ABSTRACT The ability of calcium to turn on the calmodulin-activated enzyme NAD kinase was tested at different stages in the development of sea urchin embryos during the first 24 hours after fertilization. It was found that NAD kinase is a stable enzyme and that its calcium-dependency does not change throughout development. Tests on NAD kinase from eggs grown in emetine, an inhibitor of protein synthesis, and actinomycin, an inhibitor of RNA transcription, revealed that the enzyme is neither translated or resynthesized during the first twenty four hours. A calcium sensitivity curve was plotted for the enzyme and correlations between the critical concentrations of free calcium for the activation of NAD kinase and the actual calcium levels in the eggs are discussed. . INTRODUCTION One of the many calcium-induced changes occurring at fertilization in the sea urchin egg is the activation of NAD kinase, the enzyme responsible for the conversion of NAD into NADP. NAD kinase is a calmodulin-dependent enzyme and is thereby turned on directly by the post-fertilization increase in calcium levels. Though NAD kinase is responsible for NADP synthesis in all eukaryotic cells, little is known about the role of this enzyme or its product. There is a small amount of literature hinting at possible regulatory roles for the enzyme. Mitogen stimulation of lymphocytes has been shown to cause an increase in NADP levels (Berger et al, 1987). NAD kinase activity also changes upon photostimulation and during spore germination in Neurospora (Afanasieva et al, 1982). Finally, circadian variations in the affinitiy of NAD kinase have been observed in Euglena (Laval-Marten et al, 1990). Unpublished work of Robert Sweezy in David Epel's laboratory indicated an apparent shift in the calcium dependency of NAD kinase at fertilization in sea urchin eggs and this was the starting point for my project. I wanted to test for alterations in the enzyme that may occur at fertilization and trace its activity throughout development in hopes of elucidating any possible regulatory roles of NAD kinase. Calcium activation of the enzyme was tested before and after fertilization and then at various stages in development. Surprisingly, NAD kinase retained its calcium sensitivity after fertilization. To investigate the turnover rate of NAD kinase, embryos were grown in emetine, an effective protein synthesis inhibitor in sea urchin eggs (Hogan and Gross, 1971), and also in actinomycin, an RNA translation inhibitor (Gross et al, 1964). I found that NAD kinase levels were unaffected during twenty-four hours incubations in these inhibitors, indicating that NAD kinase is stable and is not degraded or synthesized during development. The sensitivity of the enzyme activity to different concentrations of free calcium was also tested to find out if there was a correspondence between changes in the intracellular levels of calcium and enzyme activity. NAD kinase was found to be activated to its maximal level at a calcium concentration between 10-6M and 10-7M. MATERIALS AND METHODS Collecting Gametes Gametes were collected from S. purpuratus by intracoelomic injection of 0.5 MKCl. Released eggs were stored in stirred sea water at 15'C. Sperm was kept dry at 4'C. All gametes were used within 12 hours of collection. To dejelly the eggs, the eggs were passed through a 90u Nitex mesh filter three times. The dejellied eggs were resuspended in fresh sea water and then fertilized by adding a small sample of sperm freshly dissolved in sea water. Raising Embryos Fertilized eggs were suspended in fresh sea water to a final concentration of 1% (vol/vol) and set up with a stirrer in a 15'C water bath. Three samples were raised for 24 hours; a control group in sea water, one in 25ug/ml solution of actinomycin in sea water. and one in 10-M emetine in sea water. Extraction of Enzyme At three hour intervals, 1Oml of each suspension were pelleted in a hand centrifuge, washed several times with sea water and then resuspended to 5% (vol/vol) in an homogenization medium containing 300mM glycine/175mM potassium gluconate/185mM mannitol/SOmM Pipes buffer/2OmM NaclSmM MgC12/10mM EGTASmM DTT adjusted to pH of 6.8 using KOH. The mixture was homogenized using a tight Dounce homogenizer until no intact cells were visible under a microscope. (about 40 strokes) The samples were centrifuged at 20000g for five minutes at 4C and the supernatant was collected and kept at-40C until the enzyme assay. Protein Assay To standardize the amount of protein present in each sample, the Coomassie blue filter paper assay was used. These values were used to normalize the relative rates of activity found in the enzyme assay. Measuring NAD Kinase Activity The assay mixture consisted of 200mM Pipes buffer, 10mM MgCl, SmM ATP, 1OmM G6P, 1.0 unit of G6PD, and 0.Iml of the enzyme extract. NAD was added to 2mM concentration to begin the reaction. After a basal rate had been established, a solution of calcium acetate was added to 0.SmM final concentration to stimulate NAD Kinase to its maximal rate. Enzyme activity was measured using a Perkins Elmer Fluorometer Model 204A at 340 mM excitation and 440mM emission. Calcium Sensitivity Assay For this experiment, different amounts of calcium acetate were added during the enzyme assay to vary the free calcium levels and observe their effects on NAD kinase activity. The relationship between the total calcium and the free calcium varied according to EGTA concentration, pH, temperature, and the presence of other metal chelators. Chris Patton's chelating program was used to account for these effects. RESULTS NAD Kinase During Normal Development Aliquots of the developing embryos were taken at three hour intervals and the enzyme extracts assayed for activity. In all enzyme assays, the rates of activity as indicated by increase in fluorescence from rising NADPH levels were standardized using values obtained from the protein assay. Fig.1 shows the rates of activity before and after stimulation by calcium. As seen, sensitivity to calcium did not change during development. There was a puzzling variability in rates at the different time points. Unfortunately, only one time series was done, but it appears that there no major changes in NAD kinase in the early stages. Possibly, there is an increase at 18 to 21 hours. NAD Kinase Activity Düring Development in Actinomycin D In agreement with Gross et al (1964), embryos developed normally in the RNA transcription inhibitor Actinomycin up to the blastula stage, but became arrested at the 18 hour point. There was no apparent effect on NAD kinase level. nor was there any effect on the ability of the enzyme to be stimulated by calcium. (Fig 2) Again, puzzling variability in the enzyme activity was seen during development. NAD Kinase Activity During Development in Emetine Emetine is an inhibitor of protein synthesis, and as described by Wagenaar and Mazia (1978), the fertilized eggs did not divide and were arrested at the single cell stage. With the lack of proteins needed to undergo mitosis, the eggs gradually became deformed as time progressed and lysis was seen in some eggs by the 20th hour. There was no drop in enzyme activity during this twenty hour time period before or after calcium stimulation (Fig. 3). Again, high variability was seen in the enzyme activity rates. Calcium Sensitivity Testing the NAD kinase activity at different calcium concentrations revealed the enzyme to be fully activated at free calcium concentrations between 10-M and 10-OM (Fig. 4). There was some activity even at concentrations below 10-7M and to turn the enzyme off completely, free calcium had to be dropped to 10-9M. Because of the high pH sensitivity of the EGTA-calcium complex, it was difficult to pinpoint the exact calcium concentration at which the enzyme reached its maximal activity. Figure 4 shows a calcium sensitivity curve done on embryos prepared ten minutes after fertilization. Repeats of this experiment using unfertilized eggs and embryos one hour after fertilization confirmed these findings. The low rates of activity at 10 and 10-8M concentrations resembled the off rate activity of the enzyme while the rates at 10-°M and higher concentrations of calcium were similar to the on rates. DISCUSSION In the three different conditions of raising embryos in this study (control, actinomycin, emetine), none showed a decrease in the ability of calcium to activate NAD kinase, nor were there major effects on maximal activity. Unfortunately, the extreme variations in the rates of activity seen at different time points in all three conditions have no logical explanation. Though the first set of assays were more consistent and constant than the two following (Fig. 1,2,3), the rates still varied widely. Sampling error could account for some of the variation though it cannot not alone explain the results obtained. Perhaps there was some modification due to toxic effects of the inhibitors; i.e. release of proteases affecting enzyme activity. Since there were no logical trends to be deduced, the only significant finding from the study is that the stimulation of NAD kinase with calcium was stable throughout development in all three cases. This indicates that NAD is not synthesized or degraded in the cell during development. This opens up a wide field of speculations. During the first 60 seconds after fertilization, NAD kinase is responsible for converting about half the cell's NAD into NADP (Epel et al, 1981). What turns on the enzyme is the transient rise in calcium occurring at fertilization. This initial increase has been documented to last about 5 minutes but only the first minute has a calcium level high enough to keep the enzyme active. The free intracellular calcium rises from about 10Onm to 2uM (Poenie, 1985). This corresponds to the Cat sensitivity curve of NAD kinase (Fig. 4) There were some problems with trying to come up with the cutoff point for turning on NAD kinase with calcium. The experiment had been carried out previously and the crucial concentrations levels were reported to be between 10-7 M an 10-6 M of free calcium.(Epel et al, 1981) Though the data presented here confirm the previous findings, using a more sophisticated software program to account for effects of various chelators as well as pH and temperature, revealed a similar calcium dependency. More accurate estimates of free calcium were difficult to obtain since calcium buffering with EGTA was prone to error, in part because extremely small variations in calcium content would have large consequences for free calcium estimates. For example, a Sum difference in total calcium could cause a ten-fold change in free calcium concentration. Keeping these factors in mind, if the on-off switch for NAD kinase is taken to be between 10-M and 10M of free calcium, this implies that any changes of free calcium levels could directly control the NAD kinase. Studies that have traced the pattern of calcium fluctuations during early development reveal that the cell cycle shows well defined calcium peaks corresponding to specific events of cell division and embryo development (Poenie et al, 1985). Supposing that regulation of NAD kinase does occur, this would mean that there would be varying levels of NADP or NADPH at different time points in the cell cyle. One role for NADP relates to the ratio of NADP/NADPH levels in the egg. This is a current area of research in the lab of David Epel, who believes that redox regulation could be taking place during development as the NADP/NADPH ratio changes. On the other hand, one possibility for consequences of regulation of NAD kinase activity suggests a mechanism for keeping levels of NADP constant. It has been discovered that a derivative of NADP, along with other pyridine nucleotide metabolites, stimulate calcium release (Lee et al, 1987). This apparent relationship between NADP and calcium hints at a possible positive feedback system, in which NAD kinase could be reactivated at certain stages in the cell cyle. Depletion of NADP by conversion to its derivative form would be prevented by stimulation of NADP production by calcium. In the meantime, the released calcium could stimulate other processes needed for the cell cycle. The role of NAD kinase would then be to keep NADP levels constant in the cell. Another interpretation of the stability of NAD kinase is to consider the tonic nature of the enzyme. Most enzymes have half lives ranging from three minutes to twenty-four hours (Bachmair et al, 1986). The finding that NAD kinase is not degraded or resynthesized yet retains its activity upon calcium stimulation seems to imply that it is remarkably stable. Sea urchins store their eggs up to six months before spawning. For the egg to be constantly replacing an enzyme that is necessary upon fertilization would be a waste of metabolic energy. Since NAD kinase is such an enzyme, its stability could be a way of saving energy. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I thank David Epel for his direction, patience and constant enthusiasm throughout the quarter. I also thank Chris Patton, Rob Sweezy, and Paul Sun for all their help in the lab. Special thanks go to my roommate Aimee Sison who put up with all my ups and downs for the past ten weeks and to Roger Cornwall for the endless supply of Diet Cokes and ice cream during long hours in lab. Finally, I thank all my fellow 175H spring students for making this quarter a lot of fun and the rest of the faculty and staff at Hopkins for making us feel so welcome. 7. LITERATURE CITED Afanasieva, T.P., Filippovich, S.Yu., Sokolovsky, V.Yu., and Kritsky, M.S. (1982) "Developmental Regulation of NAD Kinase in Neurospora crassa". Archives of Microbiology 133, 307-311. 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(1971) "The Effect of Protein Synthesis Inhibition on the Entry of Messenger RNA Into the Cytoplasm of Sea Urchin Embryos". Journal of Cell Biology 49, 692-697 Laval-Marten, D., Carre,I., Barbera, S.J., and Edmunds, L.N. (1990) "Circadian Variations in the Affinities of NAD Kinase and NADP Phosphatase for Their Substrates, NAD and NADP, in Dividing and Nondividing Cells of the Achlorophyllous ZC Mutant of of Euglena Gracilis Klebs (Strain Z)". Chronobiology International 7, 99-105. Poenie, M., Alderton, J., Tsien, R.Y., and Steinhardt. R.A. (1985) "Changes of Free Calcium Levels with Stages of the Cell Division Cycle" Nature 315, 147-149. Wagenaar, E.B. and Mazia, D. (1978) "The Effect of Emetine on First Cleavage Division in the Sea Urchin, Stronglyocentrotus purpuratus" in Cell Reproduction: In Honor of Daniel Mazia (E.R. Dirksen, D.M. Prescott, and C.F. Fox, editors) 539-546. 12 ..7 FIGURE LEGEND FIGURE 1. Relative rate of NAD kinase activity as indicated by appearance of NADPH in response to calcium during normal development. Each point represents activity, in relative fluorescent units normalized to equivalent protein, of enzyme activity in S. purpuratus embryos. Time points correspond to development as follows; 0: unfertilized, 3: four-cell stage, 6,9,12: multi-cell stage, 18,21: blastula FIGURE 2. Relative rate of NAD kinase activity in response to calcium during development in actinomycin. Same conditions as Figure 1. Development also corresponds to above. FIGURE 3. Relative rate of NAD kinase activity in response to calcium during development in emetine. Same conditions as Figure 1 and Figure 2. Development was arrested at the one cell stage. Cells lysed at the 20th hour. FIGURE 4. Calcium sensitivity curve for NAD kinase from fertilized eggs. Free calcium concentrations as predicted by Patton's chelator program. 8 8 — ubieddy HNo S N ubeddy N 8 8 ueddy N 8 0 9 8 8 8 AV Szu