Feeding in Ophelia assimilis Anne Billingsley 2 INTRODUCTION Ophelia assimilis (Tebble) is reported by Hartman (1969) to occur in the sandy beaches of Central California. The worms live as isolated groups in mid-intertidal regions which are exposed during medium and low tides but covered during high tides. The sand they inhabit is clean and relatively free of conspicuous organic detritus, lending interest to the source of their food supply. Studies done on a closely related species, Thoracophelia mucronata (Treadwell) by McConnaughey and Fox (1949) suggest that these worms feed on organic material adsorbed to sand grains, possibly as colloidal micelles, and other fine particles adhering to the sand or closely associated with it. Wilson (1948a), when studying larval settlement in Ophelia bicornis (vide de St.-Joseph) observed that relatively little organic material adsorbed to the sand grains is sufficient to support the nutritional requirements of this species and that the "clean¬ est" sand will nourish these worms adequately. However, substrate analysis and feeding behavior have not been examined in detail, save a single study on carotenoid uptake in T. mucronata (Fox et al., 1948). Observations of the anatomy of O. assimilis show this worm has a simplified pharynx unequipped to capture prey, lacks filter-feeding or plankton-concentrating structures, and has reduced parapodia and setae. This simplified anatomy and the animal's restriction to organically impoverished substrates suggests that their feeding habits and food supply are similar to those of T. mucronata and O. bicornis Feeding in Ophelia assimilis Anne Billingsley 3 The studies reported here were conducted to determine whether or not O. assimilis is a sand-eater, deriving all of its nutritional requirements from the organic carbon adsorbed to the sand grains. It further sought to determine the qualitative and quantitative nature of the food of this animal, the percentage uptake of total organic carbon as well as specific nutrients, and examined the efficiency of nutrient utilization. Determination of selectivity of food substrate was also investigated, along with transit times of sands coated with natural and test materials. MATERIALS AND MEIHODS Specimens of O. assimilis were collected from a sandy beach adjacent to the Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, California. Animals were maintained in running sea water in sand for no more than four days before use in experiments. Sand samples from the worms' habitat were collected a few hours prior to analysis, and were sifted through a.495 mm Standard kler screen to a size found to correspond to the particle size ingested by the worm. Samples of sand were washed with distilled water prior to analysis. Feces were collected from fresh worms which were hand-washed to remove adhering sand particles and placed in Petri dishes on an inert substrate of ground colored glass approximating particle feeding size. Dishes were filled with Instant Ocean (Aquarium Systems, Inc., Eastlake, Ohio), to avoid organic carbon deposition from sea water, and the dishes Feeding in Ophelia assimilis Anne Billingsley 4 were placed on a sea table overnight with sea water running to maintain a temperature of 14.5°0. The feces were pipetted from the substrate and washed thoroughly with distilled water. Fecal material from 82 worms was used for analyses. Organic carbon content of sand and feces was determined using the wet ashing procedure described by Strickland and Parsons (1968) and expressed as micrograms carbon/ml wet material. Protein was determined using the method by Lowry et al. (1951) and a standard of Bovine Serum Albumin, Armour Fraction V. Polysaccharide carbohydrate was determined on a sodium hydroxide digest of the sand following the method of Somogyi (1934), and subsequently analyzed by the colorimetric method of Dubois et al.(1956). The method was originally designed for the estimation of glycogen in tissues and the application of the method to analysis of sand provided an estimation of the larger insoluble carbohydrate fraction. Lipids were determined by weight after extraction with petroleum ether. RESULTS Dissections of freshly collected worms revealed guts filled with sand for nearly the entire length of the worm. All of the sand taken from the guts of worms was of a similar size and could pass through the mesh Anne Billingsley Feeding in Ophelia assimilis of a .495 mm Standard Tyler screen. Only 3% of the sand in their habitat is of this size. It appears that the worms were selective in terms of particle size ingested. Little else than sand could be seen on micro¬ scopic examination of the feces or gut contents. Feeding experiments. Transit times for sand from the habitat and substitute food substrates were investigated as follows. Sand from the habitat was sifted to obtain the size fractions acceptable to the worms. Artificial sands were prepared by grinding colored glass to the same particle size. For some experiments the ground glass was coated as follows. The glass was placed in running sea water so that a natural film of material could be aquired or specific substrates were adsorbed. Bovine Serum Albumin, soluble starch, and vegetable oil (Wesson) were added to ground glass samples at a concentration of 100 ug/ml of ground glass. The oil was dissolved in petroleum ether; the protein and car- bohydrate were dissolved in distilled water. All glass particles with artificial substrates were dried to constant weight either by heating to 100°C or at room temperature. Analyses of these artificial sands revealed that 90 of the protein, 40% of the starch, and 100% of the lipid remained adsorbed after washing with Instant Ocean. Freshly collected worms were placed on a test substratum in a Petri dish con¬ taining sea water or Instant Ocean maintained at 15°0. Sea water was used only with sieved sand from the habitat. Habitat sand was mixed with ground glass coated with a natural film to permit identification of this natural test substrate. Feeding in Ophelia assimilis Anne Billingsley 6 The normal feeding behavior of worms placed on labelled sand from the habitat was as follows. After an interval ranging from one half hour to five hours the worms began to feed. Feeding was readily detected as the worms everted their proboscides and ingestion could be observed. Defecation started at the same time and continued as long as the worms continued to feed. Transit times were measured as the interval between the start of defecation and the first appearance of color-labelled substratum in the feces. No defecation occurred if animal were placed in containers lacking an ingestible substrate. Animals placed on uncoated ground glass fed for only short intervals with accompanying short intervals of defecation. Therefore, the transit time as measured was considerably longer. Transit times of worms placed on ground glass coated with protein, starch, or lipid approached that of the worms on the natural substratum. However, feeding was somewhat less continuous. Table 1 presents the measure and transit times on different substrates. Assimilation e ciency. Table 2 presents the results of chemical analyses of the sand from the habitat and the feces obtained from the worm. It is observed that the worms take up about 162 ug carbon per ml wet sand, or approximately 67% of total organic matter available. The protein uptake of the sand by the worms was determined to be approximately 152 ug protein/ml sand, indicating a 74% utilization of the protein avail- able. Fecal samples exhibited a 40% uptake of the polysaccharide car- bohydrate present in the sand. The lipid content of the sand was Feeding in Ophelia assimilis Anne Billingsley 7 xtremely small in amount. No lipid was detected in the fecal material. DISCUSSION Microscopic examinations of feeding substrate, gut contents, and fecal material of Ophelia assimilis indicate that this worm derives most of its nutrition from organic material adsorbed to ingested sand grains. Sand grains taken from the guts of freshly collected animals are free from organic detritus, plankton, or small animal and plant material. Similarly, defecated sand lacks organic detritus and contains surviving flagellates and undamaged diatoms which have passed unaltered through the gut. Results of organic carbon determinations of sand from the worm's natural habitat indicate that the sand has relatively low levels of organic carbon, 270 ug/ml. The worms, however, extract 60-67% of this organic material. This amount appears to be sufficient to meet their nutritional needs. The food substrate consists mostly of adsorbed protein, which is present in quantities six times greater than the combined polysaccharide carbohydrate and lipid. The worms are able to extract and utilize 74%5 of this available protein, taking up about 152ug per ml of the sand that they ingest. The worms assimilate only 40% of the carbohydrate. Lipid levels are very low. However, the worms may be extremely efficient at Feeding in Ophelia assimilis Anne Billingsley 8 extracting lipids, as no trace of lipid material can be detected in the feces. Protein appears to be the major nutrient in the diet. O. assimilis appears to be somewhat selective in feeding. Ground glass lacking either a naturally developed film of organic material or one of the test substrate resulted in a much lengthened transit time primarily because it was not readily eaten. The animals stopped taking in this nutrient-free material after brief periods of ingestion. Not only do these animals appear to be selective with respect to nutrient content but they are selective with respect to particle size as well. Finally, the process of defecation appears to be closely tied to the process of eating. Defecation was observed to occur only during feeding. Further work is planned on the nutrition of these animals in relation to their metabolism and energy budget. SUMIARY 1) Ophel: a assimilis is a sand-feeder deriving a large part of its nutritional requirements from organic material adsorbed to sand ains, and seemin gly little else. 2) The worms select for particle size of sand grains when feeding, and appear to distinguish and select sand grains containing adsorbed organic material. Feeding in Ophelia assin Anne Billingsley 9 milis 3) O. assimilis lives on relatively clean sand with low organic carbon levels. 4) The food substrate contains proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids, with protein constituting the bulk of the organic material, and probably providing the most important nutritional contribution. 5) Transit time for normal substrate is about 40 minutes, with rate determinations varying as nutritional constitution of the substrate is varied. rate lacking adsorbed 6) The worms do not feed readily on a subs nutrients, implying substrate selectivity. 7) Defecation is observed only during feeding. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to express my gratitude to Dr. Isabella Abbott for her help and guidence in this project. I would also like to extend special thanks to Dr. John Phillips for his invaluble and kind help in this research and paper, and to faculty members Charles Baxter and Robin Burnett for making life truly enjoyable. REFERENCE Dubois, M., K. A. Giles, J. K. Hamilton, P. A. Rebers, and F. Smith. 1956. Colorimetric method for determination of sugars and related nalyt. Chem. 28: 350-356. substances. An Fox, D. L., S. C. Crane, and B. H. McConnaughey. 1948. A biochemical study of the marine annelid worm Thoracophelia mucronata, its food, biochromes, and carotenoid metabolism. J. Mar. Res. 7: 567-585. Hartman, O. 1969. Atlas of the Sedentariate Polychaetous Annelids from California. Allen Hancock Foundation, Los Angeles, 82opp. Lowry, O. H., N. J. Rosebrough, A. L. Farr, and R. V. Randall. 1951. J. Biol. Chem. 1 93: 265. McConnaughey, B. H. and D. L. Fox. 1949. The anatomy and biology of the marine polychaete Thoracophelia mucronata (Treadwell) Opheli- 319-5 idae. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 17 Somogvi, M. 1934. The solubility and preparation of phosphorous and nitrogen free glycogen. J. Biol. Chem. 104: 245-253. Strickland, J. D. H. and T. R. Parsons. 1965. A Practical Handbook of Seawater Analysis. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Ottawa, 205 pp. Wilson, D. P. 1971. The influence of the nature of the substratum on the metamorphosis of the larvae of marine animals, especially the larvae of Ophelia bicornis Savigny. Annls. Inst. Oceanogr. 27; 49-156. 1 30 2 8 8 88 5 ++ 1 ++ 8 8 8 8 8 kaa- 5 1+ 14 14 P G 1 oo .