Marian Matoba
Biology 175H
June 1973
Hopkins Marine Station
Stanford University
running title: Carbohydrases in Armadillidium vulgare
and Idothea resecata
Carbohydrases in Armadillidium vulgare and Idothea resecata
Crude extracts of the hepatopancreas from Armadillidium
vulgare and Idothea resecata were investigated for hydrolytic ac-
tivity using the following substrates: soluble starch, maltose,
lactose, melibiose, cellobiose, sucrose, and sodium alginate. Ac¬
tivity with respect to starch, maltose, and sucrose was demon-
strated. No activity for lactose, melibiose, cellobiose, or sodium
alginate was detected.
Carbohydrases in Armadillidium vul
The organisms belonging to the order Isopoda show a wide range
of habitat extending from the marine to the terrestrial. Marine
and terrestrial isopods differ with respect to diet. Complex car-
bohydrases are conspicuous components of these diets. One might
expect, then, that two different species of isopods, one marine
and the other terrestrial, would possess different digestive en¬
zymes for the hydrolysis of these complex materials. A study of
some of the carbohydrases belonging to the marine isopod, Idothea
resecata, and the terrestrial isopod, Armadillidium vulgare, was
carried out. These two species were chosen because of their re¬
lative abundance in the intertidal regions near Monterey, Calif-
ornia and in the neighboring grasslands. Both species appear to
be omnivorous. Previous studies on the carbohydrases of these
animals have shown the presence of amylase, maltase, and a 8-glu¬
cosidase hydrolyzing arbutin and salacin in Armadillidium vulgare
(Newcomer, 1952). Enzyme assays for the detection of amylase,
maltase, sucrase, lactase, melibiase, cellobiase, and alginase re¬
sulted in the findings reported here.
The hepatopancreas of Idothea resecata and Armadillidium vul-
gare were obtained by dissections and homogenized. Distilled wa-
Carbohydrases in Armadillidium vulgare and Idothea resecata
ter was added to the homogenized tissue, and the resulting solu-
tion was centrifuged for 60 minutes at 20,000 rpm in a Sorvall
32-B refrigerated centrifuge. The supernatant was removed and in-
cubated at room temperature (22°- 24°C) with equal volumes of the
following substrates in distilled water: soluble starch, sodium
alginate, melibiose, cellobiose, maltose, sucrose, and lactose.
Toluene was added to all of these solutions to prevent the growth
of bacteria. The concentrations of the solutions were such that
approximately one hepatopancreas, 25 ug of maltose, lactose, su¬
crose, melibiose, or cellobiose, or 50 ug of starch or sodium al¬
ginate were used per assay. After periods of 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12
hours, 2 ml samples of the incubating solutions were tested in du¬
plicate for reducing sugars. Enzyme and substrate controls were
also tested at the end of the 12 hour period. Enzyme activity was
expressed as percent hydrolysis, with the maximum or 100% hydroly-
sis taken as a net increase of approximately 12.5 ug for the di¬
saccharides and approximately 50 ug for the polysaccharides starch
and sodium alginate. Although this is an approximate value which
does not take into account the addition of water molecules intro¬
duced through hydrolysis, it seemed accurate enough for purposes
of expressing these enzyme activities. The assays were carried out
at a ph between 4 and 5.
Enzyme activity was detected by the reducing sugar method of
Somogyi (1952) and Nelson (1944) using a Klett-Summerson Photoelec-
Carbohydrases in Armadillidium vulgare and Idothea resecata
tric Colorimeter and a red filter. The protein content of the en¬
zyme solution was determined by the Lowry method (1957).
The protein content of the hepatopancreatic extracts was 390
jg and 830 pg per assay for Armadillidium vulgare and Idothea re
secata, respectively.
Figure 1 shows the time course of hydrolysis of starch by he¬
patopancreatic extracts from the two animals. After 12 hours, the
extracts from Idothea resecata produced hydrolysis of 74 of the
theoretical maximum expected with this substrate. In the same in-
terval, the Armadillidium vulgare extract produced 59% hydrolysis.
Figure 2 shows the time course of hydrolysis of maltose by he¬
patopancreatic extracts. After 12 hours, the extract from Idothea
resecata produced hydrolysis of 57% of the theoretical maximum ex-
pected with this substrate. Armadillidium vulgare produced 65%.
Figure 3 shows the time course of hydrolysis of sucrose. Af¬
ter 12 hours, the extract from Idothea resecata produced hydrolysis
of 36% of the theoretical maximum expected, and Armadillidium vul-
gare extract produced 23% hydrolysis.
No hydrolytic enzyme activity for melibiose, cellobiose, lac¬
tose, or sodium alginate was detected by this method.
Carbohydrases in Armadilli
hea resecata
The presence of a £-fructofuranosidase or invertase is not
conclusively demonstrated since it has been reported by Pigman
(1948) that sucrose can be hydrolyzed by o-glucosidases as well.
The percentages obtained for hydrolysis of the various substrates
reflect only the activity of crude enzyme preparations. Investi¬
gation of ph and temperature optima still need to be carried out.
The absence of melibiases, cellobiases, lactases, and alginases
require further investigation under other assay conditions, par-
ticularly since a B-glucosidase was shown to be present in Arma¬
dillidium by Newcomer (1952). Such an enzyme should have been de¬
tected through the use of cellobiose as a substrate. These assays
did not show cellobiase activity.
Armadillidium vulgare and Idothea resecata which live in two
widely differing environments have so far failed to show any dif-
ferences in the carbohydrases that they possess. This is inter¬
esting since the carbohydrates present in their diets are obvious¬
ly different. Armadillidium vulgare has been reported to eat
mostly dead terrestrial plant material and dead invertebrates
(Paris, 1963). The diet of Idothea resecata has not been fully
characterized, but it has been reported to prefer brown algae over
other kinds of marine food materials (Jones, 1971), and has been
seen to feed on the brown algae, Macrocystis, in particular. An
interesting point is that brown algae contain mannitol, some re-
Carbohydrases in Armadillidium vulgare and Idothea resecata
ducing sugars, laminarin, fucoidin, and cellulose, but starch ap¬
pears to be absent (Blinks, 1951). The possession of an enzyme ca¬
pable of hydrolyzing a substrate apparently lacking in the diet of
an animal is a rather unexpected finding. It would be interesting
to carry out further studies on the digestive enzymes of these i¬
sopods and their diets, and to see what sort of a correlation ex¬
ists between the two.
Carbohydrases in Armadillidium vulgare and Idothea resecata
Blinks, L. R. 1951. Physiology and biochemistry of algae. In:
Manual of Phycology, ed. Gilbert M. Smith, p. 263. Waltham,
Mass.: Chronica Botanica Co.
Jones, Laurence G. 1971. Studies on selected small herbivorous
invertebrates inhabiting Macrocystis canopies and holdfasts
in southern California kelp beds. In: The Biology of Giant
Kelp Beds (Macrocystis) in California, ed. Wheeler J. North,
p. 343. Lehre, Germany: J. Cramer.
Lowry, O. H. et al. 1951. Protein measurements with Folin phenol
reagent. Jour. Biol. Chem., 193: 265.
Nelson, Norton. 1944. A photoelectric adaptation of the Somogyi
method for the determination of glucose. Jour. Biol. Chem.,
153: 375.
Newcomer, W. S. 1952. The occurrence of beta-glucosidase in the
digestive juice of Porcellio and Armadillidium. Anat. Rec.,
113: 536.
Paris, Oscar H. 1963. The ecology of Armadillidium vulgare (I¬
sopoda: Oniscoidea) in California grassland: food, enemies,
and weather. Ecol. Mono., 33: 1.
Pigman, William Ward and Randolph Maximillian Goepp, Jr. The
Chemistry of Carbohydrates. New York: Academic Press, Inc.,
Carbohydrases in Armadillidiumy
I would like to thank the entire staff at Hopkins Marine Sta-
tion for their invaluable assistance with this study, particularly
Dr. John Phillips for his patient help and understanding.

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Carbbhydrases in Armadillidium vulgal
dothea resecata
Figure 1. Time course of hydrolysis of starch by hepatopancrea¬
tic extracts of Armadillidium vulgare and Idothea re-
secata. Activity is expressed as percent of theoreti-
cal maximum.
Figure 2.
Time course of hydrolysis of maltose by hepatopancrea¬
tic extracts of Armadillidium vulgare and Idothea re-
secata. Activity is expressed as percent of theoreti-
cal maximum.
Figure 3.
Time course of hydrolysis of sucrose by hepatopancrea¬
tic extracts of Armadillidium vulgare and Idothea re-
secata. Activity is expressed as percent of theore-
tical maximum.