ABSTRACT 1. On electrophoretic separation, a total of 5 protein bands were detected in the Balanus nubilis blood. 2. Three of the proteins present in B. nubilis blood showed peroxidase activity. Because of tests performed on the fastest of these proteins and absorption spectra obtained for the whole blodd, this fast protein is assumed to be hemoglobin. 3. Molluscan hemocyanins migrate much slower than Crustacean hemocyanins and, in some species, split up into electrophoreti¬ respiratory pigments consistently showed strong peroxidase activity. 14 INTRODUCTION: The respiratory pigments hemoglobin and hemocyanin are both found in members of the Arthropod class Crustacea. Hemocyanin has largely been restricted to the Malacostraca while the dis- tribution of hemoglobin has been reported as being random and diverse among the lower Crustacea (Fox, 1957). It is therefore not surprising that hemoglobin has been observed by Fox in sey- eral species of parasitic barnacles and by Southward (1963) in three free living species, including Balanus perforatus, Balanus crenatus, and Elminius modestus. However Southward's studies have been conducted primarily on the muscle tissue of these bar- nacles. A great deal of success has been achieved by Manwell & Baker (1963) and subsequent investigators in the separation and iden- tification of blood respiratory proteins by means of starch gel electrophoresis. These investigations have been conducted pri- marily on .he hemocyanins of the Malacostraca. Such methods have never been used in a study of the respiratory pigments of the lower Crustacean orders. Accordingly, the barnacle, Balanus nubilis, a particularly large cirriped found in the intertidal regions of Monterey Bay, California, was chosen for study. Although the initial purpose of this study was to determine whether or not a respiratory pigment was present in the blood of B. nubilis, the use of Molluscan and Crustacean hemocyanins as well as hunan hemo- globin as standards made a comparative electrophoretic study of these sera possible. Despite preliminary data which implied the presence of hemo- cyanin, final results strongly suggest that hemoglobin is present in the blood of B. nubilis. MATERIALS & METHODS: B. nubilis was collected from about the Orl foot tidal level from pilings in Monterey Bay. The blood was collected from the barnacles by means of a syringe injected into the large blood sinus located immediately anterior to the mouth, between the body and the adductor muscle. Ineorder to limit clotting, the syringe was cooled to 0° C and filled with O.1 cc of a 10% EDTA solution before the blood was removed from the sinus. Samples from an average of four animals were collected in this manner and pooled, vielding 6 cc of blood. This blood was placed in a plastic tube and centrifuged immediately at 18000g for one hour at 00 C. This removed any clot that had formed and any tissue or particulate matter that would enhance further clotting. The supernatant was either placed immediately in the gel or concentrated with Sephadex G-200 just prior to electrophoretic separation. The rock crab, Pachygrapsus crassipes (Randall, 1839), the black abalone, Haliotus cracherodii (Leach, 1817), and a large keyhole limpet, Megathura crenulata (Sowerby, 1825), were used as sources of known hemocyanin while hemoglobin was obtained from the whole blood of the experimenter. Small amounts of 10% EDTA were sufficient to prevent massive clotting in the Molluscan and crab sera and samples could be transferred directly from the ani¬ mals to the gel. Human blood cells were lysed in a homogenizer and diluted with the same EDTA solution. Samples were separated on poly-acrylamide gels using Cyano- gun-41 (Fisher C-388). An E-C vertica gel electrophoresis appa¬ ratus was used throughout as were the procedures outlined in Tech¬ nical Bulletin 41 of the E-C Apparatus Corp. Tris-HOl buffer, pH 8.9, was used as the gel buffer, while Tris-glycine buffer, pH 8.3, was used in the chamber. The only variation in the tech- 18 nique as outlined in the E-C bulletin was a modification of the time necessary for separation of the slower migrating Molluscan proteins. The gels were run for either 90 or 180 minutes at 400 y. The gels were stained for total protein in a saturated sol- ution of Amido black. Peroxidase activity was detected through staining with ortho-dianisidine, following the procedure of Man- well and Baker (1963). This method of staining allows the loca- tion of enzy matic peroxidases and the pseudo-peroxidases, hemo- globin and hemocyanin. Fifteen to twenty-five minutes after the gel was placed in the dye solution, approximately 20 drops of dilute 30% hydrogen peroxide were added. Brown bands began to appear about hour where peroxidases had oxidized the dye. Full color developement was complete 1 hours after the gel was placed in the dianisidine. The gel was subsequently washed in distilled water and placed in the Amido black solution for total protein staining. The dianisidine was stable to any further staining and. using the abowe procedure, no problems of an over developed back- ground color or fading of the peroxidase bands were encountered. Weiser (1965) states that the addition of a 5% solution of KCN to Crustacean sera containing hemocyanin cleaves the copper from its protein, resulting in the formation of free apo-hemo- cyanin and inhibition of peroxidase activity. This apo-hemocyanin migrates with about its former speed, joining the free apo-hemo- cyanin already present in the blood. In the present study the sera were incubated with equal amounts of KCN at 7° C for at least 2 hours and then compared on the same gel with samples not treated with KCN. The finished gel was stained for peroxidase and total protein. Whittaker's method (1959) of staining hemocyanin containing gels with rubeanic acid for copper was used; however it did not 144 prove in this case to be sensitive enough for the small quantities of material separated. The technique was used quite successfully on whole blood samples. The absorption spectrum of the B. nubilis blood was obtained on a Beckman DK-2A Ratio-Recording Spectrophotometer. Deoxy-hemo- globin was prepared by reduction of the sample with sodium dithio¬ nite (Fox, 1960). The same procedure was applied to the B. nubilis blood. Sodium hydrosulfite was also used as a reducing agent. RESULTS: The blood of B. nubilis was found to be extremely unstable. Naturally forming clots were massive and the gel that formed tended to take all of the proetins out of solution. The use of EDTA and high speed centrifugation was the best of several methods that were attempted at limiting clot formation, although no method fully prevented it. This instability was a major problem when- ever chemical treatment of the centrifuged samples was attempted. Isolation of specific proteins through differential precipitation with ammonium sulfate, deoxygenation of the blood with sodium di- thionite, and most other test reagents added to the blood resulted in immediate, irreversable clotting or the denaturation of the blood proteins. bloed a absorpticn spectrum of the B. nubiliseshowed the presence of three major peaks at 418, 460, and 490mu, with relatively heavy absorption up to 620my. The peak at 418m suggested the presence of a Soret band and an attempt was made to isolate the protein responsible for this peak by fractional precipitation, but the difficulties mentioned earlier made this impossible. Since hemo- globin was suspected, an attempt was also made to deoxygenate the blood with sodium dithionite. This would cause the characteristic spectral shift of the Soret band to 430ma which accompanies the 15 reduction of oxy-hemoglobin to deoxy-hemoglobin. Partial deoxy- genation appeared to he achieved with the addition of small amounts of sodium dithionite and a slight shift was observed (Fig. 1). Further reduction was impossible due again to the instability of the blood. Other reducing agents had the same effect. Total protein staining for B. nubilis resulted in the ap- pearance of five protein bends, hereafter referred to as bands A, B, C, D, & E, in order of migration from the sample slot (Fig. 2) Only three bands, A, B & D, appeared consistently. The appearance of bands C & E was rather random and due apparently to the quality and freshness of the sample. Human hemoglobin could be seen as a red band migrating in the gel with a much weaker band in front of it. Manwell & Baker (1963) describe the separation of apparently homogeneous hemocyanins into "fast" and "slow" components as a result of electrophoretic separation. This effect was observed in the Pach grapsus serum with what appeared to be two hemocyanin components and a weaker, non-hemocyanin protein between them. A slower apo-hemocyanin protein was also present as was the typically streaking fibrinogen above it. In agreement with Manwell & Baker's observation that molluscan hemocyanins migrate slower than Arth- ropod hemocyanins, the Megathura serum showed two hemocyenin com- ponents, both migrating about one eighth as fast as Pachygrapsus hemocyanin. The Haliotus hemocyanin was a single, broad band with several non-hemocyanin proteins occasionally seen ahead of it. Peroxidase activity was noted in the B. nubilis proteins at three points, corresponding with bands A, C, when it appeared, and exceptionally strong peroxidase activity around band D. A similarly strong and diffuse band of peroxidase activity was also noted with human hemoglobin. The dianisidine was oxidized by the 15 Pachygraasus proteins only at the immediate location of the fastest migrating "fast" hemocyanin. Twenty gels were stained for per- oxidase with slightly different procedures each time. In all of these experiments, the Molluscan hemocyanins never showed per- oxidase activity. Variations in timing in the addition of per- oxide, concentrations of the dye solutions, light and dark, and pH of the buffers were employed. Weiser (1565) states that de¬ naturation by heat increased the peroxidase activity of Arthro- pod hemocyanins. Accordingly gels were incubated at 70° C for one hour with no positive results. Likewise, chemical denatur- ation through incubation of the gel in methanol and 8M urea gave similar results. Tests performed on boiled whole blood for per- oxidase were also negative. In all of the above experiments, the peroxidase activity of the B. nubilis blood was present and stable, at band D. The addition of KCN to the crab serum produced a quantitive olvno shift to apo-hemocyanin, apparentlyxof all three faster migrating proteins. Some denaturation of the sample could be the reason for the disappearance of the non-hemocyanin protein. (Fig. 3) The cyanide effect on molluscan sera was sumewhat different. The two Megathura bands were unified into a single band that migrated be- tween them. The Haliotus hemocyanin however appeared to be cleaved into two proteins, a reaction probably occuring independantly of the cleavage of copper. This effect was complete for the hemo¬ cyanins at the end of the two hour incubation. In the B. nubilis and human bloods, the addition of cyanide caused the gradual inhibition of peroxidase activity, though the reduction in activity compared with an untreated sample was quite visible. This effect is due in hemoglobins to the bonding of the iron and the cyanide ion, blocking the respiratory function of the 6 18 protein. No iron or heme cleavage is known to occur as a result of this reaction. The B. nubilis blood shows, however, a definite strengthening of the slower migrating band B corresponding to the decline in peroxidase activity at band D. DISCUSSION: These experiments again emphasize the extreme heterogeneity of hemocyanins both between the Arthropods and Molluscs, and within the different Molluscan genera. Completely different protein com- plexes are indicated for each of the species studied by the dif- ferences in their migration and the variable occurance of the "Tast" and "slow" components. The generalizations that are made concerning the reaction of the cyanide ion with Crustacean hemo- the cyanins are not entirely valid in Mollusca, though it is plain that KCN definitely affects hemocyanin migration. The failure of Molluscan hemocyanins to show peroxidase activity is yet another of their unusual properties. No explanation for this phenomenon can be given on the basis of this study. A clear spectrum of hemoglobin in D. nubilis with a Soret band at Alömu and alpha and beta bands at 545mu and 580mu was never obtained. This was due to the presence of considerable mis¬ cellaneous absorption between 490muand 620m. Furthermore the for- mation of deoxy-hemoglobin could not be adequately achieved be- cause of the instability ofthe blood. The following experimental data does support the presence of hemoglobin in B. nubilis: 1. The absorption spectrum of whole blood has what appears to be a Soret band, characteristic of the heme group, at 4184. A partial shift of this peak towards 430mu does occur when attempts are made to deoxygenate the blood, thus suggesting the formation of deoxy-hemoglobin. (cf. Fig. 1) 2. According to Pearse (1961), peroxidase activity that is stable 18. to heat is a property of the pseudo-peroxidases, hemoglobin and hemocyanin. The peroxidase activity of B. nubilis is stable to heat as well as other forms of denaturation. 3. The general distribution of respiratory pigments in Crustacea and the fact that hemoglobin has been found in two Balanus species would make the presence of hemocyanin in B. nubiliss unlikely. 4. Both the diffuse nature of the peroxidase activity of B. nub- ilis blood and the gradual and incomplete inhibition of this acti- vity upon the addition of KCN at band D bears close resemblance to the behavior of human hemoglobin under similar conditions and none to that shown by hemocyanin. The one test that suggested the presence of hemocyanin in B. nubilis was the reaction of band D to cyanide treatment. The corresponding strengthening of band B with the inhibition of per- oxidase activity at band D would appear initially to be caused by the fornation of an apo-protein. The hemoglobins of lower Crus- tacea are known to te very large molecules, approaching the hemo- cyanins in size and complexity (Waterman, 1960). Therefore it may be that in a molecule of this sige some spontaneous hydrolysis of the large protein, band D, releas large protein fragments, band B. The cyanide anion would then appear to speed up this reaction, quite independantly of its inhibition of peroxidase activity. The complexity and size of the Crustacean hemoglobin molecule may result in the formation of "fast" and "sdow" hemoglobin components on electrophoretic patterns (possibly bands D & C The probability is much greater, however, that this bandC, like band A, is a tissue or enzymatic peroxidase as described by Manwell & Baker (1903). 15 C REFERENCES Barka,T. and Anderson,P. (1963). Histochemistry. Harper & Row. N.Y. Flodin, Gelotte, and Porath (1960). A Method For Concentrating Solutes of High Molecular Weight. Nature, 188: 493-494. Fox, H.M. (1957). Hemoglobin in the Crustacea. Nature, 179: 148. Fox, H.M. and Vevers, G. (1960). The Nature of Animal Colours. Sidgwick & Jackson Ltd. London. Manwell, C. and Baker, C.M.A. (1963). Starch Gel Electrophoresis of Some Marine Arthropods: Studies of the Heterogeneity of Hemocyanins and on a Ceruloplasm like Protein. Comp. Biochem.Physiol. 8 (3): 193-208. Pearse, A.G.E. (1961). Histochemistry. Churchill, London. Redfield, A.C. (1952) Hemocyanin. In Copper Metabolism. Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Maryland. Southward, E.C. (1963). Hemoglobin in Barnacles. Nature, 200: 798. Waterman, T.H. (1960). The Physiology of Crustacea. Academic Press, New York. weiser, .. (1965). Electrophoretic Studies in Blood Proteins in an Ecological Series of Isopod and Amphipod Species. J. Mar. Biol. Ass., U.K., 45 (2): 507-523. Whittaker, J.R. (1959). Location of Hemocyanin on Starch Gel Elec- trophoretic Patterns. Nature, 184: 193-194. Fig. 1 : Absorption spectrum for the whole blood of B. nubilis. The dotted line indicates the partial shift of the peak at 418m upon attempted deoxygenation of the blood. A composite gel stained for peroxidase activity and Fig. 2 : total protein. Proteins are represented by dark bands; peroxidase activity is shown by stippling. The sera shown are: 1. Balanus nubilis, 2. Human hemoglobin, 3. Haliotus cracherodii, 4. Megathura crenulata. 5. Pachygrapsu: es. Note that peroxidase activity crassi is limited to the immedate area occupied by the "fast" hemocyanin protein in P. crassipes and that no peroxi¬ dase activity is present in the Haliotus and Megathura. Fig. 3 : A composite gel stained for peroxidase activity and total protein. Odd numbered slots contain the same sera and in the same order as Fig. 2. They are: 1. B. nubilis, 2. Hunan hemoglobin, 3. H. cracherodii, 4. M. crenulata, and 5. P. crassipes. Even numbered slots contain the corresponding sera incubated with KCN. Protein is again represented by dark bands, peroxidase by stippling. 18 O 20 0 75. 15 580 Wavelenath O 2. 3- . . . 2 . . 11 S 719. 2 18 1 — . .... ... . 00