Acknowledgements This work was supported in part by the Undergraduate Research Participation Program of the National Science Foundation. Grant number GY-5878. My thanks to the Faculty and Staff of the Hopkins Marine Station for their generous assistance. Abstract. cpor uptake by populations of mixed phytoplankton are in- vestigated by centrifugation and liquid scintillation techniques Plankton in culture densities of 0.03 mg/ml to 0.41 mg/ml in pDT solutions of 0.3 to 100 ppb show DDT concentrations (gm DDT gm dry weight plankton) of 210ppb to 170 ppm. Concentration factors comparing final DDT concentrations in cells with initial solution concentrations are found between 700 and 13,000. Phyto- plankton take up between 40 and 70% of the DDT in solution in less than four hours and generally less than 15 minutes. Formalin killed cells take up the same amount of DOT as live cells. Lugol preservative killed cells take up less DOT than live cells. Cells incubated in dark B.O.D. bottles take up the same amount of DDT as cells incubated in the light. Less dense cultures con- centrate DDT more than dense cultures. Plankton appear to con- centrate DDT moee in dilute DDT solutions than in concentrated solutions. Phyto plankton containing DDT removed to dilute DDT solution retained 704 to 90% of their DDT after two hours. Introduction DDT (1,1,1 trichloro-2,2 bis (p-chlorophenyl) ethane) is found to be a wold wide polutant and Rudl (1964) provides a very excellent general backtround to the problem of pesticides in ecosystems. This chlorinated hydrocarbon is found in birds of the Antarctic (Woodwell, 1967) and is found to cause reproductive failure in sea birds (Hickey and Anderson, 1968) as well as behavior abnormalities in such animals as the Fiddler crabs (Odum, Woodsell et. al..,1969). The pesticide is found to be highly mobile (Risebrough, 11967) and is found to concentrate in the food web (Woodwell, 1967). Since marine phytoplankton is the base of this food web, the effects of DDT on these important plants is important for the world ecosystem. Butler (-) reports that DDT and other hydrocarbons such as heptachlor, chlordane, aldrin, and toxaphene decreased productivity of phytoplankton by 50-90% when incubated in 1 ppm pesticide for four hours. Ukeles (1963) assesses growth of pure cultures of marine phytoplankton and finds that some concentrations in the range of 0.2 - 0.6 ppm retard growth of some species. Wurster (1968) demonstrated that DDT inhibits photosynthesis and reduces primary productivity by 50-90% in ranges of 150-100 ppb. Some natural populations show DDT concentrations of 0.04 ppm (Woodwell, 1967). To better understand the effects of DOT on phytoplankton growth and photosynthesis as well as on the food chain, the processes involved in DT uptake by plankton need to be studied and this is the purpose of this research project. Södergren (1968) -2- has conducted studies of C labelled DDT uptake by chlorella but no studiesehaveubeen made on natural populations of phytoplankton. The major question to be investigated is whether uptake is active or passive, as this is very important especially in consideration of the effects on the food chain. Accumulation of substances by living phytoplankton is essentially a process of absorption by metabolic processes, and adsorbtion by physical and ion exchange phenomena. Death may increase or decrease uptake as death may open more sights for uptake and does not necessarily measure only adsorbtion (Cushing, 1968). Uptake of some radionuclides shows light and temperature dependence (Gutknect, 1958). Mac Isacc and Dugsdale, (1967) studied the kinetics of nitrate and ammonia uptake by natural populations of marine phytoplankton and suggest that it follows a Michaelis-Menton expression for enzyme reactions. To test whether uptake is dependent on active transport, metabolic poisons can be useditoestop metabolically linked transport while diffusion uptake can continue. (Giese, 1968) Methods are suggested by Wedemeyer (1965) to distinguish between adsorption and absortion, and kinetics for diffusion and facilitated diffusion uptake. The tests conducted for this project were comparisons of uptake by live cells and cells killed with Lugol fixative solution, by live cells and cells killed with formalin, and by cells exposed to light and cells kept in the dark. These tests are only preliminary to the investigation of uptake and many experiments need to be carried out for a fuller understanding of the problem. There are many problems in investigations of DDT uptake by plankton. Codistillation of DDT and H20 (Bowman, 1964) adsorption of DDT to glass and other materials (Cole, 1961), and culture and collection techniques are a few of these problems. Materials and Methods Phytoplankton for experiments were collected between 8:00 am and 11:00 am in 10" phytoplankton nets 425 towed behind a row boat at a depth of 15-20 meters. The collections were made about 102 meters from the shore of Mussel Point of the Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, California. Tows were made for times from 10 minutes to one hour and placed in one pint mason jars and kept in the dark in an ice filled styrofoam ice bucket during subsequent tows and until use. These tows were diluted for use or cultured as described in appendix. Each day samples of the tows were taken and identified. Dry weight determinations were made of cultures used in each experiment (Parson and Strickland, 1968). C1 labelled DDT in ethanol (100 ppm, specific activity 19 mcmM) was micro-pipetted into a 50-100 ml millipore filtered (0.45) sea water and aliquots from this stock were innoculated into the cultures. The solution was always drawn up into the pipette and flushed back into the bottle to assure that the first aliquot did not lose more DDT through adsorption to glass than subsequent aliquots.. Cells were killed for Experiments 1 and 2 and 4 with several drops of Lugol's fixative. Cells for Experiments 3 and 4 were killed with 2-3 ml of 56 formalin. The dark tests in Experiments 5 and 6 were carried out in B.O.D. bottles masked with two layers of plastic electrician's tape and then wrapped in aluminum foil. -2- Incubations were made in either incubators with two 30 florescent lights 8-10 cm from the bottles or in a water bath in a green house where natural light was available. At appropriate intervals duplicate 10 ml aliquots of culture were removed by volumetric pipette from cultures and placed in glass 12 ml centrifuge tubes and rotated 75 cranks by hand. Two ml samples of supernate were taken and the rest discarded. 0.2 ml DMF was then added to the 0.3-0.5 ml loosely packed pellet and poured into a scintillation vial. The tube was then rinsed with 0.5 ml distilled water which was poured out the same side of the tube as the pellet to prevent as much loss of radioactivity as possible. Bray's scintillation fluid was used for counting (Table X). Separate blanks were made for supernate and pellet samphes as these count with different efficiencies. For these blanks, the same procedure as above is used on plankton from the culture which has not been exposed to radioactivity. Counts were corrected for background and pellet counts were corrected by subtracting the count of supernate of equivalent volume. Concentration of DDT in plankton is described as grams DDT per gram dry weight phytoplankton. Con- centration of DOT in water is described as grams DDT per gram water. Weights of DDT are determined by multiplying disintegrations per minute by a factor of the specific activity. The factor used for the experiments (all except Experiment 7) is 8.36 x 10-12 gms DDT/dpm. In Experiment 7 the factor is 62.5 x 10-12 gms DDT/dpm as the radioactivite DDT was diluted by a factor of 7.5 with cold DDT, also in ethanol. Tests for retention of DDT were accomplished by taking 10 ml samples of culture, centrifuging, removing 9.5 ml of -3. supernate and replacing it with filtered sea water. These tubes were then allowed to rest in the water bath for the appropriate interval and collected in the usual manner. Calculations of initial solution concentrations were made either by reading 2 ml of the water blank (Experiments 1 and 3) or by taking total counts in a 10 ml aliquot (Experiements 5 and 6). Five times the supernate count is added to the pellet count and and this total is divided by 10 to get the counts perml which gives the amount of DDT present. In the case of Experiment 7, the amount is calculated by the amount added. O.75 ml 50 ppm DDT in ethanol and 50 100 ppm C14DDT were added to 30 ml H20. 10 ml was added to 100 ml of culture to give 100 ppb and 5 was added to give 50 ppb. Results Tahle I gives data for comparison of c' por uptake by Lugol presergative killed and untreated cells. The initial solution con- centration is calculated from the dpm of 2 ml of the water con- trol blank whith is 0.45u millipore filtered sea water of an equal volume as the test cultures. Column Felapsed time" indicates the elapsed time from the in- troduction of C DDT. Under each heading, the dpm of 0;5ml contain- ing the pellet is listed in pairs and the next column gives the average of the two. Further information is listed below the table. The amount of DOT is proportional to the dpm and final uptake figures are calculated. A concentration factor is determined com- paring the initial solution concentration to the final phyto- plankton concentration. This data is also presented in fugure 1. The results of this experiment suggested that live cells take up between six and seven times as much DDT as Lugol preservative killed cells. However, the fact that the highest value was only three times the background count suggested that the results were not definitive. The loss of 504 of the DDT through codistillation did not reduce the counts of the live cells which suggested that once DDT is taken up, it remained bound. As some counts were more than double that of their duplicate, the figures can not be taken to be anv more accurate than a factor of two. -2- Table II from experiment 2 gives data for comparison of ppr uptake by Lugol preservative killed cells and untreated cells incubated in a solution of 1.7 ppb DDT. The initial sol- ution concentration is calculated from the dpm of 2 ml of the water control blank which is O.45u millipore filtered sea water of an equal volume as the test cultures. Column under "elapsed time" indicates the time elapsed since the introduction of CDDT. Under each heading, the dpm of 0.5 ml containing the pellet is listed im pairs. The column "Cor" gives the corrected value of the pellet. The counts of a volume of supernate aqual to the volume of the pellet is sub- tracted from the pellet reading. The column "g" is the percent of the solution (in ten ml - 5 x supernate plus pellet count) that is found in the pellet. The amount of DDT is proportional to the dpm and final uptake figures are calculated. A concentration factor is determined com- paring initial solutin concentration and final phytoplankton con- centration. This data is presented in figure 1. This experiment gave the same conclusion as experiment 1, namely that live cells take up more DDT than Lugol preservative killed cells, by a factor of 20. The results here were much more reliable as the counts were considerably above background. Even so, these figues are probably good within a factor of 1.5 - 2. both experiments showed concentration by live cells of DDT on the order of 1,000 fold on a dry weight basis. -3- These experiments suggested that uptake may be involved with the life processes of the cells. Experiment 3, Table III compares the uptake of C DDT by form- alin kelled and untreated cells. The first column indicates the slapsed time from the introduction of C DDT. The second column is the dpm in 2 ml of water control which is the same volume of fil- tered sea water as volume of the cultures being tested. The in- itial concentration and codistillation data are determined from this control. The other data under four colums are as follows. "Pel" is the dom of the pellet in a volume of supernate denoted below. The colum labelled "Sup" is the dpm of 2 ml of supernate. The colum under "Cor" is the corrected value of the pellet. The counts of a volume of supenate equal to that of the pellet is subtracted from the pellet counts to give a corrected pellet count. The column under "ø" is the percent of DDT in solution taken up by the plank- ton. The total counts are determined by multiplying the supernate counts by 5 and adding the corrected pellet count. The dpm is proportional to the amount of DDT in the cells and conversions have been made below the table for final concentra¬ tions in the cells. These are compared tothe initial solution con- centration by the concentration factor. This data is presented in figure 2 The counts of this experiment were well above background. They showed that live and formalin killed cells took up the DDT approximately in the same amounts. A concentration factor of 1.3 x 10 was found. This suggested that the life processes were not in- volved. Examination of the appendix shows that this is the only -4. phytoplankton used which was cultured. Perhaps these cells were unhealthy in the cultures. Table IV, experiment 4, however, com- paring alive Lugol preservative killed, and formalin killed cells of a fresh tow showed that the Lugol's again took up considerably less DDT than the other two which were approximately the same. The values of table IV are given as dpm in 0.5 ml pellet. From this it was assumed that experiment 3 was valid. Experiment 5, Table V, and experiment 6, Table VI, compare uptake of CDDT by cells incubated in the light and in the dark, the former in 0.3 ppb and the latter in 1.2 ppb DDT solution. The data in the four columns under the headings is arranged as follows: "Sup" is the dpm of 2 ml supernate. "Pel"is the dpm of the pellet in a volume of supernate denoted below it. "Cor" is the corrected value of the pellet. The counts of a volume of supernate volume equal to that of the pellet is subtracted to give counts in the pellet. The "ø" is the percentage of DDT taken from solution by the plankton. It is determined from the ratio of the corrected pellet count to the total count (5 x supernate count plus the corrected pellet count). The dpm are proportional to the amount of DDT in the cells and conversions have been made for final concentrations in the cells. These are compared to the initial solution concentrations by the con- centration factor. This data is presented in figure 3. Experiments 5 and 6 indicate that uptake was not related to the photosynthetic process which it inhibits. The initial concen- trations for these experiments were determined by taking a reading of the stock solution and calculated from this according to di- lution. The actual values may have been below thecalculated values because of adsorbtion to glass. Experiment 5 had counts which were close to background and were therefore less accurate than those of experiment 6 which shows high counts. These cells show concentration factors of 10 and 10 on a dry weight basis. Experiment 7, Table VII, compares the uptake of plankton in- cubated in C DDT at concentrations of 50 ppb and 100ppb. These are the concentrations wheih Wurster found to inhibit photosynthesis. The data in the four columns under the headings is arranged as denoted below: "Pel" is the dpm of the pellet."Sup" is the dpm of 2 ml of supernate. "Cor" is the corrected walue of the pellet. is the percentage of DDT taken from the solution by the cells. The plankton concentrated theDDT on the order of 2,000 times on a dry weight basis giving concentratinns in the cells of between 100ppm and 200 ppn. Experiment 8, Table VIII, investigates the retention of DDI by cells placed in a CHDT reduced environment. The second column of Table VIII shows the percentage of orig. inal counts retained in the cells after the elapsed time im the clean environment. This experiment showed that 70% to 90% of the DDT taken up remained in the cells when placed in a radioactive environment con- taining 1/20th of the concentration (9.5 out of 10 ml were changed). The retention may actuallty have been a little higher as probably some cells were lost in the centrifuge process. Table IX shows the data for ølive cells, delineates the experiment number from which they were taken, cell densities,accord- ing to dry weight, initial solution concentrations, and final con- centrations in the fells. The concentration factor compares the last two numbers. "Percent of supernate" shows the amount of DDT taken ur y the phytoplankton from the solution. Plankton showed uptake of between 306 and 704 of the DDT in solution in less than four hours and mostly in less than 15 minutes. Experiment 6 which was run for 13 hours showedthe greatest percentage of uptake. Figure 3 showedthe small increase in the amount taken up after four hours. Comparison of experiments 2,3, and 6 suggested that concentration factors depended on cell densities with less dense cultures concentrating DDT more. Experiment 7 suggested that, very generally, more concentration occurs in less concentrated (DDT) solutions. The 50 ppb cultures showed a slightly higher concentration factor than 100 ppb where culture densities were the same. This dependence on DDT solution concentration is further suggested by experiment 3 in comparison which experiment 7. Exact relationships can not be established form this data. Discussion The results are confusing with regard to the difference between Lugol killed and formalin killed cells. It does not clarify whether uptake is active or passive. Uptake is thought to be dependent on lipid concentration which is 6% dry weight in mixed plankton (Parsons and Strickland, 1968). Perhaps the Lugol solution attacks and alters the lipid in the cell. This is suggested by the fact that Lodine, which is a constituent of Bone tCstto es, Lugol's oxidizes the unsaturated double bonds and this may alter the fat content, whereas formalin probably does not affect the lipid. Södergren, in his study of C1pDr uptake by Chlorella, found that uptake in batch cultures by live cells and by cells killed with mercuric chloride is the same. This corresponds to the experiments with formalin killed cells. Wuster found that photosynthetic inhibition in a given solution concentration depends on cell density. These results are consistent with findings here that less dense cultures concentrate DDT more than dense cultures. The dry weight concentrations demonstrated by these phytoplankton suggest that this uptake would be of ecological significance especially as concentration factors are higher in low density low concentration situations which are present in the oceans. On a wet weight basis (assuming 1% of wet weight is dry weight) these figures suggest that a 10 fold concentration of DDT is possible in dilute conditions. Concentrations of this magnitude would be of ecological significance for the food web as vast quantities of phytoplankton are consumed by herbevores -2- which could further concentrate the substance. Certainly many more of the factors determining the uptake are yet to be determined. Such tests would include examination of adsorption to silicious shells of diatoms without soft parts, and tests with metabolic poisons to determine if uptake is dependent on metabolic activity. Sodergren found that con- tinuous culture methods (Meyers and Clark, 1944) are much more reliable than batch cultures to measure uptake as batch cultures are rarely consistent in many of the parameters which determine algal activity. Table I Duplicate determination and average dpm from filtered sea water control, aliye, and Lugol preservative killed plankton incubated in 0.3 ppb DDT solution. Experiment 1. DPM Elapsed Lugol Alive Water time Pellet Pellet control Hours 0.5 ml. avg. 0.5 ml avg. 2 ml avg. 10 64 0.25 44 16 54 22 71 84 66 13 39 0.50 64 44 0.75 2 80 41 48 2.0 78 18 19 23 104 4.5 103 15 22 37 2 102 Background - 36 Initial solution concentration 0.3 ppb. Percent remaining after co- distillation - 528. Dry weight. O.41 mg/ml. Final alive concentration - 210 ppb. Concentration factor - 700. Final Lugol concentration - 31 ppb. Concentration factor - 100. Table II Experiment 2. Duplicate determination of dpm from filtered sea water control, alive,and Lugol preservative killed plankton in- cubated in 7.7 ppb C DDT solution. Corrected pellet dpm and per- cent of DDT taken up from solution. DPM Elapsed Water Alive Lugol time Pel. Sup. Cor. % hours control Pel. Sup. Cor. .5ml 2ml .5ml 2m1 2 ml 411 521 0.1 541 86 411 401 761 26 70 46 729 881 165 341 168 801 2.0 16 619. 42 721 Background 29. Above gounts have had background subtracted. Dry weight 0.41 x 10-2 gm/ml. Initial solution concentration - 1.7 ppb. Amount remaining after codistillation - 89%. Final Alive concentration - 1.42 ppm. Concentrarion factor - 10 Final Lugol concentration - less than control. Table III Experiment 3. Duplicate determination of dpm from filtered sea water control, alive and formalin killed plankton incubated in 1.7 ppb C14DDT solution. Corrected pellet dpm and percent of DDr taken up from solution. DPM Elapsed Formalin Water Alive time Sup 4 Pel Cor Sup Pel Cor Hours control .2 ml 2 ml .2 ml 2 ml 2 ml 46 680 46 252 70 650 182 632 .08 282 108 916 940 922 933 176 38 620 600 206 159 719 73. 252 .41 672 690 625 183 650 225 646 65. 66. 192 222 63 232 .74 614 630 1670* 202 1650 165 545 524 34 212 190 586 230 605 1.16 556 580 240 214 550 529 170 623 42 643 640 226 765 2.08 218 705 708 206 725 725 170 Background - 27 Dry weight. .03 mg/ml. Initial solution concentration - 1.2 ppb. Concentration Tactor 1.) K 10 Final alive concentration - 16 ppm. Concentration factor - 1.3 x 10". Final Formalin concentration - 16 ppm. Concentration factor - 1.3x 10 Percent remaining after codistillation - 78%. * Point rejected for extreme deviation from duplicate. Table IV Experiment 4. Dpm from 0.5 ml pellet of alive, Lugol preservative killed, and formalin killed plankton after incubation for 1 hour. Elapsed time Hours Alive Formalin Lugol Pellet Pellet Pellet 0.5 ml 0.5 ml 0.5 ml 807 Background - 28. Table V Experiment 5. Duplicate determination of dpm from Phytoplankton incubated in light and darkness in O.3 ppb CDDT solution. Cor- rected pellet and percent of DDT taken up from solution. DPM Elapsed Dark Light time Sup Pel Cor Sup Cor Pel Hours .3 ml 2 ml .3 ml 2 ml 109 50 50 102 134 117 0.08 128 48 113 156 50 154 165 162 0.75 55 28 166 165 128 144 46 29 19 142 135 1.00 38 170 158 34 22 62 24 137 142 154 155 2.00 14 164 354 152 14 154 142 166 168 27 3.00 143 20 170 Background - 32 Stock solution count - 1,780. Diluted 1/25. Initial concentration- 3 ppb. Cell density -.06 x 10.gms/ml. Final congentration for both - 2 ppm. Concentration factor. 7 x 10. Table VI. Experiment 6. Duplicate determination of dpm from phytoplankton incubated in light and darkness in 1.2 ppb C+ DDT solution. Cor- rected pellet and percent of DDT taken up from solution. DPM Elapsed Dark Light time Sup 4 Pel Cor Pel Sup Cor Hours .3ml 2ml .3 ml 2m1 37 634 660 41 534 191 565 202 0.08 690 174 780 136 173 872 56 893 53 1140 976 0.5 176 124 85: 57 924 153 894 132 1025 72 98. 1.05 900 114 1120 112 55 1120 186 169 870 953 957 54 1.5 835 830 117 127 850 61 98. 940 104 765 2.5 845 1 620 129 80 1011 71 960 1230 133 1267 13.0 108 1340 Background - 29. The above counts have had the background subtracted. Dry weight -.2 mg/ml. Initial concentration - 1.24 ppb. Final concentration: Light - 5.3 ppm. Concentration factor - 3x 10" Dark - 4.2 ppm. Tahle VII. Experiment 7. Duplicate determination of dpm from phtoplankton incubated for eight hours in 50 ppb and 100 ppb C DDT solutions. Corrected pellet and percent of DDT taken up from solution. DPM Elapsed 100 ppb 50 ppb time Sup Cor % % Sup Pel Pel Cor Hours 144 1011 805 102 101 79 8.0 262 1010 1036 180 36 530 512 Background - 30 Dry Weight. O.037 mg/ml. Initial solution concentration-50 ppb. Final concentration-109 ppm. Concentration factors - 2 x 102. Initial solution concentration - 100 ppb. Final concentration-170 ppm. Concentration factor - 1.7 x 10°. Counts must be multiplied by 7.5 to correct for dilution of radioactive DDT with non-radioactive DDT. Table VIII. 14 Experiment 8. Percent of C DDT retained when phytoplankton are removed to DDT solutions 1/20th the concentration of the solution in which the DDT was taken-up. DPM Elapsed 8 of Trial 2 time Trial Sup 6 Pel Sup % Pel orig. Cor Cor Hours 3ml 2m1 count .3ml 2m1 (1) (2) 960 80 1230 66 1011 72 133 1207 1087 1340 42 807 907 78 1080 987 54 97 76 1140 906 1210 88 1070 1.00 109 96 1220 1098 92 32 1360 980 40 83 1020 915 961 2.00 916 78 90 76 23 915 925 Background - 27. The above counts are corrected for background. Dry weight -.2 x 10-2 gm/ml. Retention - 70%- 90% of counts. Table IX. Cumulative Data for Alive Cells Conc. Final Initial Exp'ment Dr Factor Conc. Conc. Weight ppb ppm gms/m 700 0.41 x 10-3 .210 0.3 825 1.42 0.41 x 10-3 1.7 13000 16 1.2 0.03 x 10-3 7000 2.0 0.06 x 10" 0.3 4000 0.2 x 10-3 5.0 1.2 2100 0.04 x 10- 109 1700 100 170 % of Supernate 42-46 42 50 70 Table ( Counting Procedure Contents of Bray's Scintillation fluid. 900 ml Dioxane 100 ml Methanol 20 ml Ethylene Glycol g Naphthalene 60 PPO g POPOP .2 Machine Nuclear Chicago Unilux II Two Channel Scintillation Counter. Machine settings ChannelE Channel. A 9.9 2.2 Jpper discriminator 0.5 Lower discriminator E 200 D 900 Attenuator C Figure 1 Comparison of C DDT Uptake by Lugol killed and Untreated Cells Figure 1 shows data from Tables IV and V. It shows radioactive disintegration per minute emitted from samples of untreated (open point) and Lugol preservative killed cells (solid point). One set of points corresponds to cells incubated at 0.3 ppb for 4.5 hours, and the other to cells incubated at 1.7 ppb for 2 hours. DDT contained in the cells is proportional to the dpm. The final point for untreated cells at 1.7 ppb corresponds to 1.5 ppm on a dry weight basis. The final point for the 0.3 ppb incubation corresponds to 20 ppm on a dry weight basis. O0( DPM 800 60C 40 200 65 — — ELAPSED TIME HOURS 8 Figure 2 Comparison of C1 Uptake by Formalin killed and Untreated Cells Figure 2 shows data from Table VI. It shows radioactive disintegration per minute emitted from samples of untreated and formalin killed phytoplankton incubated in 1.2 ppb DDT for two hours. Two samples of untreated cells (open point) and two of killed cells (solid point) are shown. Both appear to accumulate the same amounts of DDT. The amount of DDT in the plankton is proportional to the dpm. The average final concentration is 16 ppm. 00 DPM 80 60 400 200 10 05 ELAPSED TIME HOURS 20 Figure 3. Comparison of C14DDT Uptake by Cells Incubated in Light and Dark. Figure 3 shows data from Tables VIII and IX. Points correspond to dpm of cells incubated in 1.2 ppb for 13 hours and 0.3 ppb for 3 hours. The amount of DDT in the cells is proportional to the dpm. The final concentrations of DDT in the cells on a dry weight basis is 2 ppm for 0.3 ppb and 4 ppm for 1.2 ppb. 0 O I S L 0 O O 4 A Appendix Culture and Incubation Data This table providss information concerning collection and use of of phytoplankton in the experiments. Column one gives experiment number and a short indication of the nature of the experiment. This column also provides the date of collection. Column two gives the concentration of CDDT used in the experiment. Column three indicates mode of collection The collction labelled "cultured" indicates that a tow was placed in culture media (follows) and used subsequently. The "Depth" colum indi- cates the depth at which the collection was made. The "Location" column indicates location at which collections were made. The buoy re- ferred to is the bell buoy approximately 1,000 meters off the shore of Mussell Point of Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, California. The "Age" column gives approximate age of the collection when th experi- mentwas started. "Treatment" explains how the tow was diluted. The filter- ed water referred to is filtered with 0.45 millipore filter. "Contain- er" indicates th vessels used for experimental incubations. "Incubation" describes the temperature and light conditions of incubation. Foot candle measuremnts were made with a light meter. The incubator had two flourescent light bulbs 8 or 10 cm. from the cultures. "Constitution" indicates theimajor plankton types present in the collection ad identi- fied by Dr. Isabella Abbott of the Hopkins Marine Station. ond a Culture and Incubation Data Depth Collection Initial Experiment Date Conc. meters ppb Description power skiff 15 0.3 May 22 Alive/Lugol power skiff* 15 1.7 May 22 Alive/Lugol cultured 1.2 May 31 Alive/Formalin row boat May Alive/Lugol/Form. row boat 0.3 May 26 Light/Dark 1.24 row boat May 28 Light/Dark 50-100 row boat May 28 High concentration row boat May 28 Retention * Not collected by author. 15 15 10-15 10-15 Location 100 yds of bell bouy 100 yds of bell bouy 150 yds of bell bouy 150 yds of bell bouy 150 yds of bell bouy 150 yds of bell bouy 150 yds of bell bouy (con't Age hours Treatment tow diluted 250 ml tow 850 ml filtered H20 tow diluted 250 ml tow 850 ml filtered H20 culture Chot diluted tow diluted 400 ml tow 350 ml filtered H20 tow diluted 250 ml tow 750 ml filtered H20 tow diluted 250 ml tow 750 ml filtered H,0 tow diluted 250 ml tow 750 ml filtered 120 Container 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask aluminum foil cover 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask aluminum foil cover 125 ml B.O.D. 50 ml in 125 ml Erlenmeyer flask 500 ml in 100 ml B.O.D. 500 ml in 100 ml B.O.D. 125 ml B.O.D. 500 ml in 100 ml B.O.D. Incubation 130 C water bath 130 C water bath 14° C incubator 13° C water bath 3000 foot¬ candles 130 C water bath 1100 foot - candles 140 incubator 14° incubator 13 water bath Constitution Rhizosolenia alta (2 spp) Chaetoceros (2 spp) Nitzchia pacifica Rhizosolenia alta (2 spp) Chaetoceros (2 spp) Nitzchia pacifica Rhizosolenia alta Chaetoceros Nitzchia pacifica Skeletonemia Chaetochos Rhizosolenia alta R. hebetata Chaetoceros (2 spp) Nitzchia pacifica Dinoflagellates Rhizosolenia alta Chaetoceros Nitzchia pacifica Skeletonemia Rhizosolenia alta Chaetoceros Nitzchia pacifica Skeletonemia Rhizosolenia alta Chaetoceros Nitzchia pacifica Skeletonemia Algal Culturing Media IR Food Chain Resarch Group Sea Water - filtered 1-3 Nitrate 500 ug-at N/1 Phosphate 50 ug-at P/1 Silicate 250 ug-at Si/l. Acid to neutralize silicate to ph 7. Minor trace metals ecl3.6H,0 5 X 102 gm/1 Mgla,N0,-2 H20 2.5 x 10-5gm/1 Sodium ethylenediaminetetracetate 5 x 10-gm/1. Vitamins 1077 gm/1 3iotin 10 gm/1 Thiamine hydrochloride 10 gm/1 Tris Buffer 7.9-8.1 1 m1/1 References Bonner, W.A. and A.J. Castro, 1965, Essentials of Modern Organic Chemistry, (Reinhold Publishing Co., New York). p. 356. Bowman et. al., 1964 Scienca 146 : 1480-1. Butler, P.A., "Pesticides- A New Factor in Coastal Environments, Twentv-eighth North American Wildlife Conference. Cole, 1961, Mosquito Nems 21 : 139-140. Giese, A.C., 1968, Cell Physiology, (W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia), p. 320. Gutknecht, J. "Zn 65 Uptake by Benthic Marine Algae." Deep Sea Research 6: 375-379, 1958. Hickey,,J.J. and D.W. Anderson, 1968. "Chlorinated Hydrocarbons and Egg- shell Changes in Raptorial and Fish Eating Birds," Science 162:271-273. Mac Isacc,J.J. and R.C. Dugsdale, 1967, "The Kinetics of Nitrate and Am- monia Uptake by Natural Populations of Marine Phytoplankton," Deen Sea Research 16(1):45-57. Meyers and Cark, 1944. Culture Conditions and Development of the Photo- synthetic Mechanism) Journal of General Physiology 28: 103-112. Odum, W.E. 1969, "DDT Residues Absorbed from Organic Detritus by Fiddler Crabs," Sciengo 164:576-577. Parsons and J.D.H. Strickland, 1968, Measuring the Production of Marine Ehytoplankton," Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Ottawa. Risebrough, R.W. et. al. 1968, "Pesticides : Trans Atlantic Movements in the Northeast Trades," Science 159:1233-1230. Risebrough „R.W. et. al. "Polychlorinated Biphenyls in the Global Ecosystem," Nature 220:1098-1102, 1908. Rudd, R.L., Pesticides in the Living Landscape (University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1964). SSodergren,A., 1968, "Uptake and Accumulateion of C DDT by Chlorella sp. (Chlorophyceae);" Oikos 19(1): 126-138. Ukeles,R.,1962, "Growth of Pure Cultures of Marine Phytoplankton in the Presence of Toxicants," Applied Microbiology 1016):532-537. Wedemeyer, G. 1905, "Uptake of 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid by Pseudomonas fluorescens," Applied Microbiology 14:468-91. 3ee Woodwell,G.M.,1907,"Toxic Substances and Ecological Cycles,"Scien- 216(3):24-31. tific America Wurster, C.F.,.1968, "DDT Reduces Photosynthesis in Marine Phyto- plankton," Science 159:1474-1475.