e Embryonic Development within the Marsupium The brood pouch or marsupium in isopods, located ventrally on the animal, is formed of five pairs of brood plates or oostegites which arise from the inner regions of the basis of the first five pairs of pareao- pods. The edges of the plates overlap to a large degree, but there is no evidence of a structural inter- locking mechanism of plates. Embryos within the marsupium in both marine and terrestial species are bathed in a "marsupial fluid" which fills the brood chamber. The mechanical protection of the developing brood by the marsupium in part explains the biological significance of the structure. However, if this were its only function, the brood might more appropriately remain in the body cavity. Verhoeff (1920) suggests other advantages provided by the marsupium: a) The marsupium is capable of a much greater expansion than the body cavity and therefore can harbor a more numerous brood. page 1 e page 2 Embryonic Development within the Marsupium b) The brood, despite lying outside the mother, is still within a cavity, and is protected from strong evaporation and dessication. In addition to these advantages, it can be suggested that the brood pouch is an important structure mediating mineral, nutrient, and metabolic exchange between mother and embryo. Verhoeff discounts this final function, but Saudray and Lemercier (1960), in noting a consider- able increase in embryo size before hatching (in Ligia oceanica) and an even more rapid increase in weight after hatching, in great part due to mineral uptake, suggest that such increases were of maternal origin. I will attempt to determine whether indeed the mother contributes to embryonic development by supplying organic nutrients and/or minerals within the brood fluid in Porcellio scaber (Latreille 1804) and Idothea resecata (Stimpson 1857). For my purposes, the brood within P. scaber and I. resecata were assigned three developmental stages: stage 1: early egg; only yolk visible; roughly spherical. stage 2: middle larvae; eye spots visible; larvae elongate within membrane; body curved away from developing appendages. nbryonic Development within the Marsupium page 3 stage 3: late larvae; exoskeleton and appendages well formed; pleopod beat visible in marine species; larvae motile; completely free of membrane. I studied these stages to determine if the brood receives any organic and/or inorganic nutrients di during the brood period. Relative wet and dry weights (corrected for salt content of surface seawater on embryo) of the three developmental stages were compared for both P. scaber and I. resecata. Fifteen mothers of each species were collected for this study, including five mothers containing stage 1 embryos, five containing stage 2 and five containing stage 3 embryos. Wet weights were obtained by placing embryos on glass fiber filter paper, removing surface water with gentle vacuum, and immediately weighing. Dry weight was obtained by weighing these same embryos dessicated for 48 hours to constant dryness. Five embryos were weighed in each trial, on a Cahn electro- gram balance with an accuracy of + 2.5 ug. Results for I. resecata and P. scaber are plotted in graphs 1 and 2. In graphs 1A and 2A, the embryos from the five mothers of one stage were combined to form one large embryo pool of a particular stage (graph designation: mothers pooled). Five embryos of each stage were removed c page 4 Embryonic Development within the Marsupium from the embryo pool and weighed in each of five trials. Bar graph total height indicates mean wet weight of one embryo. Each bar is divided into two sections; the lower section represents mean dry weight of one embryo. In graphs 1B and 2B (mothers individuated) each mother's brood was sampled independently. Graphical representation is identical to the previous graph. There is a significant decrease in dry weight in development from stage 1 to stage 2 in two of four trials (p=0.01), and a decrease in dry weight between stage 1 and stage 2 with probability less than 0.1 and 0.4 in the other two trials. However, as development proceeds from stage 2 to stage 3, dry weight increases significantly again in three of four trials (p = 0.001), and increases with probability less than 0.4 in the other. The apparent constant increase in size of the developing embryo can in part be attributed to the constant increase of wet weight. Mean embryo weight never varied more than 2 ug between samples at each stage (sample size: three embryos each stage), which is within the limits of accuracy of the balance. Seasonal variation of nutrient availability, temper- ature, etc., probably cannot account for any observed differences in weight between stages, since the studies page 5 Embryonic Development within the Marsupium portrayed in graphs 1B and 2B were done two weeks after the studies in 1A and 24. The fact that these second studies show similiar significant trends suggests that seasonal variation is not a factor. Further, in the course of following experiments, embryo weights for the three stages were obtained for other purposes and were similiar to those weights observed in graphs 1 and 2. The dry weight increase between stage 2 and stage?3 can be attributed to inorganic uptake alone. (primarily minerals), organic uptake alone, or a combination of both. Individual broods corresponding to the three develop- mental stages in both P. scaber and I. resecata were divided in the following ways: partt of the brood was removed from the mother (gentle pipetting of embryos after brood plates slightly lifted) and utilized for ex-marsupial cultures; part of the brood was immediately weighed; remainder of the brood was allowed to develop normally within the mother. Ex-marsupial culture dishes consisted of 50X12 mm tight-lid Petri dishes (holes in lid for oxygen exchange) filled with five milliliters of either: filtered seawater and penicillin (50 parts/million) a) plus tris buffer pH 8.3 e Embryonic Development within the Marsupium b) filtered isotonic to seawater NACl solution plus penicillin and tris buffer c) seawater plus penicillin minus buffer d) NACl solution plus penicillin minus buffer e) seawater plus buffer minus penicillin f) NACI solution plus buffer minus penicillin After one week, at 14°0. embryo dry and ash weights were obtained (ashed at 290°C, 12 hours) and compared to dry and ash weights of original embryos and original embryos allowed to develop normally within the brood pouches of the marked original mothers. Results are plotted in graphs 3 to 8. Animals that died before the end of the week period were not included in the results. Each separate graph 3 to 8 charts the developmant of a particular brood. Each bar charts mean actual weight change per animal during the experimental period. Total height of the bar represents mean dry weight of one animal; each bar is divided into two sections; the lower section represents ash weight (a measure of inorganic weight) whilethe upper portion represents ash-free weight (organic weight). Numbers above the bar represent the stage of the embryo at the end of the experiment. The changes in dry weights during development in graphs 1 and 2 were confirmed within a particular brood. page 6 c page 7 Embryonic Development within the Marsupium As expected, development within the brood pouch was more advanced than in cultures. Highlighted bars of graphs 3B, 4A, and 5A show a decrease in dry weight of embryos going from stage 1 to stage 2 (which cannot be entirely accounted for by normal embryo weight variation within a brood) compared to the original weight of the brood; this decrease can be accounted for by an absolute decrease in organic weight perhaps as vitelline reserves of yolk are utilized. Apparent anomalies such as 3AN, 3CS, 4AS2, in which an increase in organic weight was observed despite no increase in dry weight cannot be readily explained. In bars 4BST, 4BS2, 5AN, 7AR, 7AS, 7CR, the increase in dry weight can be entirely accounted for by increases in inorganic weight. However, in graphs 5BR, 5CR, 7BR, 8A and 8B (charting development from stage 2 to stage 3), increases in dry weight cannot be entirely accounted for by increases in inorganic weight. There appears to besa definite increase in both absolute inorganic weight and absolute organic weight. While the noted anomalies in graphs of development from stage 1 to stage 2 can perhaps suggest that observed weight changes could be due to normal variation within embryos of a particular brood, the magnitude of the weight changes from stage 2 to stage 3 far exceed the maximum limits of these possible intra-brood C page 8 Embryonic Development within the Marsupium weight variations. Thus a significant increase in both organic and inorganic weight in some embryos (particularly from stage 2 to stage 3) occurred. Of special interest is the apparent differences in increase of absolute organic weight in graphs 8A and 8B. At the termination of the experiment, the larvae represented in bars 8AS, 8A82, 8B83, had cannabalized several other embryos. Perhaps this was the source of the additional increase in inorganic and organic weight. Tests for total nitrogen content in the various embryonic stages, which involved first digesting ten embryos of each stage by the Folin-Wu method, then assaying for ammonia content by the phenol-hypochlorite method, suggest that the ratio nitrogen/drybody weight is constant: that is, as dry weight increases, total nitrogen increases. Such a result would support the hypothesis that organic weight increases during development, but the results of the tests were not statistically significant perhaps due to a small sample size. However, during development, the embryo is apparently utilizing an additional source of organidand inorganic compounds, aside from those originally contained within the egg itself. The most obvious source of additional nutrients would be the brood fluid itself. Refractometer studies 0 c page 9 Embryonic Development within the Marsupium of the brood fluid of P. scaber and I. resecata suggest that the mother is actively concentrating solutes within the brood fluid. I. resecata, despite observation of active ventilåtion of the marsupium (approximately 22 times per minute) through mechanical contraction of the brood cavity and movement of brood plates, maintains a marsupium of brood fluid 150 to 200% normal seawater osmotic solute concentration. Brood fluid of P. scaber is between 8 to 14% or two to three times that of seawater (fresh water rated at 0.2%). Blood of P. scaber is approximately 3.5%. SUMMARY Evidence suggests that developing embryos increase in both inorganic and organic weight within the brood pouch. Brood fluid appears to contain a higher concen¬ tration of solute than other fluids found in the animals' environment. Several hypotheses can be developed to describe these results: the mother is actively concentrating minerals and/or nutrients within the brood fluid b) a decrease in brood size is noted through development. Perhaps decaying embryos provide an important source for other developing embryos. More work is needed to concretely say if the mother is actively supplying minerals and/or nutrients to 0 Embryonic Development within the Marsupium developing embryos. The evidence I have presented is circumstantial but highly suggestive that indeed the mother is active in embryonic development. page 10 e mbryonic Development within the Marsupium page 1 Icknowledgements: I would like to thank Dr. Robin Burnett, Dr. Donald Abbott, and Dr. John Phillips for their advice and assistance in this research project. Special thanks to Connie Whiteside for aid in preparation of final draft and illustrations. Finally, thanks to the aculty and staff of Hopkins Marine Station for many many things. e Embryonic Development within the Marsupium REFERENCES 1. Davis, Charles C. 1964. A Study of the Hatching Process in Acquatic Invertebrates. IX. Hatching Within the Brood Sac of the Ovoviviparous Isopod Cirolana (sp. Isopoda, Cirolanidae). Pacific Science. 18: 378-384 Folin, Otto, H. Wu. 1919. The System of Blood 2. Analysis. J. Biol. Chem. 38: 81-110 Naylor, E. 1955. The Comparative External Morphology and Revised Taxonomy of the British Species of Idothea. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 31: 467-493 Solorzano, L. 1969 Determination of Ammonia in Neutral Waters by the Phenol-Hypochlorite Method. Limnol. Oceanogr. 14: 799-801 Verhoeff, K.W. 1920. Zur Kenntnis der Larven, des Brutsaches und der Bruten der Oniscoidea Isopoda. Aufsatz 28 Zool. Auz. 51: 169-189 5. page 12 I 8 470 450 250 200 150 100 50 10 SRAPH1A (MOTHERS POOLED) L RESECATA GRAPH 1. (MOTHERS INDIVIDUATED) DRY WT. HAR HILLT STAGE 21 22 390 380 330 5. . 250 200 150 100 5C 10 GRAPH 2A (MOTHERS POOLED) LIHHE ul DORCELLIO GRAPH 28 (MOTHERS INDIVIDUATED) HHHDRRY WT HAU STAGE 1 H S1 2 S. N 2 N. (3-8) GRAPH LEGEND BROOD AT BEGINNING OF- EXPERIMENT BROOD ALLOWED TO DEVELOE NORMALLY WITHIN MOTHER- UNTIL END OF EXPERIMENT BROOD GROWN IN SEAWATER PLUS PENICILLIN AND TRIS BUFFER S SOLUTION MINUS PENICILLIN S SOLUTION MINUS BUFFER BROOD GROWN IN NACL SOLUTION PLUS PENICILLIN AND TRIS BUFFER Na SOLUTION MINUS PENICILLIN BUFFER N SOLUTION MINUS WEIGHT ASH WEICHT ASH-FREE 100- 50 10 DI )( —— 11 — Os 2 100 50 10 GRAPH 34 R S1 GRAPH 30 PORCELLIO STACE No 50 10 GRAPH HHH R S 38 dead ? 8 S( 10 50 50 7 R 2 Ihn S1 RESECATA STAGE 44 GRAPH Nr 48 GRAPH STAGE dead ? N. 23 N. 100 250 O 100 50 10 GRAPH GRAP 5A 9 50 ORCELLIO STAGE 2 GRAPH N 50 10 3 58 N 8 10 50 10 U 1 10 10 O R R early S RESECATA STAGE GRAPH GA So N. STAGE 6B GRAPH early 8 2 N early early Na 50 100 50 10 L 150 OO 50 1C O SRAPH 12 GRAPH 7A 3 S1 70 PRCELUO STAGE 3 GRAPH 50 100 N1 50 10 Hhili HAAA 8 78 HH 9 9 O 2 50 100 50 SRAP STAGE 84 3 RESECATA