Effects of Conus striatus venom on voltage-gated K channels in frog sympathetic ganglia neurons BRETT E. ETCHEBARNE Experimental Neurobiology June 15, 2001 William F. Gilly, Advisor Acknowledgements 1 would like to thank Professor Gilly for his commitment to all of his students in the course and drive to emphasize the importance of proper experimentation and data analysis in the pursuit of knowledge. His influence throughout this experience will have a lasting impression throughout my lifetime in all future work. Dr. Joseph Schulz was a constant source of guidance and consultation throughout this quarter. He made this project possible, and allowed me to see the light at the end of the tunnel during the tough times. Mat Brock was extremely helpful in providing crucial technical support in the face of many ominous problems. Josh Rosenthal is a funny guy. Go Sixers. Table of Contents: Acknowledgements. Table of Contents List of Figures..........................................................4 Text....c................................................... Literature Review........................................ Abstract......................... Introduction...............4 Materials and Methods................................................................................10 Results...................................................................................................10 Discussion.Z0 References4 DiagramsZ0 .....29 Figures Figure Legends0 List of figures Diagram 1: Cone snails Figure 1: Basic venom effect. Externally applied Conus venom causes time-dependent block of frog sympathetic ganglia voltage-gated Kchannels Figure 2: Conus venom does not alter the K conductance versus voltage relationship Figure 3: Venom block of Ix occurs in a voltage-independent manner Figure 4: Concentration dependence of steady-state Ig block Figure 5: Time course of lg block at two relative venom concentrations Figure 6: S-Nitrosodithiothreietol does not modify sympathetic ganglia Ix Figure 7: Sympathetic ganglia neuron Ig is TEA sensitive Review of Conus venom effects on voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels Venomous gastropods of genus Conus One of the most dangerous and unlikely predators in the ocean is presented to us in the form of a snail. Cone snails are marine gastropods (Class Gastropoda, Order Neogastropoda, Superfamily Toxoglossa, Family Conidae) that have found their ecological niche in the coral reef habitat and proliferated greatly in the past 55 million years, growing to a size of about 500 different species as possibly the largest single marine genus. An unequivocal reason for the adaptive success and radiation of Conus is present in its employment of neurotoxins as a method of prey capture, escape from and defense against predators, and deterrent of competitors. These toxins are small, structurally constrained peptides of 12-30 amino acid residues in length held together by several internal disulfide bonds. Conotoxins have evolved to select targets comprised of specific voltage- and ligand-gated ion channels and G protein-linked receptors and act to disrupt normal neuronal communication (Olivera, 1997). Currently, researchers have identified 10 major classes of Conus peptides, each targeting a different aspect of the neuronal communication process including K, Na', Ca", and ACh receptors (Mclntosh et al., 1999 Studies of the molecular genetics of toxin genes in Conus species has shown that gene duplication and selection for diversity are resulting in functionally variable conotoxins which are further linked to the evolutionary spread and success of the genus (Duda and Palumbi, 1998). Furthermore, it has been postulated that in the more complex venom batteries of Conus species there may be over 100 different peptides present, each of which may be unique to that species as a means of prey capture (Olivera et al., 1995). An adept system of conotoxin delivery into both prey and possible enemies is based on a highly sophisticated venom production-apparatus and delivery system. The cone snail employs chemical and tactile sensory systems in its extensible proboscis to locate and track targets, and then "harpoons" it's victim using a specialized barbed radula tooth that is tethered to its proboscis. The radula tooth at the distal end of a venom duct acts to spear and hypodermically envenom the prey (Kohn, 1956). The proximal end of the duct emerges from a muscular bulb-like structure. To be a successful predator, each of the 500 different species of cone snail has developed an arsenal of conotoxin peptides geared specifically toward incapacitation of their specific prey items. For example, fish-eating (piscivorous) cones use a battery of peptides evoking “excitotoxic shock" in their victim through the combination of a ô¬ conotoxin that increases sodium-channel conductance while a complementary k- conotoxin blocks potassium-channel conductance. This typically produces a strong depolarization in poisoned nerve processes leading to repetitive firing and disruption of coordinated locomotion by the fish. Meanwhile, a different group of toxins in the same venom cocktail acts synergistically on different target cell types to inhibit neuromuscular transmission and muscular contraction, thereby paralyzing the fish. These are the o¬ conotoxin PIVA, which targets the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, and u-conotoxin PIIIA, which blocks skeletal muscle sodium channels. Together, this combination of peptides very quickly renders the fish helpless and enables the slow-moving snail to catch its faster prey (Terlau et al., 1996). Conotoxins are remarkably specific to the prey type for each Conus species. Studies carried out by Endean and Rudkin (1965) showed that crude venom samples from several Conus species that were fish eaters had no effect on mollusks or worms, whereas toxins from mollusk-eating species did not affect fish. This is consistent with the idea that particular Conus species selected for a match between prey-type and toxin complement during their evolutionary history. In some cases, however, toxins from species that selectively prey on other gastropod mollusks are very potent in mammalian systems, such as those from Conus geographus, C. magus and C. textile. Specificity of such peptides occurs not because the cone snails have selected for a conotoxin that is directed against mammalian systems, but because a particular feature of the channel or receptor target is highly conserved in both mammals and mollusks (Olivera et al., 1991). Conus striatus Conus striatus is a relatively large cone snail found in the Indo-Pacific. It is one of the most widely distributed cones, and was the first ever described as specializing in fish hunting (Kohn, 1956). Peptide batteries in C. striatus and C. magus have been shown to differ from other Indo-Pacific fish hunters in their composition. All of the Indo-Pacific Conus described make peptides, which target the block of neuromuscular transmission. C. purpurascens produces both a noncompetitive nicotinic antagonist (aA-conotoxin) and a competitive nicotinic antagonist (y-conotoxin). C. ermineus contains a competitive nicotinic agonist only. The peptides of C. striatus and C. magus, however, are o-conotoxins which target calcium channels and are not present in the other fish hunters. Additionally, the KA¬ conotoxin SIVA has been described in C. striatus which causes spastic paralysis in fish, appears to block voltage-gated Shaker K channels, and causes repetitive action potentials following a single stimulus in the frog neuromuscular preparation (Craig et al., 1998). Conus toxins directed against voltage-gated K and Na channels My research at the present time is limited to the effects of Conus striatus venom on voltage-gated Na' and voltage-gated K channels. For this reason I have focused my literature review on those articles pertaining to the three main categories of Conus venom components that are known to affect either of these two types of channels. These include the k-conotoxins, which selectively inhibit K channels, and u-conotoxins and ô¬ conotoxins, which selectively affect Na channels. k-Conotoxins k-Conotoxins have been classified as those peptides isolated from Conus species, which produce an effect on voltage-gated K channels. Thus far, only two k-conotoxins have been identified. The first, k-conotoxin PVIIA, isolated from Conus purpurascens, has affects on Shaker H4 channels. In voltage-clamp experiments, the toxin produces a reversible reduction in peak K currents (Ig) with dose dependence, consistent with a 1:1 binding stoichiometry for the toxin and receptor site (Shon et al., 1997). In the Shaker channel, PVIIA is known to interact directly with the external TEA binding site in the external vestibule region, and in this regard is analogous to the charybdotoxin (CTX) family of scorpion toxins (Terlau et al. 1999). However, the mutation F425G in this channel that acts to increase CTX-binding affinity by three orders of magnitude makes the channel insensitive to k-PVIIA. Thus, the two toxins, which have been determined to be structurally similar in protein conformation and folding, do not appear to share the identical amino acid residue at the position that mates with the F425 binding site. Since additional amino acid residues on the K channel are also important for binding of CTX (Miller, 1995), some of these may overlap with those important for K-PVIIA binding. Other residues are likely to be unique to each toxin. Thus, both toxin types are potentially very useful in studying and mapping the structure of the K channel outer vestibule from a diverse group of K channel targets. KA-Conotoxin SIVA, isolated from C. striatus, is a peptide that has also been shown to affect K channels, but is structurally different from the k-conotoxin PVIIA taken from C. purpurascens (Craig et al., 1998). This class of k-conotoxins is an antagonist of Shaker K channels as well, but the block of Ix in this case is only slowly reversible. Using a frog nerve-muscle preparation, the peptide produced repetitive action potentials. Thus, the block of voltage-gated K channels by KA-SIVA may be involved in this neuroexcitatory activity. u-Conotoxins u-Conotoxins are those Conus peptides that target sodium channels and impair propagation of action potentials. In voltage-clamp experiments, the u-conotoxins produce a decrease in voltage-gated Na’ current (Iya). u-Conotoxin GIIIA was first toxin of this class isolated (from C. geographus) and is selective for vertebrate skeletal muscle. One distinguishing characteristic for u-GIIIA is that it competes with classical Na channel blockers tetrodotoxin (TTX) and saxitoxin (STX) and produces similar effects (Fainzilber et al., 1995). However, mutagenesis studies have shown that each of the three toxins have distinct binding sites. It has been postulated that a specific arginine residue (RI3) of the toxin is critical for activity of u-GIIIA and that the guanidinium side chain of R13 is analogous to the critical guanidino groups of TTX and STX (Dudley et al., 1995). Complete block of Na' current with u-conotoxin GIIIA is possible at nanomolar concentrations. u-GIIIA has a structural rigidity that makes it a good candidate for probing pairwise interplay between toxin and channel amino acids. Interactions between specific channel and toxin residues have allowed limited mapping of the outer vestibule architecture of the voltage-gated Na" channel. Such an approach is valuable, because ascertaining the structure of large membrane proteins like ion channels has been hindered by problems with application of procedures like NMR, and x-ray crystallography (Chahine et al., 1998). lon channel structure and function will be better understood in the future as a result of such studies. This understanding of the topography of the channel should also facilitate drug design. Another variety of u-conotoxin has been isolated from C. purpurascens, u-PIIIA, that shows different target specificity than that of u-GIIIA. Arginine-14 is a key residue for u-PIIIA, with substitution by alanine abolishing Na" channel-blocking activity. u¬ PIIIA irreversibly blocks amphibian muscle Na' channels but not those in motor nerves, making it a useful tool in synaptic electrophysiology. Type II Na channels from the mammalian CNS expressed in Xenopus oocytes, which are TTX-sensitive, were reversibly blocked by u-PIIIA, whereas they were unaffected by u-GIIIA. Additionally, u-Conotoxin PIIIA appears to target a wider variety of mammalian voltage-gated Na channel subtypes in the mammalian CNS than does u-GIIIA. TTX/STX-sensitive Na channels could be divided into three categories based on the distinguishing features of u-PIIIA and u-GIIIA,: 1) Those channels sensitive to both u-PIIIA and u-GIIIA, for example the skeletal muscle subtype in both frog and mammalian systems. 2) Those sensitive to TTX and u-PIIIA but more resistant to u¬ GIIIA, such as rat brain Type II Na channels. 3) Channels resistant to both u-PIIIA and u-GIIIA, with most of the total CNS Na channels falling into this category (Shon et al., 1998). The varieties of u-conotoxins presently known and those yet to be discovered will be useful in determining the roles of Na channel subtypes in neurons and circuits when a variety of molecular forms of voltage-gated Na' channels are present. Another, divergent group of Na channel-directed peptides is the O-glycosylated uO-conotoxins. These Conus peptides, isolated from C. marmoreus and C. pennaceus, produce a biological effect similar to that of the previously described u-conotoxins, yet they are structurally distinct and show different disulfide-bond arrangements. Two peptides from C. marmoreus, MrVIA and MrVIB have been characterized which block Na channels in Aplysia neurons. Classical sodium channel blockers TTX and STX have not been found to be efficient in Aplysia and other marine gastropods. The u-conotoxin GIIIB, when injected intraperitoneally in rodents acts as a powerful paralytic agent, yet if injected intracranially no detectable symptoms are observed. In contrast, uO-conotoxin MrVIA is inactive peripherally in rodents, but induces ataxia andor reversible coma within minutes when injected intracranially. This indicates that MrVIA is potent in the mammalian central nervous system, whereas GIIIB targets the skeletal muscle subtype with high affinity yet does not affect central sodium channels (Mclntosh et al., 1995). Two peptides from C. pennaceus, PnIVA and PnIVB, show the same disulfide¬ framework as MrVIA and MrVIB, but have different amino acid compositions. These also block Iya when applied to Aplysia and Lymnaea neurons (Fainzilber et al., 1995). It thus appears that these toxins would also fall into the uO-conotoxin family. Each of these peptides and those yet to be found will also help to bring about subtype-specific ligands for further research of Na channels. 8-Conotoxins 8-Conotoxins are a category of conopeptides, which also affect voltage-gated Na" but produce a different response by the targeted channels. These toxins bind to Na channels and act to disrupt the inactivation process. 8-conotoxin PVIA, isolated from C. purpurascens, caused hyperactivity in fish followed by spasms, but without death or paralysis. This toxin has been found to complement the action of other conotoxins in contributing to the in vivo effect on the fish upon injection by the snail (Terlau et al., 1996). Effects of Conus striatus venom on voltage-gated K channels in frog sympathetic ganglia neurons Abstract Cone snails are predatory marine gastropods of the genus Conus which proliferated to over 500 species world wide largely through the use of novel peptide toxins (conotoxins) that are injected into prey items through a harpooning apparatus. Conotoxins have evolved for maximal effect on prey species hunted by each cone snail species (Duda and Palumbi 1999). All cone snail venoms examined thus far contain peptides that act with great specificity on a variety of channels including K, Na', Ca, and ACh receptors (Olivera et al. 1999). Conus striatus is a fish-hunting snail indigenous to the Indo-Pacific region. Venom samples were "milked" from the snails and were further diluted during experiments. Voltage-dependent K' currents were recorded from frog sympathetic ganglia (SG) neurons using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. When applied to the bathing solution, the venom was found to induce a reduction in Ig during a voltage step. This reduction was evident at venom dilution levels equivalent approximately eight times higher than those shown to elicit repetitive action potentials in frog nerve-muscle preparations (Schulz and Gilly, unpublished results). It is thus possible that the block of voltage-gated K' channels in frog SG neurons by the venom component may be involved in this neuroexcitatory activity. Further studies have shown that Ig in these cells was found to be insensitive to externally applied S-nitrosodithiothreitol (SNDTT), a compound that shows a high degree of specificity for block of the Kvl subfamily (Brock, Mathes, and Gilly, 1997). Additionally, the venom-sensitive current was found to overlap with that blocked by externally applied tetraethylammonium (TEA), which has been shown to selectively inhibit delayed rectifier (DR) Ix in frog SG neurons (Spruce et al., 1987 and Klemic, et al., 1998). Together, these results suggest the existence of a previously undescribed blocker of DR Ix in C. striatus venom which functions in a manner most similar to snake-derived dendrotoxins in frog peripheral neurons (Anderson and Harvey, 1985) and is not targeting Kvl-type channels. Introduction Peptidic components of the venoms of predatory Conus species have been used in previous studies to characterize external regions of ion channels because of the great affinity and specificity they show for binding sites. Many of these conopeptides target voltage-gated calcium and sodium channels, as well as the acetylcholine receptor. In this study, voltage-gated K channels were affected by some component of the raw venom of Conus striatus in a way that has not been previously described. An active component in this venom induces a reduction in steady-state Ig in frog SG very similar to that seen with externally applied tetraethylammonium (TEA) (Spruce et al., 1987), as well as by snake¬ venom derived dendrotoxins in the peripheral nervous system (Anderson and Harvey, 1985). Previous work showed that application of a 100 nM concentration of peptide purified from C. striatus venom induced repetitive activity in frog neuromuscular prep and repetitive action potentials when applied to frog sympathetic ganglion neurons (Craig et al., 1998). In the same study, this peptide was also presented as a blocker of Shaker K- channels at a concentration of 2.5 M, which led investigators to propose K channel block as a means of modifying action potentials in the peripheral nervous system. It was hypothesized that K channel block in the sympathetic ganglia could be the mechanism by which spontaneous activity in the neuromuscular prep was being produced. Other studies focusing on K currents in frog SG have also explored block of Ik and its relationship to action potential firing activity. Up to five distinct voltage-activated K channels have been identified in frog SG cells. Together, all five can act to produce hyperpolarization and repolarize the action potential. Each, however, has a conductance of a different size, speed and voltage threshold and act together to create cell electric properties (Adams and Galvan, 1986). Studies using 3,4-diaminopyridine (DAP) (Goh, Kelly, and Pennefather, 1989) as a specific blocker of DR Ig in SG neurons have pointed to a mechanism in which channel block of this type leads to attenuation of action potential spikes in a train of repetitive firing. Block of DR Ix by TEA leads to spike broadening in the SG, as repolarization is inhibited (Spruce et al., 1987). The block of Ix by these compounds alone, however, does not seem to be sufficient to initiate repetitive firing in the SG neuron, as models have shown that IM (current with muscarine antagonist) and IAHP (K current after hyperpolarization) are more likely responsible for this mechanism because of their greater activation at more-negative membrane potentials (Adams et al., 1986). Dendrotoxins are small peptides isolated from the venom of the snake mamba genus, Dendroaspis. Originally, it was found that the venom of the green mamba, Dendroaspis augusticeps, contained a toxin that increased quantal release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction, leading to excitotoxic paralysis. Additional dendrotoxins have been shown to selectively block K channels, including cloned members of the Kvl subfamily, with high affinity. These have made them useful in studies of K channel structure and physiology (Harvey, 2000). The selective block of DR channels in the frog peripheral nervous system by dendrotoxins is very similar to that seen with C. striatus venom and frog SG Ix reduction. Building on this, experimental evidence in this paper shows that Ix in SG neurons tested were insensitive to SNDTT, a compound that selectively blocks the Kvl subfamily of K channels (Brock, Mathes and Gilly, 1997). This suggests that those channels affected in the SG neurons are not of the Kvl type. These results point to the existence of a previously undescribed blocker of frog SG K currents that acts specifically on TEA-sensitive DR channels. Methods Preparation of venom C. striatus venom was obtained by the "milking" procedure. This technique was performed by attracting the snail's attention with a fishtail fragment attached to a latex membrane covering a small Eppendorf tube. Following the snail strike and injection of venom through the fish tail and membrane, the tube was pulled from the animal. The contents were then centrifuged and stored at -70'C along with a pool of venom collected from the same snail within a similar post-captivity timeframe. This venom stock was thawed, brought to final concentrations, mixed, and added to the reservoir during data acquisition. Cells Neurons were isolated from caudal paravertebral sympathetic ganglia of adult frogs (Rana pipiens). Immediately following decapitation and pithing, the ganglia were removed and placed in a Ringer solution of the following composition (mM): 100 NaCl. 2.5 KCl, 4 MgCh, 10 Glucose, 10 HEPES. To this solution Collagenase A (3 mg/ml), and Protease Type XIV (1-1.5 mg/ml) were added and the cells treated for 45 minutes. Neurons were then teased onto small glass cover slips that had been treated with protamine. These cells were then stored in 50:50 2.5 mM KCl, 120 mM NaCl, 2 mM Cach, 5 HEPES, pH 7.2 frog Ringer/L15 culture medium at 4 ’C for up to one week. Cells appeared most healthy 2 days following plating. Electrophysiological Recording Conventional whole-cell patch clamp experiments were performed with the frog sympathetic ganglia neurons. External frog solution contained 5 mM KCl, 30 mM NaCl, 115 TMA-Cl, 1 mM CaCh, 4 mM MgCh, 10 HEPES with a pH of 7.2 (adjusted with NaOH). Currents were recorded at room temperature using a voltage clamp amplifier and a low-pass filter set at 15 KHz. Electrode resistance with 7052 glass was 1.0 to 3.5 MQ when filled with an internal solution containing either (40 mM KF, 35 mM KCl, 40 mM KAsp, 2 mM EGTA), or (0 mM F, 40 mM K-Glu', 40 mM K-Asp, 35 mM KCl, 1 mM NazEDTA, 1.3 mM CaCh, 1 mM BAPTA, 2 mM Tris-ATP), both at a pH of 7.3. Results did not appear to be influenced by which solution was used. All currents were compensated for linear capacitive and ionic currents using a standard P/4 subtraction protocol. Voltage commands were generated using software and a direct memory access (DMA) interface developed by D. Matteson, University of Maryland. Data acquisition and analysis were performed with the same program. Holding potential was -80 mV throughout all experiments. Recordings were made at room temperature (20-22°C). Application of venom The setup for frog sympathetic ganglia recording included an Air Cadet vacuum/pressure station (Cole-Parmer Instrument) to allow exchange of the external solution. A volume of 0.5 to 1.5 ml of the experimental solution was perfused into the chamber with this system while aspirating the overflow. Recording chamber volume was 200 ml. Results Outward Ik is blocked by a C. striatus venom component Control Ig (Fig. 1) was evoked in response to a 25-ms depolarization to +20 mV and represents maximal activation of K conductance. In the frog sympathetic ganglia neurons tested, K channel activation was generally at its peak at around 25 ms at each voltage tested. C. striatus venom did not act to alter the conductance versus voltage (G-V) relationship for K currents. Conductance was measured and normalized for both control and venom sensitive K+ currents in different cells. When conductance of venom-sensitive K channels was following the subtraction of all Ix unaffected by venom from the control Ik levels, no detectable difference was seen between the control and +venom curves at either venom concentration tested (Fig. 2 A,B). Similarly, venom block of Ig occurred in a voltage-independent manner, as the I-V plot of Icontol versus Lyenon over a series of voltages gave a similar value for voltage at 50% conductance of around-5 mV (Fig. 3A). Block induced by venom introduction occurred in a concentration-dependent manner in which steady-state Ig was blocked by about 80% and 60% by 1:500 (Fig. 4A) and 1:1000 (Fig. 4B) dilution venom, respectively. The full effect of block of Ig occurs slowly at both concentrations tested for all neurons. Time to 50% of maximal block was achieved, on average, approximately twice as fast with the higher concentration 1:500 dilution venom at 150-200 sec. for 1:500 to around 320 sec. For 1:1000 (Fig. 5 A,B). Frog sympathetic ganglia Ik is insensitive to S-Nitrosodithiothreietol (SNDTT) It was found in this study that control Ix and Ig in the presence of 10 mM SNDTT do not show differences in either current amplitude or kinetics (Fig. 5B, 6). SNDTT is a selective blocker of the Kvl family of K+ channels (Brock, Mathes and Gilly, 1997). When 1:1000 dilution C. striatus venom was applied to the same cell that did not show a SNDTT effect, Ix was reduced to a level of 45% of control over 16 minutes. The convincing lack of effect of SNDTT in a cell that showed reduction of Ix following venom application indicates that Kvl channels are not being targeted in these SG neurons. Sympathetic ganglia K currents targeted by venom component are TEA sensitive When 10 mM TEA was applied to neurons of similar size and with similar K current kinetics to venom-sensitive neurons from previous studies (Fig 7A), a decrease in steady-state current to approximately 20% of control was seen (Fig. 7B). This TEA¬ sensitive current, which has been previously described as delayed rectifier current in SG neurons (Klemic, Durand and Jones, 1998), would seem to correlate very closely with Conus venom-sensitive Ig. In the Klemic study TEA-sensitive channels showed 50% activation between -10 mV and 0 mV. Venom sensitive cells also activated within a similar range (Fig. 2AB, 3B). These results point to delayed rectifier Ig as the probable target of the Conus venom component. Discussion This study demonstrates that a component of the venom of Conus striatus blocks Ix in frog sympathetic ganglia neurons. The mechanism of this block seems to involve the direct interaction of the venom component with K channels in a manner that is very similar to the block of delayed rectifier channels in frog SG by externally applied tetraethylammonium ions as described by Goh et al. (1989). Similarly, this block, which seems to target the non-inactivating, delayed rectifier-type K currents in SG cells has been observed with a class of snake venoms, the dendrotoxins (Anderson and Harvey, 1985). An increased understanding of the various K channel types seen in frog SG neurons has emerged from the experiments performed in this study. In one cell the application of 1:500 dilution venom showed no effect of K channel block (Fig. 5A). This cell, designated with “60 pF cell", covered approximately twice as much surface area as all other cells tested. The range for venom sensitive cells was from 20-35 pF. These results suggest that different, venom-insensitive K channels exist in very large SG neurons. The general insensitivity of the large, 60 pF cell to the venom component suggests that at least two types of non-inactivating K channel types are present in the ganglia, and can be distinguished based on cell size. This also fits into the categorical designation of at least two "B" and one “C" cell types seen in the frog SG (Dodd and Horn, 1983). Furthermore, the results involving K current insensitivity to externally applied 10 mM SNDTT suggest that the Kvl family subtype is not present, at least in any quantifiable amount, in these small, venom-sensitive SG neurons. This result is interesting, as it has been shown that dendrotoxins have been found that are specific both for Kyl channels and peripheral nervous system K currents in rat dorsal root ganglia (Stansfelf and Feltz, 1988). Further studies should proceed with examining the sensitivity of various Kyl channel clones to the venom component, to draw more conclusions about the relation between this active component and dendrotoxins. An apparent correlation between TEA- and venom-sensitive K currents was also presented in this study. This is interesting in its implication that the venom component is targeting delayed rectifier-type channels in the frog SG. Future studies would concentrate on eliminating the IAHP, IM, and Ca“-activated channels from recordings using pharmacological blockers specific for each. This would help to narrow down the probable channel type that this venom component could be targeting. Originally, the frog SG neurons were chosen as an assay to study C. striatus venom sensitivity in order to correlate channel block with the spontaneous firing effect evoked by application of 100 nM concentrations of Conus peptide to the frog nerve- muscle prep (Craig et al., 1998). It has been reported that simply blocking delayed rectifier Ig in the SG neurons is not enough to induce spontaneous action potential generation (Goh, Kelly and Pennefather, 1989). Öther K channels that are activated closer to membrane resting potential (IM and IAHp) must be modified to induce this effect (Adams and Galvan, 1986). However, the possibility still exists that this K blocker effect could be important for inducing such an effect. Further studies will have to focus on eliminating these other K currents from the recordings using their known pharmacological blockers (Block and Jones, 1996). While the milked venom was active at a 1:1000 dilution, a dilution of-1:8000 has been shown to induce spontaneous firing in the frog muscle preparation. This eight-fold difference is not too large to rule out an overlapping effect for K channel block and spontaneous firing. Again, however, the long delay that was observed that seems to be necessary for block of Ig is not consistent with a rapidly-immobilizing excitotoxic shock effect produced by a C. striatus strike on its prey. Similar to the effect of Conus venom, it was reported that dendrotoxins shown to block SG Ig were also not easily washed out and took time to show an effect (Harvey and Anderson, 1985). It is possible that this Conus toxic effect is working in secondary manner to other active peptides also present in the venom. This multiple-target venom attack would then be much like the secondary effect of dendrotoxins on Kchannels that works in addition to the effect of inducing an increase in synaptic quantal release in the neuromuscular junction (Harvey and Anderson, 1985). Preliminary results studying the effects of C. striatus venom on Na- channels in frog SG and dorsal root ganglia neurons indicated that a venom dilution of 1:1000 induced a -10 mV shift in channel activation. This shift in Na' channel conductance could possibly give rise to the spontaneous action potential firing effect seen in the frog neuromuscular prep, as channels would be shifted closer to their action potential firing threshold. The Na" shifting effect and K channel block could work in conjunction to produce the spontaneous firing. With further isolation and purification of the active component of this C. striatus venom, a greater understanding of the nature of the Conus attack will emerge. 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Externally applied Conus venom causes time-dependent block of frog sympathetic ganglia Kchannels Contol + venom 20 m 80— k 25 ms Figure 2: Conus venom does not alter the Kconductance versus voltage relationship A G/Gmax -60 -40 G/Gmax -40 1:1000 venom conc. 1.2 0.8 0.4 0 -20 20 Voltage (mV) 1:500 venom conc. 1.2 0.8 0.6 045 282 0 -20 Voltage (mV) 20 Control Venom-sensitive kk 40 60 Control Venom sensitive lk 40 60 -50 Figure 3: Venom block of Ig occurs in a voltage-independent manner Current vs. voltage relationship before and after venom application 12 10 Current (nA) Control 8 + 1:1000 venom -30 -10 10 30 Voltage (mV) Relative conductance in same cell 1.2 G/Gmax 0.8 Control venom sensitive lk 04 0.2 g 40 -60 -40 -20 20 60 Voltage (mV) Figure 4: Concentration dependence of steady-state Ig block Control A Block measured at 12:05 after application + 1:500 venom 1 nA F w 20 -80 mV 25 ms Conto Block B measured 16:46 after + 1:1000 venom application 2 nA — 20 80 mV 25 ms Figure 5: Time course of Ig block at two relative venom concentrations Relative current vs. time 1:500 dilution A 4 □ 60 pF cell 0.8 1:500 venom 41 Relative lk A 1:500 venom 42 0.6 0.4 0.2 -1000 -750 -500 -250 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 Time (sec) Relative current vs. time 1:1000 dilution Sa 1 +10 mM SNDTT 1:1000 venom 41 Relative lk A 1:1000 venom 42 0.6 1:1000 venom f3 0.4 0.2 80 400 200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Time (sec) Figure 6: S-Nitrosodithiothreietol does not modify sympathetic ganglia Ig Control L + 10 mM SNDTT 4 nA + 1:1000 venom — — 20 mV -80 - + 25 ms Figure 7: Sympathetic ganglia neuron Ig is TEA sensitive Control + 1:1000 venom 2 nA m w 20 mV + -80 — 25 ms Control 2 nA + 10 mM TEA 80 —. 25 ms Figure Legends Figure 1: Basic venom effect. Externally applied Conus venom causes time-dependent block of frog sympathetic ganglia K channels. Ig evoked by 25 ms depolarizations to +20 mV in the absence (control) and presence of venom. Figure 2: Conus venom does not alter the K conductance versus voltage relationship. A) Conductance (G) is measured and normalized to Gmax for all traces within a voltage series at control and following 1:1000 venom application using the equation G= I/(V-Vg) where Vx is the reversal potential for Ix measured by tail currents for each individual cell. G.venon is calculated following subtraction of all Ix unaffected by venom from the control Ig levels so that only venom sensitive G is measured. B) Same set of calculations performed for a cell at 1:500 venom concentration. Variation is seen between the two cells in voltage at 50% conductance, but not within each cell at Gcontrol VS. G4venom¬ Figure 3: Venom block of Ix occurs in a voltage-independent manner. A) The current versus voltage relationship is measured between Icontol and Lavenom traces. Block of Ig appears to be independent of voltage, as the voltages for 50%- activation are about equal (approximately -5 mV). B) Relative conductance measured in the same cell. Same set of calculations as performed in Fig. 2 A,B. Conductance in this cell was nearly identical with and without venom present. Figure 4: Concentration dependence of steady-state Ix block. A) Ix at +20 mV in the presence of 1:500 dilution of Conus venom. 80% of steady state Ig blocked at 12:05 minutes after venom application. B) Different cell Ig at +20 mV in the presence of 1:1000 dilution of Conus venom. 44% of steady-state Ix was blocked 16:46 minutes after venom application. Figure 5: Time course of Ig block at two relative venom concentrations. A) Steady-state Ig at different times was measured relative to that at venom application (time 0) at a constant voltage for three different cells at a venom concentration of 1:500. Block of Ix levels off at a constant level of about 20% of control. 50% of maximal block occurs at around 150-200 seconds. B) Same procedure followed with three cells exposed to 1:1000 venom concentration. One cell (gray squares) was monitored in the presence of 10 mM SNDIT. Block of Ix levels off at a constant level of about 40% of control. 50% of maximal block occurs at about 320 seconds. Figure 6: S-Nitrosodithiothreietol does not modify sympathetic ganglia Ik. Ig at control and in the presence of 10 mM SNDTT do not show differences in current amplitude or kinetics. Ix is blocked by 55% in the presence of 1:1000 venom concentration. Figure 7: Sympathetic ganglia neuron Ix is TEA sensitive. A) Approximately 55% of control IK is blocked in the presence of 1:1000 dilution venom. B) 10 mM externally applied TEA removes 80% of control IK.