ABSTRACT 1. In the period 29 April to 27 May 1970 studies of the distribution, reproduction, recruitment, and pigments of Pollicipes polymerus were carried out on populations in both polluted and unpolluted areas. 2. Near sewage outfalls Pollicipes clusters may be abundant; however, they lack associated biota of polychaetes, amphipods, limpets and epizoic algae. They are loosely attached to rocks and are usually covered with an algal slime. 3. Within a 230 foot radius of an outfall with high residual chlorine the barnacles were not reproducing. Recruitment occurred only on the outer fringes of the area. At a second outfall with lower residual chlorine a few Pollicipes were reproducing and some recruitment was occurring within four feet of the mouth of the pipe. The levels of reproduction and recruitment here were lower than in unpolluted areas. 4. Pollicipes shows decreasing damage with increasing distance from the outfalls. 5. Thin layer chromatogram studies show that several carotinoid pigments found in the stalk hemolymph of normal Pollicipes are lacking in individuals living near sewer outfalls. 6. Pollicipes appears to have some value as a quantitative indicator of the effects of marine sewage pollution. INTRODUCTION The effects of sewage pollution on most marine organisms are almost unknown, and good indicator organisms by which pollution damage can be measured are lacking. Counts of coliform bacteria are routinely used to indicate degree of pollution. These counts may be extremely variable, even from hour to hour, and they give no indication of possible pollution damage to shore organisms. A better indicator is needed; one possibility is the common stalked barnacle Pollicipes polymerus (Sowerby, 1833). This barnacle is abundant on wave-swept rocky shores from the Bering Strait to the middle of Baja, California, being restricted to the upper two-thirds of the intertidal zone (Ricketts and Calvin, 1969). It is the only pedunculated barnacle found in the intertidal zone in North America (Cornwall, 1951) and it does not occur subtidally (Barnes and Reese, 1959). Pollicipes is one of the few sedentary marine animals which is numerous not only in unpolluted areas but also occurs close to the shoreline sewer outfalls at Pacific Grove and Carmel, California. Hilgard (1960) determined that the animals reproduce for eight months of the year. Preliminary observations indicated that while the animals away from the outfall were reproducing normally those close to it were not, suggesting that reproduction in this species might provide a useful measure of pollution damage. 2 METHODS Pollicipes polymerus used in this study were taken from the following areas: (1) the Pacific Grove sewage outfall area at Point Pinos (14 stations); (2) the Carmel sewage outfall area north of Monastery Beach (6 stations); (3) the Pacific Grove shoreline from Lovers Point to the Great Tide Pool (8 stations); and (4) a control area at Mussel Point, Pacific Grove (6 stations). All barnacles were taken in areas and at intertidal levels where they were sizable and abundant. Only the largest individuals occurring in close association with others of their kind (and which therefore had opportunity for cross fertilization) were taken. When possible, about 60 barnacles were taken at each station. After collection each Pollicipes was measured (distance from rostrum to carina) and examined for young recently settled on the stalk. Then it was cut open and examined for the presence of ovarian masses in the stalk and ovigerous lamellae in the mantle cavity. Enlarged ovarian masses indicated that the individual was a reproductively active member of the population. The presence of ovigerous lamellae (oval, flattened masses of developing larvae being brooded by the adult) indicated successful fertilization. Animals with neither were considered to be non-reproducing members of the population. After examination, the percentage of barnacles which had enlarged ovaries or ovigerous lamellae or both was determined and recorded as the percentage of the sample reproducing (% reproducing). The percentage of the sample with ovigerous lamellae was determined and recorded as 3 - 384 % w/ ovigerous lamellae. The percentage of the sample with young recently settled on the stalk was determined and recorded as the % w/ young 4. RESULTS Point Pinos For present purposes, the region of the Pacific Grove outfall can be divided into three areas (Fig. 1) showing obvious qualitative differences. Areas B and C are apparently relatively normal. Pollicipes here always grow in association with Mytilus. Amphipods are abundant in Pollicipes clusters, and at least three species of limpets are found on Pollicipes valves. Balanus glandula may also attach to Pollicipes capitulum. Isopods are infrequent, and never more than two occur on an individual barnacle. The stalks are very firmly attached to the substratum, and frequently have coralline algae or young brown algae growing on them. A dense mat of detached Phyllospadix blades is often intertwined around the bases of the stalks. Area A (Fig. 1), which receives the most direct contact with the effluent, is conspicuously different. Here no adult Mytilus are found, though occasionally small (§1 cm.) mussels, having a yellow, translucent shell, are seen. Amphipods and limpets are absent from Pollicipes clusters. Balanus glandula occurs on nearby rocks but never on the Pollicipes capitulum. Isopods are common, and as many as eight may be found on an individual barnacle. The Pollicipes themselves are small, few being of minimum reproductive size (rostro-carinal distance of 17.2 mm; Hilgard, 1960). None were found measuring more than 25 mm. Maximum sizes of 30.5 mm. occurred in areas B and C, and animals measuring up to 37 mm. were found at Mussel Point. The stalks of Pollicipes in area A are loosely attached to the substratum, and can be removed by hand. No coralline or brown macro algae are attached to the stalks; instead the 5 latter are often covered with an algal slime composed of brown (Feldmannia chitinicola), green (Blidingia minima), and blue green (Oscillatoria and Entophysalis deusta) algal species. The same slime occurs in the crevices between capitular plates; it may become so thick that it covers the calcareous spines on the stalk, but it does not occur inside the mantle cavity. (Outside of area A, algal slimes occur on the stalk but never as thickly.) The bases of the stalks do not have Phyllospadix blades intertwined about them, but have entrapped large amounts of sand. Figure 2 shows the results of the survey of reproduction and recruitment in the three samples made at Point Pinos. In area A, directly exposed to the effluent, there is tremendous damage. In a total sample of 692 Pollicipes there are no ovigerous lamellae and essentially no production of ova and no settlement of cyprid larvae from the plankton. At stations 3 and 4 many isolated animals were found. These indicate the former presence of large clusters of Pollicipes (see Barnes and Reese, 1960). At station 4, among 27 of the largest barnacles only eight were above minimum reproductive size. Pollicipes closest to the outfall are dying; 11% of the samples taken 26 May 1970 from station 2 had rotted cirri and decaying stalks. Animals in area B show some evidence of reproductive inhibition. Not only was the onset of reproduction delayed in this population, but the percentages of individuals brooding ovigerous lamellae and bearing newly settled young are consistently below those of Mussel Point (Fig. 3) and those of area C (Fig. 4). Areas B and C follow the same trends, but area B does less well. Statistically, differences in percentage with young are always significant (P §.05) and differences 6 - in percentage with ovigerous lamellae are significant in the first two sampling periods (P «.05). Area B receives more contact with effluent than does C; other physical parameters in the two areas are roughly similar Reproductive differences between Pollicipes populations in area C and the controls at Mussel Point are not consistently statistically significant. Area C does significantly better in recruitment in the latter two sampling periods (P (.05) Pacific Grove Shoreline Current studies of Point Pinos carried out in July 1969 and April 1970 (using fluorescene dye packets, drift bottles and a team of observers from the Hopkins Marine Station), indicated a current moving northward around Point Pinos and into Monterey Bay (Fig. 1). Many drift bottles released at the point landed on Pacific Grove beaches. It appears that some of Pacific Grove's sewage is not moving out to sea but is being carried back into the bay. The reproductive condition in samples of Pollicipes from along the southern shore of Monterey Bay is shown in Figure 5. Station 7 is about 75 feet from a 12" drain pipe which serves not only as a storm drain but also for occasional dumping of sewage when the treatment plant is overloaded. Animals here show the poorest development of ovaries and a very low proportion of barnacles bear ovigerous lamellae. The other populationson this shore showing low proportions of ovigerous lamellae occur at stations 2 and 3, lying closest to Point Pinos. Figure 6 compares stations 2, 3 and 7 with stations 1, 4, 5, 6, and 8 and with Pollicipes at Mussel Point. Statistically, there is no difference between the latter set of stations and the barnacles on Mussel Point (P «.05 for all three categories). The differences between the first set of stations and the second are significant (P (.Ol for all three categories), indicating that not all of the effluent is diluted at sea but some comes back into shore at harmful levels. 36 Carmel Outfall Area Some sampling of the Pollicipes population was carried out in the area of the City of Carmel sewer outfall, Carmel Bay, California (Fig. 7). While irregular mixing by waves occurs at the inshore rocky reef, strong southerly currents move offshore water from Mission Point toward Point Lobos (Bachelor, et al. 1970). Correlated with this, Pollicipes show increasing levels of reproduction and recruitment at increasing distances south of the outfall. At Point Pinos the current system is much more complex and such an obvious gradient of damage does not exist. Conditions at the Carmel sewer outfall are much less harmful to Pollicipes than those at the Pacific Grove outfall. Some successful fertilization occurs four feet from the pipe (station 2), and young settle out from the plankton in much larger numbers than in area A at Point Pinos. Studies of dilution of the effluent (Bachelor, et al, 1970) indicate that it comes inshore on the beach south of station 5 and is fairly well diluted south of there. The Pollicipes data are consistent with this finding; note the sudden jump in the proportion of animals reproducing and in those bearing newly settled young between stations 5 and 6. 9: 362 Pigment Analysis Normal Pollicipes, both mature and immature, have a reddish-orange hemolymph in the stalk which is released when the stalk is sliced open. In Pollicipes from area A at Point Pinos, stalk fluid is colored a dirty gray. Holter (1969) found six carotinoid pigments occurring in the stalk fluid of Pollicipes: B-carotine, isozeaxanthin (?), an astaxanthin ester, lutein, zeaxanthin, and astaxanthin. Cheesman and others (1967) found that astaxanthin-protein complexes are frequently linked to reproductive and developmental processes. Holter hypothesizes that this lipo-protein complex mediates the transport of large water soluble molecules across lipid-bound membranes. This transportation could be important when transfer of critical supplies for egg production is essential. Pollicipes hemolymph appears to act as the store for the astaxanthin lipo-protein complex. The stalk fluids in Pollicipes from areas A and B on Point Pinos and from Mussel Point were analyzed using thin layer gel chromatography to determine qualitative differences in the pigments present. In each area, about 125 ml. of stalk fluid was collected from two clusters of Pollicipes (about 150 animals in each cluster), and centrifuged to remove sand and grit. The pigments were extracted from the fluid with acetone. Petroleum ether (b.p. 20-40° C) was added and the carotenoids transferred to the petroleum ether phase by the addition of water. The petroleum ether was repeatedly washed with cold tap water until free of acetone, and then concentrated under a nitrogen stream. Schleicher and Schuell precoated silica gel plates (^1500), 250/thick, were used 10 Se for the chromatography. Each sample was spotted on the plate and the spots were run in a 30% petroleum ether-acetone mixture. A standard composed of B-carotene, astaxanthin, lutein and echino-none was also spotted on the plate and run. The absorption spectrum from 550 nm. to 380 nm. for each sample was taken on a Beckman DK2A Ratio Recording Spectrophotometer. All the pigments noted by Holter (1969) were found in the stalk fluids of animals from area B, at Point Pinos, and from Mussel Point. In area A however, three pigments were missing from the stalk fluid-- astaxanthin, lutein, and the astaxanthin ester. Only B-carotine, isozeaxanthin and zeaxanthin were present. The absorption spectra for area B and Mussel Point are identical. Both absorptions rise steadily to a broad plateau from 476 to 450 nm. Expanding the plateau shows two peaks, at 472 nm. and 453 nm. The absorption spectrum for the stalk fluid from animals from area A reflects the changed pigment composition here. The absorption rises to a slight plateau at 472 nm., then continues to rise to the major peak at 432 nm. It falls off slowly until 413 nm. and rapidly thereafter. Possible quantitative differences in the amount of pigment exist between animals in areas A and B and those at Mussel Point. Less pigment was extracted from area B animals than from the Mussel Point controls. Considerably less pigment was extracted from animals in area A. If quantitative differences do exist, pigment determination would be a valuable additional indicator of pollution damage. 11 DISCUSSION Raw sewage in moderate concentrations could have beneficial effects for Pollicipes. This barnacle, an opportunistic rather than selective feeder, takes a large amount of particulate matter as food (Howard and Scott, 1959). Near an outfall, the level of organic particulate matter is certainly higher than normal, so that under other favorable physical conditions such as those at Point Pinos, Pollicipes could flourish, being helped by the sewage. Mytilus californianus, Pollicipes' major competitor for space along the coast, is also an efficient filter feeder, but it dies close to sewer outfalls. Pisaster ochraceus, for which Pollicipes ranks high as a food source (Feder, 1959), is also absent near the Point Pinos outfall. These three conditions; increased food, absence of competition, and lack of predation could enhance Pollicipes growth near an outfall. In area A at Point Pinos the barnacles, although currently doing very poorly, are the only large sedentary animals abundant on the rocks. Their clusters cover much of the suitable substratum. According to Barnes and Reese (1960), Pollicipes grow very slowly, not reaching sexual maturity before the fifth year and not achieving full growth until the twentieth. Although it is possible that some of the largest Pollicipes in area A at Point Pinos were there before the outfall was built, this is unlikely, as there are many small barnacles and young do occasionally settle here. Comparison of present conditions on Point Pinos with those described in a study by Mitter (1969) indicate that the grossest detrimental effects of the sewage are recent ones. 12 366 Photographs taken in the spring of 1969 show that the rocks near the pipe were covered with macroalgae at that time; now they are covered with Hildenbrandia or a yellow, diatomacious slime. The general area appeared much less damaged a year ago than it does now. Heavy chlorination of the sewage was begun only about five months ago (early in 1970). suggesting that chlorine or chlorinated compounds may be the most damaging agent in sewage. Both Carmel and Pacific Grove sewage treatment plants use primary treatment and handle mostly domestic wastes. The major difference between the two effluents is in the residual chlorine. In Pacific Grove sewage the chlorine residuals can reach levels of up to at least 45 parts per million (ppm) at the outfall mouth, but in Carmel sewage they are 2-5 Ppm. The fact that Pollicipes at Carmel show some reproduction and recruitment within four feet of the mouth of the outfall pipe suggest that chlorine or chlorinated compounds are the likliest agents causing damage. Pollicipes in area A are not recruiting enough larvae from the plankton to sustain their current population level. The clusters will probably disappear as the adults die off. In area B, recruitment is probably sufficient to maintain the population close to current levels. Pollicipes polymerus shows possibilities for use as an indicator of pollution damage. Of the parameters investigated, fertilization (as indicated by the presence of ovigerous lamellae) appears to be the most sensitive to pollution. The proportions of the population bearing new juveniles and the proportion reproducing are useful as well. Sperm content represents another possible variable, (in area A at Point Pinos 13 86 no barnacle had copious sperm). These parameters can be sampled and measured by personnel with minimal biological training. Quantitative pigment differences, while more difficult to measure, would also be indicative of damage. Further work needs to be done on the natural variability of Pollicipes in an unpolluted enviornment to aid detection of lesser degrees of damage from pollution. 14 - ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to acknowledge the generous assistance and encouragement given to me by Dr. Donald P. Abbott, both during the research and in reading the manuscript. Dr. Welton Lee aided in the chromatography, Dr. Isabella Abbott identified the algal species, and James Sutton gave much helpful aid and advice throughout the work. This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Program Grant No. GY-7288. 36. REFERENCES Bachelor E., D. Grey, M. Nakata, J. Schreiber, and J. Welsh. 1970. Unpublished Barnes, H. and E. S. Reese. 1959. Feeding in the pedunculate cirripede Pollicipes polymerus, J. B. Sowerby. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 132: 569-585. Barnes, H. and E. S. Reese. 1960. The behaviour of the stalked intertidal barnacle Pollicipes polymerus J. B. Sowerby, with special reference to its ecology and distribution. J. Anim. Ecol. 29: 169-185. Cheesman, D. F., W. L. Lee, P. F. Zagalsky. 1967. Carotenoproteins in invertebrates. Biol. Rev. 42: 131-160. Cornwell, I. E. 1951. The barnacles of California (Cirripedia). Wasmann J. Biol. 9: 311-346. Feder, H. M. 1959. The food of the starfish, Pisaster ochraceus, along the California coast. Ecology. 40: 721-724. Hilgard, G. H. 1960. A study of reproduction in the intertidal barnacle, Pollicipes polymerus, in Monterey Bay, California. Biol. Bull. 119: 169-188. Holter, A. R. 1969. Carotenoid pigments in the stalked barnacle Pollicipes polymerus. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 28: 675-684. Howard, G. K. and H. C. Scott. 1959. Predacious feeding in two common gooseneck barnacles. Science. 129: 717-718. Mitter, C. 1969. Unpublished. Ricketts, E. F., J. Calvin and J. Hedgpeth. 1969. Between Pacific Tides. (4th ed.). Stanford Univ. Press. 614 p 16 36 FIGURE CAPTIONS Figure 1. Three areas of Point Pinos based on the relative degree of pollution. Figure 2. Survey of the Pacific Grove sewage outfall area at Point Pinos showing levels of reproduction and recruitment at various times. Outside the box: station number and N - number of Pollicipes in the sample. Inside the box: the top number is the percentage of the sample reproducing; the middle number is the percentage of the sample bearing ovigerous lamellae; the bottom number is the percentage of the sample upon which young have recently settled. Figure 3. Survey of Mussel Point (unpolluted area) showing levels of reproduction and recruitment at various times. N - number of Pollicipes in the sample. Inside the box: the top number is the percentage of the sample reproducing; the middle number is the percentage of the sample bearing ovigerous lamellae; the bottom number is the percentage of the sample upon which young have settled. Figure 4. Graph contrasting levels of reproduction and recruitment between Mussel Point and areas B and C at Point Pinos at various times. Numbers are number of Pollicipes taken from each sampling area. Figure 5. Survey along the south shore of Monterey Bay showing levels of reproduction and recruitment. Outside the box: station number and N = number of Pollicipes in the sample. Inside the box: the top number is the percentage of the sample reproducing; the middle number is the percentage of the sample bearing ovigerous lamellae; the bottom number is the percentage of the sample upon which young have recently settled. 17 - 370 Figure 6. Graph comparing levels of reproduction and recruitment along the south shore of Monterey Bay at various areas (see Fig. 5). N - number of Pollicipes taken from each sampling area. Figure 7. Survey of Carmel sewage outfall area showing levels of reproduction and recruitment south of the outfall. Outside the box: station number and N = number of Pollicipes in the sample. Inside the box: the top number is the percentage of the sample reproducing; the middle number is the percentage of the sample bearing ovigerous lamellae; the bottom number is the percentage of the sample upon which young have recently settled. 18 a Outfall- p d N CURRENTS AT POINT PINOS AREA A: Most direct contact with effluent AREA B: Some contact with effluent AREA C: No apparant contact with effluent L S -22 81.8 31.8 90.9 N-39 87.2 23.1 69.2 0 0 4.9 - 61 0 O 1.7 N-58 O N-60 N—61 95.1 41.0 68.9 N-62 88./ 29.0 72.6 N-90 86.7 3.3 60.0 OUTFALL 1.6 N-62 1.6 0 N-63 O N-64 4.8 N- 21 O N-21 N-64 N-63 N-65 83.1 84.4 98.4 49.0 37.0 26.2 44.4 59.4 36.9 N-56 N-79 N-71 83.9 92.4 85.9 25.0 35.4 28.2 51.9 49.3 71.4 N-54 N-42 N-40 79.6 92.9 87.5 7.1 3.7 5.0 44.4 64.3 22.5 10 26-27 MAY 14-16 MAY 1-5 MAY 6.3 O 4.8 N-63 0 8 O 5.3 19.7 N-16 N-76 N-64 98.4 53.1 70.3 N- 67 98.5 50.7 79.1 N-56 92.9 17.9 60.0 12 -73 91.8 45.2 60.3 N-70 90.0 32.9 62.9 N-54 85.2 14.8 33.3 8.1 274 N-62 5.3 17.5 N-57 26-27 MAY 14-16 MAY 1-5 MAY N-66 89.4 39.4 71.2 N-69 94.2 31.9 56.5 -64 98.4 20.0 70.3 14 26-27 MAY 14-16 MAY 1-5 MAY 370 N-64 90.6 32.8 67.1 N-66 93.9 24.2 65.2 N-78 96.2 56.4 56.4 N-62 98.4 69.4 69.4 N-60 95.0 48.3 55.0 -61 95.1 41.0 80.3 N-63 N-66 N-64 N-68 94.1 100 88.9 90.9 54.7 25.0 28.6 25.8 21-22 MAY 49.2 54.7 52.9 78.8 N-67 N-66 N-47 100 97.0 83.0 18.2 21.3 59.7 12 MAY 27.7 56.1 78.8 N-67 N-64 5 MAY 92.2 85.1 32.8 4.5 7 MAY 68.8 50.5 N-45 29 APRIL 91.1 8.9 2 MAY 57.8 O L O MUSSEL POINT 374 te % 100 Reproducing 80 70 19o- -- - -- - - --0 Voung 60 50 40 Ovigerous lamellae 30+ Mussel Point 20 N-172 242 403 —-o---0--- Point Pinos—Area C N-213 228 203 ....c.........o Point Pinos —Area B 10 N226 268 253 2122 2627 12 14 15 MAN 38 5 N-63 N-60 N—67 N-71 N—57 N-57 100 83.6 90.1 90.0 63.5 93.0 36.7 8.5 42.1 26.3 9.5 28.4 45.1 51.7 84.2 63.2 87.3 80.6 POINT PINOS OUTFALL GREAT TIDE POOL LOVERS POINT MUSSEL POINT 100 92.9 98.4 94.8 92.2 83.0 97.0 47.6 17.2 32.8 21.3 59.7 69.4 18.2 35.7 68.8 27.7 56.1 24.1 69.4 78.8 N-58 N-42 N-47 N-67 N-62 N-64 N-66 PACIFIC GROVE SHORELINE 7-12 MAY 1970 37 % 100 80 60 20 Ovigerous Reproducing lamellae N-306 Mussel Point N-283 Stations 1-4-5-6-8 N-192 Stations 2-3-7 Voung 4 37 2 C N—65 86.2 200 26.2 N-63 95.2 20.6 71.4 POINT LOBOS OUTFALL N-62 62.9 6.5 37.2 N-69 24.6 O N-62 75.8 17.7 24.2 N-63 63.5 6.3 41.3 CARMEL OUTFALL AREA 25 MAY 1970 CARMEL MISSION POINT CARMEL RIVER STRONG SOUTHERLY CURRENTS MONASTERY BEACH + 378