Photosynthetic Rhythms in I. flaccida Harris Page 2. Abstract Endogenous circadian rhythms in photosynthesis are described for the first time in the red alga Iridaea flaccida (S. & G.)Silva. These rhythms persist under constant conditions for three days showing a 36% difference between maximum photosynthetic rates at midday and minimum rates at night. Respiration is constant over the circadian cycle. Changes in the initial slopes of photosynthesis¬ irradiance curves at different circadian times suggest the involvement of the light reactions in this rhythmicity. Photosynthetic rates of I. flaccida are comparable in air and in water when the thallus is fully hydrated. A small amount of desiccation enhances the photosynthetic rates, while continued desiccation results in a marked decrease. Photosynthetic Rhythms in I. flaccida Harris Page 3 Introduction Though circadian rhythms in algae have been described, only a few algal species have been examined. The green alga Acetabularia (Terborgh, 1967), the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra (Hastings et al., 1961), and the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Livingston, 1964) all have circadian photosynthetic rhythms. These rhythms have been well documented and many interesting techniques for their measurement were used. For example, Prezelin and Sweeney (1977) described diurnal periodicity in the photo¬ synthetic capacity of G. polyedra in terms of variations in the initial slopes of photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) curves. The absence of changes in either pigment concen¬ trations or in cell numbers throughout the time-course of the rhythmic changes in photosynthesis indicated a photo¬ synthetic rhythm. Despite the documentation of such rhythms in some algae, there has been no investigation to date of circadian photosynthetic rhythms in red algae, although the effects of environmental factors such as light, temperature, and exposure to air have been studied (Kanwisher, 1966; Hodgson, in prep; Johnson et al., 1974). Johnson and his coworkers reported that Iridaea flaccida has a higher photosynthetic rate in air than in water, and that the photosynthetic rate increases after some degree of desiccation. However, the potential effects of endogenous circadian rhythmicity in Photosynthetic Rhythms in I. flaccida Page 4 Harris photosynthesis and respiration were not adequately considered in that study. The studies presented here examine endogenous rhythms in photosynthesis of Iridaea flaccida. In addition desiccation as a consequence of periodic exposure during the tidal cycle was studied to determine its effects on the rates of photosynthesis. Materials and Methods Iridaea flaccida was collected from a relatively protected location in Monterey Bay at Mussel Point, Pacific Grove, California. Three vertical zones were designated as High, +3 to +4 ft, Middle, +2 to +3 ft, and Low, +1 to +2 ft above mean lower low water. The algae were collected at low tide, then kept in clear plastic bins filled with fresh sea water. These bins were placed in a constant temperature room at 15°C, and maintained under dim constant light at irradiances from 25 to 30 uE/m/s as provided by cool white fluorescent lamps. The algae were incubated for at least 24 hours under these conditions before being used for ex¬ periments. Preliminary studies showed that different portions of the thallus have different photosynthetic capabilities. Only middle portions of the thallus were used, and I. flaccida which had been grazed upon or which had reproductive struc¬ tures were avoided. Photosynthesis and respiration of algae submerged in sea water were measured with a Gilson constant pressure differential respirometer. This procedure has been documented Photosynthetic Rhythms in I. flaccida Harris Page 5 by Umbreit et al. (1972). The sidearm of each Gilson flask contained a standard bicarbonate buffer solution to keep carbon dioxide levels at normal levels throughout the duration of each experiment (Pratt, 1943). One gram fresh weight samples were placed into 10 ml fresh sea water and allowed to equilibrate for 30 min., a period found to be necessary before a maximum photosynthetic rate was achieved. Readings were taken every 15 min. for one hour. Constant illumination of 195 pE/m/s was supplied by flood¬ lights in the respirometer. Experiments requiring a range of irradiances used layers of neutral density screens over individual Gilson flasks. The algal samples were sub¬ sequently dried to a constant weight in an 80°C drying oven. Similar procedures were used for respiration meas¬ urements made in darkness except the sidearm contained 0.4 ml of 30% KOH to absorb carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis in air was measured using a Beckman Model 215 Infared Gas Analyzer. I. flaccida was kept under the same preincubation conditions as described above. Before placing 10.0 g fresh weight samples in the flow¬ through sample chamber, they were shaken ten times to re¬ move excess water. Carbon dioxide changes were recorded on a Beckman stripchart recorder. The temperature inside the flow-through chamber was kept at 15°C with refrigerated water baths. The light source was an overhead 500 watt tungsten-iodide lamp combined with neutral density screens to achieve a range of irradiances from 17.5 to 1400 uE/m2/s. After photosynthetic measurements, these algal samples Photosynthetic Rhythms in I. flaccida Harris Page 6 were dried to constant weight. Different levels of desiccation were achieved by placing samples on strips of aluminum foil and allowing them to desiccate on the laboratory bench at 22°C. The extent of desiccation is expressed as a ratio of the desiccated weight to the initial fully hydrated weight, and reported as per cent. Results A preliminary 24 h study of the photosynthetic rates of Iridaea flaccida revealed a well-defined endogenous circadian rhythm in algae collected from the Low and Middle zones. I. flaccida from the High zone, however, did not show this photosynthetic rhythmicity. A 72 h experiment supported the early observation and indicated that this rhythm persists with only slight damping. See Figures 1A, 1B, and 1C. A 36% difference in photosynthetic rates between maximum values in the subjective day and minimum values in the subjective night was measured during the first 48 h for the Middle and Low zones. Maximum photo¬ synthesis was reached between 1100 and 1300 h, while photosynthetic rates were lowest between 0200 and 0500 h. The respiratory rate did not show an endogenous rhythm nor great variability throughout the day. See Figure 2. Photosynthetic rates in air and in water were measured over a range of irradiances from 17.5 to 290 pE/m/s. Photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) curves were constructed Photosynthetic Rhythms in I. flaccida Harris Page 7 from the data at distinct circadian times over a 24 h period. See Figures 3 and 4. Photosynthetic rates at light saturation (Pmax) were estimated by taking the mean of the last five data points. Table 1 presents these values determined at different circadian times (ct) where ct O is local dawn (0600). Pmax values at ct 6 were con¬ sistently higher than at other circadian times, corresponding to the diurnal changes in Pmax reported in the 72 h study. Initial slopes were determined by linear regression analyses which assumed a zero intercept and utilized photosynthetic values between O and 130 uE/m2/s. Table 1 gives values for the initial slopes of these P-I curves with the corresponding standard errors and correlation coefficients. The initial slopes of the P-I curves, as calculated by least squares linear regression (Sokal & Rohlf, 1969), were directly proportional to the circadian time and the magnitude of Pmax values. A desiccation study revealed that photosynthetic rates of I. flaccida increased during desiccation to 80% of its fully hydrated weight. See Figure 5. After this degree of desiccation was reached, the rates of photosynthesis decreased precipitously. Discussion An endogenous photosynthetic rhythm in the red alga Iridaea flaccida has been demonstrated. Samples from the Low intertidal zone provided the clearest evidence of this Photosynthetic Rhythms in I. flaccida Harris Page 8 rhythm. These fluctuations in photosynthetic rate coincide with the natural light-dark regime. There is clearly anticipation of cyclic changes in irradiance throughout the 24 h day as indicated by the persistence of these rhythms in the absence of external cues. I. flaccida from the Middle zone also exhibited an endogenous circadian rhythm with a lesser degree of persistence. I. flaccida from the High intertidal zone did not have a clear rhythm in the preliminary 24 h experiment nor in the 72 h experiment. The photosynthetic rates seemed to increase and decrease with¬ out regard to either the natural light-dark regime or the tidal cycle, although superimposition of the two would be extremely difficult to interpret. The High zone is exposed approximately 16 h/day as compared to an average 11.3 h/day for the Middle, and 6.8 h/day for the Low. This longer period of exposure may have some deleterious effects on photosynthetic rates and may result in fluctuating Pmax values. Further investigation of the effects of exposure will be necessary before any firm conclusions can be drawn about the photosynthetic fluctuations of I. flaccida in the High intertidal. Rates of respiration over a 24 h period indicated that the respiration was relatively constant for all three zones. Therefore, variations in respiratory rates cannot account for the diurnal periodicity in photosynthesis. Photosynthesis-irradiance experiments were conducted to further elucidate aspects of the photosynthetic rhythm. These experiments gave estimates for maximum photosynthesis (Pmax) Photosynthetic Rhythms in I. flaccida Harris Page 9 at different circadian times. Both in air and in water values photosynthetic measurements gave increased P, at midday and decreased Pmay values in the late afternoon and evening. These changes in the values of Pyax in the P-I studies are consistent with the endogenous photosynthetic rhythmicity observed in the 72 h experiment. The changes in the initial slopes of the P-I curves suggest involvement of the light reactions in photosynthetic rhythmicity as was found for the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra (Prezelin and Sweeney, 1972 a, b). They hypothe¬ sized that the change they observed in initial P-I slopes is due to some conformational change in the thylakoid membranes with which the light reactions are associated. Steeper initial slopes indicate more efficient photosynthetic abilities at particular circadian times. The photosynthetic measurements in air reported here clearly show this rela¬ tionship. The initial slopes of the P-I curves are pro¬ gressively steeper from ct O to ct 6, and then decrease by ct 12. Thus, the photosynthetic efficiency is greater at ct 6 than at other circadian times. Photosynthetic measurements in water yielded similar results. This dif¬ ference in initial slopes suggests that the mechanism controlling the endogenous photosynthetic rhythm in Iridaea flaccida resides in components of the photosynthetic light reactions. Differences in initial slopes would not be anticipated if the rhythm was due to some circadian change in the dark reaction components since initial photosynthesis Photosynthetic Rhythms in I. flaccida Harris Page 10 in the light-limiting irradiances would proceed at a rate independent of circadian times. These P-I curves also give some indication as to whether photosynthetic rates in air are comparable to those in water. A conversion from mg Co/g dry wt./h to ul O/g dry wt./h was calculated so that direct comparisons could be made. Photosynthetic rates in air are only slightly less than those in water. This is in direct contrast to the findings by Johnson et al. (1974), who found photosynthetic rates in air 2.94 times greater than photosynthetic rates in water for I. flaccida. The effects of desiccation on photosynthetic rates were measured for I. flaccida from the Middle zone. Results indicate that a small amount of drying enhances net photo¬ synthesis. This effect was prominent when the algal samples were desiccated to approximately 80% of their fully hydrated weights. Desiccation in excess of this amount caused marked reductions in photosynthetic rates. I. flaccida is exposed many hours each day and the increased photosynthetic rates during exposure are of interest. Extreme desiccation is not a problem for I. flaccida in the Middle and Low zones because it retains sea water on the underside of the thallus under natural conditions. The High zone is exposed for longer periods, however, and damage due to desiccation may be of greater significance for algae in this zone. Further studies will be directed toward measuring the relationship between photosynthetic Photosynthetic Rhythms in I. flaccida Harris Page 11 rates and desiccation under natural conditions. Acknowledgments I wish to thank Dr. Lawrence Harding, Dr. I.A. Abbott, and Dr. John Phillips for their encouraging support and occasional pat on the back. I am also grateful to Lyn Hodgson for her help and to Robin Burnett for assistance in the statistical analyses of the P-I data. Photosynthetic Rhythms in I. flaccida Page 12 Harris Literature Cited Hastings J.W., L. Astrachan, B.M. Sweeney. 1961. A persistent daily rhythm in photosynthesis. J. Cell Physiol. 45: 69-76. Johnson W.S., A. Gigon, S.L. Gulmon, H.A. Mooney. 1974. Comparitive photosynthetic capacities of intertidal algae under exposed and submerged conditions. Ecology 55: 450-453. J.W. 1966. Photosynthesis and respiration in some Kanwisher, seaweeds. p. 407-420. In H. Barnes (ed.). Some contemporary studies in marine science. Allen & Unwin, London. Livingston L., Palmer J.D.,F.D. Zusy. 1964. A persistent diurnal rhythm in photosynthetic capacity. Nature 203: 1087-1088. Prezelin B.B.,B.W. Meeson, and B.M. Sweeney. 1977. Charac¬ terization of photosynthetic rhythms in marine dinoflagellates. Plant Physiol. 60: 384-387. Prezelin B.B., B.M. Sweeney. 1977. Characterization of photosynthetic rhythms in marine dinoflagellates. Plant Physiol. 60: 388-392. Sokal R.R., F.J. Rohlf. 1969. Regression. pp.407-417. In R. Emerson, D. Kennedy, R. Park (ed.). Biometry W.H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 776p. Photosyntheti flaccida Page 13 Harris Terborgh J., G.C. Mcleod. 1967. The photosynthetic rhythm of Acetabularia crenulata. I. Continuous measurements of oxygen exchange in alternating light dark regimes and in constant light at different intensities. Biol. Bull. 133: 659-669. R.H. Burris, and J.F. Stauffer. 1972. Umbreit, w.w., Constant pressure manometry. pp. 100-110. Manometric & Biochemical Techniques, Burgess Publishing Co., Minneapolis. 387p. 2422 oo O J N 8888 8 oo 8oow 989 2 a2222 oo 2 8 0 S8 O 8 — 88o80 totataa- 0 O H OC 89 H 0 f. 8 9 H H. o 95 . 0 O . 5. 3 t 93 O u. - . 28 . 9f. H. C - on 0 0 O Page 14 OO 0 p Photosynthetic Rhythms in I. flaccida Harris Page 15 Figure Legends Figures 1A Photosynthesis (Pmax) of Iridaea flaccida 1B measured at light saturation for algae pre- 10 incubated and maintained in dim constant light. Alternate dark and light bands represent sub¬ jective night and day, respectively. Values are the means of triplicate samples with vertical bars representing standard errors. Samples were collected from the A) Low, B) Middle, and C) High intertidal zones. Figure 2 Respiration of Iridaea flaccida from Low, Middle, and High intertidal zones. Algal samples were preincubated and maintained in dim constant light but measurements were taken under total dark conditions. Alternate light and dark bands represent subjective day and night, respectively. Values are the means of triplicate samples with vertical bars representing standard errors. Figure 3 Photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) curves for Iridaea flaccida in water. Photosynthetic measurements were made at distinct circadian times beginning at ct O or subjective dawn (0600). Photosynthetic Rhythms in I. flaccida Harris Page 16 Photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) curves for Figure 4 Iridaea flaccida in air. Photosynthetic measurements were made at distinct circadian times beginning at ct O or subjective dawn (0600 h). A factor of 509 was calculated assuming a photosynthetic quotient of 1.0, for conversion from mg Co/g dry wt./h to ul O/g dry wt./h for direct comparisons of in air and in water photosynthesis. Figure 5 The relationship between extent of desiccation, as measured by per cent wet weight, and photo¬ synthesis for Iridaea flaccida. . PHOTOSYNTHESIS (uI O9/g dry wt./h) 2 0 PHOTOSYNTHESIS (u1O»/g dry wt./h) 2 PHOTOSYNTHESIS (u1 O/g dry wt./h) m RESPIRATION (u1 O2/g dry wt./h) DN o — 2 8 N + PHOTOSYNTHESIS 4 H + * U 1Og drywt.h X X — —+ 2 O S DC a PHOTOSYNTHESIS (mg CO»/g dry wt./h) 5 X D X o 2 SO X 2 PHOTOSYNTHESIS (mg COz/g dry wt./h) avg. dry weight