Keith Bauer Behavioral response to light in S. heathiana INTRODUCTION Many species of chitons have aesthetes, unique photoreceptors whose structure has been examined (e.g. Omelich, 1967), but whose role in behavior has received little attention. The most common light-mediated behaviors noted among chitons are: 1) phototaxis (usually found to be negative); 2) diurnal activity patterns; and 3) shadow responses (Heath, 1899; and Boyle, 1972). The first two behaviors require only photoreceptors that are able to detect the presence of light and of light intensity gradients. The shadow response, on the other hand, requires the ability to detect sudden decrements in light intensity. Since the approach of possible predators could very well be signalled by a shadow, the ability to detect a sudden drop in light intesity may be of selective value. Obviously, a shadow response can only occur when animals are illuminated, on the other hand, since the sensitivity of most photoreceptors is attenuated by long exposures to light, due to bleaching of the visual pigment, it might be expected, that the shadow response of chitons would weaken during the day. However, in another mollusk, Lima seabra (Born), the strength of the sensory response to shadowing increases during light page 2 Keith Bauer Behavioral response to light in S. heathiana adaption, and a photoreceptor mechanism for this phenomenon has been proposed (Mpitsos, 1973). The present investi¬ gation, on the chiton Stenoplax heathiana (Berry , 1946), obtained the first measurements of an increase in a behavioral response to shadowing during light adaption. MATERIALS AND GENERAL METHODS Specimens of Stenoplax heathiana were collected intertidally off Mussel Point, Pacific Grove, California, in May, 1974, and were used in experiments not more than three weeks after collection. The animals were maintained unfed in tanks of running seawater at a temperature of about 14°c. The response to shadowing in this animal consists primarily of a movement of the dorsal surface towards the substrate, hereafter termed a "clamp-down". In order to measure this clamp-down response, the dorsal surfaces of the animals were first carefully dried, and a pin, fashioned into a hook, was glued to their plates at about the middle of the body. After allowing the animals to adjust to this condition for at least 24 hours, a specimen was selected and placed in a wax-bottomed pan filled with sea-water kept at about 14°C by a Peltier cell. A string from a force transducer was hooked around the pin page 3 Keith Bauer Behavioral response to light in S. heathiana on the specimen's dorsal surface and pulled taut. The out¬ put of the transducer was than coupled to a polygraph. giving a permanent record of relative changes in string tension. In order to eliminate all lateral movement. a tight enclosure was built around the animals using pins inserted in the wax. With this enclosure in place, string tensions could be changed only by vertical movement of the chiton's plates. Two light sources were used during the course of the experiment. Monochromatic test flashes were supplied by a high intensity diffraction grating using a 100-watt tungsten-halide lamp; the intensity of this source was controlled by alinear neutral density wedge; a camera shutter was used to control the duration of the test flashes. Background adaptation lights were provided by a heat-filtered 18-watt tungsten lamp equipped with a Corning 5-58 filter, with a transmission maximum at about 450 nm, and a Wratten 22 filter which cut off wavelengths of light below 560 nm. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS When presented with a 20 second test stimulus from the monochromatic source (A = 500 nm), Stenoplax displayed a behavioral clamping down to both the presentation of page 4 page 5 ith Bauer Behavioral response to light in S. heathiana the flash ("on-response") and to its removal ("off-response"). The behavior as measured was the same for each stimulus; a rapid lowering of the dorsal surface began 1 to 3 seconds after the onset of the stimulus, and continued for about five seconds. The chiton then returned to its original position, a process which was highly variable in duration and lasted up to several minutes (see Figure 1). The actual displacement of the animal's plates during this process was only about one mm; the tension of the string from the strain gauge may have decreased the normal displacement slightly. The clamp-down response could be evoked by other stimuli as well. Stroking the dorsal surface of the animals with a pin, disturbing the water in the tray, or any sharp movement which might affect the tray, such as a tap on the table-top close to the animal, resulted in a clamp-down. Some animals clamped down in the absence of stimuli perceivable by the investigator. The clamp¬ down responses elicited by all types of stimuli were indistinguishable from one another. Only clamp-downs that occurred from 1 to 3 seconds after the presentation of a light stimulus were counted as responses to light. In order to determine the relative effects of light and dark adaptation on the on- and off-responses, specimens were first allowed to dark adapt for at least one hour. Ketih Bauer Behavior response to light in S. heathiana Then test flashes, each 20 seconds in duration and given at least six minutes apart, were presented from the monochromator. The test flashes used within any one sequence were identical in intensity, and had a wavelength of 500 nm. After dark adaptation, the on-response was of much greater magnitude than the off-response (Figure 2). The animals were then light-adapted for about 30 minutes. The monochromatic test flashes were again used to test the magnitude of the responses. During and immediately after the light adaptation, the on¬ response was considerably weakened, while the off-response usually increased during presentation of the adaptation light, and was always stronger just subsequent to its removal (Figure 2). The magnitude of the effect of light adaptation was found to be dependent upon the intensity of the adaptation light: the stronger the light used to adapt the animal prior to testing, the more the off-response was increased (Figure 3). It does not appear to matter whether the on-stimulus is given before the off-stimulus or vice-versa, and furthermore, the rates of change of the two responses are not necessarily correlated (Figure 4). In Lima scabra the eame effect has been noted and shown to be highly dependent on the wavelength of the adaptation light (Mpitsos, 1973). The effect of using three different page 6 Keith Bauer Behavioral response to light in S. heathiana ranges of wavelengths of the adaptation light on the magnitude of the off-response was examined in Stenoplax as well; however, no significant wavelength dependence could be discerned (Figure 5). DISCUSSION While Stenoplax is predominately a nocturnal animal which seeks the undersides of rocks during the day, it can be found exposed early in the morning (Heath, 1899). In addition, presumably the moon can sometimes provide sufficient light for some predators to see Stenoplax when it is out grazing. Consequently Stanoplax's ability to detect and to react to a sudden change in light intensity may reflect its ability to detect and react to changes in lighting produced by an approaching predator. Since chitons are unable to outrun many potential predators, a clamp-down to impede removal from the substrate is probably their best defense. From a behavioral viewpoint, at least, Stenoplax seems to rely on its "on-receptors" during periods of low illumination and on its "off-receptors"during periods of high illumination for its primary source of information about sudden changes in intensity levels. This may give the animal a wider range of ambient illumination in which a potential predator can be detected. page 7 Keith Bauer Behavioral response to light in S.heathiana j page 8 Physiologically, the weakening of the clamp-down in response to the on-stimulus during light adaptation can be accounted for by bleaching of the visual pigment. The increase in the off-behavior during light adaptation y m bnbed. e te oly t pl in phet re genjon ott-Lespage hay hee svonn jo nelene dedins is the file clam Lima scabra. 'A wavelength dependence of Vere this effect led to a proposed mechanism involving two visual pigments. The present study has turned up no such wavelength dependence in Stenoplax, suggesting that this mechanism is probably not functioning here. However, it can not be conclusively ruled out, solely on the basis of this study. In order to more fully investigate this problem, a neurophysiological approach would be ideal; unfortunately preliminary attempts to record from the lateral nerve cord, which is known to innervate, the aesthetes, were unsuccessful. SUMMARY The chiton Stenoplax heathinan was shown to respond to both the onset (on-response/ and the removal (off-response) of a light stimulus. In both cases the response consisted of a slight clamp-down to the substrate, presumably to help maintain the animals grip on the substrate. If the animal is light adapted, the magnitude of the off¬ response increases while that of the on-response decreases. Keith Bauer page 9 Behavioral response light in S. heathiana These responses were shown to be independent of the wavelength of the light used to light adapt the animal, which indicates that the differences did not result from stimulating two separate visual pigments. Thus, while this effect has clear adaptive significance, its physiological mechanism has not been determined. ACKNOWLEDGMENT! I would like to thank Dr. George J. Mpitsos for his advice and encouragement throughout this project, and especially for his critical reading of this paper. I would also like to thank the staff of Hopkins Marine Station for their kind assistance. Keith Bauer Behavioral Response to Light in S. heathiana LITERATURE CITED Boyle, Peter R. 1972. The aesthetes of chitons. Mar. Behav. Physiol. 1(2) : 171-184; 6 plts. Heath, Harold. 1899. The development of Ischnochiton. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. 12: 1-90; 5 figs.; 5 plts. (9 May 1898) Mpitsos, George J. 1973. Physiology of vision in the mollusk Lima scabra. Journ. Neurophysiol. 35(2): 371-383; 15 figs. (March 1973) Omelich, Paul 1967. The behavioral role and the structure of the aesthetes of chitons. The Veliger 10(1): 77-82; 2 plts. (1 July 1967) page 10 Keith Bauer Page 11 A Behavioral Response to Light in S. heathiana Figure Captions. Figure 1: A. Response of Stenoplax to test flashes of light during dark adaptation (A of the test flash - 500 nm). B. Response to the same test flash just subsequent to approximately 30 minutes of light adaptation. (Vertical axis indicates response magnitude in upper traces. The lower traces indicate the duration of test flashes: upward deflection indicates the onset of the stimulus and down- ward deflection indicates the cessation of the stimulus. Stimulus duration is about 20 seconds.) Figure 2: Average of five runs showing magnitudes of the on-response and off-response during light and dark adaptation. Animals were dark adapted for one hour prior to the start of the experiment. The striped bar shows the period of light adaptation (about 30 minutes). Response magnitude, in this and in all figures, is by the polygraph in arbitrary units which are in proportion to uncalibrated values recorded Figure 3: Magnitude of the off-response after 30 minutes light adapta- tion under different intensity conditioning lights. Different intensities were achieved using neutral density filters. The adaptation light was removed at time = 0. Keith Bauer Page 12 A Behavioral Response to Light in S. heathiana Figure 4: Magnitude of the on- and off-responses during various stimulus regimes. Animals were light adapted for 20 minutes prior to the start of the experiment using the monochromator, which was used throughout to give test flashes. During Part I, the light was interrupted intermittently for about 20 seconds to give off-on" stimuli. For Fart II, the light was turned off and the responses of the animal were followed during dark adaptation using using short flashes of "on-off" stimuli. In Part III, a return to the first stimulus regime was used to follow the responses during light adaptation. Note that the rate of change of the off-response is greater than that of the on-response during dark adaptation. while during light adaptation the reverse is true.Lower trace same as Fig. 1. Figure 5: Nagnitude of the on- and off-responses under three different colored conditioning lights:. A. White light; B. Blue light (Corning 5-58 filter); C. Red light (Wratten 22 filter). Dashed lines indic- ate onset and removal of the adaptation light. Rt 6 — V — — — 30 20 10 rime (sec) 1 - — 70 - Fig 50 (Fig 2) AON-RESPONSE 1.0- RT.6- 2 VOFF-RESPENSE IIT time 15 30 45 60 75 90 (min) 1.0 8 R7.6 LO6 T--131 LOGI-0 + L06 T --810 15 30 45 60 75 90 time (min.) Eg 3) 3 Jgl- ----- 10-A ON-RESPONSE 16 RT .5 25 OFF-RESPONSE 30 60 | 90 | 120 | 150 180 Gin, 1.0 ON¬ RES PONS .5- Rt 25. OFF-RESPONSE 30 | 60 | 90 120 150 180 (ic) 1.O- ON¬ RESPONSA 5- R7 5. 25- OFF 8653055 V 30 | 60 10 120 150 180 t kees tetogetie¬ Fig