O corniculata Population Movement p. 2 Baker and Yip INTRODUCTION The semi-terrestrial amphipod Orchestoidea corniculata Stout, 1913, inhabits the higher intertidal zone on sandy beaches. Of the several species of Orchestoidea common in California, O. corniculata is the one most abundant on short, steep beaches with sand grains poorly sorted for size (Bowers, 1964). The amphipods are basically nocturnal, emerging from burrows at dusk and reburrowing at dawn. During the hours of darkness, they move about the beach by hopping or crawling, and feed on fresh wrack. Identification of 0. corniculata in both juvenile and adult instars has been facilitated by the keys in Bousfield (1957, 1959, 1975), the studies by McClurkin (1953), and es- pecially by the field identification key presented by Bowers (1963). Bowers (1964) also investigated the natural history and some aspects of the behavior of 0. corniculata in his ex¬ amination of niche separation between this species and O. californiana. Further field studies on the distributions of both burrowed and active O. corniculata were made by Craig (1973). He sampled a population using pitfall traps and sub- surface cores, but he did not extend his studies over the full range of tidal conditions. Osbeck (1970) in laboratory studies demonstrated two separate endogenous rhythms of activity, one rhythm having a circadian periodicity, the other possibly reflecting the tidal cycle. McGinnis (1972) found clear evi¬ dence of an endogenous circatidal rhythm in adult 0. corn¬ O. corniculata Population Movement p. 3 Baker and Yip iculata. The question of orientation in movement has also been investigated by several researchers (Craig, 1971, 1973; Enright, 1961; Hartwick, 1976). Previous studies of O. corniculata have not provided a detailed picture of population activity and movements in the field. It was the objective of the present study to gather the information necessary to provide such a picture. An ef¬ fort was made to sample the population over a series of dif¬ ferent tidal conditions sufficiently varied to make possible the development of a simple predictive model for the move¬ ment of the population in space and time. Particular emphasis was placed on obtaining data regarding directional movement and on differences between adult and juvenile activity, since little quantitative information is currently available on these aspects of Orchestoidea biology. FIELD STUDIES Methods Field studies were carried out between 24 April and 1 June, 1978, on a population of Orchestoidea corniculata on the west beach of the Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, located on Mussel Point in Pacific Grove, Cal¬ ifornia. A straight line transect was staked out from just below the land vegetation down to about +2 ft. above mean lower low water. Sampling stations were set up along this transect at 4 m. intervals. Although the stations were equal distances apart measuredalong the surface of the O. corniculata Population Movement p. 4 Baker and Yip beach, the change in elevation between stations ranged from 1.7 to 1.9 ft. To sample the amphipod population, Pyrex dishes 4.5 cm in depth and 9 cm in diameter were buried in the beach at each station, with the lip of the dish level with the sand surface. Amphipods were thus caught whether walking or hopping. When the dishes were dry, the amphipods were able to hop or crawl out of them easily; with an inch of water in the bottom, the dishes retained both adults and juveniles very effectively. Some dishes were made into directional traps by placing a semicircular piece of wire window screen, 10 inches high and 6 inches across the opening, either above the dish and facing toward the ocean or below the dish and facing away from the ocean (Fig. 1). ob¬ Se servations in the field showed that the amphipods neither climbed nor jumped over the screens. Two directional traps and one nondirectional trap were maintained at each station on the beach. At certain times spatially intermediate stations were established between permanent stations as dictated by the height of the water. Our own preliminary studies and earlier literature in¬ dicated that O. corniculata is mostly active during the hours of darkness, therefore each sampling run was started at 1900 hrs Pacific Daylight Savings Time, and samples were taken at hourly intervals through 0700 hrs the next morning. At each sampling time, the traps were filled with water and allowed to stand for 10 minutes. Then the water and any amphipods in the traps were poured into marked fingerbowls to be counted. The traps were immediately reburied on the beach. Once O. corniculata Population Movement p. 5 Baker and Yip counted, the amphipods were released back on the beach at a distance judged sufficient to prevent any effects on the results of subsequent samples. Two tests were made to check the reliability of our sampling techniques. In one preliminary study, traps were established along 3 parallel transects 5 m. apart. Sampled at hourly intervals, all profiles showed the same trends in population fluctuations, and while absolute numbers caught showed some variation there was no evidence of clumping. In a second test, the catches of duplicate directional traps set 20 cm apart were analyzed statistically using the Rx C test (Sokal and Rohlf, 1969). The duplicate traps showed no significant differences in numbers caught during identical periods (p.5), allowing the conclusion that variation between duplicate traps was random and not due to clumping of animals. Data were plotted each time the population was sampled, and the raw data immediately graphed to yield a stylized time- lapse picture of the transect. See Fig. 2. For each hourly observation the number of amphipods in each trap was plotted at a point on the vertical axis representing height on the beach. Information for large and small amphipods was treated separately. Animals less than 6 mm in length in normal pos- ture with the rear segments curled under the body were classed as juveniles. All animals of greater length were classed as adults though some probably were not sexually mature. Ori¬ In pre¬ ginal data are on file at the Hopkins Marine Station. senting the results, these data are analyzed in three steps to vield information on (1) temporal distribution of movement ac- corniculata Population Movement p. 6 Baker and Yip tivity of the adult and juvenile populations, (2) direction¬ al movements of the amphipods up and down the beach, and (3) distribution of adults and juveniles in space. Results Fig. 3 summarizes data showing the amount of movement activity in relation to the time of day. The total amount of activity for each hour is a number obtained by summing the numbers of amphipods caught in traps at all levels of the beach at that hour. Summing was done separately for adults and juveniles. This number is an indication only of move¬ ment activity, and takes no account, for example, of amphi¬ pods which are stationary and feeding on the wrack. Adults and juveniles show somewhat separated periods of activity. Peaks of activity show a relationship to the times of dusk and dawn, and to the period following a night time high tide, accentuated in Fig. 3 by the line connecting the peaks of the high tide. In juvenile O. corniculata there are two peaks of ac¬ tivity, one around sunset and one around sunrise. The peak of activity at dawn was also noted by Craig (1973) in a short study. Another smaller and less regular increase of activity occurs in the middle of the night and is as¬ sociated with a descending tide. Movement activity of adult O. corniculata is more sharp¬ ly limited to the period of darkness, and generally shows a bimodal pattern. When the high tide occurs before dark (eg. May 1-2), the first peak of activity occurs shortly after corniculata Population Movement p. 7 Baker and Yip dark. The animals move about relatively little as they feed through the night, then a second peak of activity is seen prior to dawn. As the high tide occurs progressively later in the evening, the peak of activity is correspondingly shifted in time. With the high tide after dark but before midnight, essentially no adult activity is observed before the high tide (eg. May 4-5). When the high tide moves past midnight, only a single peak is seen after the high tide, but as this occurs, another phase of activity begins to appear after sunset (eg. May 10-11). These adults emerging near dusk will burrow into the beach before the tide reaches its highest level. A second peak of activity occurs that night after the high tide has passed. The peaks of activity shown in Fig. 3 exhibit a range of magnitudes. A broad peak is usually correlated with a fall- ing tide. Some apparent variability in both the height and the timing of the peaks is probably not real, but results from the fact that activity was only sampled hourly. Hourly sampling adequately reveals the general pattern of activity but a precise picture would require essentially continuous sampling. The two periods which show least clearly the ex¬ pected pattern of activity (Fig. 3, May 4-5, May 15-16), were those with the most extreme conditions of high wind and surf. Amphipod movement activity is much reduced in harsh weather conditions. In Fig. 3, the greater the number of days elapsed between sequential observations, in general the great- er was the degree of change in the pattern of activity. As expected, data taken on two successive nights (May 24-25, May p. 8 O. corniculata Population Movement Baker and Yip 25-26), with similar weather conditions, show highly similar activity patterns. Consistently, there is a separation of adult and juvenile peaks of activity, even though this is sometimes less clear on a descending tide. The question arises as to whether the temporal separation of adult and juvenile activity is accompanied by a spatial separation, especially when significant numbers of both size classes are active on the beach. Fig. 4 examines the distri¬ bution on the beach of adult and juvenile amphipods at speci¬ fic times. Although there is a tendency for juveniles to be more widely distributed, there is no distinct spatial separa¬ tion of adults and juveniles. The major directional movements of the O. corniculata population on the beach surface are shown in Fig. 5. For each station on the beach the numbers of amphipods caught in a pair of oppositely oriented directional traps are compared; the smaller number is subtracted from the larger. The dif- ference is represented as a vector for net directional move¬ ment at that-station. If the difference between the two traps was greater than 5 animals, a vector arrow is plotted on Fig. 5. This graph shows net directional movement in relation to time, tide, and vertical position on the beach. At the times of major activity (as shown in Fig. 3) the movement appears to be directional. The net movement of amphipods is usually in the direction that the tide is flowing. In the few ex¬ ceptions where movement is in the direction opposite to that of the tide (eg. at 0130 hrs, May 8), the animals appear to be going toward thelevel of a major concentration of wrack on corniculata Population Movement p. 9 Baker and Yip the beach. Vertical movements of amphipods along the slope of a beach during changes in tidal height result in changes in population distribution. In Fig. 6, distribution of the population for a given night is described by histograms showing the total numbers of amphipods trapped at each sta- tion during that whole night. When a high tide occurs near midnight, both the adult and juvenile amphipods are usually trapped in greatest numbers at the relatively restricted level where wrack is concentrated under these conditions. In con¬ trast, when the tide is descending through the middle of the night, the adults are more dispersed; wrack is generally abundant at several levels under such conditions. The ju¬ venile population may show a concentration higher up on the beach, since the water level is higher during their peaks of activity. During periods of strong surf, very little wrack may be deposited on the beach, and the adults are again more dispersed. These results substantiate the conclusion that wrack is an important factor influencing the spatial distri- bution of O. corniculata and that there is population move- ment toward the wrack on the beach. Discussion The pattern of activity and directional movement of O. corniculata discerned from the field studies appears to be well-suited to a species living in the somewhat precarious environment of the steep beach intertidal zone. Nocturnal corniculata Population Movement p. 10 Baker and Yip activity provides maximal protection from visual predators such as shore-birds (Bowers, 1964). Further, the amphipods seem unable to tolerate much desiccation, and by burrowing in the daytime when the surface sand is driest, they find suitable moisture in addition to protection (Bowers, 1964). A circatidal rhythm within the constraints of the circadian rhythm provides even more precise behavioral adaptations. For moisture and food, the amphipod must be active in the area of the beach that is wetted by the high tides. However, there is the danger of being swept away by the water. A tidal rhythm of behavior which includes burrowing at high tides greatly reduces this risk. The peak of movement activity shortly after the high tide is advantageous to the animal because it corresponds to the best feeding conditions. It is important that net seaward movement is associated with this peak in activity. By moving down the beach with the descending tide, the amphipods find maximal opportunity for feeding as they encounter the successive bands of fresh wrack which are left by the receding water. Correspondingly, by moving landward with a rising tide, the animals increase their safety from wave action. Some animals actively move up the beach, others are carried landward by the swash, rafted aboard the wrack on which they are feeding (Bowers, 1964). Landward movement is generally associated with burrowing. It may also be advantageous for the animals to move landward because if they burrow too low on the beach, they may be co¬ vered by water for a greater part of the tidal cycle, decreas¬ ing the time during which they can emerge and feed. corniculata Population Movement p. 11 Baker and Yip Bowers (1964) described the distribution of the O. corniculata population on a beach only about 300 m. over¬ land from our study site. He noted that distribution was related to the semi-lunar spring-neap tidal cycle. Bowers observed that the population was higher on the beach during the spring tides and moved down the beach along with the shift to neap tides and as the wrack each day was deposited lower down. The beach he studied (Monterey Boatworks beach faces northeast rather than west at Mussel Point, has a much gentler slope, and is much more protected from high surf. In the present study, as data were gathered over a period of roughly two semi-lunar cycles, such a pattern was looked for in the spatial distribution of the population on the beach. However, it became apparent that on our steeper west-facing, and much more exposed beach, weather conditions have a much greater effect on the height of water and the presence of wrack on the beach than does the spring-neap tidal regime. In addition, the analysis in Fig. 6 shows that the popula- tion distribution of active animals is modified by the timing of the high tide. The situation with regard to the semi-lunar pattern of distribution appears to be somewhat more complex than that described by Bowers, even given constant weather conditions. Having considered the general advantages to the amphipod population of the movement and activity pattern seen in the field, we now address the question of what selective advantages, if any, are accrued by a temporal separation of adult and ju¬ venile activity. Available information suggests several pos- O corniculata Population Movement p. 12 Baker and Yip sibilities. One selective advantage might be reduction of intraspecific competition, especially for food. Since no actual experimentation was done in this area, speculation on it is reserved for later discussion. A second selection pressure that might encourage sepa¬ ration of adult and juvenile activity peaks was suggested by an observation made in the field. A small individual nudged into a burrow occupied by a larger amphipod was immediately rabbed and eaten by the latter. Clearly, cannibalism by adults on juveniles might provide a selective pressure to¬ ward separating peaks of activity of the two principal size classes. LABORATORY STUDIES To investigate the possibility of predation by large O. corniculata on smaller individuals, laboratory tests were carried out using 500 ml flasks plugged by foam stoppers Control flasks contained only juveniles, experimental flasks contained both juveniles and adults. Factors varied in the experiment included the amount of sand, the number of large individuals, and the amount of fresh kelp put in the flasks as food for both juveniles and adults. Unless otherwise noted, all adults were captured24 hours before the experiment began, and thus were without food for one night. Juveniles were caught and placed in the flasks the day of the experiment. The flasks were then placed in a dark cabinet and left over- night. The number of juveniles recovered from each flask was O. corniculata Population Movement p. 13 Baker and Yip compared with the number originally placed in the containers. Both the procedures and the results are pictured in Fig. 7 for these experiments. In general, it can be seen that while 100% of the juveniles were recovered from all the control flasks, juveniles were often missing from those flasks which did contain adults, and those could only have been eaten. Field and laboratory observations show that cannibalism is one possible selction pressure for temporal separation of adult and juvenile movement activity at the beach surface. It would appear advantageous for the juveniles to be active when adults are burrowed and to burrow and seek concealment during periods of adult activity. Assuming that burrowing does provide protection, we expected reduced cannibalism in laboratory experiments as the depth of the sand layer in the flasks increased. Instead, the least juvenile mortality was seen in flasks floored with a monolayer of sand grains; greater mortality was found in the flasks with more sand, though those with 1/2 inch of sand and those with 1 inch of sand showed no significant difference. Direct observations of the animals in flasks indicate that a monolayer of sand over glass does not provide a substrate allowing effective locomotion and normal behavior, resulting in reduced juvenile mortality. In the flasks with more sand, no observations were made which might explain the lack of advantages of the greater amount of sand. The experiments indicate that adults of both sexes feed on juveniles under laboratory conditions. The presence of a surplus of an alternate source of food such as the kelp Macrocystis does not necessarily prevent cannibalism. corniculata Population Movement p. 14 Baker and Yip Having established the temporal separation of adult and juvenile activity peaks, and confirmed one possible selective advantage thereof, the next area we explored was the mechanism of separation. One possible mechanism for achieving activity separation of the size classes might be an active avoidance of adult amphipods by juveniles. In studying direct behavioral interactions of adults and juveniles, two different techniques were used: direct ob¬ servation, and photography. For direct observations, the animals were kept in 500 ml flasks and watched under normal laboratory lighting. For the photographic studies, the amphi¬ pods were placed in a petri dish with a diameter of 15 cm lined with damp filter paper to provide a substrate suitable for movement of the animals. The dish was divided in half by a cardboard partition to allow simultaneous photography of two physically isolated populations. The animals were kept in to- tal darkness except when photographed with an electronic flash. Direct observations show that juveniles are indifferent to the presence of active adults, even when physical contact occurs. Photographic studies support this conclusion. Distri¬ bution of juvenile amphipods in one half of a petri dish does not significantly change after an adult is introduced into the container and neither is there a significant difference in the distribution of juvenile amphipods between two physi¬ cally separated halves of a dish when one half contains an a¬ dult and the other does not. To investigate the possibility that differences in en¬ dogenous rhythms between adults and juveniles result in dif- O. corniculata Population movement p. 15 Baker and Yip ferently timed peaks of activity, a laboratory setup was de- signed to determine if juveniles deprived of environmental cues exhibit peaks similar to those seen in the field, and if these peaks might be affected by the presence of adults in a more subtle way than could be revealed by our other studies. Three-gallon circular cartons were obtained and a circu¬ lar hole cut in the bottom of each to allow insertion of a 6 cm in diameter cm long plastic tûbevopen at both ends. When the carton was filled to a depth of 4 cm with sand, the sand just reached the level of the top of the tube on the inside and the tube acted as a pitfall trap: any animal falling into the tube would drop through to a dish of water placed below the bot¬ tom of the tube. The tube could be plugged at most times, enabling amphipods to jump out again if they fell in, and un- plugged only at sampling times. The animals for this experis ment were collected the day the experiment began. Some of the cartons contained only small individuals, others both large and small. All experiments were run between 1930 and 0830 hrs. The cartons were kept in constant dim light and were sampled for five minutes at hourly intervals. Fig. 8 shows the setup, the details of each experiment and the results. All four cartons show juvenile activity pat¬ terns similar to those observed simultaneously in the field. Peaks in the number of juveniles trapped were around the hours of sunsét and sunrise. No significant differences were obser¬ ved between the cartons that contained juveniles and those that did not. An earlier experiment in which the juveniles (200 per carton) were kept in constant dim light for a period of 18 hours before sampling began yielded similar results. O. or iculata Population Movement p. 16 Baker and Yip GENERAL DISCUSSION The field population of O. corniculata studied exhibits a pattern of movement and activity that shows adaptation to the constantly changing conditions of their intertidal beach habitat, maximizing both protection from hazards and stress and opportunity to feed on fresh wrack. Fig. 9 is an ideal- ized schematic diagram showing the general pattern of surface movement and activity in adult and juvenile O. corniculata as indicated by our field data. The pattern of behavior in¬ cludes a temporal separartion of peaks in adult and juvenile activity. For achieving this separation, one mechanism would be an avoidance response by juveniles to adults, the juveniles burrowing or moving away as adults approached. No indication of such avoidance is found. Instéad, our labora¬ tory studies of juvenile movement activity, together with the studies of adult activity by Osbeck (1970) and McGinnis (1972), strongly suggest that it is differences in juvenile and adult activity rhythms that account for the differences in juvenile and adult peaks of activity. Further, the fact that the juvenile pattern is maintained after 48 hours of constant light and moisture conditions suggests that the rhythm is endogenous. Although this rhythm seems unaffected over a two day period by absence of adult activity, the long term effects of such absence are not known. Interesting questi ons arise as to when and how the acti¬ vity pattern of the juveniles gives way to or become the adult pattern. Although these studies did not directly ap- corniculata Population Movement p.17 Baker and Yip proach this problem, qualitative observations suggest a gradual transformation. Smaller, probably sexually immature sub-adult amphipods were generally caught in the traps at least one hour before the larger adults appeared. This suggests a gradual shifting from juvenile to adult activity patterns. With regard to the possible selective advantages for the temporal separation of juvenile and adult activity peaks, can - nibalism of young by adults has been demonstrated. This phenomenon can be significant in the laboratory. It occurs in the field, but its significance there and its dependence on environmental parameters are unknown. A second possible advantage to temporal separation of a¬ dult and juvenile activity peaks is the reduction of intra¬ specific competition. Juvenile amphipods are basically mini¬ atures of the adults. Both feed on fresh wrack, especially Macrocystis, the giant kelp. Temporal separation of activity peaks is a way of increasing the food resources and making more efficient use of the supply. Since wrack bands are con¬ stantly being deposited or washed away, increasing the amount of time that the population as a whole is out and active in¬ creases the amount of wrack available to the population. Speculating further, it seems likely that the juveniles can relatively safely emerge before darkness and remain on the surface for sometime after dawn, allowing them periods of feeding before and after adult activity. We found the juveniles to be much smaller and faster moving than the adults, thus they may be poorer targets for shorebirds, the major amphipod pre¬ dator (Bowers, 1964), which have peaks of feeding activity p. 18 O. corniculata Population Movement Baker and Yip at dawn and dusk. The daily temporal partitioning of the food resource is amplified over portions of the tidal cycle by the fact that as the high tide occurs at different times, the amount of wrack available to amphipods at a given time of the night also varies. Thus, the juveniles sometimes have an opportunity to feed on wrack that is not available to the adults, for example: any wrack that is washed away between the time that the juve¬ niles emerge and when the adults become active. While adults and juveniles do not show any clear separation in space, the trapping data indicate that the juveniles are spread out more widely on the beach than the adults. This would permit them to make greater use of the smaller pieces of wrack spread more widely on the beach, while the adult amphipods center on the greatest concentrations of food. O. corniculata Population Movement p. 19 Baker and Yip SUMMAR 1. A population of Orchestoidea corniculata on a steep sandy beach at Mussel Point, Pacific Grove, California was studied to determine movement activity at the sand surface. Sampling was done with directional and nondirectional pitfall traps on a transect taken from the land vegetation to the sea. The adult field population shows peaks of activity that 2. exhibit both the circadian and circatidal rhythms reported by earlier investigators. Adults are burrowed in the sand by day and activity on the beach surface is confined to the hours of darkness. When high tide occurs before midnight, the adults do not emerge until the tide begins to ebb. They show a peak of movement activity soon after emergence, followed by a period of feeding during which little movement occurs, and then a second peak of movement activity before sunrise. If high tide falls after midnight, the adults emerge sometime after sunset, burrow before the high, and then reemerge, showing another peak of activity on the descending tide. The peaks of movement activity of adults and juveniles 3. do not occur simultaneously but show a temporal separarion. The juveniles usually show a peak of activity around sunset, before the adults emerge, and another peak around sunrise, after the adults have burrowed for the day. Juveniles sometimes show an¬ other peak in movement at the same time as the adults on a descending tide during the night. 4. There is no correspondingly distinct spatial separation between adult and juvenile activity on the surface of the beach. O corniculata population Movement p. 20 Baker and Yip Generally, O. corniculata move up and down the slope of the beach in the direction that the tide is going. This be¬ havior is advantageous in maximizing both protection from surf and desiccation, and opportunity to feed. Seaward movement is as¬ sociated with feeding on the bands of wrack deposited by the receding tåde. Landward movement is often associated with bur- rowing, which provides further protection from wave action. 6. Distribution of active adult and juvenile amphipodseon the beach over the entire night is a function of the tidal cycle and the location and amount of wrack present. The timing of the night high and low tides is crucial, as most directional movement occurs during the amphipod activity peaks. A low tide in the middle of the night favors adult dispersal; low tides at dusk and dawn allow juvenile dispersal. Adults tend to gather near major wrack concentrations, while juveniles are more widely distributed. However, when very little wrack is available the adults also tend to disperse widely. Cannibalism of juveniles by adults, demonstrated in field and laboratory, provides one selctive pressure for temporal separation in adults and juveniles of peak activity. Laboratory studies show no significant correlation bétween extent of can¬ nibalism and 1) the amount of sand available for juveniles bur¬ rowing, and 2) the presence of alternate food such as Macrocystis. Temporal separation of adult and juvenile activity peaks also reduces intraspecific competition for food, and extends the time available for wrack feeding. No avoidance of adults by juveniles was demonstrated, even 8. The mechanism for separating a¬ when physical contact occured. dult and juvenile activity appears to be a difference in the timing of rhythmic behavioral patterns. 0. corniculata Population Movement p. 21 Baker and Yip ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to thank the faculty, staff and students of Hopkins Marine Station, in particular Larry Harding and Robin Burnett. Most especially, we would like to thank Dr. Donald P. Abbott for his exuberant guidance. corniculata Population Movement p. 22 Baker and YIp LITERATURE CITED Bousfield, E.L. 1957. Notes on the Amphipod Genus Orchestoidea on the Pacific Coast of North America. Bull. Southern Calif. Acad. Sci. 56: 119-129. Bousfield, E.L. 1961. New Records of Beach Hoppers (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from the Coast of Calif¬ ornia. Bull. Natl. Museum Canada, Contrib. Zool. 172: 1-12. Bousfield, E.L. 1975. Morphological Key to Talitridae, pp. 352-355. In Smith, R.I. and Carlton, J.T. Intertidal invertebrates of the central California coast, 3rd ed, (eds.) Light's Manual: University of Calif. Press, 716 pp. Bowers, D.E. 1963. Field Identification of Five Species of Amphipods. Pacific Sci. 17: 315-320. Bowers, D.E. 1964. Natural History of Two Beach Hoppers of the Genus Orchestoidea (Crustacea: Amphipoda) with Reference to their Complemental Distribution, Ecology, 15: 627-696. Craig, P.C. 1971. An Analysis of the Concept of Lunar Orientation in Orchestoidea corniculata (Amphipoda), Anim. Behav. 19: 368-374. Craig, P.C. 1973. Behavior and Distribution of the Sand Beach Amphipod Orchestoidea corniculata, Mar. Biol. 23: 101-109. O. corniculata Population Movement p. 23 Baker and Yip Enright, J.T. 1961. Lunar Orientation of Orchestoidea, Biol. Bull. 120: 148-156. McClurkin, J.I. 1953. Studies of the Genus Orchestoidea (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in California, unpublished PhD. thesis, Stanford Univ. 207pp. McGinnis, J.W. 1972. A Tidal Rhythm in the Sand Beach Amphi- pod Orchestoidea corniculata, unpublished Bio. 175H paper, Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford Univ. 23pp. Osbeck, B.L. 1970. Circadian and Tidal Rhythms in the Sand Beach Amphipod Genus Orchestoidea (Talitridae), un- published MA. thesis, Univ. of Calif. Santa Barbara, 47pp. Sokal, R.R. and Rohlf, J.F. 1969. Biometry, W.H. Freeman, San Francisco, 776pp. Hartwick, R.F. 1976. Aspects of Celestial Orientation Behavior in Talitrid Amphipods, pp. 189-197. In De Coursey, D.J. (ed.) Biological Rhythms in the Marine Environment, Univ. of South Carolina Press, Columbia, 233 pp. p. 24 O. corniculata Population Movement LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 1. Diagram of the beach transect sampled, seen from above. Circles represent pitfall traps and the larger semicircles represent wire screens placed either above or below the traps to insure direc¬ tional catches. The elevation of the beach sur- face at each station is given as height above mean lower low water. Graphical representation of field data from one Fig. 2. night of observations. Bars without arrows show numbers of animals caught in nondirectional traps and bars with arrows those caught in directional traps. The lengthx width of the bar is proportional to the number of animals caught. The level at which the amphipods were trapped is marked by the center of the bars without arrows, or the bagse of the bars with arrows. The tip of each arrow indicates the direction of travel implied by the type of trap in which the amphipods were caught. Location and relative size of the wrack bands are indicated. Sunset was at 2000 hrs and sunrise was at 0600 hrs, Pp81. Movement activity of juvenile and adult 0. corn¬ Fig. 3. iculata ds shown by the total number of amphipods of the two size groups trapped at all stations each hour. Each square contains the data for one night of sampling. Predicted tidal height and corniculata Population Movement p. 25 Baker and Yip actual height of the swash are shown only to indicate timing of the tides and severity of the surf. Fig. 4. Spatial distribution of adult and juvenile O. corniculata at selected times (right column), and total number of animals trapped versus time for the same period (left column). Histograms in kere the right column show levels on the beach,amphipods were trapped, and numbers caught. Adult/juvenile composition of the actively moving population at the particular times analyzed can be obtained from the left column (see arrows). Vectors representing net directional movement up Fig. and down the beach in relation to time, tidal cycle, swash, and wrack deposits. Graph depicts nine nights, showing different relations of diel and tidal cycles. Cumulative spatial distribution of active amphi¬ Fig. 6. pods over the entire night for six differnt nights; horizontal black lines in center columns show total numbers of juvenile and adult amphipods caught during the whole night at each level of the beach sampled. Two columns at margins show tidal regime, swash, and location of wrack on the beach for each night studied, adjacent to the distribution curves. Fig. 7. Graph showing procedures and results of laboratory corniculata Population Movement p. 26 Baker and Yip experiments investigating cannibalism of juveniles by adults. Each bar represents the results obtained from one flask. Total length of bar shows number of juveniles added to flask in the evening, black portion shows number consumed by adults. Ad. - adults, Juv. - juveniles. Fig. 8. Results of experiments comparing activity patterns of juveniles maintained in 3 gallon cartons under constant dim light, in the presence and in the absence of adults. The experimental setup is pictured at the top of the graph. The graph shows the numbers of juveniles caught in a pitfall trap in a 5 minute sampling period at hourly intervals, and reflect the amount of movement activity in the carton. All experiments were run in duplicate: mean values are shown by the thick bars, ranges by the the thin vertical lines thereon. Fig. 9. An idealized model, based on field data, showir changing patterns of activity, and directional movement in O. corniculata. Zigzag horizontal lines portray tidal rise and fall. Five days are shown, representative of a full tidal cycle. Squares re¬ present feeding without much accompanying movement activity. The diagonal dashed line is merely a visual aid connecting the high tides occuring 2-3 days apart. Triangles on baselines indicate major periods of activity for adults (dotted lines) e p. 27 O. corniculata Population Movement Baker and Yip and juveniles (solid lines). The arrows indicate the direction of net movement of adults (white) and juveniles (black). Fo Land Vegetation o0 Ht Sta n2 1 O 93 2 O0 3 O0 57 4 OO 49 5 O0 22 6. O0 (ft) -SEA-- -2 —i Station2 96000-0 X X AX X X X X 1 1 XXXXXXX X 152 22 4 Station 3 VX X XXXXXX XIXXXX X X X 5.5 —00 Station 4 917 U X XXXX XXX X 12 0 10 40 Station 5 1 40 Adult Amphipods XXXXXXX Juvenile Amphipods X X X 5 Amphipods 10 Amphipods Time of Day — Height of Swash on Beach XXX Wrack 200 150t 100 50 50 E 250 6 150. 100 250. E 100 50 100 50 Time of Day k- Darkness May 1-2 — May 4-5 May 7-8 — Maylo 11 May 15-16 T Time of Day 200 100 50 50 250 150 100 50 100 Time of Day . Darke May 18-19 1 — May 24-25 May 25-26. May 31— June 2— Time of Day Key —.—— Adult Amphipods Juvenile Amphipods Predicted Height of Tide -Height of Swash on Beach F Time of Day 1 +P 1 1 1 200 1004 11 1 100 50. ptat- 11 200 100 50 L 8 — Juvenile Amphipods ------ Adult Amphipods 12 12 8 4 Time of Day 1 1 1 1 5 + — — — — No. Adults No. Juveniles Scale: E = 50 Anlmals sunsel sunrise TIME dirkness Moy i-2 A O X XIIII May 4-5 XVOXXXX 0 + Moy 7-8 — — May 10-11 190 111 — May 15.16 IIIIII TIME OF DAY 12 sunset sunrise TIME — ne. May 18-19 X 1 e IXX May 24-25 *X — —— — Moy 25-26 — Moy 312June1 XXXOXIX 111 — — —1— TIME OF DAY KEY — Predicied Height of Tide ---- --- Height of Swash on Beach XX Wrack SCALE Juvenile Amphipods =25 Animals Adult Amphipods 12 10 8 512 50 S 6 TIME Number of Amphipods Trapped During Night TIME ai Each Station 100 0 100 100 200 200 100 May 10-11 May 7-8 XXXXXXX. XXXXX VXXXXX 221 May 31—June May 18—19 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX. XXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX, p; XXX/ May4-5/ May 15—16 XXXXXXX XXXXXX — — 200— 100 100 200 Number of Amphipods Trapped During Night TIME OF DAY at Each Station TIME OF DAY —Predicted Height of Tide — —-Height of Swash on Beach X X Wrack Juvenile auit /Amphipods Amphipods Sand- No. Juveniles Added No. Not Recovered X Kelp 15 Juv. . t. kaaaaaa 15 JUV. 4 15 Juv. 3 Ad. A A kaaaaa- 15 Juv. 3 Ad. Kelp 1.. . L ä 15 Juv. 15 Juv. 15 Juv. 2 Ad. 9 2 Ad.O 2 Ad. O Kelp UH ka . - . 00 90 00 . . . . adults not starved overnight . . . . 15 Juv. 2 Ad. 9 Kelp . L k F 2 — May 31 Juveniles 50 X 2 .. 40 320 Juveniles 40 X 2 Adults 3 20+ 10+ H 8 TIME Fig 4 Time of Day Darkness 4 1