0 IIGRATION BEHAVIOR IN IGRIOPUS CALIFORNICUS (CRUSTACEA: COPEPODA: HARPACTICOIDA). John R. Coope. Spring, 1 Hopkins Marine Station Bio. 175H -1 INTRODUCTION Tigriopus is a genus of harpacticoid copspods that inhabits the high splash zone pools of rocky coasts along Europe, both coasts of North and South America and Japan (Lang, 1948; Mori, 1938). It is thought to exist as a breeding population in thase isolated pools and virtually every pool which is a suitable habitat contains these animals. Yet individual pools can evaporate to dryness for a sufficient time that the entire population in that pool dies. (Patterson, 1968; Egloff 1966). Igarashi (1959) showed that populations of Tigriopus japonicus are largely destroyed by exposure to wave shock during spring tides. Vittor (1971) states that "colonization of pools is probably accomplished via inshore current transport of animals swept from pools which are essentially permanently populated." However, Vittor was unable to document such an occurance, Egloff (1966) found numbers of Tigriopus californicus clinging to Pachygrapsus pas and hypothesized that the copepods are able to move among the ass tidepools by clinging to the highly mobile crabs. Migration, the movement of individuals up a slow moving rivulet of water, as opposed to transport via large animals or inshore currents, is a phencmenon first observed in Tigriopus californicus by Robin Burnett (personal communication) and may serve as an important mechanism by which they colonize and maintain populations in the high tide pools. Dianne Campbell (1977) observed movements of dyed Tigricpus californicus among a series of nine sheltered tide pools which received only occasional splash. She concluded that the movement of dyed copepods among these pools was due to migration. Foster (1977) subsequently showed that the ability igricpus califcrnicus to migrate in the lab is significantly less of dyed Ti than that of undyed individuals. Burnett (personal communication) also found that a number of factors including the presence of tide pool rocks and macerated Tigriopus californicus have profound effects upon migration. In the spring of 1977, work was done at Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California, on the migration of T. californicus and on the factors that influence it. The results of these studies are reported here. A. GENERAL OBS SERVATIONS (LAB AND FIELD WORK) Migration was induced in the field by trickling sea water over the rocks into two different tide pools. A circular holding tank, six meters in diameter, (hereafter called the courtyard pool or C.Y.P.) populated with Tigriopus was used to examine sex ratios. (see Fig. 1) Fresh water from the sea water system was trickled down a region of the tank's walls and copepods were allowed to migrate up the rivulet. The animals aggregated underneath a glass plate which serves to deflect water from a spigot down the vertical wall (see Fig. 2). Samples were taken from this aggregation and from the water column of the pool for sex determination according to Fraser (1136). RESULT During a heavy rain all the pools in the study area were observed to overflow. After the rains ceased, over forty individual Tigriopus, including three copulating pairs, were seen in a long narrow channel mnecting three tide pools. The movements of eleven closely watched animals were judged to be migratory since they were not accompanied by the random changes in direction common to normal gricpus movement but rather consisted of sustained movement against the slow flow of water coming down from a higher pool. The induced migrations occurred with substantially larger numbers. Plow rates of approximataly 80 ml/mir. were used. Maximum migration rate out of both pools was about 200 individuals/min. An extreme difference was found between the sex ratios of random and migrated Tigriopus californicus. No copulating pairs were observed to have migrated while gravid females were the dominant migrators. (see Table I) Of the ten times migration was observed in the courtyard pool, the first migrating individual was observed to be a gravid female eight times. Discussion The sex ratios of migrated and random individuals suggests that females. especially gravid ones, are either more sensitive to stimulus or physically superior to males, larvae and copulating pairs. B. EFFECTS OF FLOW RATE UPON MIGRATION A small wooden enclosure overhanging the courtyard pool was lined with black plastic to keep light and wind constant. (see Figs. 1 § 2). A migration ramp made of frosted glass was laid flush against the inside of the vertical cyp wall. Flow was confined to a uniform area on the migration ramp by two parallel strips of plexiglass with a microscope slide used below the source of water as a "spreader", Migration rates were found to exhibit great temporal variation. In order to counteract this variation the following procedure was employed; A standard flow rate of 48 ml/min. was allowed to run for at least five -1- minutes. Counts were made to determine tha number of animals migrating per minute past a given point. The flow was then instantanecusly changed and counts were resumed after a one minute equilibration period. In each case the average number of animals migrating per minute during a five minute period immediately after the change in flow rate was divided by the average number of animals migrating per minute during the five minutes immediately before the change. Thus, a relative migration rate was calculated and could be compared with values obtained on different days and at different times. See Fig. 3 § 4 for overall trends in migration rates. Indicated slope values were obtained using linear regression, however the fit was extremely pocr in each case. Migration could not be induced in this study using solutions of unfiltered synthetic sea salts (Instant Ocean) (34). Yet sea water at the same flow rate induced significant migration with 5 minutes of the Instant Ocean attempt. The fact that a solution of synthetic sea salts would not induce migration while sea water would suggests that in addition to the stimulus of moving water, some other factors, perhaps biotic, are necessary for migration to occur. C. HIGRATION IN ARTIFICTAL POOLS. THE AFFECTS OF BIOTIC STIMULI terials and Method. Two sets of artificial pools were constructed using cement and chicken wire (see Fig. 6). Each set consisted of a series of three successively lower pools connected by narrow channels. Both sats of pools were run simultaneously with equal flow rates. Temporal variation in migration was controlled for in the following manner: the ratio of simultaneously run -5. migrations without stimulus in either set (control) is compared to the ratio of simultaneously run migrations with a stimulus in one set only. Animals were placed in the pool of each set and allowed to acclimatize for eight hours before water from the sea water system was flowed into each high pool, for 5 to 7 hours. At the end of the experiment all individuals were retrieved from the two higher pools using a portable vaccuum pump and taken to the lab for counting. A total of four migration runs were made. In the first run no stimulus was placed in either set of pools (control I). A second and third run each utilized a different stimulus. Stimulus 1 consisted of two large rocks that were taken from a tide pocl occupied by Tigriopus. Stimulus 2 consisted of about 500 individual Tigriopus that migrated into the high pools of the series during the previous experiments. They were confined to the pool within two interlocking tea strainers, having a mesh small enough to retain adults. A fourth run, again without any stimulus in either pool, was done to ensure that the relative migration lability of the pools had not changed. Results The data shown in table 2 shows a significant increase in migration with the addition of either tide pool rocks or migrated Tigriopus californicus, Discussion Migration is enchanced by the presence, in the water, of factors iopus and tide pool rocks. These factors are associated with both Ti not necessarily tha same but perhaps may be the result of the plant or animal life that is associated with each stimulus. -6. D. AFFINITY STUDIES IN THE COUI ARD POOL Materials and Methods Five 300 ml Frelenmeyer flasks, and eight 125 ml ground stoppered bottles containing various physical and chemical stimuli were placed on the bottom of the courtyard pool. After a period of time all the flasks were retrieved. Numbers of individuals per flask were counted in the lab. (See Table III for the contents of the various flasks and bottles.) The living stimuli (flasks 2 to 5) were retained within plastic vials with fins plankton netting covering the open end. These vials were then deposited in their respective flasks. Each flask and bottle, unless otherwise noted, was filled with 34 sea water before placement in the courtyard pool. Orientation within the replicate groups was constant and is shown in Figure 6 along with the location of each group. Results: Run Number 1 An R by C contingency test on the results (see appendix 1) gives a value of 99, indicating that variations between the replicate groups existed and were not controlled. Therefore only test cases run adjacent to each other were examined for significant differences. Such test cases are listed in Table IV. Discussion: Run Number 1 There are significantly less animals in A. elegantissima and tiger juice than in control. The specific stimulus for each reaction may be the same since the individual anenomes had, just prior to the experiment, been fed -7- Tigriopus. Or, the copepods may be detecting the presence of Anthopleura itself. The fact that migrated Tigriopus were a positive stimulus when compared to the random individuals is interesting. Perhaps this is a result of the increased number of gravid females in the stimulus sample (see I results). Possibly the general population cues on the presence of gravid females who are more sensitive to a variety of environmental conditions. This hypothesis can and should be investigated by examining the sex ratios of animals responding to the different chemical stimuli, Tigriopus preferred the darkened bottle to the control under the conditions of this experiment. Possible explanations for such a behavior are too varied and a hypothesis is not here presented. (See Glaser, 1977; Miyakawa, 1977; Koch, 1977). However, the results were dramatic and rot only indicate that lighting may have important effects upon migration but that it should be carefully controlled in future experiments. The tide pool and terrestrial rocks had similar texture yet the copepods were found more with the tide pool rocks. Tigriopus preferred courtyard pool water to isotonic unfiltered synthetic sea salts. The animals may be responding positively to some organic component of the courtyard water or negatively to some factor in the sea salts, laterials and Methods: Run Number 2 Thirty-five 250 ml Erelenmeyer flasks were placed randomly within a 1 meter square area on the bottom of the C.Y.P. See Table V and Figure 6 for the contents and location of the flasks. Six replicates of the filtered synthetic sea-salt control and five replicates of the C.Y.P. water were used. All other variables were run in triplicate. Flasks containing live specimens as stimuli were prepared in the same manner as in Run Numbery, -8- Pach flask was filled with 55 o/00 filtered synthetic sea-salts bafore place¬ ment in the C.Y.P. unless otherwise indicated. Results: Run Number 2 The average values obtained for each flask and the rasults of statistical analysis on noteworthy test cases are listed in Table VI. Discussion: Run Number 2 The results of the first three test cases support those obtained in Run Number 1. The second three test cases listed in Table VI support the hypothesis that the animals are reacting to some type of organic material. This material is partially heat labile and partially solvent soluble. It may be that the copepods are reacting to a number of organic constituents in the water. The difference between filtered synthetic sea salts and courtyard water is not significant. This may be an indication that the copepods wera reacting negatively to some factor in the unfiltered sea salts of run Number 1. Millipore (.45u) filtered and unfiltered courtyard pool waters were not significantly different. This result is not surprising since this type of filtration will remove only relatively small particles and not chemical compounds. Finally, it is interesting to note in run Number 2, that Tigriopus juice is not significantly different from control. However, it was a significant difference in Run Number 1. These experiments need to be run again simultaneously to determine whether or not the different results are due to methodology. -9. GENERAL DISCUSSION The extraordinary results obtained by flowing sea water into a tide pool inhabited by Tigriopus suggest that migration is an important aspect of their ecology. The fact that no copulating pairs were found to migrate in the courtyard pool and the observation that copulating pairs were found in the channel with naturally occurring migrators suggests that the individuals in the channel had been washed out of the high tide pool and some (eleven gravid females) were in the process of returning to that pool. If this is so, then perhaps migration is a mechanism by which Tigriopus maintains populations in the high tide pools in spite of rain or splash. The finding that Tigriopus would not migrate in a solution of unfiltered synthetic salts clearly indicates that the copepods are reacting to some factors in addition to the stimulus of moving water. Both the affinity studies and those which observed migration in artificial pools involved the ability of animals to detect and react to certain factors in the water, The results using the stimulus of migrated individuals or tide pool rocks were duplicated in both types of experiments. It seems reasonable therefore, to apply the results of the affinity studies to the biology and ecology of migration. Some of the factors act clearly as deterents. Burnett has found that migrating Ti piopus have a dramatic negative response to macerated individuals. This supports the results of Run Number 1 and seems to indicate that the results of Run Number 2 are either artifactual or due to methodology. A. elegantissima may also be a deterent. However, the fact that copepods are responding negatively to macerated individuals indicates that they may be able to detect predation in a tide pool and thus avoid either the predator, the tide pool or both. This would be an extremely valuable adaptarion to life in high tide pools ard deserves further examination. A number of factors were observed to act as attractants. The results from tide pool rocks with different treatments and from tide pool and terrestrial rocks indicate that Tigriopus can detect whether or not water in a rivulet is coming from a tide pool. Such an adaptation may prevent individuals from migrating to a pool that is non-existent. Although his work was scmething less than rigorous, Bozic ((175) found that Tigriopus fulvus are mutually attracted. Tigriopus californicus are attracted to migrated individuals. Perhaps the migrated individuals are more sensitive to a variety of stimuli and serve as leaders which the general population is then able to cue upon. If correct, this would also be a way in which migrations are directed to suitable ervironments. These types of experiments exhibit a great potential for use in uncovering the various biological and chemical processes involved in migration, as well as explaining the heterogeneous distributions of iopus within a tide pool, and should therefore be exploited. 0 -11- ACKNOVLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my appreciation for the incredible students and staff of Hopkins Marine Station. Special thanks go to D.P.A., the Little Tomatoe and her friend, the Little Cabbage, the H.A.M., and most of all, Dr. Zelmo Burnett, for his constant inspiration and guidance. "I thank the P.G.J.H. for Use of their gym And God for the Sunlight. And Larry for being around to insult And Tigriopus for going into bottles' -R.B. -12- LITERATURE CITED Bozic, B. 1975. Detection Actometrique d'un Facteur d'Interaction chez Tigriopus (Crustaces, Copepodes, Harpactecoides). Bull. Soc. Zool. de France. 100: 305-311. Coping with Copepods. Unpub. stud. rep.; Bio. 175H 197 Campbell, D. Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University. Egloff, D. A. 1966. Ecological Aspects of Sex Ratio and Reproduction in Experimental and Field Populations of the Marine Copepod, Tidri opus californicus. Thesis-Stanford University. Foster, C. 1977. Effects of Turbulence on the Behavior of Tigriopus californicus. Unpub. stud. rep.: Bio. 175H Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University. Fraser, J. H. 1936. The Distribution of Rock Pool Copepoda accord- ing to tidal levels. J. Anim. Ecol. 5: 23-28. Glaser. T. 1977. Phototaxis and Behavioral Responses to Changes in Light Intensity in the High Tide Pool Copepod Tigriopus califor¬ nicus. Unpub. stud. rep.: Bio 175H Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University. Igarashi, S. 1959. On the Relationship Between the Environmental Conditions of a Tide Pool and the Tigriopus Population. Bull. Mar. Biol. Sta. Asamushi 9: 167-171. G. 1977. Clumping Behavior in the High Tide Pool Copepod Koch, Tigriopus californicus. Unpub. Stud. rep. : Bio. 175H Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University. Lang, K. 1948. Monographie der Harpacticiden. Ohlssons. Lund. 2 vols. 1977. Changes in Vertical Distributions in Tigriopus Miyakawa, J. californicus (Crustacea: Copepoda: Harpacticoida) with Changes pH: Responses in Light from Above, from in Salinity, Oxygenand Unpub. stud. rep.: Bio. 175H Hopkins Below, and in Darkness. Marine Station, Stanford University. T. 1938. Tigriopus japonicus, a new species of neritic Mori. Copepoda. Zool. Mag. 50: 294-295. Vittor, B. A. 1971. Effects of the Environment on Fitness-related californicus. Thesis¬ Life History Characters in Tigriopus University of Oregon. Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Table 1 Table II Table III Table IV Table V Table VI Appendix 1 Appendix 2 -13 FICURES AND TABLES Photograph of the courtyard pool Photograph of the courtyard pool showing detail of spigot and doghouse Relative movement rates Net relative migration rate Photograph of the artificial pools Schematic diagram depicting location and orientation of Run No. 2 and Run No. 2 (cross-hatched area) Sex ratio of random and migrated animals Migration results from artificial pools and data analysis (difference between two percentage points - Sokal 8 Rohlf Box 16.12) Flasks and bottles used in Run No. 1 with a description of their contents. Valid test cases from Run No. 1 with results of chi-square analysis Flasks used in Run No. 1 with a description of their contents. Noteworthy test cases from Run No. 2 with results of chi-square analysis Tabulated results for Run No.1 Tabulated results for Run No. 2 —- N.4 FIGURE FIGURE a e. 2 L 2 L I L 3- 2 M=—.00 O — 20 40 60 80 109 M=.015 — 190 80 20 40 61 FLOW RATE - ML/MIN 3 FIGURE Z I L 2 Z O L 0 M= —.016 C C t- — — 40 60 80 190 20 FLOW RATE - ML/MIN 4 FIGURE FIGURE 20 30 40 O-BOTTLE D -FLASK 3 n . FIGURE6 JHOUSE, 111 TABLE GRAVID COP PAIR 9 RANDOM 493 142 1.34 SAMPLE N=150 MIGRATEL 257 367 07 CLUMP N=200 ANALYSIS FOR ROO PO0 POO DIFFERENCE TABLEI MIGRATION RATIO - A/TOTAL CONTROL 60 N=428 TIDE POOL ROCKS 77 N -368 IN A LEADERS IN B 47 N- 403 CONTROL 57 N- 169 ARVAE 8 407 47 367 32 NS NS ANALYSIS FOR DIFFERENCE POOI POO NS TABLE I11 RUN NO. 1) CONTROL -one empty plastic vial -one small individual, aggregating type 2) A. ELEGANTISSIMA 3) PAGURUS SAMUELIS -two individuals in T. funebralis shells -150 individuals from the water column 4) RANDOM TIGRIOPUS of the courtyard pool 5) MIGRATED TIGRIOPUS -150 individuals from the migrated clump on the vertical wall in the courtyard pool 6) CONTROL -covered with black tape 7) DARK -filled with an unfiltered solution of 44% 8) INSTANT OCEAN synthetic sea salts -filled with 44% water from the courtyard 9) COURTYARD POOL pool -three granite pebbles from a high tide 10) TIDE POOL ROCKS pool inhabited by T. californicu: -three granite pebbles form the station 11) TERRESTRIAL ROCKS grounds with surface texture similar to the tide pool rocks -three uniform pieces of paper towel blotted 12) TIGER JUICE in a solution made by macerating about ten igriopus in fifteen mls. of sea water -three uniform pieces of paper towel 13) TIGER JUICE CONTROL ——----——— Numbers 1 through 5 correspond to 300 ml. erlenmeyer flasks. Numbers 6 through 13 correspond to 125 ml. ground stoppered bottles. IV TABLE RUN NO. A ELEGANTISSIMA CONTROL RANDOM MIGRATED DARK CONTROL INSTANT OCEAN COURTYARD POOL TIDE POOL ROCKS TERRESTRIAL ROCKS TIGER JUICE TIGER JUICE CONTROL TOTAL NO 1188 383 1775 2030 1396 594 72 435 1277 799 694 412 P4,005 P4.005 P4,005 P4.005 P6.005 P4.005 ABLE RUN NO 2 1) CONTROL 2) CONTROL (with vials) -one empty plastic vial 3) RANDOM TIGRIOPU -150 individuals from the water column of the courtyard pool -150 individuals from the migrated clump 4) MIGRATED TIGRIOPU. on the vertical wall in the courtyard pool -five rocks from a tide pool containing 5) SOLVENT-TREATED igriopus were washed in petroleum ether for fifteen minutes and then finsed thor- oughly in distilled water -five rocks from a tide pool containing 6) HEAT-TREATED ligriopus were boiled in sea water for one hour and rinsed in distilled in dis¬ tilled water -five rocks from a tide pool containing 7) UNTREATED Tigriopus - 44% water from the courtyard pool was 8) FILTERED COURTYARL filtered through a.45u millipore filter POOL 9) COURTYARD POOL -44% water from the courtyard pool 10) TIGRIOPUS JUICE -30 ml. of a solution made from about 200 Tigriopus macerated in 90 ml. sea water ——---— All of the above were run in 250 ml erlenmeyer flasks. VI TABLE RUN NO.2 RANDOM TIGRIOPUS CONTROL MIGRATED TIGRIOPUS CONTROL RANDOM TIGRIOPUS TIGRIOPUS MIGRATEL SOLVENT-TREATED ROCKS CONTROL HEAT-TREATED ROCKS SOLVENT—TREATED ROCKS UNTREATED ROCKS HEAT-TREATED ROCKS CONTROL COURTYARD POOL FILTERED COURTYARD POOL COURTYARD POOL TIGER JUICE COURYARD POOL — AVG NO HER FLASK 162 147 227 147 162 227 24 147 329 24 416 329 47 156 130 156 15 156 X NS PC.005 P6.005 P.005 P.005 PK.005 NS NS NS 1) CONTROL 2) A. ELEGANTISSIMA 3) PAGURUS SAMUELI! 4) RANDOM TIGRIOPUS 5) MIGRATED TIGRIOPUS 6) CONTROL 7) DARK 8) INSTANT OCEAN 9) COURTYARD POOL 10) TIDE POOL ROCKS 11) TERRESTRIAL ROCKS 12) TIGER JUICE 13) TIGER JUICE CONTROL APPENDIX 115 48 378 917 II 668 501 645 168 317 101 382 171 161 265 III 172 171 120 174 60 311 240 155 230 0 APPENDIX 97 1) CONTROL 2) CONTROL (with vials) 3) RANDOM TIGRIOPUS 204 4) MIGRATED TIGRIOPUS 209 5) SOLVENT-TREAT 394 6) HEAT-TREA 7) UNTREATED 524 8) FILTERED COURTYARD POOL 131 9) COURTYARD POOL 122 120 10) TIGER JUICE 2 158 170 264 248 279 126 16 177 231 179 196 213 268 416 444 133 155 148 120 126 224 175