depicted in fig. 4b. At 600 Hz, maintained contraction fails. The reason for this is unknoun. The fast fibeos display typical, strong, extended contractures in response to K-glutamate (134 mm) (see table 1), caffeine (20 mm) and acetylcholine (3.5 mm). Records ane not included in this paper. A high potassium solution depolarizes the membrane, thus causing contraction. Caffeine induces release of intracellular calcium reserves. ACh is the presumed neupomuscular transmitter. A saturated solution of dantrolene sodium and 12 x 10 * D-600 showed no effect on long fiber tension output in cesponse to direct electrical shocks. Dantrolene sodium blocks contraction in vertebrate muscle (e.g., frog mammal) without altering electrical activitg. D-600 is an organte calcium-channel blocker. Both drugs show vartable effects on various muscle and nerve preparations. Neuromuscular Transmission: At most of the muoneural junctions in fast vertebrate muscle, each nerve impulse is followed by a similar impulse in the muscle fibers which propogates rapidlg in both directions toward the tendons, thus ensuring a suffictently synchronous contraction along the length of the fiber. Uhile a sunchronous contraction cleanly can occur in sand dab fast fibers, muscle impulses similar to nerve impulses (oresumably action potentials) are not seen. Onlg depolarizing end-plate potenttals can be doiven. The junction potentials that ace elicited in response to repetitive nerue shocks summate temporally to depolarize the muscle cell to about -40 mU and hold voltage at that steady level, failing to depolarize further. Action potentials are not seen even when high frequency stimuli are applied. End-plate potenttals ape characterized by long decags (fig. 5a), taking 63 ms to decag to one-half amplitude of maximum depolarization. One unexplained phenomenon observed is that the decay accompanging direct stimulation (fig. 5c) is much quicker than that after indirect (fig. 5a). stimulation. Passive depolanization following intracellulae current injection decays to one-half amplitude in coughlg 10-15 ms (figs. 5c). Uariation in the rise time of junction potentials with successive cepetitive shocks is also characteristic of the fast fibers. As illustcated in figs. 5b X 6a, the first end-plate potential in a series rises much more slouly than subsequent end-plate potentials. This observation is not get fully understood, but probably involves a change in muscle cell membrane resistance with membrane potential. That contraction will not be produced by a single or a few junction potentials is demonstrated in figs. 5a, 5b 5c, and óa. Multiple (at least 5-6) junction potentials must sum in time to doive membrane potential begond threshold to cause contraction (fig. ób, 6c). Uhile end-plate potentials fail to doive membrane potential more positive than about -40 mU, muscle cell can be depolapized fuothen using a two microeleetrode protocol (see Tethods). Current pulses are injected to obtain suprathreshold (for contraction) shocks, and the presence or absence of action potentials can be observed. As demonstrated in fig. 7, action potentials are not produced in the fast fibers. This constitutes fatoly conclusive evidence that fast fibees do not contract via an action potential propogating mechanism. A rough estimate of input resistance can be calculated from figure 7 if the entire fiber is treated as a behemoth resistor. A value of about 50 Kohms is determined: this is considerably lowen than for a frog tuitch fiben of approximately 100 Kohms (Katz, 1966). Input resistance is directly proportional to junction potential amplitude, and is an indicator of membrane cesistance. A lou R.. value implies a leaky resting membrane. Involvement of extracellulap calctum in contraction: The role of extracellular calcium in vertebrate contraction is controversial and the mechanism of excitation-contraction coupling is unknoun. As indicated in figure 8, a Ca-free/5 mf EGTA solution drastically decreases tension, and a Na-free/TIX (a verg specific sodtum-channel blocker) solution has little effect on contraction. These results can be explained if these fast twitch fibers are unlike most vertebrates and are akin to inventebrates in requiring extra¬ cellular calcium for contraction (see Gillg 8 Scheuer, 1984). Voltage clamp experiments were carpied out to further clanifu the cole of extracellular calcium in contraction activation, of fast sand dab muscle. Tembrane potential is held at a centain holding potential and 20 ms depolarizations are delivered with increasing amplitude until contractile responses are seen through the microscope. In this fashion, contractile threshold can be determined. Results of this procedure at several holding potentials in both Ca-containing and Ca¬ free media are plotted in figure 9. Contraction occurs in O-Ca medium at a faioly normal threshold voltage until holding potential is ceduced to quite depolantzed values. At -20 mU holding potential, contraction fails in the Ca-free medium. Failure is probably due to inactivation of E-C coupling in a voltage-dependent manner, and not pelated directly to caleium. The absence of contraction noted in figure 8 in 0 Ca/5 mf EGTA medium is probably due to depolarization of the membrane due to low calcium concentration. Resting potentials measured in the Ca-free medium tended to be substantially less negative than the noomal value of -70 to -80 mU. Failure of 0 Na/TTX-containing solutionsto abolish contraetion is consistent with the view that action potentials are not involved in response to direct stimulation (fig.3) in the activation of sand dab muscle. DISCUSSION The electrical and mechanical propenties of the fast twitch fibers desepibed in this study mag seem inappropotate or imcompatible when considered individually, but when viewed in relation to one anothee, compose a system well-designed to produce fast, finely-controlled movements. Threshold for contraction is reached via graded membrane depolanizations. An all-on-none mechanism is not in operation in these fibens and action potentials do not propogate. Thus this system of local, graded depolarizations is capable of producing sunchronous contraction along the length of the fibers (just like usual vertebrate twitch muscles) if they indeed are multiplu innervated as Bone (1978) suggests. Under this mechanism, usual all-on-none action potentials would be unnecessarg. At least five junction potentials in fairly rapid succession appear to be necessany to activate contraction, though the exact number and frequency remain unresolued at completion of this project. As seen in figure ó membrane potential reaches threshold fon contraction (figure 9 shous -44 mU as mean e.p.p. threshold) several junction potentials before an increase in tension begins. Similanlg, it is not known precisely how e.p.p.s sum to grade tension output. Very little if ang difference exists in the depolarizations produced by 200 Hz us. 400 Hz nenve stimulation (figure 6), get tension due to 400 Hz stimulationis much greater. It should be remembered that the steadu-state relation between tension and membrane voltage is exceedingly steep at threshold in frog musele (Hodgkin X Horowicz, 1960). This makes comparision of electrical activity measured in a single musele fiber with mechantcal activity reconded from the whole muscle very difficult under the conditions of experiments like those in figures 5 and 6. Several other questions posed by the data also must remain unanswered. Uhg, as indicated in figure 4, are tetani that ace elicited by direct shocks of the musdle unfused, while tetani that are elicited by indirect shocks of the moton nerye fused? Is this pechaps due to some type of sunaptic event or is it related to the slowen decag of the junction potential; compared to that following current injection from a microelectrode? Uhy also, does depolapization to threshold of contraction hold at -40 mU and never depolanize funther? Uhat are the functional roles of these fibers in medtating behavior of the fish? The fast fibers ace likely to be used in anu fast fin movement, such as the characteristie burging, extension/ retraction of fins, and the initial elevation of fins in the cheotaxtic response. In ooder to understand the functioning of the fast fibers in celation to the other muscles that control fin movement, knouledge of the basic properties of the other fin museles is necessang. Speculation as to how the sand dab uses its museles for different movements then would be more profitable. Sand dab fast twitch muscles nepresent a highly unique solution to the problem of fast, yet finely controlled movement with a relatively simple motor neuron system. The mechanies of this sustem compared to the mechanies of the typical vertebrate, action potential propogating, singlg or dually innervated system will be of special compacative interest. Such an analysis will lead to a more comprehensive understanding of muscle diversitg. C ACKNOU LEDGETENTS Tanu thanks are extended to my instouctors and classmates ton making this spring a truelg "loco-" one. I further thank Gillg foc incrediblg devoted instruction and for the rod with whichI caught mu sand dabs. Special thanks are extended to Todd Scheuer fon fielding numerous questions with extreme patience and enthusiasm. And most gratefully, I thank all the sand dabs (and squid!!) who made this project possible. 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Peacheg, L.D. Stoucture and function of slow striated muscle. In Btophystes of physiological and pharmacological actions (1961) by the Ameo. Assoc. foo the Advancement of Science, Uash. D.C. Prosser, C.L. Muscles. In Compacative animal phystologg. Ed. U.L. Prosser. Philadelphia: Saunders College, 1973, pp.719-788. Ueland, F. (1984). Rheotaxis in Citharichthug soodidus - a dab into hydrodgnamics. Spoing course, 175H, Hopkins Tarine Station. C TABLE 7 constituent concentration (mm) solution Iris other Naci Koi Noca, Caci 200 Normal Fish 0 Ca Fish 200 5 EGTA Normal Gilat diluted for fish 200 6.2 0.8 0 Na Gilat 4 diluted for fish 6.2 0.3 200 NNG K-Glutamate, Gilai 4 diluted for fish 134 6.2 0.8 Table 1. Solutions emploged. pH's of all solutions emploged ranged between 7.0-7.3, osmolaritu between 400-420 mosm. 30 mm glucose was added to each solution poion to experiments. Uantrolene sodium was obtained from U. Gillg, D-600 from T, Scheuer. All other chemicals were obtained from Sigma Chemical. All experiments were conducted in fish ringen except those necessitating 0 Na. and K-Glutamate. Uhen gilai eingers wene used, fish cingee was used initially as a control. Fish and gilai oingers did not give differing control twitches and tetani. FIGURE LEGENDS Figure 1. Fins up posture. Uhen ortented with its anterior end into a waten curnent of 30 cm/s and fasteo, a sand dab elevates its posterion (both dorsal and ventral) fins in what is termed the pheotaxtic response, Fin elevation allous a fish to maintain a steady position in a cucrent, due to the elatonship:P See Ueland, 1984 aboue above belou belou' for a biomechantcal analusis. Eiguce 2. Fin musculature. 2a) The in situ ortentation of the myotome-insenting muscles is depicted (see arrow). 2b) Tyotome¬ insenting museles (skin-insenting museles cemoved). The arrangements of the bones and muscles are illustrated. Note the orientation of the long fibers. Figure 3. Fast contoactions. 3a) Traces of isometoic tension elicited by shocks of increasing strength as recorded on the oscilto¬ scope. The top (horizontal) trace depicts baseline of shock strength and the blips on the left indicate stimulus stoength measured in volts. The bottom shous isometric tension measured in mg. Note that peak contraction occurs in 10 ms. 3b)Isometoie tension reeoded from a muscle before and after the shont fibens ane excised. 3e) The chaot peconds that correspond to the oscilloscope traces of 3b. The top cecord monitors the stimulus, while the bottom record monitors tension. Single shocks elicited the twitches shown. Note that the muscle was stretched after cutting, and this mag have resulted in recordings of falsely greater tension in the "long fibers onlq" record. Eigure 4. Contraction amplitude varies with stimulus frequency. Aa) Uinect stimulation of the muscle. Tetani ape not completelu fused at 200 Hz though chant recondings indicate fusion. This discrepancy is due to the chart recorder pesponding at too lou a frequency to accurately record unfused tetani. High gain oscilloscope traces (not illustrated) show the unfused nature of the tetant. 4b) Indirect stimulation of nerve. Nerve shocks produce fused tetani at lou frequeney stimuli. Figures 5 and 6. The top trace monitons the curnent that is passed to shock the muscle or nerve, and also indicates the 0 mU level. The middle trace monitor membrane potential. The lowest trace nepresents isometrie tension. Figuge 5. End-plate potenttals. 5a) Stimulation thoough nerve. Junetion potentials in pesponse to shocks are illustrated. 5b) Several junctionppotentials ane reconded. Note the absence of contraction even though threshold is reached, and note the discrepancies in rise time of the various e.p.p.s. 5c) Stimulation via injecting current through the intracellular microelectrode. Note the difference in decay time with different modes of stimulation (Sa ys. 5c). Figure 6. E.P.P.s and contraction: Contraction amplitude varies with the number and frequency of stimuli. Tension output is sharply dependent on the number (four in óa vs. twelve in ób) and frequencu (200 Hz in ób us. 400 Hz in 6c) of administered shocks. Note again that e.p.p.s hold at a steady level, failing to depolarize further. Eiguce 7. Fast fibers do not produce action potentials. This recording of membrane potential was taken using two intracellulae microelectrodes. The top trace in the record indicates the injected current in nA and the current pulses ane seen on the left. This trace also notes the 0 mU level. The bottom trace monitors membcane potential. Shocks which brought membrane potential to or beuond thoeshold for contraction (about -44 mU) caused twitches. Tension is not meconded in this experiment, but contraction was seen theough the microscope. It'is important to abserve that while indirect nerve shocks were unable to dive membrane potential more oositive than - 40 mU, direct injection of current can take membrane potential at least to a suprathreshold level of -20 mU. Undec such suprathreshold conditions, action potentials are still not produced. Eiguce 8. Effects of 0 Na, TIX 2 0 Ca on contraction. Isometoic tension recordings illustrate that Na-free/ TIX media show little ettect on tetanic contractions while Ca-free/EGTA medta dcastically decrease tension outout. Eigure 9. Independence of contraction from extracellular calcium. A voltage clamp analysis demonstrates that extracellular calcium is not required for fast fiber contraction. The points graphed are numbered in order of successive determinations at the various holding potentials. The average value for contraction threshold foom e.o.o. is -44 mU and is draun on the graph (dotted line). ââ r FiQuge 2 FIN MUSCULATURE, Citharichthys sordidus myotome-inserting muscles Transverse section skin-inserting muscles ocular D non-ocular myotome-inserting muscles bones fiber arrangement muscles & nerves -spines —short fibers —bones —iong fiers — 4 musces 4 M4 t myotome mass s0q 2 — 118 EPPS & CONTRACTION: Contraction amplitude varies with number & frequency of stimuli —OmV 200Hz -80mV 200 Hz 1004A 4004z 56 mg 50m 0 L O Z D L 0. 2 2 — 8 PIGURE 9 INDEPENDENCE of CONTRACTION from EXTERNAL Cat • Normal Fish Ringer Ca free, 5mM EGTA Ringer X Faiure to contract +0 o O7 -10 06 O5 -20 9 -30 82 •2 -40 —- -- -- --- — ——— mean EPP — —— — S=3 mV, n-7 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 00 -00 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 HOLDNG POTENTIAL (nV)