ABSTRACT: A study of the sulfide layer on Del Monte beach in Monterey, California was conducted to determine the effects that wave size, sand size, and organic content might have on the layer. Meiofauna distributions were also examined in relation to this darkened sand. A sulfide layer was found to form under conditions of decreased wave action, decreased sand size, and increased organic content. Laboratory experi¬ ments augmented these findings on sand size and organic con¬ tent, with increasing organic content increasing the dark¬ ness of the layer. Meiofaunal counts were found to drop sharp¬ ly in the sulfide layer, not only in the number of organisms, but also in the diversity. INTRODUCTION: During preliminary studies of several Monterey Bay sandy beaches, it was noticed that a black sulfide layer occurred on some beaches but not on others. Perkins (1957) dealt with the characteristics of the layer, but made no men¬ tion of the conditions necessary for its formation. Bruce (1928) referred to the sulfide layer as existing where the sand ap¬ peared to be of a finer grade and organic debris naturally ac¬ cumulated. An investigation was begun to determine some of the physical parameters necessary for the formation of the sulfide layer. Those factors studied were sand size, wave size, and organic content of the sand. In the laboratory effects of particle size and organic content on the formation of the sulfide layer were studied using both a stagnant and a percolating system. These exper¬ iments were designed to augment field observations. During the preliminary studies a sharp decline in both the abundance and diversity of meiofauna was found. Zobell (1946) remarked that the bacteria in the sulfur cycle in the sea "might yield water or mud uninhabitable to other organisms or may be growth promoting". Hulings (1971) suggested that the sulfide layer might be an area of enriched meiofauna. Perkins (1958) found that within the sulfide layer the population of nematodes was only 14.6% of the population above the layer. In view of these discrepencies a study to examine the distri¬ bution of meiofauna within and above the sulfide layer was included in the current study. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The beach investigated was Del Monte beach, protected on the west by the Monterey Harbor and break- water while open on the east to Monterey Bay. This beach is subjected to a gradient of wave conditions and should provide a gradient of other physical parameters related to wave action and of interest to this study. At seven locations within a two mile stretch of beach, transects were set perpendicular to the water's edge. Cores were taken every ten feet to determine the appearance and depth of the sulfide layer. At several intervals along these transects sand samples were taken both in and directly above the sulfide layer for later analysis of meiofauna concentration, organic content, and particle size. Organic content of the sand was determined using a wet chromate oxidation method a¬ dapted from Strickland and Parsons (1968). Particle size was determined using a dry sifting technique with a series of Tyler screens. Extraction of meiofauna was accomplished using a modified technique of Gray (1971). 500 milliliters of sand were washed five times with approximately 750 ml of 6% MgClo solution, followed by two rinses with 750 ml of 60°C seawater. Counts were converted to organisms per liter of sand. Meiofaunal contributions from the seawater were found to be negligible. The method proved to yield 90% of the animals obtained by ex¬ haustive extraction. -4- RESULTS: A diagram of the area of study is presented in Figure 1, which includes descriptive information. Wave size generally increases along the shore from transect 1 to transect 7. The sand throughout this stretch of beach was well sorted and par¬ ticle size did not differ appreciably within transects. Av¬ erage particle size increased,however, with increasing distance from Pier +2. The organic content of the sand along each tran¬ sect was patchy. Average organic content appeared to decrease with increasing distance from the pier. The organic content of the darkened sulfide layer was generally higher than that of the sand above it. On transects 1 through 4, a darkened sulfide layer was found while on transects 5 through 7, the sulfide layer was not present. In general, from transect 4 to transect 1, the sulfide layer increased in darkness. No relationship was found between tidal level and degree of dark¬ ening. It was noted, however, that the layer was generally darker with increasing depth into the sand. To determine the topography of the sulfide layer, a study of a 400 square foot area adjacent to Pier +2, see Figure 1, was undertaken. Lines and levels were used and measurements of the depth of the sulfide layer were made at two foot inter¬ vals. The results were then plotted as depth below a reference point equivalent to the highest point in the study area, and as depth below the surface of the sand. Depth below the surface varied from 5 to 25 cm and showed no definite relationship to the surface topography of the sand. To test the effect of particle size and organic content on the formation of the sulfide layer, a series of glass 500, 1000, and 2000 ml cylinders were prepared to simulate field conditions. Three grades of sand were used singly and in a mixture. Fine sand corresponded to a particle size passing .250mm and caught by .125mm screens, medium sand passed .500mm and was caught by .25Omm screens, coarse sand passed 2.00mm and was caught by 50Omm screens, and mixture was a combination of equal weights of fine, medium, and coarse sand. Sodium acetate in seawater solution was used to vary the organic content of these pre¬ parations. The concentrations of sodium acetate used were 1.0%, 0.5%, 0.25%, 0.1%, 0.05%, 0.025%, and 0.0%. As an in¬ dicator of the production of HoS, ferrous sulfate was added to a concentration of 0.02%. No effect related to cylinder volume was observed. The cylinders were filled to a height of 40 cm, mixed with a seawater solution by repeated inversion, allowed to settle, and maintained close to 13°C in total darkness to prevent the growth of photosynthetic organisms. They were inspected at intervals and rated as to color. In addition, sulfide formation in a percolation unit was studied. An apparatus modeled after Kaufman (1966) was con- structed from clear plastic tubing with an inside diameter of 7.5 cm and 60 cm in length. The column was filled to a height of 50 cm with fine sand. The rate of percolation was maintained close to 10 ml per minute. The rate of supply of solution was 15 ml per minute, thereby creating an overflow and a constant head of 10 cm. The solution was recycled from a five gallon reservoir. Sodium acetate in seawater at concen¬ trations of 0.1%, and 0.05% were used as well as seawater with¬ out additions. The contents of the reservoirs were changed every twelve hours. In the stagnant system of cylinders, the darkened sand appeared first as a myriad of small darkened areas which later merged together to provide a more homogeneous darkening. The entire cylinder darkened and never was a layer of undarkened sand found in the stagnant cylinders. The minimum incubation period required for noticeable darkening was five days. Gen¬ erally, the cylinders with higher concentrations of sodium ac¬ etate solution darkened most rapidly and were of a darker color after fifteen days of incubation. In solutions of concentra¬ tions of 0.1% and above, the fine and mixed sands were darker after fifteen days than were the coarse and medium sands. There appeared to be no overall relationship between the original or- ganic content of the sand and the degree of darkening. In the percolation system, greater concentrations of sodi¬ um acetate solution in seawater again gave rise to an increased rate of formation of the sulfide layer. The minimum period for a noticeable degree of darkening was seven days. In contrast to the stagnant system, at concentrations of 0.1% and 0.05% sodium acetate solution in the percolation unit, darkening began ten om below the sand surface. After ten days, however, this ten centimeters of white sand also began to darken. The concentrations of 0.1% and 0.05% sodium acetate resulted in a black sand in the percolation system while these same concen¬ trations in the stagnant system resulted in medium gray and light-medium gray. After fifteen days the 0.0% unit had not darkened. During formation, the layer increased in darkness with increasing depth, but at the end of fifteen days the column was a solid black. These experiments are summarized in Table 1. Variation in counts of meiofauna was large. See Table 2. There appears to be an increase in the number of species with increasing tidal height. The peak occurs at a tidal height of +6 to +7 feet for the sand above the layer, and at +3 to +4 feet for the sulfide layer. Nematodes were the most wide¬ spread animals both above the sulfide layer, with their peak being at +4 to +5 feet, and within the layer, with their peak occurring at 0 to +1 foot in tidal height. Harpacticoid copepods, collembolids, nereid, juvenile and adult archiannelid and gpionid annelids were never found in the sulfide layer. DISCUSSION: Of the three physical parameters studied, it is felt that wave action is the most important factor governing formation of a sulfide layer. Wave action affects particle size, and these two factors in turn can greatly influence the organic content. Mild wave action can deposit a finer grade of sand and can allow a greater proportion of the suspended organic material to settle, whereas, heavy wave action, through greater turbulence, maintains fine sand and organic material -8- in suspension. The finer grade of sand can also contribute to increased organic content by sieve-like trapping of organic material. A mixture of sand should also produce a fine sieve through the filling of large pores with the smaller sand part¬ icles. The presence and darkness of a sulfide layer on Del Monte beach increases with decreasing wave action, decreasing particle size, and increasing organic content. The laboratory experi¬ ments using cylinders also show an increase in darkening with increasing organic content, especially in a fine grade or mix¬ ture of sand. The final degree of darkening of a sulfide layer could be dependent upon the available supply of organic mater¬ ial and length of time it stays in deposits. The difference in coloration between the stagnant cylinders and the percolation tubes at the same concentration of sodium acetate is probably due to the extended maintenance of required organic material as sodium acetate in the percolation system. Although on Del Monte beach the darkened layer was found only in areas of finer sand, the coarse particles in the stag¬ nant cylinders also gave rise to darkened sand. The differ¬ ence in these observations may be explained by the stagnancy of the cylinders as opposed to the instability of a sandy beach. In the laboratory, the stagnant system required at least five days of incubation before a sulfide layer appeared. On a sandy beach, where erosion and deposition of sediments may occur constantly, accumulation of organic material is inhibited and anaerobic bacteria may be exposed to oxygen often enough to prevent formation of a darkened sulfide layer. Thompson (W.C. Thompson, personal communication) has examined the same stretch of beach chosen for this study for several years. His observations indicate there is a greater amount of deposition and erosion with increasing distance from Pier #2. This could explain the absence of a sulfide layer in transects 5, 6, and 7. The meiofaunal counts definitely disagree with the pro¬ position that the sulfide layer may be rich in meiofauna. On the average, the layer was found to contain only 11% of the number of organisms in the sand above and only 40% of the classes. This does not vary greatly with the nematode counts of Perkins (1958) who found in the sulfide layer only 14.6% of that above. In two cases, counts of Platyhelminthe from the darkened sand exceeded counts of the sand directly above, which may be due to a preference, found by Sterrer (1971), of gnathostomulids for the HoS-rich sand. Perkins (1958) and Sterrer (1971) both suggest that the meiofauna found in the layer may be feeding on the bacteria. The sharp decrease in numbers in the layer shows that the distribution of meiofauna is affected by some property of the sulfide layer. Polluck (1971) showed that in several cases meiofaunal distributions were limited by a lack of oxygen. The presence of HyS in sand is usually associated with a diminishing supply of oxygen and may be the limiting factor in distribution. Further invest¬ igation of the actual limiting factor should prove interesting and further elucidate the affect of sulfide-rich sands on the sandy beach ecosystem. LITERATURE CITED Bruce,J. Ronald. 1928. Physical factors on the sandy beach. Part II. Chemical changes- carbon dioxide concentration and sulfides. J. Mar. Biol. Ass.,U.K., 15: p.559. John S. 1971. Sample size and sample frequency in re¬ Gray lation to the quantitative sampling of sand meiofauna, p.192. In Hulings, N.C.(ed), Proceedings of the First International Conference on Meiofauna. Smith. Cont. Zoo., 76. Hulings, N.C. and J. S. Gray (eds). 1971. A manual for the study of meiofauna. Smith. Cont. Zoo., 78:p.7. Kaufman, D.D. 1966. An inexpensive, positive pressure, soil perfusion system. Weeds 14: 90-91. The blackened sulphide- containing layer Perkins, E. J. 1957. of marine soils with special reference to that found at Whitstable, Kent. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,ser.12,10: 25-35. Perkins, E. J. 1958. The food relationships of the microbenthos, with particular reference to that found at Whitstablé, Kent. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,ser.13,1: 64-7 Polluck, L. W. 1971. Ecology of intertidal meiobenthos, 141¬ 145. In Hulings, N.C.(ed), Proceedings of the First International Conference on Meiofauna. Smith. Cont. Zoo.,76. Sterrer, W. 1971. Gnathostomulida: problems and procedures, 9-14. In Hulings, N.C. (ed), Proceedings of the First International Conference on Meiofauna. Smith. Cont. Zoo.,76. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We wish to thank the entire faculty and staff of Hopkins Marine Station for their assistance. We especially wish to thank Dr. John H. Phillips, without whose enthusiasm, advice, and time, this study would never have been attempted or completed. Figure 1. A map of the area studied showing associated phy¬ sical parameters and distribution of the darkened sulfide layer. MONTEREY BAY Marina Pier No. 2 H scale in feet L L L TRANSECT NUMBER COLOR OF SULFIDE LAYER OBlac Dark Light Black AT 0,3,6 FEET ABOVE 3Black Dark Light Dar MEAN LOWER LOW Black Dark Black Blac WATER 118 077 130 146 134 SAND SIZE-AVG. MD % ESTIMATED WAVE SIZE 10 0.5 0.5 2.0 0.5 IN FEET, APRIL 26, 1972. Lg CARBON/gm dry wt sand 587 348 355 346 ABOVE SULFIDE LAYER 885 555 408 847 IN SULFIDE LAYER 598 616 571 343 382 AVERAGE 0.70 3.0 400 4.0 0.60 4.0 443 1 Table 1. Experimental results of the construction of a dark¬ ened sulfide layer in both a stagnant and a per¬ colation system. LEGEND (For Table 1.) Sodium acetate refers to % concentration of sodium acetate in seawater. Sediment size refers to the diameter of the sand particles Fine: 0.125 - 0.250 mm used: Med: 0.250 - 0.500 mm Coarse: 0.500 - 2.00 mm Mix: a mixture of equal weights of fine, medium, and coarse sand. Organic content refers to micrograms of carbon in the oxidation state of glucose per gram of dry sand. No change, light gray, etc. refer to the color of the sand. Numbers in the bars below no change, light gray, etc. refer to days of incubation. SODIUM SEDIMEN ACETATE SIZE ine 0 10 med coarse 10 0 mix fine 0.9 med 105 coarse 015 O5 mix 025 Ifine med 0.25 coarse 0.25 025 mix 10 Ifine med TOI 01 coarse O mix fine 005 OO5 med coorse 0.05 0.0 mix 0025 Ifine 9.025 med 0025 coarse 0025 mix 00 fine med HOO 00 coorse mix O0 —00 fine med 00 00 coarse mix 00 PERCOLATION O.1 fine OOE Tine 0C fine ORGANIC CONTEN 1600900 500600 600900 600-900 600900 B00-60 600-90( 60090 60090 30060 60090 6009 300-600 3007600 0060 30060 30060 300600 30060 300600 30060 300600 30060 300600 booso 300600 510 00900 5/015 300600 30060 5,015 300600 5,05 30060 5/0,5 100600 51015 300600 30060 00600 501 CHANGI LIGHI GRAT 10,15 105 0E 10. 05 LICHEMEO GRAY MEDIUM GRA DARK GRA B140K 1115 7486 1 Table 2. Diversity and distribution of meiofauna both in and above the sulfide layer. 0 o r e 2 a 10 0 e oc S210 e 4 L +1 St — — a 0 0 2 AAAVEOTINSATAON O Nol 0 i AAVA 0 o o o THBl & C