A PRELIMINARY SURVEY OF THE EFFECTS OF SEWAGE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ECHINODERMS Susan Marie Ott Hopkins Marine Station Pacific Grove, Californi. June 4, 197 INTRODUCTIO For many years cities around the Monterey Bay have been dumping their sewage into the ocean, but no one has studied the biological significance of this In an attempt to study some effects of sewage. I used narine embryos, since developmental processes are sensitive to environmental factors. Dendraster ecentricus and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus were chosen because it is easy to obtain their gametes and they I observed the can be fertilized and grown in vitro. rate of development by timing morphological changes and measuring lengths of skeletons. The sewage didn't seem to harm the embryos in dilutions less than 5%. In fact, they often grew slightly better in 1% sewage than in sea water. However, development was either slower or abnormal in 5g and greater sewage concen- trations. Several other factors, including the temp- erature, type of container, concentration of embryos, and natural variation of eggs, were also found to effect the rate of development. ETHOD he adult sand dollars and sea urchins were ollected and kept in an aquarium with sea water and aeration. Shedding of gametes was induced by intra- coelemic injection of O.5M KCl. Eggs were collected y setting the animal over a beaker filled with sea water; sperm were collected "dry" with a pipett. he eggs were washed three times with sea water by jecantation and resuspension. They were fertilized addition of one or two drops of sperm suspension one drop of sperm fluid in 10ml. sea water.) (1,3) then transferred the embryos to small perti dishes or flasks which contained sewage dilutions. SAt different intervals they were examined microscopicall, or general morphological attributes. To measure the ate of skeleton growth, I removed a few drops from each culture, placed them on a depression slide, and added several drops of Clorox. After about a minute the skeletons could be measured. I always measured th distance from the top to the end of the postoral arm. (Figure 1 To keep the temperature constant, I placed the etri dishes on a tray which floated on the sea table water. The temperature remained between 15 and 18°c. Several times I changed the water in the petri dishes of the older plutei. This was done by removing about half the water with a syringe, avoiding the embryos, and adding fresh water or dilutions of sewage. Daily the plutei were fed one or two drops per petri dish of algae from a culture obtained from Ralph Hine- gardner. (These same algae are known to sustain sea urchin embryos through netamorphosis. (4) Where antiblotic solutions were used, streptomycin and pen- cillen were added to a final concentration of 0.1 mg/ml The sewage was obtained from the Honterey treat each. ment plant. The algae were grown in a medium which was half the concentration described by Guillard and Ryther. (2 ESUITS The stages of development were defined in terms of gross morphological changed. These are shown in gures 2, 3, and 4. The first stages (71-14) are sim lar to those described by Karnofsky and Simmel. (5) The times of the first cleavages were not effected by the sewage. No effects from sewage were observed for about ten hours, after which retarded development or abnormalities were seen in 5% and 10% sewage. (Figures 5,6) The abnormal embryos were of varying shapes and were darker than controls. They didn't die, but remained approximately the same size and continued to swim for several weeks In one trial run using sand dollars I observed that chlorinated sewage from Pacific Grove had a greater effect than unchlorinated Nonterey sewage. Thus, in a 10% dilution, the eggs never divided. In exper iments with sea urchins and starfish gametes a relat- vely low concentration of chlorine can completely block fertilization. (7,9) To determine the rate of development more precisely, I measured the skeleton lengths. Embryos grown in 14 sewage grew slightly faster than those in sea water, but those in 5% and greater sewage dilutions showed harmful effects. (Figure 7) The skeleton lengths varied with each set of cultures, but the average length was shorter in 5% sewage than in sea water. (Figures 9,10 did student "tr tests (10) on these measure. ments to see if the groups were significantly different. The skeletons from 14 sewage were statistically either the same or longer than those from sea water. (In one case they were shorter, however.) But after they had been growing for 100 hours, the skeletons were longer in the sea water controls. The embryos from 2% sewage were never consistantly different from those in sea water. (Figure 11) My observations point to some experimental conditions that must be kept constant in order to observe sewage effects. First, the embryos should not be too crowded. The type of container is significant. The embryos died after a week in 125ml. flasks, but hey survived in the petri dishes. Temperature and ph must be constant. Addition of antibiotics did not correlate with health or rate of development. DISCUSSION From my observations, I conclude tha concen- trated sewage (5%) adversely effects the development of embryos, but that lower concentrations may slightly nhance growth, at least during the first 100 hours The effects of temperature may also have significance in field conditions. Thus, the temp. erature around the outfall was found to be several degrees higher. Also, the sewage contains organic and inorganic nutrients which might be beneficial at low concentrations explaining the initial slight enhancement in dilute sewage. (8) Many factors, including various metals, proteolytic enzymes, and dyes, are known to produce exogastrulation, one of the abnormalities found in 5/ sewage. (5,6) The sewage may certainly contain some of these factors. The osmotic differences in the higher sewage concentrations may also have caused retardation. Finally, the chlorine probably has strong effects. In comparing development and fertilization, the latter is a more sensitive process, particularly to chlorine. Working with Pateria, Rotkis found that once eggs were fertilized, they reached the blastula stage, a result which agrees with my data. (9) However, though the embryos look normal, are all the systems working properly' Will embryos raised in sewage be able to undergo meta- morphosis? These questions suggest further research. SUMIART The effects of sewage on sand dollar and sea urchin development were studied. Time required to reach different morphological stages and rate of skeleton growth were used as parameters. Studies were also arried out on culture conditions necessary to raise embryos beyond the pluteus stage. The development was adversely effected by sewage if the concentration was greater than 5% (unchlorinated.) A slight enhancement was often observed in 14 sewage, åt leasthduring the first 100chours. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Part of this project was fiananced by the National Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Program Grant Vo. GY-7288. I would like to thank Dr. Hinegardner for giving me the algae he had cultured, and my roommate Welanie MoCabe for bringing the culture from Santa Cruz. am grateful to Dr. David Epel, my advisor, and Dr. Vic Vacquier for giving me many helpful suggestions and encouragement. The staff, professors, and other students f Hopkins Marine Station helped me a lot, particularly im Sutton, my T.A. Finally, I want to thank my friend Victor Anderlini, who took all the photographs for me FERENCES 1. Costello, D.P., M.E. Davidson, A. Eggers, M.H. Fox, and C. Henley, 1957. Methods for Obtaining and Handling Marine Eggs and Embryos. Marine Biolog ical Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. Guillard, R.R.L., and J.H. Ryther, 1963. Studies on marine planktonic diatomes. I Cyclotella nana Hustedt and Detonula confervacea (Cleve, Gran. Can. J. Microbiol.,0: 229-239 Hinegardner, R.T., 1967. Echinoderms, pp. 139-155. in: F.H. Wilt and N.K. Wessells, Eds., Methods in Developmental Biology. Thomas Crowell Co., New York Biological Bulletin,Vol 137 Hinegardner, 1969 No. 3, pp. 465-475 Karnofsky and Simmel, 1963. Progr. in Experimental Tumor Research, Vol. 3254-294 Advances in Morphogenesis Vol. Lallier, R., 1964. pp. 147-196 7. Muchmore, Doug, 1970 Personal communication. . Remsen, James Van, 1970. Personal communication. . Rotkis, Tom, 1970. Personal communication. 10. Snedecor, George, 1956. Statistical Methods, lowa State University Press. e. Gand dollar skeletons postoral arm STAGE 14 dntero lateral arm postord arm STAGE 15 Apest oral arm Hanterolateral arm pre ord arm Losterdora arm STAGE 18 v 300 1 2 4504 C A 7.. **. o piqment granoles . .. 9.: L UNFERTILIZED EGG SPINDLE POUR CELS MORULA jella lager DIVIDING ).: 71 4 . . ...... qur cetus blastocoel BLASTULA 95 -fertilization membrane JUST HFTER FERTILIZATION : ? O CELS SIXTEEN CELLS un fertilized egg stage! Stage3 2008 oox 200x serClized egg stage 2 Stage 41 900x 200x 200x 9 25 ° HATCHING 389 Fi 69 3I. - — skeleton Formq PRISM erimary mesenchyme .*...... cells . .... Vt GRSTRULATION L + 1 -***.* ..... Fir DE mooth 441. J. qnus side view secondary mesenchym cells LENVAGINATION S T Side viee postoral am qnos 10 stage 5 stage 7 stage 4-10 200. aoox 100: stage 6 Stage: stage 100x 200x aoox Hmool 6 anus PLUTEUS S /.... -..... 10 side vieu . BOTTOM VIEW S -moot sand dollar. 4 37 1 mooth moth stage 17 stad stage 12 200 100x 1OOX stage 15 stage 15 stage 18 1OOX 100x Oox 100 stage 19 oox stage 19 125 1 I 6 8 8 3 -9TAGES 889 Jo= 5 18 96 10. N e J S 18 29 Rpcil E 5 8ray — 12 13 May 4 Mey o . LaG IN DEVELOPRE NT N1OJ SEUAGE 10 20 25 15 /0 10 15 10 25 15 20 25 10 10 20 25 15 sea orchin 15 20 25 ter Fer lizat Hoors S.W. /o 30 30 30 30 30 35 S.00. 1o 35 35 35 545. 10 105 30. 7o Time o Hors fertilizahon da ions cod n- 3 May, 12 34 7 19 10 7 qo HMay, 100 5Om Clasks 44 125m Sak 96.5 12 P.G.sevoge 94 10 985 12 40 19 May, 50 44 23 Gask al 35 e 43 25 Flask 1 2 70 27 petri dishe 20 12 a1 Pay. 320 25 11 u 10 1a 23 Pay, Gl. 1a 48 17 a04 11 25 Pay, 10 51 24 24 62 80 24 1144 1 20 108 Skeleton lengtis, sand dollac Average length of skeletons groon in sewage concentrations sea 2% 17 n. 10% 57 ne ne n- water se skelebs 8 q 131 216 14.3 12.4 10 10.118 14.0 416 9 110115 11.5440 36.1110 10 4004 10 110112 10 477132 430165 50.0423 la 10 g 47.143 43.0113 15 8 25.914.2 164t23 9 51.1124 31.113.0 4 2.1129 342129 8 33.5105 36.212.2 373250 15 10. 335 t14 10 38 26.212. 31.5 41.8 33. 19 34671.6 26 29 381122 145:25 44.1 43.2 38.7:3 35 30 30041.8 25 28 23.712. 33.0:22 316411 25 456119 43.213.7 27.4140 145115 24 3estac 20 26 21 41.1 447 59.243.2 7 43.045.5 12 53.3:7.8 516150 17 8 34.5-4. 23 24.814.4 354 ta1 a2 33.612.5 2a 508153 C4s:60 56.42.7 16 66 946.5 7 9 33.114.6 15 27.312.0 2937 17 16 10 13 32.2144 241165 22 36.1435 34.6 :da 55,448.4 39.7158 315:43 100:2.3 24 35.0124 24 33.75 23 24 24 43.2123 48.8130 34.114.7 480 15 24 24 24 24 469129 43.913.9 540:39 44.41134 24 14.5 43. 24 24 529133 24 44.4 140 8 509437 4 52.043.8 13 48.4: 30 5 57.4453 FIGOR 2 Time of fectilization 26 Pay, 200 pr overerouded 26 Ma, 510 Jertilized 1a Pay, 12 INay,105 SHELETON LENGTS SAND DOLLAR, CONTINUED Hours Average sheleton lengtus i sewage concentrations of old se 5% 107 water 170 afe ne n- n- n2 n2 45 354422 24 33.9 217 370:20 24 32.212.2 24 24 44.1132 24 445.842.6 76 18.8 226 24 18.9126 24 24 51.4 : 4.6 46.0 26. 20 45.2: 4.7 50.0:40 20 37 20 20 18.3 1 3.8 34.0449 448 46.7 120 10 10 10 24.0412 20 20 24.8 : 2.8 34 20 25.8 4 2.3 20 26 215 36.511.7 44.5 20 20 20 36.3193 340 413 20 38.912.1 SKÉLETON LENGTHS, SER URCHIN Days Average skeleton length in sevage concentrations of ola sea a7 1.7. 5% 0.5 % n- n: n- n: Dater 13 33.143 31.8123 12 397133 34.75.7 10 22.7109 28.71 2.5 3 300:25 5 29.2711 27.823. 8 10 8 4 35 +13 33.512.3 10 8 31.1 19.2 35.01 6 30.5228 7 7 7 30.81 5.4 10 28.4:2. 10 6.5 38.0:46 37.3420 21.214.2 20.412.5 36.54 30 10 36.312.7 26.84 3 29.5 13.5 17 20 10 33 38.412.7 38.5 : 30 20 2o.143.7 10 25 275:29 20 a8.211.8 13 5F.5: 3.8 12 2734 18 13 10 14 34,022.1 15 255:24 326 255 FIGURE 7B 10 N. 5. X 00 sss SKELE TON LENGTH 7 SEURGE 3 Hay normbers on ei age 50 40 — 20 44 —10 34 10 2 4 5 Stl. 5 60 ja Play 5 50 8 a 2 40 4/ 1 30 —20 flask 41 —.— flask 12 petei dish 10 50 10 40 30 B.W. 60 50 40 30 — a0 50 4 May 20 84 0 2 107 50 ml flosk —--—- 125 ml fask —— PG sewage 965 10 5 al May 42 952 50 40 30 20 10 — 60 5 2 40 10 80. 6.W0. 176 14 SW 1 SKELÉTON LENGTHIS SEURGE, coatinted 25 May 23 May 204 u0 20 10 2 5 510 2 26 May 50 10 Lur 30 33 20 5W 10 2 5 23 May 10 10 10 40 35 30 15 20 3 15 5 E 10 4 Skeleton length us Percent sewage Strengglecentretos 15%0 1odag Tude 3dags 2.5 dags O%o 27 17e 27. 10% (sea Ucter) PER CENT SEWAGE FIGURE 9 57 purpuratus 10 1 3 3 87 kaa NUMEER OCOLAR UNITS Z I V 222 3 25 9 5 2 NUMBER OCULAR ONITS 18 Student "t" values from sewage Age in ertilized hours concentrations of 1,2,5,10% vs. 0% (S.W.) 50 10% 89 0.45 1.3000 3 May 1.86 5. 3.16 2.13 14 May 56 96. 99 .16 1.650 (Pacific Grove sewage 0.890 W1 15.8- 2.30 19 May 12.37 8.83 flasks Hi 7.66 6.53. 2.24+ 5.91 flasks 42 2.79 13.9 + 18.4 2.28 2.9 3.58- 0.71 etri dish 121 3.51 5.59 1.380 2.75 21 May 111 b.304 8.39 0.67 30 6.40+ 23 Maj 6.26 1.35 4.114 5.47 0.850 4.65 25 Ma. 5. 80 3.47 4.90 590 5.74 2.404 2.37 0.79 144 08 1.840 2.08 26 Ma, 2.84 0.76 0.090 5.04 4 2.174 0.7 5.09 1. ( 28 May no significantdifference sea water skeletons longer sea water skeletons shorter RE