Introduction Excretion of nitrogen in some form is necessary for all animals. The simplest excretion product is ammonia, a substance of considerable toxicity. For this reason, comparatively few organisms excrete nitrogen in this form. Only small aquatic organisms appear to excrete ammonia because their aqueous environment permits continuous release and the maintenance of subtoxic concentrations in their tissues. While nitrogenous excretory rates and products are known for several oligochaetes (Needham, 1970), only a few species of polychaetes have been examined. Hult (1969) found that ammonia was the primary excretor, product of the polychaete Cirraformia spirabrancha (Moore, 1904). He also determined the rate of ammonia excretion. Delaunay (1913) found ammonia to be the primary excretion product of another polychaete, Aphrodite. Since ammonia readily diffuses across biological membranes (Milne, et. al., 1958 and Guggenheim, et. al., 1971), it is commonly assumed that simple diffusion is the mode of excretion in many marine invertebrates (Hoar. 1966). Again, the process of excretion has not been closely examined in polychaetes. In this study we determined the ammonia excretion Whitmore and Blodgett Excretion in Polychaetes rates of several Northern California polychaetes, Dorvillea moniloceras (Moore, 1909), Halosydna brevisetosa (Kinberg, 1855), Orbinia johnsoni (Moore, 1909), and Nerinides acuta (Treadwell, 1914), and the ammonia content of their nitrogenous wastes. In addition, we studied the relation- ship between the rate of excretion and the internal ammonia concentration of D. moniloceras. Materials and Methods Worms were collected from Monterey Bay in Central California and stored in running seawater in the labor- atory for periods not exceeding one week. In each test. worms were matched for total volume and date of collection. The worms were blotted on paper tissues and their volume was measured by water displacement in graduated cent- rifuge tubes. These groups of worms were then placed in finger bowls containing 50 ml. of Instant Ocean (Aquarium Systems, Inc., Eastlake, Ohio). The bowls were maintained at ambient seawater temperature. At various intervals, 5 ml. samples were taken from the finger bowls for analysis. Ammonia Determination. The method of Solarazano (1969) was used with some modification. 1 ml. of sample was combined with 1 ml. phenol-alchohol solution, 1 ml. sodium nitroprusside solution, and 2.5 ml. oxidizing solution. Ammonia free water was prepared by basifying distilled water with 1 ml. 1 N NaoH/100 ml. distilled water, boiling for 5 minutes, then cooling and neutral- Whitmore and Blodgett Excretion in Polychaetes izing with 1 N HCl. A series of ammonium sulfate standards was prepared with each set of analyses. Linearity of the relationship between concentration and optical density was observed between 0.75 and 3.0 ug ammonia. All measurements were made with reference to an ammonia free water blank or a reagent blank prepared with Instant Ocean. Readings were taken on a Klett-Summerson photo- electric colorimeter with a red filter. rotal Nitrogen Determination. Total nitrogen was deter- mined as ammonia by the method described above after digestion in a mixture of 1 part 5% CuSO,, 6 parts 85% HgPO,, 2 parts concentrated H,SO,, and 9 parts distilled water. Only 0.2 ml. of the digestion mixture was required per 1.0 ml. sample. Prior to the development of color, the digest was neutralized to approximately pH 6-7 and made up to 1 ml. with ammonia free water. Body Concentration of Ammonia. Groups of 5 worms each were homogenized with 15 volumes of water per volume of worm. Then 2 volumes of sodium tungstate were added to the homogenate in a 125 ml. erlenmeyer flask. 2 volumes of 2/3 N H,SO, were added while swirling. The flask was immediately stoppered and shaken for 30 seconds, fol- lowed by filtration through paper. Reproducibility between replicate ammonia determi- nations was within + 0.1 ug, and + 0.2 ug for the total nitrogen determinations. Excretion in Polychaetes Whitmore and Blodgett 4 Results Nature of Excretory Product. The percentage of total nitrogen excreted as ammonia was determined for four species. The results, listed in Table 1, represent mean values, followed by their standard deviations. Although ammonia appears to be the major nitrogenous excretory product of D. moniloceras and H. brevisetosa, N. acuta appears to excrete a conspicuous part of its waste nitro¬ gen in a form other than ammonia. Excretion Rate. The rate of ammonia excretion, expressed as ug ammonia excreted/hour/ml. of worm, was estimated by measuring the change in ammonia concentration in the ambient water after four hours. The results are presented in Table 2. In both Tables 1 and 2, one sample consisted of 5 worms placed in 50 ml. of Instant Ocean. The ammonia excretion rates of two species were studied with respect to the effect of worm volume differences. See table 3 for results. Since worm volume did appear to influence the measurement of excretion rates, all com¬ parisons were made using comparable volumes of worms. when the rate of excretion was measured after inter- vals of 24 hours or longer, the results suggested lower rates than those presented in Tadle 2. Therefore, the ambient ammonia concentration was examined as a rate effector in one species, D. moniloceras. The rate of excretion was observed to decrease with increasing ambient ammonia concentration. At a concentration of between Excretion in Polychaetes Whitmore and Blodgett 5 3 and 4 ug/ml. excretion ceased. See Figure 1 for results. The Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (r) for this data is -.54, significant at p-.05. it was also noted that worms placed in pure Instant Ocean after exposure to an ambient ammonia concentration of 4.4 ug/ml. for 18 hours excreted at 16 ug/ml. worm/hour, more than twice their normal excretion rate. rnal Ammonia Concentrations. The internal ammonia Inter concentration of ammonia in D. moniloceras, as measured from whole animal homogenates, varied between 45 and 55 ug/ml. worm. The internal ammonia concentration increased when the worms were exposed to ambient ammonia concentra- tions already shown to be inhibitory to the excretory process. See Figure 2. The internal ammonia concentra¬ tion continued to increase with longer times of exposure to high ambient ammonia. See Figure 3. Although ambient ammonia concentrations known to be inhibitory for four hours were used, worms kept in 4.8 ug/ml ambient ammonia for 18 hours showed a rate of excretion of 1.67 ug ammonia/ ml. worm/ hour. While this is a lower than normal excre- tion rate, it does indicate some resumption of excretion after prolonged exposure to high ambient ammonia concen¬ tration. Discussion Ammonia excretion rates for the polychaetes studied are variable both within and among species, although com- parable to the rate of Cirriformia spirabrancha found Excretion in Polychaetes Whitmore and Blodgett 6 by Hult (1969). In Dorvillea moniloceras and Halosydna brevisetosa ammonia comprises 80% or more of the total nitrogenous wastes. This is in agreement with Delaunay's (1913) figure of 80% for the ammonia content of the nitrogenous excretion of Aphrodite. In Nerinides acuta only 47% of the nitrogenous waste is excreted as ammonia, The range in this figure is quite large, i.e., 37 to 57%. but such variability is not uncommon. In earthworms, fasting causes a large decrease in ammonia output (Bishop and Campbell, 1965). The remainder of the waste product in Nerinides acuta was not identified and should be the subject of further study. In all cases, high ambient ammonia concentration caused a decrease in the ammonia excretion rate and an increase in internal ammonia concentration of D. monilo- ceras. In addition, worms exposed to a high concentration of ammonia showed rates of excretion more than twice normal when removed to water of low ammonia concentration. Also, worms exposed to high ammonia concentrations par- tially resumed excretion after long periods of exposure. These observations would suggest a simple diffusion model of excretion. However, the increase in internal concen¬ tration can not be explained by reverse diffusion from the water to the worm. Excretion appears to be inhibited without a similar inhibition of amino acid catabolism. The ammonia concentration of the body, 5Oug/ml., was Excretion in Polychaates Whitmore and Blodgett 7 found to be approximately 500 times higher than that of the ambient water. Tillinghast (1967) found that gut ammonia concentration in Lumbricus was 10-50 times higher than the coelom ammonia concentration. Possibly this situation also exists in polychaetes, which could explain now such a high internal concentration can be maintained. Summary 1. In Dorvillea moniloceras and Halosydna brevisetosa ammonia comprises more than 80% of the nitrogenous ex- cretion product. In Nerinides acuta, ammonia comprises only approximately 50% of the nitrogenous excretion pro- duct. 2. Excretion rates in these polychaetes are variable both within and among species, but generally tend to be between 3 and 8 ug/ml. worm/hour. 3. In Dorvillea moniloceras ammonia excretion rate was found to decrease as ambient ammonia concentration in- creased, with some lessening of the effect with longer periods of exposure to high ambient ammonia concentration. 4. In Dorvillea moniloceras, worms exposed to high ambient ammonia concentrations and then placed in pure Instant Ocean exereted ammonia at much higher than normal rates. 3. In Dorvillea moniloceras, it was found that the worms' internal body ammonia concentrations increased in high ambient ammonia concentrations and with longer times of exposure to these concentrations. 0 Acknowledgements We would like to express our thanks to Dr. John Phillips for his advice and encouragement throughout this project. Literature Gited Bishop, S.H. and J.w.Campbell, 1965. Arginine and urea biosynthesis in the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 15:51-7. H.. 1913. Sur quelques faits particuliers a la repar- Delaunay, tition de l'azote dans le liquide cavitaire des Vers (Aphrodite aculueata, Sipunculus nudus). C. R. Soc. Biol. 74:154-156, in Campbell, J.w. ed.,1970. Comparative Biochemistry of Nitrogen Metabolism. Academic Press, Inc., London. S.J., J. Bourgoignie and S. Klahr, 1971. Guggenheim, Inhibition by ammoniun of sodium transport cross isolated toad bladder. Am. J. Physiol. 220:1651-1659. 1966. General and Comparative Physiology, Hoar, W.S. Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1969. Nitrogenous waste products and enzymes Hult, J.E. in the marine polychaete Cirraformia spirabrancha. Biochem. Physiol. 31:15-24. Comp. Milne, M.D., B.M. Scribner and M.A. Crawford, 1958. Non- ionic diffusion and the excretion of weak acids and bases. Amer. J. Med. 24:709-720 in Prosser, C.L. ed., 1973. Comparåtive Anima Physiology. W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Needham, A.E., 1970. Nitrogen metabolism in Annelida. in Campbell, J.W. ed.,1970. Comparative Biochemistr of Nitrogen Metabolism. Academic Press, Inc., London. Solarazano, L., 1969. Determination of ammonia in natural waters by the phenolhypochlorite method. Limnol. Oceanogr. 14:799-801. Tillinghast, E.K., 1976. Excretory pathways of ammonia and urea in the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris. J. Exp. Zool. 166:295-300. 0) 0 2 9 0 * + o O 2 10 Z 2 0 O Q U) O D — Q + 4 4 4 ON O C I 0 10 O U 1 2 0 L I — 1 2 lable 3.Dependence of excretion rate on body volume Rate Species Volume Dorvillea moniloceras 3m 5.6uglmi/hr 4.7 ughl/hr Dorvilled monilocergs 12 m Halosydna brevisetosg. 3.OuglmUhr 1.3m 4:8 uglmihr Halosydna brevisetosa 35m VOLUME OF THE WORM RATE IN ug NHmI WORM/r whitmore and Biodgett Excretion in Polychaetes Figure 1. Rate of excretion of ammonia in ug/ml. worm/hour as affected by the ambient ammonia concentration. Each point is an average rate for 5 worms of the species D. moniloceras, over four hours. EXCRETION RATE QAN, /mI WORM, 7 â .. . - â â — 2 AMBIENT NH, CONCENTRATION ug m Excretion in Polychaetes Whitmore and Blodgett Figure 2. Body ammonia concentration of D. moniloceras as affected by ambient ammonia concentration. Normal body concentration of ammonia refers to ammonia concen¬ tration in the bodies of worms kept in running seawater. 1.6 1.5 1.4 BODY NH CONCENTRATION RELATIVE 13 TO NORMAL 1.2 (2hr EXPOSURE (D) 4 hr EXPÖSURE (0) 28 hr EXPOSURE 4 2 AMBIENT NHA CONCENTRATION ug l 0 Whitmore and Blodgett Excretion in Polychaetes Figure 3. Body ammonia concentration of D. moniloceras as affected by length of time exposed to high ambient ammonia concentration. Normal body concentration of ammonia refers to ammonia concentration in the bodies of worms kept in running sea water. Numbers next to data points refer to ambient ammonia concentrations, in ug/ml., at the end of the corresponding exposure times. 1.6 1.5 14 BODYNH CONCENTRATION RELATIVE TO 43 SORMAL 1.2 11 19 05.7 04.4 03.6 4 16 20 12 24 8 TIME IN HIGH AMBIENT NHZ CONCENTRATION (hrs) 06.6 — ââ - 28