ABSTRACT Because zebrafish continue to grow throughout their adult life, they are constantly generating and differentiating new neural tissue. The periventricular zone (PVZ) of the optic tectum, given its generalized, undifferentiated cell morphology, is a possible source of neural precursor cells whose migration into the tectum and differentiation into several different neural fates may be the source of tectal growth. GFP lipofection of brain cross-slices indicated that at least some of these cells are dividing much of the time. We developed a novel procedure for the isolation of PVZ cells and demonstrated growth of neurospheres in culture from these progenitors when driven under various growth factors (Insulin, IGF, Retinoic acid, BFGF). Additionally, preliminary antibody staining suggests that at least a subset of these PVZ cells express the Notchl receptor in vivo, suggesting the possibility of using this receptor as a specific marker for neural progenitor cells. INTRODUCTION The control and regulation of neural tissue regeneration is an area of research that has immediate relevance for the treatment of human conditions of neural degeneration such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Creutzfeldt-Jakob, and spinal cord injury. Such research generally involves the search for neural stem cells: cells capable of indefinite division that possess the ability to differentiate into several neuronal fates. Zebrafish provide a useful model for division and differentiation in adult neural tissue as they continue to grow throughout their adult lives, unlike mammals which generally stop growing with the onset of sexual maturity. The zebrafish brain is constantly generating new neural tissue as it increases in size and has the regenerative capacity to repair extensive neural damage (S. Thompson, unpublished data). The optic tectum of the zebrafish is a large, striated, complex structure of the dorsal zebrafish brain consisting of four zones subdivided into 15 layers (Wullimann et al., 1996). The tectum receives nonvisual neuronal input from many parts of the brain (Northcutt, 1982) and probably functions analogously to the mammalian prefrontal cortex with tasks such as multi- sensory processing and integration. However, the periventricular zone of the optic tectum, composed of round, undifferentiated cells, has a very different morphology from the rest the tectum and presumably serves a different function. Tectal growth may be a result of the division. migration, and differentiation of neural precursors from a reservoir of such cells in the PVZ. A migration/differentiation model of neural regeneration has been demonstrated by Lois and Alvarez-Buylla (1994) for mouse neural precursors which migrate from the lateral ventricles to the olfactory bulb and differentiate into neurons. This study focuses on cell morphology in the tectum and PVZ using biolistics to introduce a lipophilic dye into the membranes of scattered, individual cells. Furthermore, GFP lipofection was used as an assay for cell division in the tectum and PVZ given that only a cell going through the latter stages of mitosis (no nuclear envelope) can express introduced DNA, having reformed the nuclear envelope around the new gene. Although in vivo analysis is instrumental to the identification of potential neural progenitors, demonstration of division and differentiation can be done most easily in vitro. This study describes a novel tectal print method for the isolation and amplification of PVZ cells in culture using insulin, IGF, bFGF, and retinoic acid in defined medium. Neurosphere sizes and concentrations were evaluated for each growth factor treatment and cultured cell size was compared to parental PVZ cell size. A marker specific for neural precursors would be inherently useful for any characterization of the regulation of their maintenance and differentiation. The Notch family of receptors, although active in a wide variety of differentiation pathways, may provide such a marker. Notchl pathway signaling has been implicated in the inhibition of neuronal differentiation (Faux et al., 2001) and in the maintenance of mammalian neural stem cell state (Hitoshi et al., 2002). We used immunohistochemistry to explore the Notchl receptor as a potential marker for neural progenitor cells of the PVZ. MATERIALS AND METHODS PVZ and Tectal Morphology by DiIOC6 Biolistics A zebrafish brain was removed in dissection media (80% PBS with 10mM HEPES and 5% Penstrep adjusted to pH 7.4) and placed on a piece of millipore paper. The paper was placed onto a cold chopping block and the brain cut into cross-slices. The cross-slices were placed on a glass slide and bombarded with DilOC6-coated gold bullets of .6um diameter using a Helios Gene Gun (Biorad). The slices were then viewed using a confocal microscope. EGFP Transfection of Organotypic Culture A zebrafish brain was removed in sterile dissection media (80% PBS with 10mM HEPES and .5% Penstrep adjusted to pH 7.4) and placed on a piece of millipore paper. The paper was placed onto a cold chopping block and the brain was sliced once through the tecta into anterior and posterior sections. These were placed in a petri dish, still on the filter paper, and left under a drop of dissection media. Lipofection took place according to the CellFECTIN protocol (Life Technologies) using either a GFP gene with a generalized promoter and a Clonetch EGFP gene with a CMV promoter (pEGFP-CI Vector, Catt 6084-1). 6uL of CellFECTIN reagent was diluted into 10OuL of 80% DMEMF12 in an Eppendorf tube and 2ug of DNA was similarly diluted into 100uL in a different Eppendorf tube. Neither Penstrep nor serum were used in media as they may limit the efficiency of transfection. Both tubes were mixed by inverting several times and then combined and left shaking for 15 minutes. An additional 800uL of 80% DMEMF12 was added to the solution before it was introduced to the petri dish containing slices. The slices were incubated overnight before the media was replaced with a solution of 80% DMEM/F12 with .05% Penstrep and 10uM insulin and 25ngmL IGF. The organotypic cultures were left for 2 to 7 days in the incubator before imaging on the confocal microscope. Tissue Print Method for Isolating Periventricular Zone Cells The tecta were dissected out of the brain of an adult zebrafish under sterile conditions in a solution of 80% PBS with 10mM HEPES and 5% Penstrep adjusted to pH 7.4. Each tectum was placed on a dry patch of millipore paper with the PVZ side in contact with the millipore paper, then gently scraped off and the millipore paper was suspended upside down in a solution of 80% DMEM/F12 and .5% Penstrep and placed in an incubator. As two tecta may be harvested from each dissection, a dual-well glass-bottomed slide was used for each pair of prints with different growth factors added to each well. The growth factors used were insulin at 1OuM, IGF at 25ng/mL, BFGF at 3uM, or Retinoic Acid at 20uM. After several days, the pieces of millipore paper were removed from the cultures and placed in new media to seed new cultures. Tissue prints could yield at least secondary cultures and sometimes tertiary cultures, resulting in as many as 6 different cell cultures from a single fish. Neural ball counts and size estimates were made periodically during several weeks of growth in culture. Notch1 Immunohistochemstry A zebrafish brain was removed in dissection media (80% PBS with 10mM HEPES and 5% Penstrep adjusted to pH 7.4) and placed on a piece of millipore paper. The paper was placed onto a cold chopping block and the brain cut into cross-slices, which were fixed in 4% paraformaldahyde overnight at 4’C, washed with 25%, 50%, and 75% methanolPBS and left in 100% methanol at -20’C until staining (at least 4 hours). The slices were washed again using the reversed methanol/PBS series and rinsed several times with PBS-Tw. Each slice was placed in 300uL blocking solution (horse serum, kindly provided by the B. Block lab) and left for 10 minutes shaking gently. 3uL of polyclonal goat antiNotchl IgG (sc-6015, Santa Cruz Biotech) was added to each slice which was incubated shaking at room temperature for 2 hours. The slices were then rinsed 3 times and washed an additional 4 times for 15 minutes in PBS-D-Tw and placed back in 300uL of blocking solution (horse serum) for another 10 minutes shaking. ZuL of FITC-labeled bovine antigoat IgG was added (sc-2348, Santa Cruz Biotech) to each slice which was incubated rocking at room temperature for 2 hours. The slices were then rinsed 3 times and washed an additional 4 times for 15 minutes in PBS-D-Tw, rinsed in PBS-D, and placed back in PBS. Finally, the slices were imaged using the confocal microscope. RESULTS Biolistics micrographs emphasized the morphological differences between the tectum and the PVZ (see Fig. 1). Cross-sections of the tectum showed mostly longitudinal striations of cellular processes, whereas the PVZ consisted of round cell bodies without processes. However. the boundary is not very clearly delineated and some linear protrusions appear to descend from the tectal striated layers into the PVZ. The GFP transfected cultures demonstrated the occurrence of cellular division and the presence of post-mitotic cells in the tectum and PVZ area (see Fig. 2). The CMV promoted EGFP and the GFP with a generalized promoter seemed to work equally well. Some cells were caught in the act of dividing (see Fig. 3). It is not known whether these cells are in the tectum or in the PVZ. The tectal prints demonstrated cellular division in culture and neurosphere formation (see Fig. 4). An IGF/insulin combination in defined medium drove the growth of neurospheres to a density 3 times greater than insulin alone and produced considerably larger neurospheres after a 12 day incubation (see Fig. 5a). IGF and insulin also out-performed retinoic acid and BFGF by encouraging larger neurosphere size and higher neurosphere concentration after a 34 day incubation (see Fig. 6). The average size of an individual neurosphere cell was 4.2um whereas the average size of the parental PVZ cells was 6.3um (see Fig. 7a). The range in neurosphere size (as measured by standard deviation) went from 33% of average size to 57% of average size from day 12 to day 34 (se Fig Cross-sections stained for the Notchl demonstrated that blood vessels in the brain (not shown) as well as a small subset of cells in the PVZ (see Fig. 8) expressed a Notch family receptor in high enough quantities and with enough homology to the mammalian Notchl to stain with a polyclonal anti-human Notch-1. DISCUSSION Some processes crossing the boundary into the PVZ (see Fig. 1) suggest that there may be tectal control over the fate of PVZ cells including division, migration, and differentiation. Conversely, the control may be in the way of PVZ cells sending processes into the tectum itself. Either way, there is likely signaling occurring between distant cells that organizes the movement between layers. An injection of lipophilic dye into the tectal layers may determine the location of the cell bodies associated with these processes. An early study with horseradish peroxidase used a similar method to determine the location of processes afferent to the tectum from other parts of the brain (Northcutt, 1984). GFP lipofection was successful in demonstrating cell division subsequent to dissection in the PVZ and tectum (see Fig. 2 and 3). Given the slicing technique used (one slice dividing the brain into anterior and posterior sections), the assignment of post-mitotic cells into only striated tectum or only PVZ was challenging as discrimination of adjacent tissue layers under fluorescence is difficult in deep tissue. However, the use of relatively large tissue sections had merit in that it left large areas of tissue far from the blade path and relatively undisturbed. The presence of dividing cells in tissue away from the traumatized edge (see Fig 2c and 2d) suggests that the observed division is not solely an over-reactive glial response to injury. The exact location of these post-mitotic cells (PVZ versus tectum) may be clarified by a whole brain lipofection and incubation, followed by slicing into thin cross-sections immediately prior to visualization. Using different incubation times, it might even be possible to identify division in the PVZ and successive migration into the tectum. Tectal printing demonstrated the expansion of PVZ neural progenitors into neurospheres over a period of several weeks when driven with growth factors (see Fig. 4). IGF and insulin combined proved to be a better promoter of neurosphere growth than insulin alone or retinoic acid and BFGF (see Fig. 5 and 6). Because there was a variation in seeding density from each tectal print, neurosphere size was examined along with neurosphere concentration. Remaining tissue remnants also presented a complication as they were at times difficult to discern from growing neurospheres and may have had some effect on the averaged neurosphere size of the different growth factor treatments. The use of dual tectal prints from a single fish in growth factor trials controlled for genetic differences in the expansion of paired cultures and may be responsible for the higher concentration of neurospheres in the 12 day IGF/insulin incubation over the 35 day IGF/insulin incubation. Neurosphere expansion might be more closely monitored using a sterile microscope stage and a 96-well plate to isolate individual cells or neurospheres for clonal analysis, as described by Weiss et al. (1996). Similarly, CFDASE, a lipophilic dye of great use for tracking cell division by flow cytometry (Hasbold et al., 1999), can be used to quantify cell division in culture. This approach was attempted in this study but was unsuccessful due to a high background fluorescence in the media, even with staining of the entire tectum prior to printing and seeding. Staining and printing within a well insert and movement of the insert along a series of wells to dilute out the CFDASE-laden media may make this approach viable and may reveal differentiation within a neurosphere. Differentiation in culture was suggested by the 30% size reduction of neurosphere cells from PVZ cell size of approximately 6um (see Fig. 7a). Additionally, the standard deviation in neurosphere size increased over time in culture (see Fig. 7b), indicating that cells in some neural balls were dividing more rapidly than cells in others. These data suggest that differentiation may be occurring in culture. Öther studies have shown that growth factors such as retinoic acid promote neuronal differentiation (Huang et al. 1998) whereas FGFI and FGF2 inhibit neuron differentiation from neuroepithelial precursor cells by upregulating the expression of the Notchl receptor (Faux et al., 2001); these and other growth factors may prove to be a potent tool for preserving the precursor state and manipulating different lines of differentiation from tectal print- derived neurosphere cells. Preliminary analysis of Notchl antibody staining suggests that a Notch family receptor is present in a subset of PVZ cells (see Fig. 8). Given that the available antiNotch IgG is a polyclonal antibody to a human protein, it is rather surprising that in the zebrafish PVZ there is enough homology as well as expression for any staining at all. Notch immunohistochemistry was unsuccessful on the cells derived from tectal printing as poly-lysine proved too moderate to keep the neurospheres stuck to a slide through the various steps of an antibody stain and the fixing procedure dissolved both nail polish and paint pen ridges designed to provide a shallow well for the process on a glass slide. However, acrylic ridges demarking wells on a glass slide and a single, unmoving stage with a variable temperature setting for the entire fixing/staining process should permit antibody staining of neurospheres. In addition, Notch ligands such as Delta, Jagged, Serrate, and Lag2 may prove useful for exploring the controls of division and differentiation of these neural precursor cells. Öther proteins may prove to be useful markers as well, including the protein product of tai-ji, a gene expressed in various parts of the adult zebrafish brain and in human neuronal precursor cell line hNT2 (Huang et al., 1998) CONCLUSION Tectal printing has demonstrated that cells from the PVZ are self-renewing under IGF/insulin treatment in defined medium; differential cell size and neurosphere growth suggest some differentiation in culture. It remains to be shown whether the cultured cells have characteristics of either glia or neurons. GFP lipofection was useful as an assay for mitotic cells in organotypic culture and showed the presence of divided cells in the tectum and the PVZ; a slight change to the slicing procedure may elucidate the exact location of division and the presence or absence of any subsequent migration. This hypothetical sequence of events may be controlled by interactions between widely separated cell bodies suggested by biolistics imaging of cell processes which transverse the boundary between the striated tectum and the PVZ. Such interaction may involve the Notch receptor pathway as a Notch receptor is expressed in a subset of PVZ cells and exists as a potential marker for the maintenance of the neural progenitor cell state. LITERATURE CITED LITERATURE CITED Faux, C., A. Turnley, R. Epa, R Cappal, and P. Bartlett. 2001. Interactions between Fibroblast Growth Factors and Notch regulate neuronal differentiation. J. Neuroscience. 21(15):5587-5596. Hasbold, J., A. Gett, J. Rush, and E Deenick. 1999. Quantitative analysis of lymphocyte differentiation and proliferation in vitro using carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester. Immunology Cell Bio. 77(6):516-522. Hitoshi, S., T Alexson, and V. Tropepe. 2002. 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Images taken with a confocal microscope using a 40x water lens. In both cases the PVZ is on the left and the striated tectum is on the right. Arrows denote cellular processes extending into the PVZ layer. 13 Figure 2a,b,c.d: Micrographs of GFP-lipofected organotypic culture. Post-mitotic cells apparent in the tectum/PVZ. 2c: Micrograph from area 11 in Fig. 2d demonstrating dividing cells in deep tectal tissue, far from blade path. 2d: representation of the posterior portion (dorsal view) of a brain sliced crossways through the tecta. Brainstem at top, blade path at bottom, tecta are the two large lobes on left and right. 2d L knas 14 Figure 3a, b,c: Micrographs of GFP-lipofected organotypic culture revealing recent (3a, 3c) and ongoing (3b) cell division in the tectum/PVZ. Images taken with a confocal microscope using a 40x water lens. Figure 4: Neurospheres formed from a tectal print following a 12 day incubation in defined media with lOmM insulin and 25ng/mL IGF. Note the wide range in cell size and neurosphere size suggesting differential division within and between neurospheres. Nomarsky imaging courtesy of Stuart Thompson. 50 Microme Figure 5: Neurosphere sizes and concentrations from dual tectal print cultures incubated for 12 days in defined medium with lOuM insulin or with lOuM insulin and 25ngmL IGF. 3500 24 H23 3000 22 L3080 2500 20 18 5 2000 E15 1500 16 1030 1000 14 Hneural ball 500 12 conc. Hneural 10 ball IGF and Insulin Insulin sizes Figure 6: Neurosphere sizes and concentrations from dual tectal print cultures incubated in defined medium with 10 mM insulin. Aster 12 days in culture, 20 uM retinoic acid and ZUM BFGF were added to one culture. Neurosphere sizes and concentrations were determined after a total of 35 days in culture. 1600 26 H25 1400 24 □1450 1200 22 20 1000 20 800 18 600 16 ; □ neural ball 400 14 7 conc. 1283 12 200 Eneural 10 ball retinoic acid and IGF and insulin sizes DFGF Figure 7a: Average PVZ cell diameter and neurosphere cell diameter. Error bars represent standard deviation. Figure 7b: Neurosphere size after 12 and 34 days incubation in culture. Error bars represent standard deviation. 40 35 25 17.44 20 15 2 10 8 27 86 94 22 1 25.14 E PVZ cell diameter Ineurosphere cell diameter 6.3 4.2 □12 days after tectal printing (st dev 33%) □ 35 days after tectal printing (st dev 57%) 18 Figure 8a,b: Immunohistochemistr of the PVZ by confocal microscopy. A small subset of PVZ cells stain with antihuman Notchl IgG