Gerbino, P.G. ABSTRACT Small green algae are commonly observed growing only on the backs of mid-intertidal limpets. A closer examination was made of this relationship. Several different green algae were found growing on the shells of mid-intertidal limpets. Of these, Percursaria dawsonii (Hollenberg & Abbott, 1968), and two species of Enteromorpha (Link, 1820) are morphologically very similar. The most heavily foliated limpets were found living on vertical landward faces of wave-exposed rocks between +1 and +4 feet of Mean Lower Low Water. Fronds of one species of Enteromorpha, labelled E. sp.2, achieved greater length at sites which were more exposed to waves than where wave action was less severe. Enteromorpha sp.» did not survive on limpet shells which were permanently affixed to mid-tidal rocks. In culture, E. sp., continued to grow on these empty shells. Additionally, E. sp.» grew in culture on granite, plastic, wood, Pollicipes plates, Mytilus shell, and free¬ floating in the culture medium. A procedure for statistically measuring and comparing the cells of these algae is described and the relationship of one alga to its hosts is discussed. Gerbino, P.G. INTRODUCTION The presence of green algae growing on the shells of intertidal molluscs has been observed by many investigat- ors (Setchell and Gardner, 1920; Smith, 1944; Schlumpberger, 1979). Some algae, most notably Percursaria dawsonii (Hollenberg & Abbott 1968), are described as virtually host-specific to some of these molluscs. (Hollenberg and Abbott, 1968). The nature of this epizoic relationship has never been described. Recently Schlumpberger (1979) surveyed the microalgae growing on the tiny mollusc, Tricolia pulloides (Carpenter, 1865), but no work has been done regarding the green algae of the larger limpets. This short project was undertaken to identify the green algae found on the shells of some mid-tidal limpets and to investigate some of the parameters governing this relationship. MATERIALS AND METHODS Three transects were taken along lines of sight at each location. Beginning at the uppermost boundary between sand or rock and terrestrial vegetation, samples of all Enteromorpha species and other green algae whose identity was not readily apparent were taken by hand. If algae was found on a mollusc shell, the animal was taken intact. All sampling was done at low tide and lower limit of transects was determined by water level. This ranged from -1.5 115 May 1980) to +1.3 (24 May 1980) feet of Mean Lower Low Water. Transect width varied from a few feet to several feet Gerbino, P.G. depending on terrain and quantities of acceptable samples found. Samples were marked according to location. Tide level, weather conditions, and time of day were re¬ corded for each transect. Algae were identified according to standard taxonomic procedure with the following exceptions. Because differen¬ tiation among three of the algae was very difficult, more accurate methods of identification were required. Cell dimensions were recorded accurately and systematically for 20 cells from each alga in question. Cell length was always recorded along the axis of the frond and width across the frond. For each alga, mean cell length and width were computed and statistics utilized to determine significant differences among the samples. The most prolific alga found on the limpets was select- ed for further investigation. This was a species of Enteromorpha (Link, 1820) which was given the label, Enteromorpha species (abbreviated E. sp.2). Determination offood of limpets was by microscopic analysis of gut contents performed immediately after eating was observed. Kenic cultures of algae were obtained by isolating individual plants in 10 ml petri dishes. To each was added 5 ml of sea water filtered at 0.45 um and 1 ml of Provasoli's nutrient solution modified with 2.40 ugei-:of NaMoo and 3.73 ug'1" of Cuso. In addition, 0.5 ml Geo. and 1 ml penicillin solution were added to control diatom and bacteria proliferation. Cultures were maintained at 15° C. Photoperiod was 10 hours/day of 41 microeinsteins Gerbino,P.G. per M-2.1-1 fluorescent light. In all cases where algae growth was monitored on the limpet shells, the soft parts of the limpets were removed first. Where shells were affixed to granite in the intertidal, Poxy Putty (Permalite Plastics, Newport Beach, CA) was used as a strong water-proof adhesive. RESULT: Several different green algae were observed on mid- tidal limpets. They were identified as Rhizoclonium implexum (Kutz, 1845), two species of Ulva (Linnaeus, 1753), Percursaria dawsonii, Enteromorpha intestinalis ((L.)Link, 1820), and two undescribed species of Enteromorpha (cf. E. flexuosa ((Roth)J. Agardh, 1883)). Measurements of cell dimensions from Percursaria dawsonii, Enteromorpha sp.j, and E. sp.2 are tabulated in figure 1. Statistical analysis of mean cell lengths using pair-wise associations and the Student's t-test confirmed the presence of a significant difference at the .05 level between E. sp., and both E. sp., and P. dawsonii cell lengths. Analysis of cell widths failed to confirm a significant difference between any two algae species. These data are plotted graphically in figures 2 and 3, and indicate that cell size should only be one of several criteria used to discriminate among these algae. The most abundant algae found growing exclusively on limpet backs were (in descending order) Enteromorpha sp. Percursaria dawsonii, and E. sp.. For all these algae the most heavily foliated limpets were found on the landward Gerbino, P.G. side of wave-exposed rocks. In 11 transects taken at four Monterey Peninsula sites: Mussel Point, Point Pinos, Pescadero Point, and Stillwater Cove; E. sp.» was found growing only on the shells of mid-tidal limpets and occasionally in the furrows between plates of Pollicipes polymerus (Sowerby, 1833) or among the ridges of Tetraclita squamosa rubescens (Darwin, 1854) Enteromorpha sp., was never observed growing on rocks, other algae, invertebrates other than previously specified, or free-floating in tide pools. As a rough estimate of differences among the growing conditions at each site, maximum frond length of E. sp. was measured by haphazardly selecting 10 long fronds from limpets at each site and recording the longest frond in each group (Figure 4). Limpets found harboring E. sp.» include Collisella limatula (Carpenter, 1864); C. scabra (Gould, 1846); C. digitalis (Rathke, 1833); C. pelta (Rathke, 1833); Notoacmea scutum (Rathke, 1833); and Lottia gigantia (Sowerby, 1834). All these limpets were taken from the mid-intertidal zone extending from +1 to +4 feet of Mean Lower Low Water. In culture, cut E. sp., fronds attached and grew on granite, plastic, wood, and sterilized limpet shell frag- ments, and grew free-floating in the culture medium. The spores of E. sp., settled and grew on sterilized ytilus, Tetraclita, and limpet shell fragments, as well as granite, and plastic petri dishes (Figure 5). Qualitatively, Gerbino, P.G. it was noted that individual plants which settled and grew on granite, Mytilus shell, wood and plastic were easily pulled free, whereas those attaching to limpet shell were more strongly attached. It was frequently observed that when two or more foliated limpets, regardless of species, were placed in a container 12'x16"x6" or smaller, some limpets would crawl upon the backs of other limpets. Analysis of gut contents of the climbing limpets confirmed the presence of E. sp.. as a food consumed by limpets. In field tests, 20 limpets were removed from their intertidal rocks, the soft body parts removed, and the shells with attached algae permanently affixed to the same mid-tidal granite rock from which they had been taken. All that remained after three days were algal patches of cells and a few bleached E. sp., bushes. In tests to determine the necessity of a live limpet for algal growth, 30 limpet shells with E. sp.» and Percursaria growth were maintained in culture as previous- ly and in a sea water table with a continuous unfiltered flow, they not only survived, but grew larger. The sole excep¬ tion was a series of cultures in which the algae began to die after the presence of a fungus was noted. SUMMARY Several different green algae were found growing on the shells of mid-intertidal limpets. Some of these are very similar morphologically. Gerbino,P.G. The most heavily foliated limpets were found living on vertical landward faces of wave-exposed rocks. Enteromorpha sp., fronds achieved their greatest length at sites which were most exposed to waves. Enteromorpha sp., will continue to grow in culture after the limpet has been removed. In addition, E. sp., grew in culture on several smooth substrates and free-floating in the culture medium. In the field, E. sp., did not survive on limpet shells from which the soft body parts had been removed. DISCUSSION Enteromorpha sp. appears to require a highly special- ized micro-habitat. Doty and Newhouse (1954) assert that the three major boundries to marine algae life are suitable substrate, temperature and salinity. Additionally, Harlin (1978) notes Enteromorpha intestinalis, in partic- ular, requires a diet with high levels of fixed nitrogen. Meeting the need for large amounts of fixed nitrogen could be done by growing near sewage outfall areas which is well documented for E. intestinalis (Boalch, 1957) or by growing in areas which receive a large amount of wash from waves, This only partially explains the mid-tidal habitat of E. sp. 2. The species of molluscs that Enteromorpha sp., occurred on were found on the landward side of wave-swept rocks. This seems consistant with the observation that many, if not most, organisms occurring in the intertidal must protect Gerbino, P.G. themselves from the brunt of the crashing waves. Thus, occurrence of E. sp.» only on parts of the rock not in direct confrontation with oncoming waves may indicate that any algae germinating on more exposed surfaces is rapidly eroded. The pitted shell tops of the mid-tidal limpets seem necessary to provide the proper surface for E. sp.. since the smooth granite rock of the Monterey Peninsula was found to be an unsuitable substrate for firm attachment. The eroded top layers of limpet shells, termed the intrita¬ calx by D'Attilio and Radwin (1971), would be acting in a similar fashion to specialized substrates such as various- ly textured rocks associated with Enteromorpha species in the Netherlands (Nienhuis, 1969) and at the North Sylt Wadden Sea, Germany (Gertraud, 1976). Finally, in wave-protected, but highly washed areas where limpets are found, E. sp.» most likely occurs nowhere but on limpet backs because of predation. This conclusion is in agreement with Southward (1956) who found that limpets eat virtually all the Enteromorpha around them except that which is on their backs. Any of thesegalgae that manages to develop away from the limpets and escape their predation must still escape predation by foraging Tegula and many other herbivorous mid-tidal invertebrates. Several problems were encountered in the course of this research. Differentiation among the two undescribed Enteromorpha species and Percursaria dawsonii was a slow tedious procedure. Because of the similarities in cell size Gerbino, P.G. and plant morphology among these species which all occur on the same limpets, it was not always appareat which was being observed. Compounding this problem was the lack in the literature of described species of Enteromorpha which corresponded to the algae being collected (Setchell and Gardner, 1920; Smith, 1944; Abbott and Hollenberg, 1976). The statistical analyses which were performed on the cell dimensions of these algae aided only partially in identification within the group. Larger sample sizes of cell measurements are needed from these species to determine whether they are, in fact, new or different species of Enteromorpha. As with any organism of such small stature, identifica- tion in the field was difficult. Especially within the infinitely irregular terrain of the rocky intertidal, any transect which fails to uncover such a tiny alga must be viewed with cautious skepticism. Finally, achieving sporulation in culture was success¬ ful only once. More often, fronds matured, but rather than releasing their spores, they retained them effecting in situ germination and gross polymorphism of the fronds. Possible reasons for this include undetected variations in temper- ature, amount of light, or fixed nitrogen levels in the culture environment (Yarich, 1976). Since the incidence of sporulation in culture and a further observation of sporulation in the field coincided closely with a new moon and a full moon, respectively, the possibility of lunar periodicity as described by Smith (1947) for Ulva exists and merits further investigation. Gerbino, P.G. ACKNOWLEDGMEN I wish to express my gratitude to Isabella A. Abbott for the guidance she has given me and the patience she has had with me. I would also like to thank Kathy French, Celia Smith, and Bill Magruder for their continued assistance. Finally, I wish to thank Chris Agel for her help with putting this paper together. Gerbino, P.G. 10 LITERATURE CITED ABBOTT, ISABELLA A. & GEORGE J. HOLLENBERG 1976. Marine Algae of California. Stanford Univer- sity Press, Stanford, CA 827pp. BOALCH, G.T. 1957. Marine algal zonation and substratum in Beer Bay South-East-Devon. Jour. Mar. Biol. Assn. U.K. 36,519-528 D'ATTILIO, ANTHONY & G.E. RODWIN 1971. The intritacalx, an undescribed shell layer in mollusks. The Veliger 139(4): 344-347 DOTY, MAXWELL S. & JAN NEWHOUSE 1954. The distribution of marine algae into estua- rine waters. Am. Jour. Botony 41(6): 508-515 GERTRAUD, LUTHER 1976. Fouling studies on natural-stone substrate in the tidal zone of the North Sylt Wadder Sea. Algar Helgol. Wiss. Meeresunters. 28(3/4): 318-51 HARLIN, MARYLIN M. 1978. Nitrogen uptake by Enteromorpha spp. (Chloro- phyta): application to aquaculture systems. Aquacul- ture 15(4): 373-376 HOLLENBERG, GEORGE" J. & ISABELLA A. ABBOTT 1968. New species of marine algae from California. Can. Jour. Bot. 46: 1235-1251 NIENHUIS, P.H. 1969. The significance of the substratum for inter- Gerbino, P.G. tidal algal growth on the artificial rocky shore of the Netherlands. Int. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol 54,207- 215 SCHLUMPBERGER, JAY M. 1979. A survey of the microalgae living on the shell of the small prosobranch mollusc, Tricolia Pulloides (Carpenter, 1865). Unpublished MS. on file at Hop- kins Marine Station Library, Pacific Grove, CA 17 pp. SETCHELL, WILLIAM A. & N.L. GARDNER 1920. The marine algae of the pacific coast. Uni¬ of California Publications in Botony, San Francisco 8(2): 139-374 SMITH, GILBERT M. 1944. Marine algae of the Monterey Peninsula Calif- ornia. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA 122 pp. SMITH, GILBERT M. 1947. On the reproduction of some pacific coast species of Ulva. Am. Jour. Botany 31: 80-87 YARISH, C. 1976. Polymorphism of selected marine Chaetophorceae (Chlorophyta). Br. Phycol. Jour. 11: 29-38 Gerbino, P.G. 12 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES Table of cell measurements from 20 cells of Figure 1: Enteromorpha sp., E. sp.», and Percursaria dawsonii Scattergrams illustrating the degree of Figure 2: correlation between lengths and widths of cells measured in Figure 1 Figure 3: Comparison of mean cell sizes, standard devia¬ tions, and ranges for algal cells tabulated in Figure 1 Figure 4: Comparitive lengths of Enteromorpha sp., fronds obtained at four Monterey Peninsula sites Table of results of experiments in which E. sp. Figure 5: was cultured on various substrates and of observed, naturally occurring E. sp., habitats in the field Gerbino, CELL SIZES FROM THREE MORPHOLOGICALLY SIMILAR EPIZOIC GREEN ALGAE PERCURSARIA DAWSONI! E. SP.2 CELL E. SP. w () WIDTH LENGTH 6 X-8.2u X=6.7u x=6.7u x=6.9u x=6.5u x=7.4u 5=2.14 s=1.59 s=2.21 s=0.88 s=1.43 s=0.99 t-test, .05 level E. sp. length significantly different than E. sp.2 and P. dawsonii. All other comparisons: no significant differences. Figure 1 Gerbino,P.G 6 ai CELL LENGTH VS. CELL WIDTH FOR THREE EPIZOIC GREEN ALGAE ee. *. CELL WIDTH (U) Figure 2 10 Gerbin 02 u &am; 20 8 + eeeeeceeeeeeee.seeeeece. : W L ONOUA 30 SIXV Figure 3 ui ui i Gerbino, P.G. 8 6 8 6 (u) HISNAT GNOSS NANIXVN Figure 4 8 a 2 38 Gerbino, P.G. TABLE OF RESULTS OF CULTURING ON SUBSTRATES VS. FIELD OBSERVATIONS SUBSTRATE E. SP.2 FOUND SETTLING IN FIELD ACHIEVED IN CULTURE LIMPET SHELL POLLICIPES + SHELL TEGULA SHELL MYTILUS SHELL GRANITE GLASS NA PLASTIC NA woop FREE FLOATING Figure 5