The ability to regenerate has been found to vary greatly among poly- chaetes. At one extreme are Ctenodrilus (Korscheldt) and Dodecaceria (Dehorne 1933; Martin 1933), which can regenerate completely from single REGENERATE segments. At the other extreme is Aphrodite, which cannotany lost seg- ments (Clark and Clark 1962). Extensive work on the caudal regeneration of a Nereid, Nereis diversicolor, has shown that the pygidium regenerates within eight days of caudal amputation, and as many as twelve segments regenerate within thirty days. However, it has been noted that there is much individual variation in the number of regenerated segments (Clark and Evans 1961). There has been little study of Cirratulid regeneration. One species, Dodecaceria, is able, as stated above, to regenerate entire worms from individual segments. Another Cirratulid, Cirrineris, has been found to regenerate a prostomiumand six to seven segments within ten days, and a pygidium and twenty segments within sixteen days (Stone 1935). In this investigation, the regenerative ability of the Cirratulid Cirriformia spirabrancha (Moore, 1904) was tested with respect to various parameters such as size of the animal and location of the wound. The results of these experiments show that, under the laboratory conditions used, C. spirabrancha does regenerate certain body parts, but at a slow rate, and possibly to a limited extent, in comparison to Cirrineris and certain other polychaetes, Nereis diversicolor (Clark and Bonney 1960) and Nephtys (Clark and Clark 1962). Materials and Methods The C. spirabrancha used in these experiments were collected in Monterey yacht harbor in spring 1968. The animals were kept in the lab- oratory no longer than three days before being used. It was found that unlike N. diversicolor, which autotomizes immediately anterior to the point at which pressure is applied with tweezers (Clark and Bonney 1960), C. spirabrancha remains intact after being squeezed. This necessitated making a more unnatural wound in order to amputate caudal segments. The appropriate cuts were made with a razor blade while the animals were anaesthetized in isotonic magnesium chloride solution. Within a few minutes after the animal is cut, the wound is closed by con- striction of the circular muscles of the two or three segments nearest 3/ the wound, and by swelling of the gut. It was reasoned that the most critical period for the occurance of infection was before this process of wound closure was complete. Therefore, following the operations, the animals were kept for fifteen or thirty minutes in a container of sea water to which had been added 100,000 i.u./1. of penicillin and 100 mg./1. of streptomycin. The animals were then moved to aquaria containing 13-15°0. sea water, in which groups of twenty-five to thirty animals were maintained without feeding for the duration of the experiments. Results Wound closure, appearance of regeneration As stated above, wound closure is accomplished by constriction of muscles and expansion of the gut of the segments nearest the wound. This process is similar to findings with other polychaetes. If a wound has become well healed, the last segment is rolled inward posteriorly, providing a small, smooth opening for the gut. The first signs of regeneration appear in ten to twenty days in smaller (40-60 mm) animals, and within sixteen days in larger (70-100 mm.) animals. At this time a small bulb of tissue can be seen on the posterior surface of the last segment, ventral to the anal opening. Within six more days, in both large and small animals, the pygidium has acquired the size and shape of a normal pygidium. In no case was concrete evidence of regeneration of segments found in these experiments. Sex An experiment was carried out to determine if ability to regenerate were affected by the sex of the animal. However, the only identifiable external feature distinguishing sexes in C. spirabrancha is the pale yellow coloring of males filled with sperm. Using this feature as a criterion for separ- ating large animals into two groups, one of "obvious males" and another of animals of indeterminate sez, the caudal twenty per cent of the animals was removed. Although all of the "obvious males" had died within eight days, more than half of the animals of indeterminate sex were still healthy after eighteen days. One member of this group was still alive and healthy at the end of the thirty-three day observation period, although there was no evidence of any regeneration. Size To determine if size affects regenerative ability, animals of indeter- minate sex were divided into three groups: thick animals seventy to one hundred millimeters long, thin animals seventy to one hundred millimeters long, and animals forty to sixty millimeters in length. Within sixteen days, all of the longer animals were dead or decaying. Over half of the shorter worms, however, were still alive and healthy after twenty days, and were beginning to regenerate pygidia. Region of cut It has been found in work on Nereids that there is an axial gradient of regenerative potential (Golding 1967). To determine if such a gradient exists in C. spirabrancha, three experiments were conducted. In the first, large animals of indeterminate sex were cut into six sections. Although no regeneration was found, there were differences in length of survival times for different areas of the animal (Text In the second exper- iment, the posterior 1/10, 1/5, and 2/3 respectively of three groups of larger worms was removed. Cuts were made in the same three locations on 3 small animals in the third experiment. Results of these experiments can be compared in Text-figs. 1 and 2. Brain extirpation Brain extirpation experiments were performed by slicing off the anterior tip of the prostomium, resulting in a small wound and little loss of tissue. Control groups consisted of worms from which a wedge of tissue, approxi- mately equal in volume to the tip of the prostomium, was removed from the dorsal surface of the prostomium, just posterior to the brain. When the supraesophogeal ganglion was removed from a group of small worms, the wounds healed within six days, and noticeable replacement of tissue began after thirteen days. A light band of tissue, possibly a regenerating supraesoph- ogeal ganglion, was observed in most of the animals after nineteen days. In another series of experiments, the brain and either the posterior 1/5 or the posterior 2/3 of caudal tissue were removed from large and small worms. Control groups from which similar lengths of caudal tissue were removed, were used as well. The only group surviving these operations was the control group consisting of small worms from which the caudal ten per cent had been removed. Approximately half of this group was alive thirteen days after the operation, at which time all of the worms in the other groups had died. When resuilts of sinilarly treated groupe from different erperinents are compared, the data is sometimes contradictory. For example, half of the animals of indeterminate sex used in the experiment on effect of sex on regenerative ability survived eighteen days. However, similar worms, used in the experiment on effect of size, were all dead within sixteen days, even though the percentage of material removed was the same as above, Similar variation was seen in the brain extirpation experiment. The members of two control groups died within eleven days, whereas over half of the animals in a third control group were healthy fourteen days after amputation. IDENTIFICALION REEENERADON Regeneration in the polychaete Nephtys is identifiable by the lighter color of the regenerated segments (Clark and Clark 1962). C. spirabrancha were found in the field having posterior segments distinctly lighter than the rest of the worm, suggesting that regeneration had taken place. However, animals kept in the laboratory became bleached from their original dark green color to light brown. Regenerating pygidia were the same light brown color. It is therefore possible that segments were regenerated in some instances, and went unnoticed because they were the same color as the older segments. This possibility seems unlikely however, since no difference in size or parapodial development of caudal segments was observed. Tentacles The tentacles of C. spirabrancha arise from two general areas: a band running laterally across the dorsal side of the animal between the fourth and fifth segments, and singly, from the dorsal side of the notopodia, at apparently random intervals down the length of the animal. C. spirabrancha were found in the field having no tentacles between the fourth and fifth segments. These were kept as experimental animals, and died within ten days. In a similar laboratory experiment, all tentacles between the fourth and fifth segments were removed from thirty worms, with a small scissors. These animals were dead after seven days. In another experiment, one tentacle, the anterior-most blood filled tentacle on the right side of the prostomium, was removed from twenty-five worms. The amputation resulted in the blood being squeezed from the tentacle stub remaining after amputation. Within two days, many of these 382 stubs had filled with blood. After nine days, those tentacles which had regenerated had reached the length (15-20 mm.) of many of the intact tentacles, and as do the older intact tentacles, had developed white and green portions. After twenty-seven days, five of the ten surviving animals had regenerated tentacles, which were twenty to twenty-two millimeters in length. Discussion A wide range of caudal regeneration rates has been found in this study of C. spirabrancha. However, even the fastest regeneration time is much slower than those reported for Cirrineris, even though the Cirrineris were kept in bowls of sea water and presumably starved (Stoned 1935), as were the C. spirabrancha in these experiments. The fantastic regenerative ability of Dodecaceria, a member of the same family as Cirriformia, provides an even greater contrast to the observed slow regeneration rates. It is not known if number of segments or size is a good indication of the age of the animal but as can be seen in Text-figs. 1 and 2, there does appear to be correlations between the size of the animal, and ability to survive wounding, rate of regeneration, and ability of different regions to regenerate. As also noted (Text-fig. 2b), an axial gradient of regenerative ability may be present in small animals, since regenerative rate increases with the amount of tissue removed, which is in agreement with the results of Golding (1967). However, it must be noted that my data measures the length of time required to regenerate a pygidium, whereas Golding measured the number of segments regenerated in a given time. The results of the two experiments on larger animals show better survival in the posterior and anterior regions. Also, ability to regener- ate a pygidium was found only in the anterior and posterior regions of large worms. The reasons for the poorer survival and longer time before commencement of pygidial regeneration of large animals may be related to growth rate and age. Large animals have done most of the growing that they will do. The proliferating area of the pygidium is perhaps slowing prod- uction of new segments, and segment production may have stopped entirely. If this is the case, it seems logical that adults would have less ability to regenerate lost or injured body parts. But if some areas are to retain more regenerative potential than others, it stands to reason that the ends of the animal, the regions which are probably exposed the most to injury and predation, would have the higher potential. The data collected on regeneration in larger animals appears to support the conclusions drawn from studies on wound survival. Larger worms did not regenerate if the wound was made in the middle of the animal. Regeneration did occur when wounds were made in posterior or anterior regions. The first signs of regeneration in these areas appeared sixteen days after amputation. This is intermediate to the range of regeneration rates found in smaller animals. Although experiments with "obvious males" and worms of indeterminate sex did not subdivide the animals into the two sexes, it did indicate that males with sperm have less ability to survive caudal amputation. This poor survival ability could be characteristic of males, or of males with sperm, or of animals of either ser having gametes. In any case, these results indicated that sexually mature males are poorly suited for studies of regeneration. 36 Experiments concerning the effect of the brain on caudal regeneration have been done by several workers on N. diversicolor. In these studies the worms were able to survive simultaneous removal of the supraesophogeal ganglion as well as some caudal tissue, although they were not able to regenerate any caudal segments (Clark 1960, 1961,1962), (Herlant-Meewis 1964), (Golding 1967). This contrasts with the results with Cirriformia, from which removal of both the brain and caudal segments resulted in death. Loss of the brain was probably not the sole cause of death however, because animals from which only the brain was removed survived quite well. The shock of the two simultaneous wounds may be the cause, since two of the three control groups died within thirteen days. According to the results of experiments in which tentacles were removed, Cirriformia cannot survive a large loss of tentacles from one location. Since animals lacking tentacles were found in tle field and since the tent-c acles are exposed to injury more than any other part of the worm, the failure of the worm to survive the loss of many tentacles is surprising. However, the loss of a single tentacle at one time may be more likely under natural conditions, and the ability of the animals to survive and replace single tentacles is therefore not surprising. It is of interest, however, that so few of the animals (1/5-1/4) were capable of replacing the lost tentacle. That the conditions under which the animals were handled and kept were not the best for Cirriformia can be seen by the high mortality rate of the animals. The fact that the animals were starved during the experiments may be the major factor in their poor survival, although results of starving other polychaetes show much lower mortality rates in most cases. 38. Another possible factor contributing to the high mortality rate might be the practice of keeping the animals clumped in groups of up to thirty worms. This close contact probably causes the spread of infection from decaying animals to healthy animals. As a check on this possibility, intact worms were added to three groups of animals from which caudal tissue had been removed. With only one exception, all the intact animals had died of infection ty the time the amputated animals had died. All these factors, and probably several others, add up to great ambiguity regarding the regenerative ability of Cirriformia. Where experi- mental groups were duplicated, results are sometimes contradictory. However, it can only be hoped that the groups compared to each other to yield the conclusions, having been carried out at the same time, and using the same techniques, have fewer variable differences and therefore more validity than those contradictory results of experimental groups operated on at different times. Summary 1. Regeneration of the tip of the prostomium, the tentacles, and the pygidium occurs in C. spirabrancha. 2. Regeneration of caudal segments may occur, but at a rate too slow to be observed during the available time period. Regeneration of the supraesophogeal ganglion may also occur. 3. There appears to be, in general, greater capacity for wound healing and faster pygidial regeneration in smaller animals than in larger animals. 4. The presence of an axial gradient of regenerative ability in small animals, and certain areas of increased wound healing ability and 386 regenerative ability in larger worms is indicated by results of several experiments. 5. The conditions under which these experiments were conducted were probably not best suited for survival and regeneration of C. spirabrancha. Contradictory results were sometimes obtained from duplicate experiments. Therefore the results of these experiments cannot be regarded as conclusive proof of the conclusions drawn from them, although further experimentation may reveal the causes of the discrepancies. Acknowledgements I wish to thank Mr. Roger Szal for his advice and technical assistance throughout this research, and Dr. David Epel, for his advice and criticism of this paper. This work was supported in part by the Undergraduate Research Participation Program of the National Science Foundation Grant GY-4369. 3 leferences Clark, M. E. & Clark, R.B. (1962). Growth and Regeneration in Nephtys. Zool. Jb. Physiol. Bd. 10, 24. Clark, R.B. & Bonney, D.G. (1960). Influence of the Supra-oesophogeal Ganglion on Posterior Regeneration in Nereis diversicolor. J. Emb. 101. exp. Morph. 8, 112. Clark, R.B. & Evans, S.M. (1961). The Effect of Delayed Brain Extirpation and Replacement en Caudal Regeneration in Nereis diversicolor. J. Embryol. exp. Morph. 9, 97. Golding, D.W. (1967). Neurosecretion and Regeneration in Nereis diversicolor. Gen. Comp. Endocrin. 8, 348. Herlant-Meewis, H. (1964). Regeneration in Annelids. Advances in Morpho- genesis, 4, 155. Stone, R.G. (1935). Regeneration in the Cirratulid Cirrineris. Tortugas Lab., Carnegie Inst. 29, 1. 20 2 30 5 6 2 3 OF CuTS LOCATIONS A L TExr-FIG. 1a. LARGE ANINAL CuT INTO SIX SECTIONS, 4-5 A LA TEXT-FIG. 1 b. GROUPS OF LARGE AMMALS CuT IN DIFFERENT REGIONS. у оу оие оу ооооу ооoe IEXT-FIG. AMPUTATION. (1a) POSITION OE BAR ON X-AXIS CORRESPONDS ONE OE SIX SECTIONS INTO WAICA ANIAAL WAS cur: h) Posоуоу ое оооуео оае оу у-оуs ооввEsрos JO REGION OF ANIMAL IN wUICN CuT WAS MADE. TIME (IN DAYS) FOS LAST MEMBER DIE TIAE (M DAYS) FOR DERTH OF 50% OF GROUI 20 o LOCATIONS OF CuTS O 8 TEXT-FIG. Ra. LARGE AMMAES. a TEXT-FIG. A b, SMALL ANIMALS. TEXT-FIG. A. TE BEFORE FIRST EVIDENCE OF REGENERATION IS OBSERVED IN (Ra) ANMMALS 70-100mm. IN LENGTA AND (Rb) IN ANIMALS 40-60 mm. IN LENETH. POSITIDN OF BAR ON X-AXIS CORRESPONDS TO LOCATION OF WOUND FOR THAT GRDUP. 100