CARBOHIDRASES IN TWO SPECIES OF LITTORIVES Cornelia Farnum May 30, 1964 /01 In the field both Littorina planaxis and Littorina scutulata are observed feeding by radular action on substrates containing a variety of microscopic blue green and green algae. Macroscopic algae are known to be a natural component of the diet of L. scutulata; L. planaxis only feeds on the large marine algal types when starved under laboratory conditions. In addition, large quantities of bacteria and detritus are revealed on examination of stomach contents. Feeding does not appear to be highly selective. Extracts of the gut of both species could, therefore, be expected to contain a variety of carbohydrases capable of splitting linkages in the structural and reserve polysaccarides of the marine enviornment. The bacterial contribution to snail digestion must also be considered. The following survey is not a characterization of the carbohydrases of the littorines, but rather an examination of the digestive potential- ities of these snails. Although the pH of the littorine gut was not determined experimentally, a value of 5-6 or 6.5-7.5 is reported for the digestive tract of many marine molluscs. (Freter and Graham, 1962). Initial tests on L. planaxis showed activity to be considerably greater at 5.5 than 7.5; therefore, subsequent tests were run at the lower value. It cannot be assumed that the pH optimum of a particular enzyme is the level at which it is functioning in the intact animal. By test- ing at a pH calculated to be that of the alimentary tract one can qualitatively analyze the enzymes of ecological significance to the test organism. Procedure and Metho Snails were collected daily and starved for a period of twelve hours. This procedure allowed time for a reduction of both the algal 1. Arthur Lyon Dahl, personal communication. /02 703 2 - content and the bacterial infestation of the gut. Both esophagus and midgut (stomach and digestive gland) were tested. Midgut extracts also included gonadal tissue which probably contributed a large amount of inert protein. Thus, enzyme activity on the stomach and digestive gland is probably higher per milligram of tissue than experimental results indicate. For L. planaxis siail weight ranged from one to two grams, average 1.4; esophagus wet weight range .0046-.0028, average .0037; midgut wet weight range .032-.059, average .045 grams. Snail weight in L. scutulata averaged .4018 grams; esophagus wet weight range .0018-.0021, average .0020 grams; midgut wet weight range .015-.021, average .018 grams. Substrates of the polysaccarides starch, glycogen, agar and inulin were prepared in one per cent solutions. For cellobiose, turanose and maltose 60 micrograms were present in the test solution; with melibiose and sucrose this amount was increased to 100 micrograms. The enzyme extracts were prepared by homogenization in five milliliters of buffer with subsequent centrifugation for fifteen minutes. One ml. of supernatant was added to one ml. of substrate and eight ml. of buffer. This reaction mixture, layered with toluene, was incubated at room temperature. Deproteinization with sodium tungstate in dilute Høso (Haden, 1923) was used to stop the reaction. The mixture was sampled at 0, 4. 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours and reducing sugar determined by the Somogyi method (Somogyi, 1952; Velson, 1944). Measurements were made with a Klett-Summerson Photoelectric Colorimeter using a standard curve from 10 to 100 micrograms specific to the reducing sugar being tested. Controls of buffer and substrate and buffer and enzyme were run simultaneously with the reaction mixture. Since various sugars give differing amounts of color by the Somogvi - 3 method, quantitative interpretation of experimental results is limited. Although sugar increase by hydrolysis was always considered in respect to the structural components of the polysaccarides and disaccarides being tested, the exact proportions of different reducing sugars present in the extractcontrols could not be determined. It is probable that in this case hydrolysis of snail glycogen is occuring with glucose the principle sugar. Bacteria were isolated from the snail gut on a medium composed of 500 ml. sea water, 500 ml. distilled water, 15 grams agar, 1 gram peptone and 10 grams starch. A medium without starch but containing filter paper was used to detect bacteria with cellulase activity. Results Active amylases capable of breaking down both starch and glycogen were found in the midgut of both L. planaxis and L. scutulata, with lesser activity per milligram of tissue in the esophagus. See figures 2 and 3. However, extracts of both tissues show an equal ability to hydrolyze maltose, a disaccaride with the same alpha 1,4 linkage present in starch and glycogen. This maltase was present in both species. See figures 4 and 5. Alpha glucosidase activity for sucrose, though positive for both tissues in both littorines, was weak compared to the rate of hydrolysis of maltose. The alpha 1,3 fructose linkage in turanose was split by the midgut of both species. Cellulase activity was determined qualitatively by mixing enzyme extracts with buffer and strips of Whatman #l filter paper, layering with toluene and checking for increase in amount of reducing sugar over the controls. Filter paper was dissolved overnight by mdgut extracts from both species. Differences in ability to digest cell walls of Porphyra and Ulva though not of Enteromorpha, Cladophora, - 4 - Carbohydrases of Littorina planaxis and littorina scutulata Substrate Linkage L. planaxis L.planaxis L. scutulata L. seutulata midgut esophagus midgut esophagus STARCH alpha 1,4 alpha 1,6 (pH 7.5) glucose GLYCOGEN alpha 1,4 alpha 1,6 (pH 7.5 glucose AGAR beta 1,3 galactose (pH 7.5) INULIN beta 1,2 fructose CELLULOSE beta 1,4 glucose no test CELLOBIOSE beta 1,4 gluose MALTOSE alpha 1, luose MELIBIOSE alpha 1,6 glucose galactose TURANOSE alpha 1, glucose fructose SUCROSE alpha 1,2 glucose beta fructose All run at pH 5.5. 4 means activity found under experimental conditions. - means no activity found. Figure 1 Pelvetia or Endocladia may reflect differences in the physical natures of the substrates. Galactosidase activity was weak in the extracts of esophagus of both species when tested on the alpha 1,6 galactose linkages of melibiose. Midgut extracts failed to show any activity. See figures 6 and 7. However, the midgut of both L. planaxis and L. scutulata showed a limited capability of hydrolyzing the beta 1,3 galactose linkages in agar while esophagus extracts showed no increase in reducing sugar over controls. /0 O - 5 - The only tissue containing activity for the 1,2 fructose linkages of inulin was the hindgut of L. scutulata. These results are summarized in figure 1. Bacteria were cultured from the esophagus, stomach and digestive gland of both L. planaxis and L. scutulata. Groups of both starved and actively feeding snails were studied. Plates innoculated from these different sources showed no significant differences after one week of incubation. Although a variety of bacteria grew, only the most common type, one forming large white colonies, was positive for starch consumption when tested with iodine. Vo bacteria capable of digesting either cellulose or agar were detected after five weeks of incubation. Discussion Although at least one strain of bacteria capable of digesting starch was detected, the presence of an active amylase in both eso- phagus and midgut essentially discounts the possibility that intestinal microflora are necessary for starch digestion. The lack of cellulose digesting bacteria is also significant since coupled with the presence of a very active cellulase in the midgut of both species and active cellobiases in both tissues of both species, the cellulose digestion of these herbivorous snails can be considered independent of the enzyme contribution of bacterial simbionts. Amylase activity on starch and glycogen appeared more active per milligram of tissue in the midgut than in the esophagus in both L. planaxis and L. scutulata. To the contrary, activity on the same alpha 1,4 linkage in maltose was comprable in both tissues. This would suggest that the amylase and maltase are separate enzymes. Although esophageal extracts of both species split starch and /0 - 6 glycogen to a comprable degree, midgut extracts were found to release greater amounts of reducing sugar from glycogen than starch over a given time interval. This observation suggests a difference in the specificity of the enzymes in these two tissues. The release of greater amounts of reducing sugar from glycogen could be due to the action of an alpha amylase in conjunction with a beta amylase. Combined activity could degrade up to 80-90% of the substrate (Baldwin, 1957). Although there may be inhibition of the enzyme near the branch points in glycogen, an amylo 1,6 glucosidase may be breaking these branch linkages. This ability would appear specific to alpha 1,6 glucose glucose linkages since midgut extracts were found incapable of hydrolyzing the alpha 1,6 glucose galactose linkages in melibiose. Amylase activity at pH 5.5 on starch and glycogen in the esophagus of L. scutulata wasweak compared to that in L. planaxis. See figures 2 and 3. At plI 7.5 the esophagus of L. scutulata showed greatly increased hydrolysis, while esophagus extracts of L. planaxis at this pl failed to break down either polysaccaride. Both the disaccarides maltose and sucrose contain alpha glucosidic linkages. Snail enzymes hydrolyzed maltose quickly, but sucrose only after an extended time. This indicates that probably two enzymes are present. It is possible that the sucrase was studied not at its pl optimum. Since beta fructosidase activity on inulin was limited to the hindgut of L. scutulata, the sucrase is probably not a beta fructosidase but rather an alpha glucosidase. It is concluded that the carbohydrases in the littorines are produced by the snails themselves; little reliance is placed upon in¬ testinal bacteria during digestion. Vo attempt was made to characterize O - 7 enzymes found in the gut of the littorines for pH and temperature optima, specificity, or change in activity with change in diet. Yet it is clear that whether by many specific carbohydrases or by a number of general enzymes, both L. planaxis and L. scutulata are capable of breaking down structural and reaerve polysaccarides and disaccar- ides of the marine enviornment to monosaccarides which can in turn be absorbed to provide energy to these snails Summary 1. Enzyme extrots of the esophagus and midgut of Littorina planaxis and Littorina scutulata were found to contain amylases capable of splitting starch and glycogen. Only one strain of bacteria isolated from these organs could digest starch. 2. Alpha glucosidase activity was detected on maltose and sucrose. The alpha 1,3 glucose galactose linkage in turanose was split by the esophagus of both species. 3. Esophagus extracts showed galactosidase activity on agar and melibiose. 4. No cellulose digesting bacteria were detected. However, cellulase activity was found in the midgut extracts and cellobiase activity in both tissues of both species. 708 C 0 8 8 J 9 o 0 0 oo 00 0 8 888 5 0 15 2 89 58 2 29 5 55 20 29 +12w 0 80 oo dor 00o Cog Oog 8 0 5 30 - 8 10 90- 0% 0 o3 cO 629 58 92 929 58 30 85 28 ++ 3 O 0 8000 Oo00 0 o 803 388 9 000 0 o0o o0 0 J9 38 29 8 6 § § 3 0X 05 6 0 2 0 30 J S oo — 107 8 o O 10 5 0 228 L 828 0 0 95 580 58 3 22 5 00 50 2 2 Oo § 8 . 80 0 38 Oog 18 398 85 0 0 805 2 8 8 339 0 805 8 30 oo — 8 98 9o o 0 88 60. 98 0 3 35 8 k 9 0 89 8 0 . o 0 8 84. o ro — S 0 0 205 O 298 37 2 8 So o 96 P5 32 B0 23 80 500 96 00 18 223 5 29 0 33 o og o 2 8 28 0 0 000 o5 0 a 0 388 113 0 0 ooo o 8 888 8 8 8 5 90 8 9 0 5 89 9 0 0 hy Suso So 24 S 8 p S Se O CHPBOHVDRASE RVIT MTOS EN MAPN POVSACCRE Fiquie 8 tisue Sugar Ieleosed vgs/ And hours mixture sar lligir suhstaite Liltrne VVOLN O Seutaloto MIDEOT O 10 IWIDGOT COM BINEE Woe 10 ver MIDGOT 13 /3.5 13 Cou BVe) 30 Ltnia AGR2 plauaxis O MIDAOT MIDGUT O /2 12 REAR OM ENED 20 (2) HGAR 36 24 MIDGOT /0 40 60 COMBINET 100 Litrmo seufelat A6A2 MID607 N1D607 27 33 AGAR 99.7 COMB/NEI 60 1642 24 M1D60T 43 45 50 CONBINE 100 Medbatori at room fperitite, ptt 5s aretale luttet cigae of k seuentate witt agar pli 7.5 Ti butte 1 Dole teain ed enstet alter ts, aetvtty verg wedk, cagpe probaltg e tomstig purtitg (0) Sshas testd () 5 swils tested //2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WORKS CITED BALDWIN, ERVEST. namic Aspects of Bioschemistry. Cambridge: University Press, 1957. FRETER AVD GRAHAM: British Prosobranch Molluscs: Their Functional Anatomy and Ecology. Dorking England: Bartholomew Press, 1962. HADEN, R. L:"A Modification of the Folin-Wu Method for making protein free blood filtrates." Journal of Biological Chemistry 56: 469-471. (June) 1923. NELSON. "A Photometric Adaptation of the Somogyi Method for the Determination of Glucose." Journal of Biological Chemistry. +153 (1944) p. 375. SOMOGYI, MICHAEL: "Notes on Sugar Determination." Journal of Biological Chemistry. +195. (1952) p. 23.