AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR IN, ADULT LONGEVITY OF AND ANATOMY OF MOUTH PARTS OF TIGRIOPUS CALIFORNICUS BAKER (HARPACTICOID COPEPOD) James Edward Tearse Dr. Isabella Abbott advisor Problems in Marine Bioloby Biology 175H Hopkins Marine Station Stanford University Spring 1977 SUMMARY Simple behavior responses in the presence of the same or a different sex appear to take place in Tigriopus californicus Baker among males and appears to be inversely related to surface area and not volume. Among males, encounters including touching for longer than two seconds and copulating pairs with another animal whether male or female were common. Females alone showed no antagonistic behavior. In longevity studies, gravid females outlived non-gravid females and outlived males, the latter dying in half to greater than half the period shown by gravid females. Finally, an anatomy of mouthparts is shown in illustrations drawn to scale, and indicates distinct differences in a number of structures that may be of taxonomic significance. INTRODUCTION Tigriopus californicus Baker, a harpacticoid copepod, occurs in high tidepools along the California coast and is noted for its ability to withstand inhospitable environmental conditions (1). Due to evaporation and tidal wash, densities vary greatly. During observation in the laboratory, males displayed aggressive behavior when in very dense conditions with other males. Few behavioral studies have been conducted on Tigriopus californicus and aggressive behavior has not been investigated. The present study was to determine whether this aggression is density dependent, as a function of volume or surface area, and if it is a male and/or female trait. Under starvation conditions there is a differential sex survival. In earlier longevity studies, Egloff (1966) showed that the mean life expectancy for males was significantly less than for females. He did not compare the differential longevity of females to gravid females. There would be an adaptive survival significance to the species if the gravid females were hardier since they carry the future generations. This possibility was investigated in the present study. The anatomy and mechanism of the mouth parts was also studied as this knowledge is necessary for the complete understanding of feeding in Tigriopus californicus. Also, with an accurate study of the anatomy, one can compare these appendages to those of other Tigriopus species. In arthropod taxonomy such fine details of anatomy are part of determining whether these species are different. This paper investigates aggressive behavior, longevity and illustrates mouth parts. Tearse, Tigriopus californicus, Aggressive Behavior Aggressive Behavior as a Function of Density in Tigriopus californicus Baker MATERIALS AND METHODS Tigriopus californicus were collected from a high tide pool just south of Mussel Point in Pacific Grove, California. Sexed under a dissecting scope, males with claspers on their first antennae and females with egg sacs were used. Animals kept in the laboratory longer than 24 hours were fed Monochrysis lutherii, a flagellate. Tigriopus japonicus can live longer than eight generations on Monochrysis lutherii (2) Attempts were made to simulate the natural crowded conditions in evaporating high tide pools. To check on the effect of serial dilutions, some animals were run in sequences of decreasing density, as would occur when the tide pool fills with splash. Since Tigriopus swims, changes in volume density were tested. Narrow vials (with 3.1 cm bottom surface area) containing 2ml sea water to which were added 100 males, 100 females and 50/50 males and females were observed at 20°C with side lighting during a 2 hr period. They were diluted sequentially to 4ml,8ml, and 16m1. The control was a vial (with 3.1 cm bottom surface area) of 100 males at each density, this would check for any volume density dependence. The bottom surface area was held constant to specifically focus on volume. Tests for surface area effect duplicated the above procedure except the volume was held constant at 16ml while the bottom surface area was increased from 3.1 cm to 10.8 cm and then 14.5 cm'. Scoring was done during 2 min- periods at the beginning, middle and end of each 2 hr test period. Scoring was on the basis of 1)encounters, copepods longer than 2 seconds defined as interactions of 2or involving movement, and excluding copulating pairs, 2) tail clasping, Tearse, Tigriopus californicus, Aggressive Behavior defined as a male clasping the caudal rami of another Tigriopus and being pulled, 3) copulating pairs, in which a male was attached dorsally to the cephalothorax of another Tigriopus, male or female. Qualitative observations were made of bumping into or crawling over other animals and short burstwhere violent swimming shorter than two seconds was observed and interpreted as getting out from under other Tigriopus. RESULTS Encounters were seen as two males touching ventrally and swimming, usually in tight circles. Also, they were observed as a few male Tigriopus aggregating on another male Tigriopus and jerking at him. The encounters were only found in vials with males present and never in the female vial. They were never observed to last longer than 30 min. Bumping and short burst observed in all containers decreased qualitatively with increasing surface area, while remaining constant with increasing volume. Only in male vials was a decrease in the mean number of encounters per 2 hr period with increasing bottom surface area found (Graph 1). The only statistically significant drops in the number of encounters were in the sequentially run males from 3.1 cm“ to 14.5 cm (p 0.025) and in the fresh males from 3.1 cm to 10.8 cm (p 0.025). Other data appear in the graph for comparison. Copulating pairs occurred in vials containing males and males plus females, but never in the female vials. Copulating pairs were observed between 2 males (maximum 12 sightings during a two hour test period) Tearse, Tigriopus californicus, Aggressive Behavior even with gravid females present. Also males attempted the copulating pair position with females. But, gravid females sucessfully shook off males grabbing onto her egg sac or attempting to copulate. Copulating pairs formed of a male and an egg-bearing female were observed in other populations of Tigriopus californicus. Greater than 87% of all encounters involved 2 animals (Graph 2). Tail clasping, counted as an encounter involving 2 animals, comprised 147 of the total encounters. When the vials were undisturbed for 1 hour, greater than 70% of the populations, including females, were resting or crawling on the bottom. DISCUSSION Encounters are solely a male aggressive trait and have an inverse (Table 1) dependence on surface area but not on volume./ General observations show that Tigriopus is mainly benthic. Hal Townsend (unpublished) has found that in a nine cm water column under 110 LUX light conditions, approximately 50% of the active populations of Tigriopus californicus is within the bottom quarter of the water column. Decreasing the probability of bumping, a preliminary to an encounter, has a direct effect of decreasing the probability of encounters. Increasing the volume does not significantly decrease the amount of bumping, whereas increasing bottom surface area does. Therefore, to decrease the number of encounters it is more effective to increase the bottom (Graph 1) surface area than to increase the volume./ Since the probability of two animals bumping is so much greater than three or more at the same time, Tearse, Tigriopus californicus, Aggressive Behavior it follows that the frequency of encounters involving two animals is greater than three or more. (Graph 2) Males apparently will form copulating pairs with males, not limiting themselves to females. This indicates that males will try to form copulating pairs with anything. To the author tail clasping could be an unsucessful attempt at the copulating pair position. In this study the maximum of 12 sightings of male-male copulating pairs could be the same four pairs counted at each scoring. Encounters, since they terminated within thirty minutes, did not have this scoring problem. The egg sac-carrying females were very defensive, protecting their egg sacs and avoiding the copulating pair position. This would improve the survival chances of the eggs, as well as reduce the time wasted by a male trying to copulate with a gravid female. In other populations of Tigriopus, female egg sacs have been eaten while still on the female. Also, a male copulating with a gravid female is wasting his efforts since one copulation can result in insemination of up to 12 broods (3). Tearse, Tigriopus californicus, Adult Longevity Longevity in Adult Tigriopus californicus Baker Under Starvation Conditions METHODS AND MATERIALS Ninety-nine adult Tigriopus californicus were collected from a high tide pool on Mussel Point, Pacific Grove, California. Under a dissecting scope they were sexed for 1)males with claspers on first antennae, 2) females, 3) females with eggs visible in ovarian tubes or egg sacs (labelled gravid females). To prevent cannibalism, they were separately put in 1-2 ml filtered sea water (.45mWhatmanand GF/C fiber glass filters). The water and container was changed every second day to prevent oxygen depletion and algal growth. They were given no food and exposed to laboratory conditions (15-22°C). Death was determined under a dissecting scope as no movement, external or internal. RESULTS Fifty percent longevity occurred at 6.8 days for males, 7.4 days for females and 13.3 days for gravid females. Mean male life expectancy was 7.3 days. By the end of the experiment, 1002 death had not occured in the females or gravid females, precluding calculation of the mean life expectancy. By probit analysis and linear regression, the curves were shown to be statistically different. Males + Females (p«0.002), Females + Gravid Females (p«0.02), Males + Gravid Females (p«0.000001). Tearse, Tigriopus californicus, Adult Longevity DISCUSSION Gravid females outlived non-gravid females, and both outlived males, the latter dying in half the period shown by gravid females. This trend of longer living females agrees with Egloff's study (1966) where he found the mean life expectancy for starved males to be 9 days (23 C) or 14 days (15°c) and for starved females to be 33 days (23°C and 15°C); whereas when fed, the mean life expectancy for males was 66 days (23°C) or 120 days (15°C and for females was 33 days (23°c) or 48 days (15°C) for females. The present study's mean life expectancy for males of 7.3 days compares well with Egloff's mean of 9 days. The seven to eight fold increase shown by Egloff in mean life expectancy when males are fed, would reflect an adaptive strategy. Under low food conditions, a short male life wherein males can perform their primary role of insemination would minimally deplete nutrient supplies needed by gravid females. When food is plentiful, the tide-pool can support a larger population allowing males to live longer. In this study, non-gravid females also show this adaptive strategy of minimally depleting food supplies. The longevity of starved gravid females can be postulated to result from 1) eating the hatched nauplii or retracting nutrients from the egg sac (i.e., food source) 2) having more food reserves. This differential survival would result in populations being skewed toward gravid females in tide pools with too little food. Tearse, Tigriopus californicus, Anatomy of Mouth Parts Anatomy of Mouth Parts MATERIALS AND METHODS Mouth parts of Tigriopus californicus collected from Mussel Point, Pacific Grove, California were dissected off, mounted in polyvinyl alsohol, and immediately drawn. A micrometer in the compound scope was used for measurements. All parts are drawn to scale. Drawings were checked with mouth parts of other Tigriopus californicus to insure accuracy. Also, drawings were compared to limited electron micrographs of whole Tigriopus californicus. Fecal pellets were examined for kinds of food in order to estimate the use of different mouth parts. ANATOMY OF THE MOUTH PARTS Understanding the anatomy of the mouth parts is a preliminary step in determining the mechanism and function of them. A composite drawing shows the orientation of the mouthparts. (Figure 1) Some have been left out for clarity. The labrum is a wide flap which terminates in 4 chitinous teeth and covers the mouth and part of the mandibles. (Figure 2) The mandible is a long arm ending with 2 rows of teeth. The smaller teeth are next to the labrum. The mandible has a biramous palp with four spines and 11 slender setae. (Figure 3) The first maxilla has 7 basal spines forming a cradle with which to shove food forward. It has sensory setae on the side palps with a numbering of 2-3-4-2(?). (Figure 4) The second maxilla has a large claw with two pectinate setae at the Tearse, Tigriopus californicus, Anatomy of Mouth Parts distal end of this stout structure. There are four sets of palps, two with three hairy spines; each in line proximal to the claw. The last two are side by side at the base of the appendage. The maxilliped consists of a dactylus with one spine at the distal end of the massive second joint. The setae of the second joint are bipectinate. MECHANISM AND FUNCTION Macrocylops albidis Jurine, a cyclopoid copepod is a related crustacean whose feeding mechanism has been described (Fryer 1957) Applying Fryer's interpretation, a general idea of the feeding mechanism of Tigriopus californicus can be derived. In describing the appendages, Fryer states ... the most important movements of the appendagea are those of adduction and abduction... and consist essentially of a lateral swing through 90°. (Fryer, pp. 7-8) The labrum which usually "hangs" away from the mouth can be brought up to cover the mouth. The teeth at the terminal end can then help to hold the food material while other appendages work on it. The mandible has three types of movements. There is a rocking motion of both appendages in the horizontal plane. The cutting motion is a vertical movement with the dentitures of the mandible crossing. And oscillating alternately increases and decreases the horizontal distance between the mandibles. The movements are intermittent in nature and are useful for tearing the food into manageable pieces. The Tigriopus, as compared to the cyclopoid mandible, seems to have more of a masticating Tearse, Tigriopus californicus, Anatomy of the Mouth Parts motion with the two rows of teeth. Large sections of exoskelton seen in fecal pellets give evidence that mastication is not thorough, and pieces are ingested intact. The role of the other appendages is best described by Fryer. As food is forced into the mouth the maxillules (lst maxilla) momentarilly release their hold, move back and again grip the food, thus drawing the entire mass forward. In this they are usually assisted by brisk pushing movements of the maxillae (2nd maxilla) and maxillipeds. As one part of the body of a chironomoid larva is eaten , a feeding copepod sometimes moves along to a new region, using the maxillules, maxillae, and maxillipeds for this purpose much as human hands move along a rope. (Fryer p. 11) ... the... role... of the more posterior appendages ...(is) to push food into the mouth. (Fryer , p. 14) COMPARISON OF THE MOUTH PARTS The anatomy of the mouth parts have individually been described in Tigriopus by Sars (1911) on T. fulvus of Norway and by Mitakidis: (1949) of T. lilljeborgii in Whitely Bay, England. A comparison of these with that of Tigriopus californicus shows the similarities and differences (Table 2). Enough dissimilarities in mouth parts are present to indicate that these are three related but distinct species. Tearse, Tigriopus californicus 12 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank Dr. Isabella Abbott for her advice and guidance in all areas of this project. Also, thanks go to Dr. Donald P. Abbott for his help with dissection, Dr. Robin Burnett for his help with statistics, and Lynn Hodgson for her relentless help and encouragement. Tearse, Tigriopus californicus LITERATURE CITED Baker, (1912) lst Annual Report, Laguna Marine Laboratory, pp. 108-109. (3) Egloff, D. A. (1967) Biological aspects of sex ratio in experimental and field populations of the marine copepod Tigriopus californicus, Stanford University, Ph. D. Dissertation. Fryer, G. (1957) The feeding mechanism of some freshwater cyclopoid copepods, Zoological Society Proceedings, Vol. 129, pp. 1-25. (1) Kontogiannis, John E. (1973) Acquisition and loss of heat resistance in adult tide-pool copepod Tigriopus californicus, Physiol. Zoology, V. 46, p. 50-54 . Mistakidis, M. (1949) A New Variety of Tigriopus lilljeborgii Norman, Dove Marine Laboratory Report, 3rd. Ed., No. 10, p. 55. (2) Provasol, L., K. Shiraishi, and J.R. Lance (1959) Nutritional idiosyncrasies of Artemia and Tigriopus in monoxenic cultures, Ann. New York Acad. Sci. Vol. 77, pp. 250-261. Sars, G. O. (1911) Crustacea of Norway, Vol. V, p. 54, Pls. XXI,XXXII. Townsend, Hal, Unpublished results, Hopkins Marine Station. Tearse, Tigriopus californicus, Aggressive Behavior TABLE 1 Occurrence of Encounters Volume n= 3 runs volume males females males/females males fresh 1007 2m1 1002 1007 4m1 1002 1007 1902 1002 1007 1007 8m1 1002 1007 1007 16m1 Surface Area n= 4 runs area males females males/females males fresh 1007 3.1 cm 1002 07 507 757 757 10.8 cm 757 757 14.5 cm 757 07 507 Tearse, Tigriopus californicus, Aggressive Behavior GRAPH 1 Occurence of Encounters There is a significant dependence of encounters on surface area in all male tubes. Sequentially run males from 3.1cm2 to 14.8 cmP, Fresh males from 3:lem2 to 10.8 cm?. Sequentially run males — Fresh males X-X 9....0 Males plus females 4 3 12 E 10 O 8 N7 6 S 4 2 L 2 4 16 VOLUME IN ML 15a N6 C5 U4 k — 10.8 14.5 AREA IN CM 15b Tearse, Tigriopus californicus, Aggressive Behavior GRAPH 2 Frequency of Encounters Greater than 87% of all encounters involed only 2 Tigriopus. Sequentially run males Fresh Males Males plus Females L I L ax u 0 38890 38o - 2OUO X O Tearse, Tigriopus californicus, Adult Longevity GRAPH 3 Adult Longevity in Tigriopus californicus Gravid females outlived non-gravid females and outlived males, the latter dying in half to greater than half the period shown by gravid females. Gravid Females + Females (p«0.02) Gravid Females + Males (p40.000001) Females + Males (p60.002) Gravid females g.. Females - Males D — N O r O O — N — — O o oo m- o 5 Tearse, Tigriopus californicus, Anatomy of Mouth Parts Figure 1 Composite of Mouth parts- Some appendages omitted for clarity. Man-Mandible, lst Mx- First Maxilla, 2nd Mx- Second Maxilla Mp- Maxilliped, Lab- Labrum Figure 2 Labrum — Ventral View Figure 3. Right Mandible- Ventral view Figure 4. Left lst Maxilla- Ventral View Figure 5. 2nd Malillae- Ventral view, with Anterior View below Figure 6. Maxillipeds- Ventral view with Anterior View below MAN- IST MAX 2ND MAX l — T . MP 50um LAB 20 FI N 50um A 15um A 50um 50um 2 23 A b- 2 50um 6 Z / 50um S A 26 Tearse, Tigriopus californicus, Anatomy of Mouth Parts Table 2 MANDIBLE T. lilljeborgii (Mistakidis, 1949) a. A slender pectinate seta at the base of the smaller teeth. b. Biramous palp with 12 slender satae c. Out of five slender spines, only four with fine hairs. (Pl. I, fig 6) T. fulvus (Sars, 1911) a. No pectinate seta at the base of the teeth. b. Biramous palp with 9 slender setae (Mistakidis says perhaps 10, Sars' figure not clear) c. 5 slender spines with hairs (Pl. I, fig. 6) T. californicus (Baker, 1912) a. No seta at the base of the smaller teeth. b. Biramous palp with 11 slender setae. c. 1 slender spine no hairs. (Fig. 58B, p.108) T. californicus (This study) a. A slender pectinate seta at the base of the teeth. b. Biramous palp with 11 slender setae. c. 1 slender spine with no hairs. Tearse, Tigriopus californicus, Anatomy of Mouth Parts Table 2 continued lst MAXILLA T. lillijeborgii (Mistakidis, 1949) a. The number of setae on the lobes is 4-3-5-3 (4?) (Pl. II, fig. 7) T. fulvus (Sars, 1911) a. The number of setae on the lobes is 4-3-3-3 (Pl. XXXI) T. californicus (This study) a. The number of setae on the lobes is 2-3-4-2 (? on last 2) 2nd MAXILLA T. lilljeborgii (Mistakidis, 1949) (lst Maxilliped) a. Middle lobe with 3 spines. (Pl. II, fig 8) T. fulvus (Sars, 1911) a. Middle lobe with 2 spines (Pl. XXXI) T. californicus (This study) a. Middle lobe with 3 spines. 27 Tearse, Tigriopus californicus, Anatomy of Mouth Parts Table 2 continued MAXILLIPED T. lilljeborgii (Mistakidis, 1949) a. Dactylus with 2 inequidistant spines. b. Seta of 2nd joint bipectinate (Pl. I, fig. 9) T. fulvus (Sars, 1911) a. Dactylus with 1 spine. b. Seta of second joint smooth. (Pl. XXXI) T. californicus (Baker, 1912) a. Dactylus with 1 spine. b. Seta of second joint smooth. (Fig. 59B, p. 109) T. californicus (This study) a. Dactylus with 1 spine. b. Seta of second joint bipectinate. 28