Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia ABSTRACT Background: A photoprotective role has been ascribed to the ultraviolet radiation-absorbing mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) present in the follicle cells surrounding eggs of the tunicate Ascidia ceratodes. Approach: Studies were performed using natural sunlight and a variety of wavelength filters to expose intact Ascidia eggs and eggs in which the MAA-containing follicle cells had been removed to various types of ultraviolet radiation. The kinetics of development were examined to ascertain whether the follicle cells were acting to protect the eggs from UV damage. Results: This series of studies demonstrated that at ambient solar radiation levels there are no observable differences in rates of early development between Ascidia embryos where follicle cells were removed and embryos with an intact follicle cell layer. Conclusions: This study suggests that the tunicate embryo has a variety of defenses against UV damage, and the defensive role played by mycosporine-like amino acids may not be of primary importance. INTRODUCTION The bulk of the ultraviolet radiation that penetrates the Earth's atmosphere is traditionally classified into UVA, with wavelengths between 400 and 320 nanometers, and UVB, with wavelengths between 320 and 280 nm (Chrispeels 1996). The biological relevance of such radiation to marine organisms was first recognized in the middle of this century (Koller 168). At this time, it was also discovered that UV radiation can penetrate into seawater to depths of 20 meters or more (Jerlov 1950). It is in this UV-exposed water column that eggs of the solitary ascidian Ascidia ceratodes are fertilized and undergo their early development. Ascidian eggs do not immediately sink out of the range of UV-irradiation; they are buoyed by their surrounding layer of follicle cells (Lambert and Lambert, 1978). These follicle cells are also thought to be Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia responsible for shielding the egg from potentially damaging wavelengths of UV radiation through the use of UV-absorbing sunscreen molecules known as mycosporine-like amino acids, or MAAs (Hemela 1993) The mycosporine compounds present in the follicle cells of A. ceratodes are found in other marine taxa ranging from the Antarctic to temperate and tropical waters (Karentz 1991; Shick et al 1992) including the eggs of marine invertebrates (Chioccara et al 1986). It is believed that most marine taxa cannot synthesize these mycosporine-like amino acids (Karentz et al) and so it is generally assumed that mycosporines are either accumulated dietarily as in green sea urchin eggs (Carroll and Shick 1996), or else they are obtained from algal or fungal symbionts. As noted, these MAAs might play a UV-protective role, a theory that gained support in 1995 when Shick et al noted a pattern of increasing UV sensitivity and decreasing concentrations of mycosporine-like amino acids with increasing depth of occurrence in the zooxanthellate coral Acropora microphthalma. Removal of A. ceratodes follicle cells results in a noticeable cleavage delay and delay to tadpole hatching when embryos are irradiated with a UV lamp in the laboratory (Hemela 1993) Adams and Shick in 1996 described a similar trend in the green sea urchin: a cleavage delay was observed in UV-irradiated urchin eggs with few dietarily-supplied mycosporines when compared to urchin eggs from a female fed a diet abundant in MAAS. A problem with the above two studies is that both were performed in the absence of visible light, which prevented any DNA repair by the action of the photorepair enzyme photolyase. This enzyme, first noticed in Arabacia eggs in 1949 by Marshak, absorbs radiation in the range of visible blue light and uses this energy for the photorepair of pyrimidine dimers formed when DNA is irradiated with UVB (Todo et al 1996). The research described here addresses how applicable the previous research on UV- induced developmental delays is to organisms living in their natural setting, i.e. where they experience only the levels of radiation present in natural sunlight. The studies done by Adams Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia and Shick and by Hemela both used UV lamps as a source of ultraviolet radiation, which provide a higher dose of radiation than would typically be experienced by an animal living in the sunshine. More importantly, the embryos in their studies were exposed only to ultraviolet radiation so as to accentuate any damage; no visible light was present, which would have activated DNA repair by the photolyase system. The goal of this research was to compare delays in time to early cleavage as well as time to development to the tadpole hatching stage between embryos that retained the protection afforded by the MAAs present in their follicle cells and in embryos where the MAA-containing follicle cells had been removed. The embryos were exposed only to the radiation provided by the midday spring sun. My research demonstrated that there are no differences in either cleavage times or time to tadpole hatching between intact or defolliculated eggs when natural sunlight is the UV source. Two trials examining cleavage delay failed to turn up any significant mycosporine effects, and of three tadpole hatching trials only the first demonstrated any effects of the follicle cells, which were not repeatable in two subsequent studies. These results indicate that the mycosporines in Ascidia follicle cells are not the only defense against ultraviolet radiation that the embryos possess, and that these alternate defenses can compensate for the loss of the putative follicle cell protection. MATERIALS AND METHODS Collection Specimens of Ascidia ceratodes were collected from approximately the mean low-low tide level of the pilings supporting Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey, California. The animals were stored in an aquarium continuously supplied with filtered aerated seawater from Monterey Bay for a maximum of ten days. Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia To obtain gametes, an incision was made along the tunic on the animal's ventral side through which the animal was removed from its tunic. The red oviduct was then punctured with a 25 gauge syringe needle and the eggs transferred with a glass pipet directly into seawater adjusted to pH 6.0 with 1.0 and 0.1 MHCl. The eggs were incubated at pH 6.0 for one hour at 15°C and then pelleted in a hand centrifuge and washed three times with filtered seawater. Eggs not used immediately were stored in filtered seawater for a maximum of twelve hours at 15°C. Sperm were collected undiluted with seawater by puncture of the white sperm duct and transfer to a 1.5 mL Eppendorf tube with a glass pipet. Sperm were stored for a maximum of 24 hours at 4° Defolliculation Eggs were typically harvested from several individuals in the late afternoon or early evening and left overnight at 15°C. Between 9 and 10:30 AM the following morning the settled eggs were thoroughly resuspended and divided between two 12 mL conical glass centrifuge tubes. They were then spun down in a hand centrifuge, and the resulting supernatant was aspirated away to leave a slurry of approximately 2 to 3 mL egg suspension in each aliquot. One aliquot of eggs was left intact, while the other was transferred to a 30 mL beaker Next the follicle cells were removed by slowly running the slurry through a 22-gauge syringe 10 to 15 times. The eggs were monitored under a microscope during the defolliculation process to assay levels of damage and follicle cell removal. The process was continued until approximately 70% of the follicle cells had been removed. The eggs were combined with 10- 12 mL seawater in a glass centrifuge tube and both the defolliculated and intact eggs were spun down, aspirated, and washed with filtered seawater three times. Finally the eggs were diluted in seawater to a final concentration of approximately 1 to 3%. UV Treatments A water bath cooled with circulating seawater at ambient seasonal water temperature of 15-18°C was divided into three sections and used as an outdoor chamber for UV exposure. Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia Each section was covered with a different filter: what shall subsequently be referred to as receiving no UV was covered with a sheet of a transparent plastic known as OP3, which does not transmit wavelengths below 400 nm. The UVAB portion of the chamber was filtered with a similar material, UVT, which is completely UV transparent. The covering for the UVA section consisted of a sheet of UVT and a thin sheet of mylar, which only transmitted wavelengths above 320 nm. Eggs were placed in the chamber on clear to partly cloudy days between 10 and 11 AM and left for varying lengths of time as indicated. The chamber was oriented with the long axis of the water bath running east and west. The partitions were oriented in a north to south direction so that each section received comparable amounts of direct sunlight from sunrise until approximately 1:30 P.M., at which time the chamber was blocked from direct sunlight by a nearby building. Cleavage Delay Intact and defolliculated eggs from 6 to 8 individuals were collected and each aliquot was diluted to a 30 mL final volume. Sperm motility was activated by diluting 3 mL dry sperm into 1.5 mL 0.003 M Tris seawater adjusted to pH 9.2 with NaÖH, and the resulting sperm suspension was checked for motility under a dark field microscope at 100x magnification 5 minutes after activation. Intact and defolliculated eggs were each fertilized in one large batch with 600 mL of sperm suspension a maximum of 20 minutes after sperm activation. The embryos were then transferred to 5 mL petri dishes. Petri dishes were prepared to prevent sticking with a rinse in a 0.1% gelatin and 0.1% formaldehyde solution followed by two rinses with deionized water and one rinse with filtered seawater. 5 mL aliquots of fertilized egg suspension were placed into each petri dish and 2 replicate dishes of each folliculation treatment were exposed to each of the three treatments in the UV chamber. In the first experimental trial the eggs were fixed in a 1% final concentration of formaldehyde at 1 hour and 55 minutes after fertilization, while in the second trial the eggs were allowed to develop for only 90 minutes before fixation. For the first trial, 500-800 embryos exposed to each treatment Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia were scored for development to the 1-, 2-, 4-, and 8- cell stage, while in the second trial as many as 2500 embryos per treatment were scored to compensate for an unusually low percentage of developing embryos. Total minutes of development reached by embryos exposed to each treatment were calculated by multiplying the proportion of embryos at the 2-cell stage by 60 minutes, the proportion at the 4-cell stage by 90 minutes, the proportion at the 8-cell stage by 120 minutes. and then summing the three terms to calculate the total number of minutes of development represented by each sample. Embryos at the 1-cell stage were not included in data analysis due to the inability to distinguish whether these eggs experienced a developmental delay, or were simply unfertilized. Tadpole Hatching For the first experimental trial, which included just one time point, intact and defolliculated eggs were left for 24.5 hours in the UV chamber in petri dishes treated with gelatin and formaldehyde as described above. Samples were then scored for percent of total eggs that hatched into tadpoles within that time period. The second trial also included just one time point, where the ascidians were fixed 23 hours and 40 minutes after fertilization. The third trial included four time points: two replicate dishes of each treatment were scored at 21 hours and 45 minutes after fertilization, then replicate dishes were scored at 22 hours 15 minutes, 23 hours 15 minutes, and 24 hours and 45 minutes. Untreated petri dishes were used for the second and third trials. MAAs in Floaters and Sinkers Methanol Extraction Eggs were collected from 2 individuals for the first experimental trial and 6 individuals for the second trial. Eggs from each individual were stored separately overnight in filtered seawater at 15°C. (The pH 6.0 treatment was not used for this series of experiments.) The eggs were spun down in conical glass centrifuge tubes and then allowed to settle for Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia approximately one hour until all eggs had settled into the pellet. The seawater was then aspirated away, leaving a final volume of eggs and water that totaled approximately 1.2 mL. To separate floaters from sinkers, this slurry was carefully pipetted with a wide- mouthed 10 mL glass pipet into 40 mL of filtered seawater in a 50 mL conical plastic centrifuge tube. The eggs were allowed to settle for 5 minutes, after which time the water above the 5 mL mark was collected into conical glass centrifuge tubes and classified as "floaters," while the bottom 5 mL were transferred to another centrifuge tube and labeled as "sinkers. In the second experimental trial the procedure was followed as above with the following additional steps. The sinkers from the first separation were added to another 40 mL of seawater and again allowed to settle; the floaters from this second settling were pooled together with the floaters from the first settling All samples of both the floaters and the sinkers were spun in a hand centrifuge and then allowed to settle until all eggs had sunk. Next most of the seawater was aspirated from each sample and the eggs were transferred to 1.5 mL Eppendorf tubes with a glass pipet. The samples were again spun in a hand centrifuge and allowed to settle completely. As much seawater as possible was aspirated from the eggs, and 1 mL methanol at 15°C was added to each sample. The eggs were allowed to extract in the methanol for one hour at 15°C, where each was resuspended four times over the course of the hour by inversion of the tube. At the end of the hour the samples were spun down in a hand centrifuge and 900 mL of the methanol from each sample were transferred to Eppendorf tubes. Another 1 mL of methanol at 15°C was added to each sample and the extraction process was repeated. For assaying protein in the pellet, residual methanol was removed from each sample and discarded. 0.5 mL of hot (50-60°C) IN NaÖH was added to each pellet, vortexed, and left overnight to dissolve for use in the protein assay (see below). Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia Spectrophotometry Only the first methanol extract was scanned in the spectrophotometer. A wavelength scan was performed on each sample using a background standard of 90% methanol. Absorbence between -0.05 and 0.3 absorbence units was measured for the first trial; while for the second, absorbence was measured between -0.05 and 0.5 units to account for the increased absorbence due to pooling of the two collections of floaters. The scan was performed between 200 and 600 nm. Samples were diluted 2-, 3-, or 5-fold with 100% methanol if they exceeded this absorbence range. Integration of the area enclosed beneath the absorbence curve between 300 and 400 nm was calculated by the spectrophotometer computer program. This integration value was multiplied by a dilution factor if the sample had been diluted and standardized to the amount of protein present in the original sample as determined by a protein assay (see below). Protein Assay A BCA assay for protein content was performed on each of the methanol-extracted egg samples as described by Brown et al (1989), with several modifications. The samples left overnight in IN NaÖH were heated to 60°C in a water bath and vortexed extensively to dissolve the pellet. 10 mL and 20 mL aliquots of each of the floater protein samples, and 5 mL and 10 mL aliquots of each sinker sample were combined with enough IN NaÖH to bring the volume to 20 mL. 980 mL deionized water were then added to each sample. BSA standards were prepared using 20 mL IN NaÖH and 0, 10, 25, 50, and 100 mL of a 10 mg/mL solution of BSA in water. Deionized water was added to achieve a final volume of 1 mL for each standard. 10 mL of each sample or standard were combined in Eppendorf tubes with 990 mL deionized water and 0.1 mL 0.15% DOC. Samples were incubated for 10 minutes at room temperature and then 0.1 mL 72% TCA was added to each sample or standard. The tubes were vortexed and then centrifuged at 13,000 rpm for 15 minutes. The resulting Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia supernatant was aspirated and each pellet was resuspended in 100 mL of a 5% SDS, O.1 N NaOH solution. 200 mL of working reagent were added to an appropriate number of wells of a flat- bottomed 96-well plate and 10 mL of each sample or standard were added to triplicate wells and mixed with pipet tips. The plate was then incubated at 60°C for between 90 minutes and 2 hours, until a good linear trend developed for the standards when read at 550 nm by a microplate reader. Data Analysis The integration value for each sample was multiplied by the appropriate dilution factor and the resulting quantity was divided by mg protein present in the original sample as determined by the BCA protein assay. Integration X Dilution factor Relative absorbence per milligram protein - —----. —--- mg protein RESULTS Cleavage Delay Two experimental trials measured the effect of exposure to various wavelengths of UV on early cleavage times. Intact and defolliculated eggs were fertilized, immediately placed in petri dishes and exposed to solar UVA or UVA and UVB. Controls were placed under a filter that did not transmit any ultraviolet radiation. The embryos were allowed to develop until a test dish indicated that embryos were beginning to undergo cleavage to the 8-cell stage, at which time all embryos were fixed in formaldehyde. Samples were then scored to determine the distribution of embryos that had developed to the 1-,2-, 4- and 8-cell stage. Embryos at the 1-cell stage were not included in the data analysis as unfertilized eggs could not be distinguished from embryos that had been fertilized but had not developed beyond the 1-cell stage. Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia The time of fixation in the two experiments was based on a time of development assay on a test sample performed previous to the UV-exposure trials. This test indicated that embryos first began to cleave into 8 cells (third division) at 125 minutes after fertilization when incubated at 15°C. It was important that the embryos be fixed just as this third cell division was taking place, so that any delays in development would be easily observed. For the first trial, embryos were fixed at 115 minutes after fertilization, but as the temperature in the chamber unexpectedly to 18°C, they developed more rapidly than expected as indicated by the test development assay. As seen in Figures 1-3, these embryos were mostly in the 8-cell stage by the time they were fixed. Figure 3 also shows that embryos exposed to both UVA and UVB were slightly more abundant at the 4-cell stage when compared to the control embryos and the embryos exposed only to UVA: 7% of intact and 16% of defolliculated embryos exposed to UVA and B had not yet undergone the third division. whereas the embryos exposed to UVA and the control group were 5 to 10% lower. These results indicate a slight developmental delay may have been experienced by embryos exposed to UVA and B, suggesting that UV-induced damage may have slowed the rate of cleavage. However, the observed developmental delay was not affected by the presence or absence of the mycosporine-containing follicle cells. The developmental delay is not as apparent when expressed as minutes of development. There are only slight differences in average length of development in different sets of embryos and no trend is apparent (see Table In the second experiment, the distributions of the division stages are centered around the 4-cell stage (see Figures 4-6), indicating that embryos were fixed slightly earlier in the course of their development. In the control group, 41% of intact and 37% of defolliculated embryos had reached the 8-cell stage, whereas for the UVA-irradiated embryos, just 10% and 4% respectively had undergone the third round of cleavage. For the UVAB group, the percentages were only 0.3 and 0.9 %, respectively. Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia In this trial, a developmental delay was demonstrated by both UVA-exposed and UVAB-exposed embryos. This shift is also evident in the calculated minutes of development, where the embryos not exposed to UV were 10 to 15 minutes faster in their development than the embryos exposed to UV, regardless of whether they were exposed to UVA only or to both UVA and UVB (Table 2). It is important to note that once again, the developmental delay observed is experienced by both intact and defolliculated eggs. Tadpole Hatchin Three experimental trials were performed to assay the effects of UV exposure on time to hatching. Intact and defolliculated eggs were fertilized and placed in the UV exposure chamber. A test dish of intact embryos not exposed to UV was monitored for the first appearance of hatched tadpoles to indicate when hatching had begun. In the first two experiments, this time was then used to fix the experimental embryos and tadpoles in formaldehyde. Each of these trials thus measured only a single time point. In the third trial. the rate of hatching was determined by fixing embryos approximately 30 minutes to an hour after hatching began, and subsequent samples at 30 minutes, 90 minutes, and three hours after the first set was fixed. The time to hatching in each of the three trials was approximately 23 hours after fertilization. The proportion of hatched tadpoles in each of the UV treatments was standardized to that of the appropriate control. In the first trial, embryos exposed to UVA achieved 72.1% of the control hatching rate for intact eggs and only 37.8% of the control hatching rate for defolliculated eggs (Figure 7). Embryos exposed to UVA and UVB illustrated this trend even more dramatically, with intact eggs hatching at 103.3% of control rates and defolliculated eggs hatching at just 14.9% of control rates. A clear UV-induced delay in time to hatching was observed, which varied with presence or absence of follicle cells. In the second trial this trend was not apparent, despite the fact that the embryos were fixed slightly earlier (Figure 8). The UVA-irradiated embryos hatched at 89.6% of control for Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia intact eggs and 72% of control for defolliculated eggs, while eggs irradiated with both UVA and UVB hatched at 72.3% and 64.4% of control for intact and defolliculated eggs. respectively. A slight delay in development dependent on UV exposure was observed, but there was no evidence that delays differed with the presence or absence of follicle cells. The third experiment assayed multiple time points in order to better assess the kinetics of hatching. As seen in Figure 9, the percentage of eggs that hatched increased with time, but the hatching leveled off after about 23 to 25 hours of development. There was no difference between eggs not exposed to UV and eggs exposed to UVA and UVB. (Exposure to UVA only was omitted as a treatment for this experiment.) Intact eggs hatched at about 48% of total at 21.75 hours, and leveled off within the next three hours to a hatching rate of about 56% of total, regardless of whether they were exposed to UV or not. Similarly, defolliculated eggs hatched at about 17% at the first time point and subsequently leveled off at about 20%. The fact that by the time the first time point was taken, a significant number of tadpoles had already hatched indicates that additional kinetic studies are in order for future experiments, particularly one which documents in detail the progression of hatching from the point at which tadpoles first begin to appear. Floaters and Sinkers During the course of the experiments studying developmental delay it became apparent that the method of egg isolation used was systematically selecting against eggs of high buoyancy. The more buoyant eggs were often lost in the supernatant when eggs were being washed in preparation for fertilization. This was studied in more detail in order to confirm that this egg selection bias would not alter the results of studies of developmental delay. An experiment measuring the mycosporine content of methanol extracts of both more buoyant and less buoyant eggs was performed and the results of the spectophotometric analysis of the methanol extracts was standardized to original protein content using a BCA protein assay Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia The first trial of this experiment was composed of individuals 1-1 and 1-2 (Figure 10). In each of these individuals, the more buoyant eggs exhibited higher ratios of absorbence between 300 and 400 nm, per milligram original protein content, ranging from a 8.9% difference in individual 1-1 to a 16.3% difference in individual 1-2. In the second experimental trial, there was no general pattern to which class of egg buoyancy had the higher ratio; percentages ranged from floaters being 13.4% higher than sinkers (individual 2-5) to sinkers being 74.3% higher than floaters (individual 2-6). An example of an absorbence spectrum is shown in Figure 11. These results indicate there was no correlation between mycosporine content and egg buoyancy. DISCUSSION Research done previous to these experiments implied that the sunscreen qualities afforded by mycosporine-like amino acids present in follicle cells play an important role in absorbing potentially damaging ultraviolet radiation. Carroll and Shick (1996) noted that mycosporine-like amino acids in eggs might act as sunscreen molecules to protect embryos from UV damage as they develop. This suggestion was bolstered by the papers of Hemela (1993), and Adams and Shick (1996), which indicated that mycosporines allowed embryos to proceed through early cell divisions faster than embryos who lacked such photoprotection. However, the research in both these studies used UV lamps to provide the damaging radiation and the embryos were kept in the dark so that photorepair of any DNA damage by enzymes such as photolyase could not take place. The trends they describe are intriguing but tell us little about what happens to embryos developing outside of the laboratory. The cleavage delay experiments described here illustrate that under conditions more closely approximating those experienced by ascidian embryos in a natural setting, the mycosporine-containing follicle cells are not necessary for cleavage to proceed at a normal Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia pace: embryos without follicle cells that were exposed to UVA and B did not differ significantly in pace of development from intact embryos of the same radiation exposure. The distribution of embryos in trial +2 indicated that a radiation-linked delay to the 8-cell stage was present (especially in embryos exposed to UVAB: see Figure 6), but this delay was not dependent on the presence or absence of the egg's follicle cells. This suggests that although mycosporines may play a role in UV defense, it is not a critical one. One hypothesis that might explain the developmental delay observed is that UV damage is occurring to a significant extent in both intact and defolliculated eggs, where the photolyase enzymatic repair system is robust enough to repair any solar UV-induced damage regardless of whether the mycosporines in the follicle cells are present or not. It is also conceivable that the MAAs did screen out UV, but that differences in speed of development would not be apparent until later in development. Three examinations of time to tadpole hatching were conducted to test this hypothesis. The first trial indicated that the hypothesis was indeed correct: there was a clear difference between the numbers of intact and defolliculated eggs that had hatched in both samples exposed to UVAB as well as in samples exposed to just UVA. Further trials failed to repeat this result, however, and a final test in which a time series was constructed indicated that there was no observable difference in time to hatching between embryos exposed to UV radiation and non-irradiated controls, regardless of the presence of follicle cells (Figure 9). Unfortunately, the first time point in this study was taken later than would have been ideal, and further kinetic studies including time points taken earlier in the hatching process should be done in the future. It is critical to examine the samples at just the point in time where undamaged embryos have completed hatching but damaged embryos have not. One final experiment was performed to confirm that these results were not an artifact of the method of egg isolation, where repeated washings in which eggs are pelleted and the wash water aspirated away resulted in the less buoyant tunicate eggs being preferentially collected. Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia A preliminary study of mycosporine content of more buoyant eggs versus that of less buoyant eggs indicated that the eggs with higher buoyancy had higher concentrations of mycosporines, which seemed reasonable given that such buoyant eggs would spend a significantly longer portion of their time of development at the top of the water column, where UV radiation levels are highest. A second trial in which more individuals were assayed indicated that this trend was not consistent, and concentration of mycosporines in eggs of varying buoyancies varied unpredictably from individual to individual. This indicates that the data discussed above are not artifacts of the method of egg preparation used in the described experiments. CONCLUSIONS Under midday springtime sunshine, the mycosporines in follicle cells are not the solo line of defense in Ascidia embryos. The eggs do not exhibit observable delays during early cleavage when irradiated with natural sunlight and allowed the opportunity to photorepair, regardless of whether mycosporine-containing follicle cells are removed or are allowed to remain surrounding the egg. It is more difficult to draw the same conclusions with regard to tadpole hatching kinetics, which indicates that further experiments on the matter are in order. These observations complement conclusions drawn by previous researchers, who observed a developmental delay in both Ascidia ceratodes and Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis when eggs were irradiated with UV lamps and photorepair was prevented (Hemela 1993; Adams and Shick 1996). The results of this study, however, are more indicative of what is likely to happen to embryos developing in a natural setting. Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia LITERATURE CITED Adams, N. L. and Shick, J. M. (1996). Mycosporine-like amino acids provide protection against ultraviolet radiation in eggs of the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Photochem. and Photobiol. 64(1). 149-158. Brown, R. E., Jarvis, K. L. and Hyland K. J. (1989). Protein measurement using bicinchoninic acid: elimination of interfering substances. Analytical Biochemistry. 180(1). 136-139, Carroll, A. K. and Shick, J. M. (1996). Dietary accumulation of UV-absorbing mycosporine- like amino acids (MAAs) by the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Mar. Biol. 124. 561-569. Chioccara, F. et al. (1986). Occurrence of mycosporine related compounds in sea urchin eggs. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 85B. 459-461. Chrispeels, H. E. (1996). Effects of ultraviolet radiation on maize. Doctoral dissertation submitted to the Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University. Hemela, K. J. (1993). Test cells provide photoprotection for Ascidia ceratodes. Senior honors thesis submitted to the Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University. Jerlov, N. G. (1950). Ultraviolet radiation in the sea. Nature. 166. 111-112. Karentz, D. et al. (1991). Survey of mycosporine-like compounds in Antarctic marine organisms: potential protection from ultraviolet exposure. Mar. Biol. 108. 157-166. Koller, L. R. Ultraviolet Radiation. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1952. Lambert, C. C. and Lambert, G. (1978). Tunicate eggs utilize ammonium ions for floatation. Science. 200. 64-65. Marshak, A. (1949). Recovery from ultraviolet light-induced delay in cleavage of Arabacia eggs by irradiation with visible light. Biol. Bull. 97. 315-322. Shick, J. M., et al. (1992). Survey of ultraviolet radiation-absorbing mycosporine-like amino acids in organs in coral reef holothuroids. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 90. 139-148. Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia Shick, J. M. et al. (1995). Depth-dependent responses to solar ultraviolet radiation and oxidative stress in the zooxanthellate coral Acropora microphthalma. Mar. Biol. 122, 41-51. Todo, T. et al. (1996). Similarity among the Drosophila (6-4)Photolyase, a human photolyase homolog, and the DNA photolyase-blue-light photoreceptor family. Science. 272(5258). 109-112. TABLES No UV UVA —UVAB Table 1: No U UVA UVAB Table 2: Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia Intact Defolliculated 114.8 119.2 118.6 117.7 1174 115.1 Calculated total minutes of development reached by embryos of each experimental treatment for cleavage delay trial H1. There are no consistent trends present across the different treatments in these data. Intact Defolliculated 97.9 98.9 86.2 85.6 75.9 82.5 Calculated total minutes of development reached by embryos of each experimental treatment for cleavage delay trial +2. Again, there are no consistent trends present across the different treatments in these data. Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia FIGURE LEGENDS Figure 1: Trial H1: Distribution of embryos not exposed to UV. The control embryos, incubated under a filter that did not transmit UV, developed almost completely to the 8-cell stage. 98.0% of the intact and 88.8% of the defolliculated embryos had undergone the third cell division by the time of fixation, which for this trial was 115 minutes after fertilization. 1.5% of the intact embryos and 5% of the defolliculated embryos were still at the 4-cell stage. A total of 3656 embryos were scored for all three treatments in this trial, 51.8% of which developed beyond the 1-cell stage. Figure 2: Trial H1: Distribution of embryos exposed to UVA. Embryos exposed to UVA showed a distribution similar to that of the control embryos: 97.0% of the intact and 93.5% of the defolliculated embryos developed to the 8-cell stage by the time of fixation. 1.4% of the intact embryos and 5.3% of the defolliculated embryos were still at the 4-cell stage. Figure 3: Trial H1: Distribution of embryos exposed to UVAB. Embryos exposed to both UVA and UVB were distributed similarly to the control group and the UVA group, with a slight increase in the percentage of embryos still at the 4-cell stage. 6.8% of the intact and 15.7% of the defolliculated embryos had only undergone cleavage to the four-cell stage. Figure 4: Trial +2: Distribution of embryos not exposed to UV. The distribution of these control embryos was centered around the 4-cell stage, while 41.8% of the intact and 37.3% of the defolliculated embryos had cleaved into 8 cells. Embryos in this trial were fixed 93 minutes after fertilization, and just 15.7% of the 9366 embryos scored for the trial developed beyond the 1-cell stage. Figure 5 Figure 6: Figure 7 Figure 8: Figure 9: Figure 10: Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia Trial H2: Distribution of embryos exposed to UVA. The distribution of UVA¬ irradiated embryos was also centered around the 4-cell stage, while fewer embryos (10.5% of intact and 4.29% of defolliculated) had cleaved into 8 cells. Trial f2: Distribution of embryos exposed to UVAB. UVAB-irradiated embryos had generally not yet undergone the third round of cleavage: only 0.3% of intact and 0.9% of defolliculated embryos had cleaved to 8 cells. Trial H: UV inhibition of tadpole hatching at a single time point. Both UVA¬ and UVAB-irradiated embryos show a drop in the percentage of defolliculated eggs that hatched into tadpoles when compared to irradiated, intact eggs after standardization to the non-irradiated control. Samples were fixed 24.5 hours after fertilization. 22.4% of all eggs scored in this trial hatched into tadpoles. Trial 42: UV inhibition of tadpole hatching at a single time point. The trend evident in Figure 7 is no longer obvious in this trial, in which embryos were fixed slightly earlier, at 23 hours and 40 minutes after fertilization. Differences between various UV treatments and follicle cell removal are minimal, the largest difference being the 12% drop between intact and defolliculated eggs exposed to UVA. 27.5% of the eggs scored in the trial hatched into tadpoles, Kinetics of UV inhibition of tadpole hatching. This time series suggests that UV treatment has no clear effect on tadpole hatching, regardless of time of development. Intact eggs hatched at approximately 50-55% of total, while defolliculated eggs hatched at approximately 17-20% of total. 35.9% of the eggs scored in this trial developed into tadpoles. Relative mycosporine concentrations in Ascidia eggs. Comparison of ratios of absorbence per mg protein between floating and sinking eggs from each of seven specimens of A. ceratodes. Neither category of eggs consistently exhibits a higher absorbence ratio. Figure 11: Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia Wavelength scan of methanol extract of "sinker" eggs from a single ascidian. Absorbence spectrum of methanol extraction from the less buoyant eggs from individual 2.5. The broad peak from about 290 to 380 nm contains the bulk of the mycosporine-like amino acids in the extract. 8 8 8 soque jo juee Unger Photoprotection in Ascidia 8 8 e jo juele 23 Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia - + L Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia 8 8 soqu peej jo juele 24 3akakaakakakaa- o juee Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia 2 8akakatatakakata- sonquig peresjo jo jueblea Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia E S L 88888 se o ue Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia 8 8 8 8 joljuoo jo juebied Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia 2 8 8 joljuos jo juebled 8 Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia - 5 Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia a. 223 eno 1 8 8 LO uejoig ueiij led eoueglosqy Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia 3 . Unger: Photoprotection in Ascidia