115 fgeles 1123 Elaine Evans 3 roduction The quantity of drift algae on a sandy beach is constantly fluctuating. Residence time for the majority the drift is brief, in that only about ten per cent remains long enough to completely decompose, but while remains it provides a major source of food and shelter for organisms on the otherwise barren sandy beach. ZoBell (1971) did a twelve year study on the dri seaweed on San Diego County beaches, and made biweekly inspections at low tides on forty-nine beaches. Estimates were made of the quantity and major species compo tion of large depositions found on these beaches. My study. in order to est mate the poten lal organic matter con¬ tributed by the drift on a sandy beach, attempts a closer observation of similar factors in a 5-week period. Elaine EvansL on a relatively small sandy beach at Hopkins Marine Station. in Monterey Bay. Observations were made to determine changes in quantity, class composition by bulk, potential organic input from drift, and the quantity of dri arriving on three specific areas of the beach. Both this study and ZoBell's concur ft deposited on the beach is (i) that the quantity of dr related to the amount of off-shore growth, and to water and wind movements as indicated by wave heig ts; (ii) that residence time of depositions of drift is a factor of the high water levels which follow it; and (iii) that slope of the beach chal nges with large depositions of sand (also linked to wind and water movements), and this affects the quant ties of drift remaining on the beach. The beach studied has a west north west exposure, and is flanked by rocks north and south. It was approximately 75 meters by 20 meters at the beginning of the study. itertidally, as well as sub-tidally, thes rocks provide agood ase for ny species of Rhodophyta, Phaeophyta. surf grass (principally P hyllo x), and a few species of Chlorophyta. Offshore, to the north and south of the cove, there are large kelp beds (Pearse, et. al., 1971). consisting principally of Macro stis pyrifera, Cy oseira osmundacea, and Dictyoneu is reticulata (Pearse, et. al., 1971). Winds, when present, prevail from the north west to the east. The ncurrente feting the depos tion of drift on the beach is no th-south,resulti ng in the major of drift and sand being lef ton the southern portion of the beach, Gmith, 1968) (Figures 2,3). AREA II II + TABLE 1. Initial Measurements DTS INITIAL TIDAL RISE IN 20 FT. 3.6'-5.0 3.3'-5.0 3.6'-7.1 INITIAL SLOPE .07 .08 se Takle 1. Elaine Evans Methods and Materials To estimate the changes in quantity of drift on the beach a photographic method was employed. Two pictures. a north view and a southe view, were taked each day at the low tide. Information from these pictures was then trans- ferred to graph papper, with the aid of a plastic overlay. which corrected for the foreshortening of the Ploaroid camera. The overlay grid was made be staking out the beach at 2-meter itervals from east to west, and photo phing the beach while staked out at low tide. C. tical stakes were left in so that the picture could be aligned under the overlay each day. Figures from the dia ams made from the pictures, as well as depth measurements made with a meter stick, were used to estimate the wet volume of the beach each day. In order to es mate what the dry weight of the total drift of each day was, a wet volume/dry weight conversion factor was determined. Every day a packed 1/4 cubic meter of we drift would be sampled, wet weighed, dried 24 hours at 60°0, and dry weighed. This number was then used to make a total beach dry mate by multiplying the conversion factor times the total beach wet volume. Three areas along the beach were selected to measure more carefully the quantity of drift arriving. Each was twenty feet long and five feet wide. Area I was furthest south, and area II lirty feet north of it, with similar exposure. Area III was located on the northern end of the beach. The table indicates some initial measurements but these varied over the period, toble some extent. (Table 1.) Elaine Evans 6 Each day, at the lowest tide of the day, the north half of each area was cleared of drift. The sampling was done by hand as raking accumulates too much sand. Each area's sample was placed in a marked plastic bag, to be weighed later. At this time the temperature, wind, wave heights, and sunlight observations, were made for the day. Pieces of drift greater than 15 centimeters were removed from the south half of each marked area, and tagged with colored, numbered, plastic tape, and replaced on the area. Every two days the slopes of the marked areas was measured. The bagged samples were wet weighed using a spring ba- lance and then subtracting the weight of the tared plastic bag. The samples were dried in aluminium foil baking dishes for 24 hours at 60°, and then dry weighed using a spring balance. To determine the relative percentage composition, bby class, of the drift arriving on these areas, prior to drying each sample was sorted on quadrated paper, into Rhodophyta, Phaeophyta, Chlorophyta, and surf grasses. Bulk percentage composition was determined in this way, for each sample. The Rhodophytes were principally Gigartina era, and Gigart californica, while the Phaeo- corymbi phytes consisted mainly of Macrocystis. Chlorophytes were not very prevalent and were comprised of various Ulva. The surf grass was Phyllospadix souler he potential organic m tter which is deposited on these areas was es tablished using a method similar to that one described by Doty (1967). The modification of the method Elaine Evans 7 was that a packed volume of .02 cubic meter of each sample was treated, instead of the whole sample, and this num¬ ber was used as a factor to estimate the potential organic input. This technique was also used to determine a treated dry weight/dry weight percentage, for each class, (Figure 9). Doty's method was selected rather than an ashing technique because it allowed treatment of a larger number of samples. and because of experimental difficulties with the muffle furnace used in ashing. Results 1. The photog graphic study showed that periodically ties of drift arrive on the beach. The drift large quan is distributed nearly equally along the beach except for a large quantity deposited on the southern end (Fi jure 2). 2. Removal of some of the drift begins immediately. Some drift is first moved south (Figure 3), and then is re- moved from the beach, or is buried, (Figure 4). The beach is relatively clear again six days later (Figure 5). Old stis pneumatocystsre Marocy main at the top of the beach. mates were made with a wet 3. The total beach est volume/dry weight conversion factor which was influenced by the wave height and tidal level of the day. After the repeated depositions of drift on the beach the high waters remove it gradually; decreasing tides fail to return as oved (F: igure 6). The average estimated much drift as is inse fige 150 ( n Pgu Elaine Evans 8 dry weight per day was.343 kilograms per square meter. 4. The greater the difference between the preceding high tide and the low tide of the sampling time (tidal out¬ sweep), the less dry weight of drift present on the beach (Figure 7). 5. Specific areas I, II, III, had dry weight increases when there was an increase in the total amount of drift on the beach, (Figure 8). 6. Percentage treated organic dry weight over total dry weight was determined for each class, for twenty samples of each class, (95% significant) (Figure 9). T These figures indicate that carbonates and other solubles removed by acid treatment used to determined "Treated organic dry weigh are less commonly found on brown algae, Phyllospadix, red reen algae, in that order. Except for days algae, and following increased wave action, the proportions of plants making up the drift are also in this order. In a 24 hour drying period greatest weight loss from loss of water was seen in brown algae. gging experiments yielded approximately 15-20% 70 reat to make return, but the sampling error is really too gnificant generalizations about the residence time of tions on the beach and in the shallow sub-tidal. drift depos 8. Relative percentage composition by bulk of each class, and the ratio of treated organic dry weight to dry Relative proportions weight was determined for each sample. of surf grasses and Rhodophytes increase on days following heavy wave action, (Figure 10) such as May 1, May 9, and fque 10 Elaine Evans May 20. 9. The dry weights and slopes for two similar areas on the beach were compared (Figure 11). The greater the slope of a beach area, the lesser the drift remaining. Disoussion There are both rhythmic and causal factors involved in the total quantity of drift on the beach. The causal factor is a large deposition of drift on the beach, (Figure 6) which appears to be the result of wind waves the day pre- vious to the deposition. The increased wave action is re- moving algae and grasses from the sub-tidal and inter- tidal regions of the cove. The greater the tidal out-sweep. the less drift left on the beach, (Figure 7). A longer study would be necessary to defi nitely determine this but the 3m prelimi y data indicate this trend. The rhythmic factor enters into the results in the form of the high water level preceding the sampling. As the tides decrease so does the total dry weight of the drift on the beach. Thisp pattern is observed on the total beach (Figure 6) following each large deposition of dris ft, and is also demonstrated in the specific three areas, (Figure 8). In the specific areas, however, there would appear to be some m exceptions to this but upon closer examil nation these occur when the tide and waves are high enough to wash up over the area, depositing drift above the marked areas as on May 14, Elaine Evans 10 or when the high water level is not high enough to have reached the marked areas since the last sampling, as on May 4, 5. 6, 7, and 8, in area III, and May 21, 22, 23, on all areas. The wind waves are also affecting the class composi- tion by bulk, with a marked increase in relative amounts of Rhodophyta and surf grass the day following stronger wave action. They are being torn from the rocks in the cove by the higher ene y wave action, (Figure 10). It would be difficult to make any further generalizations about the make up of the drift due to sampling error. The potential organic contribution results (Figure 9) show that certain classes of drift contain more organic matter than others. However the fact that the ratio of treated dry organic ma tter to dry weightr ns fairly constant, varying only.07 would indicate that the composi¬ tion of the drift does not fluctuate enough to drastically ffect the potential organic input, over the period studied. What does fluctuate, of course, is the total quar ity of drift on the beach, and this must have the greatest impact on the organisms living there. Although the figures for organic matter tell us something, they do not indicate the organic contribution being made directly to the beach. In order to dete: ne this one would have to consider the ten per cent of the dri t which remains long enough to be he relative rates of broken down completely, as well as razing decay of various classes due to bacterial decay and, by larger organisms. Elaine Evans 11 In areas I, II, III, the same relationships were obser¬ ved with respect to wave action and high water level, as were made for the total beach. Since areas I and II are on simi¬ lar locations on the beach, the consistently lower figures for area I may be interpreted as a result of I's greater slope. As change in slope is related to wind and wave action, as well as high water level, its pattern of flux is often paral¬ lel to that of the drift. The graphs of these two similar areas however, indicate to me that the greater the slope, the lesser the amount of drift remaining (Figure 11). Summary Increased wave action is the principal cause of arrivals of large quantities of drift on the sandy beach. As the high water level decreases so does the amount of drift left on the beach. Composition of drift on the total beach area is difficult to assess; it was observed however, that the asses were larger following quantities of Rhodophytes and surf a period of increased wave action. Thus what arrives on the beach is also related to wind and water movements. Compo- tion of the dri t appears constant enough and sufficently airly uniform percentage of organic matter mixed to yield a: potentially available, although some portions of the dri such as Phaeophytes may contribute more organic material àn other groups. Quantity available and rate of decay fluc- tuate greatly, however, and appear to be lim greal con¬ tribution. The slope of the beach changes because of shifting sand, itself a result of wind wave action and high water level Elaine Ev and in turn slope also affects the amount of drift depe and remaining on the beach. Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure gure Figure Figure Figure Captions April 26, start of project. May 1, a large deposition of drift arrives. May 3, removal of some drift; larger quantities moved to southern end of beach. May 10, drift at the south end is being buried and removed. May 16, beach is clear again of major piles of drift. otal beach dry weight estimates were made using a wet volume/dry weight conversion factor. Conver- sion factor was made for each day as it was de- pendent upon wave height and tidal level. - Specific areas I,I,lil, had dry weight increases concurrent with the total amount of drift on the beach. tage treated organic matter dry es fo ee weight, over total dry weight, by class. Relative percentage composition by bulk of each he ratio of treated organic matter class, andt dry weight to dry weight. 10. This figure shows that the greater the slope of a beach area, the lesser the drift deposited and emaining. t on the beach is inversely ropor¬ 11. Amount of dri tional to the tidal out-sweep. 1. Literature Cited rovement and application of Doty, M. S. 1967. Im benthic algal isotope productivi measuring methods. Uni. of Hawaii Bot. Sci. Paper No. 3: G-1 - G-99. Pearse, J. S., et. al. 1971. A Kelp bed as a room resultsof a -weekl study of! kelp beds in Mont ey Bay ion. Hopkins Marine tion, Pacific Grove, Calif., pp. 19-32. nith, L. K. 1968. The role of benthic marine plants in the littoral phosphate cycle. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, on file at Hopkins Marine. Station, pp. 243-249. ZoBell, C. E. 1971. Drift Seaweeds on San Diego County beaches, in W. North, Ed., The biology of Giant Kelp Beds (Macrocys is).E eihef te zur Nova Hadwigia 32: 269-314. Acknowled would like to thank Dr. Isabella Abbott for help, advice, and encouragement. Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. 4 231 20 40 S 3 520 — Figure 6. 8 Vorot X— Ees1 23401 god CULEUSESU 250: 203 100 103 0 2800 900 et ap ece 1000 1000 140 1200 1025 C00 en COC 600 20. Figure 8. * 990 o0 — 1—. A 1—7 g Sot 6 12345eJOCUNENI 4 6.6 5.9— 59- 39 — 1.0 o 10 0 -20 5.0 0 39 29 1.0 - - 0 — 2 . +14 e Treated dry weight / Total dry weight (gms PHAEOPHVTA PHVLLOSPADIY RHODOPHVTA — —. CHLOROPHYTA 0 10 20 39 40 59 30 70 80 90 109 / r Figure 9. (23 samples of each class) o — OS (3)epl Mo 12 1051e Rhodophyta — REEATTTECOMOSTDICLSS phyta — Chlorop! — — —5 — D —7 W 7 W 7 N H V T 7 T H H I T a jusien Aig eluesio pejea e NICH WATERTFI.) DRY WEIGNT (EMS.)A AREAIU «—-—. kaatataaa- —SGIT MOT 19 MoISA EUA —9 — +2 - I eely:3S —-