Abstract Cells isolated from optic lobe neural tissue from embryos of the squid, Loligo opalesceng develop processes in culture. Growth of neurites depends on pH of the culture medium, nature of the substrate, and presence of medium additives (Fetal Bovine Serum, squid blood, and hemolymph). The optimal conditions identified were PH 7.7, poly-L-lysine substrate, and bovine serum. Both whole squid blood and hemolymph depressed neurite outgrowth. Introduction In squid the giant axon controlling escape jetting is formed by fusion of small axonal processes from hundreds of cell bodies in the giant fiber lobe of the stellate ganglion (Young, 1939). Unlike the giant axons to which they give rise, these cell bodies do not show any sodium currents when studied with voltage clamp techiques in situ or after enzymatic isolation. Sodium currents appear after several days if the isolated cell bodies are grown in a cell culture and appearance of Na channels depends on mRNA synthesis and microtubules (Brismar and Gilly, 1987). However, very little is known in regards to how these channels are targeted for transport from the site of synthesis in the neuronal cell body to their final destination in the giant axons. How such sorting occurs and what are the regulatory factors in channel trafficking are important questions to answer in trying to extend our knowledge of long-term nervous system function. These questions and others, such as what directs axonal growth towards the correct target, what mediates cell-cell recognition and determines proper synapse formation may eventually be answered through the study of these cells and their growing processes in primary tissue culture. Use of primary cultures of nervous tissue is a well developed approach, even with invertebrate tissue. Thus far, however, nerve cell culturing studies in the molluscs have focused on Aplysia (Schacher and Proshansky, 1983; Kaczmarek et al., 1979), and no comparably systematic work has appeared on techniques of squid neuron culture. Because of the attractive model system presented by the giant fiber lobe cell bodies and their giant axons for studying Na channel trafficking, this study was undertaken to begin defining an effective method for culturing neural tissue from squid, and to identify some parameters that influence neurite outgrowth. Materials and Methods Animals and cell preparation. Egg capsules of Loligo opalescens collected in Monterey Bay or from spawning in laboratory holding tanks were kept in tanks with running sea water. 21-24 day old embryos (Fields, 1965) were pinned through the area immediately posterior to the arms to Sylgard (DowCorning Corp) and the optic lobes (including attached central nervous system tissue) and the stellate ganglia were excised in filtered (0.22um) sea water using sterile instruments and a Wild stereo microscope. The tissues were then treated with non-specific protease in filtered sea water (Img/ml, Sigma Type XIV), for 1 minute, and then washed in filtered sea water for 3-5 minutes. Cell culture coverslips and dishes. Coverslips used for culturing were manually coated with 5 ul of 18 poly-L-lysine (Sigma, MW» 300,000) solution made with distilled water. Coated coverslips were air-dried for 10-30 minutes (under a dust hood), rinsed with sterile, distilled water, and then air-dried a second time. In addition to poly-L-lysine, collagen was also used as a substrate. Adult squid collagen was obtained from the connective tissue tunics covering the mantle as described by Gosline and Shadwick (1983). Blotted tunics (approx. 0.13g total) were added to 10Oml of distilled water, adjusted to pH 2.9 with HCL, and autoclaved in an effort to obtain collagen in solution. The autoclaved mixture was then filtered and Iml of it was placed in each culture dish for about 15 hours, after which time the solution was poured off and the dishes allowed to air-dry for 30 minutes. Cell culture plating. A drop of medium (see below) was placed on a prepared coverslip in a 10 x 35mm plastic petri dish (Falcon). The previously proteased neural tissue was then mechanically disrupted with forceps in the drop of medium in order to release neurons for culturing. Usually one optic lobe or two stellate ganglia were used per dish. The resulting standard density was from 3-20 cells/0.03 mme. In one dish plated at a higher density the resulting density was from 15-50 cells/O.03mm4. The cells were then allowed 15-20 minutes to settle after which time 2 ml of medium was added to each dish. Cells plated in the collagen-coated dishes were allowed 40 minutes to settle. All cultures were maintained at 15.7°C in a temperature control room. One dish was also kept at 17-21°C using the standard medium (see below) with no notable difference in development of processes. Growth media. The standard L-15-based medium used for squid neurons contained L-15 (Gibco) plus 6% Fetal Bovine Serun (Hyclone), 12.5 ug/ml chloramphenicol (Sigma), and added salts to final concentrations of: 10 mM Caci», 10 mM KCI, 50 mM MgCI, and 434.2 mMNacl. Final osmolality was 980 mösm/Kg H9O. The pH was adjusted to the desired level between 7.4 and 8.0 with HCI and NaoH. For the experiment using whole squid blood as a medium additive, blood was extracted from the anterior aorta and cephalic vein of adult Loligo opalescens. Hemolymph was prepared from whole blood by centrifugation at 40,000 RPM (100,000g) for 16 hours at 57C. This resulted in a visually obvious blue pellet (presumably of hemocyanin) from which the hemolymph could be decanted. Blood and hemolymph were stored frozen (-20°C). Culture examination and cell counting Cultures were periodcally examined with an Olympus IMT-2 inverted microscope (600X) using phase contrast optics. The 35mm slide field defines a rectangle (actual size of 210um X 140um with the 40X ob jective used) which served as a convenient standard area for cell counting. 15-22 pseudo-randomly chosen fields were examined per dish and the total number of living cells and the numbers of cells showing neurites counted. Typically, 150-200 cells were counted per dish during each examination. Results Neurons grown in the standard L-15 based medium on a poly-L-lysine substrate readily grew processes in culture. Mono, bi, and multi-polar cells from optic lobe cultures are shown in plates i and 2. Cells typically had somata with a diameter of 5-8 um and neurite processes of 3-25.5 um in length. In addition, some cells with neurites appeared to make connections with other cells (plate 2). Outgrowth of processes occured within hours after plating, and changes in individual cells over time are shown in plate 3. Stellate ganglion cells failed to develop processes in culture during this study, even though both types of neural tissue were treated identically and cultured in parallel throughout. The remainder of this paper will describe results on optic lobe neurons in more detail. In general, the cells survived in culture without changing the medium for up to 10 days. Äfter 10 days, many of the cells' interiors looked darker and therefore the health of the cells was questionable. One dish had the medium replaced after 5 and 21 hours, but this revealed no significant influence on neurite development or cell survival. Effects of medium changes later during culture were not investigated. Fungi did develop in three dishes after about 5 days and bacteria in two dishes after four days. Overall, chloramphenicol seemed to be very effective in controlling contaminations, compared to penicillin-streptomycin which was used in the earliest stages of this work. Effects of pH Squid blood was extracted from an adult animal and found to have a pH of 7.7, cells were therefore plated and cultured at this pH. It seems likely that pH would be a very important factor in squid tissue cultures, because of the strong controll exerted by pH on aerobic versus anaerobic metabolic pathways in molluscs (Prosser, 1973). The effects of relatively small pH changes around pH 7.7 on neurons in culture can be seen in Figure 1. At pH 7.7 neurites develop rapidly, and the percentage of cells with processes peaks 2-4 hours after plating and starts to slowly decrease after 24 hours. Cells cultured at pH 7.4 and 8.0 show a similar time course for the rise and decline of development of processes, but the maximim number of cells growing neurites can be affected by small changes in pH. Although it appears that cultures at PH 7.7 fared better than cultures at either pH 7.4 or 8.0, only the pH 8.0 data showed a statistically significant inhibition of neurite development (see Table 1). In 3 cultures testing pH 7.7 versus 7.4, no significant difference in the total percentage of cells developing neurites was noted. Since pH 7.7 and 7.4 definitely were more effective, all further experiments were carried out at these values. Effects of bovine serum vs. squid blood In order to find out how whole squid blood as an additive might compare with bovine serum, the 6% bovine serum was omitted from the medium and 107 squid blood was added instead. As can be seen from Figure 2, the medium with whole blood (□) was no better than the L-15 based medium with po serum added at all (A) and not nearly as effective as the standard medium containing 6% bovine serum (• ). Thus, fetal bovine serum stimulates neurite growth, whereas squid blood has no detectable effect. As a check on whether there might be something in squid blood which actually hindered neurite growth, the whole blood was centrifuged (see methods) which presumably removed most of the hemocyanin which is present in the blood at 80 mg/ml (Prosser, 1973). Even this hemolymph without the hemocyanin (—) produced no positive effect as a medium additive. Because the hemolymph and whole blood produced very similar results, it seems that the absence or presence of hemocyanin cannot be the sole factor responsible for the results in Figure 2. Finally the addition of whole blood to the standard medium containing 6% bovine serum (m) appears to reduce the efficacy of the standard with bovine serum as an additive. Effect of substrate. It has been shown that a collagen substrate is necessary for cell differentiation in chick skeletal muscle cell cultures (Work, and Burdon, 1980), and collagen is present in large amounts in squid connective tissue and mantle (Gosline and Shadwick, 1983). Therefore, collagen was investigated as an alternative to poly-L-lysine. The preparation of squid collagen is described in the methods section, mammalian collagen was not tried. Cultures plated on the collagen grew processes very poorly compared to cultures plated on poly-L-lysine (see Figure 3 and Table 1). Effect of cell density. A density study was carried out because of the possibility that cells might condition the medium or influence one another through contact in a positive or negative manner. The results suggest that the cells tend to develop more effectively in the standard density of 3-20 cells/O.03mm4 rather than the higher density (see Methods) of 15-50 cells/O.03mmé. The more dense culture plated with the standard medium, pH 7.4, reached a maximum percentage of cells with processes of only 38 whereas cells plated at the standard density in the same medium reached a maximum of 127 (pH 7.4, Figure 1). Discussion In summary, the pH of the cultures conclusively influences the growth of processes from neural cells in culture, with pH's of 7.4 and 7.7 proving the most effective. Further, the use of bovine serum in the dishes appears to be necessary for growth of processes and more effective than whole squid blood or hemolymph. The addition of squid blood to the culture with bovine serum seems to have negative effects. Finally, the presence of hemocyanin, the changing of the medium at 5 and 21 hours, and the growing of cells at room temperature do not seem to effect the cells in culture to any notable degree. The results from using collagen as a substrate rather than poly-L-lysine may be incorrectly interpreted as saying that collagen does not promote the development of processes. However, it seems more likely that these results point to a problem in the method of collagen preparation. The development of neurites appears to be hindered by the addition of squid blood to the medium with bovin serum. Here, it is interesting to note that in the development of the squid embryo, the nervous system develops from day 9 to about day 18 whereas the hearts begin to beat at about 21-24 days (Fields, 1965). Perhaps the earlier development of processes in the animal is inhibited by the blood. Although a brief examination of changing the medium was carried out, further study should be completed to see if changing the medium every 24 hours for several days might help maintain the processes in culture for a longer period of time. The results of the density study should be taken as an obsrvation of the density which seems to be most beneficial to the cultures. In 10 addition, it may serve as incentive for a further density studies with a much larger sample size. Finally, it is possible that the stellate ganglion never developed processes in culture because they are too far along in their development at the later embryo stages. Therefore, it may be interesting to use ganglion from earlier embryo stages although the dissections may prove more difficult. Further directions of study may include answers to such questions as: does pH effect process length, branching, or number of processes? Does the presence of an original process effect the initiation of growth or restrict the number of processes? These are some factors that have been shown to be influenced by the presence of hemolymph in Aplysia neurons in cell culture (Schacher and Proshansky,1983). Literature Cited Fields, G. (1965) The Structure, Development, Food Relations, Reproduction, and Life History of the Squid, Loligo opalescens Berry. (The resources agency Dept. of Fish and Game, CA). Fuchs, P. et al (1981) Membrane Properties and Selective Connexions of Identified Leech Neurons in Culture: J. Physiol. 316: 203-223. Gosline, J. and R. Shadwick (1983) Molluscan Collagen and Its Mechanical Organization in Squid Mantle: The Mollusca. 1: 371-396. Kaczmarek et al, (1979) The Morphology and Coupling of Aplysia Bag Cells within the Abdominal Ganglion and in Cell Culture: J. Neurobio. vol 10, no. 6: 535-550. Prosser, C. Ed. (1973) Comparative Animal Physiology (Saunders college pub., Philadelphia) pp. 218-220 and 327. Schacher, S. and E. Proshansky (1983) Neurite Regeneration by Aplysia Neurons in Dissociated Cell Culture: Modulation by Ap/siø Hemolymph and the Presence of the Initial Axonal Segment. J. Neurosci. 3: 2403-2413. Work, T. and R. Burdon, Eds. (1980) Cell Culture for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. (Elsevier/North-Holland and Biomedical Press, NY) p. 78. Young, J. (1939) Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London Ser. B229, 465-503. Culture condition Standerd pH 7.4 PH 7. PH 8.0 Collagen pH 7.4 Hemolymph pH 7.4 No. dishes 2 Table 1 Maximum with processes (mean) 1/ std. dey 15. 2.3 6.1 22 3.1 2.1 2.8 Figure Legend Figure 1. pH influence on neurite outgrowth. The total percentage of cells with processes during time in culture are plotted for 3 pH values as indicated. All dishes use the standard media on poly-L-lysine. The 7.7 and 7.4 curves represent 3 dishes each whereas the 8.0 curve represents 2 dishes. The significance of the apparent differences can be seen in Table 1. Cells at pH 7.7 and 7.4 did significantly better than at pH 8.0. Figure 2. Comparison of fetal bovine serum with squid blood as a medium additive. Percentages of cells with processes over time in culture is indicated for the following additives (1) () L-15 plus 6% serum (3 dishes). (2) (m) L-15 plus 6% serum plus 10% whole squid blood (1 dish). (3) (A) L-15 only (1 dish). (4) (») L-15 plus 10% squid hemolymph (1 dish). (5) ( L-15 plus 10% whole squid blood (1 dish). All dishes are at pH 7.7, plated on poly-L-lysine. Although not statistically analyzed, it can be seen from the graph that: there is an inhibition of process growth if serum is omitted from the medium. Replacing serum with 10% squid blood or 103 hemolymph drastically hinders process development. The presence (as in whole blood) or absence (as in hemolymph) of hemocyanin does not alter this result. Addition of 10% squid blood to L-15 plus 6% serum may also inhibit the development of processes, but the effect is not so clear cut. Figure 3. Using collagen as a substrate rather than poly-L-lysine. Both groups use the standard media at pH 7.4. Two cultures were plated on collagen and three on poly-L-lysine. The collagen culture did significantly worse than the poly-L-lysine cuture (see Table 1). Table 1: Comparison of maximum 3 of cells with processes, statistically analyzed with an unpaired t-test. pH's 7.7 and 7.4 both had significantly higher max. % with processes than pH 8.0. Further, the pH of 7.4 did significantly better on poly-L-lysine than collagen and with bovine serum rather than hemolymph. Plate 1: Optic lobe cells with relatively simple neurite processes. a-c) show mono-polar cells d,e) give examples of bi-polar cells. All cells are from cultures with standard media: a: pH 7.4, 23 hrs after plating. d: pH 7.4, 48 hrs. b: pH 7.7, 9.25 hrs. e: pH 8.0, 24.5 hrs. C: pH 7.4, 54 hrs. Plate 2: Optic lobe cells with extensively developed processes. a,b) are examples of multi-polar cells. c-e) are cells that appear to make connections with each other. All cells are from cultures with standard media: a: pH 7.7, 9.25 hrs. after plating. C: pH 7.7, 9.25 hrs. d: pH 7.4, 54 hrs. b: pH 7.4, 54 hrs. e: pH 7.7, 24 hrs. Plate 3: Time-lapse pictures of cells developing processes. a,b) shows several cells in standard media (pH 7.7) 0.5 hrs after plating and 3.5 hrs after plating. c-e) Example of one cell developing, from the same culture, 17.75, 18.75, and 19.75 hrs after plating (respectively). + 4 V Acknowledgements It is with great gratitude that I thank the entire Hopkins Marine Station staff for making Bio. 175H such a success. In particular, would like to thank Judy Thompson for holding the whole program together; Chuck Baxter, Mark Denny, and Stuart Thompson for their encouragement, interest, and advice. A very special thank you to William Gilly for his persistence in challenging students' ideas, preconceptions, limitations, and fishing skills, and to Patricia Gosling for her seemingly unlimited patience and many hours of help.